Blisters on the fingers are a fairly common phenomenon that almost every person encounters. If they are not caused by severe skin diseases and appeared for the first time, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance and eliminate them.

What are blisters?

A blister is a cavity-free element that appears as a result of limited acute inflammatory edema of the papillary dermis located under the epidermis. It appears instantly, does not exist for long and disappears without a trace. Typically the blisters are round or irregular shape. Appear as dense, raised patches of skin that are irregular in shape, pink or white. Sometimes it is possible for several blisters to merge. May be accompanied by burning and.

Causes of blisters on fingers

Blisters on the fingers can occur for various reasons. This may be due to skin contact with detergents and chemical solutions. Blisters can be the result of allergic reactions, poor nutrition,... Causes of blisters on fingers also include:

  • unprotected hands during physical work;
  • shingles;
  • the body's reaction to certain medications.

Blisters on the fingers can appear due to contact with substances of chemical origin: cosmetic dyes, toxic substances for controlling insects and rodents, various fertilizers, etc.

Blisters on the hands can be caused by autoimmune and other diseases. For example, with dermatitis herpetiformis, small blisters appear on different parts of the body, including on the fingers, accompanied by itching. This disease can develop into a chronic disease, and then blisters appear periodically throughout life.

Blisters on the hands can also appear with such infectious diseases, like, fungal infections of the skin of the hands, chicken pox, skin infections.

It must be remembered that the appearance of blisters associated with infectious and autoimmune diseases is necessarily accompanied by other symptoms.

Treatment of blisters on fingers

Although a blister is not a dangerous formation, its improper treatment can lead to serious consequences. Especially people who are sick diabetes mellitus and diseases of the circulatory system, in no case should you treat blisters yourself.

If blisters appear on your hands due to friction, the affected area should be covered with a band-aid to prevent further damage.

You can't puncture a blister! This can cause infection and cause inflammation. To protect the blister, you can use a bandage; before applying it, the surface of the blister is smeared with aloe or calendula. The bandage is removed at night.

If the blister breaks, the wound must be washed and then treated with an antiseptic. This could be hydrogen peroxide, betadine, chlorhexidine, neosporin. After this, a bandage is applied, which is changed up to four times a day. An antibiotic ointment can be applied to the wound surface. Do not allow dust, foreign objects to come into contact with the wound, or allow the area to dry out suddenly.

Periodically recurring blisters on the fingers should alert you. In this case, you need to consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of this condition. It is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Preventing blisters

To prevent the appearance of blisters on the fingers, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, maintain correct image life, apply for it in time medical care. Sometimes it's enough to give up bad habits or reconsider your diet.

To prevent blisters from contact with chemicals It is necessary to protect your hands with gloves. To avoid blisters caused by an allergic reaction to any medicinal product, it is necessary to inform your doctor about your tendency to allergies before prescribing the drug. It is important to find the real cause of the blisters and eliminate all possible allergens and contact with irritants.

Blisters on the fingers can appear for many reasons. If you suspect an infectious or other disease, as well as in cases where the blisters occupy a large surface and cause concern, you should contact a therapist who will prescribe treatment or refer you to other specialists.

Almost every person has had experience in their life of dealing with skin rashes. The causes of these changes are associated with disruptions in the body, in particular hormonal imbalances, diseases of the gastrointestinal system, and gynecological disorders. So, between the fingers watery blisters, What is this? Watery formations may be a consequence allergic reaction or inflammatory process, psoriasis or dermatitis.

Rashes on the hands, redness of the skin between the fingers are symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema. The disease occurs after skin contact with various detergents, cosmetic bases and chemical solutions. It is also a common reaction of the body to stress.

Dyshidrosis, which is characterized by bubbles between fingers classified into symptomatic and true. If we talk about the first form of the disease, then it is manifested by rashes of an allergic nature and other development mechanisms. True dyshidrosis is characterized by seasonality; in autumn and spring, the disease most often worsens. The severity of dyshidrosis and its stage of development are factors influencing the determination of the course of treatment.

Most often, in the fight against skin diseases, complex therapy is used, based on the use of sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, external therapy and vitamin treatment are also provided. In any case, control by a dermatologist is the key to successful and safe treatment.

External treatment of rashes involves treating damaged skin with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or the pharmaceutical drug fucorcin. In the evening hours it is advisable to use Naftaderm ointment; in the morning you need to treat the skin with Akriderm GK cream. At the stage of exacerbation of the disease, dressings based on the pharmaceutical drug Elokom are recommended.

A watery rash can also be a consequence of vitamin deficiency, which most often occurs in the spring months of the year. Injections are the way out vitamin preparations, also taking vitamins and calcium glucanate in tablets.

Small blistering formations can also be a manifestation of hepatitis. Treatment of the disease consists of using Sinaflan ointment. During therapy, it is advisable to prevent contact of damaged skin areas with water and mud formations. Poor nutrition, body intoxication, nervous breakdowns, emotional stress provoke a worsening of the situation and contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. Childhood infections such as measles, rubella, and chickenpox manifest as watery rashes.

For the average person, it is difficult to determine the diagnosis and even more so to correctly influence the rash, since the symptoms of many diseases are similar. In any case, you should not start self-medication; it is more advisable to seek help from a dermatologist, who will help identify and eliminate the causes of the disease, and overcome its manifestations through the use of an effective treatment course.

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For six months now I have had something incomprehensible between the fingers of my hand. It looks like this: small bubbles, if you press, liquid spills out, it itches very much. then they dry out and crusts form. then they come out again. The size does not increase, everything seems to be in one place. in this place the skin is red. At first I thought it was an allergy to washing powder, but ordinary ointments did not help me. I applied Fluorocort, a week passed, I stopped applying it, and then these “pimples” appeared again...


neurodermatitis, probably. Try a cream with black currants“Kalina” seems to have one, it’s not for the hands, it’s like for the face and a bath with a brewed currant leaf, brew more and let it brew for 2 hours, then add boiling water and hold for 15 minutes.
Why don’t you go to a skin specialist? There’s no point...

07.11.2004 12:03:12, just advice

I had this too. I think it's called eczema. I started from Ariel washing powder. The most important thing is to get your hands wet less. It is better to wash dishes with gloves. And in general, keep your hands away from any chemicals. And be sure to go to a dermatologist. He appoint hormonal ointments, they will help. Yes, Vitaon also helped me with itching. This is an oil in a bottle, sold in pharmacies.

09.19.2016 15:30:20, RuslanaTina

A swelling appears on the lip, followed by many tiny blisters filled with liquid. At this point (and until recovery) you will have to apply a special ointment every 3-4 hours. Then the bubbles begin to burst, and a lot of viruses are released with the liquid. This is the most contagious period for others. So the ointment should be applied only with cotton swabs, and not with your finger. After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The blisters leave ulcers that become covered with crusts. The moment is very unpleasant: the sores are very itchy. The main thing is not to knock them off! An infection can get into the wounds, and the healing process will be delayed. Cold lotions will help reduce itching. For this you can use...


Yes, it is probably impossible to cure herpes completely; it can only be systematically treated with ointments. To smaller child if he was sick, you need to harden him as much as possible and feed him vitamins, take care of hygiene and try not to overcool him. Well, if he gets sick, then the sooner you start applying ointment, the less visible the manifestations of this sore will be, and the faster it will go away.

Diaper rash in the groin: treatment and prevention. Pediatrician's advice.

Something terrible is happening to me in the genital area - absolutely terrible itching. About once a month, sometimes less often, sometimes more often. I didn’t catch the connection with the cycle. After pads and sexual intercourse, it’s even worse naturally, especially if you touch with your hands, even just touch, but it seems like it can happen without them... I already feel like a man of a famous nationality who is always scratching his private parts, so do I! Scabies causes scratching, it ends up painful, it stings, I don’t know what to do! I went...


I went to the doctor with this problem, the tests were very good
She said it could be an allergy or due to stress. She advised me to take calming pills and something for allergies.
And everything passed at once

11.08.2016 15:11:59, 1234556677

Eh, we are poor girls, poor.
No personal life - just torment...

At least I'm not lonely with you :)))

12/07/2006 18:24:35, Another one like this...

very strongly, i.e. does not peel off, but cracks deeply! blood is flowing! on the index, thumb and middle fingers of the right hand. I understand that something is missing, but what? apples\pears\grapes\apricots\peaches\plums - at home all the time (not all at once, of course)

Last night I noticed blisters on my daughter’s palms, about 5 on each, small (2-3 mm in diameter) and there were a few more just red spots. Today the spots have also turned into blisters, and several new ones have appeared. And they also appeared on the feet. They don’t bother her, they don’t itch, the liquid inside is clear (well, like small calluses). Maybe someone has encountered something similar? We'll only go to the doctor tomorrow if they continue to spread - I just don't know what to think. Except...


This happens to me myself, calcium glycerophosphate helps a lot. It happens not from stress, but from a violation of the water-salt balance, good luck

Most similar to dyshidrosis, mine has had it for some time after severe stress or illness appeared. It was removed with an antihistamine, better earlier, otherwise the skin would dry out and crack. Cracks are more difficult to treat.
And so the bubbles can be a manifestation of chickenpox and scarlet fever, but there are more other symptoms

Girls, hello everyone! We've had burns on our finger for five days now. This is expressed in the form of two blisters - one no more than a centimeter in size, the other 3-4 mm. She did not pierce, she applied aseptic dressings, and sometimes placed argosulfan ointment under the dressing. The blisters don't want to burst. True, today the large blister looks deflated, but there is still fluid there and the blister is in place. It seemed to me that the blister lasted for a maximum of 2-3 days and then burst. The child doesn't care...

All will pass...

This topic will be dedicated to one difficult event that split my life into pieces. Once again on Before and After. I’ve had losses before that turned everything upside down in me, but this last one leaves me feeling like I’ll never be the same again. We are talking about termination of pregnancy later... In our conference Pregnancy and Childbirth they really like to write the word “equator”. They show off photos, measure their bellies, in general, it’s all positive. My equator was also the end. Why do I still...


Apart from how to hold on, there is nothing more to advise you. It’s just some kind of nightmare in our medicine: it is clear that the decision was made for a reason, but the Soviet perception of the world does not allow our medical staff to treat their patients like human beings. Strength and health to you!

Part 5. Observation
They finally transfer it, it’s almost 10 pm. And then something awaits me that completely and irrevocably knocked me down. Because There are no places, I am assigned to a 4-bed ward, there are 3 other mothers and they have children. With the recommendation of feeding on demand. The medications stop working and it dawns on me that at 6 am the children will be delivered to them! And they will be here all the time. I didn't sleep that night from stress. The next day at 6 am we got up and brought the children. And all hell broke loose. They cry, I have a child, I can’t stand a child’s crying, I have a reflex. But I don't have a baby. I'm slowly losing my mind. I crawl out into the corridor, there is a sofa opposite the staff room. And I'm sitting there. From 6 am to almost 10 pm. I can’t answer calls, it’s terribly difficult for me, and I don’t even answer all SMS messages. It seemed to me that everything was over. Did I know that such blood pressure exists?
Evening, the doctor appears, I ask if there is even the slightest possibility of transferring me to another ward? I agree to a commercial one, I can’t hear or see babies. It’s a commercial double and there’s already a mother and child lying there. Nothing will change for me, except that I will still pay money for it. Despair, that's what I feel.
During the day, someone from the medical staff comes, they first deliver questionnaires (I wasn’t there, I was sitting on the sofa), and then they bring “gifts”. It’s enough for me to say that I don’t need it. The question "why" follows. I don’t know how I was able to say these words, I don’t have a baby. And it was the last straw. I can't control myself anymore, I'm crying. They apologize to me, but I know that they are not to blame... and these mothers are not to blame that I am among them, no one is to blame that this happened, but this does not make me feel any better. I’m going to the post, I ask you to give me valerian. The girl at the post sympathizes with me, but they don’t have valerian. There is something heartfelt. Corvalol or something like that. Gives out a bubble. I ask how much to drip. 10-20 drops. Nearby is an elderly lady, a children's nurse. He looks at me and says that at least 30 drops and it’s not a fact that it will help. I drip and drink. Rubbish. It doesn't get any easier. I take the bottle and sit further under the staff room. I’m scared to go into the room, but this is no longer necessary, on the second day the babies scream almost continuously, day and night, loudly, you can hear it perfectly in the corridor. I don't remember if I ever slept for more than an hour.
I have a goal - to live to 3 days. Then my husband will take me away from here. And I'm waiting.
I have an email. I have a book with me, I play solitaire, I can do it. But to assemble the simplest Sudoku - no. I stared at the numbers for an hour before I was able to put it all together. The brain doesn't work. I take handfuls of pills, naturally. There are a lot of appointments, their mind is empty. Lethargy. Apparently only thanks to this, I switch off for half an hour and manage to get a break in the form of sleep.
And finally it's Thursday. I was discharged, they didn’t say anything pleasant during the ultrasound, but they found no reason to detain me, they gave me recommendations for further treatment and I went home. While I was being taken out of the department (the maternity hospital was undergoing renovations), I listened to an apology speech; they were undergoing renovations; unfortunately, they couldn’t offer me another place. I understand everything, everything, but my mind protests.
What else should I add? Medicines for long-term abortion are paid. This is the only thing I paid for. The money is quite reasonable. They asked to pay upon checkout, but because... the doctor was very busy, I had to pay before my husband arrived, it’s good that I still took with me the amount that was announced to me in advance. But there was nothing left to thank the doctor with. Initially, I was told that payment would be made at the end, upon discharge, and my husband could bring it, so I didn’t need to take money with me. Well, it turned out as it happened.
Now I am at home, the treatment will continue for quite some time. My reaction speed is minimal, I feel very sleepy and generally switch off often.
This is life, this is experience. Usually people don’t know what to say, they tried to support me with the words that “God does not give greater trials than a person can withstand.” Well, I’m almost reinforced concrete, I’ve already had a lot of bitter losses in my life, but even concrete cracks and collapses. I have already started to crack and I know it. Let's treat the nerves now...

What to do. In consultation with the doctor, antihistamines are used. It is useful to give a cleansing enema. Redness is treated with powder. Molluscum contagiosum What it looks like. First, one pink nodule of acne forms on the body. Then the rash grows - on the face, neck and arms. The number of bubbles depends on the state of the child’s immunity. The rashes do not itch or hurt. If you crush the nodule with tweezers, a grainy white mass will come out. What to do. The doctor cauterizes the site where the nodules are removed with an iodine solution. Painkillers are sometimes used. In some cases, the nodules disappear on their own. Scarlet fever What does it look like? It begins acutely - with a sore throat and increased temperature...
...Rubella What it looks like. Small pale pink spots spread simultaneously throughout the body, but are most abundant on the face, chest and back. They disappear on their own within a few days. What to do. Prescribe bed rest, plenty of fluids and antipyretic drugs if the temperature is above 38°C. Scabies What it looks like. Small pimples covered with crusts are localized on the stomach, between the fingers, on the wrists and the back of the hands, in armpits and on the feet. Often small dots are arranged in pairs or threes and then form “myceliums”, which subsequently look red and swollen. Constant itching intensifies in the evening and at night. What to do. The doctor must prescribe sulfur ointment, a special aerosol for treating bed linen and...
...Often small dots are arranged in pairs or threes and then form “myceliums”, which subsequently look red and swollen. Constant itching intensifies in the evening and at night. What to do. The doctor must prescribe sulfur ointment, a special aerosol for treating bed linen and outerwear. After treatment, itching may persist for several weeks....


Why among possible reasons no roseola? Two of my three children were sick. Or maybe the eldest was also sick, but that was a long time ago, and then I relied entirely on the doctors. And they often also “forget” some diseases.

10/25/2013 11:55:48, OksanaV

Allergies don’t always arise to new foods; my nephew has a terrible rash to dairy, but at first it didn’t show up, he ate porridge with milk - everything was fine, but then. Once he feeds on the same porridge, he has spots all over his face, tears and snot flow, apparently there is an accumulation in the body... The doctor prescribed Zyrtec and a diet - exclude all dairy for six months, they should outgrow it, he says, wait and see, I hope so and it will turn out

08/14/2013 16:12:39, Verochka09

A child (3.9) in the group is in quarantine due to chickenpox:(. Or:)? It’s interesting whether we’ll get sick or not, because... I'm not sure what we got sick with at 4 months. There was a rash (face, arms, tummy, legs) - blisters, green, crusts. There was no temperature. The young doctor, being “in a position,” did not look at him for a long time and, having learned about the absence of temperature, quickly retreated, leaving Ds streptoderma. Before the rash appeared, we went to the clinic, to the pool and for a massage, i.e. you could catch chicken pox. Is it possible...


Streptoderma, a group of pustular human skin diseases caused by streptococcus.
Streptoderma. The main morphological element of streptoderma is phlyctena - a cavity in
epidermis with a thin and flabby cover, filled with serous-purulent or purulent contents,
located on smooth skin and not associated with the pilosebaceous follicle.
With chickenpox, the blisters are watery, not purulent, and it is very difficult to confuse them; my son suffered from both.

We recently had streptoderma - the crusts there do not get wet. Just like pimples on the skin (face - on the cheeks), perhaps appearing in the nose - on the way out. And with chickenpox, these pimples undergo changes quite quickly. Streptoderma does not. They don’t go away for quite a long time, or they go away but don’t change (I just asked the doctor this question too). And you need to smear the streptoderma with the red liquid of Castelani. (it is being prepared).

Contagious period: all the time of rash. Manifestations: a few days before the rash appears, itching and soreness of the skin may occur. Then a group of closely spaced bubbles will appear in this place. The temperature rises extremely rarely. Treatment: special antiviral ointments, for example with acyclovir, etc. Important: use the ointment immediately after itching and pain occur, even before blisters appear. In this case, rashes may not occur at all. Hand-foot-mouth syndrome (from the English name Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, HFMD), or enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema. Pathogen: enteroviruses. Mode of transmission: fecal-oral and airborne. The virus is transmitted from person to person through communication...


""bubbles"; or "#### " - she always" - I'm freaking out, dear editors:))))))))))))

I had chickenpox at the age of 14, gave birth at the age of 28. The child, while on breastfeeding, got chickenpox at the age of 1 month. So not everyone has immunity until 6 months, or was it not passed on from me?

04/24/2010 14:45:00, irra

How to get rid of fungal diseases of the feet and nails?
...Mycosis can also occur in an erased form, manifesting itself in the form of barely noticeable peeling. Damage to nails due to rubromycosis is accompanied by a change in their color, thickening or atrophy. If left untreated, from a lesion on the feet, a fungal infection can spread throughout the body through lymph or through contact, resulting in similar damage to the hands and nails. Rubromycosis of the skin of the feet with untimely and ineffective treatment always takes on a chronic form and necessarily develops into onychomycosis (damage to the nails), which is difficult to treat, takes a long time and is more contagious than other forms of rubrophytosis. Athlete's foot. Unlike rubrophytosis, epidermophytosis affects only the skin with...

02/02/2007 23:54:55, Alice

Just don't laugh. Get treated for worms. Vermox 1t twice a day - three days.

My son had severe allergies. To the cold. Treated according to the doctor's recommendation. With great disbelief. And he began to get better. And all the other troubles went away. The skin became smooth, it was all green - now it’s a pink little pig. :)

In general, such nonsense happens there that worms are allergic, and you have to take the rap for them. :(

We have been treating the burn for three days now. She put the hot porridge on the table to cool (bungler), and he climbed out of his high chair onto the table and put his right hand in the plate. The scream lasted for about three hours, and I cried together with him until our dad arrived. All this time he and I were sitting in the bathroom under cold water, then daddy brought Olozol spray from the pharmacy (with sea ​​buckthorn oil) and we all went to the emergency room. There we were sent to the children's (burn) department, the wound was treated with furatsilin and that's all. And everything oozes out there...


I sympathize: (The same garbage happened at 7 months, the same porridge straight from the stove, right hand into her. We were told to apply d-Panthenol, but they did not touch the blisters (they were only between the fingers). They smeared it, bandaged it, and still had to put a mitten on top - otherwise he would tear it off and eat the ointment (even when they were smearing it in the hospital, he kept trying to eat it, although they said it was bitter :)), I don’t even remember how much time passed, but definitely at least a week until it looks decent

Previously, there was a German spray in orange cans - you apply a thick layer, a light bandage and that's it. This spray helped me a lot with a stomach burn (40%). And on the tram they simply mocked me (in my opinion, on purpose). Try to find a modern medicine for burns to apply before the injury. IMHO, the burn should be treated, and not just bandaged (as our medicine does).
Good luck, get well soon

Has anyone encountered this? Watery blisters form on our heels, somewhat similar to the blisters that form after burns. At first I thought it was really a burn. We got sick a month ago (ARVI), and I read somewhere that to treat cough, etc. You need to rub your heels and feet with crushed garlic. Which is what I did, rather than think about the fact that it could severely burn the skin. The next day we had red spots on our feet where the garlic pieces had gotten in. And then they began...