Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7 April

In ancient times feast of the Annunciation gave different names: Conception of Christ, Annunciation of Christ, Beginning of Redemption, Annunciation of the Angel to Mary. About where and how he first appeared feast of the Annunciation, nothing is known.

It is known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date celebration of the Annunciation– (new style).
Between Annunciation And Merry Christmas – nine months, that is, the period of bearing a child.

The name of the holiday is Annunciation- conveys its main meaning: proclamation Virgin Mary the good news of Her conception and birth Divine Infant Christ.

Let's look at the holiday icon: an angel descends to the Virgin to announce the “Good News” to her. Archangel Gabriel brought Virgin Mary the biggest news - God's Son becomes Son of man. Isaiah's prophecy is being fulfilled, Mother of God responds with consent to the angel’s message: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Without this voluntary consent God couldn't become human. He could not be incarnate, since God does not act by force, does not force us to do anything. Man is given complete freedom to respond to God with consent and love.

Church Tradition says that at the moment when Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she read the book of the prophet Isaiah, just those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last maidservant of the one who will be honored to give birth to the Messiah,” she thought.

This holiday is the only one of the Mother of God, which is spoken of in the Gospel (see Gospel of Luke 1 chapter 26-38 verse):
26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee called Nazareth,
27 to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David; The name of the Virgin is: Mary.
28 The angel came to her and said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women.
29 But when she saw him, she was troubled by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be.
30 And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God;
31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.
32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of His father David;
33 And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end.
34 And Mary said to the angel: How will this be, since I do not know the husband?
35 The angel answered and said to her: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
36 Behold your relative Elizabeth, who is called barren, and she conceived a son in her old age, and she is now in her sixth month,
37 For with God no word will fail.
38 Then Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word. And the Angel departed from Her.

Some ancient customs are associated with the Annunciation. They say that in Annunciation“A bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” i.e. all work is sin.

Are you wondering what Orthodox holiday today, April 7, 2020? On this day the Annunciation is celebrated Holy Mother of God(full title: Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary).

The holiday is also called Annunciation Day, Annunciation, Salutation to Mary, Zimobor, Spell of Spring, Big Day Feast.

Its date remains the same every year. The Annunciation is celebrated 9 months before the Nativity of Christ, which falls on January 7 (December 25, old style).

On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, who announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God:

“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” Mary answered the angel: “Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to Your word"
(Luke 1:26–38)

What church holiday is celebrated on April 7, 2020?

It belongs to the twelve, that is, the 12 most important after Easter. IN Orthodox Church This holiday symbolizes humanity's atonement for the fall of Eve.

At the Annunciation, the clergy put on their clothes blue color. In churches, the liturgy is served and the rite of breaking bread is performed, when it and wine are distributed to the believers.

On this day, especially a lot of prosphora is prepared. In the old days, peasants who did not have the opportunity to attend the Annunciation in church baked such bread themselves according to the number of family members. The prosphoras were not only eaten themselves, but also crushed into crumbs and mixed with sowing seeds, and added to livestock feed to keep them healthy.

According to the tradition that developed in our country back in the pre-revolutionary years, in some churches on this day white doves are released into the sky, personifying the good news. It is believed that birds fly straight to the Lord, because on the day of this holiday “the heavens open.”

Also, on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, birds are released from their cages into the wild. A. S. Pushkin dedicated a poem to this custom...

In a foreign land I religiously observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I'm releasing the bird into the wild
At happy holiday spring.

I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God?
When at least one creation
I could give freedom!

As legend says, on this day the sky opens for the requests and prayers of true believers. Girls read prayers for a happy marriage, women ask the Mother of God for peace and harmony in the family, for strengthening relations between spouses, for the gift of children and the well-being of their children.

If April 7, 2020 this religious holiday read prayers from a pure soul and with good thoughts, then your requests will definitely be heard. Moreover, it is important not only to ask the Holy Virgin for help and support in various matters, but also to thank her for bestowing them.

You can read the prayer that is read daily:
“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

You can read other Mother of God prayers, including petitionary, repentant, grateful, etc.

Traditions of the Orthodox holiday April 7, 2020

Let us tell you in more detail what kind of holiday falls on church calendar on April 7, 2020, as it is celebrated in our country, about its traditions and customs.

They say that as this April day passes, so will the whole year for a person. Therefore, on the Annunciation you need not to quarrel with others, not to be sad or angry, but to spend it joyfully, supporting a good relationship with the people around you.

Believers are not allowed to do housework (cleaning, repairs, sewing, knitting, embroidery), work in the garden, or cut their hair. As the people say, on this day “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, the proverb indicates that any worldly affairs should be postponed.

There are other prohibitions. So, it is not recommended to wear it on the Annunciation. new clothes, which, according to legend, can get dirty or tear. In the old days, girls who wanted to show off new clothes for a holiday wore them secretly (under their clothes) for several days.

Neither on the eve of this day, nor on the Annunciation, fires could be lit in homes. Starting from this holiday, it was considered a sin to do housework in the evening and at night, lighting a fire.

Also, on April 7, you cannot take anything out of the house or borrow anything, otherwise the family will face various kinds of troubles and financial losses. As we see, in some Annunciation customs there are clear echoes of paganism, while others were transformed by Christian meaning.

What other traditions are associated with this religious holiday, which falls on April 7? In Rus', it often coincided with the beginning of agricultural work.

It was believed that before this date nothing could be sown in the fields and gardens, since the earth was still sleeping.

People lit fires, young people danced around them, calling for a “red spring” and expressing requests for a good harvest. Except the Lord and Mother of God, people turned to spring and birds, reading chants:

Chuvil - vil - vil,
The larks are flying.
Spring has come to us,
Chuvil - vil - vil,
The larks are flying.

Larks, come,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring.
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread!

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
Us Cold winter got bored
My arms and legs were frozen.

The peasants read spells for the grain prepared for planting and performed various magical rituals to promote a good harvest.

Based on the weather on this day, you can judge what the weather will be like on Easter. If frost hits, there will be several more frosty mornings; in the north they are counted up to forty.

If it's raining, which means you should expect a good harvest of rye and mushrooms, the year will be successful for fishing; if it’s cold, you should wait for the milk mushroom harvest.

A warm night foreshadows an early and warm spring, and wind, frost and fog on the Annunciation foretell a fruitful summer.

If the swallows have not yet returned from the warm climes, it means that spring will come late and will be quite cold.

Our story about what holiday is celebrated on April 7 according to the church calendar will be incomplete without mentioning what is customary to serve on this day. The date falls on time

Lent, so meat, eggs and dairy products are still prohibited.
However, in honor of the holiday, concessions are allowed on the menu: if the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Week, you can include fish, wine and oil (vegetable oil) in your diet.

For this day, housewives bake flour products from lean dough in the form of larks. They try to prepare all dishes the day before, so that on Annunciation they will be free from household chores.

According to ancient tradition, Annunciation salt is also prepared at this time. To do this, each family member should pour a pinch of salt into the bag. It is heated over a fire and then stored in a secluded place.

It is believed that this salt serves as a cure for various diseases if added to food. If it is not spent within a year, then next holiday burnt in fire. And Annunciation ash is saved for cabbage and other garden plants, which are sprinkled with it in case of illness.

On Thursday, March 28, 3 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays March 28


Main multi-day post. Erected in honor of the memory of the 40-day fasting of Jesus Christ in the desert. The duration of Lent is 48 days.

The start and end dates of fasting are different every year. They depend on the date of Easter. The duration of Lent is 48 days. It begins on Monday, seven weeks before Easter and ends on Saturday, before this great holiday. In 2019 it lasts from March 11 to April 27 (inclusive).

It consists of two parts - Holy Pentecost (first 6 weeks) and Holy Week (last week - 6 days).

What can you eat in Lent: nutrition rules

Lent is the strictest. The main food products during this period are pickles and preserves of vegetables and fruits, onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, legumes, apples, oranges, nuts, and dried fruits.

The first week they adhere to a particularly strict fast. On the first day (Clean Monday) you must completely abstain from eating. Then, from Tuesday to Friday, you can eat bread, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey, drink water (dry eating is allowed), and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

In the second to sixth weeks of fasting, dry eating is prescribed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hot food without oil on Tuesday and Thursday, and hot food with butter on Saturday and Sunday.

During Holy Week they adhere to strict fasting. On all days of this week, dry eating is allowed, and on Friday you cannot eat food until the shroud is taken out.

On the church holiday of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7 (if it does not fall during Holy Week) and on Palm Sunday (7 days before Easter) you can eat fish. On Lazarus Saturday (before Palm Sunday) it is allowed to eat fish roe.

Alexander's day

Hieromartyr Alexander of Sida (Pamphylia), presbyter.

Memory of Saint Alexander, priest in Side, who suffered for his faith in Jesus Christ during the period of persecution of Christians by Emperor Aurelian.

Hieromartyr Alexander, a priest in Side, suffered for Christ during the persecution under the emperor Aurelian (270-275). The saint was interrogated by the ruler Antonin and given over to cruel torture.

But the saint, miraculously preserved by the Lord, endured all the torment with amazing patience and was finally beheaded.

As soon as the tormentor Antonin wanted to leave the judge’s seat, he began to rage and died in violent convulsions.

Martyrs Agapius and with him the seven martyrs

Honoring the memory of Saint Agapius and 7 other martyrs who suffered for their faith in Jesus Christ under the Emperor Diocletian in the city of Caesarea in Palestine.

The holy martyrs lived during the reign of Diocletian. Agapius came from Gaza, Timolaus from Pontus Euxine, both Dionysius from Phoenician Trippoli, Puplius and both Alexander from Egypt, and Romilus was a subdeacon of the Diaspolis church. All of them suffered in Caesarea Palestine from the hegemon Urvan in the second year of the persecution against Christians that began at that time.

At that time, a decree was issued in all countries and cities to force Christians to worship idols and make sacrifices to them. On the occasion of the then pagan holiday In Caesarea, a spectacle was being prepared for the people gathered from all sides; namely, the Christians held there in bonds were being prepared for torture. All the Hellenes who were there gathered to see this spectacle.

First of all, after many torments, the holy martyr Timothy was burned at the stake; After this, the holy martyr Agapius and the holy martyr Thekla were given over to be devoured by wild beasts (not the Agapius who is remembered today, but another of the same name, who suffered earlier with Saint Thekla and was remembered together with the martyr Timothy in the month of August).

When this bloody spectacle took place, six courageous Christian youths: Puplius, Timolaus, Romilus, two Alexanders and Dionysius, whose memory is celebrated today, inflamed with zeal for Christ, tied their own hands as a sign that they wished to suffer for Christ and out of love ready to go to Christ into the fire and to be devoured by wild beasts. Quickly approaching the very center of the spectacle, they stopped in front of Hegemon Urvan and loudly exclaimed: “We are Christians!”

The hegemon, seeing that they were still young in age, not wanting to kill them, began to gently exhort them to worship idols and not destroy themselves in such blooming summers. When he could not convince them, he ordered the young men to be sent to prison.

A few days later, Saint Agapius, an honest and glorious man among Christians, was numbered among the prisoners of Christ, since he had previously confessed the name of Jesus Christ with great boldness and suffered various torments for this. Agapius was at that time taken with his servant Dionysius the Egyptian and imprisoned along with the six holy men mentioned, so that all of them became eight.

For a long time the holy martyrs were kept in prison and were tortured many times in different ways, but did not reject Christ. Finally, they were condemned to be beheaded, and all in one day laid down their honorable heads for the Head of the Church of Jesus Christ, to whom they betrayed their souls and from whom they were crowned with victorious crowns in the Church, triumphant in heaven.

Dear brothers and sisters, today the memory of the saints is also celebrated:

  • sschmch. Alexandra, priest in Side;
  • martyr Nikandra;
  • New Martyrs of Russia: sschmch. Alexy Vinogradov, presbyter; sschmch. Michael the Theological Presbyter.

We heartily and warmly congratulate everyone who bears these holy names on their namesake day! May the Greatly Gifted Lord through your prayers heavenly patrons grants you physical health and spiritual salvation. May God bless you and have many blessed years!

Today, April 7 (March 25, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

* Repose of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1925). Venerable Savva the New (1948). Icons of the Mother of God of the Annunciation (XVI).

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Virgin Mary

In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary. Nothing is known about where and how the Feast of the Annunciation first appeared. It is known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 (April 7, new style). On this day, the Church glorifies the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary by an angel of God about her supernatural conception of the Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys its main meaning: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news about the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ.

Annunciation means “good” or “good” news. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

Church Tradition says that at the moment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she was reading the book of the prophet Isaiah, precisely those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last maidservant of the one who will be honored to give birth to the Messiah,” she thought.
Some ancient customs are associated with the Annunciation among the people. They say that on the Annunciation “the bird does not build a nest, the maiden does not braid her hair,” i.e. all work is sin.

Repose of Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Saint Tikhon (in the world Vasily Ivanovich Belavin) was born on January 19, 1865. WITH early years the father took the boy with him to services, and love for the temple became an integral part of his life.

He received his education at theological school hometown, and then at the Pskov Seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. In 1888, Vasily Belavin graduated from the academy and was sent to the Pskov seminary to teach dogmatics, moral theology and French. In 1891, the young teacher took monastic vows with the name Tikhon in honor of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Ordained to the rank of hieromonk, a year later he was transferred to the Kholm Seminary, where he was appointed inspector.

In December 1898, Bishop Tikhon was appointed to the Aleutian-American See, which was located in San Francisco. In 1905, Saint Tikhon was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and two years after that he was transferred to one of the most honorable departments in Russia - Yaroslavl. In 1913, Archbishop Tikhon was transferred to the Lithuanian diocese - to Vilna. Here the ruler was caught in the war. By order Holy Synod Archbishop Tikhon moved to Moscow, bringing with him the relics of the holy Vilna wonderworkers, but soon moved from Moscow closer to his flock, almost to the front line.

After February revolution together with other archpastors, Archbishop Tikhon was dismissed by Chief Prosecutor V.N. Lvov from the Synod. On June 23, 1917, Saint Tikhon was elected by the will of the church people to the Moscow diocesan see, after which the Synod awarded him the rank of metropolitan. The Local Council, which opened on August 15, 1917, elected Metropolitan Tikhon as its chairman, and soon after, on November 21, 1917, he was elevated to the restored patriarchal throne.
In his first address to the all-Russian flock, Patriarch Tikhon characterized the era the country was experiencing as “the time of God’s wrath”; in his message on January 19, 1918, he expressed archpastoral concern for the position of the Church and condemnation of bloody riots.

In the summer of 1921, after the horrors of the civil war, another disaster befell the Russian people: famine. On February 19, 1922, Patriarch Tikhon called on church councils to donate precious church decorations, unless they have liturgical use. However, on February 23, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a decree on the confiscation of church valuables for the needs of the hungry. The Patriarch responded to the decree with a new message to his flock, in which he stated the inadmissibility of confiscation of sacred objects, “the use of which is not for liturgical purposes is prohibited by the canons of the Universal Church.”

Criminal cases were initiated in different cities of the country. The clergy were accused of obeying their Patriarch, of reading out his Proclamation, of trying to negotiate with the authorities to replace the handing over of church shrines with a cash ransom, and sometimes of not being able to withstand the blasphemous behavior in churches of government agents who allowed themselves the most obscene forms of desecration of shrines, they did not remain indifferent to him.

During the years of the Civil War, a stratification occurred among the clergy: renovationist groups appeared that called for a revolution in the Church. Rebuffing anti-canonical modernist encroachments, Patriarch Tikhon on November 4, 1921, in a special message to his flock, emphasized the inadmissibility of liturgical innovations. In May 1922, the patriarch was taken into custody in Donskoy Monastery, and in June 1923 he was released. During this period, as a result of the destructive actions of the schismatic-renovationists, the church administration was decapitated: many bishops were expelled from their cathedras, most churches were captured by the renovationists, and the church people were thrown into confusion.

After his release from arrest, Patriarch Tikhon addressed his flock with a message, stating that “The Russian Orthodox Church is apolitical and does not want... to be either a white or a red Church. It must be and will be United, Catholic, Apostolic Church" On March 23 (April 5), 1924, the patriarch issued a new, brief but meaningful Message, denouncing the grave crimes of the leaders of the renovationist schism. In this Message, on the basis of church canons and on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch subjected the Renovationists to canonical prohibition and confirmed that, until repentance, they are out of communion with the Church.

March 23 (April 5) His Holiness Tikhon served his last liturgy in the Church of the Great Ascension on Nikitskaya. On March 25 (April 7), 1925, on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Patriarch Tikhon reposed in the Lord. In 1989, by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', was canonized.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:
Holidays expected:
02.03.2020 -
03.03.2020 -
04.03.2020 -

Among the significant dates of church holidays, April 7 stands out. A real miracle happened - the good news about the forgiveness of human sin and the conception of the son of God, who will become the savior on earth. The event is called the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Is this date permanent for honoring the good news? What is the historical essence of the holiday? What traditions and signs should Orthodox Christians observe so that grace can enter their hearts and homes?

The history of the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to church traditions, on April 7, the Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God, appeared to the Virgin Mary and conveyed the news that she was worthy to become the mother of the Son of God, who at birth would be called Jesus Christ. The whole point of the importance of the event is that Mary was chosen for this mission for a reason. She believed and served God all her life.

It is reliably known that Mary was raised in the temple until she came of age (14 years old at that time) and took a vow of innocence. Therefore, the temple servants betrothed her to the elderly Joseph. He made a promise to take care of Mary and preserve her innocence.

When Mary heard from the Archangel Gabriel that she was about to become pregnant and give birth to a son, she was surprised at how this was possible? But she agreed, trusting in God and realizing that the conception would be immaculate. Thus, the will of God was fulfilled, but without coercion from the Virgin Mary, which became the beginning of the salvation of the human race and God’s forgiveness for the previous fall, in which Eve was involved.

This day is important for the church and the Orthodox. The holiday is one of the 12 main events in the Orthodox calendar.

The Annunciation has two dates in the calendar when the church remembers the good news communicated to the Virgin Mary - March 25 and April 7. The bottom line is that both dates should be considered correct if we look at the Nativity of Jesus.

  • In Orthodoxy it is January 7th. When returning to 9 months (pregnancy period), conception occurred on April 7.
  • Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, respectively, March 25 is the date of the Annunciation (immaculate conception).

These dates are permanent and do not depend on calendar calculations by year, as happens with Easter.

What can you do on the feast of the Annunciation

Orthodox Christians revere the church holiday and perceive it as spring grace, when winter should finally go away. The time is coming full preparation to field work.

  • On the night of the Annunciation, it is customary to light bonfires, which is a symbol of the expulsion of winter and the heating of the earth. Old things and garbage were thrown into the fire to give the opportunity for new things to come into the house, including the long-awaited spring. Ashes from the fire were collected in a tub or bucket and left as a means of combating insects and diseases that could ruin the harvest. Nowadays, bonfires at the Annunciation are a rarity, but supplies of ash can be taken from a Russian stove.
  • The release of birds from cages is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, who sent his grace to Mary.
  • On the day of the Annunciation, beekeepers take the hives out of the shelter into the apiary and begin to inspect the bees after the winter hut.
  • For gardeners, this is a good time to sow peas.
  • In addition to everyday affairs, Orthodox Christians must pray and attend church.

What not to do on the Feast of the Annunciation

This date is considered great, very important for the church and people, so you should know what things cannot be done on a big holiday:

  • Do not do housework, or rather, household chores (cleaning, washing, even preparing hot food).
  • “A bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid a braid” - the proverb indicates that any worldly affairs should be put aside (sewing, knitting).
  • You can’t wear new ones, because things will quickly become unusable.
  • You cannot take anything out of the house and give something to strangers.

Signs for April 7

For a long time, people have looked at the events that take place on a daily basis. big holiday. The Annunciation also has its own signs:

  • The weather determines what kind of great Easter will be.
  • As the April day goes, so will a person’s year be.
  • In the morning, frost, wind, fog - a rich harvest in everything.

The Church considers superstitions and omens to be vain faith that leads a Christian astray from the true path. Prayer and faith in God are stronger than pagan rituals and symbols.