Laughter is an integral part of our life; when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection positive statuses about humor, laughter and smile. Let them cheer you and your friends up! Read sayings and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, don’t forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. Whatever you say, there is some truth in this aphorism. Today there is even a science of healing with laughter, founded by Norman Cousins. It all started when Cousins ​​heard a fatal diagnosis from doctors. From then on, he began to regularly lock himself in his room and watch comedies. That's when a miracle happened - he recovered. This is in Once again proves that laughter is the best medicine, and not only for problems, bad mood, but also about the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be sly. It’s much more difficult to laugh, dishonestly, but smiling is as easy as shelling pears. Don’t be disingenuous, give others only a sincere smile, the kind that a child can give. After all, children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all difficulties with a smile and enjoy life the way children do.

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an integral part of childhood.

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.

Laugh with your friends, not at them, and your friendship will last forever.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of incomplete higher education.

People with completed education always have a reason to laugh - the size of their salary...)

Humor is truth in life-safe doses.

Doses are safe as long as dark humor does not begin...

Those who often die of laughter live longer.

When we laugh until we die, we prolong our life.

Humor and laughter - along with love - are the main components of a healthy life.

Do you want to be healthy? Never let laughter out of your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives away winter human face.

If you want warmth, then it's time to smile.

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose.

A person who has a sense of humor can come out of any situation gracefully.

Quotes of great men

Good laughter is sunshine in the house (William Thackeray).

Without laughter, the house will be cloudy even on the sunniest day.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter (Japanese proverb).

Give each other a smile, laugh more often and open the doors to happiness!

As long as we laugh, we're fine (Saul Bellow).

A man lives as long as he laughs.

Be double filled with kindness
And, so as not to offend anyone,
When you laugh loudly,
Be able to see through the wall with your heart (E. Yevtushenko).

Never laugh at something that causes pain.

Laugh with others, not at others (Elbert Greene Hubbard).

Laughter exists to lighten the mood, not to make fun of someone.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borzhe).

If you want to get closer, smile at each other!

Those who never laugh at themselves miss out on many great opportunities to laugh. (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes your own actions can be a great reason to laugh.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness (Belarusian proverb).

Fools are known to be happy, so let's laugh!

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger (Gregory Nazianzus).

When a person is overcome by anger, you just need to make him laugh.

Crazy and contagious laughter

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

It's better to get infected with laughter than the flu!

Some people have such an infectious laugh that when they laugh, you laugh too, without even knowing what they are talking about...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great way to spend time)

It happens that there is no time for laughter here,
And before our eyes you deteriorate without a mood
The moment will jump, splashes of laughter will flow,
Then you will take it and, without hesitation, you will laugh.

Let everyone have more reasons to laugh!

The boss has the most contagious laugh!

Especially when he gives out a salary...)

A sharp look, an infectious laugh!
Slim figure (ugh, ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it!)
And let modesty adorn only those
Who has nothing else to decorate themselves with!

Contagious laughter attracts more than any jewelry!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness.

If you want to feel like a doctor, infect people with your laughter and heal them of sadness...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

A child's smile is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears are running down your cheek...

And if tears of laughter flow down your cheeks, it means you live in paradise.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly appreciated...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile - when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile... and you will immediately feel better.

Smile, and everything will be like in the song: “A smile will make everyone brighter...”)))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth is right up to the ears.
And burst into ringing laughter,
Like three year olds.

Learn to enjoy life from children...)

There is nothing genuine left in the world, with the exception of a child's smile.

A child's smile is the most sincere thing that can be.

Laughing for no reason is a sign that you are either an idiot or a pretty girl.

Smile. It costs nothing, but gives a lot.

A smile is a talisman of love.

Don't trust the smile on-line.

If they ask me the question of what it means to be happy, I will hug you tightly, lower my head on my beloved shoulder and, smiling, say: “Happiness is being together!”

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything.

"Etienne Rey"

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look better.

"Charles Gordy"

If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, then you haven't seen her sweetest smile.

"Frank Hubbard"

Always smile!! You will extend your life, please your friends, and annoy your enemies.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly valued.

"Dale Carnegie"

Let's drink to die with a smile. And let our enemies weep!

"Mark Weingartner"

A smile is like the sun coming out after the rain. Its rays timidly touch the saddened soul, and, spreading, warm the heart. And then joyful calmness is reflected in the eyes.

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product.

"George Carlin"

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles.

"Muriel Spark"

Smile, illuminating everyone with smiles! Make mistakes – it’s more fun to live with mistakes. Don't be afraid, anything can happen in life. Do not give up! Everything doesn't work out right away.

Wrinkles are evidence of endless irritation or a smile that never leaves your face.

It takes a little to make you smile, and all it takes is a smile to make anything possible.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

And we exchanged understanding smiles, he as a man who is not indifferent to women, I as a woman accustomed to men who are not indifferent to women.

"Françoise Sagan"

Never give up on what makes you smile.

"Heath Ledger"

No matter what they tell you, accept it with a smile and do your job.

"Mother Teresa"

A smile enriches those who are given it, without impoverishing those who give it.

Quotes about smiling

Any depression should be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away.

"Robert DeNiro"

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman.

We live in cities where every second person starts the day with thoughts of suicide, and another with thoughts of murder... But even if your morning begins with a cup of coffee and the smile of a loved one, this does not mean that there is no room for pain in your heart.

"Evgeniy Nichipuruk"

You smiled and spoke to me - so, about nothing; and I realized that I had been waiting for this moment for so long.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

Look in the mirror, because you are beautiful. Smile more often, and those around you will understand: you are all top-notch.

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Yes, many people ask the question: how are you? And I look at them, don’t say anything and just smile. A smile is the most beautiful answer to a question. Smile.

If you smile, all your dreams will come true.

Smile beautiful girl- wallet tears.

A good mood is the beginning of success, just like a smile on your face is the beginning of laughter.

The pain went away, the soul was filled with different music. Not the one that makes you cry, but the one that makes smiles bloom, that doesn't empathize crying hearts, but gives them comfort and hope.

"Natalia Kalinina"

Yes, I won't envy you, girl. Or maybe you've fallen in love after all? Terms have nothing to do with it, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable next to your loved one, you enjoy his company. You remember him, and the blood pounds in your temples, and your heart begins to pound furiously. You smile, glow from within. What could be stronger than memories?

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with it more and more.

Smile and the whole world will laugh with you. Cry and you will cry alone...

Don't say no to things that bring a smile to your face.

She always smiled so welcomingly that I wanted to take her smile with me.

"Haruki Murakami"

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

The most the best people- those who make you smile most often.

These are just hands touching the keys, leaving a joyful mark on the face. Perhaps it's better this way. It's easy for me to smile, even if tears flow.

Smile, because all people lack self-confidence, and a smile, more than anything else, gives this confidence.
Andre Maurois

“I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, violent gaiety constantly broke into my life.” Oliver Edwards Smile of a Child

Those who smile are said to have a mouth to their ears, but a smile is never wider than the distance between the eyes.
Malcolm de Chazal

In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad. Lev Tolstoy

Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure! Evgeniy Grishkovets

Along with completely real teeth, fake smiles can also be made. Gabriel Laub

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively mellifluous speeches are the surest proof of hypocrisy. James Cooper

I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile...” “The same Munchausen”

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

A smile is a kiss to the soul. M. Antrim

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet. Italian proverb

Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron

The bitterness of the heart cannot be sweetened with a smile. Russian proverb

Sometimes even a smile hides poison. Russian proverb

Smile The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. F. Chateaubriand

You are not fully dressed yet and there is no smile on your face. Martin Charnin

When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. W.K. Fields

If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say: “Great, let's take a shower.” Sir John A. MacDonald

"Smile and you will have friends; frown and you will have wrinkles. Don't we live to make each other's lives easier?" George Eliot

The cheerful expression on his face is gradually reflected in inner world. I. Kant

If you want life to smile on you, give it yours first good mood. Benedict Spinoza

It takes a little to make you smile, and all it takes is a smile to make anything possible. Gilbert Sesbron

An angry fist does not hit a smiling face. Chinese saying.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once.
T. Carlyle

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.
V. Hugo

Laughter corrects morals. O. Balzac

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies. V. Belinsky

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot

The most best smile women are destined for the mirror. Frank Hubbard

Aphorisms about smiling If you haven’t seen your wife smile at a traffic policeman, then you haven’t seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh

They exchanged quick, dazzling smiles between women who had disliked each other at first sight. Raymond Chandler

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything. George Carlin

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product. Muriel Spark

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles. Moses Safir

The one who always smiles is just as intolerable as the one who never smiles. Francois René de Chateaubriand

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to prolong his life, this short moment. L. Stern

Laughter and smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern

The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A woman's smile is like bait on a fish hook for a man. B. Trushkin

A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo.

Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh. Addison Joseph

Kote smiles

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others. Freud Sigmund

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning. Heine Heinrich

Horror is incompatible with laughter. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

What has become funny can no longer be dangerous. Voltaire

The collection includes sayings and quotes about smiling and happiness:

  • Your smile is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day...
  • I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. You smile, gentlemen, smile..." (The same Munchausen)
  • Those who have nothing to lose smile the most cheerfully and carefreely.
  • Humor is the smile of a person who knows how little there is to laugh at. Julien Falkenare
  • Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people. But sad people do great stupid things. Ewald Christian von Kleist

  • She gave me a smile that burned into my pants pocket.
  • A woman's best smile is reserved for the mirror. Frank Hubbard
  • Oh, how many misfortunes I have seen caused by smiles!
  • The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle
  • Never stop smiling even when you are sad because someone might fall in love with your smile. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Tears are not a woman’s weapon, her weapon is a sincere smile.
  • Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Gabriel Marquez
  • Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt
  • Not all smiles express joy, just as not all tears express grief.
  • Laughter and smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern
  • What makes a true gentleman different is that he always pays with a smile. George Shaw
  • Laughter corrects morals. O. Balzac
  • We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others. Freud Sigmund
  • That's the kind of people we are - we love to laugh out loud, cackle, laugh, tear up our bellies, roll with laughter and, God knows how else to laugh. Jamis Thurber

  • People teach to hide their ignorance, just as they smile to hide their tears. Oscar Wilde
  • The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to prolong his life, this short moment. L. Stern
  • Smile and you will have friends; Frown - there will be wrinkles. Don't we live to make each other's lives easier? George Eliot
  • Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything.
  • Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure! Evgeniy Grishkovets
  • Sometimes even a smile hides poison. Russian proverb
  • A smile is a worthy emotional and sensory design of partner communication
  • Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • A smile is a kiss to the soul. M. Antrim
  • To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius
  • A smile is a unique wealth that, when given, increases at least twice as much.
  • If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say: “Great, let's take a shower.” Sir John A. Macdonald
  • A smile is always good, because it reveals the simple inner world of a person. Nikolay Novikov
  • If a person has no sense of humor, then he should at least have the feeling that he has no sense of humor. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • A woman's smile is like bait on a fish hook for a man. B. Trushkin
  • If those around you smile and glow with happiness, first of all, check your codpiece and bra...
  • Saying about a smile - A smile costs nothing, but is highly valued... D. Carnegie
  • If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, then you haven't seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh
  • Children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. (About a child's smile)
  • Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron
  • Children, especially girls, need to be early age to accustom one to spontaneous laughter, because a cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world and develops a disposition towards cheerfulness, friendliness and goodwill towards everyone. Immanuel Kant
  • A person without a smile on his face should not open a store. Chinese folk wisdom
  • The bitterness of the heart cannot be sweetened with a smile. Russian proverb
  • A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product. Muriel Spark
  • Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness. Dale Carnegie
  • Humanity, laughing, parts with its past. Karl Marx
  • Along with completely real teeth, fake smiles can also be made. Gabriel Laub
  • What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire
  • A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. I. Kant
  • I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, exuberant gaiety constantly burst into my life. Oliver Edwards
  • In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad. Lev Tolstoy

Topics: sayings, aphorisms, sayings, jokes, statuses, as well as phrases and quotes about smiling and laughter, mood, humor and good mood...

If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself!

What makes a true gentleman different is that he always pays with a smile.

Smile - it makes people wonder what's in your heart...

Having a sense of humor makes it easier to cope with the lack of everything else.

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart.

Smile and you will have friends, frown and you will have wrinkles.

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.

Just smile... and tiny rays of warmth will timidly creep into your sad soul, warm your heart and, spilling over with sweet calm, light up your eyes!

Good thoughts about smiling. Sages about smiling

You're not fully dressed if you don't have a smile!

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.

Fragile good thoughts about a smile. Sages about smiling

Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

Don't trust the online smile.

In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad.

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look better.

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Some people smile because you smile. And some are just to make you smile.

A beautiful smile intrigues, a modest one touches, a kind one pleases, a happy one enchants, a sincere one inspires. A smile does not leave you indifferent. Smile:)

A smile is a flexible concept.

Be with those who make you smile!

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness.