Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” protects from infertility, from ill health of infants, from possible problems when carrying a child. This image has always been protective for Orthodox women and was famous for its miraculous qualities in these cases. If, during childbirth, loved ones pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” for a successful outcome for mother and baby, this prayer will protect the woman from possible adverse events

What a miracle happened

There are no documented miracles in our time, when there is no chronicle evidence (which is a pity!). But it is known that since the discovery of the “Leaping of the Child” icon in 1795 in the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery, many miracles have occurred from it, related to the cure of infertility, assistance in successful pregnancy, and the healing of sick babies. Many, many families began to flock to her with their sorrows and requests, which, through their prayers and faith, found a miraculously successful solution. This is why this icon was glorified, but the memory of its miraculousness has reached us since ancient times - the most ancient list, located in the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos, also exhibited miraculous properties.

And yet the greatest miracle is the wonder of the reverent feeling born from the image on the icon, from the image of Divine love between the Mother and the Child, embodied according to the plan of the God-loving icon painter, who, being the Lord, both during earthly life and after His Ascension, as we know according to Tradition, he remained a respectful and loving Son. Therefore, intercession for us before Him Holy Mother of God- the most powerful, for the Son of God, in His respect for the requests of the Mother, is merciful much more often than we sometimes deserve...

“Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who weighed the birth and nature of mother and child, have mercy on Thy servant (name) and help in this hour so that her burden may be resolved safely. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, even though you did not require help in the birth of the Son of God, grant help to this servant of yours who requires help, especially from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and grant her the birth of a child and bring her into the light of this world at the right time and the gift of intelligent light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We fall down before you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, the time has come for her to be a mother, and beg Christ our God, who has become incarnate from you, to strengthen you with his power from above. Amen".

“O Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Your servant, and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth to children. Remember, O Blessed One among women, with what joy and love You went hastily to the mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect Your gracious visit had on both mother and baby. And according to Your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Your most humble servant, to be safely relieved of my burden; Grant me this grace, so that the child who now rests under my heart, having come to his senses, with a joyful leap, like the holy baby John, will worship the Divine Lord Savior, Who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain to become a baby Himself. May the unspeakable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled at the sight of Your newborn Son and Lord, sweeten the sorrow that awaits me amidst the pains of birth. May my life, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eye of Your grace; do not be ashamed of my trust in Your great mercy and overshadow me, Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and delivers all those who call on You in a time of sorrow and illness. Amen".

When does the celebration take place?

The celebration of the icons of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” takes place on November 7/20, following the date of the miraculous discovery of the icon in 1795 in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

It is curious that this day, November 20, coincidentally or not, marks the day on which the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, and in 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In 1954, the UN Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the practice of celebrating world day Child (Universal Children's Day) as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

The birth of a baby is the main event in the life of every woman. It is during pregnancy and the birth of a child that the Lord most clearly reveals to a person the fullness of His power and greatness. When a baby is born, a true miracle of God appears on Earth.

For a successful outcome of pregnancy, many mothers pray to the Lord, the Saints and, of course, the Most Holy Theotokos throughout the entire period before and after childbirth. The Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” is one of the many miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos. In Rus', before this image Orthodox mothers have long uttered fervent prayers for the well-being of their children. There is a pious tradition before giving birth to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and perform prayer services with the reading of an akathist dedicated to the icon “The Leaping of the Baby.”

The icon in question belongs to the most common type in iconography, called “eleusa,” which is translated from Greek as “merciful.” Such works most fully depict the deeply reverent and tender relationship between the Holy Mother and the Divine Child. Here there is no distance between Mother and Son: the Baby presses his cheek to the face of the Virgin Mary, showing her his sincere love and trust. Many famous icons of the Mother of God, such as Vladimir, Tenderness, Yaroslavl and others, also belong to the “eleus” type.

The icon depicts the Savior Jesus Christ sitting on the hand of the Mother of God. Throwing his head back, He seems to be playing with His Mother. With one hand the Savior touches her cheek, thereby showing tenderness. The entire pose of the Infant God conveys His childlike, spontaneous character. This icon most strongly shows the human side of the Divine Savior, which is rarely found in other iconographic images of the Mother of God.

Notes from specialists

According to researchers, the genre of the “Baby Leaping” icon comes from some scenes described in the Gospel. The image reminds us of the Gospel theme of “The Presentation of the Lord,” when the Savior Jesus Christ, on the fortieth day after his birth, was brought to the Temple of Jerusalem to perform the rite of dedication to God. Here the Savior is handed over to Elder Simeon, but the Infant God reaches out to His Holy Mother, showing childish affection and love.

The earliest images of the “Leaping of the Baby” icon have been preserved in Macedonia, where they were called “Pelagonitissas” (after the name of the area Pelagonia). Here the holy image was revered with special love and reverence. In later times, icons of the Mother of God, depicting the theme of Motherhood and the future sufferings of the Savior on the Cross, became widespread in post-Byzantine art, and most of all among the Slavic peoples.

Many researchers who have been engaged in clarifying the history of the origin of this icon are inclined to believe that the icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” comes from Byzantium. There is precise information that in Ancient Byzantium this image was revered as a great Christian Shrine. This icon received the name “Leaping of the Baby” already in Rus', where it gained the greatest popularity only in the 16th-17th centuries. It can be assumed that it is a copy copied from the Byzantine model.

A look into the past

The history of the appearance of the miraculous icon in Rus' dates back to 1795, when the Mother of God (“The Leaping of the Baby”) was revealed in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, located on the territory of the modern Moscow region (not far from Dzerzhinsky). This monastery is famous for the fact that in its place in the 14th century an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was miraculously found.

Dmitry Donskoy built this monastery in honor of the victory he won on the Kulikovo Field, which took place in 1380. The appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas of Myra of Lycia inspired the prince before the battle. Donskoy promised to build a new monastery on the site where she was found.

In the 16th century, it was in this monastery that the icon of the Mother of God “The Leaping Child” was miraculously revealed. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates this event on November 20 (new style).

Icon today

In the post-revolutionary period, the icon disappeared, and its location for a long time remained unknown. In 2003, a certain woman donated to the monastery an icon of the Mother of God, similar to a miraculous list. According to eyewitnesses, this image was brought to the monastery. It was installed in the same place where the miraculous icon had previously stood. All witnesses to this joyful event were convinced of the authenticity of the newly found miraculous icon. Currently, the image of the Virgin Mary is kept in the altar of the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Miracle Lists

In addition to the Ugresh one, other miraculous copies of the “Leaping of the Baby” icon are also known. They are currently in Tretyakov Gallery. Another image is kept in the Moscow Novodevichy Convent. Also, the miraculous icon “The Leaping of the Baby” is located in the Vatopedi Monastery. The latter rises on the holy Mount Athos.

Icon "Baby Leaping". Meaning in Christendom

Before the image in question, many married couples offer a prayer for permission from infertility. It is also customary to ask the Mother of God for help during pregnancy, before and after childbirth.

Pious Christian mothers ask the Blessed Virgin to grant their children mental and physical health and help parents in raising their children. Some fathers ask the Mother of God to instruct their children in Orthodox faith so that they grow up kind and loving people. In similar life situations The “Baby Leaping” icon always helps; its meaning is very great. The Most Holy Theotokos, through the icon, gives consolation to all who ask, as well as help, support and protection.

All women who want to give birth to healthy children or who are already bearing fruit under their hearts must especially observe purity of thoughts and strive to live according to the commandments of the Lord. This way of thinking and godly behavior is necessary to prepare a mother for the greatest mystery of childbirth. In Rus', it was believed that a woman’s behavior during pregnancy directly affects the future character of the baby. It is the mother who will answer before God for the Christian upbringing of her child, which is why at all times women began to pray to the Mother of God when they were still preparing to get married and become a mother. Pious Christian women pray before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, asking Her for help in conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Prayer for the gift of children

Infertile couples, unable to have offspring, pray to the Mother of God to send them the desired child, and they are often heard. There are many examples of childless families finding great happiness thanks to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In addition to the “Leaping of the Baby” icon, there are other images of the Mother of God, in front of which one should pray for the gift of children. They are no less famous. These are such icons of the Mother of God as “Tenderness”, “Quick to Hear”, “Theodore” icon of the Mother of God, “Blessed Womb”, “Tolga”. In addition to prayer, you can come with a request for the gift of children to the Righteous Saints Joachim and Anna - the parents of the Most Pure Virgin.

Parents Holy Mary were barren for many years, they prayed to the Lord all their lives to give them a child. The holy Godfathers deeply mourned their childlessness, since among the Jewish people infertility was considered a punishment for sins. The Lord heard their prayer, and Saint Anna conceived and gave birth to a blessed child - Mary, who became the Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ. That is why in the Christian world it is customary to ask the holy ancestors for permission from infertility.

Also, childless couples can pray to the Holy Matrona of Moscow, Zechariah and Elizabeth and other saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God during pregnancy

Many Christian believers, while expecting a child, say especially warm prayers in front of various icons. One of the most famous helpers during pregnancy is the icon of the Mother of God “Theodorovskaya”, “Help in Childbirth”, “Softening Evil Hearts” (its other name is “Seven Shots”), “Help of Sinners”, “Tenderness” and, of course, “ The leap of a baby."

The icon of the Mother of God has meaning when performing a sincere prayer in front of it. Also, while waiting for the baby, the young couple pray to Saints Joachim and Anna, the holy martyr Paraskeva, the holy Venerable Roman of Kirzhach and others.

Prayer of the spouses before the appearance of the heir

Many women expecting a baby worry about how safely the birth will go. In addition to the appearance of restless thoughts, expectant mothers are visited by the fear of pain, which confuses them greatly. In preparation for childbirth Orthodox Church It is customary to ask the Most Holy Theotokos for help, who always hears sincere prayers, and especially women’s prayers for the safe birth of the baby.

The pious tradition of asking the Mother of God for help has long been known in Rus'. Russian women fervently pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of her numerous icons (“Helper in Childbirth”, “Tenderness”, “Feodorovskaya” Blessed Virgin Mary, “Leaping of the Baby” and others). She, in turn, grants what is sincerely asked of Her.

Prayer after the birth of a baby

After the birth of a baby, many mothers pray in front of the “Mammal” and “Nurture” icons, asking the Mother of God for help in raising their beloved child.

The Mother of God prayer “The Leaping of the Baby” has a deep meaning. It glorifies Holy Virgin, Her help and support during childbirth is requested. The text also contains requests for the preservation of the newborn baby, for his enlightenment in the sacrament of Baptism, for his upbringing in the Orthodox faith. In addition to prayer in front of the icon, you can read an akathist.

“The Leaping Baby” is a miraculous icon, in front of which many Christian women, asking for help from the Mother of God, found Her holy protection and patronage. The Akathist also contains various petitions for support.


The Ugresh icon “The Leaping of the Baby” differs from other versions of this holy image. In some compositions there are minor differences in the depiction of the Infant God and His Most Pure Mother. However, they all have the same name - the “Baby Leaping” icon.

A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, spoken from a pure heart, always brings spiritual fruit. Many Christian believers, after praying in front of this icon, received consolation in spiritual anxieties, as well as deep calm and peace. This is the effect of the help of the Queen of Heaven, who always helps in various life circumstances.

In Russia, on the day of the celebration of the Ugreshsky Icon of the Mother of God, the feast of all icons of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” is celebrated. The Ugresh Icon of the Mother of God is also revered as a miraculous image, to which many Christian believers come for worship and prayer.

In Orthodoxy and Christianity in general there is a large number of icons that can be called miraculous. One of these is the image of the Virgin Mary “Leaping of the Child”.

On November 20 of every year, the Orthodox Church pays tribute to the memory of this great icon. She has rich history and is miraculous. This is confirmed by history and what people say about her who have seen her miracles with their own eyes. You can and even need to read prayers in front of the holy image during pregnancy.

History of the icon

The shrine takes its origins back to Byzantine Empire. The image of the “Leaping Baby” was one of the most revered among Christians at that time. Many miracles were associated with him, which is why these icons are still very common in Greece and the Balkans.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with a baby in her arms. This icon differs from others in that the baby Jesus Christ is depicted playing and cheerful. His image is close to the image of an ordinary one small child who is cheerful and sees only joy in life. He looks at his mother, raising his head up, and tries to reach her face with his hands. The icon is full of love and joy. This is the main personification of how to live on Earth.

Currently, one of the images is in Russia. It is located in the Novodevichy Convent in the Moscow region. The history of the icon in Rus', where it was always revered and loved, began in 1795. Now the main image is in the museum.


What does an icon help with?

This icon can be hung in any home. But it will be of particular benefit to those who have children or those who are expecting them. From time immemorial, pregnant women considered the image of the “Leaping of the Baby” to be the best assistant and amulet against different problems when carrying a child. In addition to this icon, you can also use any other one - for example, the Kazan Mother of God or the Seven Arrows.

Here is the main prayer before the icon for pregnant women:

“Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help her now solve all her problems. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, so give your help to your servant who is praying to you. Grant me a blessing at this hour so that the baby is born and the light of the world sees it. In appropriate times, liken the intelligent light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We bow down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to your servant, for she will soon become a mother, and pray to Christ our God, born to you, that he may strengthen us with his power from above. Amen."

You need to read the prayer when you are in the mood for it. Reading prayer words every day will not bring you closer to happiness. Only sincere and devoted prayer can do this. One way or another, priests advise all pregnant women to have such an icon at home and ask the Mother of God for help in front of it.

On November 20, read this prayer if you have children or dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood. On the day of veneration of the icon, all churches will remember how important it is to honor God and the Mother of God. Many believe that babies born on this day are under the special protection of Heaven.

Remember that for pregnant women there is nothing better than self-confidence. A positive mood and hope for the best will help you overcome any difficulties, because thoughts are material. Believe in God and believe in yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The birth of a baby is the main event in the life of every woman. It is during pregnancy and the birth of a child that the Lord most clearly reveals to a person the fullness of His power and greatness. When a baby is born, a true miracle of God appears on Earth.

For a successful outcome of pregnancy, many mothers pray to the Lord, the Saints and, of course, the Most Holy Theotokos throughout the entire period before and after childbirth. The Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” is one of the many miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos. In Rus', before this image, Orthodox mothers have long said fervent prayers for the well-being of their children. There is a pious tradition before giving birth to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and perform prayer services with the reading of an akathist dedicated to the icon “The Leaping of the Baby.”

Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping Baby”

The icon in question belongs to the most common type in iconography, called “eleusa,” which is translated from Greek as “merciful.” Such works most fully depict the deeply reverent and tender relationship between the Holy Mother and the Divine Child. Here there is no distance between Mother and Son: the Baby presses his cheek to the face of the Virgin Mary, showing her his sincere love and trust. The “eleus” type includes many famous ones, such as: Vladimirskaya, “Tenderness”, Yaroslavskaya and others.

The icon depicts the Savior Jesus Christ sitting on the hand of the Mother of God. Throwing his head back, He seems to be playing with His Mother. With one hand the Savior touches her cheek, thereby showing tenderness. The entire pose of the Infant God conveys His childlike, spontaneous character. This icon most strongly shows the human side of the Divine Savior, which is rarely found in other iconographic images of the Mother of God.

Notes from specialists

According to researchers, the genre of the “Baby Leaping” icon comes from some scenes described in the Gospel. The image reminds us of the Gospel theme of “The Presentation of the Lord,” when the Savior Jesus Christ, on the fortieth day after his birth, was brought in to perform the rite of dedication to God. Here the Savior is handed over to Elder Simeon, but the Infant God reaches out to His Holy Mother, showing childish affection and love.

The earliest images of the “Leaping of the Baby” icon have been preserved in Macedonia, where they were called “Pelagonitissas” (after the name of the area Pelagonia). Here the holy image was revered with special love and reverence. In later times, icons of the Mother of God, depicting the theme of Motherhood and the future sufferings of the Savior on the Cross, became widespread in post-Byzantine art, and most of all among the Slavic peoples.

Many researchers who have been engaged in clarifying the history of the origin of this icon are inclined to believe that the icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” comes from Byzantium. There is accurate information that in Ancient Byzantium this image was revered as a great Christian Shrine. This icon received the name “Leaping of the Baby” already in Rus', where it gained the greatest popularity only in the 16th-17th centuries. It can be assumed that it is a copy copied from the Byzantine model.

A look into the past

The history of the appearance of the miraculous icon in Rus' dates back to 1795, when the Mother of God (“The Leaping of the Baby”) was revealed in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, located on the territory of the modern Moscow region (not far from Dzerzhinsky). This monastery is famous for the fact that in its place in the 14th century an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was miraculously found.

Dmitry Donskoy built this monastery in honor of the victory he won on the Kulikovo Field, which took place in 1380. The appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas inspired the prince before the battle. Donskoy promised to build a new monastery on the site where she was found.

In the 16th century, it was in this monastery that the icon of the Mother of God “The Leaping Child” was miraculously revealed. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates this event on November 20 (new style).

Icon today

In the post-revolutionary period, the icon disappeared, and its whereabouts remained unknown for a long time. In 2003, a certain woman donated to the monastery an icon of the Mother of God, similar to a miraculous list. According to eyewitnesses, this image was brought to the monastery. It was installed in the same place where the miraculous icon had previously stood. All witnesses to this joyful event were convinced of the authenticity of the newly found miraculous icon. Currently, the image of the Virgin Mary is kept in the altar of the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Miracle Lists

In addition to the Ugresh one, other miraculous copies of the “Leaping of the Baby” icon are also known. Currently they are in the Tretyakov Gallery. Another image is kept in Moscow. Also, the miraculous icon “Leaping of the Child” is located in the latter, rising on the holy Mount Athos.

Icon "Baby Leaping". Meaning in Christendom

Before the image in question, many married couples offer a prayer for permission from infertility. It is also customary to ask the Mother of God for help during pregnancy, before and after childbirth.

Pious Christian mothers ask the Blessed Virgin to grant their children mental and physical health and help parents in raising their children. Some fathers ask the Mother of God to instruct their children in the Orthodox faith, so that they grow up to be kind and loving people. In such life situations, the “Baby Leaping” icon always helps; its meaning is very great. The Most Holy Theotokos, through the icon, gives consolation to all who ask, as well as help, support and protection.

All women who want to give birth to healthy children or who are already bearing fruit under their hearts must especially observe purity of thoughts and strive to live according to the commandments of the Lord. This way of thinking and godly behavior is necessary to prepare a mother for the greatest mystery of childbirth. In Rus', it was believed that a woman’s behavior during pregnancy directly affects the future character of the baby. It is the mother who will answer before God for the Christian upbringing of her child, which is why at all times women began to pray to the Mother of God when they were still preparing to get married and become a mother. Pious Christian women pray before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, asking Her for help in conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Prayer for the gift of children

Infertile couples, unable to have offspring, pray to the Mother of God to send them the desired child, and they are often heard. There are many examples of childless families finding great happiness thanks to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In addition to the “Leaping of the Baby” icon, there are other images of the Mother of God, in front of which one should pray for the gift of children. They are no less famous. These are such icons of the Mother of God as “Tenderness”, “Quick to Hear”, “Theodore” icon of the Mother of God, “Blessed Womb”, “Tolga”. In addition to prayer, you can come with a request for the gift of children to the holy Righteous Joachim and Anna - the parents of the Most Pure Virgin.

The parents of the Most Holy Mary were barren for many years; all their lives they prayed to the Lord to give them a child. The holy Godfathers deeply mourned their childlessness, since among the Jewish people infertility was considered a punishment for sins. The Lord heard their prayer, and she conceived and gave birth to a blessed child - Mary, who became the Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ. That is why in the Christian world it is customary to ask the holy ancestors for permission from infertility.

Also, childless couples can perform prayers to Moscow, Zechariah and Elizabeth and other saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God during pregnancy

Many Christian believers, while expecting a child, say especially warm prayers in front of various icons. One of the most famous helpers during pregnancy is the icon of the Mother of God “Theodorovskaya”, “Help in Childbirth”, “Softening Evil Hearts” (its other name is “Seven Shots”), “Help of Sinners”, “Tenderness” and, of course, “ The leap of a baby."

The icon of the Mother of God has meaning when performing a sincere prayer in front of it. Also, while waiting for the baby, the young couple pray to Saints Joachim and Anna, the holy martyr Paraskeva, the holy Venerable Roman of Kirzhach and others.

Prayer of the spouses before the appearance of the heir

Many women expecting a baby worry about how safely the birth will go. In addition to the appearance of restless thoughts, expectant mothers are visited by the fear of pain, which confuses them greatly. When preparing for childbirth, in the Orthodox Church it is customary to ask the Most Holy Theotokos for help, who always hears sincere prayers, and especially women’s prayers for the safe birth of the baby.

The pious tradition of asking the Mother of God for help has long been known in Rus'. Russian women fervently pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of her numerous icons (“Helper in Childbirth”, “Tenderness”, “Feodorovskaya” Blessed Virgin Mary, “Leaping of the Baby” and others). She, in turn, grants what is sincerely asked of Her.

Prayer after the birth of a baby

After the birth of a baby, many mothers pray in front of the “Mammal” and “Nurture” icons, asking the Mother of God for help in raising their beloved child.

The Mother of God prayer “The Leaping of the Baby” has a deep meaning. It glorifies the Blessed Virgin, asking for Her help and support during childbirth. The text also contains requests for the preservation of the newborn baby, for his enlightenment in the sacrament of Baptism, for his upbringing in the Orthodox faith. In addition to prayer in front of the icon, you can read an akathist.

“The Leaping Baby” is a miraculous icon, in front of which many Christian women, asking for help from the Mother of God, found Her holy protection and patronage. The Akathist also contains various petitions for support.


The Ugresh icon “The Leaping of the Baby” differs from other versions of this holy image. In some compositions there are minor differences in the depiction of the Infant God and His Most Pure Mother. However, they all have the same name - the “Baby Leaping” icon.

A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, spoken from a pure heart, always brings spiritual fruit. Many Christian believers, after praying in front of this icon, received consolation in spiritual anxieties, as well as deep calm and peace. This is the effect of the help of the Queen of Heaven, who always helps in various life circumstances.

In Russia, on the day of the celebration of the Ugreshsky Icon of the Mother of God, the feast of all icons of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” is celebrated. The Ugresh Icon of the Mother of God is also revered as a miraculous image, to which many Christian believers come for worship and prayer.

Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” - the Mother of God’s help to women

The “Leaping of the Child” icon is an unusual image through which the Mother of God especially helps girls and women. Learn about the wonders of the Russian icon and its history.

Icon of the Mother of God “Leaping of the Child” - the Mother of God’s help to women and girls

The “Leaping of the Child” icon is an unusual image, widespread in the holy monasteries of Serbia and the Balkans. Like a number of miraculous icons of the Mother of God, she became famous for her miracles, to which there are many witnesses. In Russia, the image of the “Leaping of the Child” is especially revered in one monastery near Moscow. The entire Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the icon annually on October 20 with prayers, akathists and solemn services.

History and meaning of the icon

Name miraculous image means “Playing Child”: in the hands of the Mother of God the Child Christ is depicted in an unusual pose. She lightly touches the Son of God with her cheek, and He, in a fit of joy, pulls his hands to the Mother’s Face, touching it and sharply throwing his head back. According to legend, this icon illustrates one of the episodes of the event of the Presentation of the Lord. When the Infant Christ was brought to the Jerusalem Temple, Elder Simeon came out to meet the Mother of God and Joseph. He was one of 70 Bible translators who at one time doubted the possibility of the birth of the Son of God from a Virgin. God told Simeon that he would not die until he saw Christ born. And this moment came, and the elder, realizing by the grace of God who was before him, stretched out his hands to take the Infant of God.

But Christ was a baby and, of course, He did not want to go into the arms of an unfamiliar old man - that’s why he reached back to Mom. Theologians interpret this icon as the human side of the Lord, that is, revealing His natural feelings and instincts for humans.

The miraculous Russian image “Leaping of the Child” appeared in 1795 on the territory of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, which is now located in the city of Dzerzhinsk in the Moscow region. In 1814, after the victory over Napoleon, a list was made of the shrine. Due to the destruction of the monastery during the years of revolution and atheism, only it survived, however, this icon also exudes healing.

How does the “Baby Leaping” icon help?

This image helps women and girls get rid of loneliness, imprisonment happy marriage, pregnancy and conception. Married couples often pray for the help of the Mother of God at the “Leaping of the Child” icon:

    about getting rid of infertility and conceiving a baby;

    about calm gestation and a healthy pregnancy;

    about easy, quick and safe childbirth;

    about the health of the newborn.

Prayer should accompany everything related to the child: pregnancy, childbirth, raising and maintaining the health of the baby (if conception fails, this should also be prayed for). After all, every mother understands how much it depends on the circumstances. Trust in the Lord and pray that He will direct your life according to His will.

Don’t think about conceiving a child outside of marriage, “for yourself.” Sex outside of marriage, with an almost random person, is the mortal sin of fornication. Repent of it, if you have committed this sin before, pray more for a good spouse, marriage and conceiving a child in a complete family.

In case of difficulties with pregnancy, do not forget that abortion is a great sin, and doctors may make mistakes when diagnosing fetal pathologies. Pray more, follow medical advice and have faith in birth healthy child. If you have social difficulties, do not have an abortion, turn to the help of the Church and church organizations, take responsibility for the child, pray, but do not kill the person in your body.

When trying to conceive a child and while pregnant, visit the temple and pray during services. If you are not baptized, receive Baptism. Get married to your husband, proceed to the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

A child is a great joy for a family, truly a gift from God, but it is not always possible to find it right away. Do not despair, pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. The prayer before the icon “Consolation and Consolation” for miraculous help in pregnancy can be read online using the text below:

“Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who knows the birth and difficulties of pregnancy of every mother and child, have mercy on Thy servant (name) and help her to give birth on time and safely, having been relieved of her burden. O Our Merciful Lady Theotokos, You did not need help at the Nativity of Christ, give Yourself help to Your servant, who needs this, who requires help, especially from You. Give her strength during childbirth, grant the baby who is about to be born and come into the light of God, grant him to be born at the right time and receive the intelligent Light of God in Holy Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit. We pray to You, O Mother of the Lord Almighty: be merciful to the woman in labor, whose time is coming to become a mother, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was born by You from above, to strengthen her with His power. Amen".

Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, may the Lord protect you!

Watch video about miraculous icon Virgin Mary "Leaping of the Child":