BAKU / News-Azerbaijan. Thanks to successful geopolitical and geo-economic initiatives, Azerbaijan has become the most powerful state and leader of the region, without whose participation and consent not a single political, economic, or transport issue can be resolved in this strategic region of the world, which is the South Caucasus. In a multi-vector foreign policy Azerbaijan also has a special place in the State of Israel. The recent first historic official visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Baku once again confirmed that, without any doubt, relations between Israel and Azerbaijan are in the nature of a strategic partnership.

The head of the representative office of the Baku International Center in the State of Israel, a famous Israeli expert in the field, stated this in an interview with the “Live Broadcast” program of the Israeli Internet channel “IllandTV”. international relations Arie Gut.

According to Gut, Israel has always treated Azerbaijan with great attention and warmth.

“There has never been, and there is no, any anti-Semitism in this country, and official Baku has repeatedly condemned and condemns any manifestations of anti-Semitism in other countries. It is not for nothing that when starting his state visit to Azerbaijan, the head of the Israeli government highly appreciated the factor of multiculturalism and tolerance in Azerbaijan, where "special and sincere attention is paid to the Jewish community of Azerbaijan. In turn, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev noted that the Jews of Azerbaijan play an important and invaluable role in the socio-political life of Azerbaijan, as well as in the popularization of Azerbaijan in the world," said Arie Gut.

Gut emphasized that it is completely clear that such sincere and warm relations between Israel and Azerbaijan cannot but cause irritation in neighboring Armenia.

“After the April events of 2016, we are really seeing anti-Israel hysteria in Armenia; even in Israel, the Armenian community held protest rallies against the Azerbaijani-Israeli partnership. Regarding criticism of Armenia, I would say that Azerbaijan and Israel choose their own friends and partners, and these are the ones countries themselves determine the level of strategic cooperation in the military-technical field. And no one has the right to interfere in this. Azerbaijan does not ask why there are military bases of a third state on the territory of Armenia, and what military assistance this country provides to the Republic of Armenia" - noted Arie Gut.

As part of the program, the presenter David Kohn noted that the Armenian website Armenian Report openly promotes anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism, and even calls for the destruction of the state of Israel.

In particular, the publication writes: “We need to cooperate even more closely with Iran, with Arab paramilitary groups and organizations that are strongly opposed to Israel. To do this, the Armenian government should actively involve Armenians living in the Middle East who have close ties with Hezbollah, the Islamic jihad," Hamas, especially the Izaddin al-Qassam Brigades. Our diaspora organizations in the Middle East need to start funding these organizations that promise to destroy Israel."

According to Guth, it is not surprising that a country that has made anti-Semitism and fascism part of its national ideology, will support such terrorist movements as Hezbollah and Hamas.

“We remember very well how the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA worked closely with the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah. In December 2013, the US Central Intelligence Agency, acting under the Freedom of Information Act, declassified its 1984 report on Armenian terrorist groups. This report included ASALA was described as a terrorist threat to US interests, and while it was noted that most ASALA attacks were against Turkish diplomats, few targets Western Europe and the US was also affected. In addition, American intelligence was alarmed by the noticeable intensification of contacts with Libya, Syria and the terrorist organization Hezbollah in last years. This report also reflected the policy of double standards of Western European countries, since "some Western European countries have reached agreements with ASALA, giving freedom to terrorists to pursue Turkish targets in exchange for promises not to attack the native citizens of these countries." In total, according to American intelligence, as a result of the terrorist activities of ASALA and JCAG since 1975, 50 Turkish officials and citizens have been killed and more than 200 explosions have been carried out,” Arie Gut emphasized.

The expert noted that in a country where anti-Semitism and fascism have become the state ideology, in a country that ranks first in anti-Semitism in the post-Soviet space, calls for the destruction of the state of Israel can be considered part of the national ideology.

"Everyone is well aware that Armenia is the most mono-ethnic country, where chauvinism, nationalism, glorification of fascists and anti-Semites became an integral part of the state policy of the Sargsyan regime. It is worth emphasizing that the cult of these bloodthirsty fascists and anti-Semites is not carried out by the forces of some marginal political groups; behind these actions is the state, or rather the criminal terrorist leadership of the modern Republic of Armenia. The fact that the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan participated in the opening ceremony of the monument to the fascist and anti-Semite General Garegin Nzhdeh once again confirms that they consider themselves the real and genuine heirs of the Armenian fascist and anti-Semite Nzhdeh. History and the Jewish people will never forget the cruelty of the 20,000-strong Armenian Legion during World War II, one of whose founders was the fascist Nzhdeh. Eat historical facts, which are confirmed by archival documents. The goal of the Armenian legion led by General Nzhdeh was to carry out raids and exterminate Jews and other “undesirable” German army. It was thanks to the Armenian legion that Simferopol, Evpatoria, Alushta, Kerch and Feodosia, as well as other areas of Western Crimea, were completely cleared of Jews. After this, can we look with indifference at how in modern Armenia the Armenian fascist and anti-Semite are exalted to the rank national hero? And after this, the Armenians teach us Israelis conscience, morality and justice. And after this, some “Jewish” leaders of Armenia will prove to me that there is no anti-Semitism and hatred towards Jews and Israelis in Armenia,” said Arie Gut.

Unlike Armenia, multiculturalism and tolerance have become a way of life in Azerbaijani society.

“No country in Eurasia has such close and warm relations with Israel as the Republic of Azerbaijan. Without any doubt, relations between Israel and Azerbaijan are in the nature of a strategic partnership. Israel has always treated Azerbaijan with great attention and warmth. Israel has repeatedly stated its respect and support territorial integrity Azerbaijan. Israel is one of the main buyers of Azerbaijani oil in the world. In turn, Azerbaijan needs modern Israeli high technologies in agriculture, military industry, telecommunications, and the list goes on. At the same time, our countries are promoting educational, humanitarian and cultural projects,” Gut noted.

According to the expert, Israel highly appreciates the role of the leadership of modern Azerbaijan in its warm and sincere attitude towards the 20,000-strong Jewish community.

“As a result of the bloody Armenian aggression, 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by Armenia, and every 7th resident in the country is a refugee. Azerbaijan is a model of intercivilizational dialogue. I never tire of repeating every time: show me another country - Muslim or Christian, where under the patronage President, two synagogues and the largest educational Jewish center in the South Caucasus were built. Azerbaijan is a unique country that, at the state level, comprehensively supports the development of the ideas of tolerance and multiculturalism with real deeds. I think you simply will not find another country like this," summed up the head of the Baku representative office international center in the State of Israel.

This year the Azerbaijan Army celebrates the 100th anniversary of its creation. The history of the Azerbaijani army was laid by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - the first parliamentary republic in the entire Islamic world. The first proposal to create a national army in Azerbaijan was made after the collapse Russian Empire at the Congress of Muslims of the Caucasus, which was held in 1917 and where it was decided to create a special bureau for organizing Muslim detachments, the site reports.

The famous Israeli expert in the field of international relations, Aryeh Gut, wrote about this in the influential Israeli English-language newspaper “The Jerusalem Post” in his article “Today Azerbaijan celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani army.”

As the author of the article writes, after the proclamation of the ADR on May 28, 1918, the military division consisted of 600 volunteers. “In this situation, of course, Azerbaijan did not have the opportunity to defend its independence and prevent the attacks of the Baku Commune in Ganja. In such a situation, the only country that could help Azerbaijan was Türkiye. For this purpose, the Chairman of the Government of Azerbaijan, Fatali Khan Khoyski, asked the Turkish government for military assistance.

The first de facto Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan was Dr. Khosrov Sultanov. After the ministry was formed, Samed Bey Mehmandarov became minister, and General Ali Agha Shikhlinsky became his deputy. Military expenditures of the state budget of the ADR government amounted to 24% and were aimed at creating a national army of 25,000 people. At the end of 1919, the Azerbaijani army consisted of two infantry and one cavalry divisions. In addition, two artillery batteries and a special division were created in Ganja. At the beginning of 1920, it was planned to increase the number of soldiers to 40,000 people and to mobilize young people aged 19-24 years. It was planned to purchase 5 tanks, 12 seaplanes, 6 airplanes in order to strengthen the Armed Forces,” notes the Israeli expert.

The article notes that in September 1919, British journalist Scotland Liddle visited Baku and described his impressions: “When I went to Baku, I thought I would see chaos... however, I met hundreds of Azerbaijani soldiers, but these were no longer the same soldiers with whom I met two years ago. The Azerbaijani army was formed quickly and, of necessity, correctly. Azerbaijan understood that without discipline the army simply would not survive. The iron discipline that I saw in Azerbaijan is not even the discipline in Russia,” notes the British journalist.

Aryeh Gut emphasizes with regret that Major General Javad Bey Shikhlinski, General Muhammad Mirza Gajjar, Defense Minister Khosrow Sultanov, Interior Minister Behbud Javanshir died in a bloody massacre against the XI Red Army in Ganja, defending independence and territorial integrity. Official research shows that Dashnak-Bolshevik terrorism destroyed 12 generals, 27 colonels and lieutenant colonels, 46 captains and 266 officers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Gut writes in his article that after the collapse Soviet Union and the restoration of state independence, by the decision of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan on October 9, 1991, the Ministry of Defense was created and the formation of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan was announced. However, by decree of President Heydar Aliyev in May 1998, this day was canceled and instead of this day, July 26 was declared the Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, as the successor of the ADR.

At the very beginning of the path of Azerbaijani statehood, the Azerbaijani army consisted of volunteer detachments. This chaos ended after Heydar Aliyev returned to power in Azerbaijan in June 1993. As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev began the process of reviving the army. Self-defense units and volunteer battalions were abolished, thus President Heydar Aliyev created the foundations of a regular Azerbaijani army under a single command system.

At the beginning of 1994, the Azerbaijani army carried out military operation in the Horadiz direction of the Fizuli region against the occupation forces of Armenia. After this, a ceasefire was announced in May 1994, which created the possibility of a stable formation of the Azerbaijani army on a regular basis,” AzerTaj quotes Arie Gut.

The Israeli expert emphasizes in the article that the fundamental indicators of today’s modern Azerbaijan are stability, economic development, formation of a strong modern army. “The strengthening and constant growth of Azerbaijan’s economic power over the past 15 years has contributed to the strengthening and consolidation of the Azerbaijani army. Expenditures of the state budget of Azerbaijan have increased several times, which has raised the potential of the army to the highest level in all areas. Components of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces - Ministry of Defense, military units Civil service security, Ministry of emergency situations continue their successful development.

Considering the fact Armenian occupation and the ongoing state of war with Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan is strengthening its military capabilities. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev, constantly visits military bases, meets with soldiers and officers who serve in the war zone and are one of the main factors in strengthening the Azerbaijani army. Azerbaijan's military superiority over Armenia did not happen overnight. Over the past 15 years, the leadership of Azerbaijan has strengthened the economic potential of the country and created conditions for the formation of a strong and modern army, which is one of the important factors determining the success and development of each country. Today’s modern, technologically strong army plays a critical role in strengthening and developing independence and turning the country into an important geopolitical pivot in the region,” emphasizes Arie Gut in his article.

The author of the article notes that President Ilham Aliyev made his vision of this issue clear: “In all areas, we must strive to contribute to the development of our army. In recent years, we have done a lot of work to strengthen logistics, technical upgrades, purchasing the modern weapons and today the Azerbaijani army is one of the most powerful armies in the region. Armenia cannot and will not be able to compete with us. We have historical justice on our side, international law, we have economic strength, military power, a spirit of patriotism. The April victories, the Nakhchivan victories once again strengthen the patriotic spirit of our army and people, once again convince the Azerbaijani people that they can be completely calm, the Azerbaijani army is capable and ready to fulfill any task,” emphasizes the President of Azerbaijan.

Arie Gut notes in his article that strong economic development and an increase in Azerbaijani budget revenues have allowed the country to increase military spending 7 times over the past 5 years. “However, army building activities are not limited to the use of economic resources. Close and fruitful cooperation with NATO is aimed at quickly improving the formation of the army, modernizing the Armed Forces and bringing them into line with modern international standards. Undoubtedly, the main objective official Baku - to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, liberate the region Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent regions under occupation of the Republic of Armenia. Significant results have been achieved towards this decisive phase, and the process continues. Observations show that Azerbaijan entered this phase to change the status quo and further strengthen its potential military superiority,” writes the Israeli expert.

Arie Gut notes that the Azerbaijani military superiority over Armenia is also confirmed by the Russian Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, emphasizing that in 2016 the strength of the Azerbaijani army was 126,000 people, as opposed to Armenia, whose army size is 45,000. “In recent years, Azerbaijan has purchased large quantities of modern tanks, combat vehicles, air force systems, anti-tank missile and artillery systems and drones. New military capabilities and technological superiority were demonstrated during the April 2016 battles. These military actions really demonstrated that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, equipped with the most modern military technology, have a real superiority in combat operations,” writes an Israeli expert in The Jerusalem Post.

The author of the article notes that the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, also declares the military superiority of Azerbaijan. “We achieved success in the areas of Aghdere, Fizuli and Jebrail in 2016, as well as in Nakhchivan in May 2018, thanks to the successful results of comprehensive reforms under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of our army. All these historical moments that I noted clearly demonstrate the superiority of the Azerbaijani army over the Armenian one both in terms of combat training, high spirit of patriotism, moral and psychological preparation, and professionalism,” notes the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan.

Gut writes that according to the head of the defense department, Azerbaijan is purchasing modern combat aircraft, combat and military transport helicopters, artillery installations, armored personnel carriers, communications equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles from different countries. “At the same time, our army is equipped with military products produced by the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan. In addition to our partners such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, we are also increasing our military capabilities in cooperation with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, South Africa, Israel and many others developed countries", said Zakir Hasanov.

Arie Gut notes that Azerbaijan will continue to support the efforts of the international community aimed at restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan. “The NATO-led Resolute Support mission is a training, advice, assistance and counter-terrorism mission in Afghanistan that began in January 2015. Azerbaijan has been operating in Afghanistan since November 20, 2002. NATO is grateful to Azerbaijan for supporting the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan with its military contingent, as well as for financial support and provision of transit opportunities.

Currently, 120 military personnel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces are participating in the NATO Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan. Moreover, Azerbaijan supports Afghanistan on the path of reform towards integration into the regional and global economy. In addition, Azerbaijan has allowed NATO aircraft not carrying combat loads to fly through Azerbaijani airspace and use the country's airports. About 40 percent of all cargo destined for the NATO mission in Afghanistan passes through the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku,” summarized Aryeh Gut in the influential Israeli English-language newspaper The Jerusalem Post.

The visit of the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense Avigdor Lieberman to Azerbaijan was commented for website Israeli expert Arie Gut.

Arie Gut

He noted that relations between Azerbaijan and Israel can be an example for other countries

“Currently, the friendly and very trusting relations of cooperation and partnership between the State of Israel and Azerbaijan represent a true and ideal model for many countries in the world. In the most difficult times, these countries have always been together and have always provided each other with mutual support. One of the main reasons for the strong relationship is the human bridge factor - the long and close fraternal friendship between Azerbaijanis and the 25,000 Jewish community living in Azerbaijan for more than 2,600 years. Thus, the relationship between our countries is at its most high level“, the Israeli expert emphasized.

“At the same time, Avigdor Lieberman always correctly focuses his attention on the real, devoted friends Israel, and its bet on Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus region is paying off. The first official visit of Avigdor Lieberman to Azerbaijan as the Minister of Defense of Israel and his warm and sincere meeting with the leadership of Azerbaijan is an important step and new stage in the development and strengthening of relations between Israel and Azerbaijan."

The expert drew attention to Azerbaijani-Israeli economic relations and called cooperation between our countries a strategic partnership.

“Azerbaijani-Israeli relations are positive and today represent a true strategic partnership. Azerbaijani-Israeli trade cooperation is thriving and amounts to almost $4.5 billion. Although this cooperation was previously focused on the oil and gas industry, this cooperation is now diversifying into other sectors of the economy, including agriculture, high-tech industry, healthcare, and military-technical partnerships. It should be noted that Israel is one of the main strategic buyers of Azerbaijani oil on the world market,” the analyst analyzed.

Recalling the April battles in Karabakh, the Israeli expert once again recalled that it was the military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel that radically changed the balance of power in the region and the Azerbaijani Armed Forces practically destroyed the advanced units of the Armenian occupation army in a few days.

“After the April 2016 events, according to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, during a rapid counter-offensive, the Armenian defense front line was broken in several places, and several strategic heights and settlements were liberated - we really saw anti-Israeli hysteria and anti-Semitism in Armenia. This was due to the fact that Israel is one of the main suppliers of weapons to Azerbaijan. Even in Israel, the Armenian community held demonstrations against the Azerbaijani-Israeli partnership. As for criticism of Armenia, I would say that Azerbaijan and Israel themselves choose their friends and partners, and these countries themselves determine the level of strategic cooperation in the military-technical sphere. Moreover, no one has the right to interfere with this strong strategic partnership,” he added.

Then Arie Gut spoke about the inextricable cultural ties between our peoples, and about the life of the Jewish community of Azerbaijan.

“As a citizen of Israel, I can proudly say that the leadership of Azerbaijan, especially President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, shows a great degree of respect and real concern for the Jewish community of Azerbaijan. By personal order of President Ilham Aliyev, two synagogues and the largest Jewish educational center in the South Caucasus were built. In the near future, it is planned to open the first Jewish museum of Azerbaijan, which will become the first Jewish museum in the South Caucasus, the political scientist noted.

Regarding Israel’s position on the Karabakh issue, the expert repeated the phrase that the Jewish state is on the side of Azerbaijan in this conflict.

“The State of Israel supports the fair position of Azerbaijan, actively supporting the territorial integrity of the country and calls for the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict within the framework of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Today, President Ilham Aliyev and Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman opened new page to strengthen relations between countries and peoples,” concluded Arie Gut.

The scandal surrounding the involvement of official Baku in anti-Semitic activities in Europe, in particular, incitement to organize and finance anti-Israeli actions in France, received a somewhat unexpected development. However, it is unexpected only for those who are unfamiliar with the habits and habits of Azerbaijani propaganda.

I AM NOT ABLE TO CONTRAST ANYTHING TO THE FLOW OF INCREDIBLE FACTS, cited in a number of publications on this topic in the world media (for example, the headline in the Russian-language American publication “Reporter” sounded like this: “The administration of the President of Azerbaijan finances anti-Semitic demonstrations in France”), in Baku, out of habit, they did not find anything better than to act according to the principle I'm a fool myself. And they went the beaten path, ordering and paying for the publication in a number of American media of articles whose authors accused... Armenia of anti-Semitism.

"GA" has repeatedly addressed the topic of the scandal that unfolded in Strasbourg around the European Information and Human Rights Center, created by journalist Eynulla Fatullayev on behalf of the head of the socio-political department of the presidential administration of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov. With reference to former employees of the center, we wrote that under the guise of human rights protection, the Azerbaijani government organizes and funds from the state budget different countries Europe anti-Semitic and extremist actions, and also reprinted publications on this topic from various media. The Aliyev administration, naturally, again saw in all this long arm Armenian lobby. And they decided to take revenge.

As a result, an article entitled “Anti-Semitism in Armenia: a direct and obvious threat” appeared on the website of one of the American publications. They also found a congressman who also condemned Armenia for “anti-Semitism and ethnic cleansing.” The Congress website even displays his remark, in which he importantly warns members of the House of Representatives about the “current danger” of anti-Semitism in Armenia, citing the said article. And this is exactly the case when the trivial “look who said it!” suggests itself, leading to equally trivial, and in the case of azeroprop, eloquent conclusions.

FIRST ABOUT CONGRESSMAN STEVEN STOCKMAN, SUDDENLY“concerned” with the problems of the Jews, and at the same time with “ethnic cleansing” in Armenia. We will not dwell on the biography of this politician, which contains quite a lot of facts discrediting him. Let us turn to only one that has a direct connection with what this congressman accuses Armenia of. The fact is that a little over a year ago, Stockman himself was accused of anti-Semitism by one of the most influential Jewish organizations in the United States, the Anti-Defamation League. Last August, he appeared on a radio show for the Pro-Militia Conspiracy Theorist Group, which is known for its anti-Semitic rhetoric (suffice to say, it denies the fact of the Holocaust). The promiscuity of the congressman, who thirsted for popularity at any cost, led to a sharp condemnation of him by the ADL, after which the trickster could not find anything better to call himself... " Christian Jew". Baku propagandists, who have once again found themselves in a puddle with the American clients of caviar diplomacy, can only be advised to be more careful when selecting candidates. Although, on the other hand, after a series of scandals that erupted in the United States around paid Azerbaijani lobbyists, it is hardly a decent politician agrees to cooperate with this country.

Let us now turn to the author of the article. This is none other than Aryeh Gut, now a citizen of Israel, a native of Baku, who for unknown reasons left this “most tolerant city in the world,” but found a goldmine in the form of cooperation with Azerbaijani propaganda. The mere fact that Gut is a member of the board International Association"Israel-Azerbaijan" and personally admitted to belonging to the Azerbaijani diaspora of Israel (, already characterizes him not as a neutral and objective, but, on the contrary, as a biased and overly interested expert. This person actively participates in all Azerbaijani actions carried out in Israel, and consistently makes not only Armenophobic, but also militaristic statements, arguing, for example, that there is no other way to liberate the occupied territories except military. Finally, Gut is one of those expert analysts who have long and very widely used the worn-out clichés of Azerbaijani propaganda in their analyzes, especially on the issue of Khojaly falsifications. It is unlikely that against the backdrop of all this, anyone can have any doubts about whose order Gut is carrying out on the issue of “anti-Semitism” in Armenia.

There is no point in sorting through his scribblings, not only because it is a pity for newspaper space, but also for time. How, for example, can one comment on the statement “in just 20 years, the Jewish population of Armenia has decreased from 5,000 to several hundred people,” which does not stand up to any criticism against the backdrop of the fact that the population of Armenia as a whole has decreased significantly in 20 years due to emigration, primarily of the Armenians The question is also that the article simply smelled of mothballs: the most recent of the meager number of facts cited in it dates back to 2010, moreover, the stream of consciousness took Mr. Gut back to the already distant years of Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s reign. The reason is simple: there is no new evidence of what Arie Gut is trying so hard to prove. So, for the sake of credibility, he has to pepper the article with accusations of Armenians of “ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis” and “genocide in Khojaly.” And thereby clearly betraying not only one’s own bias, but also that of the person who ordered the article.

HOWEVER, I STILL FOUND ONE FRESH FACT - REPORT Anti-Defamation League published in June 2014, which states that the level of anti-Semitism in Armenia reaches 58%. This figure then caused violent indignation among Jews living in our country. The report also cited figures for Azerbaijan - 37%, to which Arie Gut responded, saying that “in Azerbaijan, the most tolerant country in the world, there has never been anti-Semitism,” but “Armenia, which, according to the report, is a different matter,” leader in the level of anti-Semitism in the CIS countries." The head of the Jewish community of Armenia, Rimma Varzhapetyan, then gave a fitting answer to Gut. We note that such a selective attitude towards the data of the same document is only Once again proves the contract nature of the Israeli expert’s activities.

Meanwhile, the press - and not the Armenian one - has repeatedly cited facts proving the existence of serious anti-Semitic sentiments in Azerbaijan. Suffice it to say that Israel, at the official level, over the past few years has been advising its citizens to refrain from traveling to this “most tolerant country in the world.” Expert comments constantly appear in the Azerbaijani press calling Azerbaijan's rapprochement with Israel " negative factor"and accusing Mountain Jews living in this country of separatism. Reports about manifestations of anti-Semitism in Azerbaijan were repeatedly published on the websites of Jewish organizations and publications, noting that they were associated with the manifestation of Islamic solidarity towards the Palestinians. And during the period of aggravation in the spring of 2010, relations between Israel with Turkey - during the period of the Israeli-Turkish confrontation around the "Freedom Flotilla" - mass anti-Israeli actions and protests took place in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan.

LET'S BACK TO MR. GUT, BUT. AND LET'S DRIVE HIS PRECIOUS ATTENTION TO THE PHENOMENA, which should have greatly troubled an ardent defender of Jewish interests. By the way, in contrast to the hopelessly outdated facts he uses, this is the latest information. Just a couple of days ago, on December 17, the Jewish newspaper of Istanbul “Shalom” published an article by a businessman of Jewish origin, Mois Gabay. "We face threats, harassment and attacks every day. Hope is fading. Does it really take the death of a new Hrant Dink for the government, opposition, civil society and lawyers to see this?" - writes Gabay, noting that significant amount Jews plans to leave Turkey with their families. And he gives the following data: 37% of Jewish graduates of Turkish schools prefer to go abroad to receive higher education, and this figure, according to Gabay, has doubled in recent years. As the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet points out in this regard, the article was published after yet another anti-Semitic incident in Turkey. “A few weeks ago, the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul was desecrated. And at the end of November, the governor of the province of Edirne, Dursum Sahin, announced that the city synagogue being restored would be turned into a museum in response to the latest clashes between Arabs and Jews,” the publication reports.

This is where the seemingly endless field for Arie Gut’s activities lies! But the defender of Jewish interests and a member of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Israel is silent - of course, we are talking about the older brother of Azerbaijan. Turkey cannot be touched, so the “independent analyst,” as he is lovingly called in Baku, is forced to surf the Internet in search of evidence of anti-Semitism in Armenia instead of raising his righteous voice against the oppression of his compatriots in Turkey. Or sharply condemn the active anti-Israeli activities of the same Baku in Europe (see the beginning of the article). But Gut is not paid for defending the interests of Jews, but for exemplary work as a full-time employee azerprop. Why should he get into trouble when everything is already clear to everyone?

Each sovereign state has the right to decide who is allowed into its territory and who is not. Also, each country has the right to take the necessary measures to ensure its security, the safety of its citizens and foreign citizens located on its territory.

I think that Azerbaijan is no exception. Considering the fact that Azerbaijan is located in an unfriendly geopolitical environment, security issues for the Republic of Azerbaijan have always been very relevant.

A curious incident occurred recently in Moscow, at Domodedovo airport. Namely, on October 27, citizen Russian Federation, the head of the automobile export sales department of AvtoVAZ OJSC, Sergei Armenovich Gyurdzhian, was unable to get on the Moscow-Baku flight of AZAL airlines (flight J2 853). Representatives of the Azerbaijani airline refused to register Mr. Gyurdzhian, citing the fact that he had an Armenian surname. I want to emphasize that Gyurdzhiyan tried to pass himself off as a Jew, in which his colleague helped him, however, the airline employees did not change their decision.

However, this happened even in the United States, where for some time after September 11, 2001, citizens of Afghanistan and some Arab states, fearing repeated terrorist attacks. In this context, the actions of the Moscow representative office of the AZAL airline are completely justified: the conflict between the Azerbaijani and Armenian peoples has still not been resolved, and Gyurjian, an ethnic Armenian, even if he is a citizen of Russia, cannot just buy a ticket and fly to Baku. Primarily because he did not receive an official invitation and security guarantee from the host country.

The pronounced nationalist position of the famous Russian television and radio presenter Vladimir Solovyov is not clear here. The journalist emphasized that Russian citizen Gyurdzhiyan was not allowed on board the plane bound for Baku, although he had a ticket booked in advance. “The comments that poured in were very clearly ethnically charged. Some are from the Azerbaijani side, for which citizenship does not play any role, but even a drop of Armenian blood for them is a subject of wild, inhuman, I would say, bestial hatred. That is, for me, as a Jew, this hatred frankly resembles the tragedy of my people and the Holocaust,” emphasized Vladimir Solovyov.

Yes, you can’t say anything about how “the Jew Soloviev”, who does not have the kindest feelings for the historical homeland of the Jews, remembered “his people and the Holocaust” because of the poor and unfortunate Gyurjian. There are no limits to the hypocrisy and political mediocrity (I think they paid well for his mediocrity) of Solovyov. Is it the Azerbaijanis who feel brutal hatred towards the Armenians? What kind of hatred is this about? we're talking about, when in today's modern city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, 20,000 Armenians continue to live. I want to remind Mr. Solovyov that Jews, Christians, Muslims and representatives of other religions have lived in Azerbaijan for centuries. For many countries of the world, Azerbaijan can be a model of tolerance and coexistence of different religions and cultures.

It is worth emphasizing that Armenian monuments, for example, armenian church in the center of Baku, protected by the state. Unfortunately, Armenia not only destroys the cultural heritage in the Azerbaijani territories it occupied, but also renames Azerbaijani toponyms in Armenia. Albanian monuments, reflecting an entire era in the history of the Azerbaijani people, have long been turned into monuments of the Gregorian Church.

It would be better if “the Jew (although he hardly morally feels like a Jew) Sergei Solovyov” would pay attention to how unknown persons in Yerevan are constantly desecrating the memorial dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust - the memory of 6 million Jews exterminated by Nazi Germany. Mr. Solovyov, stop defending the mono-ethnic country of Armenia, where chauvinism and nationalism are passed on with mother’s milk. This desecration of the monument to innocent victims of the Holocaust confirms that the genocide of Azerbaijanis in Khojaly was the result of the fascist ideology of ethnic cleansing that is preached today by the ruling clan of Armenia. How can you compare the incident at the Moscow airport with the tragedy of 6 million European Jews? I'm not just an Israeli, I'm a person who lost my grandfather's entire family in Ukraine during the Holocaust, who were exterminated because they were Jews. I want to remind Mr. Solovyov, who considers himself a Jew, that anti-Semitism and xenophobia in Armenia are not a myth, but the same sad reality as the ideas of racial superiority of the Armenian “Aryans” over representatives of Turkic, Semitic and other peoples. That is why modern Armenia is an almost mono-ethnic state, where Jews constitute an ever-decreasing microscopic minority, which in the near future will simply disappear from the ethnic map of this country.

Against the background of ethnic nationalism in Armenia, in Azerbaijan there is a process of revival of Jewish communities, their cultural and religious life. Azerbaijan is the only state of the former Soviet empire where there was neither anti-Semitism nor prejudice on national and religious issues. In Azerbaijan, Jews actively participate in the socio-political life of the country along with representatives of other nations. Thus, the largest Jewish educational complex in the South Caucasus was recently opened in Azerbaijan, and new synagogues are opening. It is against this background that the difference is built between those who preach ideas of racial superiority, aggression and intolerance and peoples whose tolerance has been passed on from generation to generation for many centuries.

I understand that Solovyov is not an ordinary journalist. Unfortunately, on today's Russian television, where the professional qualities of such masters of journalism as Pozner, Kiselev and Parfenov have turned out to be unclaimed, the show is ruled by people like Solovyov, full of boorish pathos and a lack of professionalism. Being a popular TV presenter, he not only influences public opinion in the country, he actively participates in shaping the discourse of the political elite.” new Russia”, in the formation of those images and meanings that are being imposed on us now and will certainly continue to be imposed on us in the future.

Speaking about the Azerbaijanis in Russia, Soloviev, in a clearly fascist form and not forgetting the legacy of Hitler-Goebbels, said: “Who have you decided to butt heads with? You, who came here during the time of Luzhkov, organized market collapses here, spit on our culture, running around like “black hawks”! Have you lost your sense of smell? Do you now still think you have the right to openly discriminate against a Russian citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation? What are you allowing yourself to do?” said Solovyov.

Alas, this is a sign of acute mental disorder under the pressure of bile filling his brain. You, the “famous journalist” and publicist, don’t know that goats butt heads and dogs lose their scent. If you, Vladimir Rudolfovich, consider yourself to be one of these types of animals, or both at once, then we can simply shrug our shoulders - this is your inalienable right. But, making such attacks, how do you differ from those scumbags who demand to cleanse Russia of those who have come in large numbers, to turn Russia into a state only for Russians? I think that Solovyov has long lost his identity with the Jewish people, because representatives of this people never speak out under the slogans of rabid nationalism and chauvinism.

Sergei Solovyov, foaming at the mouth, demands the introduction of a visa regime with Azerbaijan and calls for the expulsion of all Azerbaijanis from Russia. His speech is replete with insults, unflattering epithets, and distortion of facts. A journalist is a man of a creative, healing word, a word that creates bridges. And not the one whose vocabulary includes the words and propaganda of the times of Goebbels-Hitler, not the one who imitates some nationalist and political figures of the Armenian society. No one took the buffoonery of the amateur Solovyov seriously.

I would like to remind Mr. Solovyov of the aphorism of the great French playwright Legouvé, who once said that true friendship is precisely a chosen kinship. This aphorism perfectly reflects the essence of centuries-old historical ties between Russian and Azerbaijani peoples. It is worth adding to this that the kinship between these peoples was chosen, perhaps, by God himself, for these peoples, by the will of God, are called to live side by side, and therefore to be friends and cooperate. And the nature of their centuries-old relationship can indeed be safely defined by the concept of true friendship, dictated by the kinship chosen by God. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the acquisition of the status of independent independent states by Russia and Azerbaijan certainly gave rise to a number of problems, both of a foreign policy and foreign economic nature. But despite any conflicts, Russian-Azerbaijani relations on the threshold of the 21st century have passed all the tests and are experiencing a stage of new growth in radically changed conditions.

They proved the devotion of both peoples to the glorious historical traditions of friendship and cooperation, their strength, eternity and imperviousness to any external negativism or internal phobias. And it would be difficult to imagine otherwise, since the joint two-hundred-year development gave rise not only to historical, economic, cultural and spiritual closeness, but also forever intertwined their destinies through blood and family ties.

The clearest illustration of this is the residence of 2.5 million Azerbaijanis in Russia, of which only 620 thousand, being citizens of Russia, have forever linked their fate with it. And more than 200 thousand Russian people no longer imagine their future and the future of subsequent generations outside of Azerbaijan. I would like to remind the amateur Solovyov that over the centuries, Russians and Azerbaijanis have shown a great ability to understand each other, to absorb the spiritual value of such distinctive cultures, mutual respect and tolerance in national and interfaith relations, which is a strong support and basis for relations between two independent states.

Arie Gut,

Tel Aviv (Israel).