As a rule, salon visitors decide on a place for a tattoo even earlier than on the design and color. However, if you have a rough idea of ​​WHAT to apply, but don’t yet know WHERE, there is a fairly clear set of criteria and details that can prompt you to make a decision. Where does it hurt to get a tattoo and how to decide on the area to be applied? Now we'll tell you.

The first step is to decide on the meaning of your future tattoo. And here the most important thing is what kind of meaning you specifically put into it. Then answer the question: do you want to show off your tattoo to others? Places for tattoos are divided into open - those that are difficult to hide, and closed - those that are visible only when you want it.

For example, a tattoo on the face will always attract attention, most likely negative. Such experiments are characteristic of extraordinary, extravagant people who are ready to challenge society and are not afraid of the reactions of others.

There are also borderline options, such as the neck or lower leg. In this case, the tattoo will peek out from under the clothes, which often causes interest. Conservative places for tattoos The chest, stomach, shoulders, back and feet are considered.

Many art fans body painting disagree and ignore such property of tattoos as practicality, although, in my opinion, for most this is extremely important. Unfortunately, we live in a world of stereotypes where a tattoo or piercing can cause problems at work or in the family. Therefore, before applying an image to an open part of the body, make sure that this will not create unnecessary obstacles for you.

The second important criterion, especially for girls, is the pain of the tattooing process. You can read more about this in the article, but now let’s say that the most painful places For tattoos, you can consider the face, ribs, area behind the ear, stomach and some parts of the back. In general, this moment is individual and the degree of pain perception is different for each person.

I consider aesthetics to be the most important parameter. The plot that you are going to transfer to the body should look perfect on the body. Here it’s worth taking everything into account: size, color, shape, various effects. Therefore, before the artist begins work, do a test translation and evaluate how correctly you have chosen the place for the tattoo.

In this section, we evaluate places for tattoos according to the three most important criteria from our point of view. We bring to your attention the final table with the results. Already chosen a place? Write where you decided to get a tattoo!

Most popular materials

Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

Choosing a place for a tattoo is a decision no less serious than choosing a sketch for it. Of course, if you are determined to make a “drawing on the body” in a certain place, then no one can forbid you to do this, but it’s still worth listening to the advice.

Where will the tattoo “live” for a long time?

Long-lasting tattoos are considered to be those made on:

  • back of the neck,
  • back,
  • side,
  • hands above the wrist,
  • legs above the ankles.

Tattoos made in these “dangerous” places most often (with rare exceptions) fade into an unsightly spot over time - and this is very difficult to fix. Do not be fooled by looking at juicy tattoos in such places, for example, on the fingers, which are now even done on the occasion of a wedding - most likely they were made recently and the same unfortunate fate awaits them. Therefore, think twice before getting tattoos in such places.

Examples of tattoos on fingers that have been damaged by time:

Also remember that a tattoo can stretch out if you get fat, take this into account and get tattoos better in those places that will change less with weight gain or pregnancy.

Which tattoo will ruin your reputation?

It's not a good idea to place a tattoo on your lower back. Having seen a tattoo in this exact place, many begin to think of the owner of the tattoo as lung girl behavior. Therefore, be prepared to face such an opinion.

“Comfortable” tattoos

Some people get tattoos in places where almost no one will see them, and some, on the contrary, put them on public display. A comfortable middle ground is those tattoos that you can hide if you wish, and if you wish, you can walk down the street with them. Usually, these are tattoos on the front and side of the thigh, which can cover any trousers, jeans, medium/long skirts, and which look very unusual and attractive with shorts and minis.

Back tattoos are popular and can be worn with matching necklines. Some choose a tattoo on the shoulder; it’s unlikely that anyone will see such a “picture” from behind the sleeve at work.

Less painful

Of course, if you decide to get a tattoo in a certain place, then you can still be patient for the sake of your goal. Many people do not experience pain at all - everything is individual and depends on the person’s skin - its porosity and thickness.

Others may be injected with a painkiller (although this is not advisable), but it is still worth mentioning the places on the body where getting a tattoo hurts the most. And it is more painful to do it in those places where there are fewer muscles - these are the shoulder blades, elbows, spine, knees - places close to the bone. But don't be alarmed, this is not a pain that is impossible to endure. Many women compare its sensation to depilation.

In any case, wearing a tattoo is yours, and the decision about its location is also made by you. Therefore, you can listen or ignore all the advice. The main thing is that you like and feel comfortable wearing your tattoo.

If you have already decided on a specific tattoo design, then first of all you should take into account the following nuances. There are certain areas on the human body that are most susceptible to deformation. Based on this factor, you should not choose the front of the neck, stomach, buttocks and inner thigh as the place for tattooing. The skin on the arms, legs, and back is much less susceptible to certain changes, with the exception of a significant increase or decrease in weight.

When wondering how to choose a place for a tattoo, it is also worth understanding that body designs can change the visual perception of the proportions of your body. For example, tattoos for girls in the shin area can make the leg visually longer and slimmer, while a design on the upper part of the foot, on the contrary, can create the effect of a smaller size.

When choosing a place on the body for a tattoo, the most important role is played by the shape and size of the image. If we're talking about about a small body pattern, then it can be applied anywhere. With a large tattoo, things are more complicated, since body image should match the contour of your body. If a large tattoo can become an obstacle in your career, you should pay attention to inconspicuous places for tattoos. This will hide your secret under your clothes.

The most inconspicuous places for tattoos

Quite often people come to our tattoo salon who want to get tattoos in areas accessible exclusively to loved ones. We are talking about the following options:

  • hypogastrium;
  • pubis;
  • back of the neck;
  • inner thigh;
  • forearm from the inside;
  • buttocks;
  • under the chest and so on.

The choice of place for a tattoo also largely depends on the person’s ability to tolerate pain. With this in mind, let's understand this aspect.

The most painful places for tattoos

It is a well-known fact that the tattooing process is painful. Tattoos on different parts of the body can be tolerated differently. The most painful areas include:

  • pubic area;
  • ribs;
  • spine area;
  • brushes;
  • Feet;
  • elbow;
  • knee;
  • area near the ear.

In other words, when choosing a place for a tattoo, if you do not tolerate pain well, you should not choose places with a thin layer of fat and close proximity to bone. For such clients, we advise choosing the hips, buttocks, shoulders or shoulder blades.

If you cannot decide not only on the location of the tattoo, but also on a suitable sketch, you should consult with a tattoo artist. He will not only give good advice, but can also apply a sketch with temporary paint so that you can understand yourself.

Masters at work

Passion and hatred in a tattoo parlor

Pain is a subjective sensation, each person reacts to it differently. There cannot be identical opinions and disputes on this issue. But there is some consensus on which areas of the body are more painful to get a tattoo on and which are not. After reading the information presented in the article, you will learn a lot of new things about this, and you will also be able to make the final decision on which place and salon to get a tattoo, and whether it is worth getting a tattoo at all.

Everything happens differently for everyone

While places on the body like the ribs and throat seem to be the most vulnerable, in fact, every person who has ever gotten a tattoo will likely give you a slightly different answer and indicate the place on the body where they felt the most pain fill in the drawing. After all, pain levels and pain tolerance are subjective, and what hurts for one person may be completely normal and tolerable for another. However, there is some consensus as to which areas are more painful and which are less painful. Read this before you go get a tattoo.

The most painful place is the wrist

Sean Dowdell, who founded Club Tattoo with the late singer Linkin groups Park Chester Bennington said more than once in an interview that the most painful part of the body on which he was tattooed was his wrist. According to Dowdell, the worst moment was when he was hit right where the bend line is. As the director of Club Tattoo from 1995 to this day, he more than once saw people writhing in pain when they had a drawing done on this very spot.

Another unpleasant place is the stomach

As for some of the other most painful experiences he's observed, Sean says, "Watching my employees, artists and clients, I think the stomach is a very painful place to get a tattoo. And back surface knee joint. The neck and ribs are also included in this list. Pain is a biased thing.”

Find out as much information as you can about your tattoo artist.

Another factor that influences the sensations experienced and which many people neglect is information about the tattoo artist. Some artists are more violent than others, their methods of work are painful. If you are sensitive to pain, look for a more “gentle” artist.

Other factors that affect pain

Certain health problems can make you more sensitive. Some people have a history of injury and have increased sensitivity in certain parts of the body. Some tattoo lovers will tell you that the bones are the hardest to get tattooed. Others believe that it depends on how thick or thin the layer of skin is in that area. In fact, it all has to do with nerve endings. As far as thin skin is concerned, it is best to get a tattoo on the upper arm. Although the skin there is thin, it is not very painful.

The least painful place is the shoulder

The least painful places to apply the design are the areas of your body with fewer nerve endings. The front of the shoulder, shin, buttocks and outer arm are good options.

Tattoo size matters too

While people tend to focus their attention on the spot, Stanley Kovack, MD, an esthetician, believes pain has more to do with the size of the pattern. The larger the tattoo, the longer the artist works, and accordingly, the more pain you will experience. When a tattoo is particularly complex, it also requires more ink and different types of needles. All this makes the pain worse.


Age also has great importance. Younger skin is not as susceptible to pain as older skin. And this is not surprising, because it is much denser and absorbs ink better.

You can get infected

Infections are caused by bacteria, so when you decide to get a tattoo, think about which parts of your body have the most harmful bacteria. Often these are the legs. One of the most significant factors for infection is unsanitary conditions in your own home. People don't realize that pet hair can get on a tattoo and cause an infection, which can lead to big problems. Even an innocuous walk down the street can be a problem, especially if you're wearing flip-flops or other open-toed shoes. Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo on your legs, be sure to thoroughly disinfect the necessary part and try to cover the place where you got the drawing while it heals. The same goes for your hands, as your hands and fingers come into contact with billions of bacteria every day.

What about intimate parts of the body?

You would think that getting a tattoo, so to speak, in the lower part of the body would lead to the development of an infection, but in fact this is not the case. There are mucous membranes there, and women have more such tissues than men. By violating it, you can quickly become infected with bacterial infections. But good news is that they are generally not exposed, so you won't get sick.

The most dangerous tattoo

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular these days, but there are still certain types that only the bravest individuals seek to inflict. The most dangerous place for drawing a picture - this is the eyeball. For many, this idea will not even occur to them. However, those who decide to get a tattoo there are at great risk. A pattern in this place is a high risk of infection. In addition, if you have eye diseases, there is a high chance that you will go blind after the procedure.

This is the most important and necessary thing for those who are planning to get a tattoo.

Skin infections can always be caught during this process, but can usually be easily treated with antibiotics afterwards. Such ailments are also less likely if you get your tattoo done at a clean, professional and licensed tattoo parlor and, of course, if you follow all post-procedure instructions. Many people do not follow the instructions of the master and swim in public pools, lakes, rivers, which is strictly prohibited for at least two to three weeks after the drawing is applied.

People often have misconceptions about post-operative care. They think that if the tattoo is not too big, then it does not need to be taken care of much, but this is not always the case. All masters advise their clients to refrain from intense training or going to the gym for a while, since such crowded and specific places can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Indeed, the gym is a breeding ground for infections and bacteria. If you have recently gotten a tattoo, do not rush to immediately run to Gym, because you can very quickly pick up a very serious bacterial infection.

Tattoos are painful not only to get in, but also to remove.

Who said removing tattoos doesn't hurt? When you decide to remove the drawing, prepare to be in pain, but again, it all depends on the size of the drawing. If the tattoo is too large, then artists usually use a local anesthetic.

How safe is it to get a tattoo?

For example, in America, some states require tattoo parlors to be licensed, while others do not. Undoubtedly, many people prefer to get tattoos in underground salons (faster and cheaper), but still the majority prefer legal “workshops”. It’s safe to say that in the States there are no longer the old street tattoo parlors where bikers ink tattoos for everyone. Times have changed, progress is making itself felt.

For many years, the fashion for tattoos has been increasing and most often girls prefer this decoration.
When choosing a tattoo, you must be guided by certain principles and rules. Based on this, a girl can get a permanent tattoo, or she can use equally popular temporary tattoos or get a tattoo design using colored crystal stones and a variety of rhinestones.

In the event that a girl strives to match the latter fashion trends, then an excellent solution could be the so-called white tattoo. This tattoo is applied using pigment. white, which, in turn, stands out brightly and attractively on tanned skin, which is very relevant in the summer.

Another rule when choosing a tattoo is to determine the right place to apply it.

Ideally, the tattoo should be located in a place where it can be hidden if necessary. After all, it’s one thing when a tattoo is shown on the beach or at a disco, and completely different at work or at a business dinner.

One of the most popular areas of the body for application tattoo is neck. But before getting a tattoo on this area of ​​the body, you need to take into account that this process is very painful.

Not bad place for tattoo - inside of wrist. If necessary, it can easily be covered with a watch or bracelet. A huge number of stars and models have chosen this particular place for their tattoo, for example famous model And

Very popular among teenagers tattoo made on ear and arm, the latter is mainly marked with names or inscriptions. Additionally, arm tattoos are done for religious reasons, to show defiance or make a profound statement.

Best suited for bold and daring individuals chest tattoo. This tattoo is ideal for those girls who want to express themselves through unique body art.

The embodiment of feminine charm is ankle tattoo or around it. But since this part of the body is very bony and contains many nerve endings, getting a tattoo requires a lot of courage.

A feminine and attractive place for a tattoo is the lower back.. This is explained by the fact that this part of the body is rarely shown, but if you bend over, you can catch a glimpse of the tattoo. And, secondly, the back is so popular as a place for tattooing that it has even received the name “stamp place.” Therefore, if a girl decides to get a tattoo because it is considered fashionable and on the back (lower back, sacrum) - this is not the most best idea, since there is a risk of falling into the ranks of non-originals.

An important thing when deciding to get a tattoo is the choice of design.

Before you choose suitable image, be sure to consult with the artist who will apply the tattoo, study the meanings attached to the design.

Currently, oriental themes are very common among tattoo designs (these are ornaments, hieroglyphs, dragons). No less interesting are plant and animal motifs: images of flowers, butterflies, cats, dolphins and others.