Margaret Thatcher was first called the “Iron Lady” when she led the Conservatives. Today, this expression refers to all women in high positions in business and politics who are distinguished by a tough and uncompromising leadership style.

Margaret Thatcher

The expression “iron lady”, oddly enough, is of Soviet origin. Thus, in 1976, Red Star columnist Yuri Gavrilov named the newly elected leader of the Conservative Party Margaret Thatcher. True, he himself referred to the English nickname Margaret. The witty phrase was picked up by The Sunday Times on January 25, 1976, and, in the end, the nickname was firmly attached to the first Iron Lady in history.

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Thatcher's policies had nothing to do with compromise, political issues she decided with a firm hand, concessions were not in her habits. So she returned the Falklands in a few weeks, becoming, in fact, the initiator of a short but bloody war; in 1984, it was able to withstand the miners' strike, which swept the entire country, due to its policy of privatization of state-owned companies and mass mine closures. Thatcher's behavior during the assassination attempt on October 12, 1984 by the Irish Republican Army, which detonated a bomb in a Brighton hotel during the Conservative conference, characterizes Thatcher in her own way. Margaret was unharmed and did not change her plans for a minute, opening the party conference the next day.

Another notable incident is when she ignored the demands of Irish Republican prisoners. On March 1, 1981, they went on a hunger strike, demanding that their status as military prisoners and the right to a full amnesty be returned to them. As a result, ten people died from hunger, but none of their demands were fulfilled.

Golda Meir

And yet, some historians believe that Margaret became the second woman to be called “iron”, the first being “ golden girl Zionist movement" Golda Meir. The Zionist movement, as is known, advocated the unification of Jews and their return to their historical homeland in Palestine.

In 1921, Golda, along with her husband and a group of Zionists, repatriated from the United States to Palestine, then to Jerusalem. Despite living a spartan life: low-paying positions, a house without electricity, for which there was nothing to pay, two children - Golda was able to maintain a foothold in public life. She headed the women's department of the General Federation of Workers, then she was appointed treasurer, then she began traveling as an observer to international conferences. And, in the end, victory - in 1948, she became one of two women who signed the Israeli Declaration of Independence: “State of Israel! My eyes filled with tears, my hands trembled. We have achieved it. We made the Jewish state a reality - and I, Golda Mabovich-Meerson, lived to see this day. The long exile is over."

But she received the nickname “iron” not for this, and not even for her “greatest audacity” when she secretly went, dressed in Arab woman to the King of Jordan to prevent war between the Arab and Jewish parts of Palestine. In 1972, during the XX Olympic Games In Munich, eight armed militants of the Palestinian organization "Black September" shot 9 Israeli athletes who were taken hostage. After the tragedy, Meir gave the go-ahead to Operation God's Wrath, which was supposed to eliminate the militants. It is believed that before each destruction, the Mossad received permission personally from the prime minister.

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi, who is often mistakenly called the daughter of the famous freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi, became the “Iron Lady” of India. Despite the fact that there were no family ties between them, she met him at the age of two - he was the mentor of her father, Javarharlaru Nehru, the first prime minister of India. Leftist political sentiments and the environment in which she grew up led her to organize a children's labor union at the age of eight, which wove handkerchiefs and Gandhian caps from coarse yarn.

Indira, uncharacteristically for Indian society, was the only child in the family, in whom her parents invested all their hopes and handed over all unfinished business. So, her father, while in prison, regularly sent her letters in which he talked about his experiences, philosophical and political views, which later became her guide to action.

Having matured, she became the secretary of her father, Prime Minister Jawarharlar, and two years after Nehru’s death, she took his place. The country at that moment was in terrible ruin - the traditional caste society was collapsing, the boundaries between different religious communities were blurring - religious massacres were taking place almost everywhere, which even Mahatma Gandhi could not stop, despite his authority.
During her second term, there was a bloody conflict between the government and the Sikhs, who declared themselves an independent, self-governing community. His followers were also involved in attacks on Hindus in Punjab. They occupied the main shrine of the Sikhs - the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Indira responded with Operation Blue Star, which liberated the temple but killed 500 people. The revenge of the Sikhs was not long in coming.

The assassination of Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984, which is considered one of the most brutal assassinations in history (31 bullets were removed from her body), was somewhat similar to suicide. Waging a bitter struggle against the Sikhs, she nevertheless refused to remove them from her guard. Biographers believe that Gandhi even knew the exact date assassination attempt, and despite this, she did not wear a bulletproof vest, claiming that it made her look fat. Perhaps at these moments she was thinking about Mahatma Gandhi, who suffered a brutal death at the hands of murderers and forever remained in an honorable place in world history... “Martyrdom is not the end, but only the beginning,” Indira liked to repeat.

Angela Merkel

Her party colleagues have said more than once about the current Chancellor of Germany, who replaced Thatcher as the “Iron Lady of Europe”: “a sweet young woman from whom you just turn your back and you’ll immediately get a kick.” She has also earned the nickname “Teflon Merkel,” a nickname for a politician who always gets away with it. Helmut Kohl’s project to make Merkel a “tame Ossie” (Ossie is not the official name for the former residents of the GDR) failed miserably. In 1998 she became Secretary General The CDU was one of the first to initiate the “black cash case”, which forever shifted towards the “battle elephant” of German politics. By the way, Angela Merkel, known for her tough political course, has already broken Margaret Thatcher’s record, having been in power for almost 13 years (the first Iron Lady served as prime minister for 11 years).

Anna Wintour

The term “iron lady” applies not only to female politicians whose policies are not inclined to compromise, but also to representatives of the business world. For example, to Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine. She is considered the prototype of the heroine Meryl Streep from the film “The Devil Wears Prada”, and is also called the “iron lady of the fashion industry”, who never makes mistakes and does not forgive others for them. Under her rule, the magazine's circulation has doubled, but the employees themselves, as the foreign press claims, scatter to their offices as soon as they hear her steps.

According to her biographers, she decided to become the editor of a popular glossy magazine while still in school, and worked toward her goal for more than ten years. When her dream finally came true in 1985, she was behind the leadership of Viva magazine, the fashion column in the New York publication, as well as the position of creative director of Vogue. She was one of the first to discover celebrities, in particular, model Annabelle Hodin.

Already at that time, she was called a perfectionist, known for her demands on others, but when she replaced Grace Mirabell as editor-in-chief of Vogue, who had held this post for 17 years, she was even nicknamed “nuclear winter.” She completely changed the concept of the magazine, calling it boring and refocused it on businesswomen like her: “This is a new type of woman,” she said in an interview with the Evening Standard. “My reader is interested in work and money. She doesn't have time to go shopping endlessly. She wants to know what, where and why." Anna was able to expand the audience by excluding blondes from the covers and adding interviews with female politicians: Madeleine Albright, Hilary Clinton and others. Today Anna Wintour is not just Chief Editor Vogue, but also the number one woman in the fashion world.

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"The Iron Lady"- nickname of Margaret Thatcher.

It is also used as a humorous and ironic expression - in relation to a decisive, unyielding, strong-willed woman. Used to refer to women in high management positions in both business and public service characterized by an unyielding character, a tough leadership style, and unwilling to compromise.


On February 5, 1975, an article by journalist Marjorie Proops about Margaret Thatcher appeared in the London Daily Mirror: “The Iron Maiden” (“ Iron Maiden"). The phrase was derived from it. “Eiserne Jungfrau” - the name of an instrument of torture in the form of an iron box, studded with steel spikes on the inside.

Expression iron lady (The Iron Lady) first appeared in the English newspaper The Sunday Times on January 25, 1976, where the phrase “iron lady” was thus translated from an article by Yuri Gavrilov, a columnist for the newspaper of the USSR Ministry of Defense “Red Star”, “Red Star” about the newly elected leader of the Conservative Party on January 24, 1976 .

According to Captain Gavrilov, this is how “they call her (i.e. Thatcher) in her own country.”

The article was called “The Iron Lady” is terrifying ...” and was a reaction to Thatcher’s statement during a speech at Kensington Town Hall on January 19, 1976 that “the Russians are striving for world domination”:

« The Russians are seeking global dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has ever seen. The Soviet Politburo does not worry about public opinion. They put guns in front of oil, while we put everything in front of guns - M. Thatcher»

Original text(English)

The Russians are bent on world dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has seen. The men in the Soviet Politburo do not have to worry about the ebb and flow of public opinion. They put guns before butter, while we put just about everything before guns.

Soon this nickname was firmly attached to the future prime minister, established itself in the English press and was adopted by Margaret Thatcher herself. She asked Pravda’s London correspondent Vsevolod Ovchinnikov to convey her gratitude to Soviet journalists.

Margaret Thatcher’s nicknames in her homeland were not particularly poetic before: “Battering Ram”, “ Armored Tank", "The Shopkeeper's Daughter". Thatcher's most famous nickname in Britain is the "milk thief".

M. Thatcher used the expression in her election campaign 1979 - she led it under the slogan “Britain needs an iron lady” (“The iron Lady”). A well-timed phrase played no less a role than the millions of pounds spent on creating a pre-election image.

We, thinking of pricking her (after all, it was our propagandists who came up with the expression “Iron Lady”), gave her a huge compliment. It became hers main characteristic and dignity, a trump card, if you like.

Reasons for the appearance of the nickname

It is believed that Thatcher’s nickname was assigned to her strong-willed, strong character and tough style of government (Thatcherism).

However, not everyone shares this opinion. So the famous British singer Morrissey said that “ Thatcher was called the “Iron Lady” because she had a number of completely negative character traits - such as incredible stubbornness and an inability to listen to others».

Other carriers

Along with Margaret Thatcher, the US representative to the UN Jean Kirkpatrick and the Prime Minister of Dominica Eugenia Charles had the nickname “Iron Lady”.

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Excerpt characterizing the Iron Lady

Anatole entered the room again and, trying to concentrate his attention, looked at Dolokhov, obviously involuntarily submitting to him.
– Listen to me, I’m telling you for the last time. Why should I joke with you? Did I contradict you? Who arranged everything for you, who found the priest, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
- Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? – Anatol sighed and hugged Dolokhov.
“I helped you, but I still have to tell you the truth: it’s a dangerous matter and, if you look at it, stupid.” Well, you take her away, okay. Will they leave it like that? It turns out that you are married. After all, they will bring you to criminal court...
- Ah! nonsense, nonsense! – Anatole spoke again, wincing. - After all, I explained it to you. A? - And Anatole, with that special passion (which stupid people have) for the conclusion that they reach with their minds, repeated the reasoning that he repeated to Dolokhov a hundred times. “After all, I explained it to you, I decided: if this marriage is invalid,” he said, bending his finger, “then I don’t answer; Well, if it’s real, it doesn’t matter: no one abroad will know this, right? And don't talk, don't talk, don't talk!
- Really, come on! You will only tie yourself...
“Get to hell,” said Anatole and, holding his hair, he went into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on a chair close in front of Dolokhov. - The devil knows what it is! A? Look how it beats! “He took Dolokhov’s hand and put it to his heart. - Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Undeesse!! [ABOUT! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess!!] Huh?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, insolent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have more fun with him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? A? – Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment at the thought of the future. - What then? I don’t know what’s there... Well, what nonsense to talk about! – He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went into the back room.
- Well, will you be there soon? Digging around here! - he shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov removed the money and, shouting to the man to order food and drink for the road, he entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole was lying in the office, leaning on his arm, on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and gently whispering something to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go, eat something. Well, have a drink! – Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- Don't want! – Anatole answered, still continuing to smile.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole stood up and entered the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver, who had known Dolokhov and Anatoly for six years and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatole’s regiment was stationed in Tver, he took him out of Tver in the evening, delivered him to Moscow by dawn, and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from pursuit, more than once he took them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called them. More than once he crushed people and cab drivers around Moscow with their work, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they plied him with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them, which to an ordinary person Siberia would have deserved it long ago. In their revelry, they often invited Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and more than one thousand of their money passed through his hands. Serving them, he risked both his life and his skin twenty times a year, and at their work he killed more horses than they overpaid him in money. But he loved them, loved this crazy ride, eighteen miles an hour, loved to overturn a cab driver and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full gallop through the Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Go! let's go! whereas it was already impossible to drive faster; He loved to pull the man's neck painfully, who was already neither alive nor dead, avoiding him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.
Anatole and Dolokhov also loved Balaga for his riding skill and because he loved the same things as they did. Balaga dressed up with others, charged twenty-five rubles for a two-hour ride, and only occasionally went with others himself, but more often he sent his fellows. But with his masters, as he called them, he always traveled himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only having learned through the valets the time when there was money, he came every few months in the morning, sober and, bowing low, asked to help him out. The gentlemen always imprisoned him.
“Release me, Father Fyodor Ivanovich or your Excellency,” he said. - He’s completely lost his mind, go to the fair, lend what you can.
Both Anatol and Dolokhov, when they had money, gave him a thousand and two rubles.
Balaga was fair-haired, with a red face and especially a red, thick neck, a squat, snub-nosed man, about twenty-seven, with sparkling small eyes and a small beard. He was dressed in a thin blue caftan lined with silk, over a sheepskin coat.
He crossed himself at the front corner and approached Dolokhov, extending his black, small hand.
- Fyodor Ivanovich! - he said, bowing.
- Great, brother. - Well, here he is.
“Hello, your Excellency,” he said to Anatoly as he entered and also extended his hand.
“I’m telling you, Balaga,” said Anatole, putting his hands on his shoulders, “do you love me or not?” A? Now you've done your service... Which ones did you come to? A?

Former British Prime Minister due to stroke. She was 87 years old. She was loved and hated in equal measure, and she left no one indifferent: even her political opponents were among her most ardent fans.

After death

Contemporaries of the "Iron Lady" and those whose lives she influenced expressed their condolences and found words to honor Thatcher's memory.

The current British Prime Minister, head of the Conservative Party, who was caught by the news of the Baroness's death in Madrid, where he was negotiating with the head of the Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy, canceled his foreign visits, saying that Britain "has lost a great leader, a great prime minister and a great representative of the nation."

"Margaret Thatcher took over a country that was on its knees and made Britain strong. We will not deny that Margaret Thatcher divided public opinion. For many of us, she was an inspiration. For others, she was a force to be fought against. But "There was a red thread that ran through everything she did: her great love for her country. She was a patriotic Prime Minister," Cameron said.

Mariano Rajoy, in turn, said: “As the head of the Spanish government, I would like to honor the memory of Margaret Thatcher and join in the grief of British citizens. Margaret Thatcher is one of the greatest political leaders of the 20th century. She was in power at the most difficult moments and "She demonstrated all her determination, courage, political sensitivity and foresight. She will go down in history as one of the most important political figures of our continent."

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain also expressed her grief, saying that she would send a personal message of condolences to the family of the late baroness.

"Very few leaders have managed to change not only the political landscape of their country, but also the world. Margaret was such a leader. Her influence on the world was enormous," Tony Blair, former leader of the Labor Party and Prime Minister of Great Britain, commented on Margaret's death.

I sent a telegram of condolences to the ex-prime minister’s family. According to the text of the message, the pontiff "remembers with gratitude the Christian values ​​that formed the basis of her fidelity to public service and the promotion of the principles of freedom in the family of nations."

"The world has lost one of the great fighters for freedom and independence, and America has lost true friend", said US President Barack Obama.

"Thatcher was certainly one of the most prominent political figures modern world. I personally knew her, she always produced very strong impression. With Thatcher's death, the world has lost a major political figure," Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that "individual freedom is at the core of the ex-Prime Minister's beliefs, and in this sense Margaret Thatcher recognized the strength of freedom movements in Eastern Europe at an early stage and stood up for them."

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said that "the Iron Lady will be remembered for her contribution and support for 'our common project': "She signed the united Europe, and it helped achieve the single market. She was one of the leading players, resulting in European family were able to enter the countries of central and of Eastern Europe, previously behind the Iron Curtain."

Thatcher also expressed his condolences over the death. "The first woman head of government has passed away European country, which for many generations has become a model of fortitude, integrity and strength of character. I am convinced that the name of Margaret Thatcher will forever remain in history as an example of selfless service to her people,” the President’s condolences say.

In her condolences to the family of the deceased, she stated that people like Thatcher are born once in a century and called the “Iron Lady” a person with a big heart.

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, President of France from 1974 to 1981, said in connection with Thatcher's death: “Her will was truly indestructible. Her character was indomitable. That is why she was called the “Iron Lady.” She did not care too much about the opinions of her people. interlocutors, because she initially believed that they were weaker than her.”

Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998, called the death of Margaret Thatcher “unexpected”: “She was a great woman and there will be no replacement for her. I am full of respect and awe for her and for our shared past with her. In many situations and in "In conflicts over the economy, she stood her ground. You could only speak of her with great respect, even if your views on certain issues differed on certain points."

Ex-president USSR Mikhail Gorbachev called his relations with the former British prime minister “complicated”, but at the same time “friendly”, and Thatcher herself was described as “a great politician and a bright person.” "Thatcher was a politician whose word carried heavy weight. She will remain in our memory and in history."

Former Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze perceived Thatcher's death with great regret, saying: “Margaret Thatcher was one of the prominent politicians of the 20th century. I had the good fortune to meet her several times. Great Britain’s mediating role in resolving relations between the Soviet Union and America is noteworthy , and in general, at the end of the Cold War. It was the position of the “Iron Lady” that became decisive in accelerating these processes."

Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister of Canada and Thatcher's Cold War ally, said the Iron Lady "inherited a sick European nation and turned the United Kingdom into a superpower."

The leader of the UK opposition Labor Party, Ed Miliband, also expressed condolences to the Thatcher family, calling the deceased a “controversial figure”, but emphasizing that he admired “the strength of her personality and political achievements”.

All flags in the Falkland Islands were lowered to half-mast on Monday as a sign of mourning. "This is a sad day for the people of the Falkland Islands. Mrs Thatcher is well remembered and loved here. She was able to return freedom to the islanders in 1982," said Assembly Member Mike Summers. "I was never in doubt about the outcome of the war simply because there "There was an exceptionally strong leader who commanded the entire operation. She will always remain the 'Iron Lady' for us. If it weren't for her, perhaps us, I wouldn't be here today."

In addition, on Wednesday, April 10, a special meeting of the British Parliament will be held in memory of Margaret Thatcher.

There were, however, those who could not come to terms with the policy of the “Iron Lady”.

The population of the London suburb of Brixton was delighted by the news of the death of the baroness, since local residents with low incomes still cannot forgive her for the radical liberal reforms that deprived many of them of their usual social guarantees.

In London, a campaign was held with the distribution of flyers calling on people to come to a festive party in Trafalgar Square on Saturday, April 13. In addition, a bottle of milk was left at the former prime minister's home in Belgravia to remind her of her decision to save on free food for students primary schools.

Thousands of people also gathered on the streets of Glasgow, Liverpool and cities in Wales. Nationalists in Northern Ireland hated Thatcher's uncompromising ways, and during her time in power the number of republican supporters increased significantly.

According to Gerry Adams, leader of the Sinn Fein party, Margaret Thatcher, while Prime Minister of Great Britain, caused a lot of pain to people across the country, the working class of Great Britain and Ireland. He also stressed that many republicans and nationalists would likely not forget the shameful role the prime minister played during the historic hunger strikes of 1980-1981.

However, Margaret Thatcher is rightfully considered the most powerful and decisive figure in British politics of the second half of the 20th century. A liberal Prime Minister, she transformed the British economy and left behind big list ideas about the role of the state, which are still used by the leaders of many countries around the world.

Elegance, conciseness, calmness, at work you need to look in such a way as not to distract colleagues and evoke respect from clients.


The most important trump card of every woman, which she should not forget about when creating an image and applying makeup, is naturalness

Beautiful classic things can not only give a strict look and emphasize elegance, but also make it possible, in the right combination, to create a miracle

There are factors that make a woman look older than her age, cosmetologists and makeup artists believe

Some organizations have a strict dress code that prohibits wearing jeans, T-shirts, or shirts not approved by the company charter at work.

Iron Lady style

If a woman is called the “Iron Lady,” it means that she is a completely independent, financially independent lady with taste who knows her business. Very often, the iron lady style is also called professional, since it excludes any defects or flaws. Not only is everything perfect here, it’s as if every facial feature has its own character and is responsible for a specific form of behavior.

Character of the Iron Lady style

Everyone probably knows the prototype of this style - the charismatic Margaret Thatcher , in whose footsteps many smart and strong-willed women followed. And it must be said that this style I learned a lot from the image of my muse, so looking in the “Iron Lady” style is, in a sense, imitating Margaret Thatcher, without forgetting that fashion canons change, and the characteristic round earrings with English hats do not suit everyone. It is important here that your appearance gives rise to a feeling of attracting others, and at the same time keeps your distance, showing your determination and readiness for combat, so to speak.

Important nuances of style

Now this style is the most popular among female managers and businesswomen, but unlike business and office style, there are significantly fewer restrictions in terms of wardrobe and makeup. Bright colors, eyeliner, expensive jewelry, etc. are allowed, and, in general, the ban applies only to openness. As in the above styles, a miniskirt, tight leggings, a deep neckline and open shoulders are unacceptable, since these clothing elements show the lady’s sex appeal and at the same time frivolity. And on business meeting they will be considered disrespectful. Of course, sexuality should be visible, but in some small touches, and not in the general directions of the image.

Visual perfection of business acumen

If ordinary business makeup involves some kind of reticence, and dimness of the contours, so that the management does not have the feeling that the employee is more worried about her appearance than about her work, then in the image of the Iron Lady there is no such problem. Since the business woman is already quite successful, her job is to attract new partners, which can be done not only with the help of business acumen, but also with an ideal appearance. Therefore, taking care of your appearance and bringing your image to perfection is practically the primary task of every woman manager. Accordingly, it is necessary to decide on the main colors and texture of cosmetics. Moreover, it is important to determine with whom you have to meet more often - with clients, with a subordinate or with new potential partners. In the first case, strict and even a little intimidating makeup is suitable, in the second - soft, warm, and in the third, some combination of the first two.

Clear and bright rigor

You can create an enchanting business feeling with the help of bright shades, if you combine them correctly. According to statistics, most business women are platinum blondes or strong brunettes. But the main thing is that both of them prefer cold tones, so they choose lilac, blue, violet and orange-brown shadows, combining them with transparent glitter or scarlet and pink lipsticks. Really purple shadows with eyeliner and good mascara, together with red lipstick, can look very impressive, making a woman combative and decisive, but there are some nuances here. Firstly, red lipstick does not suit women with thin lips, and secondly, serious application of purple tones, like, in principle, any other dark shades, suitable only for women with large eyes. Therefore, when choosing this direction of the iron lady style, you should be very careful.

The trick to natural iron style

Very interesting is the natural style of the Iron Lady, which involves creating cold makeup with a minimum of decorative cosmetics. The emphasis is not on the lips and eyes, as usual, but on the cheekbones and eyebrows, which are best able to express the desired emotionality.

Cool foundations, transparent glitter, often white shadows or their complete absence- This character traits this makeup. Of course, it, like the option described above, is suitable only for a certain type of woman, but if you try, you can apply it to your appearance.

The Iron Lady's style should inspire others with professionalism, independence, determination and perhaps even a little fear. And every woman who has strong strong-willed qualities, in principle, does not need tips, since she has a way to internally feel this topic.

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The influence of fashion on our appearance and clothing style.

In response to criticism of Margaret Thatcher Soviet Union the newspaper "Red Star" called her the "iron lady". The translation of this expression into English sounded like “iron lady.” Since then, this nickname has firmly stuck to the Prime Minister.

The Grocer's Daughter

Margaret Hilda Roberts was indeed born into the family of a small merchant on October 13, 1925. Surprisingly hardworking, already at school Margaret received scholarships for her diligence. It is not surprising that she studied at Oxford for free and graduated from this prestigious institution with honors, immediately receiving academic degree in chemistry. At the same time, Thatcher became interested in politics, getting involved in the affairs of the then unfashionable Conservative Party.

Subsequently, Margaret will say that she owes her professional and personal qualities to her family, especially her father. He not only worked in the store, but was also an assistant to the mayor and a member of the city council. “From childhood we were instilled with a sense of duty towards our family, towards the church, towards our neighbors. It gave me a basis in life,” said Margaret.

Wife of a businessman, mother of twins and... politician

At the age of 26 (in 1951), Margaret married wealthy businessman Denis Thatcher and quickly gave birth to twins: Mark and Carol. However, his academic career was replaced by a passion for politics. Later, Margaret Thatcher would emphasize that it was just a hobby, and not a desire to get ahead, at any cost.

Although, perhaps, it was precisely the fact that politics was initially a hobby for her, to which she devoted herself with all passion, and became the basis for her fantastic success.

While taking care of her family and children, Margaret simultaneously received another education - a law degree. She liked to emphasize that what helped her in this was that her husband Denis was wealthy man, thanks to which she could calmly study to become a lawyer without thinking about earning money.

The only woman prime minister

In 1959, 34-year-old Thatcher became a Conservative member of the House of Commons in London and spent the next twenty years moving up the party ladder, holding a number of senior positions. In 1979, she decided to challenge fellow Conservative Edward Heath, who led the party. And takes his place. And when the conservatives win the general parliamentary elections, Thatcher almost automatically becomes prime minister. The first and so far only woman in British history to hold this post. And her premiership was truly a record-breaking one: for almost 12 years, Margaret Thatcher, the “elected dictator,” as she was once called, remained in this post, entering the political history of not only Great Britain, but the whole world.

Frankly speaking, Mrs. Thatcher inherited a troublesome, by European standards, collapsed economy. Inflation was over 20%, which was simply indecent for a respectable country.

By the way, at one time (in the early 90s) Russia found itself in the same situation. At the same time, there were proposals, although not entirely serious, to invite Lady Thatcher to run our government. It's a pity that they are not serious.

Iron hand in a lace glove

Thatcher, as we would say, is a “convinced marketer.” She carried out the denationalization of several large industries, reduced social spending, which, in her opinion, simply produced idlers, curtailed the rights of trade unions - in a word, she implemented everything that in the USSR was called “Thatcherism” and the “anti-people policy of the Tories.” After this, inflation fell to an acceptable 4-5% per year (what we can now dream of), unemployment ceased to be a national problem, and the economy was firmly on the track of, if not rapid, then sustainable growth.

England began to be taken into account again. M. Thatcher's diplomatic gift was fully manifested when, in 1986-87, she, implementing the “shuttle” policy between the USA and the USSR, or better said, between Reagan and Gorbachev, made the reconciliation of the irreconcilable real.

Reasons for Thatcher's success

It is difficult to say what a woman's success in politics is. Perhaps it's the ability to play men's games. But who will say after this that politics is not a woman’s business?! Among the secrets of Margaret Thatcher's success are probably the following:

She had extraordinary political instincts and enormous will - she clearly knew what she wanted, saw the prospect and walked towards the desired goal without turning back.

Margaret was capable of making frankly unpopular decisions and calmly listening to reproaches.

She was unfailingly firm in fulfilling decisions made, in times of crisis she knew how to rally like-minded people around her.

She deftly answered tricky questions the way she needed, conveying to the listener only what she wanted to say, and not what they wanted to hear from her.

In her family of origin, where, in addition to Margaret, sister Muriel grew up, there were strict rules - the girls were instilled with clear concepts of honesty, decency and others positive qualities. Thatcher brought them into her policies.

Margaret has a wonderful rear behind her - good family, caring husband, well-mannered children who did not cause her trouble with any inappropriate antics.

Well, undoubtedly one of the important factors of success is that Margaret Thatcher is simply a beautiful woman.

Professional workaholic

Margaret often repeated: “I was born to work.” Among the reasons for her success, Thatcher herself cites good natural health, belief in human rights and the belief that management must be skillful. Without being particularly shy, she says that she is good at understanding people - as soon as she sees a person, she already knows who is in front of her, and is never mistaken. She was uncompromising towards corruption. Margaret Thatcher is practically the only major political leader who has never been addressed not a single accusation of dishonesty was heard.

Now the 86-year-old lady rarely appears in public (age and illness make themselves felt), but her every appearance is an event. Margaret's favorite recreational activities include walking and attending concerts and classical music festivals.

Margaret Thatcher didn't like the film "The Iron Lady", but she appreciated Meryl Streep's performance (pictured)

...By the way, Thatcher herself did not like the released film “The Iron Lady” in principle - “an unnecessary undertaking.” But she praised the brilliant performance of Meryl Streep (the Hollywood star played the role of the Prime Minister). As always, balanced, polite, but frank.

The mechanism for taking office as a prime minister in England is very unique. By the morning, when the election results become known, the sleep-deprived, exhausted winner comes to the monarch’s residence and, bending his knee, informs Her Majesty about the accomplished fact. And the reigning lady has no choice but to offer the winner to accept the post of prime minister and form a government. As a rule, this offer is not refused.

For all her firmness, in relation to unprincipled details, Margaret Thatcher is capable of an active compromise. Although, as she says, this is her least favorite word. Listening to the advice of image makers, Margaret somewhat softened the intonation of her statements, changed her hairstyle, began to wear more feminine suits (she rarely wears dresses at all), more short skirts and wear jewelry more often. And with this change of image she achieved incredible success! She turned from a tough parliamentary fighter into a kind of “mother of the nation,” a second queen.

Thatcher has few jewels and most of them are gifts from her husband to family holidays. Margaret's favorite jewelry is natural pearls. “Pearl earrings highlight the face in a special way,” she says. Her favorite color is turquoise, but she rarely wears it, preferring dark blue and gray, and prefers natural wool and silk.

Margaret is the second wife of Denis Thatcher. His first wife was also named Margaret. The fact that she is the second Margaret Thatcher never seemed to bother the head of the British government, but she did not like to talk about it.

With their retirement, the “grocer’s daughters” planned to bestow a noble rank and title. At first they thought that she would be made Countess of Grantham - after the name of the place where she was born. However, Margaret Thatcher was given the title of Baroness Kestwin. By the way, her pension is 17.5 thousand pounds a year.