Tables, chairs, corners and door frames prevent the full force from spreading. And the neighbors don’t like “elephants”. That's why I picked games that were funny and noisy, moderately loud and fast.

Games with children in the apartment

Fanta game

Rules of the game "Fanta".

I remember this wonderful game from my childhood. We took off one shoe at a time, the driver turned away, and someone else (the driver’s assistant, but also playing) took out any shoe and asked: “What should this phantom do?” The driver, without looking, came up with ideas: crow 5 times, walk backwards, sing a song, crawl somewhere (to the delight of our mothers, who then look at our knees), etc.

At home, children can give away not shoes, but hairpins, scarves, lace, etc. As forfeits - crawl under a chair, give someone a piggyback ride, dance... If the children’s imagination has dried up (which is very rare), parents, I think, will help.

Game Sorcerers

These are not those sorcerers when you get hit and you stand with your arms at your sides so that other players can save you. In this game, the driver holds his hand palm down at chest level. Other participants place their index fingers under it (it looks like a centipede fungus).

The water says: “Woman cast a spell, grandfather cast a spell. Everyone will make it, but one will not!” With the last words, he closes his hand and tries to catch his fingers. Whoever gets caught drives next. If several people are caught, the driver is determined using a rhyme. For example, like this:

Ani, Benny, Ricky, Takki
Glug, glug, glug!
Karaki shmaki!
Eus, Beus, Krasnodeus,

Game "The Swan Flew"

In “The Swan Flew” we played all the breaks. And the kids in my son’s class giggled merrily as they played it on field trips. The more children there are, the more interesting it is, but one-on-one time is also exciting.

Rules of the game “The Swan Flew”

Children stand in a circle. Their palms stand edge to the ground and touch each other in such a way that each can slap the neighbor's. (One palm lies under the palm of the neighbor on the left, and the second - on top of the palm of the neighbor on the right).

Someone starts a counting rhyme and for each word the children take turns clapping their neighbor’s hand. Those. the first one says: “Flying.” and claps, the one who was slammed continues and says “swan” and claps the third and so on.


A swan flew across the blue sky,
I read the newspaper number...”

The latter names any number (within reason), for example, five. And the children continue counting: one, two, three... When it comes to the number 5, the one who pronounces it tries to slap the hand of the next one. If he succeeds, then the unwary player is eliminated; if not, they start the counting again. The game ends when one of the last two remaining players is more dexterous.

Ugh! Explained! I hope it's clear? The game is very dynamic and easy. You just need to understand it once.

Sitting volleyball

This is our favorite game to play at home.

Some space is needed if 2-4-6 players are playing. You can also play one on one.

Using anything (for us it’s a mat from a sports complex), we make an imitation of a net at a height of 50-70 cm from the floor (depending on the height of the children). Children sit on their knees or bottoms different sides from the "grid". We take a balloon, agree on the boundaries of the field and go into battle!

Game "Pussy" - pussy"

This game is one on one and better mom with baby. Any age. It’s simple: the mother places the child’s palm on her own, strokes it with the other on top and says: “Pussy, Pussy, Shoot!” With the last words, she slaps her palm, and the child tries to move it aside in time.

Game "Tasty checkers"

Well, I think everything is clear here. Take two varieties chessboard. For whites, for example, dried apricots, for blacks - prunes. The rules are like in Giveaway.

Don't forget to bring extra berries or nuts in case of a queen. If there are a lot of players, organize a “Golden Checker” tournament.

Game "Super Memory"

We take different nuts and dried fruits, colorful balls. Anything you have in sufficient quantity. Depending on the age of the children, place 5-10 things in a row in random order. Next, show your arrangement option for 10 seconds and cover. The one who repeated your layout faster and more correctly wins.

Games with children in the apartment are a lifesaver when celebrating a birthday or just a noisy get-together. And here => .

It's no secret that children need attention. Sometimes adults wonder why a healthy, well-fed person just wants to attract attention in this way. As soon as you play with a child, instead of tears, a smile appears, and joyful laughter sounds in the house. Adults also sometimes like to play. It is important to choose the right entertainment program for each age group.

What can you play at home together with a child under 2 years old?

You need to talk a lot with the baby, show him household items, and tell him in a playful way what they are. Some children are afraid of noisy household appliances and begin to cry when their mother turns on the vacuum cleaner or mixer. Before you start using these home assistants, you need to play sounds with your baby. Tell your child that the vacuum cleaner will now make noise like this: “Rrrrr.” Let your child repeat these sounds with you. Before you start using the mixer, hum along with your favorite child. Such entertaining game The baby will like it and teach him not to be afraid of noisy devices.

What can you play at home together with a child of this age? Children of this age group enjoy assembling and disassembling pyramids. The game performs an important function - it develops motor skills and thinking. Show young children how to put matching shapes into a box with a hole. The baby will certainly be carried away by this.

He won't be able to entertain himself with one game for a long time. After the calm one, play a noisy and fun game with him. You can rock your child on a home swing or directly on your leg, while reciting familiar poems. If mother needs to do housework, she can put the baby in a high chair and play Magpie-Crow and Ladushki with him. Let him show with his fingers how the magpie cooked porridge, how the little hands flew and sat on their heads. Here's what you can play at home together with your baby.

From 2 to 7

Children of this age need more challenging games. Girls love playing with dolls. Sit down next to your daughter and show her how to feed the dolls from the toy set and put them to bed. Kids this age really like it role-playing games. You can buy your child a play kitchen set. There is a toy refrigerator, a stove and even kitchen utensils. Appliances for children. The baby will repeat everything after her mother and grow up to be a real housewife.

Boys like to play with cars and airplanes. Some already show the makings of real designers from childhood. You can play Lego with such children, showing them how to build this or that structure. Younger children buy large construction kit parts. For a 6-7 year old son, you can purchase smaller parts. He will build a garage complex, bring his vehicles there, and place the little men that are also included in the kit, the way he wants.

Kids also enjoy fun games at home for two. Take turns hiding an object with your child, playing “hot and cold.” Hide and seek will amuse your beloved child. It's amazing how many places there are for this entertainment in the apartment. If it happens in a country house, then there are even more of them in the open air.

From 2 to 7: we continue to have fun and develop

There are also houses. The kids like children's lotto with pictures, mosaics, and threading strings through figures of animals and plants. You can buy your child a whole toy farm and show him how to manage it. It’s interesting for the two of you to make up a story and role-play it using figurines or puppet theater characters.

Children of this age are bought educational computers. It’s also interesting to play with the electronic mind together. He will teach the baby to correctly pronounce letters, write and read. In a playful way, it is easy to learn words not only in Russian, but also in foreign languages.

The child will also enjoy playing with it. And at the same time, the mother can continue to do things, telling the child what word to form, and encouraging him for the correct answer.

From 7 to 12 and older

Now about being at home together at this age. These could be puzzles. When purchasing them, you need to take into account the child’s character. Some people can spend almost hours assembling large paintings from small parts. Others quickly get bored with this activity. For last group Children can be advised to purchase a puzzle consisting of several large pieces. Collect the picture together with your child, helping him.

Schoolchildren like games such as Mafia and Monopoly. They can also be played by two people, just like checkers and chess. This activity is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. If two friends don't know what to do, they can compete by playing these mind games.

Such pastime trains memory, teaches logical thinking, like the next game. For it, depending on whether children or adults are participating, 4-7 items are taken. One person remembers their location on the table and turns away, and the second at this time will change the position or swap 2-3 objects. The one who turned away must see and tell about the changes.

Let's play fun and wisely

As children get older, they are increasingly attracted to computers. You can play with this miracle of technology, but try to let your son or daughter spend a little time with it. Play together with your child computer games, designed for two. For example, in The Chronicles of Narnia. Together, you will complete the tours faster and complete the task. After quiet games - active ones.

If there is more than one child in the family, then you can immediately come up with games at home for two children (or more). After being at the computer, let them compete to see who can do 10 push-ups faster or unscrew an old shelf with a screwdriver. This is more suitable for boys. Girls can cook something tasty for dinner. This is how the game will be combined with benefit.

Adults in games also often become children. Some people worry when they lose. Two adults can play card games. There are many of them. Darts will help show the accuracy of the eye. You can practice your dexterity by playing Twister. In this case, the legs and arms are placed on circles of the same color as shown by the tape measure. Domino - great game for two adults. If two girlfriends get together, they can try to sing to each other. First one, then the other will tighten the ditty.

Games for two at home: summing up the above

As you can see, there are games for each age category. Very young children enjoy playing with pyramids and soft toys. You can also offer children musical activities - sing a song or dance with them. Children of the older age group are unlikely to have fun in this way. They enjoy intellectual pursuits. They are attracted to the computer. It is important not to allow your child to sit at the computer for a long time, but to try to distract him with others. You can play cards with him, together make a model of a ship or airplane, and then try them out in action by launching them into the sky or sending them sailing at home in the bathtub. Many people like the “Young Chemist” (astronomer, botanist) sets. Adults will also find entertainment for themselves. You can start with the active game “Twister”, and end with a calm game - chess or cards.

Have a nice time in fun company friends by organizing an unusual championship. Games are important not only for kids, but also for adults, because they can unite us even more. Besides, this great way help new friends join the team, and not stand alone all evening against the wall. We have selected 10 popular games that will allow you to have a good time. In our article you will find a variety of entertainment that trains the mind and develops the flexibility of the body.

When it comes to games for big company, many first of all remember the “Mafia”, which conquered the whole world and gained many fans. To play intellectual detective, you will need a deck of special cards, which you can purchase on the Internet or draw yourself. You can also create your own map templates and order their printing in any edition. Well, if the above options do not suit, take the most regular cards and agree with your friends what roles you will assign to them. For example: spades - Mafia, ace of spades - Mafia Boss, jack of hearts - Doctor, king of hearts - Commissioner and so on. To prevent players from spying on each other, it is advisable to wear masks or headbands as soon as the city falls asleep.

The essence of the game
There are three sides in the game: Mafia, Civilians and Maniac. The goal of the mafioso is to kill players at night and execute them during the day, posing as good heroes. The goal of the Citizens is to find and execute the Mafia. A maniac is a willful person who kills everyone indiscriminately.
The classic version has active and passive characters. The leader is a passive character who does not influence the course of the game, but coordinates the actions of all its participants.
Evil characters: Mafia (consists of the Boss and his henchmen), Maniac.
Good characters: Commissioner, Doctor, Peaceful Citizens.
Peaceful Citizens are passive players: they sleep at night, but they can vote during the day, sending those they dislike to death.
The mafia wakes up at night.
The Mafia Boss chooses the victim to be hit. If the Boss dies, another mafioso takes over his post.
The maniac strikes any player at night.
The commissioner can check any player at night. If the Mafia or Maniac came to this player, the Commissioner's check scares away the criminals, saving the player's life.
The Doctor also makes his move at night and can cure anyone (one player), canceling the killing move of the Mafia or Maniac.

Progress of the game

The game is divided into intervals - day and night. On the first day, the Host distributes cards to the players, after which the first night begins. On the first night (at the Leader’s command), the players wake up in turn, letting him know who has what role. The Mafia gets to know each other and finds out who got the role of Boss. All players wake up during the day. The presenter briefly describes the events of the past night. For example: “The Mafia struck, but the Commissioner’s visit scared off the bandits. The maniac brutally mocked his next victim all night, but the Doctor managed to save the poor fellow.” These clues allow players to figure out their opponent. This is followed by a vote, during which each player can propose a candidate for execution. By carefully studying the arguments and suspects, it is possible to identify the mafiosi, since they are usually unanimous in the day's voting. However, clever players know how to show off, accusing each other during the day (but only if a teammate is clearly not in danger of execution). After the execution, the card of the murdered person is revealed and everyone sees his role. Then night falls on the city and the active players make their move again. The game ends with the victory of the Peaceful if all Mafs and Maniacs are killed. The mafia wins when it remains in the majority. With a successful combination of circumstances, Maniac can win, being left alone with a passive player.

In addition to the classic plot, there are many different game options. We advise you to choose the most creative friend with an excellent sense of humor for the role of Host. In your competitions, you can use references to various books and films. For example, a story about vampires and werewolves has become popular, where Count Dracula plays the role of the Boss, Dr. Frankenstein cures illnesses, and the Commissioner turns into Helsing or Buffy. The more friends you have, the more characters you can introduce into the game, making it even more fun!

The exciting game “Twister” will give you a reason to laugh at the awkward poses of your friends, and at the same time exercise, because during the game you will have to bend over, reach with your arms and legs to reach multi-colored circles and try to maintain your balance.

Progress of the game

The presenter spins a special arrow, giving each player a certain pose (for example, left hand to the green circle, the right foot to the yellow circle, etc.). The winner is the player who manages to stay on the field, following all the leader’s orders. If a player touches the surface of the field in the wrong place, he is automatically eliminated from the game.

One of the most popular youth entertainment abroad is the game “Question or Desire.” To determine the queue of players, you can use pointers (for example, a bottle) or transfer the turn clockwise.

Progress of the game

Player A offers Player B one of two options: a question or a wish. If player B chooses a question, then player A can ask him anything. If player B chooses a wish, then player A can order anything. Married couples It’s better not to play, because the questions may turn out to be too personal and tricky. This fun is best suited for single guys and girls.

A detective quiz that develops ingenuity and imagination is a type of popular game"Danettes."

Progress of the game

The presenter describes a situation (most often we're talking about about a robbery or murder), and you, using logic and imagination, try to understand what happened. The key to the solution always lies in the problem itself.

Examples of riddles

1) The body of a man was found in the middle of the desert, with a backpack lying next to him. The man was absolutely healthy, neither hunger nor dehydration caused death. What did he die from?
The answer: the key to the solution is the backpack in which the parachute was located, and the poor guy died because the parachute did not open.

2) The body of a security guard is found in the middle of the supermarket. The man was not attacked; he did not die from illness. There was only a sign next to him. What happened?
The answer: you've probably noticed signs in stores that say "Wet floor." It is obvious that the guard slipped on the wet floor and hit himself when he fell.

3) Near the sports ground, a man was found who died under mysterious circumstances. There are no visible wounds on his body. Detectives spotted a ball nearby. What happened?
The answer: a heavy basketball, flying out of the court, hit the poor guy in the head.

This game has many names and you are probably familiar with it. She gained particular popularity after the release of the film “Inglourious Basterds.”

Progress of the game

Each participant writes a name on a sticker (a literary character, a movie character, or real person). The sheets are distributed to the players (the player should not see the words on his sheet) and are attached to the forehead. By asking questions to other participants, the player must guess his character. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”.

Example of a riddle
Player 1: Am I human?
Player 2: No.
Player 1: Am I the hero of the movie?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Do I spit fire?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: Am I the dragon Drogon?
Player 2: Yes.

The round is won by the player who gives the correct answer by asking the least number of questions.

"Black Box" is a variation of the game "What? Where? When?”, where instead of the classic black box a black box is used. The peculiarity of the game is that all questions and answers are somewhat frivolous: they are related to sex, drinking, etc. You would not hear such questions in the television version.

Progress of the game

The presenter asks a question related to the item lying in the black box. After a minute, players must answer the question. By the way, it is not at all necessary to use a black box; it can be conditional.

Example question for "ChSh"
The actors of the popular musical "Cats" attach microphones under their tights. Artists often dance and (to protect against sweat) wear THIS on the microphones. Attention question: what is in the black box?
Answer: condoms.

This quiz will allow you to test your erudition and compete in your thinking speed.

Progress of the game

One of the players (who misses this round) makes a well-known wish for the host popular expression, proverb or saying. The presenter reports the number of words in a given sentence. Players must guess the phrase by asking the host as many questions as there are words in the phrase. Questions and answers can be absolutely anything. However, each answer can consist of only one sentence and must contain 1 word of the hidden phrase.

Example of a riddle
Presenter: The phrase contains 3 words. The player can ask 3 questions.
Player: What time is it now?
Host: Look at the wall where the clock hangs.
Player: Is there life on Mars?
Host: Scientists disagree on this issue.
Player: Who's to blame?
Host: The root of the problem is hidden from our eyes.
Answer: Kozma Prutkov’s aphorism “Look at the root” is hidden.

Surely you are all very familiar with the game “Crocodile”, during which one participant silently shows the hidden word to a group of guessing players. In the fake "Crocodile" the rules are somewhat different.

Exciting quests in the style of “Find a way out of the room” have become one of the most fashionable entertainments. In almost any city there are questrooms where (for a moderate and not very reasonable fee) they will put on a whole show for you.

Progress of the game

The team is locked in an unfamiliar room, from which it must escape within a certain period of time. Players search for riddles and clues to various secret boxes with new keys. Having solved all the problems, the team finds the main key that unlocks the door to freedom. If you have a spacious room and inexhaustible imagination, you can come up with a quest scenario yourself. Gather your friends, leave hints for them and see how they cope with the task.

"Literball" - adult game in the style of “who will outdrink whom.” Historians claim that its various analogues have existed from time immemorial in all corners of the planet. Those wishing to measure their ability to outdrink their opponents appeared as soon as humanity invented alcoholic drinks. They say that similar games especially liked by the ancient Greeks and Peter I. In the CIS countries, the so-called. “Drunken checkers”, in which instead of white and black checkers they use glasses with vodka and cognac or glasses with light and dark beer. As soon as you “eat” your opponent’s checker, you need to drink the contents of this glass and remove it from the board. More advanced players prefer Drunken Chess. For the party, silhouettes are drawn on the glasses with a marker chess pieces.

However, “Drunken Checkers” and “Drunken Chess” can only be played by 2 people, so we will consider an option for a more crowded group. We are talking about a student game called “Beer Ping Pong” (or “Beer Pong”).

Progress of the game

You will need plastic cups, a table, a ping pong ball and beer. Lots of beer. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The judge pours the beer into glasses and places them equally on both sides of the table, lining up the glasses in a triangle shape. The competitors take turns throwing the ball into the opponent's glass. If the ball lands in a glass, the player who hits drinks beer from this glass, removes the empty glass from the table and gets the right to throw again. The team with the most accuracy, having emptied all the opponent's glasses, wins.

Attention: students' favorite pastime can lead to alcohol poisoning. We advise you to take smaller glasses, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for your aimlessly killed liver.

If bad weather won't let you play street— play with your child at home! We bring to your attention a collection of various children's games that are good to play indoors: at home, in an apartment or in a country house.


Active, fun and very gambling game - competition on dexterity. She will help boys choose the strongest, dexterous and combative.

Traditional Russian entertainment - lotto game. Simple rules and an interesting process will allow you to quickly teach even the smallest children this game and spend several interesting evenings in a warm family circle.

Fun games with the same name, educational reaction. Players are required to concentrate and distinguish a sparrow from a crow. Do you think it's that simple?!

There is a Mafia in the city! Every night she kills honest citizens. All residents of the city rallied to fight it! An irreconcilable fighter, Commissioner Cattani, at the risk of his life, goes out onto the streets of the city at night in order to find and neutralize the presumptuous mafiosi.

A fun and noisy competition game in the question-and-answer style. This is a great chance for players to show their erudition, intelligence and resourcefulness, as well as having fun in road or Houses.

A long time ago, when there was no trace of World of Tanks, boys played tanks on a piece of paper.

A very exciting and entertaining competition game that will become a bright decoration for any children's holiday or birthday.

Very dynamic and exciting verbal a game. It develops resourcefulness intelligence and imagination, and also expands lexicon. She is loved not only pupils and students, but even adults.

Great easy way keep the kids busy in summer- this is to make a toy phone with them. You can play with it just like that, or you can come up with a lot of uses, for example, using it during games of war or hospital.

“Matches are not a toy for children!” Or maybe it's still a toy? If you don't set it on fire, it will be fascinating. tabletop a game with simple props that perfectly develops manual dexterity, patience And eye gauge.

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Children's games and competitions at home

Children's games and competitions at home:

The guys close their eyes and extend their hands to each other: one with palms up, the other down. One imagines some image and tries to convey it to the second, stroking it with his palms (for example: the sea, the wind, two people under a lantern, etc.). Then the pairs change.

The group stands in a circle. The presenter is in the center, he has a folded “newspaper” in his hands. The name of someone from the circle is called, and the presenter tries to insult him with a newspaper. In order not to be insulted, the person named must quickly name someone else standing in the circle. If a person is insulted before he says his name, he becomes the driver. After some time, an additional rule is introduced: the former leader, as soon as he stands in the circle, must quickly name a name. And if he doesn’t manage to do this before the new leader insults him, he becomes the leader again. In a group in which there are many unfamiliar people, it is sometimes advisable for the person whose name was called to raise his hand, since the leader may not be familiar with names.

The group stands in a circle and the first one says their name. The second one says the name of the first one and his own. The third is the name of the first, the second and your own. Along with your name, you can depict your favorite gesture, name your favorite drink, personal quality(option - starting with the first letter of the name), hobby, etc.

They are tied to two cars long threads, and pencils are tied to the ends, or maybe spools of thread. At the leader’s command, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

The child leaves the room, and meanwhile you hide the previously discussed items. These can be toys or things, for example, a car, a doll, a ball, a hat, etc.

Lay two newspapers on the floor. The players' task is to stand on the newspaper and fold it three times without stepping on the floor or helping themselves in any way. The winner is awarded a folded newspaper.

I assign fictitious names to all players (fairy-tale character, cartoon character, animal). The players are positioned in a circle around the leader holding the ball in his hands. You can also prepare leaves with names and pin them to each player.

10 most interesting games for the company

For many, the holidays mean a continuous feast. All the festivities come down to one competition: who can drink and eat the most. Well, who cares - good luck! For everyone else who wants to leave a pleasant trace in their memory of meeting friends, laugh, flex their brains, and learn something new about each other - these cute home games.

Each participant writes 10 words on a piece of paper. These pieces of paper are placed in a hat. Then the game itself begins. Participants take turns pulling one piece of paper from a hat and try to draw or show the word they come across. Come up with prizes for the winners yourself: from 100 grams to the “Order of Sutulov”!

The game is similar to "broken phone". Only each subsequent player transfers into the other’s ear not the word itself, but any association. It will be very interesting to compare the hidden word with the last one! Trust me, it will be fun.

All players except one sit in a row. One is blindfolded and tries to recognize his friends by touch. The most interesting thing is what parts of the body the presenter will be allowed to see!

And this game requires patience and certain attributes. But everything will be rewarded at the very last moment! Wooden blocks from which the tower is built are required. Then each player takes turns drawing one block and placing it at the very top of the tower. The loser is the one whose entire structure collapses.

Participants turn into actors. One half of the players shows the word the leader has chosen using gestures and facial expressions. The other half is trying to guess it. The one who guesses the word becomes the leader and guesses the next one.

One of the participants is the presenter. The rest stand close to each other in a circle. Players pass a cucumber to each other behind their backs, biting into it when the opportunity arises. The presenter must guess who has the cucumber. The player caught in the act takes the place of the leader. The game continues until the group eats the entire vegetable. This is a very fun game!

The presenter tells the players the first letter of the intended word. Some participants think of a word starting with this letter and try to show it to others without saying the word out loud. If someone guesses the intended word, then he says: “There is contact!” Then, the one who guessed and the one who guessed counted out loud to 10 and called this word. If the word does not match, players try to guess the word with a new letter. If it matches, the presenter calls the second letter of the first word, and the game starts again.

This is an old detective word puzzle. The presenter tells part of the story. The remaining participants restore the sequence of events. You can only ask the narrator questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” It will turn out to be a very funny detective story!

For this game you need chips: any small objects (coins, candy wrappers, toothpicks, candies, chewing gum, etc.). The first player says: “I have never in my life...”. The remaining players give one chip each to the leader. The winner is the one who has the most chips.

Perhaps the oldest and most famous game. Each player throws one of their items into the common bag. One participant is blindfolded. He also comes up with a task for the owner of the thing that the presenter will pull out. The owner of the item completes the task. If the blindfolded player is a big dreamer, you definitely won't get bored!, 2012 - 2017

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Is there some more Interesting games, which can be played in a group, such as Mafia.
Here are the rules of the mafia game:

Professional rules for playing Mafia

Ten people participate in the game. The presenter monitors the progress of the game and regulates its stages.

To determine the roles, the presenter distributes cards face down: one to each player. There are 10 cards in a deck: 7 red cards and 3 black. “Reds” are civilians, and “Blacks” are mafiosi.

One of the 7 red cards is different from the rest - this is the card of the Sheriff - the leader of the “Reds”. “Blacks” also have their leader - the Don card.

The game is divided into alternating stages of two types: day and night.
Purpose of the game: “Blacks” must eliminate “Reds” and vice versa.


Ten players sit at the gaming table. The host announces “night” and all players put on masks. After which, in turn, each player takes off the mask, selects a card, remembers it, the presenter removes the card and the player puts on the mask.

Participants wearing blindfolds tilt their heads down so that the movements of their neighbors or the play of shadows do not become a source of additional information for them.

The presenter announces: “The mafia is waking up.” Participants who received black cards, including the Mafia Don, take off their bandages and get to know each other and the Leader. This is the first and only night when the mafiosi open their eyes all together. It was given to them in order to agree with gestures on the procedure for eliminating the “Reds”. The “agreement” should be carried out quietly so that the “Red” players sitting next to them do not feel the movements. The presenter announces: “The mafia is falling asleep.” After these words, “Black” players put on headbands.

The presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” Don opens his eyes and the Presenter meets Don. In subsequent nights, Don will wake up with the goal of finding the Sheriff of the game. Presenter: “Don is falling asleep.” Don puts on the bandage.

Presenter: “The Sheriff is waking up.” The Sheriff wakes up and meets the Leader. On subsequent nights, the Sheriff will be able to wake up and look for "Blacks". Presenter: “The Sheriff is falling asleep.”

Presenter: “It’s a cheerful morning! Everyone wakes up."

First day. Everyone takes off the bandages. During the day there is a discussion. By professional rules Mafia games Each player is given one minute to express their ideas, thoughts and suspicions.

The Reds must identify the Black players and remove them from the game. And the “Blacks” will provide themselves with an alibi and remove a sufficient number of “red” players from the game. “Blacks” are in a better position because they know “who is who.”

The discussion starts with player number one and continues around the circle. During the day's discussion, players can nominate players (no more than one per player) with the goal of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, the candidates are voted on. The candidate who receives the most votes is eliminated from the game.

If only one candidate is nominated for the first round (Day), it is not voted on. During the following rounds (Days), any number of candidates are voted on. Those who drop out of the game have the right to the last word(duration - 1 minute).

There is a term in the game called "Car Crash". This is a situation in which two or more players receive the same number of votes. In this case, the voters are given the right to justify themselves within 30 seconds, convince the players of their “redness” and remain in the game. A re-vote takes place. If someone gets more votes, they are eliminated. If the players again gain an equal number of votes, then the question is put to a vote: “Who is in favor of all those voting leaving the game?” If the majority votes for elimination, the players leave the game, if against, they remain; if the votes are divided equally, the players remain in the game.

After the first circle, night falls again. During this and subsequent nights, the mafia has the opportunity to “shoot” (a gesture agreed upon at the beginning of the game). The “shooting” occurs as follows: the mafiosi who agreed on the first night on the procedure for eliminating the “Red” mafiosi “shoot” on the following nights (with their eyes closed!).

The presenter, after the words “the mafia is going hunting,” announces the numbers of the players in turn, and if all the mafiosi shoot at a given number at the same time, then the object is hit. According to the rules of the Mafia game, if one of the mafia members “shoots” at another number, or does not “shoot” at all, the Host records the miss. “Shooting” occurs by simulating a shot with your fingers. The presenter announces: “The mafia is falling asleep.”

Then the Presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” Don wakes up and tries to find the Game Sheriff. He shows the Leader a number on his fingers, behind which, in his opinion, the Sheriff is hiding. The presenter, with a nod of his head, either confirms his version or denies it. Don falls asleep.

The Sheriff wakes up. He is also entitled to night checks. He is looking for "Black" players. After the Leader’s answer, the Sheriff falls asleep, and the Leader announces the beginning of the second day.

If the mafia eliminated a player at night, the Host announces this and gives the last word to the victim. If the mafia misses, the Leader announces that the morning is indeed good, and no one was hurt during the night.

The discussion of the second day begins with the next player after the player who spoke first in the previous circle.

During this and the next circles, everything happens in the same way as on the first day. Nights and days alternate until one team or another wins.

The game ends with the victory of the “Reds” when all the “Black” players are eliminated. “Blacks” win if there are an equal number of “Reds” and “Blacks” left.

Subtleties of the mafia game rules:

The player must draw his game number.
2. The player has no right to swear, make a bet, or appeal to any religion, swear, or insult players. For this, the Host removes the offending player from the game.
The player is not allowed to say the word “Honestly” or “I swear” in any form. For this violation the player receives a warning.
The player does not have the right to deliberately peep at night. If this violation is detected, the player is removed from the game and is usually deprived of the opportunity to visit the Club for a long period. In case of involuntary peeping, the player is removed from the game.
A player has the right to nominate only one candidate.
The player has the right to withdraw his nomination as part of his speech.
The player has the opportunity to vote for only one candidate.
When voting, the player must touch the table with his hand and keep it on the table until the end of voting. The end of voting coincides with the Leader’s word “Thank you.” A vote placed after the word “Thank you” or together with the word “Thank you” is not accepted. The presenter counts the vote only if the hand touches the table.
If during voting a player touches the table with his hand before saying “Thank you” and then removes it, he is immediately removed from the game.
If a player does not vote, his vote is assigned to the last one voted.
The “black” player has the right to “shoot” only once. The “shot” is considered effective only in this case. In all other cases (the player does not “shoot”, “shoots” twice), the Leader registers a miss. A miss is also recorded if the player “shoots” between the called Lead numbers.
The “red” player at night does not have the right to indicate to the Sheriff who to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The “black” player at night does not have the right to show signs to Don who to check. For this violation, the player is removed from the game.
The player does not have the right to sing, dance, hit the table, speak or perform other actions that are not within the scope of the players’ “nightly” behavior. For this violation, the player receives a warning from the Leader.
Don and Sheriff are unable to check on the first night.
Don and Sheriff have the right to check no more than one player each at night.
A player may not speak out of turn. For this violation he receives a warning from the Leader.
The player has the right to speak during the day's discussion for no more than 1 minute. For failure to comply with the regulations, the player receives a warning.
During a Car Crash, the player has the right to speak for 30 seconds. For failure to comply with the regulations, the player receives a warning.
After the Leader’s phrase “Night is coming,” the player must immediately put on the headband. In case of delay, the player receives a warning.
The presenter has the right to give warnings for: a) unethical behavior, b) excessive gestures that interfere with the game or distract the players, c) other violations, the extent of which is determined by the Leader.
If a player uses profanity, “inhumane” and “obscene” behavior of a player at the gaming table (including due to the player’s excessively “alcoholic and cheerful” state!) or insults another player, the player may be removed from the game by decision The presenter.
According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, a player who receives three warnings is deprived of his word for one round. If a player receives a third warning after his performance in a circle, he is deprived of the floor for the next circle.
The player receiving the fourth warning is removed from the game.
A player who files a protest before the end of the game is removed from the game.
The rules of the mafia game provide that a protest can be accepted for consideration by the Leader only after the end of the game.
The game is canceled, its result is changed or replayed if the protesting team (entirely) + one player from among the opponents votes for the protest.
A player who is eliminated from the game immediately leaves the gaming table.
Whenever a player is removed from the game, he does not have the final say.

There are other rules for playing Mafia on cards. How to play Mafia is up to you, but the presented version of the rules card game Mafia is the most interesting and balanced. In any case, Mafia is a fascinating psychological board game, which can deliver incomparable intellectual pleasure.