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Growing flowers for sale "Floral business at home."

Updated 04/23/2012 23:40 | PoorExcellent

Almost everyone wants to earn enough money to be able to fully provide for themselves and their family, and even afford some luxury. To achieve this goal, some begin to work at several jobs, trying to earn a large amount in quantity, while others try to find something to do, which can also bring pleasure. One of these activities can safely be attributed home growing flowers for sale.

What are the specifics of such a business? Everything is quite simple, you grow flowers, then you order and deliver flowers for all this, and you get money. The flower business will be profitable throughout the year, but it can bring the greatest profit precisely in the cold season, especially in winter.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that in winter weather Growing flowers is possible only in greenhouses, which is not easy. Starting a flower business will not be difficult, the initial costs will be small, and the profit from growing and selling flowers will pay for all investments very quickly. Where should you start?

If you live in a private house, starting this business is very simple for you, since you can start growing flowers in a private house, or rather, in the local area. Thus, you can save money on renting the necessary premises. And if you start growing flowers as a family, you will not need the services of a gardener, which will also bring significant savings.

In this case, your initial costs will only be the purchase of seeds or seedlings, as well as the equipment that will be needed for growing flowers. The cost of such investments will be quite insignificant, and subsequently these costs can pay off after the very first sales. To put it simply, you are guaranteed one hundred percent payback. You can sell grown flowers yourself or with the help of a seller you hire. You can also sell batches of flowers in bulk or hand them over for sale through pavilions and stores.

The proceeds from the sale of the first batch of flowers you grow will completely cover all your costs, after which you will be able to constantly grow flowers for sale without spending any more money on it. Over time, if the demand for your flowers is constant and high, you will be able to expand your business - install a greenhouse and hire workers to care for the flowers. The flower business, as a rule, is not strongly connected with various external influences of the market. Profit brought from the sale There will always be enough flowers to fully provide for yourself and the whole family.

In addition, on holidays you will have the opportunity to earn money for months in advance. On some holidays, one flower can be sold for the price of a whole bouquet, which will certainly affect profits! Thus, the flower business always remains profitable and quite promising. Competition in the field of growing and selling flowers does not interfere at all, since the demand is quite high, and many large companies buy flowers in bulk abroad. In addition, the flowers offered at most sales points are usually imported, which affects their condition and the durability of the bouquets . The flowers you grew, first of all, were not subjected to long-term transportation, so their condition will be noticeably different.

  1. Fertilizers - 200 rubles; Time - 4 years. Income: an adult dracaena, about one and a half meters tall, can be sold for 3.5 thousand rubles. Profit minus expenses will be 2,600 rubles per plant.

Monstera breeding.

  1. Costs: sprout with pot - 600 rubles; 2 pots for replanting - 1000 rubles; Fertilizers - 500 rubles; Time - 5 years. Income: monstera, which reaches 2-2.5 meters in height at 5 years, costs about 10-15 thousand rubles . The profit minus expenses will be at least 7,900 rubles. However, there is one drawback when growing Monstera at home; the plant requires a lot of free space to grow. Consequently, it will be more profitable to breed and sell young monsteras, but they will be 2 times cheaper.

From these three examples it is clear that breeding and growing indoor flowers for sale as a business is a very profitable business, but it requires a lot of time and attention. Before you start breeding plants for business, you should study special literature. You will need to know everything about lighting plants, what kind of soil they need, the regime of watering plants, and other conditions in order for the plants to grow beautiful and healthy.

You can easily find all the information you need on the Internet, on various forums, as well as from specialized literature. A business based on growing and selling flowers can be organized in an apartment, but the most best option- this is a separate room with good lighting, and preferably in a private house. The room that will be used for growing flowers must be spacious and large, at least 20 square meters. meters. In a room with this area, it will be possible to place about 100-150 indoor plants, and caring for them will take 1.5-2 hours daily.

Ways to sell indoor plants.

  1. A rather interesting channel for selling indoor plants is through advertising by friends, the so-called “word of mouth”, which will be very effective if you have a lot of friends. The easiest way is to advertise on the Internet. You can place advertisements, advertisements, or create a personal website with photos and a price list. You can also accept orders via the Internet. Sales to flower shops. To do this, you will need to establish contacts with a flower shop and supply plants for a specific order or in bulk.

This business idea is perfect for those who love flowers and want to have additional income from this in addition to the main source of income; also, growing indoor flowers for sale as one of the types of home business is suitable for retirees.

Growing flowers for sale

Business with a pleasant smell

One day I stopped by a company that delivered flowers and witnessed how the manager was instructing the newly recruited couriers before sending them to work... His words were etched in my memory, because at first glance they sounded quite shocking. The manager said: “You must understand that flowers are grass that will rot in a couple of days!

Remember - you don’t give a person flowers, you give emotions!” And indeed, flowers and positive emotions - these concepts are inextricably linked in the minds of any person. And it’s hard to think of a more pleasant job, because every working day in this business is filled with positive emotions - regardless of the weather, the dollar exchange rate and other nonsense.

Just imagine - you are creating a factory for the production of positive emotions! Growing flowers for sale is not only enjoyable, but also very profitable business with great prospects.

Growing flowers for sale is not particularly developed in the domestic market, and almost every novice entrepreneur has a chance to create his own profitable and highly profitable business. Maybe it's worth a try? Business plan for a massage parlor is here. That's a good thing too!

What flowers can be grown for sale?

When choosing flower varieties, it is necessary to take into account the timing of their flowering. Proper selection of varieties will allow you to produce fresh flowers from May until frost. The very first, in early May, perennial flowers begin to bloom: scillas, galanthus, crocuses.

The next to bloom are tulips, daisies, daffodils, lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, and viola. In June, petunia, bells, gaillardia, irises, delphinium, peonies, and gillyflowers begin to bloom.

In July there is the most extensive range of flowers: phlox, daisies, poppies, dahlias, lilies, salvias, gladioli, calendula, asters. Some varieties can bloom for a long time: roses, marigolds, chrysanthemums, dahlias, carnations. And orchids and alstroemeria sometimes bloom for a whole year!

You can also grow indoor and ornamental plants for sale. The cost of such flowers is directly related to their age: an older plant costs more.

The most common and accessible growing species are monstera, crassula (money tree) and dracaena. Seedlings of garden flowers are also in good demand. The most in demand are asters, petunias, zinnias, dahlias, daisies, gillyflowers, and pansies.

Growing indoor flowers

The simplest thing: growing flowers at home (indoor flowers). When growing flowers at home, there is virtually no cost involved. Maintenance is minimal.

You can replant flowers for propagation into jars, bottles, disposable glasses, thereby saving on purchasing flower pots. And use window sills, a veranda, a balcony or walls (for climbing plants) as a location.

The downside is that the growth period of a full-fledged plant is from two to five years, but the upside is the cost of flowers. Profit from one plant, depending on the type and age, can range from 500 to 8,000 rubles. This one is literally home business can be an excellent additional source of income, allowing you to combine a pleasant hobby with making a profit.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse

A truly profitable business is growing flowers for sale in greenhouses. The main costs are the construction of a greenhouse (which usually lasts for more than one year), the purchase of seed material and fertilizers. Everything else depends only on the quality of the labor invested.

With the right approach, growing flowers in a greenhouse brings very good profits. Some specialists earn up to 2 million rubles per year from growing flowers in greenhouses. At first, you can use ordinary greenhouses or nurseries made of polyethylene.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of purchased seeds, bulbs and cuttings.

Growing flower seedlings for sale, how to make money

In the future, it will be possible to independently obtain planting material. The laundry business plan is on this page. There are no flowers in the laundry room, but business is calmer!

Growing flowers from seeds

Growing flowers from seeds is a rather labor-intensive method (although with financial side This method is also less expensive, since it helps to get more cheap material for landing). Growing flowers from seeds requires more careful care.

Careful selection of seeds, their proper processing, planting and caring for them causes a lot of trouble. But there is a plus: plants grown from seeds are much less sick when transplanted and have a significantly higher longevity compared to other methods of propagation.

Growing perennial flowers

Perennial flowers are unpretentious to grow. Reproduction of such flowers occurs mainly by division. This allows you to significantly increase the number of plants.

Once established, perennials will delight you with their flowering for many years, without requiring unnecessary care. Basic care consists of ensuring timely watering, loosening the soil, getting rid of weeds and excess plant parts.

Perennial flowers include some types of asters, irises, phlox, lilies, and aquilegia. Perennials tolerate well low temperatures, but some will require additional insulation for the winter.

And gladioli, cannas and dahlias must be dug up for the winter, saving the bulbs until spring. In addition to the flowers themselves, you can also sell planting material in the form of seeds and bulbs. This can become a very significant source of income.

Flower growing technology

The technology of growing flowers is a simple process. The most important thing is to provide a comfortable landing place.

The rest of the care consists of creating the necessary climatic conditions(greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses), organizing proper watering, loosening and fertilizing. However, any plant has its own small characteristics in care. Therefore, to grow flowers for sale, it is worth taking a closer look at the technology of growing them.

Flower seedlings for sale

A huge number of gardeners and summer residents do not have the opportunity to grow their own flower seedlings in apartment conditions. Therefore, selling seedlings is also a very profitable article in the flower business. Seedlings of flowers such as petunias, marigolds, lobelia, asters, salvia, cineraria, and ageratum are in good demand.

Growing flowers as a business

The flower business is extremely profitable view business. Income from growing flowers can reach 300% with a relatively small investment. The main costs come down to the purchase of seeds and plants for further propagation.

You can start your own business in your own apartment, allocating a separate room or part of it for this. As it develops, you can later build a greenhouse or greenhouse. By combining the cultivation of different flower varieties, sales can be ensured almost throughout the year.

The advantage of the flower business is that by selling flowers during the holidays, you can provide income for several months in advance. At the initial stage, the costs of organizing a flower business pay off after the first sales.

Small business in the suburbs

You can sell flowers either independently (on the market) or by collaborating with flower salons. A good option is to order at least an inexpensive website and advertising on the Internet.

As you develop, you can open your own store selling your flowers (and in the future - not only your own). This is how enterprising people, “with a flick of the wrist,” turn a pleasant hobby into a major, highly profitable business. All about breeding geese at home. A small but very easy business! All about growing oyster mushrooms: http://forummira.ru/idei-biznesa/v-domashnih-uslovijah/vyrashhivanie-veshenki.html - business with minimal investment.

The idea of ​​the business is to grow indoor flowers at home for subsequent sale. The older the flower, the more expensive it is.

Let's start by calculating the potential income that the activity of breeding and growing indoor flowers can bring.

For example, let's take the following indoor plants: Monstera, Money Tree and Dracaena.


A plant 12 cm high costs about 593 rubles with a pot. And the same flower but 2.4 meters high costs 10,000-15,000 rubles.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

This is how a flower grows in 5 years.


You will have to buy 2 pots (1000 rubles), as well as fertilizers (500 rubles for 5 years). Total expenses for 5 years will be: 2,100 rubles.

Prices for monsteras over 2 meters high start from 10,000 rubles. Consequently, the profit from the sale of one monstera can be at least 7,900 rubles. The disadvantage of breeding monstera is the need for large sizes premises. Therefore, it will be more profitable to sell one-year or six-month monsteras.

Money Tree.

A money tree shoot costs 40 rubles. But, after 2 years, this flower can be sold for 800 rubles

Expenses for 2 years will be 300 rubles (200 pots + 40 rubles shoot + 60 rubles fertilizer) Profit: 500 rubles.

Dracaena Marginata Bicolor

1 barrel 12 cm. Cost 200 rubles. But here is the same flower after 3-4 years: 3 trunks 150 cm. Cost 3,400 rubles

Expenses for 4 years will be:

Pots: 500 rubles
Fertilizers 200 rubles
Buying a shoot 200 rubles

Total expenses: 900 rubles.

The profit from the sale of one Dracaena can be 2,500 rubles.

Business growing home flowers

As can be seen from the examples growing indoor plants for sale The business is highly profitable, but it takes a lot of time.

Before starting this type of business, you will need to read materials about growing indoor flowers, what kind of lighting they need, what kind of soil, how often they need to be watered, and so on; you can get all the necessary information from specialized literature, as well as from the Internet, on forums etc.

You can start a flower growing business in an apartment, but it is most suitable for these purposes a private house with a separate room with large windows.

It is advisable that the area of ​​the room that is planned to be used for growing flowers should be at least 20 sq.m.

So in a room of 20 square meters, you can place up to 100-150 plants, the time to care for this number of plants will take 1.5-2 hours a day.

Sales of grown flowers can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Sales through friends, a rather interesting sales channel, the capacity depends on the number of friends and the so-called “word of mouth”;
  • Sales via the Internet. Currently, online platforms are gaining more and more popularity, offering their users to post various advertisements for sales and purchases of various things.
  • Sales through flower shops. To increase sales volumes, you can try to establish sales through flower shops. Plants can be given for sale or for a specific order.

The business of breeding and growing flowers can be considered as an additional income, without leaving your main job; this type of business is also suitable for retirees.

Questions and answers on the topic

The crisis, sanctions, and a ban on the import of vegetables, fruits and berries from Turkey, for many of which it was the largest supplier, affected Russian agricultural enterprises. The study of consumer and production prices for individual crops, as well as an analysis of the situation with foreign trade, made it possible to determine the most popular crops in Russia, the cultivation of which is promising and profitable.

Over the past 10 years, exports of agricultural products from Russia have increased sixfold; in 2016, almost $20 billion worth of goods went abroad. Vladimir Putin in his message to Federal Assembly ordered that by 2020, only domestically produced food products would be on store shelves.

Minister Agriculture Russia's Alexander Tkachev said that the country is able to fulfill the president's instructions only with the attraction of additional funding.

Behind Last year More than 50 billion rubles were spent to support the village, but personal subsidiary plots were left out of this assistance. This is due to the fact that it is beneficial for banks to cooperate with large enterprises that have established accounting, collateral, and a strong supply of financial resources.

The question naturally arises: what is profitable to grow for sale in such a difficult time for the country?

Food embargo against Turkey in numbers

The Russian government has banned the import of vegetables and fruits from Turkey since the beginning of 2016. The following were banned: pears, apricots, peaches, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, gherkins, onions, tangerines, oranges, plums, strawberries, apples, wild strawberries, grapes. On March 17, due to infections with quarantine organisms identified during inspections, Rosselkhoznadzor banned the supply of peppers and pomegranates; from April 25, Russian shelves were deprived of Turkish eggplants; and on May 16, supplies of iceberg lettuce and lettuce were stopped.

To understand what the ban on the supply of vegetables, fruits and berries from Turkey entailed, we present some digital data provided by Rosstat, FruitNews, and the Moscow International Trade Center:

  • in 2015, food products worth $1 billion arrived from Turkey to Russia;
  • of the 17 categories of goods that were initially banned, Turkey was the largest supplier to Russia for 5 of them;
  • Turkish supplies of vegetables accounted for 20% of the total volume imported to Russia;
  • 70% of tomatoes in Russia are imported from other countries, Turkey accounted for more than 50%;
  • in December 2015, the cost of tomatoes increased by 29% compared to the end of November;
  • cucumbers increased in price by 35% in November 2015 compared to the same month in 2014.

Analysis of imports and price indices

Already in 2015, compared to 2014, imports of main vegetable crops decreased significantly (see Fig. 1).

Thus, potato supplies for the period from January to June 2014 compared to the same period in 2015 fell from 619.8 thousand tons to 498.8; tomatoes - from 599 to 494.7 thousand tons; onions and garlic - from 333.7 to 260.7; cabbage - from 229.1 to 161.4; carrots - from 224.7 to 171.6 thousand tons, cucumbers - from 121.1 to 78.9 thousand tons.

Rice. 1 Import of vegetables

At the same time, analysis of consumer price indices and agricultural producer prices (see Fig. 2) allows us to draw a conclusion about which crops are profitable to grow for sale.

Rice. 2 Price indices of agricultural producers and consumer prices in July 2015 (at the end of the period, compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, in%)

So, consumer prices prices for carrots (to a greater extent), beets and apples exceed producer prices, but prices for cabbage (especially), onions and potatoes are in the opposite plane - production prices exceed consumer prices.

Consequently, despite the decreased volume of imports, it is inappropriate to consider them in terms of making a profit, unless we are talking about a global industrial scale involving significant additional investment.

Top five popular crops

Tomatoes and cucumbers

In 2015, Turkish supplies of tomatoes are estimated at 292.8 thousand tons worth $281.1 million according to the Federal Customs Service.

What does he think? CEO FruitNews Irina Koziy, the cessation of supplies of tomatoes from Turkey is now especially critical for Russian market. The range of these vegetables on store shelves has noticeably decreased (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Which countries will replace Turkey in the supply of tomatoes, volume in million $

Thus, imports from Turkey in January-February 2015 amounted to $58.2 million; Morocco supplied tomatoes worth $21.1 million, and in the same period of 2016 increased volumes to $51.7 million; the share of supplies from China decreased from $17.3 million to $15.5 million; Azerbaijani supplies increased from 1.4 to 5.4; Egyptian - from 0.6 to 3.9; Armenia increased the share of supplied tomatoes from $0.01 million to $3 million; other countries - decreased from 9.4 to 7.6. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how much the total supplies have fallen, and, consequently, there has been a shortage of this crop in the Russian vegetable market.

Rice. 4 Which countries will replace Turkey in the supply of cucumbers, volume in $ million

As mentioned above, prices for cucumbers increased significantly against the background of a decreased volume of imports (see Fig. 3), supplies fell by 38.1% in monetary terms and by more than 33% in physical terms, Turkey left, Iran is in the lead, but also its supply volumes decreased by almost a quarter. Thus, the quantity of cucumbers supplied from abroad is not enough to meet all the needs of the Russian market.

Growing tomatoes and cucumbers is profitable all year round in closed ground. If we talk about what is more profitable to grow in a greenhouse for sale, you should understand: it is impossible to give a clear answer to this question due to the fact that everything depends on the following factors:

  • production volume;
  • opportunities to attract additional investments and their conditions;
  • varieties of crops grown;
  • establishing sales;
  • features of the region;
  • and a number of technical issues, such as organizing an irrigation, heating, lighting system.


Import volumes fell and consumer prices rose significantly. The advantages of growing carrots are provided by the following factors:

  • does not require expensive equipment.

In January 2015, residents of Vladivostok discovered imported carrots in stores at a price of 2,500 rubles, supplied from South Africa.

Growing flowers for sale as a business

Specialists from the Department of Licensing and Trade of the Primorsky Territory noted that residents of Primorye prefer imported carrots at a price of more than two thousand rubles per kilogram, the prices of which range from 23 to 43 rubles per kilogram. More than 5 tons of such carrots are sold per month. And the above imported one is about 50 kg. per month.


The strawberry business is especially relevant in the current situation. This is again due to the cessation of supplies from Turkey. In 2015, 13.1 thousand tons of strawberries worth more than $22 million were imported from this country, which is 47.7% of all imports of these berries into the Russian Federation. It is practically impossible to replace it with supplies from other countries, as Irina Koziy notes. In Egypt and Morocco, which could theoretically replace Turkey, strawberries ripen only in the fall. According to the Growth Technologies company, in Russia until 2016, the annual market volume of fresh strawberries was more than 220 thousand tons per year.

Strawberries can be grown both in greenhouses and at home all year round.


As data from the International Trade Center for 2015 show, the Russian Federation received $14.8 million worth of imported lettuce, which is 64% less than in 2014. More than 23% came from Turkish supplies.

Lettuce can be grown at home, in open ground and in a greenhouse. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • Before planting, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the soil;
  • the sowing depth should be about 7 mm, the distance between rows 20 cm, and for cabbage about 45 cm;
  • When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the leaves;
  • avoid the appearance of a crust on the surface of the earth, otherwise the seedlings simply will not be able to break through the stronghold;
  • monitor the sufficient level of humidity, but so that it is not excessive, otherwise the crop may be affected by the fungus and partially die.

The greenhouse method of growing lettuce tempts with its quick harvest. So, in some varieties lettuce, in particular the varieties “Parliament”, watercress and others, after twenty days a rosette containing ten or more leaves grows. Leafy varieties can be sown every three weeks to ensure a consistent harvest. All that remains is to take care of necessary care and establishing sales.

In addition to the listed crops, the demand for which is ensured by a decrease in imports, the cultivation of other types of plants, including non-food ones, such as flowers, can bring good profits if the process is properly organized.

Questions and answers on the topic

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You have houseplants? What about your friends? What about friends of your friends? The answer is probably obvious. Even in apartments with the most minimalist interior, no, no, you will find a pot of Uzambara violet, bought for beautiful flowers, or a tiny cactus, received as a gift, hidden behind the monitor.

What am I talking about? Moreover, indoor plants, along with food, clothing, and hygiene products, have become an integral part of their lives for a huge number of people. There is a fashion for indoor flowers, and it is constantly changing. There is always a demand for certain types. If you go to the nearest supermarket where there is a department of indoor flowers, then most likely you will see bright phalaenopsis, delicate cyclamens, and a little closer to the New Year, the shelves will be filled with fiery poinsettia, a world-famous Christmas flower. Obviously, growing indoor plants as a business idea is not new, and there are powerful players in this market supplying flowers to all cities of the country, but as a beautiful home business and source additional income she is not without attractiveness.

Flowers grown at home have many small and one HUGE advantage over flowers sold in supermarkets, greenhouse stores, botanical gardens and similar establishments. This advantage is that they are adapted to room conditions typical apartment or house. It has long been known that the survival rate of adult indoor plants bought in a store is fifty-fifty. Simply put, they either survive or they don't. The reason for this is the growing and maintenance conditions before sale. Producers grow flowers using various fertilizers, growth hormones, under certain conditions, at certain temperatures, humidity, and lighting. It is not surprising that, once at home, the bright beauties wither before our eyes and eventually die, or they survive, but grow very slowly and the owner never gets that rich flowering that captivated him on the shelf in the store. Experienced amateur flower growers know how to adapt store-bought plants, but they don’t always succeed.

The flower business is a long-term business. The older the plant, the more expensive it is. In any store, compare the cost of a young and old plant. The difference will be thousands of rubles. Let's take Monstera as an example. It grows quickly, is unpretentious, but requires a large room.

A plant cutting can be purchased for 20 rubles. After seven to eight months, a ten-month-old plant with a height of 35-40 cm can be sold for five hundred rubles. Then the plant quickly gains growth and leaf mass and by four to five years reaches a height of two to two and a half meters. Such plants are used in interiors, offices, private winter gardens and the price for them starts from fifteen thousand. If you do not have the space to maintain and further grow a large monstera, then it is wiser to sell a one and a half meter plant; it will cost about five to eight thousand.

The costs you will incur will include:

  • - seedling, cuttings
  • - pots (an adult plant requires transshipment every 2-2.5 years)
  • - fertilizers, pest control
  • - special literature or the Internet

Another example: cyclamens. These bright plants with decorative leaves and lush, airy flowers, they will not leave anyone indifferent. No matter how many times they are delivered to our local Okey hypermarket before the holidays, after a couple of days only crumpled and dried specimens remain. Meanwhile, you can grow this beauty from seeds. In a year and a half, the plant blooms, which means it becomes suitable for sale.

We calculate: a bag of seeds costs 50-70 rubles. The cost of an adult cyclamen starts from 200 rubles and reaches 500-800 rubles, depending on the quality, size of the plant and the number of flowers.

Your expenses will again include:

  • Seeds
  • Pots for growing and transplanting
  • Fertilizers and pest control
  • Reference books or the Internet.

To successfully sell your pets, you can use word of mouth, friends, acquaintances, and Internet sites. You can negotiate sales with flower shops or salons. You can grow plants to order, for example, for offices or private owners.

To start implementing this business idea, your home is perfect, even if it is not possible to allocate a separate room for flowers. All specialized information about growing indoor plants can be found on the Internet, on websites and forums of amateur gardeners.

A sample list of the most popular indoor plants, i.e. those worth paying attention to primarily include large plants for offices (monsteras, banana, yucca, dracaenas, ficus, zamioculcas, philodendrons) and beautiful flowering plants for the home (Usambara violets, hippeastrums, fuchsias, cyclamens, azaleas, vandas, vriesea, phalaenopsis, cymbidiums).

This list, of course, is not complete; you can choose whatever you like. If you like the business idea of ​​growing indoor plants for sale, start and create your own business!

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In every locality there is always at least one area where country houses are located, which are becoming increasingly in demand. At the same time, their owners are actively looking for various decorations for their garden plots, and the best among them, undoubtedly, are decorative flowers and shrubs. That is why a business in plants for the garden and local area will be very profitable, especially considering that this area is still poorly covered.

How to sell plants?

The first step is to clearly define the range of “green” products that the enterprise will specialize in. It can be:

  • plants for winter gardens - they are very easy to work with, especially for a beginner, since they are very hardy
  • exotic flowers (they require a very careful approach, so it is better to choose them only for specialists who have been doing business with plants for several years)
  • any flowers that decorate flower beds (asters, violets, azaleas, daffodils, tulips, etc.)
  • plants that can bloom from spring to late autumn
  • green shrubs and bushes of flowering plants
  • plants for alpine slides
  • seedlings of annuals and perennials

As a rule, the entrepreneur grows seeds for seedlings, sprouts and seedlings himself. At the same time, a plant growing business can be organized right on your own balcony - there you can place small “beds”, from which you can get an excellent “batch” of flowers and bushes for sale. Those who have their own land can develop a business on it. In addition, you can periodically purchase interesting new products from other sellers, and some plants can be obtained independently in forests and plantings, even without having a place to grow them (however, in this case you need to clearly know how the “production” will grow, and what from it will work out later).

To start growing plants for sale, you only need one thing - to organize an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. A simplified taxation system is suitable for such work.

Business on plants: how to make good money?

When selling seedlings and seeds, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this! We can offer clients a range of additional services which will allow you to earn more. It could be:

  • design of flower beds and alpine slides
  • landscape design
  • rental of gardening tools
  • caring for already purchased plants

An entrepreneur can offer his services either in his own office (you can rent a small room in a place convenient for clients) or simply in the market. Moreover, the sale garden plants can also be conducted via the Internet - all you need to do is create a website with offers. In such a situation, you can work from home.

If you want to constantly be in contact with potential clients in specialized markets, you will need to rent a sales space. Also, if an entrepreneur has enough funds, he can create his own store. And, of course, in any case, we must not forget about visiting specialized fairs and exhibitions, which will provide more for business development than just standing at the counter.

Investments and profits: what will a plant growing business give?

This type of activity is unique in that the entrepreneur himself chooses how much money to invest in future work. He can, for example, spend:

  • 5-7 thousand rubles - to create “beds” on your balcony or garden plot
  • 7-9 thousand – for renting a place in the market or in a specialized store
  • 15-20 thousand - to create a website for sale on the Internet
  • 50-100 thousand (minimum) – to open your own store (can be rented outlet and make minimal repairs to it)

In fact, only a few expenses remain constant, and the main one among them is the cost of purchasing the seedlings or seeds themselves. Typically, 1 unit of seedlings costs 100-200 rubles, a bush seedling costs 200-300 rubles, and a set of seeds costs up to 100 rubles. In order for the sale of garden plants to be successful, you first need to purchase at least 10 varieties of each product - that is, at least 10 varieties of flowers, 10 types of plants and 10 different bushes. This will cost 10-15 thousand rubles (if you wish, you can spend more).

You will also need to purchase gardening tools, and their total cost will depend on what is included in the kit - you can spend 20 thousand rubles, or you can end up spending 50-70 thousand.

After this, all types of plants need to be planted at home to see what will grow from them. Then the seeds from the resulting plants and flowers, seedlings and shoots can be sold, increasing the price by 30-50%. This can give a profit of up to 20 thousand rubles per month, and when the plant business develops a little - up to 50 thousand. Then the income will increase due to additional services, individual orders, work on client sites... And if the entrepreneur is truly dedicated to his business and will sell plants with pleasure, the circle of his customers will begin to increase from .

Growing indoor flowers - relevant and promising business, since this area of ​​the flower business is quite profitable. Today, flowers in flowerpots can be bought not only in flower shops, but also in supermarkets. Indoor flowers can be chosen to suit every taste - from orchids to cacti, from bonsai to tangerine trees. And if for 10-15 years many types of indoor plants were imported from abroad, today Russian entrepreneurs began to successfully develop the houseplant business as a promising and profitable business. Forecasts for the development of small businesses in Russia indicate that the flower business, showing good growth rates, will continue to develop, attracting new entrepreneurs who want to enter this market.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:from 100 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 30 thousand people
Industry situation:average competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 6 – 12 months

Plants in greatest demand

Houseplants diverse. Among them there are those that are constantly blooming and attract people with the beauty of their flowers, their originality, and colors. There are also rare bloomers that open their buds once a year. There are practically no flowering plants, although they are classified as flowering plants. Each group of potted flowers has its admirers. Before starting a flower business, the question of the most popular indoor plants should be considered first. As practice shows, constantly flowering plants are in great demand among buyers. These are the top sellers among potted flowers:

  • anthurium, brightly colored leaves, which everyone mistakes for a flower. The inflorescences themselves are located inside the red leaf.
  • Phalaenopsis orchid can be found in the homes of almost all indoor plant lovers.
  • Begonia has many varieties, is unpretentious in maintenance, and can be used to decorate interiors at any time of the year.
  • Azalea, it is often given instead of a bouquet to women on holidays, anniversaries and other celebrations.
  • Geranium, popular in Russian houses plant, unpretentious and constantly blooming.

This list can be continued endlessly. Many flower lovers like tree-like ficus and dracaenas, while others are attracted to cacti. The range of indoor plants is quite wide, which gives the entrepreneur scope in his selection. The more variety in the products offered, the more a novice businessman will attract buyers.

Necessary knowledge for running a business

The florist business only at first glance seems simple, not requiring special knowledge and skills in floral design. This is far from true, because successful business on indoor flowers requires certain preparation:

  • reliable knowledge about indoor plants, features of maintenance and reproduction;
  • design skills in interior design using indoor plants;
  • knowledge about the florist business, its features, flower marketing, economic issues of profit planning, accounting, forecasting, etc.;
  • great hard work, combination creativity and prudence.

What you need to start a business

In organizing a flower business, there is the same algorithm that can be applied in organizing any other business:

  • development of a business plan, with financial calculations.
  • Business registration;
  • Selection of premises for a flower shop (can be a flower kiosk, florist boutique, online store). A store or boutique needs a suitable, walk-through location.
  • Purchase of equipment and consumables. As equipment it is necessary to purchase floral stands, display tables, shelves in different options, office equipment. You also need special tools - knives and pruners, spatulas, pots and flowerpots. One of the main components of the equipment is the air conditioner, as it provides a certain temperature in the room necessary for the plants.
  • Access to suppliers of plants, seeds, soil and other materials for the flower business: exotic and tropical indoor plants, flowering and unpretentious. They are grown in greenhouses and greenhouse farms, with which it is necessary to establish cooperation. In addition, plant lovers grow indoor flowers at home. Wanting to earn a small income from their hobby, they can also become suppliers of products for sale.
  • Personnel selection. Great attention must be paid to this issue, since dealing with flowers better for professionals. A seller with knowledge and experience working with plants will be able to give sound advice and attract buyers.
  • Marketing, product promotion on the market.
  • Methods of marketing products;
  • Formation of product range and prices.

Do you need to register your business?

In order not to complicate the relationship with Russian legislation, it is necessary to register your activities related to the flower business as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax service. What taxes an individual entrepreneur pays can be found here -. A license to open a flower business is not required, but permits from the fire department and the sanitary-epidemiological service are required.

Where to grow indoor flowers

In order for the indoor flower business to be successful, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. This also applies to the premises. The best option there will be a rental of premises for flower shop. Or you can organize a florist boutique - a novelty in the flower business.

Construction of a store will require large financial investments, which may be irrational, since there is a risk that the business will not take off and then the financial investments may be lost. If the business organizer is very financially strapped, then you can set aside a room in your own home for growing indoor flowers. It is important that optimal living conditions are created for plants that correspond to the conditions of their growth in natural conditions:

  • illumination - for some, diffused lighting is important, for others, shading, for others - bright sunlight;
  • temperature regime;
  • humidity level;
  • a certain type of soil.

How to organize product sales

Selling flower products is quite difficult, since flowers cannot be in demand every day. Great demand for indoor plants arises in holidays, they are bought at floristry exhibitions, when decorating offices and other premises.

To speed up the sale of products, it is necessary to engage in marketing. The main marketing methods that are acceptable in the flower business are:

  • various types of advertising, using various media (ads in the media, billboards, business cards, etc.).
  • Market research, competitors' experience. This is a rather important point in a business project. Researching the indoor plant market in a given region, in a specific area, makes it possible to competently select the range of products. Analyzing the activities of competitors allows you to avoid mistakes that they made in their business activities.
  • Expansion of the range. The store’s large assortment attracts not only ordinary indoor plant lovers, but also many organizations involved in landscaping interior spaces and public areas.
  • Introduction of additional goods and services (soil for flowers, pots, tools for caring for indoor plants, mineral and organic fertilizers, free shipping goods, creative design of gift plants).

How much can you earn from growing and selling indoor plants?

Minimal financial investments in the flower business make it attractive to businessmen who want to create profitable business from scratch. It does not require large areas or special expensive equipment. The attractiveness of the business lies in its high profitability – up to 100%.

To open your own store you will need about 100 thousand rubles, which includes rent for premises, purchase of plants from a wholesale supplier, and purchase of equipment. Selling indoor plants gives a certain profit, amounting to 30-50% from each plant. Based on existing practice, this can amount to up to 20 thousand rubles per month.

Income depends on the specific situation; it can be higher if the initial capital invested is more significant. When promoting a business, income increases if additional services are provided, there are a large number of individual orders, participation in fairs, exhibitions and other events. The payback of a business on indoor plants can occur within six months, or 8-12 months.

To summarize, we can conclude that the houseplant business should be mastered by plant lovers who know how to properly maintain them, design them beautifully and integrate them into modern interior residential, office and public premises.

What plants are suitable for growing in a city apartment?

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Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money from home flowers.

  • How much can you earn: from 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Minimum requirements: the ability to grow capricious flowers.
  • Is it worth doing: if you are not afraid of difficulties and high competition.

General Information on Home Business

Before we move on to the main topic of the article, I would like to talk about it in general. Most people see business from home as just a way to earn a little money with little to no effort. I will try to destroy this myth. But first, let's talk about the good stuff.

Home business has its advantages:

  • Complete independence.
  • Possibility to work from home.
  • High income.

But this imposes a number of restrictions and risks. For example, if you work with message boards and social networks, you will constantly have to answer messages and calls, communicate with potential clients and deal with the stupidity of people.

There are many examples when the ad states “call from 10 to 20”, but people try to call at 7 – 8 o’clock in the morning.

And one more important point. Your income will always depend on the amount of work you do every day. You can’t do something relaxed when you have time and constantly putting it off until tomorrow. If you want to earn money, you will have to adapt and live at a higher rhythm. And endlessly, time after time, leaving your comfort zone.

Risks in business are the most important and difficult thing. No one can say for sure whether they will buy something from you or not. Will you be able to get a really good income or will you just hang around 5 - 10 thousand rubles every month. Or maybe you will be at a loss altogether.

This is why home business is only suitable for those who are truly confident and love what they do.

If you are ready to start a home business and take on all the risks, let's talk in detail about whether you can make money from flowers, how to do it and how much you can earn.

Is it possible to make money from indoor flowers?

The flower business is one of the highest margins. The cost of 1 flower is usually 3 - 5 times lower than its retail price. But indoor plants are an exception.

Indeed, the sprouts are worth little money. But there is still soil, pots and fixed costs per room. Lighting, maintaining temperature, etc. This really adds up to a large sum.

At the same time, you should understand that it will take a long time to grow your own flowers - from 1 to 3 months, depending on the type and variety. This also leaves a certain imprint. Those who are engaged in resale will undoubtedly be ahead, because between order and delivery there is usually no more than 7 - 14 days.

There are many people who want to make money by growing indoor flowers. But they don’t know how to run a business, sell and do everything correctly and competently. Despite this, the flower business is huge, so it will be difficult for a beginner to advance at first.

We can draw a simple conclusion: you can make money on home flowers. But for this you will have to learn a lot, withstand competition and adapt to the new rhythm of life.

How to make money from flowers

To learn how to grow home flowers, the Internet alone will not be enough. You need someone who really understands this. Any specialist who has practical experience will do.

Just don’t contact flower sellers. They don't know how flowers are grown. They have no experience. They just stand behind the counter and help you choose.

Afterwards you can move on to practice. Before organizing a business, it is better to practice and grow 3 to 5 plants for yourself. Buy sprouts, soil and pots. Do everything right and after everything succeeds, you can proceed to the next stage.

To grow home flowers, you don’t need special equipment or greenhouses; you will need to re-equip at least 1 room.

In 1 room 20x20 you can grow about 150 flowers.

There should be a lot of light in the room. So you'll have to buy good, powerful lamps. At first, you can make do with a balcony and window sills, but in the future this will not be enough. It would be a good idea to buy humidifiers and air conditioning to maintain a constant temperature in the plant room. It is very important.

The total costs, if you have a good premises, are 7-10 thousand rubles.

What flowers are in demand?

The most important thing for such a business is to choose the right flowers. There are two factors here:

  • People don't buy what they can grow themselves.
  • The price depends very much on the appearance.

The following are in demand in flower markets: orchids, zamioculcas, hoya, and varietal violets.

Beautifully decorated home flowers are in demand. This is difficult to implement, but if you can design it beautifully, even unpretentious house plants will be bought. Simply because they look very cool.

A win-win option for making money is microgardens. They are made from plants and small houses along with the site. But this is more of a decoration.

Where to look for clients

And after that you repost to your own page. And from there you already communicate in thematic groups, talk about yourself, what you do, without a hint of sales. Interested users will come in, see and, if they like your flowers, will discuss purchasing.

Bulletin boards - I'm not sure if this will work, but as one of the sales channels - why not. It's quite simple to work:

  1. Register on the bulletin board of your city (this can be a VKontakte group) and on Avito.
  2. Publish advertisements for the sale of home flowers.
  3. You will be contacted to make a purchase.

To work with message boards, you need to improve your writing skills a little and take high-quality photographs.

The skill will come with experience, but nice photos It's better to do it from the very beginning. They will help sell your flowers better than all your assurances.

Markets - although this is trivial, it still works. Markets are a good place to sell almost anything. Flowers in pots are one of the sales options.

It will be very great if you have grandparents who have practically nothing to do in free time. Because the first time you stand in the market you will have to spend a large number of It won’t be possible to combine it with your main job.

Flower shops - these guys usually don't have problems with suppliers. But there is one important difference. You are close. No need to spend extra money on shipping. And if you also offer favorable conditions, you can easily sell your own goods. You need:

  1. Come to the flower shop.
  2. Ask for the owner's contact information.
  3. Offer him your own flowers.
  4. Discuss the terms.
  5. Reach an agreement.

This sounds quite difficult, especially if you have no experience. But with the proper negotiation skills, you can easily convince the store owner that it is more profitable for him to buy flowers from you than to transport them at least from the capital.

Owning your own small store is already a dream you can strive for.

In my city there were 3 small pavilions in a shopping center where they sold indoor flowers in pots. Unfortunately, they closed very quickly because the owners decided to charge too much rent.

For this method of selling, you need to have good knowledge of business. It is necessary to think about what the traffic will be, how many potential customers there will be, what profit there will be, what additional sales can be included, etc. It is highly not recommended for a beginner to rent space for sale.

Who buys homemade flowers in pots?

Deciding on is almost half the battle for a successful sale. The portrait of your potential client is something like this:

  • Woman.
  • 25-40 years.
  • Average income.
  • Flower lover.
  • Married.
  • With kids.

Approximately this audience will mainly buy home flowers. This means that you need to focus on feelings and emotions in your selling materials. Talk about the beauty of flowers, how they bring prosperity to the home, etc.

The reference point for a good selling text is your mother. If she liked it and wanted to buy it, then everything will be fine.

How much can you earn from growing flowers?

Before you have stable clients who will bring their friends to you, you can count on 10 - 15 thousand rubles per month. This is a kind of start for those who are engaged in any home business.

Over time, as soon as you have clients and until you open your own store, income can grow to 30 - 40 thousand rubles per month. Unless, of course, you take it as seasonal business and treat breeding and selling not as a hobby.

Once you open your first small store, your profits will be noticeably higher. With the right approach, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles every month, but about half of all the money will have to be spent on consumables and paying for the store.


A home business is an opportunity to become independent and earn a decent income while doing what you really enjoy. Indoor plants are one option. If you enjoy taking care of plants, then growing and selling them will be a really good option.