What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • To figure out what a thunderstorm means when you see it, you need to remember common expressions - idioms - with this word. Why do you dream of a thunderstorm, with black frightening clouds - a thunderstorm is approaching - sure sign approaching misfortune, some kind of misfortune.
  • To see a thunderstorm - there will be a thunderstorm - a dream often foretells reprimand from your superiors or troubles, dissatisfaction with a person on whom you depend for some reason.
  • Sometimes, a dream about a thunderstorm can promise that you will be able to carry out fair retribution against a person.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

If a child dreams of a thunderstorm, the dream has a completely unambiguous character. Obviously, your tricks will be discovered, and a “thunderstorm” awaits you - scolding from your parents or very unpleasant conflicts with teachers, perhaps a call to the school principal and everything that can follow. After all, you didn’t really think that you would be able to hide your sins for a long time? Get used to it - in life you always have to answer for what you have done. However, this storm will not be the last.

Thunderstorm according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm? The thunderstorm is a multi-valued symbol. It may portend you a quarrel, troubles with loved ones. When you dream of a thunderstorm, this often foreshadows scolding from your superiors with dire consequences. A thunderstorm is also a symbol of receiving threats from someone in reality.
  • If you dreamed of a thunderstorm that passed by or did not cause you harm, this may foreshadow the receipt of unexpected news or participation in a fun holiday.
  • When it seemed to you that the thunderstorm had killed you, the dream warns that in reality you will suffer from deception on someone’s part.

Seeing a Thunderstorm, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm - a warning about future misfortunes.
  • I dreamed that during a thunderstorm there was no rain or it was not felt - this means that with the right actions you can solve your problems and safely get out of the current situation.
  • Seeing a dark stormy sky before a thunderstorm means feeling someone's strong pressure, and career-related troubles are possible.
  • If lightning flashes in a dark sky during a thunderstorm, this is a warning of possible changes.
  • If you see rain during a thunderstorm, then the changes will be very unpleasant and will cause worries and tears.
  • If in a dream you hear rumbles of thunder during a thunderstorm, then you should carefully assess the current situation and try to make the right decision.
  • If in a dream you are struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, then you will encounter some unforeseen obstacle.
  • If a thunderstorm and lightning are accompanied by a clap of thunder, then there is a fight ahead with a smart and strong opponent.
  • If you managed to hide from a thunderstorm, then this foreshadows the protection and patronage that you really need.

The meaning of a dream about Lightning (Lunar Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm from Monday to Tuesday? Troubles and tears will come very soon.
  • Thunderstorm from Tuesday to Wednesday - difficult experiences will come suddenly.
  • If you see a thunderstorm from Wednesday to Thursday, do not great importance dream, it most likely will not come true.
  • A thunderstorm from Thursday to Friday suggests that your worries will begin on this day.
  • A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a thunderstorm will tell you that your fears are not in vain and you need to be prepared for trouble.
  • And if you see a thunderstorm from Saturday to Sunday, then in reality you should not take good advice lightly.
  • A thunderstorm that occurred from Sunday to Monday suggests that you need to pay attention to your personal life and relationships with a loved one.

I had a dream about a Thunderstorm (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning - a sad omen of loss and disappointment in reality. You will find out that your partner is deceiving you, moreover, he did this all the time while you thought that you were in a relationship with him. The thunderstorm speaks of that too. that you will have strong reasons to suspect your partner of cheating. And although you may not have 100% proof, constant doubts and attempts to find out the truth will lead you to nervous breakdown and depression. To cope with it, you may need the help of a psychologist.

Thunderstorm according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

  • The thunderstorm that you see symbolizes the troubles and worries that lie ahead for you in reality. Much will depend on what kind of thunderstorm it was, whether it caused you harm or passed you by.
  • So, if you dreamed that you were caught in a thunderstorm, it was raging around you - this predicts a significant conflict with management at work.
  • But if you observe a thunderstorm from a safe shelter, for example, from home, then the dream suggests that although some kind of nervous, tense situation will develop near you, it will not affect you, you will only observe it from the side.

Analysis of a dream in which a Thunderstorm was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm, do you see or hear it - this symbolizes the fact that in reality you will unexpectedly have to observe a flash of passion towards yourself on the part of one of your long-time acquaintances. You don’t even suspect that this person has similar feelings for you, so you will be quite surprised. And perhaps they are annoyed. Seeing a thunderstorm means experiencing a stormy and passionate explanation on the side.

Thunderstorm - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • A thunderstorm seen is a sign of upcoming fun.
  • Seeing a strong thunderstorm and not finding reliable shelter nearby means deterioration in business and unfulfilled hopes.
  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with thunder - a quarrel.
  • Thunder during a thunderstorm is a harbinger of the boss's anger.
  • Distant rumbles of thunder during a thunderstorm mean obstacles, bad news from afar.
  • Deafening rumbles of thunder in a thunderstorm near you - to promotion, if you are afraid of it - to promotion and happiness in your personal life.
  • Seeing a lightning rod in a dream means that your work will not be appreciated.
  • Building a lightning rod yourself is a warning: you need to be more careful when making serious decisions.

The meaning of the dream about the Rip of the Sky (Muslim Dream Book)

  • According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah, thunderstorm turns out to be an ambiguous symbol.
  • If a rich man dreams of a thunderstorm, this is a warning that after many shocks he will go broke and fall into poverty.
  • Why does a poor man dream of a thunderstorm - it is a good omen for him. The dream suggests that by the mercy of the supreme ruler, food and daily bread will be in abundance.

The meaning of a dream about thunderstorms ( Modern dream book)

  • When you see a thunderstorm, it means that great shocks await you. Most likely, in reality some completely unexpected events will happen that will frighten you extremely.
  • If you dreamed that a thunderstorm did not harm you or you observed it from a warm and durable house, you were not injured, did not get wet in the rain and were not killed by lightning - this is a good prediction. A thunderstorm will pass over you, leaving behind clean and fresh air. Success in business and prosperity in life await you.

The meaning of a dream about bad weather (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a Thunderstorm - this symbol is considered a manifestation of divine will, a sign.
  • In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above.
  • You are caught in a strong thunderstorm, which means that in reality the protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.
  • The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations You will be able to avoid the unfair wrath of your superiors.
  • I dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail. The entire space around is filled with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water.
  • A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain. This dream foreshadows ecological disaster, which could seriously harm you.

The meaning of sleep about Bad weather(Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm? To correctly understand what a thunderstorm portends for you, remember other details and circumstances of your dream. If it seemed gloomy to you, it was cloudy outside, the weather was damp and joyless, it was raining - then in reality you will also experience joyless and unhappy events, gloomy situations.
  • To see that you were somewhere on the road and got caught in the rain - good sign. Expect rich food and drinks.
  • Hearing deafening rumbles of thunder - this portends a rise up the career ladder.
  • Being afraid of thunder is a good omen, promising you good luck in love and success on the personal front.
  • If in a dream it seemed that thunder was coming from somewhere underground, your dreams will definitely come true.
  • Seeing flashes of lightning and yourself in its light is a sign of happy events in reality.
  • When you dream that you are struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, it’s very good dream, predicting nobility and the acquisition of wealth.

Why does a woman dream of a thunderstorm (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

  • Thunderstorms or thunder are believed to express divine will or a sign.
  • In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger.
  • Hearing thunder means things are getting worse.
  • Hearing incessant thunderclaps means worries and troubles.
  • Powerful peals of thunder, causing the earth to tremble, foreshadow great loss and disappointment.
  • You were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - it is possible that in reality you are leading a life that is far from righteous, and it is clearly time for you to settle down.
  • Why do you dream of a thunderstorm? You are caught in a heavy thunderstorm, which means that in reality a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.
  • If your house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news.

I dreamed of a thunderstorm (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian dream book)

  • When you dream of a thunderstorm, this portends considerable troubles for the dreamer. It is likely that significant problems will arise in his affairs, which will require a lot of effort to overcome them.
  • Hearing thunderclaps means receiving unexpected news.
  • If you saw that you were killed by lightning during a thunderstorm, this is a warning that you are in vain to trust the person around you. The person you think is your friend is not really one and intends to deceive you. Be careful.

Interpretation of the dream Thunderstorm (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why hear a thunderstorm - it means a scandal, a showdown.
  • In the summer, why you dreamed of a thunderstorm - signifies rumors of war.
  • In winter, why do you dream of a thunderstorm - troubles.
  • In the fall, why get caught in a terrible thunderstorm - some kind of earthly cataclysm.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with lightning? The natural elements leave no one indifferent. The ancient Slavs worshiped Perun the Thunderer and asked him for protection. What does a dream with peals of thunder and pouring rain promise - trouble or joy, grief or happiness? Interpretation depends on many nuances.

After awakening, it is necessary to remember exactly what events accompanied the vision of the thunderstorm, and what emotions were experienced in connection with this phenomenon. The plot of the dream can be different:

  • clap of thunder and arrows of lightning in the sky;
  • downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning;
  • lightning struck a tree, building or struck the ground;
  • have you seen flying ball lightning;
  • lightning illuminated objects or buildings;
  • the thunderstorm passed by and did not cause any damage;
  • lightning struck next to the dreamer;
  • lightning struck the dreamer.

If emotional condition the dreamer was on the rise during sleep, the thunderstorm plot speaks of a person’s enormous energy potential. You can handle everything!

Hearing thunder in the distance is a warning about the onset of life's trials. You will have to fight difficulties and overcome obstacles.

Dreaming of a thunderstorm? Soon you will have to talk with high authorities. You should not worry about this, however, and there will be few pleasant moments.

A vision of a raging element with all its attributes - thunder, flashes of lightning, strong wind and rain - brings your happiness closer. Recognition of merit, honors and elevation in the eyes of the public await you.

Getting caught in a thunderstorm with lightning and getting wet in the downpour is a big financial gain. You will have a new stable source of income.

Lightning in a dream

  • See the flash of lightning in the distance- to unclouded happiness and family well-being. You are under the protection of heavenly forces, and any trouble will pass by.
  • If lightning shines in clear sky , this promises unexpected changes in fate. Believe me, it will bring you good luck and happiness.
  • A dream in which lightning illuminated buildings or objects, warns about the success of your friends. You should not envy your friends' achievements; try to share your joy with them.
  • If lightning flashed and lit up the landscape, you will soon learn a carefully hidden secret. Be careful, watch your words carefully - and your enemies will not be able to deceive you.
  • If you dreamed of lightning late spring or in summer, awaits the dreamer good health. The patient will quickly recover: his energy resources and strong immunity are enough for this.
  • Lightning strikes the ground- a warning not to commit rash acts. You take life too frivolously, it's time to reconsider your position in life.
  • Vision of ball lightning in a dream promises dramatic changes in life by the will of fate. Little will depend on the actions and actions of the dreamer. New is always for the better, so don’t be afraid of change.
  • If lightning strikes nearby, this promises unexpected happiness and big income.
  • If lightning strikes the dreamer, this portends wealth, honor and glory.

Dreams with lightning about love

  • Walking in the rain with lightning- to an early meeting with the chosen one of your heart. You have to meet your destiny.
  • young girl sees lightning for a happy marriage. If there is no soulmate yet, then soon she will certainly appear.
  • The plot where lightning destroyed the building, portends passionate love.
  • If lovers dreamed of lightning, their union is sealed with the blessing of heaven. It will be durable and happy marriage, not overshadowed by scandals and divorce.

Lightning is dangerous a natural phenomenon destructive in nature, however, in dreams it promises good luck and love!

Interpretation of dream books

  • Freud considers a thunderstorm in a dream as the suddenly flared passion of an old acquaintance. You will once again experience the excitement of your old love, renewed and enhanced by passion. This event will be unexpected for the dreamer.
  • Dream book of the 21st century interprets the vision of a thunderstorm as an upcoming party and unexpected fun. If the dreamer tried to hide from a thunderstorm, but did not find shelter, this means broken dreams and unfulfilled hopes. A thunderstorm with peals of thunder means quarrels. Hearing distant rumbles of thunder means obstacles. Loud rumbles of thunder overhead - to career success.
  • Vanga's Dream Book considers the vision of a thunderstorm to be a manifestation of God’s will in the dreamer’s life, a sign from above. To be afraid of thunder and lightning is a sign of the dreamer’s sinfulness, a warning to higher powers to take the righteous path. If the thunderstorm has passed by, you will be able to avoid the wrath of your superiors. Lightning striking a house portends unexpected news.
  • Esoteric dream book interprets thunderstorm vision with positive side. The dreamer expects triumph, happiness and joyful events.

To correctly interpret a dream with a thunderstorm, you need to remember exactly in what form you saw it. A thunderstorm is most often associated with heavy rain, loud deafening, gusty winds and terrible lightning. It's not a quiet time, but for many people the landscape is extremely fascinating. Lightning during a thunderstorm often strikes trees, throwing them to the ground, sometimes they can also kill a person.

If you dream of a bright thunderstorm, the dream marks the arrival of danger to us. When a thunderstorm catches us in an open space during sleep (most often an open field), this may mean that negative events are approaching.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm at night - a sign of a serious quarrel, maybe it will be a quarrel with someone very close to us. A thunderstorm with hail in a dream foreshadows financial or family problems.

If we dream during a thunderstorm we see dark, threatening skies, it can symbolize the worries that reign in our country.

There are quite a lot of interpretations of a dream in which a thunderstorm is guessed. And in order to understand why a thunderstorm is dreamed of, it is actually necessary to pay attention to the details and circumstances of night vision. Only by analyzing the latter can you choose the most exact value. Most often, the dream book predetermines only pleasant events in reality for the sleeper.

Rain and lightning

If in a dream you dreamed of a rose with rain, then in reality the dreamer will be “stormed.” If in a dream you only dreamed of thunder and flashes of lightning without rain, then perhaps in reality the sleeper will be able to overcome all difficulties thanks to his own cunning.

A dream in which a storm passed by is interpreted in a similar way. Perhaps the dreamer, due to his own personal qualities, will get away with it in this case too.

According to the interpretation of the dream according to the Modern Dream Book, there is a positive answer to the question of why you dream of rain and lightning. So, if in a dream you were caught in a downpour with a thunderstorm, then in reality you will be able to deal with all the difficulties and troubles. In addition, if you happen to get wet on the way, then in reality it’s worth preparing for a trip to visit, where you can have a lot of fun.

If in a dream you watch a thunderstorm with rain from a window, then you will not care about all the troubles. A young girl who happened to cling to a man in a dream, fearing the violence of the elements outside the window, should think about her personal life. After all, love and affection are clearly not enough for her.

Did you see lightning flash next to or above the house? You should be wary of various difficulties in reality.

Rolling thunder in a dream

Are you thinking about why you dream of stormy weather, which is accompanied by a roar? Zhou-Gung believes that such a plot portends resounding success for the dreamer in all his endeavors.

However, the dream book for the whole family does not support this point of view and insists that thunderclaps indicate the need for specific actions. The sleeper needs to gather himself and soberly analyze all the circumstances.

According to the Erotic Dream Book, thunder and thunder in a dream foreshadow losses in the future. Perhaps, in reality, the dreamer should fear anger and imminent retribution from a person who occupies a high status.

On the other hand, to the question of why a thunderstorm and thunderclaps are dreamed of, there is also a pleasant interpretation - to good news or a date with a pleasant person.

Other interpretations of sleep

Vanga's dream book believes that if in your night dreams you dreamed heavy thunderstorm, then you should think about and analyze your life principles. Surely your lifestyle cannot be called righteous.

According to the dream book for the whole family, such a turn in a dream prepares for changes in the future for the sleeping person. And not always pleasant.

The women's dream book insists that if in a dream there is a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm and the house fills with water, then in reality you should be wary of a natural disaster.

According to Freud, a dream in which there was a powerful thunderstorm promises passionate infatuation on the part of someone whom one would not even think of.

Miller believes that a thunderstorm brings joy and fun. Promises success in business and brings good news.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/28/2019

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. There is a high probability that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem...

Why do you dream of thunder and lightning? As a rule, if we're talking about about some unpleasant weather phenomenon, then the phrase “as many dream books, so many interpretations” is quite suitable. Bad weather often seen in a dream predicts happiness and a pleasant time spent. But to know for sure, famous dream interpreters strongly recommend paying attention to the details of the dream.

Flashes in the rain

Why do you dream of rain and thunder? Rain is often called “heavenly tears.” If you dreamed of bad weather, then soon you will learn something that will cause problems and overcome bitter thoughts. What if in your dreams you witnessed a “dry thunderstorm”? Problems can be solved thanks to your ingenuity and unbending fortitude.

A very similar interpretation will be if in a dream a person saw that a thunderstorm passed him by without even touching him with rain. We can say that he will “come out unscathed.”

What can the Modern Dream Book say about thunderstorm rain? Well, if the sleeper saw himself in the midst of the eruption of the elements, then the existing troubles will be eliminated easier and faster than previously expected. A dream in which you were in a hurry to visit a friend, but were caught in a downpour, is interpreted positively - visit him soon loved one, which will set a rich table.

If the dreamer is sitting in an apartment, and a thunderstorm and lightning are raging outside the window, then difficulties and problems will not affect him. A girl clearly lacks care and tenderness in reality if she dreams that she is hugging a representative of the stronger sex during bad weather.

In the dream, was the flash very close to the sleeping person? IN real life you need to be vigilant, problems will soon begin due to risky projects.

Thunder and lightning

Why do you dream of thunder and lightning? If you believe Zhou-Gong's dream book, then the dreamer will be able to find love and win the respect of friends.

But the Dream Book for the whole family believes that thunder and lightning call on the sleeper to take an analytical approach in choosing a strategy for action in the current circumstances.

Offers a completely different interpretation Erotic dream book: a dream foreshadows losses and collapse of hopes.

The mighty of this world will be offended by the dreamer if bad weather breaks out in a dream.

Another similar plot in a dream promises a new acquaintance with a good man or good news. In any case, you will get a charge of good mood.

More interpretations of this image

What else could bad weather mean in a dream? The soothsayer Vanga claimed that such a dream often visits the wicked. With the help of such a dream, the Gods are trying to convey to the dreamer that his ideals are false, and such a life cannot lead to anything good.

The dream book for the whole family says that if you dreamed of a thunderstorm and lightning, then you should expect something new that will come into your life very soon, but what it will bring is unknown.

Natural disasters are promised by the Female Interpreter to those who observed a flood in a dream.

But Freud’s dream book assures that someone you would never think of dreams of you.

Miller's opinion

Gustav Miller believed that if in a dream a person was caught in a summer rain, then happiness and a good time awaited him. Those who love will marry, those involved in litigation will win, and good friend will send you good news.