Kingdom of Denmark according to constitutional law, a monarchical state consisting of three autonomous regions: Denmark in northern Europe, the Faroe Islands in the north Atlantic and Greenland in North America. Of the three autonomies, only Denmark is part of the European Union, but it is still not part of the Eurozone.

Largest cities: Copenhagen,Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg. Scandinavians, which include Inuit, Faroese, Germans, Frisians and immigrants, speak Danish, but most of the population also speaks English and German well. High level education of the population. Medicine is free, canceled here health insurance. The source of financing for medical care of the population is state and local taxes.

Compared to other countries, taxes here are high, as are salaries. The tax on added products, including products, is 25%, the income tax is from 42-63%. There is virtually no corruption in government agencies.

The head of state - the king/queen has supreme power, which allows the parliament to be dissolved (folketing) - legislative branch, dismiss and appoint ministers and the prime minister. Executive power in the country belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers. In cities, burgomasters. The judicial system includes: Supreme Court, 2 courts of second instance and lower courts.

Denmark is not part of the Eurozone; it has its own currency, the Danish krone. The Danish kingdom has the lowest inflation, as well as unemployment. Gas and oil reserves and profitable production make the Danish krone a strong currency compared to other currencies.

Denmark ranks first in the world in terms of foreign trade turnover per capita. The Danish National Bank maintains a constant exchange rate between the Danish krone and the euro. In addition to the Danish krone, the Faroe Islands have their own currency - the Faroese krone.

Denmark is a country where it is very easy to register a company online via the Internet within a few hours.

Open a business in Denmark- an excellent option. Geographically convenient location makes it possible to expand the area of ​​your economic activity to the Scandinavian countries and the Baltic states. Foreigners working in Denmark under the Danish social security system pay lower taxes for the first three to five years.

In Denmark, the status of a company is determined by its affiliation: state companies And private. You can register a company through the agency " DCCA" from the Ministry of Economy and Business, as well as via the Internet.

When choosing an organizational and legal form legal entity, you should choose the one that best suits your business. If in the future there is a need to change the legal form of the company, this can be done without problems. But it is necessary to take into account that the level of responsibility, which is determined by the choice of the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, differs from each other.

Individual entrepreneur (Enkeltmands-virksomhed)-1 person. The owner makes decisions. Managed by owner. Full liability to creditors with your property. The law does not provide for initial capital. Accounting - yes. Annual report - no. Income tax and profit tax. General laws and regulations.

Partnership (Interessentskab)minimal amount participants - 2 people. They have equal rights and responsibilities. The cooperation agreement regulates internal legal relations between interested parties. Major decisions are made collectively. Managed by the owners. Full unlimited joint and several liability. The law does not provide for initial capital. Accounting - yes. Annual report - no if the owners are individuals. Income tax and VAT tax. General laws and regulations.

Limited liability partnership (Kommanditselskaber)- minimum 2 people. One member, the general partner, is solely responsible for the activities of the company to creditors; the liability of the other members is limited to the deposits of their assets in that company. If the partnership is created from limited liability companies, then liability is determined by the amount of the authorized capital. Taxes: income and VAT.

Private Joint-Stock Company limited liability (Anpartsselskab)-minimum 1 person. Decisions are made by the General Assembly with more than half the votes or 2/3 of the votes. Managed by the executive board under the supervision of the supervisory board. Liability is limited to the assets of the authorized capital. Down payment 25% of the minimum share capital of DKK 80,000. Accounting - yes. Annual report - yes. It must be published. Tax. Company Law and Regulations.

Open joint stock company (Aktieselskab)— the minimum number of members is 1 person. Decisions are made by the General Assembly with more than half the votes or 2/3 of the votes. Management and management are under the control of the supervisory board. Liability is limited to the assets of the authorized capital. Down payment 25% of the minimum share capital of DKK 500,000. Accounting - yes. Annual report - yes. It must be published. Tax. Company Law and Regulations.

In addition to the above organizational and legal forms for business in Denmark, you can open branch of the company (Inddrivelsesvejledning).

Partnership, which has a special character - is created for certain actions of an economic plan. The number of members is at least two. All activities of such a partnership are aimed at fulfilling the contractual obligation.

Cooperatives (Andelsskaber)— which includes either partnership + individual entrepreneur, or limited liability company + individual entrepreneur.

Associations (Foreninger)- Membership is created to achieve a common goal. All profits received from economic activity goes not to the participants, but to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the association.

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Denmark is a highly developed European state, one of the top ten best countries world on doing business. Business in Denmark opens up new prospects and opportunities for its owner for the development and further prosperity of his own business.

Advantages of starting a business in Denmark
  • Flexible and open economy, characterized by one of the highest GDPs among European countries;
  • Political, tax, judicial and legal transparency;
  • Minimized level of corruption;
  • No double taxation with most countries;
  • Active governmental support small business;
  • Highly productive and educated workforce;
  • Lowest inflation and unemployment rates in Europe;
  • Entering the international market;
  • Wide variety in the choice of organizational and legal form of the company;
  • Stable monetary system;
  • Possibility of obtaining a bank loan for development;
  • Low level of bureaucracy;
  • Lack of local tax number and foreign exchange controls;
  • The right to use legal schemes to optimize tax payments.
Organizational and legal forms of doing business in Denmark
  • 1. Individual entrepreneurship (Sole proprietorship)

    Involves sole management own business and all business assets by the owner, who is personally responsible for the debts and obligations of his company. Individual entrepreneurs are subject to personal income tax and corporate tax (corporate tax and capital gains tax).

  • 2. Partnership (I/S)

    It is a company jointly created and managed by two or more participants who are personally responsible for the results of its activities. A partnership is subject to taxes similar to a sole proprietorship.

  • 3. Private limited company (ApS)

    This form of doing business implies:

    • presence of owner - individual bearing limited liability within the amount of the capital contribution;
    • payment of 25% of the authorized capital (minimum amount - 10,800 €) upon registration of the company;
    • mandatory status of the company manager (he must be a resident of Denmark or a citizen European Union);
    • payment of corporate tax.
  • 4. Open joint stock company (Naamloze vennootschap A/S)

    It differs from the previous form in the size of the starting capital (minimum amount of about 67,200 €) and the right to publicly sell shares.

Features of registering a business in Denmark

Business activities carried out on Danish territory are subject to a mandatory registration procedure or notification to government authorities.

To make it easier to start a business, the Danish government has developed an online company registration system. By going to the website and filling out the registration form in Danish, the applicant, within 1 month, completely free of charge (exceptions - private limited liability company and open joint stock company) receives a CVR number confirming the successful registration of his own enterprise.

Obstacles to starting a business in Denmark

One of the most serious problems for foreigners wishing to engage entrepreneurial activity in Denmark, is the issuance of a temporary residence permit. For foreign citizens from third countries, including Ukraine and Russia, there are certain conditions and restrictions, the main one of which is obtaining a Danish residence permit. Citizens of the European Union, Scandinavian countries and Switzerland are not subject to these requirements.

Also, it is important to note that common cause rejecting the idea of ​​doing business in Denmark is the strict government tax policy. The Kingdom has some of the highest tax rates in Europe, consisting of compulsory state, municipal and church taxes. Also, most enterprises additionally pay value added tax and special payroll tax.

To get a consultation

Have you thought about this? In addition to the fact that this Scandinavian country has a stable economic situation, the government there actively helps businessmen by subsidizing and lending them, and relations with other highly developed countries will not interfere - Denmark has an established system of business relations with Norway, Great Britain, Sweden and other countries. By opening your own business in Denmark, you enter the European business space, which, of course, cannot but attract businessmen from Russia. Convenient location makes it possible to receive tangible dividends precisely from the geographical factor.

Where to start a business in Denmark?

Not in Denmark large quantity resources, so the economy is focused on the service sector. This is where you can start your own business - hairdressers, eateries, shops, laundries, Insurance companies, tourist offices, freight forwarding companies and the like are the main areas where foreigners most often invest. Also profitable view business is agricultural activity - you can rent a farm and convert it to grow one or another variety of fruits or vegetables.

Once you decide on the direction of your business, draw up detailed business plan. If you do not have the entire amount to open a company, you can contact the bank, as most entrepreneurs do. If you have any part from the required amount- this will be an additional advantage when considering your application. It is also advisable that you speak, if not Danish, then English, then it will be much easier to communicate with a bank representative. In general, in Denmark banks are willing to lend to entrepreneurs - there is a chance of even getting the entire amount necessary to run a business. As for interest rates, they can be from 7 to 12%; in most cases, the loan is issued for a period of up to 25 years.

After choosing your path and receiving a loan, if necessary, you need to proceed to registration. A pleasant surprise awaits everyone at this stage - in Denmark, registering a company takes no more than a week. What is the sequence of your actions:

  • You go to the tax office at your place of residence;

  • Fill out a special form/application (to do business in Denmark you do not need to collect a huge amount of paperwork, just enter the required information in this form);

  • You will receive an envelope with your registration number by mail.

To say that it is simple is to say nothing. Considering that in Denmark there are special offices to help young/start-up businessmen, and tax benefits for them, and many training programs, it seems to be one of the best countries in the world to run a business.

In order to obtain a residence permit, and later become a permanent resident of the country, you need to ensure that your business becomes a place of work for Danish citizens and invest the amount of 50,000 euros in the country’s economy. If your affairs go well, you will be able to apply for citizenship, but that will come later. In the meantime, he will discuss tax issues.

Business in Denmark - tax aspect

We have already said that Denmark has a favorable situation in this area; it makes sense to talk in more detail about what advantages business in Denmark promises you and what is hidden behind them.

So, in Denmark there are four types of taxes: taxes on personal income, on capital income, on taxable simple income, and on income from shares.

It makes no sense for you to understand the intricacies of taxation; it will be much easier to provide your own records of income and expenditure of funds once a year and attach everything Required documents for verification by an auditor to an agency specializing in this work. True, it's good way save on accounting fees if you have small company and you will really be able to keep track of all cash movements.

The government service that collects taxes will send invoices to your legal address, which you only need to pay and put in a folder. If any numbers raise suspicions or questions, feel free to contact the office employees - they will definitely answer them.

We recommend that before registering a company, you consult with an experienced and preferably local accountant about choosing the optimal taxation scheme for your company - deciding on your own what to lean towards - for example, tax treaties or joint taxation can be very difficult.

Ideally you need to contact a business consultant or lawyer to obtain complete information how best to organize your business - choosing the form of the enterprise - is also important. Having analyzed your specific situation, they will be able to advise you to open an analogue of a Russian individual entrepreneurship, a partnership, or even a branch of your Russian company if you already have a business. Why not?

There are also ready-made options for starting a business - for example, you can buy an already operating cafe or restaurant, a laundry or Gym, tourist agency or a freight forwarding company. Here you need to be extremely careful - in mandatory study all the intricacies of the matter - down to the brands of commercial equipment and the duration of the staff contract. Find out the reason for the sale, how much money will be needed for repairs or refurbishment. All this will help you not to make a mistake with the purchase and the business will really work, the former owner will not leave you a pig in a poke, regular customers will not visit his new cafe, valuable and trained employees will not quit, and the air conditioning system will not fail in a month.

Denmark: an official is a businessman's friend

About ten years ago, when I first came to Denmark, my friends often asked me: could a person from Russia establish his own business there? small business? At first I answered everyone: no. I doubted that it was possible to make money in a completely unfamiliar country. But the more I lived in Copenhagen, the more often I came across eateries and shops opened by Arabs, Turks, and Indians. Why then is it not up to a Russian person to do something that immigrants from Asia can do?

Over time, the answer to this question was found by itself. I met with fellow countrymen who were successfully doing business in Copenhagen. And familiarity with its Danish legislation and banking system finally convinced me: anyone who really wants it can do business in this country.

Business in Denmark: The main thing is a residence permit

Perhaps the most kind business sector to immigrants is catering. After all, in order to open a cafe with your own national cuisine, it is not necessary to perfectly know a foreign language. And there are many people in any country who want to try exotic dishes.
To organize a small eatery in Denmark, you need to have at least $12 thousand in your pocket. This is how much it costs for a minimum set of equipment and renting a room for six months. The easiest way for an immigrant entrepreneur who does not have this amount is to take out a loan. It is not difficult. The main thing is to have at least a temporary residence permit. This is the most serious problem for foreigners who wish to do business in Denmark.
How to quickly resolve it? Honestly, there is only one way - marriage with a Danish citizen. If you are unlucky enough to marry for love, then commercial prices will be as follows: up to $1000 for each month of “marriage.”

Business in Denmark: Getting a loan

Danish banks issue loans for up to 25 years at rates ranging from 7 to 12 percent per annum in local currency. As in Russia, to obtain a loan you need a guarantee from someone you know - a citizen of the country. It is best if this is a relative from the side of the legal or fictitious spouse. But if we're talking about about a small loan, you can convince the bank manager to issue the money without a guarantee. You just need to have correct English and detailed plan building a business.

Danish banks give preference to projects for which the client has at least 40 percent of the required amount. Although they can give everything 100. In such cases, the creditor bank becomes, as it were, the owner of its client’s business. If he doesn’t pay, the bank will sell his business and get its money back. And to prevent this from happening, one of the bank managers automatically turns into a project manager and controls how the loan is spent. Therefore, if you, in the joy of having a round sum of money, decide to fly to Rio de Janeiro for a week, and then write off everything spent on installing ventilation in a cafe, this number will not work. The bank has the right to cancel any payment that is not related to the business.

Business in Denmark: Company registration

So, the loan has been received, it’s time to register the company. In Denmark, this operation takes no more than five days. You need to go to the tax office at your place of residence and fill out an application. This is just one sheet where you should indicate the name, surname, residence permit number (the so-called personal number), the type of proposed activity, the number of employees in the future company, the name of the legally responsible person, the address and the name of the enterprise. You do not need to bring any other papers or certificates.

Signature, date – and after five days (no more!) you receive an envelope by mail with the company’s registration number. You can hang it in a frame. It would be where. Finding premises, by the way, is not difficult, although those wishing to rent premises on the central streets of Copenhagen sometimes queue.

The Danish state is doing its best to help budding entrepreneurs get on their feet. Lots of incentives - from free courses on the topic of how to open and promote your own business, and to tax breaks in the first year of operation of the enterprise. An official from the Young Entrepreneurs Office can meet with you personally and advise you on how to write a business plan. You will be provided with statistics on the situation in the market where you are going to work completely free of charge. Listen and draw conclusions. All information for your success is open to you.

Business in Denmark: Paying taxes

You won't be able to avoid paying taxes, but you can start a business without knowing tax laws. It is enough to pay on time all the bills sent by the state tax service. If it is not clear where this or that amount came from, you can ask for clarification. The clerks at the fiscal department will explain everything clearly.

Hiring an accountant is also not at all necessary. An ordinary school notebook will replace all the bookkeeping for a novice entrepreneur: on the left it says how much you spent that day, on the right - how much you earned. Plus two folders: in one receipt for payment for purchases, in the other all invoices issued to clients.

In addition, businessmen have at their disposal many audit or audit firms, as we call them. A visit costs $100–150. An experienced auditor only needs an hour to look through the entries in a business notebook. Then he puts his stamp and signature on it: “Verified.” And you can safely go to report to the tax service: not a single question will take you by surprise.

Almost everyone who owns a business consults with such consultants before submitting their notebooks for inspection. They help entrepreneurs understand the intricacies tax legislation, suggest what taxes they have the right not to pay and what amounts the state is obliged to return to them

Denmark, like most countries in the world, offers simplified schemes for obtaining a residence permit for businessmen and investors. To obtain a visa, it is necessary to organize an enterprise that does not violate local laws, generates profit and provides jobs to local residents.

Arriving with the purpose of starting a business is the easiest way to be guaranteed to obtain a visa and residence permit soon after moving.

When considering an application, the Danish Migration Service takes into account the following parameters:

  • The migrant’s ability to benefit the country;
  • The legality of the company and the funds transferred for its work;
  • The entrepreneur’s ability to pay taxes on time;
  • Providing jobs to citizens of the country in a new company.

The decision to grant a business visa is made by the Directorate, a government agency that directly deals with migrant issues.

Business visa and obtaining it in Denmark

Denmark is one of the countries that have entered into the Schengen agreement, so the procedure for obtaining a visa is no different from other European countries.

To obtain a standard visa to visit the country you will need:

  • Application in English;
  • International passport with a registration period of +3 months from the planned date of travel;
  • Photocopies of previous invalid passports;
  • Medical insurance policy with a limit of 30,000 euros, valid for all Schengen countries;
  • Two color photographs 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters;
  • Extract from the tax service, TIN, OGRN for individual entrepreneurs;
  • Confirmation of hotel room reservation;
  • Receipt of payment of the visa fee (27 euros per person).

To move permanently, you need to apply for a work visa through your own company or take part in an investor program. A business visa is needed for business negotiations, consultations with partners, and solving urgent problems.

What type of business is more profitable to open in Denmark?

According to European statistics, Denmark is the country with the most startup-friendly legislation. The population is open to innovation, and the state is ready to support new projects if they are sufficiently developed.

According to the government, the most important areas of activity for the country are:

  • Information Technology;
  • Renewable energy sources;
  • Ships and other maritime transport;
  • Food production;
  • Biotechnology;
  • Design.

Conditions for immigration to Denmark for entrepreneurs

The list of requirements for moving to the country differs depending on the chosen program. For startupers, the conditions for obtaining a residence permit look like this:

  • A unique business idea approved by the Danish Office of Commerce. A regular restaurant or store won't do;
  • The need for personal presence to create a business. Simply investing money is not enough;
  • Documentary evidence of the ability to support yourself and your family for a year. Costs for an adult are about 133 thousand crowns, for a child - 44 thousand.

For investors, the required amount starts from 50,000 euros. Investments alone are not enough - the emigrant must open a business and create jobs. The investment limit is made so low that it does not limit young startups.

One of the options is to purchase ready-made business or a joint investment with a Danish businessman.

Selecting the right visa

When preparing entry documents, it is necessary to distinguish between a business and a work visa:

  1. The first is needed for a temporary visit to the country for business reasons or an invitation. Usually issued for a period of six months, of which you can stay in the country for no more than 3 months. This type of visa is suitable for registering a company and first visits to the country;
  2. A work visa allows permanent residence and employment in the country. In addition to the standard package of documents, the applicant will need an invitation to a position from the company and a signed contract.

In the case of organizing your own enterprise, after a positive decision of the Directorate, the founder is automatically granted a residence permit for a period of one year and the possibility of extension.

Therefore, for business immigration, the type of visa does not matter much - after creating a company, the businessman will in any case receive the right to live and work in the country.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship

A businessman who moves to Denmark and opens his own business automatically receives a residence permit for a period of one year. The residence permit must be confirmed annually, providing reports on the successful conduct of business and integration into Danish society.

After three years, an entrepreneur can apply for permanent residence, and another seven years after receiving it - for full citizenship.

Dual citizenship is prohibited in the country, so after receiving a Danish passport you will have to give up your Russian one.

Buying an existing business and starting from scratch

Danish law does not differentiate between a migrant who has started a business from scratch or who has bought a business from a local entrepreneur.

All that matters:

  • The minimum investment threshold is 50,000 euros;
  • Personal participation in management;
  • Creating jobs for Danes.

The most common business options among Russian emigrants

Private owners should pay attention to livestock farming - according to statistics, this is the most extensive area of ​​activity in the country. Russians in major cities often invest in the service sector or open a small cafe: expenses will be low, but the return on investment will be high.

IT businessmen often move to the country - despite high taxes, Denmark has an excellent standard of living combined with a climate familiar to Russians. Most visiting specialists open individual entrepreneurs and work in their specialty.

Business ideas with minimal investment

As in any country in the world, a quality restaurant, auto repair shop or tailor shop will be popular in Denmark. The Danes have small cities, so without a specific business idea, it’s worth reaching out to as large a group of people as possible.

Online delivery services are becoming more and more popular every year. The Danes have relatively a lot of free money, so they are willing to overpay for quality service. Unusual services will not only increase the company’s income, but will also attract the attention of potential buyers.

Legal nuances

When registering, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of Danish legislation. Despite the simplicity of registering a startup in the country, any failure to comply with formal conditions will lead to refusal. Country working documentation can be prepared in both Danish and English language, which simplifies interaction for the first time after the launch of the company.

Business registration

Three types of company ownership are open to migrants:

  1. Limited liability company, ApS. Liability is limited to the authorized capital, the minimum requirement is CZK 125 thousand. Managed by a director;
  2. Joint Stock Company, A/S. The authorized capital is at least 500 thousand crowns, managed by a board of directors of 3 or more people. The company's reporting is publicly available;
  3. Individual entrepreneur, Enkeltmandsvirksomhed. The most common form of activity in the country. The owner personally manages the business and is responsible for his own property.

Bureaucratic procedures in Denmark are kept to a minimum. You can register a corporation literally in one business day, without leaving your home.

Registration is carried out in four stages:

  1. Receipt digital signature, NemID. It is issued separately for each founder and employee through the official website. The first three signatures are free, the next ones will cost 10.5 euros each. The procedure takes no more than a day;
  2. Registration of an account with a Danish bank and payment of authorized capital. At least 50 thousand crowns are deposited into a special account, registration is carried out free of charge during business hours;
  3. Registration of the company in the DBA register. Also available via online service , VAT registration is carried out in the same service. The cost of registration is 90 euros, duration is one day. Upon completion of registration, the company receives a unique CVR code confirming the completion of registration;
  4. Insurance of employees against accidents and professional injuries.

There is an extensive list of areas that require special permission to operate in Denmark. A list of such works can be found on the website


Denmark has progressive taxation - the higher the company's income, the heavier the tax burden will be. There are benefits for new companies and foreign employees, but in general it cannot be said that the country has low taxes.

The main advice to all migrants to the Schengen area would be to comply with the law until last letter. Often, emigrants from the former CIS cannot legally confirm the origin of capital - you should not draw up fictitious documents or issue a loan to yourself. Such fraud can lead to the loss of a visa and the closure of borders for the applicant.

You should not skimp on the service - if in the first days after the opening of an interesting establishment the client can understand and forgive some shortcomings, then after a couple of months this can become a critical problem. It is important to understand that native Danish people learn about new places largely through word of mouth, and a bad impression of a company can lead to its failure.