Name: Brontosaurus
Habitat period: Late Cretaceous
Diet: herbivorous
Temperament: obedient

Among all the creatures, I have not seen anyone larger than the Brontosaurus. He is the largest sauropod I have read about. Its size is so large that it simply ignores other creatures.


Because of its nature, Brontosaurus is an ideal beast of burden. Peaceful tribes use it to transport goods. And the warlike strengthen their army with it.
Some call it Apatosaurus, Dreadnoughtus, Argentinosaurus, or any other sauropod. But I'm the only one on this island who explores. And I'm sure it's a Brontosaurus. No one will convince me otherwise. My research and therefore my rules.
P.S. There never was a Brontosaurus. But the name is firmly entrenched in people's minds. The first mistake was made by paleontologist Professor Othniel Charles Marsh. He identified a skeleton previously unknown to science in Colorado and named it Apatosaurus. He later discovered another skeleton and mistakenly called it Brontosaurus. In fact, it was the skeleton of an Apatosaurus, only an older one. It opened in 1903. Later, the head of Apatosaurus was found, and then there was a mistake - the head belonged to Camarasaurus, and this became clear when in 1975 they found the real skull of Apatosaurus next to its own skeleton. The meaning of the name Apatosaurus - “Deceptive Lizard” - perfectly describes its history.

Stegosaurus | Stegosaurus

Name: Stegosaurus
Habitat period: Late Jurassic
Diet: herbivorous
Temperament: obedient

These Stegosaurus have approximately 16 paired plates on their back, and next to them a row of 6 more plates, but smaller in size, unlike the remains of stegosaurs in museums. I saw them all over the island and in different quantities.
Stegosaurus uses tail spikes for defense, which is not surprising. Although they are not aggressive, they will always come to the aid of their comrades. This means that they are most likely herd animals.

The domesticated Stegosaurus is used to safely transport heavy loads. The double row of back plates perfectly protects the rider from enemy arrows, but they also make it more difficult to transport certain types of cargo.

Dilophosaurus | Dilophosaurus

Time: early Jura
Nutrition: predator
Temperament: timid
Dilophosaurus Sputatrix had several features that set it apart from the rest of its genus. This is his very shrill call, and a leather collar around his neck. I believe they use this to attract mates as well as to intimidate prey and potential predators.

In nature. D. Sputarix strange creature. He is half the size of his brothers, and therefore he runs away from aggressors more often than he fights with them.
Instead of attacking its prey outright, the Dilophosaurus Sputatrix spits venom to weaken and paralyze it before killing it.

Due to their high-pitched scream and ability to attack an enemy from a distance, dilophosauruses are more suitable for the role of guard dogs. They are not suitable as a means of transportation due to their small size.

Carnotaurus | Carnotaurus

View: Carnotaurus Pressor
Habitat period: Late Cretaceous
Nutrition: carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive

In nature: Carnotaurus is located between medium and large predators. He lives on flat lands, where he can realize his speed. Additionally, he seems to have no qualms about running away from large predators instead of fighting. The Carnotaurus's horns seem to be used more for fighting off Carnotaurus rivals than for actual hunting. Carnotaurus is the smallest and most compact of all large predators. If a tyrannosaurus is<<львом>>on the island, then the carnotaurus<<гепардом>>
The real threat of a Carnotaurus is the inability to escape from it once it sees you.

Taming: Carnotaurus has a very specific role. It is larger than raptors, but is not inferior to them in speed. And smaller, but much faster than the Tyrannosaurus.

The Carnotaurus's horns seem to be used more for fighting off Carnotaurus rivals than for actual hunting.

Raptor | Raptor

Time: early Cretaceous
Nutrition: Predator
Character: Aggressive

In the wild, Utahraptor is incredibly aggressive. It tries to hunt in small groups, attacking smaller prey using either sharp teeth or huge front claws.
Being one of fastest creatures on the island, Utahraptor uses hit-and-run tactics against an enemy larger than him. The large, curved claw on the second toe is particularly suitable for jumping attacks.
Utahraptor usually kills its prey with numerous rapid jumping attacks, slicing through the prey's flesh in the process.

Despite its aggressive nature, Utahraptor gained fame best pet for raiders, and also as scouts for large groups. Those who have tamed Utahraptor claim that they are difficult to tame, but they are loyal. To maintain this, he, being a carnivore, must always be provided with meat.

Ankylosaurus | Ankylosaurus

View: Ankylosaurus Crassacutis
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: herbivorous
Temperament: obedient

Ankylosaurus, unlike other herd animals on the island, prefers to live in small family groups.
I believe they can afford this because of their incredibly good defense.
Illiterate predators can be injured by the ankylosaur's spines, or get hit by its tail.
Although not the largest herbivore on the island, the Ankylosaurus is one of the toughest creatures to kill. Its thick, armored skin seems to make it more than a match for the medium-sized predators that would otherwise hunt it.

Without a doubt distinguishing feature Ankylosaurus - its club-like tail, which is strong enough to break rock or rock. Some tribes use it in mines and quarries.

Triceratops | Triceratops

View: Triceratops Styrax
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: herbivorous
Temperament: hot-tempered

In nature:
Apparently, being a cross between Triceratops and Styracosaurus, Triceratops has character traits both species: three horns on the snout from Triceratops and a more prominent horned crest from Styracosaurus.
Typically a very docile herd animal, Triceratops becomes extremely aggressive when angered. Triceratops will pursue potential predators with incredible passion.
I have seen Triceratops having a particularly hostile reaction to a Tyrannosaurus on an island, attacking it as a herd.

As a mount, the Triceratops unites other dinosaurs: it is equally good both for transporting cargo and as a fighting animal.<<коня>>.
The Triceratops' bony crest is very effective as cover against a frontal attack, and the creature's attack is incredibly dangerous.

Parasaur | Parasaur | Parasaurolophus

View: Parasaurolophus amphibio
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: herbivorous
Temperament: timid

In nature:
Parasaurus has one of the most interesting adaptations I've seen in a creature. Like all parasaurs, it has a “horn” on its head. At first he is very obedient, you can calmly approach him. But if you scare him, he runs very far and very fast.
This parasaur species refutes earlier speculation about the use of a horn. At the top of the horn there is a hole through which the lizard can breathe. This is the uniqueness of the parasaur, just like its good speed in water.

They are very easy to tame. This is the most popular transport on the island.
Its peculiarity is that it shows itself well in speed during transportation, but it is not able to protect itself or the rider.

Rex | Tyrannosaurus | Tyrannosaurus

View: Tyrannosaurus Dominum
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: predator
Temperament: aggressive

In nature:
Tyrannosaurus is the killing machine on the island.
Shows activity either for hunting or to protect the nest, it is best to avoid any contact with the Tyrannosaurus. I have not seen a single creature that can challenge his dominance on the island. He is pure power. His bite, his stomp, his tail, his paws.
Despite the fact that it is a subspecies of Tyrannosaurus, everyone I have seen calls it “Rex” or “T-rex”. I stopped arguing about this a long time ago, especially with those who wear Tyrannosaurus rex teeth as a necklace.

Tamed Tyrannosaurus for sure the main objective any warlord or military tribe. After all, Tyrannosaurus is the king of dinosaurs. The tribe that tames him will no longer have anything to fear, because few will challenge their power. But the Tyrannosaurus has almost no protection for both itself and its rider.

Spinosaur | Spinosaurus

View: Spinosaurus Aquareliga
Time: Chalk
Diet: Predator
Temperament: Settled

In nature:
He is one of the few predators on the island that can match Tyrannosaurus in size, but Spinosaurus doesn't quite match his ferocity.
Thanks to their four-legged stance and large sail, Spinosaurus are quite fast on land, and incredibly fast in the water.
One comforting fact about Spinosaurus is that they seem to do better in water than on land. Of course, when hunger takes its toll, he comes to land in search of food. Once, I ran away from a Spinosaurus, ran far enough away from his home that he lost interest in me.

Spinosaurus is an incredibly balanced predator. Faster than a Tyrannosaurus in water, able to travel on land unlike a Megalodon, and larger than a Carnotaurus, its all-terrain capabilities are unique. For hunters who want a good pet, the Spinosaurus may be an ideal choice, provided they can tame it of course.

Plesiosaur | Plesiosaur

Name: Plesiosaur
View: Elasmosaurus Remuspissa
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Predator
Temperament: Obedient

In nature:
Plesiosaur has a strange role in the oceanic food chain. He almost exclusively hunts small creatures, leaving larger creatures (such as humans) alone. The enormous size of the Plesiosaur means that it requires enormous amounts of food.

Despite its impressive size, the plesiosaur is hunted by everyone. Well, natural predator: Megalodon. In addition to this monstrous creature, there are two more species that hunt it: Spinosaurus, which wander into the depths, and humans. Although I admit, I have not yet fully explored the stunningly deep underwater caves surrounding the island.

The plesiosaur is an excellent creature for carrying large amounts of cargo, just like the brontosaurus on earth. These creatures are so large that they can be used as mobile bases on water. Ambitious tribes sometimes build bunkers directly on the backs of Plesiosaurs instead of transporting cargo.

Pachycephalosaurus | Pachy | Paci

Name: Paci
View: Pachycephalosaurs
Habitat period: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Herbivores
Temperament: Passive

In nature:
Pachycephalosaurs are a bit of a mystery. They are very peaceful (even friendly), ordinary herbivores. At the same time, they are the most dangerous vegetarians I have ever seen on the island. Their crushing headbutts can kill you much faster than it seems at first glance.
White Pachycephalosaurs are generally very good-natured, but with a short temper. If you choose between<<биться или удрать>>they will choose to fight!
Patchi becomes very aggressive as soon as they get hit even once. In addition, they are incredibly fast runners, making it very difficult to escape from Pacha.

Pachycephalosaurs are excellent mounts for those who want a small but agile fighter that can be thrown into a fight. Since the animal is not particularly muscular, it cannot carry away many things. However, Paci can develop enormous speeds and destroy everything in his path with his<<ковшом>>on the head.

Dimetrodon | Dimetrodon

Name: Dimetrodon
View: Dimetrodon Calorector
Occupancy period (epoch): early Permian period
Diet: Predator
Temperament: Give back

In nature:
Dimetrodon is a fairly calm predator compared to others. They survive on less prey than humans. They do not eat anything larger than coelacanth. Dimetrodon is one of the few predators on the island that are perceived as friendly in wildlife.
The sail-like fin on Dimetrodon's back is very charming. This helps it hide from the sun and disperse heat throughout the body.
Blood circulation in<<парусе>> Dimetrodona helps him retain heat in his body. In general, all this helps Dimetrodon survive in swamps, which are very rich in prey.

If Dimetrodon were a little bigger or didn't have that huge fin, they would be a suitable mount.
Despite this, the owner can use<<парус>> Dimetrodon as protection from cold or heat. Simply being close to him is enough to protect himself. Once it saved me from death during a severe snowstorm in the cold northern lands.

Compy | Compsognathus | Compy

Name: Compy
View: Compsognathus curiosicarius
Habitat period: Late Jurassic
Diet: Predator
Temperament: Curious

In nature:
One of the smallest predators on the island, Compsognathus curiosicaris is both a good companion and a pest or danger. He is not aggressive and not dangerous when alone. And if there is a group of friends nearby, then the habits of a predator immediately appear. Once a pack of Compys has grown enough, their consciousness immediately switches to attack mode.
For some unknown reason, Compies are not afraid of humans. Rather, they even show curiosity about people and their ways of survival. If they meet a person, they immediately become interested and invite their friends to have a look. This usually results in the aforementioned packs of aggressive predators.

Compys can be easily tamed, so some tribes keep them for little more than just good company. However, they have quite significant striking power and speed when they are in a pack, and their aggression obscures their friendliness.
In addition, their cries can be heard quite far away, quickly alerting the rest of the tribe to form a so-called<<банды Компи>>.

Microraptor | Microraptor

Name: Microraptor
View: Microraptor Gnarilongus
Habitat period: Early Cretaceous
Diet: Predator
Temperament: Aggressive

In nature:
Microraptor is the smallest non-flying dinosaur on the island. Incredibly fast for its size and a very voracious predator.
Aggressive against anyone his size or slightly smaller, Microraptor considers himself the toughest among all raptors. He will attack a person if he sees him, especially if he is not alone.
When hunting, Microraptor's speed is just one of its advantages. During a dangerous jump, its wings help it better cover the distance and even hover in the air for a few seconds. This helps to attack its prey on various planes, and even catch fish.

If it's not against our little friends armed army enemies, then microraptors usually destroy the rider first. It is customary for them to attack a weaker target, and thanks to their ability to strike in flight, everything goes to<<ура!>>.

Minimum amount order - 100 rubles!

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Receipt time

The approximate time for receiving goods is up to 60 minutes from the moment of payment, if the buyer is online on the server and the data in the profile (Nickname) is correct. If no one has contacted you within an hour, there is no need to panic, it just took us a little longer to process your order. The maximum issuance time is 24 hours, but this is in extremely rare cases when the buyer forgot to indicate his nickname in the profile or specify the server on the site, or any other difficulties arose.

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Sooner or later, a wipe may happen on the server - “resetting” the entire world, characters, buildings, dinosaurs. A wipe may be caused by technical necessity, or by the inability to continue operating the server, if this is provided by the developers. We give a guarantee of 7 days before the wipe - on purchased goods, this means that if you purchased something and the server was wiped for some reason, you will receive the purchased goods again on the “zeroed” world. Products purchased more than 7 days before wipe day are not covered by the warranty.

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Dinosaurs and other creatures are necessary in the game. They can be destroyed, but some species are much more profitable to tame and use for farming or hunting. Which dinosaurs are beneficial to the player as pets and which ones should definitely be tamed? We have collected details about dinosaur IDs in ARK

Dinosaur IDs in ARK Survival Evolved: the most useful creatures in the game

Searching for the right creatures throughout the ARK world is not very convenient. Therefore, you can use a cheat code to make the desired dinosaur or other creature appear next to the player.

First you will need to open the console and enter there console command EnableCheats. It enables the use of cheat codes in ARK. After which you can directly engage in summoning a dinosaur or other animal.

For example, for Allosaurus in local game ARK Survival Evolved it will look like this:

cheat summon Allo_Character_BP_C

If the game takes place on an online server, then you can summon him with the command:

admincheat summon Allo_Character_BP_C

Most dinosaurs and other creatures can be summoned this way. But who should be attracted to ARK first of all?


(Allo_Character_BP_C) – a dinosaur that is effective in a pack. You need to have at least three Ankylosaurs for a successful battle. Three people (or more) can kill most of the world's animals. Runs fast, bites painfully.

(Rex_Character_BP_C) – a large and damaging dinosaur. Ideal for any purpose - runs fast, carries a lot, easily kills opponents. It is the pack of Tyrannosaurs that is most often taken into boss raids. And the presence of a tek-saddle makes it dangerous for any creature.

Giganotosaurus (Gigant_Character_BP_C) is a killing machine for everything that moves. Huge health and damage value. Breaks stone and other people's buildings. Ideal for tribal raids in ARK Survival Evolved.

(Ptero_Character_BP_C) – a good flyer with low stats. The fastest and most maneuverable. But without a rider it is nothing.

(Quetz_Character_BP_C) – a flyer with enormous endurance, a real flying fortress. It has a platform, so you can create a mobile fortress on Quetzal and move around the world.

(Mantis_Character_BP_C) - Not the best pet, this insect has versatility. Moreover, Mantis can use human tools! If you give him an axe, sickle or pickaxe, he will go to get resources (everything except berries). If equipped with a sword or other melee weapon, it will be a good help in battle. And the Mantis with a club will easily stun most moderately complex dinosaurs and animals, which will help in taming.

(Dunkle_Character_BP_C) – a swimmer with a good supply of life and damage. Excellent for extracting oil and obsidian from deep sea sources. It collects pitfalls quite well. Destroys Cancer Scorpions with ease and obtains Black Pearls from them. A good underwater creature for farming resources.


(Ankylo_Character_BP_C) is a dinosaur that, when tamed, collects resources in the mountains. With Ankylosaurus it is very easy to collect a lot of metal, flint, crystals, etc. It collects stone, berries, oil, and obsidian a little worse. Ideal for collecting rare mushrooms, flowers,

(Therizino_Character_BP_C) is the most dangerous herbivore dinosaur in the ARK world. In one hit it attacks several times, which provides huge damage. Therizinosaurus is extremely fast and agile. If you enable it to wander, it will autonomously collect many of the resources, including wood, leather, meat and fiber. Capable of killing an enemy rider. Good for everyday farming.

Brontosaurus (Sauropod_Character_BP_C) is a slow-moving giant with a talent for collecting berries and straw. Capable of collecting up to a dozen different resources in one blow of the tail. Allows you to build a mobile fortress on yourself. He hits his tail well and doesn't let anyone get close to him.

(Doed_Character_BP_C) – slightly worse than Ankylosaurus, collects metal and flint. But he is excellent at farming stone and obsidian. It is able to obtain straw and wood from bushes and trees. Can collect resources on its own while wandering.

(Achatina_Character_BP_C) – a seemingly simple and completely useless snail. But she is an excellent producer of Achatina Paste, a very important resource. The fact is that this paste can become a substitute for Cement, which is so necessary in the game. Produces 100 units per hour.


(Moschops_Character_BP_C) is a mammal that has honestly earned the right to be on the list of the most useful creatures. He is unique in that he can be trained to search for any rare resource. When wandering is turned on, it engages in gathering. Capable of biting even first-class meat from corpses and collecting organic polymers.

(Direbear_Character_BP_C) – a fast, versatile beast with good damage and survivability. Capable of carrying quite a lot of objects. At the same time, he collects a lot of berries and meat, including first-class meat. Works as an insulator from environment– it’s never cold or hot next to him.

Other ARK Survival Evolved Creatures

(Pela_Character_BP_C) - This species of seagull from ARK Survival Evolved feeds exclusively on fish. But this does not stop her from attacking penguins and drawing organic polymers from their bodies. Pelagornis extracts this resource more efficiently than all other methods. But he won’t carry much on himself if you don’t pump up the appropriate parameters. Has increased damage towards Piranhas, Coelacanths and Sabertooth Salmon.

ARK: Survival Evolved- a very complex survival action game for beginners who immediately have many questions. And when you have already built your first home and are more or less back on your feet, the question arises, who is worth taming? And we will try to answer this question.

The guide is written based on the experience of playing on the map The Island, so may not be the same as playing on other maps.


These pig-like creatures live almost everywhere on the island. And this is one of the easiest creatures to tame. The fact is that if you attack a fiomia, it will simply try to escape from you. If you get her stuck in some rock or wall of someone's base, then you can easily stun her even with a club, and then simply tame her with berries, and the taming takes a very short time.

The only caveat is that it is best to tame wild fiomia at level 80 and above, because only then does it reveal its good potential for a beginner. She can be used as a mount, although she is quite slow. But, to be honest, a beginner doesn’t need to travel very far before taming a pteranodon. The fiomia is also a good beast of burden, and can also be used as a good fighter. If you pump up your fiomia to health, then it will be able to cope with 1-2 dilos without special problems will defeat one raptor. And if you tame two fiomia, then you don’t have to worry about your safety on the beaches at all.


Essentially, it’s almost the same as Phiomia, only less health and stamina, but more speed, damage and weight tolerance, but the parasaur takes a little longer to tame. Cowardly, like fiomia. You can drive it into a wall somewhere and beat it with a club or slingshot.


If you are wondering which is better to tame, Dilophosaurus or Raptor, then the first option is best. Yes, dilo is not as strong as a raptor, and you can’t ride it, but it can be tamed much faster. Even 150 dilos are quite easy to tame. And besides, in battle he will not interfere with you as much as a raptor, which constantly revolves around its prey.

But the most important thing why dilophosaurs are needed is their eggs, from which you can make food for as many as three species of dinosaurs. Moreover, two of them are the most useful specialist dinosaurs Ankylosaurus and Dedicurus (Kolobok). So you will really need several individuals in the future.

Triceratops (Trike)

Taming this dinosaur is not as easy as the previous ones, and it takes a lot of time. But in general, the task is not too difficult for a beginner. The trike can be seen on the beach where you will not be disturbed strong predators. The main thing is to stun him with arrows, of which you don’t need too many. Also, put wooden fences around it and start feeding it berries.

But if you tame it, you will get a very good fighting dino that can throw back its enemies, as well as a mount. It is also good for transporting goods. But it is most valuable because it can produce berries well. A couple of hundred valuable drugberries can be collected in just a few minutes (the berries are collected by attacking the bushes). The main thing is not to overestimate this dinosaur and do not ride it deep into the island. Maybe a 100+ trike can defeat a rex or a spinosaurus. But God forbid you run into a flock of allosaurs that will simply tear you and your trike to shreds, and it’s not a fact that you will be able to escape from them.


The dodo is on this list for one reason only. These are their eggs, as they lay at great speed. And from eggs you can make food for three dinosaurs, and the food is very easy to prepare. It doesn't require jerky, which means it doesn't require oil or an oven. Let’s talk further about who we will tame with this food.


Pteranodon is the best dinosaur for a beginner. Firstly, it is quite easy to tame him, just immobilize him with a bolas, and then stun him, best with tranquilizer arrows, then feed him food from dodo eggs. The main thing is not to tame very low-level pteranodons. It’s better not to look at those below level 70 at all.

A tamed Pteranodon has many advantages. Firstly, it is one of the fastest flying creatures. For a beginner, taking off means changing your position significantly. Now you can safely explore the entire island, find the rarest resources, and study which dinosaurs live in which places.

Plus, the pteranodon is an excellent fighter. On the "C" key, he has a very powerful attack, with which you can even kill dinosaurs such as Bronto, Spinosaurus or Rex. In addition, with the help of this attack you can mine a large number of meat.

The saddle for this creature can be crafted at level 35, but this can be achieved very quickly, probably in one day of play. A tame Pteranodon is worth it. You yourself will notice how much easier it will be for you, and you will no longer play the role of lunch when you tame the pteranodon.

It looks like it will become one of the most, if not the most popular game year on Steam. Despite numerous problems, the project is a success, not least because of the unusual interaction of players with representatives of the surrounding fauna. Namely, dinosaurs. Not everything here is tied to dinosaurs, but a lot, so in this material we will tell you about them, their behavior, what they were like in reality, how they can be used and how to tame them.

Almost all species listed in the game lived in the Late Jurassic period, which is about 140-150 million years ago. Those. oh-oh-very long time ago. The Jurassic period is generally a popular thing. It is actively used by science fiction writers, it is actively used by filmmakers, and it is actively used in the gaming industry. It was at that moment that the dinosaurs flourished. It was then that the largest individuals existed, it was then that they took on the most fantastic forms. True, there are also several more ancient representatives of the dinosaur genus, but these are rare animals about which there is still very little information.

There is another small bug in the game: many of the dinosaurs gathered together never lived in the same territory. Some existed exclusively in what was then Africa, some in America, and some in the territory of modern Russia.
After a short educational program, we move on to a more substantive study.

On this moment(July 2015) ARK Survival Evolved features 14 species of dinosaurs. We will call them in the original language of the game so that there are no difficulties in mastering this material and the non-Russian survival simulator.

The main thing we need to be able to do is distinguish a herbivore from a predator, and know which dinosaur is aggressive and which is not. So, let's go.

Similar to possum and armadillo. Size is medium. Herbivorous. Friendly. Subject to taming. You can go around. They live in the northern part of the island. They can form small herds. They will not show aggression until you attack first. When attacked, the dinosaur will whip its tail. The best way its liquidation - weapon, starting with a bow and ending with a machine gun.

A huge giant with a long neck. It is impossible to confuse with anything. The size is gigantic. Herbivorous. Friendly. It can be tamed and ridden. One of the kindest dinosaurs, but can kill instantly by simply stepping on the offender. It can also swing and hit with its tail. The blow is weaker, but even this will be enough for you. When attacking someone like this, it is best to use ranged weapons.

Dangerous, upright creature. Predator. Size is medium. Aggressive. Can be tamed and ridden. Constantly looking for an object to attack, but if given a choice, will attack another dinosaur, not a person. The signature attack is a headbutt followed by a drop from a height.

Predator. Size is small. Aggressive. Can be tamed. Cannot be made rideable. This dinosaur does not attack other dinosaurs at all, except, perhaps, the Dodo bird. But if he gets angry, he can deliver several quick and strong blows.

Herbivorous. Size is medium. Temperament unknown. Can be tamed and made rideable. It is very difficult to anger him, and even more difficult to escape from him if you succeed in angering him. In any case, it is better not to provoke him.

Herbivorous. Size is medium. Friendly, timid. You can tame and travel around. Cowardly and passive. Rarely fights back, and does not attack, even if you steal his eggs. The main advantage is his fast legs, which makes him difficult to catch up with.

Predator. Size is small. Aggressive. You can tame and travel around. Attacks everyone. Main attack– bite. It is very difficult to escape from this, and even more difficult to resist it. Real car of death.

Predator. The size is large. Aggressive only when defending territory. You can tame and travel around. Very strong dinosaur, but you can’t find it everywhere. He spends almost all his time near bodies of water, looking for fish. It doesn't have much stamina, but for use as a mount, the Spinosaurus is great. It won’t chase you for long because it doesn’t go far from bodies of water.

Herbivorous. Size is medium. Friendly. You can tame and travel around. By default it does not attack, but if you anger it, then expect blows from its tail. Hunting such dinosaurs must be done with great care.

Herbivorous. Size is medium. Extremely hot-tempered, it is better not to irritate him. You can tame and travel around. Even though Triceratops' horns have already been proven to be weak and fragile, it still plays the classic role here, attacking in the style of a rhinoceros.

Predator. The size is huge. Aggressive. You can tame it and break it in. Huge, aggressive. Attacks everything it sees. However, if given a choice, it will attack larger prey, so it often simply ignores humans. If you managed to tame such a monster, consider that you have become the main one on the island.

Predator. Size is small. Aggressive. The rest of the data is not available on the official website, but it is impossible to travel around it for sure, but perhaps you can try to tame it and tame it. He is not afraid of people, and is often the initiator of the meeting. Curious and not very dangerous.

Herbivorous. Size is medium. Friendly. There is no official data, but, apparently, it can be tamed and made rideable. It tries to hit small enemies with its spiked tail, but sensing superiority, it curls up into a ball and gives the enemy a taste of its strong armor.

Omnivorous. Size is small. Temperament unknown. Again, there is no official data, but it seems that this creature cannot be driven around.

As a result, we have the following: herbivorous dinosaurs can also attack you first. Guys like Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus or the nominally herbivorous Gallimimus may well attack first. The rest of the herbivores will only fight back. The predator will attack first and do the right thing.

Taming dinosaurs looks like this. You need to make them lose consciousness in any way. Any methods are available for this, from archery or slingshot attacks to blows hand weapons, or with fists. But the main thing is that you should not kill the animal. But tranquilizer arrows are best suited for stunning. If they are not there, then still try to hit the dinosaurs strictly on the head. Although they have very little brain, this is where they need to aim to achieve stunning.

Once this has happened, you will have to show the dinosaur that you are actually good, and that is why you start feeding it. To do this, approach the dinosaur and activate it. An inventory will open in front of you. In this very inventory you need to put food, roughly speaking, to feed the dinosaur. Moreover, feed him the food that he will eat. Feed the carnivore with meat, the herbivore with plant foods.

During the feeding process, by the way, a very unpleasant incident can happen: the dinosaur will wake up and immediately attack its benefactor. That is why it is necessary to add drug berries to the diet for herbivores and drugs for predators. The process of exiting the stunned state must be monitored using a special indicator. The less the indicator is filled, the greater the chance that the dinosaur will wake up.

For each dinosaur there are separate recipes for the most effective feeding. You can search, they are widely represented on the Internet. But remember that effectively feeding a small, unpumped dinosaur and feeding some developed brontosaurus will take a lot of time. different time, and this will require different amounts of provisions. Therefore, make sure that you have enough food for your future pet. For example, to tame Brontosaurus you will first need 30-50 tranquilizer arrows, and then up to 250 drug berries, and for a small Parasaurolophus, 35 berries and 5-10 arrows will be enough.

Once the dinosaur is full, there is no need to feed it additionally. Instead, take the excess food from his inventory and you can start issuing commands. The dinosaur can patrol the specified territory, can guard you or guard your home. Each animal can be tamed once and upgraded to level 40. In addition to berries, treat herbivores to potatoes, carrots, corn and citrus fruits. Treat predators easier by treating them only to meat with drugs that you create yourself.

As for the behavior of dinosaurs, to be honest, it is impossible to seriously discuss the possible real habits and behavior of certain dinosaurs that existed once upon a time, comparing them with what we see in the game, for the simple reason that ARK Survival Evolved is on early stage of development, and there are huge problems with the artificial intelligence of bots. We can at least start with the fact that some of the presented species of dinosaurs are purely gregarious creatures. But there are no packs in the game, as such. Some are active only at night, some, on the contrary, during daylight hours, and some of the presented animals even lived earlier, several million years before Jurassic. So, assessing the adequacy of dinosaur behavior using ARK Survival Evolved is the same as learning history using Empire: Total War or Assassin’s Creed.

At the same time, you need to understand that in addition to dinosaurs, there are many other creatures in the game, some of which can be tamed, and some can even be used as riding and flying devices. Such creatures, as a rule, require very little effort and supplies, but it will be of very little use. Therefore, in the absence of experience, it is better to start with such simple animals, and only then move on to dinosaurs, in ascending order.