Nitsoulyas Alexander

The research work consists of theoretical and practical parts, where own research is displayed



Ministry of Education of the PMR

MU "Dubossary Department of Public Education"»

Municipal educational institution "Dubossary Gymnasium No. 1"


Pros and cons of chewing gum

Student 8 "in"

Supervisor: Tsurkan Liliya Fedorovna

Biology and Chemistry Teacher 1

Qualification category 1

Dubossary 2008


I. Abstract part

1.History of the appearance of chewing gum…………………………………………...4

2. Composition of chewing gum………………………………………………………4

3. Be careful when buying chewing gum………………………………………………………5

5. Positive and negative meaning of chewing gum……………………………….7

6. Chewing gum: nice, but is it useful?.................................................. ............. 8

II Practical part

1. Own research……………………………………………………… 8

1.1Determination of polyhydric alcohols (xylitol, mannitol, etc.)…...………………...8 1.2Properties of the rubber base of chewing gum………………………………………………………9 1.3 Detection of phenylalanine residues in aspartame……………………………..9 1.4 Properties of menthol………………………………………………………………10 1.5 properties of dyes included in the composition of chewing gum……………………………..10 2. Questionnaire……………………………………………………………… ………... 10

Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 11

Literature………………………………………………………………………………. 12


For many years we have been hearing debates about whether chewing gum is harmful or beneficial. Today, people have only a basic understanding of the benefits of consuming chewing gum and, what is very important, the possible and negative consequences of its use. According to dentists, this may be due to the extremely small number of domestic scientific research devoted to the study of products intended for chewing. And the emerging literature reviews do not alleviate the severity of the problem, since they practically do not affect the negative effects of these products on the body.

In chemistry lessons we learn how chemistry relates to everyday life. The basis of chewing gum is polymeric substances – rubbers. Therefore, when studying these high-molecular compounds in a chemistry class, we showed simple experiments with the rubber base of chewing gum. In addition, introducing classmates to the properties of other components of chewing gum increased their interest in studying chemistry.

Subject research project: “Pros and cons of chewing gum”1

Target: studying the positive and negative effects of chewing

Elastic bands for the body.

To achieve this goal, the work solves the following: tasks:

1. Familiarize yourself with the history of chewing gum.

2. Study the beneficial and negative properties of chewing gum.

3. Conduct a survey of students in grades 5, 8, 10, 11 of the Municipal Educational Institution “Dubossary Gymnasium No. 1”

Object of study: chewing gum "Orbit, Eclipse, Dirol, 1 Hubba Buda.”

Hypothesis: If students use chewing gum, then this 1 negatively affects their health.

Materials and methods.

The material was collected by students of 8th grade, and experiments were also carried out in the school chemical laboratory, under the leadership of Lilia Fedorovna Tsurkan

1. The history of chewing gum

In less than 100 years, chewing gum has become one of the world's most widely used food products. Nowadays, in the homeland of chewing gum, in the USA, more than 100 varieties of chewing gum are sold. Chewing is a phenomenon

not American. 1 In ancient times, when real chewing gum had not yet been made, people chewed tree resin, leaves and some herbs. The Mayans and some other Central Americans chewed the resin of the rubber tree. Having cut the bark, they collected the white juice flowing out

from under her. After a few minutes it became dark, viscous, viscous.

In this form it was used as chewing gum. Indians of other tribes, for example, in New England, chewed spruce resin, and the colonists who poured here from Europe adopted this habit from them. 1 In many of our villages there were craftsmen who made chewing gum from birch bark. Having boiled the thick, smelling mass, they rolled it into separate lumps. These dark chocolate lumps looked very appetizing! And so that they did not dry out and harden, the hostess kept

They are filled with water in a vessel. 1 1 In 1848, shopkeeper John Curtis was the first in the world to produce chewing gum - he simply packaged pieces of gum into pieces of paper. Later, for this purpose, he began to use cheap paraffin, to which spices were added to give a pleasant smell. But his product did not withstand long-term storage. 1 11 1 Real chewing gum was invented in 1869 by Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. He was helped by inventor Thomas Adams, who created the first chewing gum machine in 1871. 1 And now, without exaggeration, we can say that the whole world chews chewing gum.

2.Composition of chewing gum

According to academician Todor Dichev, most chewing gumsinstead of protecting teethand gums contain components that themselves cause such diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity ascaries, periodontal disease.

We analyzed the composition of the most popular chewing gums (Orbit, Dirol, Stimorol) and identified the components contained in them: sweeteners, rubber base, natural, identical to natural and artificial flavors, stabilizer E 422, thickener E 414, emulsifier E 322, dye E 171 , glaze E 903, antioxidant E 320. 1111 From the reference book " Sanitary rules and SanPin standards” we learned that:stabilizer E 422- this is glycerin. Thus, glycerol, when absorbed into the blood, has strong toxic properties, causing quite serious blood diseases, for example, such as hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, and kidney infarctions. Emulsifier E 322 – this is lecithin. Lecithin is usually obtained from soybeans. It is contained in egg yolk. This valuable substance is an important supplier of phosphorus for our body and helps regulate fat metabolism. Lecithins accelerate salivation, which, in turn, leads to a gradual disruption of the digestive tract.Antioxidant E 320is butylhydroxyanisole. If you frequently use products containing antioxidant, The cholesterol level in the blood increases. Acid E 330 - This is citric acid. Long and uncontrolled use citric acid may cause serious blood disorders. Thickener E 414 - this is gum arabic, glaze E 903 – carnauba wax. It adds gloss and shine to the product. The glaze shell prevents the product from drying out and does not allow fat to pass through from the inside and moisture from the outside.Flavors are natural, identical to natural and artificial.In order to produce natural flavoring, berries, leaves, flowers and other natural raw materials are used. Flavors identical to natural ones are obtained when natural extract add the largest amount of substances synthesized chemically. Such flavors are of high quality and rich taste, while being absolutely harmless to health. These ingredients in certain proportions and concentrations do not have a pathological effect on the human body.

3. Be careful when buying chewing gum

No matter how difficult it may be to make out the small inscriptions on the packages, before buying chewing gum you should familiarize yourself with its contents. Regular chewing gum can contain both beneficial and harmful substances. About 40 years ago, it was unequivocally proven in all countries that sugar contributes to the occurrence of dental caries. The real revolution was the use of sugar substitutes - sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol. ButSweeteners have one unpleasant property: they all have a laxative effect. Therefore, to avoid stomach upset, it is recommended to eat no more than one pack of chewing gum per day.

The packaging of a quality product should indicate that chewing gum with a sugar substitute is contraindicated for patients with phenylkenothuria. If there is no such inscription, the quality of the product can be doubted. Unfortunately, the vast majority of chewing gum containing sugar is aimed at children. In addition to dental problems, “sweet” gum, when blown into bubbles, can cause inflammation of the skin around the mouth. Sugar-free children's chewing gum does not have these shortcomings, and the bubbles from them inflate just as well. Now let's open the pack and taste the chewing gum. Is the chewing gum hard, quickly loses its taste and begins to taste bitter? Most likely, it contains styrene-butadiene rubber. In Russia, it is prohibited from being used in food production, but in chewing gum made in third world countries, this component is often used. This product is hazardous to health. Try not to buy this brand of chewing gum in the future. High-quality chewing gum remains soft during chewing and retains its taste properties for a long time.

Experts say that the chewing process should be short. Maximum 7 - 10 minutes, and the chewing gum must be spit out. Moreover, you can chew gum no more than five times a day.

Dentists do not believe that chewing gum can cause serious damage

filled teeth. Correctly installed fillings do not leave their

places in the tooth from the action of chewing gum. If this happens, then the reasons

are not in the chewing gum, but in a poorly installed filling, ongoing caries or tooth decay caused by other reasons.

What they don’t say about chewing gum! Advertising promises us a healthy smile, clean teeth and fresh breath.

1. “Every time you eat... Every time you eat...” - this phrase has long been learned by heart even by those who previously did not know a word of English. And after it, a graph of changes in pH in the oral cavity appears on the screen - an impressive curve designed to convince us to immediately purchase Dirol sugar-free chewing gum. Try to evaluate from the point of view of chemistry how true the words of the dentist are: “Every time...” Is it real?

such a change in pH in the oral cavity and is Dirol so effective? How can Dirol without sugar help? When chewing, partial mechanical cleaning of the teeth from food debris occurs, and since the gum itself does not contain sugar, it does not lead to additional formation of lactic acid. So the recommendations to use this gum to prevent caries are not without foundation, but it is still better to rinse your mouth thoroughly after each meal, and, if possible, even brush your teeth.

2. “A unique combination of xylitol and urea, not found in any chewing gum”, “Chewing gum with xylitol and urea - double protection against caries”, “Dirol chewing gum with xylitol urea protects your teeth from morning to evening” - These are quotes from the text of a television advertisement for Dirol chewing gum. Does Dirol really provide double protection for teeth from morning to evening?

Is the combination of xylitol and urea really unique? Judging by the information that manufacturers place on the chewing gum wrapper, yes, this combination is only available in Dirol.

Why do advertisements promise protection “from morning to evening”? Despite the exaggeration that is present in any advertising, this statement is not without meaning from a chemical point of view. Urea hydrolyzes rather slowly, so ammonia hydrate is formed in the oral cavity gradually.

Unfortunately, many schoolchildren understand “from morning to evening” literally and indeed constantly chew gum anywhere, forgetting that it does not look aesthetically pleasing, and in some cases - for example, in a lesson or during a conversation - it is simply indecent.

3. “I don’t want cake!” It creates acid in my mouth, because I can’t brush my teeth right away,” the cheerful red-haired boy from the advertising video shouts to his grandmother. Grandma offers him Orbit sugar-free chewing gum instead of a toothbrush. Who is right - the boy or the grandmother?

To a certain extent, both the boy and the grandmother are right, although it is difficult to believe that there is a boy who can refuse a cake. Cakes

not only contain a lot of sugar, but also, like any soft food, form

plaque on teeth in which bacteria multiply. (Why sweet food

contributes to tooth decay, explained in the task) Therefore, it is best to brush your teeth after dessert, but chewing gum also helps to some extent to cleanse your teeth of soft plaque.

4. “Every time you eat, you expose your teeth to acid-producing bacteria” - an advertisement for one of the chewing gums begins with this statement. How can a chemist comment on this statement?

This advertisement requires commentary from not only a chemist, but also a biologist. Acid-producing bacteria are constantly present in the mouth. Therefore, our teeth are constantly exposed to these bacteria (or rather, their metabolic products), and not only during eating. This is where the advertising text goes wrong. And “every time we eat” we

We supply these bacteria with carbohydrates, i.e. the raw materials they need to produce acid, so the destructive effects intensify while eating.

5.Positive and negative meanings of chewing gum

Gastroenterologists say that chewing gum is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. People of the older generation say that this, after all, is not beautiful and not cultural, and they threaten young people with the loss of teeth. Chewing gum has both positive value for health, and negative.

The positive meaning of chewing gum.

● Chewing gum does a good job of cleaning your teeth after eating. However, it is necessary to remember that chewing gum cannot compare in its cleansing power with a toothbrush. Chewing is accompanied by copious secretion of saliva, due to which the teeth are partially cleansed and food debris is removed from the oral cavity.

● Constant chewing strengthens the gums, which in turn helps the body cope with gingivitis and periodontitis

●In 1939, American professor Holingworth proved that chewing relieves stress. That is why chewing gum is included in the packed rations of every American soldier.

Negative meaning of chewing gum.

● Chewing gums containing sugar cause a decrease in pH, thereby promoting the development of tooth decay.

● Chronic chewing can have a detrimental effect on the temporomandibular joint, the joint that connects the temporal bone to the lower jaw. In this regard, chewing is not recommended if this joint is inflamed.

● There is also an opinion that if you chew gum on only one side,

that is, the risk of facial asymmetry due to improper development

facial muscles. ● Chewing gum causes a strong secretion of gastric juice. How

According to gastroenterologists, chewing on an empty stomach can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of gastritis.

6. Chewing gum: nice, but is it useful?

You shouldn’t trust TV dentists who claim that “orbit” will save you from a visit to the dentist, says the head of one of the capital’s dental clinics.

It is not at all necessary to wash away food debris with saliva formed from chewing gum - it is much easier to rinse your mouth with water or chew an apple or carrot. It is also important that with constant chewing movement there is an active production of gastric juice, which at this moment is not required by the body for digestion. The resulting increased acidity affects the gastric mucosa and can provoke

various serious diseases, for example, gastritis.

Excess saliva is not normal for a healthy body. It leads to the growth of pathological microorganisms in the mouth, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Often, with active use of chewing gum, old fillings fall out, dentures are injured, not to mention the fact that its long-term use can provoke the development of arthritis of the maxillary joint.

Sadly, those who chew gum are much more likely to end up in the dentist's chair than those who regularly brush their teeth day and evening and rinse their mouths after meals.

II. Practical part

2. Own research

2.1. Determination of polyhydric alcohols (xylitol, mannitol, etc..)

Place the crushed shell of one gum pad into a test tube and add 2-3 ml of distilled water. Close the test tube with a stopper and shake the test tube for one minute. We obtain a cloudy solution, which we add 1 ml of 2M sodium hydroxide solution Na OH and 2-3 drops of 10% copper sulfate solution Cu SO. Shake the contents of the test tube and observe the appearance of a blue-violet color. The color change is explained by the formation of complex compounds of copper (II) cations with polyhydric alcohols that are part of the chewing gum shell:

Place chopped chewing gum (1 pad or strip) into a test tube and add 5 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol. Close the test tube with a stopper and shake for 1 minute. We filter the mixture and determine the presence in the filtratepolyhydric alcohols, as described above.

2.2. Properties of the rubber base of chewing gum.

We divide the chewing gum remaining after chewing into 8 parts and place each part in a separate test tube. We pour 96% ethyl alcohol, chloroform, benzene, hexane, acetone, concentrated sulfuric, nitrogenous and hydrochloric acids so that the piece of gum is completely covered. Leave the test tubes for 30-60 minutes. Rubber is best

the gum base was dissolved in chloroform, then in 96% ethyl alcohol, then

in concentrated nitric acid.2.3. Detection of phenylalanine residue in aspartame

Since this reaction is highly sensitive, to carry it out we take 2 ml of alcohol extract from chewing gum and add to it, being careful, 0.5 ml of concentrated nitric acid. We carefully heat the mixture in a water bath, for which we place a glass with

water, into which we lower the test tube with the studied mixture and observe a red-brown color.

2.4. Properties of menthol.

For the experiment, take a pad of chewing gum with menthol (if it has a shell, then remove it), finely chop it and place it in a test tube. Add 5 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol solution. Shake for 1 minute and filter.

● Add water to the alcoholic gum extract. Cloudiness occurs immediately, since the solubility of menthol in water is low (0.05%). Add 96% alcohol solution to the cloudy solution. The sediment disappears, since menthol dissolves well in alcohols.

2.5. Properties of dyes included in chewing gum.

Place colored chewing gum (Hubba Bubba), cut into small pieces, into a test tube and add 2-3 ml of distilled water. Heat the test tube in a water bath (see experiment 3) until a colored solution is obtained. Pour the solution into two test tubes, add 1 ml of 1M sulfuric acid solution to one of them, and 1 ml of 2M sodium hydroxide solution to the other. We observe whether the color of the dye changes depending on the environment. Then we heat the test tube into which the alkali solution was added. With some dyes in this case we observe the formation of a yellow-brown solution. For example, dye of blue color E 133 - brilliant blue FCF (Hubba Bubba chewing gum - Fantastic Fruits) turns red in an acidic environment, and when heated with an alkali solution it becomes yellow.

2.6 Questioning of students in grades 5-11 of the Municipal Educational Institution “Dubossa Gymnasium No. 1”

We conducted a survey among students in grades 5-11 to study children's ideas about the benefits and possible negative consequences of using chewing gum. 56 students took part in the survey.

For analysis, we selected the answer options that received the highest percentage. The results obtained indicate that 73% of students believe that chewing gum is harmful, but often use it, and 27% believe that chewing gum does not harm our health.

Student survey results


Working on the research topic, We came to the conclusion that moderate consumption of chewing gum serves to prevent dental diseases and does not harm the body. Our hypothesis that chewing gum negatively affects children's health was not confirmed. This material can be used in lessons on valeology, ethics, classroom hours O healthy way life, parent meetings.


We summarize the results of the work, the purpose of which was to study the positive and negative effects of chewing gum on the human body. We learned about the history of chewing gum. We studied the beneficial and negative properties of chewing gum.

Employees of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences argue that you should not expect incredible miracles from chewing gum. It, as the advertisement says, strengthens and cleans tooth enamel, “restores the acid-base balance in the mouth.” This is all true, but at the same time, chewing gum loosens fillings and “causes” unhealthy gums to bleed. And on an empty stomach it is even harmful: it is produced

gastric juice, but food does not enter the stomach. Do not buy cheap chewing gum from unknown companies. They can be made on the basis of styrene-butadiene rubber, while we allow anothertype of rubber - butyl. The safety of this product largely depends on your vigilance. When purchasing, look at the production date and sell-by date. If these numbers are not there, then you are buying a product from a second-rate company. The ingredients must also be indicated on the packaging of the chewing gum. Usually this is an elastic base, sugar or sorbitol, and flavorings.

As for the benefits... Testing sugar-free chewing gum (with xylitol) showed that it really makes a difference chemical composition saliva: it increases the percentage of microelements that make tooth enamel more resistant to caries. 121 We ask you to be careful! And we hope that our work has become a useful lesson for you.

We presented the results of our work to parents, members of the chemistry club and classmates.


1. To chew or not to chew//.- Arguments and facts 2008.- No. 4.-p.10

2. Education of schoolchildren // Chewing gum: nice, but is it useful? - 2004 No. 8

3.Chemistry and everyday life person, p.75

4. Yakovshin L.A. Chemical experiments with chewing gum p.62.

Web site:

5. http: // gastromag. ru

  • " onclick="," win2 return false > Print

Chewing gum allows you to quickly clean your teeth, freshen your breath and stimulate the digestion of food. It also has its disadvantages.

About the advantages

1. As soon as we start chewing, saliva is intensely released in the mouth. With its help, with regular chewing, the acid-base balance in the mouth is normalized, regular stomatitis and other inflammations disappear. After eating, a harmful acidic environment forms on the tooth enamel, and saliva contains an alkali that neutralizes the acid.

2. Thanks to chewing gum, premature deterioration of teeth is inhibited if they are still healthy. It is advisable to brush your teeth with a toothbrush, without relying on the chewing gum to remove all food debris. If your teeth already have damage - carious holes, damaged fillings, cracks, then chewing gum will not only not save you, but, on the contrary, will harm you. It will speed up the inflammatory process.

3. Salivation speeds up the process of digesting food, provoking the secretion of gastric juice, so chewing gum - Magic wand if you feel overeated or have indigestion.

4. It is important to know how to chew. For example, chewing gum can help relieve stuffy ears on an airplane. Other advantages: chewing gum strengthens the jaws and gums, stimulates blood circulation in the jaw tissues. Same useful action Chewable candies and hard fruits provide relief.

5. Psychologists believe that chewing gum helps to distract from obsessive thoughts, find peace, and suppress stress in its infancy. It is enough to work a little with your jaws in concentration - and your soul will become a little calmer. For some, chewing gum even helps them concentrate.

About the cons

1. Chewing gum can be harmful if you put it in your mouth too often, at every opportunity. Follow the rule: as soon as the taste of the chewing gum is no longer felt, it’s time to spit out the chewing gum. This usually happens 7 minutes after you start chewing gum.

2. Long-term mechanical chewing wears away tooth enamel. It loses its smoothness and changes color.

3. If you start chewing gum after every meal, as well as while watching TV or reading a book, then you may become dependent on it. Similar to cigarette addiction. If you do not chew constantly, you will feel a feeling of discomfort, some kind of emptiness.

4. Chewing gum for a very long time until it becomes a hard mass tires the jaws and can cause headache. Repeated use of chewing gum can provoke a sudden toxic effect: a feeling of nausea occurs and health worsens. The fact is that chewing gum has absorbed toxins from decaying tiny food debris, and they penetrate the body.

5. Stomach juice released during chewing can be harmful if you chew gum on an empty stomach. The stomach begins to digest, but inside is empty. As a result, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea and gastritis appear.

6. The composition of chewing gum is far from perfect. It contains harmful components that cause problems in the oral cavity and in the functioning of the liver and intestines. These are, for example, dyes E171, E129, E132, taste stabilizers E414, E422, antioxidant E321, emulsifier E322. Phenylalanine is also unsafe. Accumulating in the body, it has a bad effect on work nervous system. The absence of sugar in chewing gum is not always regarded as a plus. Sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame, and sorbitol have a negative effect on the digestive system, blood and blood vessels.

Effect of chewing gum per person has both pros and cons. We will talk about them today.

In 1848, American entrepreneur John Curtis launched the production of chewing gum. own invention. And at the end of the 19th century, it was first introduced, which, as the advertisement said, “prevents tooth decay.” Nowadays, advertising also convinces the consumer that it protects against caries and removes plaque. However, experts have their own opinion on this matter.

Ph balance and caries

Many manufacturers of chewing gum claim that it normalizes Ph balance. But, chewing gum in itself is not a means to reduce Ph levels in the oral cavity. During chewing, in the first 2-3 minutes, the salivary glands, which contain a large number of systems that balance the condition of the oral cavity.

The acid balance in your mouth may change briefly depending on what food you just consumed. But a smart body itself is able to bring the Ph balance back to normal. Chewing gum can somehow affect it only if you chew it non-stop, including at night. And all statements about the effect of chewing gum on Ph-balance are purely a PR stunt.

Chewing gum manufacturers also say that chewing gum reduces the level of acidity in the mouth and, thus, protects teeth from caries. However, the Ph level does not reduce the risk of developing caries, which occurs locally under the influence of microorganisms. Microorganisms attack the enamel and hard tissues of teeth.

When a person chews chewing gum or vegetables, all that happens is self-cleaning of the chewing surfaces. Caries appears on the interdental teeth, which means that talking about the fight between chewing gum and caries can only be conditional.


Manufacturers advertise chewing gum with xylitol (“sugar-free”), positioning influence of chewing gum as more beneficial for teeth. This chewing gum does not contain sugars that activate the development of microorganisms. Due to their activity, lactic acid is released, which destroys tooth enamel. However, if you don’t chew gum at all, there will be no sugar either, so there is no benefit from chewing gum with xylitol either.

There is an opinion that chewing gum promotes weight loss by dulling the feeling of hunger.

Indeed, occasionally, in order to avoid the temptation to grab something in between meals, you can chew gum. But this is strictly prohibited for people who have any problems with gastrointestinal tract.

Composition of chewing gum

The main disadvantage of chewing gum is its composition.

Almost all chewing gum ingredients are obtained not from natural sources, but from chemical means. The basis of chewing gum is latex. It is believed that it is particularly harmful effects of chewing gum on the body does not exist, although full-fledged studies on this issue have never been conducted.

The flavors used to create chewing gum are natural or identical to natural. They can be harmful due to the way they usually turn out chemically(by synthesis). But, in general, sanitary standards allow this.

Manufacturers add dyes to almost every chewing gum. E171, often found on packaging, was previously banned in Russia. This dye is also called titanium white. Now their use in food products is acceptable. But keep in mind that such a dye can cause liver and kidney diseases.


Dentists note that sometimes chewing gum is not only useless, but also harmful. Some people have overdeveloped chewing muscles, resulting in increased abrasion of tooth enamel, and they are contraindicated from chewing gum.

Also, if you suffer from periodontal disease, have problems with tooth mobility, or use dental appliances, you should absolutely not use chewing gum, as chewing gum can contribute to tooth decay.

Chewing gum is contraindicated those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It irritates the gastric mucosa: when chewing gum enters a person’s mouth, the body perceives it as a product. The result of such an irritated stomach is gastritis and ulcers.

In any case, it would not be a bad idea to regularly, once or twice a year, visit the dentist and undergo a blood test. To do this, you will need a medical record. You can find out about this at your local clinic or online.

Chewing gum - time

Constantly chewing gum can lead to overload of periodontal tissues. Initially, nature provides the benefits of chewing. The pressure that is transmitted from the teeth to the gums creates a so-called massage of the gums and improves their blood circulation. But overloading these tissues is much more dangerous than underloading. Constant chewing leads to compression of the blood vessels in the gums and poor circulation. This is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes – periodontitis and gingivitis.

Amateurs constantly chew bubble gum increased salivation is observed. Prolonged chewing loads the salivary glands, forcing them to constantly work. The consequence of this is that even when a person stops chewing, saliva continues to be released, and there is a desire to spit. This, of course, is not very aesthetically pleasing.

Some time after salivation has increased from constantly chewing gum, the reverse process begins. There is less and less saliva. And this has an extremely negative effect on digestion in general. The food does not receive the required amount of liquid and enzymes for its processing and enters the stomach in a large solid lump. This is where the first prerequisites for gastritis and ulcers begin.


Of course, in some situations the influence of chewing gum is positive. For example, if you get carsick, chew gum and the nausea will go away. Chewing gum is also an essential item when traveling by plane. Chewing gum and, as a result, swallowing saliva will help with blocked ears.

Doctors do not say that chewing gum should not be used at all. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to chew it after eating to cleanse your mouth a little and freshen your breath. But this method cannot be considered the only possible one. It is still preferable to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.

Chewing gum cannot harm a well-placed filling. It is just a myth that chewing gum will make you lose all your fillings. But you shouldn’t abuse chewing gum either. 15-20 minutes are enough to freshen your breath and enjoy its taste.

Doctors in advertisements actively encourage the use of chewing gum. According to them, it strengthens teeth, whitens enamel, and helps prevent caries. Can chewing gum really solve such problems?

Mythbusters: the whole truth about chewing gum

  • Strengthening teeth. Dentists say this is a myth. Strengthens teeth by eating vitamins and minerals involved in the construction of tooth enamel. There is a chance to strengthen the jaw in this way, or rather, its muscles and joint mobility. However, exactly the same effect can be achieved by chewing solid food: fruits, vegetables, meat.
  • Enamel whitening. Chewing gum, due to the addition of special solid particles, can prevent plaque from settling on the teeth. But this is a small percentage of substances that are easily washed off, and those that form a persistent plaque can only be removed mechanically, that is, with the help of a toothbrush and paste.
  • Prevention of caries. To some extent, this is true, because the oral cavity is washed with saliva released during the chewing process. But even just rinsing your mouth with water can remove more food debris than chewing gum. Food mostly gets stuck between the teeth, where chewing gum cannot reach. But if a particle of it gets into an existing carious cavity, it only contributes to further tooth destruction. In addition, it provokes fillings to fall out, bridges to break due to mechanical stress, and excess saliva containing alkali literally dissolves them.

Is it possible or not?

Are there any benefits to chewing gum? According to psychologists, it helps to calm down, just like a pacifier once did. Chewing can slightly speed up your metabolism. And stimulation of the nerve cells responsible for satiety reduces appetite.
Yes, you can chew gum after eating if you can’t use a toothbrush, but no more than 5-10 minutes. It is very harmful on an empty stomach. Gastric juice secreted in the absence of food simply eats away the walls of the stomach, which leads to serious illnesses. For people suffering from ulcers and gastritis, chewing gum is strictly contraindicated.

Also, chewing gum should not be used by pregnant women and children. It contains harmful substances and their compounds that interfere with the normal development of the brain and contribute to the death of nerve cells. Chewing gum impairs memory, reduces attention and concentration. And, of course, it will not replace a doctor’s consultation, which must be sought twice a year.

Today, you can buy sugar-free gummies with some healthy ingredients in health food stores. Many people find it a good low-calorie way to replace desserts, fight food cravings and manage stress. However, just because these gummies contain no calories or sugar does not mean they are good for the health.

Like everything else, there are pros and cons to using chewing gum.

The benefits of chewing gum

Reduces anxiety

There is no doubt that chewing gum helps cope with anxiety and reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels, which is confirmed by clinical studies. But, unfortunately, this effect only acts during chewing and does not last for a long time.

Increases the amount of serotonin in the brain

Chewing gum reduces stress and has been shown to increase the amount of serotonin, the “happy hormone,” which in turn calms the nerves.

Increases cognitive efficiency

Research confirms that gum chewers experience less mental fatigue. Scientists explain this by saying that chewing oxygenates the blood in the brain and signals the release of more insulin, which in turn allows the brain to absorb more glucose.

Activates the vagus nerve

Any chewing stimulates the vagus nerve. Low activation of the vagus nerve is one of the causes of modern diseases. It is located between the brain and several important organs such as the heart and digestive system, and controls intestinal function and the secretion of digestive juice. By activating the vagus nerve, intestinal function and the secretion of digestive enzymes are improved.

Improves dental health

Research shows that using sugar-free gum reduces the risk of tooth decay. Perhaps chewing gum simply stimulates additional salivation and helps cleanse the mouth of harmful bacteria.

Chewing gum: “the other side”

Not effective for weight loss

Although many people believe that chewing gum frequently helps take their minds off food, this is not true. IN randomized trial Among overweight and obese adults, chewing gum did not show significant influence for weight loss. It reduced hunger slightly, but overall had no effect on calorie intake.

Contains potentially toxic ingredients

There are many questionable ingredients in chewing gum. Here are some of them:

  • Chewing gum base- a proprietary mixture of 46 different chemicals. These substances may be natural plant resins, beeswax or chemicals petroleum based.
  • Artificial Antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxytoluene. Its effects on the body have been linked to the development of cancer, asthma and behavioral problems in children.
  • Fillers such as talc and corn starch(which may be genetically modified).
  • Titanium dioxide to maintain bright white color.
  • Artificial colors.
  • Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame.

Metabolism Destroyers

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and acesulfame K are necessary to keep the gum sweet for several minutes. Sweet taste causes the body to release insulin, which lowers blood sugar and worsens insulin resistance. Additionally, artificial sweeteners are toxic to beneficial gut bacteria.

Digestive system problems

As already mentioned, chewing causes the digestive system to become active. The intestines then secrete enzymes, and without eating, this process can lead to digestive problems such as stomach ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome.

Causes excess air to be swallowed

Chewing gum may cause you to swallow more air, which can cause pain and bloating.

Sleep disturbance

Healthy circadian rhythm and quality sleep are very important for health. Studies have shown that chewing gum increases alertness, which is good during the day, but not at night.

Causes jaw problems

Chewing gum makes your jaw work for a long time. Excessive chewing can lead to imbalances in the jaw muscles (if you have a habit of chewing on only one side), temporomandibular joint disorders, and tension headaches.

Does not biodegrade

80-90% of chewing gums are non-biodegradable, which can be serious problems For environment. Fish and birds swallow pieces of gum, mistaking it for food, which sometimes leads to their suffocation.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Although chewing gum has some health benefits, don't forget that it contains many artificial ingredients and the act of chewing can cause negative reactions in the body.

Simply put, the disadvantages that chewing gum has truly outweigh its benefits.

Try replacing chewing gum with something healthier.

And will increase serotonin levels, improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to activate the vagus nerve without the negative effects of chewing gum. You can also improve the functioning of the vagus nerve