The city and the village differ from each other in a large number of factors. This is the area, the number of population, as well as its density. The urban population lives mainly in apartment buildings, and in villages people live in private estates and houses.
Also in cities there are hospitals, schools, various enterprises, etc. Whereas in most villages the presence of a first-aid post, a school and a store indicates the “advancement” of a given locality.
In villages people are mainly engaged in agriculture, while in the city the range of various job vacancies is very large.
In addition, cultural life is more developed in cities. There are many museums, exhibitions, theaters, nightlife, cafes, restaurants. The village, unfortunately, still remains limited in this regard compared to the city.

Initially, communities lived in rural conditions and were engaged in cultivating fields and raising livestock. With the development of civilization, cities appeared. Craftsmen and rulers lived in them. In the cities there were markets and public buildings - courts, prisons, educational institutions.

What is the difference between a city and a village

To understand how cities differ from rural settlements, it is necessary to indicate the characteristics of each type of settlement. This will give the most accurate answer to the question:

  • The basis of the economy is cultivation of fields and cattle breeding. In addition, rural settlements can survive by growing fruit trees and other types of subsistence farming;
  • developed in cities industrial production. Therefore, the first factories and factories appeared there. Many cities arose from such factories. At the same time, factories were created in places where mineral deposits occur or where other resources are located;
  • Rural settlements and cities differ significantly in population size. A city is the status of a settlement. And it is assigned when the population exceeds 20 thousand people. Fewer people live in rural settlements. There are settlements with only a few inhabitants;
  • administrative bodies are located in cities. Therefore, every city is the center of a particular region. Rural settlements are located in such an area.

These differences are universal. Every city and every rural settlement has all the listed characteristics.

Can a city live without a village?

The life of both types of settlements is closely interconnected. Cities produce products needed by villages - agricultural machinery, tools, building materials, clothing, and so on. In turn, rural settlements grow crop and livestock products needed by cities. That is, residents of rural settlements sell their products to cities. They receive money, and the products they sell are processed in factories and factories in cities.

Thus, the countryside and cities are one interconnected whole.

What is the difference between a village and a town?

Nadezhda Limonnikova

I looked into the dictionary of synonyms and discovered that the word “city” has only two synonyms, but the word “village” has eight. How different they are - these small, sometimes abandoned and forgotten corners of Russia!

Few people think about how villages differ from villages and towns, and very few are interested in what other backwaters there are in the vastness of our Motherland.

Let's start with the village. The etymology of this word is interesting. The word is originally Russian. The original meaning is “a place cleared of forest.” Everyone understands that our ancestors cleared it for agriculture. Hence the main occupation of the villagers - Agriculture. Then the word “village” began to mean a yard with a plot of land, and then “village”.

A village differs from a village, firstly, in size: a village is smaller than a village. Secondly, before the 1917 revolution, a village was a name given to a settlement in which there is no church. A village is a large peasant village, usually an economic and administrative center for nearby villages ( Dictionary Russian language: In 4 volumes. T. 4 / Ed. Prof. D. Ushakova. - M.: TERRA, 1996).

Vladimir Dahl’s dictionary also describes the following types of village:
1) sometimes a village consists of many scattered villages assigned to one parish;
2) the church, with the estates of the clergy and clergymen, usually stands on its own, and is called a village or graveyard; it is said about this priestly village: there is a village on a hill, and there is not a crust of bread in it;
3) a village, a poor village, but with a church, often already abolished;
4) settlement, a very large village, settlement, where there is more than one church.

If you come across a map of Belarus with cities or Ukraine, you can see that a large village is called a shtetl, and in the Cossack regions - a village.

The village and the village have many things in common. These are settlements where people engage in agriculture and live, observing traditions that have developed over centuries. The village is a different matter.

A settlement in the dictionary edited by D. Ushakov is a settlement, mainly one that has recently arisen, settlements that have separated from the main village or city, a new building. Villages appear different ways: an industrial enterprise is being built near the city - a workers’ settlement appears, which may eventually become part of the city; in pre-revolutionary Russia, settlements appeared in Siberia, in which people settled against their own will - they were exiled; City dwellers love to relax in nature - holiday villages appear.

In the villages that currently exist, agriculture is no longer the main activity. People living in villages are closer in character to the urban population. They are not united by traditions, because they came from different places, and each lives at his own discretion, paying little attention to how others live.

A smaller settlement is a farm. Farm - isolated land plot with the owner's estate.

We all come from... a village. I would like to paraphrase a fairly accurate statement about childhood. The city, in its historical essence, is secondary in relation to the small village. However, a person’s desire for comfort, which is possible here in Russia, in most cases, only in the city, is limitless. That is why the urban population, according to the census, is 73%.

I was born in a village and lived there until I graduated from school. Then I went to university in bigger city. I have experienced how different life is in rural areas and in the city, and I can answer where it’s better to live.

How do towns and villages differ from cities?

I noticed that every year my village begins to acquire more and more benefits inherent in the city. But in our country there are still many villages in the wilderness, which are radically different from cities.

The main difference between a village and a city is the number of inhabitants and the size of the settlement. Most often you can walk through the village in about thirty minutes, or even faster. Residents know each other very well, and it is almost impossible to hide a secret. In the city, neighbors on floors may not know each other for years.

If there is at least one store in the village where you can buy a loaf of bread, that’s already good. After walking just one city street, you can lose count of the countless shops.

City residents live in apartments and only rarely in private houses. Can you find at least one in the village? apartment house may pose difficulties. The population here lives in their own houses with personal plots.

Life in a big city and regional center

I have been to more than one regional center and I want to say that these towns are more like a village than a city. So small towns characteristic signs:

  • small wage;
  • the housing stock consists of both multi-storey buildings and many private houses;
  • roads are in poor condition;
  • There may be only a couple of shops, restaurants and hotels in the entire city.

Capital of the Russian Federation

I can call the capital a real city. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, it is in the capitals that civilization is located. Money from all over the country is concentrated here.

For a person from a village, it is sometimes difficult to adapt to such a crowd of people. The infrastructure in the capitals is usually the most developed in the country. You can find everything you need for a happy life, except silence. There are a lot of entertainment options in such cities. shopping centers, restaurants, fitness clubs and other products of civilization.

A village and a city are settlements that have many differences, such as way of life, lifestyle and other parameters. To understand the difference, you need to understand in detail what it is.

Currently, a village is a settlement that contains several dozen houses. As a rule, it consists of one or two streets, and all its residents know each other. A village with more than 30-40 houses is considered large. A village should not be confused with a village, because both settlements are not large in size, but the difference is that a village is more “old” and conservative in its way of life, while a village is a modern variation of a village. Initially, a village was a place cleared of forest for an arable field.

Over time, this name was attached to the settlement of peasants who sowed and plowed this field. Traditionally, the village is small in size; people here, as a rule, are engaged in farming, sometimes fishing and animal husbandry. Villages are often located far from large populated areas, which can affect the benefits of civilization. For example, even today many villages do not have a gas pipeline, and sometimes even a water supply. Often there is very weak mobile connection and very slow internet, if available. Most often, there are no social buildings like a school, hospital, or administration building.

People are increasingly living together, everyone knows each other and problems are solved through meetings and discussions, as well as open voting. Often a village does not have its own municipality and vital issues can be resolved in large villages nearby or cities of regional significance. Often the village population is old or middle-aged, as young people strive to move to larger and more promising settlements.

Most often, villages are located in the wilderness and are not shown on large maps. Currently, the village is an endangered species that either completely ceases to exist or turns into a village. The villages are characterized by low one-story houses, often they are very old and can be made of adobe, wood, sometimes you can find stone buildings, but this is rather an exception to the rule.


The city is large settlement with its own administration and division into districts. Cities come in different sizes, but there are significantly more people here. The status of a city depends on the number of people; there are cities with populations of over a million, that is, significantly more than a million people live in them.

Most cities are characterized by growth and increase in population. Cities often become places where new technologies emerge. There are hospitals, schools, museums and other objects of social importance. All cities are gasified and have running water. The city is governed by an elected mayor, and the seat is the administration building. Cities have their own budget. Cities are characterized by people's indifference towards each other; very often neighbors do not even know each other by sight. Most often, city dwellers do not engage in livestock farming or farming.

It has long been the custom that cities feed themselves at the expense of villages and villages, and in return supply them with everything they need. Many cities are large industrial centers and there may be several factories at once. In addition to its size, the presence of central government and the type of activity of its residents, a city may be divided into districts. All cities consist of different buildings. There is a place for the private sector and areas where high-rise buildings predominate.

The size of the city may determine the presence of high-rise buildings. So small provincial towns can boast of buildings 9 floors high, big cities and the capital often have skyscrapers. As a rule, city dwellers are much more technologically advanced than villagers. The name of the city comes from the fact that in ancient times the cities were surrounded by high fences, or rather fenced off from invaders and various kinds of bandits. Most often, cities appeared near rivers, where it was convenient to defend themselves, sail on ships to deliver various products, and in addition, the river served as a source of fresh water.

With the development of technology and the advent of water supply, cities began to appear around industrial sites, near mines or high-mountain industries, as well as in places where transport routes congested. Several cities appeared in the USSR, which were initially opened next to military or experimental facilities, and then became independent settlements.

Differences between city and village

So, the city and the village differ in the following parameters:

  • Size.
  • Population size.
  • Way of life.
  • Type of activity of the population.
  • Height of buildings.
  • Rhythm of life.
  • Availability of technology.

In addition, cities are often characterized by bad air, which is polluted by industrial facilities and car exhaust gases, of which there are many times more.

In the old days, many residents of villages and villages sought to move to the city, since the standard of living here is usually higher. Currently, many city dwellers are trying to buy real estate in small settlements - villages, villages, holiday villages - in order to have the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy peace and clean air. In some cities there are private sectors that resemble villages, but belong to the city. It is to such places that many elderly citizens seek to move in retirement.

Manhattan - New York's central business district

People, as a rule, do not live in isolation. They are concentrated in settlements where houses, places of work, places of study, shops, banks, etc. are compactly located in a limited area. Human settlements occupy a very small proportion of the Earth’s area (about 1%), but have a huge impact on the economy and culture, being centers of innovation.

What is a city: problems of definition

Advantages of urban settlements compared to rural ones

Cities attract both business and citizens with opportunities for entrepreneurship, education, a higher quality of life, and healthcare. In all countries of the world, per capita income in cities is higher than in rural areas. This leads to a constant increase in the number of citizens, an increase in the urban area and an increased role of cities in the life of the world community. Cities, especially large ones, attract not only domestic but also international migrants from all regions of the world. Cities become centers of cultural, official, business, and scientific contacts; management, production and control functions are concentrated in them - key enterprises, banks, headquarters