A person does not immediately realize the moment, they say, I feel bad, I have to understand what to do when you feel bad… Gradually, like a snowball, trouble is layered on top of trouble, trouble on top of trouble. Similar to similar.

And there comes a moment when not only everything is bad, but everything is very bad in life. And the most difficult thing is that at this moment we are at the minus point of our energy.

We must clearly know what to do if everything is bad, and by an effort of will DO IT. Rescue of drowning people - remember, whose business is it?..

What you will learn from the article:

What to do if everything is bad and you decide to change it?

Sometimes I receive letters describing one or more life tasks (for a person = problems). You can’t answer in one letter how to set this up. Therefore, I will draw for you a general scheme, a universal one, which will help you move. And then you will listen to yourself, receive tips from above, notice them and follow your path, but in a more positive and pleasant scenario than before.

What to do when you feel bad: 5 steps towards a new life, no matter what point of minus you are at

Everything is bad - you chose it

1.you are here because you chose the wrong behavior a long time ago.

You thought wrong, felt wrong, acted wrong.

What are we doing? We begin to think, feel and act correctly. In a nutshell: at any moment in your life, stop and listen to yourself - what is there inside?

Pain, resentment, anger, irritation, anger - are they all bad? In three years you will receive all this multiplied many times over!

Joy, harmony, tranquility, holiday and anticipation of the holiday, love, faith, tenderness? In three years you will be a completely different person, with a different life - even happier and more joyful!

This rule works for everyone! Even if it seems to you that there is no reason for joy, squeeze this joy out of yourself. Gradually it will be born within you! Smile intentionally, it will help. And remember - this is your job! The first point is mandatory!

Book to read: 78 steps to understanding reality transurfing, Vadim Zeland

2. according to your personal luck, most likely, your home reflects it (as well as destiny written from above).

If we change our home, we change our destiny and change our mood, our personal luck (it works the other way around, in all directions).

I'm not advocating moving. Without a specialist 99% that new house will reflect and reproduce the same problems!!!

I urge you to look around and soberly assess the extent of the “tragedy.” I hope your place is clean and free of trash. If you still sin with this, then materials and

When cleanliness becomes total, pay attention.

And gradually your “everything is very bad” transforms into the magical “everything is very good!”

Book to read: any book with the word Feng Shui in the title by Natalia Pravdina

When I feel bad, I meditate

3.layer the good ones positive thoughts and emotions are better on a clean basis.

Therefore, clean your head too (by the way, when you clear out your living space, you may be surprised to find that your brain has become cleaner, you can breathe easier and fewer fears/anxieties are born. I wish you to do all this in a complex manner. The effect will be amazing!

Silence is necessary to clear your brain, especially inside. Meditation will help you. Just once a day, to begin with, for at least 5-10 minutes, freeze your thoughts in nothing-thinking. Practice, you won’t succeed the first time. But this task in my life is a must-do when I feel bad!

Book to read: The Power of the Moment by Eckhart Tolle or any book by Osho

What to do when everything is bad - understand how good it is for you

4.you must be clearly aware of what you ultimately want to achieve.

“I don’t want to live like this” doesn’t work. It works “I want to live like this, like this and like this!”

This is also work. What are we doing? We find time alone with ourselves, take a notebook and pen, and start writing.

What to do when everything is bad? Describe one day in your life two years from now. How does it go? Who is he with and where? What are you wearing? What is your relationship and with whom? How many friends do you have? What is your income? What do you feel?

Emphasis on feelings and sensations!!! We run emotions through everything we write. And if something inside doesn’t respond, we cross it out and write again. As a result, you will get a perfect day when everything suits you.

“I feel bad” echoes in the body

5.our desires and goals will not please us if our body is not in order.

Because in this world we came to gain experience through the body. And if, for example, I feel bad mentally, physical pain will not take long to occur...

From this day on, every day you choose to do at least one pleasant or useful little thing for your vessel of the soul: get a facial massage, treat a tooth, drink vitamins, take a walk in the fresh air, make a mask, do yoga, do exercises, dance for a couple of minutes while potatoes are fried !!!

Your body is your business. Not doing well? This means that somewhere you have deprived yourself of the opportunity to have a well-groomed and healthy body.

If in the evening it turns out that you have not completed this point, you get up and go get a facial massage!

Black streak in life? What to do when everything is bad, when there are no those who know and know how to do good for you? Don't worry, just read on. Currently, I am coming out of a situation that has never been more difficult in my life before, and it’s not even that there is no one who would do good to me. You can find out what specific “bonuses” I received further, but I have already solved my main problem, namely, I turned my life in the right direction, all that remains is to get rid of the consequences of past mistakes, but this is a matter of technology and time. Taking action is the simplest thing, the main thing is to know what, otherwise you may feel that all your efforts are in vain.

Hard scary truth

Today I will be like that grandfather who, when telling his grandson about the war, to complete the picture, threw earth on his head. I hope that you can take a lot of useful things from my story.

What helped me and continues to help me

Just a few days ago, I was in a terrible situation, so I know exactly how a person feels when everything is really bad.

You're not the only one

More recently, I was a “master” of creating black streaks and problems in my life at lightning speed; I managed to ruin even a relatively good life. I couldn’t understand whether the licks weren’t moving, or whether I had problems with my head. However, every time I analyzed the situation, found a solution, and reached a new level of life for myself, which was always better than the previous one. Therefore, I can call myself a master in overcoming black streaks and life’s difficulties. Only now have I begun to understand more and more clearly that it is better to become a master of how to control your life so as not to let things go to waste. severe case. Looking back, I am amazed at how I managed to get out, despite the fact that I made such serious mistakes, of which there were also a lot. But there are explanations for this, which I will talk about later.

How I ruined my old life

So that you understand me, first let me tell you what situation I had, what I have now, and what I ultimately understood for myself. In order to create something new, you need to destroy or get rid of something old. The main thing is that this update allows the person himself to become better, and becomes a springboard to a new, better life.

A dark streak in life, a brief history

Part one "flowers"

At the end of 2011, I failed in my business (through my own fault), accumulated $2,000 in debt, and was forced to move to live with my parents in a small village, since I could no longer afford to rent an apartment. This situation had happened before, but it was managed without much debt; this time everything was much more complicated. Throughout 2012, I worked on my business to get off the ground and pay off my debts so that my life would be calmer. In my failures of previous years, I realized that one of the biggest factors in my collapse was the presence bad habits(especially alcohol). This greatly disrupts a person’s energy (but at the time I didn’t understand how much), plus there are serious expenses, as well as a complete loss of life discipline and organization. Therefore, at that time I had already gotten rid of the main bad habits, but this was not enough. True, the absence of bad habits allowed me to recover relatively quickly during that crisis, and what’s even nicer is that in 2013 I was able to reach a level of income that I did not know before, and which previously seemed very large to me.

Part two "berries"

In 2013, I had already paid off my debts, had a good income (up to $7,000 per month), rented a good apartment in the city center, and very quickly found myself a permanent girlfriend. Sometimes I dated other girls. My life changed so quickly that I became very self-confident and fearless, I thought that I didn’t have to be afraid of big risks, since I can rise from scratch relatively quickly. The experiences of previous years ultimately taught me something, but not everything. I thought I would never allow myself to return to poverty again, but it turned out that an even more difficult test awaited me then.

In more early years I spent tens of thousands of rubles every month on alcohol, cigarettes and various establishments, but in 2013 I no longer had such a problem. In 2013 there was another problem, this time I was let down by many extremely risky decisions. Now, I understand that even one such risk was completely unacceptable, and I made a number of very risky decisions. I was also let down by my complete inability to handle money and lack of organization. Now I understand that these serious gaps in my development might not have existed if I had studied in detail the art of managing money and the art of time management.

Part three "tin"

As a result, I met 2014 again in a small village at my parents’ house, but this time, the dark streak lasted for two long years. Summing up 2014, I realized that the year was the most difficult for me in my life, although it was also the most valuable. But 2015 became even more difficult for me, and more valuable.

What was my situation:

At first I tried to get promoted, but for some reason luck then turned away from me. I started many different projects, but could not get even the minimum result anywhere. I quit my previous activity in favor of my new business, because I decided that my goals and my type of activity should be consistent with my values. I created this site (website), and several other projects (online stores and information sites). But when I already owed money to my parents, friends, acquaintances, and the bank, I realized that most likely I needed to find a job, first, at least pay off my debts, and start earning at least some money. And I started looking for a job.

Since since 2008 there was not a single entry in my work book, because I worked for myself, they didn’t hire me anywhere, since my profile looked very suspicious compared to others (I think employers didn’t believe me). I borrowed money (although no one gave it to me anymore) wherever I could, to put a little money on my phone, and to go to an interview. Usually these interviews were in vain, since after studying my profile, they did not call me back. I often walked to an interview when I stayed in the city with friends with whom I still continued to communicate. Sometimes I managed to find work in construction and sales, but there was piecework wages, and often the advertisements there were not particularly truthful, and I received exactly as much as I borrowed to travel to this job and buy minimal food. Sometimes I traveled in vain, simply wasting borrowed money on travel, and getting nothing in the end.

It often happened that I didn’t eat all day, I lost a lot of weight. Sometimes I had to walk to the city and then inside the city. Such a hike in one direction is approximately 20 kilometers.

Personal life

For 2 years, my wardrobe was not updated at all, I was unable to build relationships with girls. All I could do was just have a nice conversation with them on the day I met them, but there are enough interesting guys and men in the world even without me. Why did I even get to know them, if all I could offer them was walks under the sky, and an invitation to my very cold (with weak heating) a tiny semi-room in a village (which is still a few km away from the stop) not far from the city? Why did I meet them? It just often happened that I liked a girl so much that I simply could not afford to remain idle. I didn’t even have the opportunity to call these girls, and all I could do was send them “beacons.” As a result, no one ever called me back on the beacons. And I completely understand them, at that time I was just a 31-year-old loser for them, albeit with a set of some internal qualities and life experience. I am a reflection of my current results, I understood that my past and future results mean nothing. Just a few years ago, I felt careless, it seemed to me that youth was endless, and that you could be careless and not fear anything in life, that everything could always be corrected. This is true, but time cannot be turned back, even if next year I can return to my previous standard of living, then at 32-33 years old, I already understand that I will never be a 22-25 year old guy again. I always dreamed that in the future I would have a family, a wife and children, I always thought that this future was far ahead. Now I understand that the time has come and that I no longer have the right to be irresponsible.

Beautiful girls with parameters 90x60x90 easily fit in a man's wallet.

I can say that men don’t need to worry too much about their personal lives. With us everything is simple, it is better to focus on achieving a good material level, and then a normal girl can be found in 1-7 days. A girl candidate for a serious relationship, in 30-60 days. Therefore, if you are a guy or a man, then don’t worry, it’s not about you at all (although this is generally believed), but about what you represent today. Girls make decisions according to the following algorithm = instincts + rational logic. The instinct of reproduction does not matter if the instincts of survival or self-preservation tell her that a man will not provide her with a safe and comfortable life. Add to this a powerful herd instinct (to which women are much more susceptible), which tells her a certain level of conformity of her opinion with the public. Rational logic is the second powerful factor; it will first think, estimate benefits, potential opportunities, and only then draw conclusions. Also, she will see if you match her image ideal man. Therefore, never worry about relationships with girls. You just need to always improve yourself in all areas, then girls will be attracted to your life, and nothing will be easier to find a girl. In my case, I made a serious gap in my monetary and financial development, which was the cause of all the other problems in my life. If you compare me today with myself in 2013 (when I had a different standard of living), then we can say with 100% confidence that a man’s personal life directly depends on his standard of living:

  • low standard of living = poor personal, despite the effort the result is minimal.
  • average standard of living = normal in personal life, but it’s worth trying to be active.
  • high standard of living = it happens without effort, it is very easy and simple to build a personal life with one or more girls. Let us remember the instincts (self-preservation, reproduction, gregariousness).

If the girl wants it that way, she will feel the look that you didn’t even cast.

A dark streak in life, a peak moment and the beginning of improvements

To say that I solved all my problems and difficulties would not be entirely correct; I solved them, but did not eliminate the consequences of my difficult situation, and have not yet restored my previous standard of living. Let it be so, but the dark streak in my life has definitely ended, on a mental and emotional level, and then I will share what I did for this.

When things can't get any worse

At the end of 2015, I realized that I was already on the thinnest edge of life.

I realized that the only area where yours is unimportant employment history, this is either working as a helper on construction sites and the like, or sales.

In the first case, when I arrived at most advertisements for a loader or handyman required (I even agreed to go on shift), I discovered that these advertisements turned out to be fake in order to assign the candidate to the pension fund.

I worked in temporary jobs a couple of times, but they cheated me out of money, like the customer didn’t pay, or there wasn’t enough work, they could sit without work all day, or other various reasons for meager payments. So I decided to get a job in sales.

What to do when everything is bad - making a list of goals

In November 2015, I wrote down on paper a list of several goals, the main one being “I found a job.” I didn’t write a time frame, because I wasn’t sure exactly when I would find it, but this action gave such a result that I found a job almost immediately.

When I found a job as a training sales manager, this was my last hope, since no one was lending to me anymore, and I asked to borrow 1000 rubles from my parents. My dad always reacted very harshly to manifestations of my weakness and lack of control in life on my part, so he always criticized me in difficult situations. He very rudely said that I had again found some kind of frivolous nonsense, without even knowing where I got a job. It didn’t matter, he just thought that wherever I got a job, it was always complete nonsense. He had reason to think so, because my results indicated that either this was true, or I myself was not right in the head. I understood that this was my last chance, and I needed to use it.

He didn’t want to lend me money again, since they only had the last money left that was set aside for my mother for medicine, but my mother persuaded him, and he returned to the car (I was sitting in his car) nervously tossed me a piece of paper for 1000 rubles. I silently took it.

The first week of the internship, I had already made one sale of business training for company executives for 35,000 rubles, but still decided to leave because I had studied reviews about this training on the Internet and realized that I would not be able to successfully sell it in the future. I didn't feel any love for the product, so I decided over the weekend to stay away for the second week of my internship.

I still had about 500 rubles left, and winter came.

In December, I continued to study Brian Tracy's book on sales and search new job. I found a job again very quickly, in the first half of December 2015, and asked my manager for the opportunity to start working immediately after one day of internship (instead of several days), since Brian’s book inspired me a lot and gave me confidence. Also, I didn’t want to waste time and money on internship days, but to start earning money. I bought the book “How to Cheat on the Internet” on the Internet. I thought I’d earn Yandex money.. I’d go to the Yandex bar.. And then I’d pester Yandex women... But in the end the book never arrived.

People!!! Don't use the Internet! You will be deceived! Don't believe me? Turn over
The acronym WWW is upside down!

Soon all the money ran out...

Throughout December I lived with a friend, and therefore could walk to work. I had one autumn jacket, because I stopped wearing my ruined coat, lost my hat, and began to wear a thin hat, which could help me.

When I returned to my parents, severe cold set in at the end of December (in the Urals there were also similar days at the beginning of January). Before the New Year, I told my parents that I would have a salary on January 15th. I was able to listen to a lot of unpleasant words and insults addressed to me from my father. He always said that nothing would work out for me, and now he also said that he didn’t believe in me, that I was a missing person. I lived in my parents’ house, ate their food for the second year, constantly borrowing money to get a job. Just before the new year, I experienced the heaviest emotional blow in the last many years, this happened after I listened to these words from my father. I went into the room, although there was absolute calm on my face, but I experienced the strongest pain in the heart area in the last many years. If I were a little girl, I would have cried no matter what. Although with such physical pain in the heart, tears could come from any person's eyes. Then I realized how people have heart attacks, and it's really scary. I also realized that this was a life lesson, and I made a promise to myself that I would always support my future children even in difficult times for them. I also asked the universe to quickly help me recover in order to help my parents, and then our relationship will become normal again.

In one of last days December, I was walking to work to the highway where the minibus stops, and I was so cold that I promised myself to do everything to never allow myself to become poor and semi-destitute again. The frosty wind, mixed with snow, whipped my cheeks and my earlobes coming out from under my short thin hat. I didn’t have gloves, and with my hands in my trouser pockets, when I reached the highway, I waited for a minibus for more than half an hour with my back to the wind. I thanked the universe for giving me this lesson, and for the fact that I was alive and well, despite the fact that I caught two colds in December. I also understood very clearly that most likely the weather would not allow me to sunbathe on the beach tomorrow.

Old 2015, December 31st, I saw off alone, my parents left, and before New Year's Eve, I opened the refrigerator to see if I could satisfy my hunger with some piece of bread, but there was nothing. I often had to go hungry in 2015, but for those days when I ate, I am grateful to my parents and the universe with all my heart.

On December 31, closer to 00.00, I New Year's table my brother’s family called, I was able to eat humanly, and after a while I went to bed. This is how I celebrated the new year, 2016.

Until January 4, 2016, I was on profitable terms, and throughout the frosty first half of January, I tried to instill in myself new daily habits. Back in November '15, after I wrote down my goals, I started practicing new life. Do exercises, meditation, visualization, repeat daily positive statements and affirmations more often. I began to plan the next day more often in the evening, get up at 5 am, learn 60 words daily in English. Just before the new year, December 31st, I made a list of goals for 5 years, for a year, for six months, for 3 months, for a month, for a week. I created and adjusted the schedule several times based on these goals. At the very beginning of January, I started implementing these practices again, and I try to do them every day so that they become a habit. But already now, I noticed how much this affects not only my energy and mood, but also my life in general. But I will write about the series of events in January in the next article (especially since I am writing this article on January 18), maybe something interesting will happen by this time.

Also, in January, when my dad asked for help with the Internet, I remembered the following advertisement: “A 62-year-old woman, mother of three programmers, asks someone not crazy to teach her the Internet.” I figured out how difficult it can be for older people in some simple things, gave my father more time, and gave more information than he asked for. I used this incident to establish a more human relationship with my father, and he began to treat me more calmly. On January 15, I received my first salary for two weeks of December, the first 7,500, the money for which I had been waiting for so long, and was already able to pay off part of the debts, including to my parents. I planned out the next month, and after reading a few in 2015, a lot became clearer to me. I realized that it is very important to learn how to manage them correctly, and then this will help save lives, as well as developing willpower. Willpower is to see the inscription “My messages (1)”, turn off the computer and go to bed.

A bad streak in life, what to do when everything is bad

  1. discovery of the real truth
  2. analysis of the situation
  3. purification of life
  4. formation of information and energy field
  5. clearing your path
  6. introducing new habits

It doesn't matter what gender or age you are. It’s also hard for grown men... Sometimes you meet the woman of your dreams, and she already has a husband and a lover! In fact, the question “what to do when everything is bad” is not correct. There is no such thing as “everything is bad”, it is just an opportunity for growth. Try to find the positive aspects in your situation. Find out what useful things you can learn from this situation, what lessons you can learn. Determine what qualities and skills you were able to acquire while in difficult situation. What have you learned? Feel grateful for these lessons, for the fact that you are still alive, and for the fact that you can change everything. Then you will definitely be able to change your life beyond recognition. Remember that with each “black streak” you became stronger and wiser. You got rid of pride, youthful show-offs, you now really know life, you have become more modest, you know your strengths and weak sides. You eliminate your weaknesses and develop your strengths so that you never again find yourself in a situation “when everything is bad.” You love and respect the people around you, you are grateful to the universe for this experience, you love yourself, your life. After such an attitude, everything in your life begins to change in better side, and your efforts get results much faster. Life helps you, because now you have become careful, you take care of your life and yourself, and it begins to treat you with care.

  1. Analysis of the situation

What past actions of yours caused the “dark streak in life”?

What actions could again lead to an undesirable result? You need to determine where exactly you messed up and why everything turned out the way it did. You need to determine what you shouldn’t do so as not to aggravate the situation, and what you need to start doing to correct the situation.

  1. Purification of life


A bad streak in life, what to do when everything is bad, source xche blog.

Many problems

Hello, dear blog readers. The topic of today's post is the fight against problems, depression, and the right attitude towards life. Yes, of course, I did not become a psychologist or psychotherapist. Don't be alarmed.

I heard this information a few months ago at one of the youth business seminars. I will give a link to it at the end of this post, I highly recommend watching the material in full. There will be only a part in the article. The one that I have implemented and continue to use in my life.

By the way, I listened to this webinar at night, probably three hours. It was worth it. It's not just me who thinks so.

I saw and looked

Sergei Azimov touched a nerve and made me think about life, about relationships, about women... Okay, back to the topic of the post: what to do when you have a lot of problems.

Just a minute :)

Surely, you are interested in making extra money on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

What to do when there are a lot of problems: the main secret

We need to stop here. And think about it. Think about how important these problems are to you. Most often, these are little things, small conflicts on which we spend, well, just a lot of our energy. These are banal everyday quarrels with relatives, work colleagues, Bad mood in the morning, arguing and defending your position.

Are these problems, their solutions, nerves and emotions an important part of our lives? No, not ours - YOUR LIFE.

As I listened to Asimov that night, I began to think. But really, we spend most of our time, most of our lives on these very trifles, trifles, sorting out relationships, we are always dissatisfied, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Too many problems: solution

The solution to all problems lies in one simple thing. Understand their classification, analyze how important it is for you that your foot was stepped on on the bus this morning and you were detained wages for the day, the coffee was not as tasty as usual, the waiter was rude...

Traffic light problems

All problems, problems, situations in our life can be classified according to the traffic light principle and live in accordance with this principle.

Stop, slowly, re-read this classification several times. And pay attention Special attention to the conclusion.

  1. Red problem . This is the death of relatives, friends, the departure of a person very close to you. A fatal, incurable disease when there is no chance.
  2. Yellow problem . This includes disability, a serious accident and physical injuries, but the person survived. Loss of business, divorce.
  3. Green problem . This is a job loss, a very difficult financial situation. My beloved girl/boyfriend left, betrayal.

Everything else is simple Should NOT bother you.

Agree, we think about our lives in difficult moments: the death of someone, a great loss, a difficult, seemingly hopeless situation. Then we understand how petty and insignificant everyday problems are.

This is how small, a little philosophical this post turned out to be. Hope it was helpful to you.

Even the most positive and optimistic individuals sometimes feel like they give up: things don’t work out anywhere - on the personal front, at work, with friends... There is only despair and nothing more. What to do if everything in life is bad? Just be, and the rest will work out.

A few thoughts to support you

If everything is bad in your life, “what to do” should become the second question. But first you need to change your thinking a little and support yourself.

Pain is only part of growth

If the door has closed in front of you, it’s time to move forward. Many people do not start moving until circumstances force them to. Here they are! Move!

By the way, about pain. In some Chinese martial arts schools, children deliberately tear ligaments during stretching. The pain is intense, but then it’s easier to do the splits.

This too shall pass

There is no need to quote the great king. Just don't think that the night will never end in the morning and the wound will always hurt. This doesn't happen!

Live in the moment when everything is great with you, and if you have no idea what to do if everything is bad in life.

Complaining and worrying won't change anything

No comments. Do not deprive yourself of the strength that can be used to resolve your problems.

All scars are only a symbol of strength

They show that you have survived an ordeal. The current wound will definitely heal with a scar. Don't let them hold you hostage and let them live in fear. This is a sign of triumph.

Any struggle you have is a step forward. If you have to fight what is bad, you move to where it will be better.

Bad people are not your problem

If they are trying to destroy or defeat you, smile! This way you will save yourself, which is important if you are surrounded by not the most decent or evil people. Be yourself even if someone says bad things about you. Don't let anyone break you and change you. The environment changes (and you are not always the one who attracts it), but you are with you forever.

Something needs to be let go

You need this in order to continue your journey. Even if everything goes wrong, move on and don’t be afraid to get angry, love again, or make mistakes. In any case, the Universe is right and for some reason this “everything is bad” was given to you: everything is smooth and calm only in the coffin, but you won’t feel it anymore.

What to do?

Thinking correctly is the beginning of the journey. But what to do if everything is bad?

Sorting out problems

You can even make a list of everything that is bad: the name of the problem, the essence, how to solve it and whether it can be solved at all. Some things can be left without a decision, since they only need to be accepted. And some problems have two or more solutions. Something will take years to resolve, but if your favorite coat is torn, you can deal with it in a few days.

When everything is really bad and your hands have fallen, it is difficult to connect logic, but it is better to do just that, rather than complain and worry.

Play some sports

The formula for success here is simple. Firstly, exercise will help cope with stress, and secondly, problems can resolve while you work on yourself. And you will enter your new life with a beautiful and healthy body.

Don't go all out

Some people think that when everything is bad, you need to have drinking parties and partying. This will not make your life better: troubles will not go away, but comrades will come to them: poor health, hangover and lack of money. For girls, spoiled skin and overweight. But take too much once true friend it might even be useful...

Don't hide your negative emotions

Of course, there is no point in constantly complaining and grief cannot always be helped with tears, but you need to let off steam and negativity, no matter how you were raised... Yes, you can roar, scream and break down (even at those closest to you), break cups. And not just once, but as many times as required in your situation. You can still use a whole notebook for draining negative emotions start. The main thing is that this does not enter the system, like the mentioned alcohol. But cherishing your anger, resentment and other dirty tricks is prohibited!

Don't be afraid to cry out for help

And it’s not just about helping “our own” or influential people. If necessary, visit a priest, a psychotherapist, a spiritual mentor... Someone who can cure you... In general, do not be afraid of communication during difficult periods. You understand that you can share your troubles with someone. But if you close yourself in, you will also close your grief inside.

Think (and say) only good things

You can dream about good things and then they can also materialize. You should not live with the thought that the status quo (that is, everything that happens today) is forever and you will die alone, unloved and in torn coat. No matter how you remember the joke about a man who only thought badly about everything, and a guardian angel sat behind him and wrote it all down: the boss is a brute, the wife is a fool, etc. Thoughts, make the right orders and requests to higher powers. The same goes for conversations. Do not support negative topics that colleagues, friends or neighbors love to discuss - you have your own opinion.


This feeling always lifts you up. Do good deeds in the name of the people you love and life will change for the better. If you don’t have half, you still have someone to love: friends or relatives, an animal. And finally, even the most difficult situations in life should not give you a reason to stop loving yourself. Just love yourself even if your husband left, your coat was torn and your boss sawed you off. The universe will change its attitude towards you only if you love yourself.

Date: 2015-06-02

Hello site readers.

“Why is everything so bad?”- this is the question that almost every person asks in his life. There are days, weeks, months and even years when you look at your life from the outside and see that everything in it is not as you would like. And I want to find a way out of this situation as soon as possible. This article will help you do this. Forward.

The most important thing is the beginning. The beginning will be your question that you ask yourself. Most people ask themselves: “Why is everything so bad?”. This question does not solve the problem. Everything remains the same as before or gets worse. The title of our article is What to do if everything is bad in life? And this question sounds right. If you came to this page by typing this question in a search engine, it means you are acting and thinking correctly.

A lot depends on the question. After all, when you ask a question, your brain automatically begins to look for answers. And try to feel the difference by first asking: “Why is everything so bad?”, and then . In both cases, you will find that your brain begins to think. In the first case, he will begin to look for reasons, in the second case, answers.

Here's your first task: identify the reasons why you're doing poorly with the first question, and then ask the second question to get the answers. Identifying the causes will help you solve the problem faster.

The next step is absolutely necessary. Your mind must be cool. Problems are poorly resolved when a person is angry. For some reason, we are designed in such a way that we do not see the solution behind emotions. They seem to block the view. Therefore, remember the main thing: the problem is solved much faster and more efficiently when you are calm. Under the influence of negative emotions, you are unlikely to see a solution.

Having calmed down, you now need to start thinking about the good, that is, you need. It is no longer a secret to anyone that we attract into our lives what we think about. If you think about bad things, you attract negativity; if you think about good things, you attract positive things. Perhaps you previously constantly thought about something negative. That’s why we now find ourselves in such an unpleasant situation. It's time to fix it. I know it's hard to think about something bright when everything is bad. But if you continue to think negatively, it will only get worse.

In no case . Unfortunately, this is a problem for most Russians. For some reason, we are used to looking for a solution to a problem in a bottle, but it’s not there. When everything is bad in life, your head must be sober and cool (freed from negative emotions). This is the only way you can take your life to a new quality level. You won't be able to do this with a bottle in your hand. Alas, this is the truth.

Now you should understand that all life consists of white and black stripes. There is also a gray stripe. If you think that you are the only one of your kind who has no problems, then you are definitely mistaken. We all have bad luck sometimes, but sooner or later life gets better and sometimes it happens by itself. You shouldn't kill yourself right here and now. Better think about what you can do today to make your life better tomorrow. For example, stop drinking alcohol, start going to the gym, start looking for a new job, and so on. By taking such small steps, you will notice how your life will soon change for the better.

There is a rare category of people who perceive failures as an opportunity to grow. For them, any unsuccessful situation is a springboard. And it will be very cool if you become just like them. This habit will make you a superman. No matter what happens in your life, you will always understand that you can only grow and move forward.

Repeat two affirmations: "Everything will be fine" And “Everything that is not done is done for the better”. These statements help you tune in to the right wave, namely the wave of luck. In addition, you feel better psychologically. Start saying these two affirmations out loud right now.

Finally, I will tell you something. I can see the future. And now I see your future. It’s wonderful, there’s a lot of joy and positivity in it. Everything you want now will definitely come true, because now you know how to behave if everything is bad in life. Ask your questions in the comments. All the best to you.

What to do if everything in life is bad
