Somewhere in 2005 - 2007 there was a sales boom computer equipment. It was at that time that most of today's large stores amassed huge capital. Almost every family bought a computer, and organizations ordered large quantities of these devices and accessories. But that time has passed, and the demand for these goods has cooled down a bit, the market has become saturated and this moment has remained at the same level for several years. In this article we will discuss how to open a computer hardware store in your city and how you can attract customers while competing with market leaders.

Business format

The business of selling computer equipment has undergone many changes, and if previously money was made mainly from sales, now the lion's share of the profit comes from repairing computer equipment.

This business can be most profitable in small towns where there are no branches of large retail chains. Yes, goods can be ordered from the Internet, but warranty service and the availability of goods in an offline store often do their job, and the client goes to small stores in his city.

How can you be competitive? First of all, it is a service. You need to make a special bias towards it. Focus on warranty service and assistance in selecting the right computer or laptop model. Try to solve the client’s problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, and you will gain his trust. There are many examples of such businesses and they can be found in almost every provincial town.

Also keep in mind that there are some customers who do not want to order online or do not know how. Plus, you can enter into agreements with local enterprises and organizations for maintenance, as well as discounts when ordering computer equipment and components from them in your store.

Selection of premises and equipment for trade

Before opening a computer store, you should first take care of selecting premises for trading. Of course, it is most profitable to rent retail space in crowded places or the city center (in the provinces), but it’s okay if your office is somewhere around the corner, the main thing here is proper advertising.

The size of the room should be from 35 sq.m. And you can do more, in which case you can make a beautiful presentation of all the products in your store. It is advisable to have additional space for a computer repair workshop. Also, in this additional room you will store all the equipment that will come to you for service. Size additional premises must be at least 25 sq.m.

To trade computers and peripheral devices, you will need to purchase trade equipment: shelves, glass racks and display cases, as well as decorate workplace for the seller. The seller will need to install a PC so that he can place orders and see the availability of a particular product in the supplier’s warehouse. It is advisable to keep all records in in electronic format so that you can view current orders at any time.


If you are thinking about opening a store of computers, components and accessories, then you will need to carefully consider the assortment and decide on a starting purchase list for the goods that will be in your warehouse and the goods that you will bring to order within 1-2 days.


  • Power supplies for laptops
  • Batteries for laptops
  • Bags, backpacks
  • Stands and tables
  • Laptop accessories

Computer parts

  • Housings
  • Power supplies
  • Processors
  • motherboards
  • Memory modules
  • Video cards
  • SSD drives
  • Winchesters
  • Cooling systems
  • Sound cards
  • Optical drives
  • Controllers and adapters
  • Power cables and extension cords

Computer technology

  • Software
  • Mice, trackballs, presenters
  • Mouse pads
  • Keyboards and kits
  • Monitors
  • Webcams
  • Flash drives
  • Acustic systems
  • Microphones
  • Steering wheels, joysticks, gamepads

network hardware

  • Routers (routers)
  • Wi-Fi adapters
  • Network cards
  • DSL modems
  • Bluetooth adapters
  • Switches
  • IP phones
  • IP cameras

Office equipment and consumables

  • MFP/Printers
  • Scanners
  • Faxes
  • Consumables

This list can be much wider; we have indicated only the basic and most popular product categories.

Trading computers and components is good, but let's now talk about the second source of income - repair and maintenance of equipment. For this job, you will need to hire a specialist in this field. He must be able not only to repair the computers themselves, but also to service printers, clean computers, install operating systems, etc. We will consider all this in a separate article, so subscribe to updates on our site.

You can find product suppliers on the Internet. The best solution would be to find an intermediary in the nearest big city. You can ask for a price quote from several suppliers and work with them in parallel.


Since we are considering the option of opening a computer and accessories store in small town, then advertising here will consist of several steps:

  • advertisements in the media
  • banners around the city with promotions and discounts
  • distribution of leaflets with advantageous offers
  • beautifully decorated store, sign.

In a big city, you can make your own online store and try to promote it on the Internet and social networks.

How much do you need to start?

The entire investment will depend on the store’s assortment, your location and many other factors. For your information, we indicate expense items and provide approximate figures.

  • Room rental (two rooms) – $400 – $550
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Salary for a repairman - $250
  • Initial purchase of goods – $20,000 – $30,000
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture – $2000 – $3000
  • Purchase of tools - $1500
  • Advertising – $150

How much can you earn?

Although the boom in sales of this equipment has already passed, the business of selling computers still remains a fairly profitable and promising area. Technology becomes obsolete every year, and people go to buy new ones.

The average markup on computers is 20% - 50%.

For components – 30% – 70%.

On accessories – 90% – 100%.

Conclusions. Opening a computer hardware store is a very profitable business, especially for those people who love technology and understand this business.

Are you involved in this business and have something to add to the article? We are waiting for your comments.

Consequently, in such cities, even the average resident cannot afford a new computer.

It is for this reason that I propose my business idea, which I implemented independently in my city.

What is needed to create such a business:

  1. computer knowledge,
  2. a small amount of money (to start a business, 10,000 rubles is enough).

The first thing you need to do is look through the newspaper of private advertisements in your city, find the section in which they sell/buy components and take a closer look at the prices, do not forget that the price written in the advertisement is not entirely accurate. Why? Yes, at least for the reason that by calling before purchasing, you can bargain and reduce the price by 30%. Having purchased all the necessary and suitable components, assemble them into a single whole. After this operation (assembly), format the hard drive (if the previous owner did not do this).

Many people buy used computers because they already have: An operating system, the software necessary for operation - don’t neglect this: install the OS, device drivers necessary for daily work programs – the more, the better. Thanks to installed programs, you can increase the price of a computer by 10% - 15%.

After the operations have been completed, submit advertisements in the newspaper, with detailed description components and programs that you installed. It is advisable to calculate the price using this formula: (CC + CC * 10%) * 25%, where CC is the price of all components. You will sell the first computer you assemble with your own hands within a week. And then, you can start all over again: purchase components, assemble, etc.

From the editors of KHOBIZ.RU: Ten options for using an old computer

Many people wonder what to do with their old computers. We offer 10 possible options their applications: from a home server or media center to being sold in parts or turned into an original design element.

Due to the constant reduction in prices for ever more advanced computers, old computers are simply lying around idle. You can't update a computer like this anymore. The scope of its application is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

Experiments with computer networks.

Having two computers at hand, you can connect them into a network. All Windows versions have built-in network capabilities, so no additional programs are needed. On the hardware side, you will need a network card for your old computer, and for the new one if it is not equipped with network card, network cable and a switch or router.

From the help files Windows systems a lot of useful information I can't find much information on this topic. This is where guides can come to the rescue, many of which can be found on the Internet.

Multimedia player

Many computers have excellent surround sound cards, and usually even an older computer can handle audio files quite well. Try connecting your old computer to your living room audio system and using it as a media player and file storage.

In the simplest case, you can connect a computer to two mid-range speakers. To connect to your home theater, you'll need to make a few purchases. First, buy a wireless mouse and keyboard set so you don't have to be tied to your computer. You can’t do without a video card with a video output to watch movies on a large TV and not on a monitor. If the old computer is connected to your main computer via a network, you can also play files from the main computer on this multimedia center.

Multiplayer games

Once your home network is established, you can introduce your friends to multiplayer games. You can find games that run well on your old computer.

Installing Linux

Even if you haven't been working with computers for long, you've most likely already heard about free operating systems and various Linux distributions. An old computer is a chance to try what it's like to work with Linux without damaging your main Windows PC.

Linux supports older components well. It even seems that the older the hardware components, the better Linux supports them.

Print server, file or web server

For all of the above, your old computer may be very slow. Then it can be used as a home server.

If you have multiple printers connected to different computers, try connecting them to the same old computer. Leave it on all the time and you can print over the network to any printer from any computer.

You can use your computer as a file server, storing information on it that may be needed on other computers home network. If you are connected to the Internet via a dedicated line, you can make a web server from an old computer. To do this, you do not need to install a special operating system. A free web server, such as Apache, will do.

Donate your old computer to your local school

If you can't find a use for your old computer, call your local school or county education office. Many schools will be happy with computers with 486 processors. Many well-known companies computers are constantly transmitting educational organizations and children. Among these companies are Dell and Gateway, especially since now the school will be able to receive a free licensed copy of Windows from Microsoft for the computer you donate.

Use an old computer as a visual aid

If you have never seen what a processor looks like, or do not know how to install HDD. Why not sort out such issues in the old way, no longer the desired computer? This the best remedy for practical training on assembling computers and updating them.

Disassemble and sell your computer in parts

Many organizations and users still use old computers for their purposes, and they are completely satisfied with them, especially if they were written for their tasks special programs, designed specifically for this class of computers.

Difficulties usually arise when a component fails. Buying a new computer is expensive, and some components of old computers may have been out of production for a long time and become a real rarity. In this regard, many parts of your computer can quickly find buyers.

Turn your computer into an aquarium

A classic example of using an old faulty Apple Macintosh computer is turning it into an aquarium (maquarium). We're talking about an aquarium placed inside a computer case, but you can also make an aquarium out of a computer case. Why install a screen saver with non-living fish on your new computer if you can see real fish on the screen of your old monitor?

Show your own imagination

The previous method of using an old computer or monitor became another proof that, by using your own imagination, you can ensure new life It seemed like an unnecessary thing. If none of the listed ways to use your old computer suit you, before getting rid of it, try using your imagination, maybe you will come up with something original and really needed.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Business plan for selling computers

The computer equipment market is growing every year by at least 20% and, according to marketing companies, in the future the demand for computer equipment will only increase.

A beginning entrepreneur has a plan for creating a computer store with a payback period of two years.

The purpose of this business plan is to solve the following problems:

  • creation of a cost-effective, profitable computer hardware store;
  • obtaining high profits from the enterprise;
  • satisfying consumer demands in this sector of the computer equipment market.

The main stages of the project implementation consist of the following points:

1. Conclusion of an investment agreement;
2. Obtaining a loan;
3. Rent of premises and documentation, necessary repairs;
4. Entering the store into the state register, registration with administrative authorities and tax authorities;
5. Buying a domain, hosting and website development;
6. Purchase of equipment and furniture;
7. Selection and hiring of personnel (administrators, consultants, cashiers, accountants, etc.), including technical ones;
8. Purchase of goods;
9. Advertising.

Financial costs for the project

The implementation of the project will cost the entrepreneur 1,380,000 rubles. This amount can be obtained through a commercial loan for 2 years with an interest rate of 17.5%.

Loan payments begin from the first month of implementation of the business project, and will total 94,024 rubles.

Banks can reduce the amount of interest charges. The total economic effect from the implementation of the project over 2 years is about 161,906,733 rubles.

List of main costs:

  • renting premises (it is better not to buy premises, but to rent them, so that you can change the location of the store at any time);
  • repair;
  • employee salaries;
  • equipment purchase;
  • purchase of computer equipment;
  • purchase of goods;
  • website, hosting, purchase of necessary scripts;
  • Internet advertising;
  • Communal expenses;
  • unexpected expenses.

Equipment purchase

A computer store needs the following equipment:

  • furniture (shelves, racks, computer tables);
  • hydraulic trolleys;
  • computer for office;
  • Printer;
  • scanner;
  • cash machine;
  • CCTV kit.

How to open a computer store

The technical equipment of any enterprise is important, but for a computer store it is a direct indicator of its reputation for its consumers - individuals and legal entities.

In addition, reliable, highly efficient equipment must comply with safety regulations.

Table No. 1. Potential of computer business consumers in Russia

The size of the store should ideally not exceed 500 m². The optimal size is 200 – 400 m².

If the store is aimed exclusively at wealthy clients who value quality service and are interested in the latest innovations, then its ideal format is a digital boutique.

In any case, important indicators of the success of a computer hardware store are a wide range of products.

Availability latest models equipment, selection of goods according to their rating in the domestic market of computer products, qualified service personnel, the presence of a well-designed store website with an Internet catalog of goods.

One of the most important conditions The successful functioning of a computer store business plan is a correctly chosen product sales strategy, based on an analysis of objective economic and financial events.

If 15 years ago the phrase “personal computer (PC)” was just beginning to come into use, today there is a computer, laptop or tablet in almost every home. And often families have more than one similar device. In this regard, the population regularly needs components or programs for their PCs. And, as you know, demand creates supply. Therefore, opening a computer store would be a good idea. We'll talk about how to do this today.


Before you start drawing up a business plan for a computer store, you should understand a couple of fundamental factors. First of all, keep in mind that there is quite a lot of competition in this field today. After all, even in small towns, as a rule, you can find more than one computer store.

In this regard, it is necessary to somehow stand out from your direct competitors. First of all, this will be facilitated by the highest quality of customer service. After all, a satisfied customer, as a rule, not only returns to the store himself, but also brings family, friends and acquaintances.

It also makes sense to think about the stylish design of your outlet. As for documenting your business, it is quite enough to register as individual entrepreneur or LLC (if you are starting a business together with a partner). Obtaining any certificates or licenses is not required.

Choosing a location for the salon: center or outskirts?

When developing a business plan for a computer store, you should decide in advance whether your store will be aimed at corporate clients or end consumers. The choice of premises will directly depend on this.

So, if you plan to work only with the end consumer, then the territorial location of your store will not have of great importance. This will only affect the range of goods: for example, in residential areas more emphasis should be placed on video games and home appliances, and in the center - on the needs of office workers.

It's a completely different matter if your business is focused on wholesale buyers. In this case, much attention should be paid to both service support and organization of supplies. Supplies. And if you open your store on the outskirts of the city, the process of delivery and service will be significantly more complicated. And, on the contrary, the closer geographically you are to your clients, the better business relations you will have with them.

What should the premises be like for a computer hardware store?

So, we’ve figured out where it’s best to locate your salon. As for the room itself, its area should be about 80-100 square meters. The showroom will have 50-60 sq. meters. The remaining area should accommodate a repair shop, warehouse and administrative premises.

In addition, when drawing up a business plan for a computer store, think about possible additional income in the form of copying, laminating, printing from digital media, etc. Of course, you won’t earn a lot of money from this. However, these services will allow you to attract additional potential clients to your salon.

Computer showroom design and advertising

It is very important to equip your store with a bright and visible sign with a clear and accessible message, semantic load which reflects the essence of the activities of your outlet. Experts are sure that best advertising for such a business is the appropriate design of the facade of the building.

Place stickers on the walls and windows with a list of goods and services available for sale, contact information, as well as tempting promotional offers. As for additional methods of promotion, the business plan of a computer equipment store should also include the creation of your own website on the Internet, which you can promote through contextual advertising. In addition, you should take care of producing promotional flyers, as well as discount and bonus cards for regular customers.

Showroom design, merchandising

For those people who are wondering “how to open a computer hardware store,” experts recommend paying attention to the following fact: in addition to a properly drawn up business plan, the lion’s share of the enterprise’s success depends on the work of consultants and salespeople, as well as on the display of goods. We propose to dwell in more detail on the second point. So, the basic rules of merchandising for a computer hardware store:

The showroom should display the entire range of available products.

It is recommended to place the product on to the following principle: small-sized products are placed on the lower shelves in large volumes, just like large-sized ones. Bulk but fairly light goods (bags and backpacks for laptops, etc.) should be placed on the upper tiers. Medium-sized products must be placed on the middle and upper shelves.

Promotional items should be placed in the most visible place in the showroom.

Each item of goods must be in mandatory equipped with a sign indicating basic information and price.

Products eligible for any ongoing promotion must have a bright sign indicating both the new and old prices.

An integral merchandising rule for a computer store is the grouping of goods by type (laptops with laptops, printers with printers, etc.) or by purpose in accordance with purchasing motives.

Pay attention to how your product is lit. After all, the buyer should be able to examine it in all details.

This rule follows from the previous one. After all, dust will be very noticeable on well-lit shelves. Therefore, take your time Special attention keeping your store clean.


If you are planning to open a computer salon, your business plan must include hiring qualified and experienced employees. After all, the success of your business will largely depend on their work. We bring to your attention the basic rules for the staff of your computer salon:

The customer is always right. This rule is unshakable and is not discussed. The buyer should always be treated with respect, even if he manages to misspell the word “Winchester” five times.

If the seller sees that the client is not a computer specialist, then in a conversation with him he should not use specific and obscure terms for ordinary people, so as not to confuse him.

Each salesperson in your salon should have an excellent understanding of the main types, brands, specifics and components for all products available for sale.

In addition, all employees must know exactly where a particular product is located and what its price is. Also, the seller should always be aware of why the price of promotional products has been reduced.

Concerning wages employees of your store, then, in addition to the basic salary, it should also include a percentage of sales volume. Such a system will serve as additional motivation for sellers.


When drawing up a business plan for a computer store, it is very important to carefully consider what exactly you will sell. If your salon is aimed at a wide range of consumers, then you should take care of the assortment that meets the needs of each group of potential clients.

Computer Store Suppliers

If you are just starting to work in this line of business, then it makes sense to find suppliers in your city or region. It is likely that in this case the price of the product will be higher than, for example, from the manufacturers themselves, but thanks to the close location you will be able to quickly update the assortment of your store. As your business develops, you can begin to cooperate either directly with manufacturers or with their dealer networks.

Computer store financial plan

If you are planning to open a small retail outlet, then you will need starting capital of 50-60 thousand dollars. A full-fledged store with a wide assortment will require an investment of 100 to 200 thousand dollars. As for the profitability of this business, it ranges from 10 to 25%. With the right approach to business, you can recoup your initial investment in one and a half to two years.

Open yours today own business Almost everyone wants it: from schoolchildren to pensioners. Many people are looking for original idea in order to get around the competition, to be different from others, to stand out from the crowd. Sometimes these searches turn out to be successful, but sometimes they lead to rather sad mistakes.

Why is the sale of computers and computer equipment one of the most successful businesses third millennium?

In fact, the first thing a new entrepreneur needs to pay attention to is trade. Thousands of years of experience proves that it will always work and be profitable. The scheme is simple. You buy goods in bulk. After that, place it in the store ( modern conditions allow you to open your own “shop” on the Internet) and sell it at retail.

The difference is pocketed. The main questions: what to sell? Who should I sell to? Where to sell? The answer to them determines whether you will become rich or go broke. Obviously, if you start trading products that no one needs, you won’t earn a penny. Therefore, you need to approach the search for your niche with maximum thoughtfulness and responsibility. The right choice is to sell goods that are in demand on the market. In addition, you need to take into account the level of competition.

Why should you choose to trade in computer equipment? On the one hand, it is obvious that this type of product is not something new and yet unknown to consumers, and similar stores are located literally on every corner. Moreover, large networks are taking over more and more space. We can hardly talk about any kind of equality of opportunity here. It would seem, what is the point for a novice entrepreneur to go here?

In fact, trade in computers and their components remains one of the most promising areas. According to various estimates, the industry is growing annually by 15-20%. Future prospects are literally limitless. And this is not surprising. Gadgets and widgets have become part of our everyday life, without which it is impossible to live. Computers are also needed to work in almost all areas of the economy: production, media, management, accounting and many many others.

Therefore, it is quite possible to occupy your segment in this market, although from year to year it becomes more and more difficult to do so. You need to approach the matter correctly and take into account some aspects, which will be discussed in this article.

Business Features

Any business is a special world that exists according to its own rules. This also applies to the sales of computers. These points must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

We will talk in more detail about some other features of starting in the field of computer sales.

Video. How to open a computer business

Organizational plan

Store space

Correctly locate a computer store and determine its area?

A lot will depend on these two factors. In any case, you need to try to find an area that will be located in a crowded place or a place with high levels cross-country ability. Your store should be visible and have a large sign.

In this case, the likelihood that people will buy from you is much higher. It is possible that right now a person does not need a computer or any part for it. But it is important that the name of the store is imprinted in his head. Carefully study the area in which you intend to open a store. It is important to understand how many others retail outlets is in it. In this case, sooner or later he will come to you for a purchase. Places to pay attention to first:

  • large shopping and office centers;
  • Metro stations;
  • markets.

An important factor is the proximity of the retail area to highways. At the initial stage, it is recommended to limit yourself to renting and not buy retail space as your own. This will allow you to save a lot at the start.

No less important aspect- square.

For a computer store, it is extremely important to arrange the products so that they can be examined carefully. The minimum size of a computer store is 100-150 m2. But you need to remember that this area will only be enough for you if you sell some special products.

For example, you settled on selling exclusively hard drives or motherboards. A wider range will require much more space. The average area of ​​a computer store is 400-450 square meters. If you are planning to open a large supermarket, then you cannot get by with an area of ​​less than 1000 m2.

Video. Computer store as a business idea

Important details of store design

When setting up a computer equipment store, which is one of the best achievements of civilization, it is vitally important to put the comfort and convenience of the visitor in the first place. This idea must actually turn into an ideology. Many factors play a role: good location, service, wide range, low prices, professional, knowledgeable and helpful salespeople. In addition, it is important to pay attention to a number of aspects, the use of which increases sales. Among them:

Assortment and sales strategy

There are a huge number of computer-related products today. These are thousands of positions. It is advisable that all of them be present in your assortment. A person wants to find everything he needs in one place, then he is more likely to spend money in your store. Achieving this is, of course, difficult. Especially for a new entrepreneur. But it is certainly necessary to strive for the ideal.

To formulate a policy in the field of assortment formation, you need to know what segments exist in it. It is necessary to constantly monitor trends and study customer needs.

In conclusion, we note that the computer business is profitable and promising. At the same time, starting in it requires significant investments, the right choice suppliers, professionalism, competent selection of assortment and careful monitoring of market trends.