Tax Worker Day 2020 is celebrated in Russia on November 21. The holiday is celebrated by everyone related to the tax service: inspectors, employees of the payer service department, department officials under the Ministry of Finance, and support staff. Teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebrations.

Filling the budget is important for the state. It allows you to fulfill social and economic programs and obligations to citizens. There are specialists in collecting excise taxes and fees. Dedicated to them professional holiday.

The content of the article

Holiday traditions

On this day, feasts are traditionally held among colleagues. The heads of the tax service present employees with certificates of honor and diplomas, and promote them in ranks and positions. High ranking officials The Ministry of Finance holds an award ceremony for the best employees. Behind outstanding achievements awarded the badge of honor “Honorary Worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.”

The media publishes materials dedicated to tax service employees. The programs talk about the peculiarities of taxation and the responsibility of payers. A comparative analysis of different systems is carried out, bills are discussed, and officials and experts are interviewed.

history of the holiday

Taxman's Day was formalized by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated November 11, 2000 No. 1868. By issuing the document, the head of state showed respect for the profession and emphasized its importance. The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the creation of the State Tax Service on November 21, 1991. The body was renamed several times and underwent significant changes.

About the profession

Tax officials collect payments that replenish the state budget. Their responsibilities include monitoring contributions by enterprises and institutions for compliance with the law. If violations are detected, an inspection is carried out. Violators are subject to criminal prosecution or fines.

Career begins after higher education educational institution. The graduate can work in divisions of the tax authority or management structures under the Ministry of Finance.

Russian Tax Authorities Day is celebrated every year in Russia on November 21. The day of celebration was approved by the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin No. 1868 “On Tax Worker Day” Russian Federation" dated November 11, 2000. The date was chosen in accordance with the day of creation of the independent State Tax Service of Russia in 1991. Before that, it was part of the Ministry of Finance. In 1998, the service was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. The history of tax authorities dates back to the Petrine era, when 12 boards were created, four of them were in charge of financial issues. Today, through assistance in filling the budget of the Russian Federation, tax authorities act as a guarantor of economic and social stability in the country.

On the day of tax service workers
I wish you, without hiding,
Happiness to your home, all the best,
So that you are appreciated in the service.

So that the work in your hands progresses,
The team gave honor,
And the salary has more than doubled
And it grew every next year!

Hello, tax man!
Oh, your work is truly great.
You are protection for the whole country:
Long known and visible,
Various systems are revealed,
Scams, shady schemes...
In the laws of the dock you are in everyone,
Responsible - and that is success,
Who honestly deserved it
... you didn’t live your life in vain.
Work tomorrow, but for now...
Hooray! Happy Tax Day!

Congratulations very friendly
The entire tax service
We wish you to be successful everywhere,
Avoid difficult conflicts
Be on the right road
Collect taxes on time
Fill the country's budget
After all, there is no more important thing,
To come to your wallet
Euros, dollars, rubles,
So that stability and success
You will never run out!

Who collects taxes?
And then he checks us
Congratulations to those today
For perseverance and patience!

May you have everything in life,
And the bosses won't forget.
At work - prosperity,
From loved ones - adoration!

Beauty of soul and body,
So that your head doesn't hurt,
So that there is a lot of happiness,
And the road led to love!

So that joy goes with you,
Helped me smile
So that at home, at work,
You were always in flight!

Your job is not easy:
Here - checks, there - accounting.
So let me wish:
In every case, you know your score!

May work be a joy
And let it not disappear anywhere.
Check, Thrive
And do everything everywhere!

Budget revenues
They help you live without troubles,
It's time to sum it up:
Who helped collect the tax?
What will happen to the country
Without a profession?
The entire tax service
We really need to congratulate
We wish you prosperity
And in all matters, efforts,
So that success accompanies
In general, happy holiday to you all!

So that there is any tax
Paid in full on time
So that all sorts of businessmen
They didn’t hide the ends,
To keep everything accounted for -
We need such people
What's in the tax office?
What does not sleep and only watches!
He deserves congratulations
A holiday has been arranged for him.
And here is the final chord -
Happy Tax Authorities Day!

You work at the Tax Office,
And your holiday has come!
I wish you a lot -
Live well

So that joy is indispensable
Filled with myself
All days are ordinary
And this holiday is yours!

You are smart, correct, strict,
You can't live without rigor,
Collect taxes to the treasury,
This is a difficult path!

Congratulations to you today,
Happy professional day,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
May everything go well!

So that taxes flow into the treasury,
Like a spring river
And so that the salary increases,
The boss gives you a generous hand!

May you also have a holiday
Busy people really need it!
Smiles should be shining here,
We will be more tolerant for each other!
Your work is different
And sometimes not very pleasant
Not everyone forgets your work...
In general, it is clear to everyone...
When the Motherland asks us strictly
... to sleep peacefully - did you pay?
We are glad that we include in the declaration
Everything is convincing and without dust...

The Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday of tax authorities employees, celebrated in Russia annually on November 21. The date for this holiday was not chosen by chance. It was on this November day, November 21, 1991, that the State Tax Service of the RSFSR was formed by decree of the President of the RSFSR B. Yeltsin. In 1998, it was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. Best congratulations Happy Tax Worker's Day we have collected for you on this page.

Also, on our website, you can order a cool, funny audio greeting for your home or cellular telephone tax official. The message will be delivered exactly at the scheduled time by a regular telephone call.

So that all taxes are collected according to the law
And so that our nation grows and prospers,
Tax authorities are watching closely
Our native Russian Federation.
Everyone who is not pure doesn’t like you,
Entrepreneurs are trying to fade into the shadows.
Moreover, they are afraid, respected sincerely,
After all, you are the guarantee of financial security.
On the Day of Tax Inspectorate Workers
Please accept kind words and wishes.
We wish you career growth,
Love, health, happiness, prosperity.
Good luck in life and success in business,
So that all troubles disappear forever,
More friends, joy and laughter.
Well done! And happy holiday, guys!

Who is watching, and very strictly,
For paying taxes?
Who isn't used to fiddling?
It's you, tax man!
The state is grateful
Why are you working hard?
That the treasury is full,
The country is getting richer.
Congratulations on this day!
They know and remember everything about him.
Happy tax workers!
Honor, praise be to their names!

On your professional holiday,
We will give you the following instructions:
Keep our “budget” with dignity,
So that we can all sleep peacefully!
So that you have an incentive to work -
It’s better not to argue with your superiors,
Collect taxes honestly
And don’t forget about the report!
Always work: properly,
Decent and professional
According to your charter,
For the benefit of everyone, for the glory of the country!

I wish you, tax man,
So that your work is always held in high esteem,
Not understated, but great!
When you take taxes,
Then the treasury is replenished,
For this we will say “Thank you!”
And we wish you full
Be happy in your work!

You work tirelessly
So that people pay taxes,
You keep records, keep an eye on everything around you -
So that they don’t hide it from the state.
Yes, your service is not easy,
But on this day I sincerely wish,
Live happily, hoping and loving,
At least occasionally taking a break from work.

Tax service is on alert
And watches both day and night
So that everything is as it should be -
The funds did not float away.
We appreciate this work
And we say thank you
They are for the fact that year after year
The state budget is invulnerable!
On a professional holiday
We wish you a lot of strength,
So that the work is brilliant
And it brought in income!

In November the last ten days came,
We need to congratulate tax agents!
We wish you a united, cheerful team!
A tax payer - obedient, not absurd!
And detailed clarity in the final reports!
We congratulate you on Tax Authorities Day!

Tax service employee
Today your time has come!
I wish you good luck and friendship,
So that the day gives you joy,

And the evening is love and fun,
May your home be cozy
Hope, warmth and luck!
And everything else comes later.

Serving in the tax service is an honorable thing,
After all, someone has to collect for the treasury,
A lot of money that beneficiaries need so much,
And for children and the sick - to get back on their feet.
Though with the world on a thread, but joint forces
The people form the budget of the entire country!
Tax employee, let's raise our glasses!
Please accept congratulations from us on your holiday!

Congratulations on Tax Authorities Day to the boss

From colleagues at the tax office
Please accept our congratulations:
We're proud to have made it
Under your control.
In all your decisions
Congratulations on Tax Service Day.
The law comes first.
Order, justice -
It's all a matter of honor.
We wish you good health,
High achievements,
Work only with the right ones
And informed decisions.

On Tax Service Employee Day.
We wish you success,
Love and true friendship!
Let him be the best companion
Willpower at work
May it be easy for you in your
Leadership role!
We also wish you well
You manage the department,
And do it with joy
Your favorite thing!

Cool congratulations on Tax Worker's Day

Eating sausage for breakfast
And touching my wife,
I'm leaving for the forest
Hide from taxes.
I'm not scared, I'm used to it.
What are these wolves to me?
After all, the taxman
Doesn't grow on a Christmas tree!
But even hiding among the honey mushrooms,
I will shout without falsehood:
“Live longer, brother!
And live far away!”

All year round in the heat and cold
With a lunch break
Replenishes your service
The state budget.

For the process to go smoothly,
Whether as a joke or seriously
There is no moral threat to you,
Neither physical wear and tear!

The entire economy of the country is on you,
What is it - you are her support!
And let not everyone see
All your everyday life (all the way!) -
You make the ruble clean,
Don't lose count!
May happiness come to you - take a double,
And the work seems easy!
There are as many smiles as there are numbers,
Flowers for you - so many thick folders!
And yours Friendly team
Let him not be left without “grandmothers”!

Whether a worker or a collective farmer,
Even an artist, even an artist,
Whether you are an athlete or a fan,
That means he is a taxpayer.
Everyone is shaking,
You can't escape taxes
Will instantly solve the spectrum of issues
Our tax inspector.
He won't be strict with us
Just pay the tax
It is difficult to serve him.
Happy tax man!

Hello tax workers!
Today we will pull 100 grams,
For the tax service
We raise our glasses together.

We have nervous work,
We work until we sweat
To collect all the taxes,
Catch defaulters.

We know that we are not loved
And sometimes they criticize
But they respect our service,
Citizens know very well:

We collect taxes
For teachers to teach
For doctors to treat
So that there is an army.

Our functions are important
We are always the country's treasury
We scrupulously replenish
And we defend the rule of law.

And today is our holiday
We will catch courage.
On the day of the tax authorities
We are ready for the celebrations.

Today is Workers' Day
Tax structure -
Legal custodians
Financial culture.
Congratulations and best wishes
Light routine checks,
No defects in invoices,
And without gaps in reconciliation reports.
Let your service be to those
What in life can you only be proud of?
And may luck accompany you -
You will definitely need it!

Congratulations to the tax inspector

Dear tax inspector!
For us, you are like the rector of an institute,
Like a director, but a little stricter
Like a mentor, perhaps younger.
Please accept my good wishes,
And don’t judge the reports too harshly.
Be happy, smiling, successful,
And rich and lucky, of course.

Our tax inspector -
This is the honesty detector:
He will reveal the deception immediately
He won't let you rob the country!
Congratulations on his holiday
And we wish him all the best!
Let everything go well in business,
Let life be like in your dreams!
Let the problems go away
And only joy will come from work.

Tax inspector, bright knight!
Guardian of the state's prosperity!
Don't even dream about work at night,
Let those who are wrong repent!
Bright on your professional holiday
Let me express my admiration from the heart!
You reliably protect the country's covenants,
So accept our congratulations!

So that a lucky sector always appears,
For you - tax inspector.
So that you don’t know grief and anxiety,
And the outcome was always positive.
Do your work with all your heart,
And luck will not part with you.
And let the accountant and director tremble,
Happy holiday, tax inspector!

Congratulations to a friend, tax inspector

The day was not marked in vain,
At the end of November!
This day amid the noise and shouting -
The taxman celebrates.
He replenishes the treasury
He leads the hidden ones to the bottom,
Prowls everywhere, rummages everywhere,
The draft dodgers feel a lot of stress.
Congratulations friend,
On this November date!

You, tax worker,
Simply super, top class!
You are always busy, busy,
I speak directly, without embellishment.
Happy Tax Day!
Let there be everything you wanted!
From the bottom of my heart, my friend, I wish you
Always be on top!

You are a tax worker
What do you wish for today?
A real workaholic -
After all, you can’t take your mind off things!
Let people pay taxes
No problem for the state
May your family always love you,
Don't compare you with anyone!

I believe in your honesty,
And your work!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
My friend, for your concern -
For taking care of the treasury
Our people
For caring for the country,
May you live freely!

Congratulations to your friend on Tax Day

Dear tax inspector,
Dear you are my friend,
May good luck in your life vector
It strives upward cheerfully and rudely!
Let them talk about what's in your work
You need to be callous and pedantic.
We know about your concern,
A warm, tender, romantic soul.
Happy holiday, beloved friend!
Easy service, full of leisure!

Friend, on Tax Day for you
I wish you rapid career growth,
Amazing success in destiny,
And what is planned is easy for you to achieve.
With your character you will not be lost,
And willpower - everyone admires.
So let the path you walk
Will only give bright moments!

Congratulations to you, friend
And only the best words!
You're a pro to everyone's surprise
And the guide in tax rights.
Super tax worker
You'll give any ace a head start.
Let every minute in life
Will give you happiness and courage!

On the day of tax service workers,
I want to wish my friend from the bottom of my heart:
Be extremely strict in your service,
And outside of work - be happy!
Let your home be a full cup,
So that your loved ones are always nearby!
So that the days are decorated with joy,
May you never encounter sadness!

Happy Tax Day, sister!
I congratulate you lovingly.
Let beautiful happiness sonorous
Fate will bless you!

Let there be order in affairs,
You will be lucky in your personal life.
People give respect
And your career is going up!

My wonderful tax man,
I wish you, dear,
Catch luck every moment
Have everything you want.

May your work be a joy,
And will reward you with career growth.
In a wonderful joyful destiny
Let everything be perfectly simple!

Short congratulations on Tax Service Employee's Day

Worries and anxieties
I won't belittle:
You collect taxes
And distribute them...
Not a fan of flattery
This couple of phrases for you:
Tax worker!
I congratulate you!

Who works with taxes?
Congratulations to him today!
We wish you joy and light,
Great love We wish him!
Let happiness be overflowing,
Relatives delight with love,
And we wish you a high life,
May Siberians be healthy!

Go to work like it's a holiday!
After all, you can handle everything!
Happy Tax Inspectorate Day,
I want to congratulate you!
May our country be big
He knows that persistently, amicably,
Without laying down your hands,
Work tax service!

Tax Service,
Accept poetry from us!
Let them be unarmed
Before you are simpletons,
Which taxes
They don't think about paying
Be strict with them!
We wish you not to be sad!

To the work you need
We all care.
We wish you together -
Follow all plans!
Collect taxes
Direct them to the budget
And the bonuses are gigantic
Get it for this!

On the Day of Tax Service Workers
I want to wish you not to be sad,
To be direct and strict in the service,
And outside of work - be happy!

November 21st today! Congratulations
Happy holiday to you, tax officials.
We wish you good luck and health,
Well, today - have fun from the heart.

No, truly phenomenal!
I can't find another word:
After all, today the fiscal apparatus
I go by my own free will,
I couldn’t imagine it yesterday!
But today, having become a little bolder,
I want to congratulate the workers
Tax authorities of the Russian Federation!

State with man
Tightly bound forever
Well, the link is -
Very important person!
He collects taxes
May everyone live well!
Our inspector, congratulations,
Be even happier!

Tax office employees
We wish you strong nerves,
Peaceful work
No complicated or urgent matters!

Congratulations on the holiday
Tax inspectors,
We want to catch everyone
Financial thieves!

Let them be transparent
Taxes and excise duties,
Let fortune fulfill
All your whims!

We wish our employees
Inspections of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes,
Work with pleasure
Forgetting what stress means!

Tax workers
We wish you to rest.
On such an important holiday
You can't plow in the morning!

I wish the workers
MNS Inspections:
Let yours not fade away
Interest in work!

Congratulations to colleagues on Tax Worker's Day

We work in the tax office, and it’s not easy,
But let all worries go far away on our holiday!
Colleagues, I congratulate you on this autumn hour,
I wish you happiness, joy and vigor for us.

Let everyday days flash by, giving us success,
And the November sun will diligently warm us,
Let there be understanding, enthusiasm, excitement, comfort,
Only super achievements will come to us sooner!

Colleague, happy holiday to you!
Today is Tax Day.
I sincerely love my work,
You managed to achieve a lot.

Let everything be great
Great results!
And life will always be
To the rich joy!

Happy holiday, my colleagues,
Nice taxmen.
Our everyday life, oh, not sugar,
Empowerment is not easy.

I wish you happiness on our day,
So that work goes well,
So that the family is healthy,
She reached into her pocket to get a banknote.

You, tax officer,
Congratulations on your day!
Let success be your companion,
Oh, today we're going to party!
Let the champagne flow like a river -
Or something hotter -
It flows, flows under your hand,
Only today in your honor!

You are so serious and strict -
Anyone respects you.
You are subject to all taxes
It's no joke - the country is big.
Let today be just fun
Reigns in your hearts!
Happiness to you - but without a hangover,
Joy - and without end!

The holiday is knocking at your service,
It's time to remember him.
Let your eyes shine
On this day with a mischievous sparkle.

It's bad on tax day
You're up to your ears in paperwork.
Will help you lift your mood
A modest buffet for employees.

Toasts and congratulations in your honor
They will sound like this at the table.
I wish you success, good luck, good luck
And we want to wish you good health.

Everyone who works in the tax office,
We sincerely congratulate you today.
And with these small lines we
We wish you sincere happiness.

So that it’s calm at work,
And comfort reigned in your family.
I wish you good health and strength,
Let the problems go away on their own.

It's a thankless job -
Collect taxes.
You come, even though they don’t call you.
Nobody is happy to see you.
And, by the way, a lot
Lives at the expense of the country.
For us! Tax day!
For the fullness of the treasury!

Congratulations very friendly
The entire tax service
We wish you to be successful everywhere,
Avoid difficult conflicts
Be on the right road
Collect taxes on time
Fill the country's budget
After all, there is no more important thing,
To come to your wallet
Euros, dollars, rubles,
So that stability and success
You will never run out!

Taxes collected
And we drank tea,
I congratulate you,
Our holiday, have you forgotten?

The reports are ready
All accounts have settled
Colleagues, what are you saying?
Dance until the morning!

I wish you success
Love and luck,
Joy, laughter,
Dreams come true!

Congratulations on the day of tax authorities in prose, official

My dear colleagues, I congratulate us all on our professional holiday - Russian Tax Authorities Day. I wish everyone to live healthy and healthy, to work well and conscientiously, to achieve success quickly and confidently, to deduct taxes for luck and love, thereby increasing their size.

The taxman’s task is to defend the interests of the state. You are responsible for his well-being, prestige and position in the world community. I wish you perseverance, determination, vigilance and unyielding spirit! Work honestly, putting your whole soul into your work! Let there be peace at home, joy in the soul, and in business - full order. May your health never fail you! Happy professional holiday!

My dear colleagues, I congratulate us all on Russian Tax Authorities Day. May there always be order and law behind us, may great things be managed by us, may our professionalism and good luck always be with us, may not a single sphere of activity of cities and countries operate without us.

We hasten to congratulate all tax service employees on their professional holiday! You know everything about the tax legislation of our country, and you are ready to tell anyone how important taxes are for the development of the state’s economy. Your work does not tolerate mistakes and requires maximum concentration and dedication, so on this day I would like to wish you success in your work, career growth and, of course, personal happiness!

The tax system is the basis of a rich, strong state. Where it works properly, every person flourishes. You are entrusted with the difficult task of debugging and monitoring the operation of this complex mechanism. Thank you for taking up this work and, sparing no time or nerves, work for the good of the state and each of its residents. On tax day I wish you good health, pure heart, clear mind and generous soul. Let only kind and honest people meet on your way, and life be filled with new, pleasant events every day. Happy Tax Day!

Dear Colleagues! Your professionalism contributes to the sustainable growth of revenues to budgets of all levels. By introducing new technologies, forms and methods of work, we increase the tax potential of the state, accumulating resources for the implementation of economic and social programs designed to improve the quality of life in the country. I am confident that in the future you will continue to conduct a civilized dialogue with taxpayers, demonstrating your inherent competence, integrity and integrity. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, new achievements in your difficult and so necessary work! Happy holiday! Happy Tax Workers Day!

Dear employees and veterans of tax authorities! I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - Tax Worker's Day of the Russian Federation! It is known that the quality of life of our citizens directly depends on the degree of development of the tax system, the level of its competitiveness and stability, and the quality of tax administration. And we can say, not without pride, that the tax authorities in Moscow fully comply with all modern standards and are ready to fulfill all assigned tasks. Replenishing the revenue side of budgets at all levels, tax authorities are increasingly using progressive control technologies aimed at ensuring compliance tax legislation in the city of Moscow. Along with the improvement of tax administration, the quality of service to taxpayers improves. The system of pre-trial consideration of tax disputes continues to develop; the Public Council under the tax authorities of Moscow has been created and operates. I wish the employees of the tax authorities success in their work for the benefit of the state, understanding and support from family and friends, health, happiness, prosperity, good luck in all matters and endeavors!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! At all stages of its development, the tax system guarded the interests of the state, fulfilling important tasks economic and social significance. The tax service of St. Petersburg employs real professionals. The sustainable replenishment of budget revenues at all levels, the successful solution of pressing social problems, the effective implementation of priority projects, the progressive economic development region. Your difficult, but such responsible and necessary work deserves deep respect and appreciation from our entire society. I am confident that the contribution of tax officials to the common cause of development and prosperity of Russia will increase with new activities. With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, love and mutual understanding, good luck and success in all your endeavors, new professional achievements and victories!

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Every year on November 21, all tax workers in Russia celebrate their professional holiday. This holiday was officially approved at the state level by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The team congratulates all employees of the tax office and all those whose work is related to the tax service. We wish you inexhaustible enthusiasm and motivation for work, career achievements, growth and movement forward. Your work is important, and your profession is irreplaceable. Filling the state budget is something without which the country’s economy simply could not exist, and social obligations to citizens simply could not be fulfilled. You are the engine of the economy and the financial system. Your work is very significant and cannot be overestimated. May the contribution you make to the well-being of the country always be appreciated.

Happy holiday to you, dear employees of the tax system of the Russian Federation.

The history of the tax office employee holiday

The taxation system in Russia arose quite a long time ago.

During the reign of Peter I, 12 boards were created on the territory of Russia, 4 of which were entrusted with the decision function financial issues: Chamber Collegium, State Office Collegium, Revision Collegium and Commerce Collegium. Empress Catherine II in 1780 established an expedition for state revenues. In 1802, the manifesto of Alexander I “On the Establishment of Ministries” created eight ministries: military ground forces, naval forces, foreign affairs, justice, commerce, public education, finance and internal affairs. It was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance that the country's government revenues and expenditures were located.

The date for celebrating Taxman's Day in Russia was not chosen randomly, and it was timed to coincide with the creation of the State Tax Service on November 21, 1991, when the tax function was transferred from the Ministry of Finance to this Service. The holiday itself was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated November 11, 2000 No. 1868 at the official level. Thus, senior government officials emphasized the importance of the tax profession and expressed their respect for the work of system employees.

This year the holiday will be celebrated 16 times. This Day has already developed its own traditions of celebration. Thus, employees of the tax service and all its territorial divisions celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale. The teams organize corporate parties and feasts. In a solemn atmosphere, managers present their subordinates with certificates of honor and diplomas, reward the best workers, promote them and assign new titles. Officials of the Ministry of Finance also reward the best employees for outstanding achievements before the state by awarding a badge of distinction "Honorary Worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia."

Also, the media does not ignore the professional holiday of tax workers.

On November 21, various television programs are aired dedicated to tax officials, the taxation system, tax reforms and bills are discussed, and financial system officials are interviewed.

Labor market tax system: problems, salaries

The State Tax Service has experienced many transformations and changes. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1635 of December 23, 1998, the State Tax Service of Russia was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, and in 2004 it became the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Today, the current tax system in Russia is based on more than 20 of the most different laws, which cover almost all areas of economic and social life countries.

Today, working in the FSN system of Russia is not prestigious, and those wishing to join the ranks of employees of the central and regional services in last years decreased. The prestige of the tax profession is undermined by non-competitive wages. Many Russians have become accustomed to the idea that tax officials receive high salaries. In fact, an employee in this field at the state level receives an average of 70 thousand rubles, while a regional employee receives 30 thousand rubles, depending on the territorial unit. The second problem why promising young people do not seek to serve in the tax authorities is the lack of various benefits that, for example, police officers or firefighters receive.

A young tax specialist may be offered a salary equal to an average of 10-11 thousand rubles.

Therefore, young specialists enter the service with only one motive - to gain relevant experience in the field, in order to then find a decent, highly paid job in the financial system, but in the private sector. Yes, on average The staff turnover in the FSN is 35 thousand people per year. And this situation is catastrophic. The majority of tax structures at both the national and regional levels employ workers of pre-retirement and retirement age, and there is practically no one to pass on their experience and knowledge to.

According to bills being developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, by 2018 the wages of tax officials will increase by a total of 30%. Based on the fact that the country has been experiencing an economic crisis for several years now, even this level of growth wages is considered quite a significant achievement. It is also planned to index the salaries of civil servants, and tax workers are among them, according to the level of current inflation.

According to the resource russia.trud In Russia in 2016, the average tax inspector in the country received a salary of 33 thousand rubles. Among the leaders in terms of wages were Moscow and the region, the Murmansk region, the Kamchatka Territory and Magadan Region. Largest quantity vacancies were posted in Moscow and the Moscow region and Khabarovsk Territory– 13.9% each, followed by Orenburg region– 8.2%, took third place Altai region- 5%. Of the vacancies for the position of tax inspector posted on job search sites, 42.5% of them offered an average salary of 12.6-17.7 thousand rubles.

Thus, the level of wages for tax service employees remains quite low and uncompetitive even at the regional level.

The only option for those seeking employment in the tax system is to work for private sector companies. Tax financier, accountant, tax preparer and tax consultant are often sought after by non-government sector employers.

The professional holiday of tax authorities of the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on November 21, was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2000.

The history of the domestic tax system is connected with the emergence of the ancient Russian state. The first mention of the collection of tribute dates back to the reign of Prince Oleg (912).

As the princes settled on the earth and established their economy, replenishing the treasury through military raids lost importance, and “feeding” became new sources of income. During the era of the Golden Horde (1243-1483), in order to introduce a centralized tax system, representatives of the Horde authorities conducted a census of the population of Rus' (“number”), on the basis of which tribute was collected by the Mongol Baskaks.

In addition to the Horde tribute, tribute was also collected for the princely treasury. This was supervised by the grand ducal servants.

At first, supervision was temporary and random, but by the end of the 14th century. The positions of treasurers, clerks and clerks arose, who were in charge of collecting quitrents and kept books and records on these collections. The maintenance of these officials was the responsibility of the population.

In the 15th century, with the cessation of tribute payments in Golden Horde the creation of the financial system of Rus' began. During the time of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584), many taxes and fees began to be collected in cash.

In the 17th century, central governing bodies - orders - were established.

In the era of Peter, the tax system was quite complex and included taxes on axes, beards and even oak coffins.

From 1679 to 1681 the financial institutions of the Moscow state were headed by the order of the Great Treasury, then the Burmister Chamber was separated from it. It was entrusted with the functions of a central administrative, financial and judicial institution, in charge of the distribution and collection of taxes and duties from the population.

Since the end of the 18th century, the main income of the state has been the poll tax, levied on the “soul” in amounts that do not depend on the amount of income and property. The object of taxation is the revision (male) soul.

Under Empress Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1762), permanent excise taxes on wine and vodka were established, and special labels were introduced for transportation alcoholic drinks, previously levied everywhere internal duties were abolished.

During the reign of Alexander I (1771-1825), the manifesto of 1802 “On the Establishment of Ministries” created the Ministry of Finance and defined its role. The structural unit of the Ministry of Finance responsible for collecting taxes was initially the department of taxes and fees, then the departments of salary and non-salary fees.

The name of Alexander II (1818-1881) is associated with the most significant changes in economic life Russia XIX century. Thus, with the implementation of the peasant reform of 1861, the following most important transformations were carried out in the tax system: the system of collecting the fishing tax was changed, land taxation was introduced, an income tax was established, zemstvo fees and taxes were introduced for the maintenance of zemstvo self-government bodies, schools, hospitals, etc.

At Alexandra III(1845-1894) the Russian tax system continued to change: the poll tax was abolished, the excise tax on alcohol was increased, an excise tax on matches and taxes on inheritance and money capital were introduced. In 1885, the institute of tax inspectors was introduced, who were ordered to send out pay slips and notices of payments due in their own hand.

During the reign of Nicholas II (1868-1918), on the initiative of Pyotr Stolypin, a project was developed to transform public administration and the taxation system in Russia. In fact, it provided for all the basic elements of today’s modern tax systems developed countries: property taxation based on an independent assessment of the value of property; progressive income taxation individuals, taking into account the minimum subsistence level established by law; the use of a combination of individual excise taxes with a single turnover tax on almost all goods (a prototype of the value added tax).

The result of all these activities was a well-functioning system of financial revenues. On the eve of the First World War, Russia occupied a fairly strong financial position.

During the war (1914-1918), revenues from the wine and vodka monopoly fell from the country's budget due to the introduction of Prohibition, customs and forestry revenues were reduced, etc. Emergency taxes were introduced: war tax, profit tax, etc.

In the first years of Soviet power, the tax system was practically eliminated. In 1918, by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the financial bodies of Russia were abolished, and tax collection was transferred to the jurisdiction of the created financial departments of provincial and district executive committees.

During the new economic policy(NEP) (1921-1930) there was a restoration and development of the taxation system.

Indirect taxes gained predominant importance. Excise taxes have been introduced on a number of goods: salt, sugar, kerosene, tobacco products, matches, textiles, tea, coffee, vodka. In total, during the NEP period there were 86 types of payments to the budget. In 1930, a system of regional, district and city tax inspectorates was created. At the end of the 1930s. tax areas were created in rural areas, and the positions of tax agents were introduced.

During the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) due to the need to mobilize resources, a 100% rate was established for income and agricultural taxes, which was then replaced by a special war tax, which was abolished after the end of the war. In addition, a tax was introduced on bachelors, single and small-family citizens.

The next reform of the Russian tax system took place in the 1960s. Tax inspectorates merged with state revenue inspectorates, a mandatory payment was established for state enterprises, called “payment for fixed assets and working capital", an income tax on collective farms was introduced.

The current Russian tax system is based on more than 20 laws covering, in fact, all spheres of the economic life of the state. In its structure and principles of construction, the tax system mainly reflects those commonly used in world practice. tax systems. The list of applied types of taxes practically corresponds to what is generally accepted in a modern market economy and, to a large extent, to the set of taxes and fees previously used in tax practice.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources