We all want our dreams to come true. What is needed for this? First, you need to decide on your desire and really want it to come true. And, of course, speed things up a little with a good conspiracy.

Unfortunately, even if you know what you want, sometimes it still doesn't work out. Yes, this happens very often. In such cases, two options are possible: either your desire can harm another person, or something is blocking its fulfillment. Here you will find effective conspiracies, which will help eliminate all blocks without harming other people, and your wishes will begin to come true.

A universal conspiracy to fulfill any desire

This conspiracy is good because it does not have a specific connection to love or money areas of life. After all, our desires can be different, and they are not always related to money or solving love issues.

But since it is universal, what you want must be thought out to the smallest detail: it will come true exactly as you wish. Take half an hour (or more if necessary) and write down what you want. You can first simply put your thoughts on paper so that you can read and rewrite everything clearly and understandably. The main thing is that there is no double meaning in your words. Everything should be extremely clear: there are no tricks or roundabout moves for the Universe, it does everything exactly as you wish.

After you have decided on the wording of what you want, you need to buy a church candle (the size is not important). Place it in a candle stand or simply attach it to a plate. Place the piece of paper you wrote on under a plate or candlestick. Next, light a candle and, looking at its flame, imagine how your wish comes true. After this, put your palms together, as if in prayer, and say the following: “ I, the servant of God... (your name), call on my Angels-helpers. Please fulfill my request... (say your wish). I address you with gratitude and confidence that my wish comes from a pure heart and for the benefit of everyone it affects. Amen».

Then carefully take out the piece of paper with your wish and burn it. You can leave the candle to burn out; if it is too big, just let it burn for ten minutes and then put it out.

Conspiracy to attract love, money, health

This spell can also be used to fulfill various desires. The result will depend on the color of the candle you choose. If you want to find your soulmate, rekindle the fire of love in a fading relationship, or simply attract love, you will need a red candle. If your desire directly relates to money, green shades are suitable. And if you need to improve your health, you need to take a white or yellow color.

So, you have decided what you want and have chosen the candle of the desired color. Next you need to be left alone with your desire. Ask that no one disturb you during this time, and be sure to turn off your phone to avoid distractions.

After this, you need to light the wick, join your palms in a prayer gesture and look at the flame until your thoughts come into order. As soon as you calm down and nothing will distract you from the process, say the phrase: “ As this candle burns and melts, so my wish comes true. Amen».

The text of the plot must be spoken 7 times. After this, the candle must be allowed to burn out.

In rituals and conspiracies, not only the process itself is important, but also a clear understanding of what you want. If a wish is not thought out, or you doubt it, there is a high probability that it will not come true. Believe in yourself, clearly formulate your own dreams, and everything will work out. And don't forget to press the buttons and

14.09.2015 00:40

People have been lighting their homes with candles for a long time, but the benefits of a simple candle are not limited to this. With the help of candles...

The opportunity to change your destiny and become much luckier in life has always been a desired goal for many people living on earth. There are simple rituals and complex ones, for which they use various items. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish is carried out with the help of icons, candles, precious stones, branches of various plants, canvas and other improvised means. The likelihood of a desire coming true depends on the belief in its power.

Change your destiny

To achieve the desired result, you need to take it seriously, calm down and focus as much as possible on the ritual itself. Mentally, you need to very clearly imagine not only the end result, but also the events that will follow after its execution.

You should only ask for what meets your needs and is not a momentary whim. The more minute details there are, the more real the chance of changing the situation. Experts believe that conspiracies work best during the changing seasons, when a person’s energy potential is maximum.

Conditions for realizing a dream

Bread, salt and water

Spells and conspiracies have been used by our ancestors from time immemorial. Reached to this day strong conspiracy for the fulfillment of a wish, which takes place before sunrise on Sunday or Saturday. To carry out the ceremony you will need clean water, salt, bread and a candle. A loaf of bread should be kept in right hand, and salt is on the left.

With a candle lit, the bread is sprinkled with salt and the phrase is said:

“Bread and salt is prepared for the gods, intended for dreams. I want my wish (to formulate a request) to come true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

Each piece must be chewed thoroughly, joyfully imagining the implementation of your plan. After this, you need to drink 3 sips of charmed water, which is first spoken with the words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so will my desire be born from it. Water - water, help me."

At the end of the ritual the words are said:

“Bread, salt and water will always help, this is a joy, not a misfortune. Everything will be as it is said. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

We use a scarf

To carry out the action, you will need your own clean handkerchief, which should be held tightly in your fist and the spell should be pronounced three times:

“My desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of our Lord. The Lord helps those who ask. Unknown paths and events lead to the fulfillment of desires. It becomes real and strengthened by the spirit of the Lord. Everything I ask for will come true. I tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

The handkerchief is tied in a knot, placed in a pocket and stored there until the result appears.

Ritual with red threads

Red thread conspiracy

On the full moon, you need to buy a woolen skein of red thread and a candle of the same color. On a sheet of white paper you need to write your requests, which will be fulfilled within a year. Next, a 20 cm long thread is cut from the skein, and 9 knots are tied on it in different places.

For each of them a corresponding plot is read. The wish list needs to be tied with a charmed thread and the package hidden in a secluded place. On the last day of the year, the note is burned. Within a year, dreams should come true.

Ancient rite

The Power of the Ancients

This effective way has been known for a long time and is distinguished by its effectiveness. To carry it out, you will need parchment, on both sides of which an appeal is written:

“Adam and Eve! Almighty God has united you together in a holy place, in an earthly paradise. So let the person (name) be favorable to me and fulfill everything I ask. (+Eli, three times).

After this, the parchment is burned and diluted with ink with 7 drops breast milk, which a woman feeds her firstborn and a small amount of magnetic powder. The request is written with a quill pen sharpened with a new knife. According to user reviews, the result exceeds all expectations.

Making a wish come true with a large candle

Big candle to help

Magicians claim that the color of the candle plays a big role in the ritual. For example:

  • — a red candle increases self-esteem, gives strength, sexual pleasure, brings healing and victory;
  • - the yellow tint is responsible for Creative skills, making new friends, making long trips;
  • green color used to improve material well-being, find a new job and get rid of illnesses:
  • Blue colour develops intuition, gives peace and health;
  • - orange tone is good luck, success, a wonderful career;
  • - pink candles are lit when asking for romantic love, wedding, tender feelings;
  • White color acts in a healing way and protects against evil influences.

Candles should be large and smooth. A separate candlestick and a heat-resistant vessel are purchased for them. On a piece of paper you need to write your wish with a note that its implementation will bring only good. A candlestick is placed on the note and the candle is lit. Every evening you need to look at the burning flame for 15 minutes, and at the end of the ritual, the paper should be completely burned in the prepared vessel. The ashes need to be scattered to the wind. After performing the ritual several times, you don’t have to worry anymore, heaven heard your request.

In this article:

Today, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish interests many people. Its popularity is explained by the versatility of such magic, because with the help of one ritual you can solve a variety of problems.

Along with the growing interest in magic, the number of sources from which a person can get more information about the rituals that interest him also grows. On the Internet alone you can find hundreds of thousands of sites, each of which offers effective and effective method solving any problem with the help of magical practices. But not every resource on the network contains truthful and full information. In most cases, the site provides only the plot itself, without explanations or recommendations, without information on how to read magic words, where, when, under what conditions. And this is very important; with a conspiracy alone, even an effective ritual will not be able to achieve what you want.

What you need to know about wish conspiracies

First of all, it is important to remember that before performing any ritual you need to properly tune in. The performer must spend some time meditating, he needs to concentrate on what he wants to get as a result of the magical ritual, what he must do for this.

There are many ways that will allow you to relax before the ritual, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head, everything that distracts and that you do not need in this case.

So, you can just lie down for a while in complete silence and try to hear some frequent sounds coming from the street, it could be birdsong, the hum of cars passing by, or knocking from a construction site nearby. Now you need to fully concentrate on the selected sounds, try not to think about anything, just listen. After some time, you will be cleared of everything that prevents you from concentrating and you can begin preparing for the ceremony.

One more important point is the visualization of the fulfillment of a desire, you must sincerely believe that with the help of magic you will get what you want, that your desires will come true. Moreover, you should feel as if you have already received what you wanted, all you have to do is wait a little and this something will be in your hands. Only after this can you proceed directly to the selection and execution of the ritual.

Strong spell with a scarf

You need to concentrate on your deepest desire, close your eyes and imagine it. Now we take a clean scarf in our hands (it should be yours and not new). We say our wish out loud three times, squeeze the handkerchief in our fist and say the words of the conspiracy:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Concentration on the result you want is the most important thing

After pronouncing last words You need to tie the scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket or bag. The enchanted item must be carried with you constantly until your wish comes true.

Six-day conspiracy

This is a universal magical ritual that can be used both to fulfill one cherished desire and to ensure that all your desires become a reality over time. In order for all your wishes to come true, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times daily, for 6 days. Words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Holy Mother of God, I ask you to. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

After each reading, the performer must read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
This effective prayer desires, but neither she nor anyone else will help you if you yourself do not make any efforts to achieve what you want.

Prayer for the desired plot to come true

To carry out this magical ritual you will need seven small icons: Kazan Mother of God, Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, yours personalized icon(icon of a saint with your name), icon of all saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Virgin Mary “Consolation”.


When you have collected all the images, take seven small sheets of paper and write your wish on each of them (you can have one for everyone, or one for each).

After this you need to wax church candles attach sheets of wishes to the back of the icons, place them on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light one church candle next to each icon and read the words of the conspiracy:

"Lord God, Holy Mother Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Immediately after this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then, in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and until at least one church candle is burning. When you are finished, you need to carefully place all the wish icons between the pages of the Bible and leave them there for the next forty days.

A powerful ritual to fulfill a wish

This ritual is performed with the help of one large candle. When choosing a candle, remember that you will have to light it for many evenings, so take the largest one.
You need to be very careful when choosing the color of a candle. Each color is associated with one direction, symbolizing certain deeds and desires:

  • white color symbolizes cleansing, healing and protection;
  • yellow - travel, trips, negotiations, communication skills, creativity, joy and friends;
  • orange - career, self-expression, success and luck;
  • red - passion, sexual pleasure, conquest, strength, victory;
  • pink - romantic relationship, love, reconciliation, wedding;
  • blue - health, peace, development;
  • green - new job, money and nature.

In addition to a new candle, to perform this magical ritual, you will also need a candlestick that has not been used anywhere before, as well as a sheet of white paper, a steel vessel and a simple pencil.
On a piece of paper you need to write your deepest desire and sign below:

“Let my desire bring only good and do no harm.”

At night, you need to put a candle in a candlestick on a sheet of paper and light the wick. Look at the fire and imagine that your wish has already come true, that you got everything you wanted, concentrate on the positive emotions that the realization of your dream will bring you. Draw pictures as much as you can (if this is not your first experience with magic, you will feel when to stop). Now we put out the candle and go to bed. These steps must be repeated at least three nights in a row.

Then you need to set the paper on fire in a candle flame, throw it into a prepared steel vessel and let the sheet burn out completely. In the end, we throw all the ashes out the window and try to forget about our desire for a while, don’t think about it, don’t wait for it to happen, but live your normal life, and soon everything will come true.

All wishes, correctly made and supported by rituals for fulfillment, sooner or later come true! But on one condition - if they are truly yours, and not imposed from the outside. , coming from the needs of your soul, are simply doomed to fulfillment.

I have selected for you the 7 most effective magical rituals for fulfilling desires, which I use myself. All of them are easy to implement, tested in action by a huge number of people and are super effective.

1. Ritual “Magic Matches”

This wonderful ritual is designed to fulfill both minor and larger goals and intentions.

Take a new box of matches. On top of the label, in its place, glue a cut piece of white paper of the same size. Do the same with reverse side. Using a red marker or felt-tip pen, write “Magic Matches” on the front side, and your first and last name on the back. Done? Great, congratulations! Now you have it in your hands magic instrument to fulfill your wishes! All that remains is to activate it. To do this, make a simple wish that is very easy to materialize. For example: “I drink a cup of my favorite mint tea! After that, take out one match, light it, let it burn out and immediately fulfill your wish. Now your Magic Matches are charged to fulfill any of your desires. Advice - it’s better to start with small goals and gradually “enlarge” them.

2. Ritual “Magnet of Desires”

We are all magnets and, without knowing it, with our thoughts we “magnetize” certain things, people and events into our lives. But if you do this consciously, you can begin to manage these events.

This is a very simple ritual, but its simplicity does not in any way affect its effectiveness. To perform this you will need a larger ordinary magnet. Find a place where no one will distract you, hold the magnet in your right hand, press it to your chest and imagine your wish already fulfilled. Try to “see” on your inner screen what will happen after your goal is realized. Then say the following words loudly and out loud 3 times: “The power of the magnet, pass through the body, you will make your wish come true on time!” Carry the charmed magnet with you on your right side.

3. Ritual “Ribbon of Desires”

The purpose of this ritual is the fulfillment of small and medium-sized “material” desires associated with receiving some things or desired events of a small scale (a call or news)

To perform this ritual you need a green candle. It should not be too thick; it is better to choose something longer and of medium thickness. Cut a ribbon 1-2 cm wide from white paper and write with a red felt-tip pen your wish that you want to materialize. Using a short green thread, tie one end of the ribbon to the middle of the candle and wrap it with a ribbon in a spiral from bottom to top. So that the second end is closer to the top of the candle. The paper ribbon must have words inside. Place the candle on a metal holder where the ashes can fall safely. Everything is ready for the ritual, you can begin. Remove unnecessary thoughts from your head and concentrate only on your desire. For a few minutes, think about it as already accomplished and be filled with emotions of joy from its implementation. Now light the candle and watch the flame slowly but surely approach your desire. It is a symbol of its realization. At some point, the piece of “wish tape” will become free and hang freely on the candle. At this very moment you need to “strengthen” your desire as much as possible, that is, want it very, very much! Fill it with the energy of intention! After this, extinguish the candle and scatter the ashes into the air. Now try to forget about your desire and let go, thereby transferring to the almighty Universe the right to realize it.

4. Ritual "Magic Spiral"

This wonderful ritual is used when you strive to fulfill an “urgent” desire that is “burning” and is needed very urgently.

On a regular sheet of paper small size write down your wish with a red marker in capital letters in the present tense without the particle “not” and the word “want”. For example: “I’m getting a promotion!” Take a soft candle in your hands and twist it 7 times so that you get a spiral with seven turns. Insert it into a candlestick and place a piece of paper with your wish under it. Concentrate on what you want, light a candle, look at the flame, think of your goal as achieved, without taking your eyes off the fire. Immerse yourself in your thoughts until the candle wick reaches the first turn of the spiral. After this, leave the candle burning and go about your business, but do not miss the moment when it burns out to the last, seventh orbit. Take out the piece of paper with your wish and burn it in the flame of this magical coil, then thank the Universe for helping you make it come true.

5. Ritual "Magic Ice"

You need to use this ritual of “ice magic” to fulfill material desires, one way or another related to finances.

Place 7 coins of different denominations in a small glass with a stem, fill it to the brim with water and place it in the freezer. Wait for the water to turn into ice, take the “ice glass” with coins in left hand, bring it to your lips so close that your breath touches the ice and whisper the following words 7 times: “The coin will not roll away, but will remain with me, the money will not leave and will bring me wealth! The water turns into ice, my wish comes true!” Leave the charged glass in the refrigerator and make sure that the ice in it does not melt.

This ritual is very powerful; in addition to fulfilling a wish, it attracts monetary energy into the house, strengthens and expands the cash flow.

6. Ritual “Magic bag”

The power of this ancient and very powerful ritual is to attract the energy of abundance and fulfill monetary desires.

Sew it yourself or buy a small red bag from natural fabric. Wait for the eighth lunar days of the growing Moon and put 108 pre-prepared coins of any denomination into it and tie it with a green ribbon. Holding a bag of coins in your hands, look at the Moon and say: “Grow, big Moon, inviting wealth to me! Every day your strength grows, you will attract money to my house!” Then hide the “charged” bag in a secluded place and, starting on the first day after the full moon, take out the coins and start spending them. While the Moon is waning, they must all be completely spent. If you correctly perform this ritual to fulfill your desires, very soon your financial situation will change in better side and new sources of income will open up for you that you didn’t even suspect about before.

7. Ritual “Candle of Wishes”

This is very strong ritual, fulfilling any desires of any complexity. But it will take you 7 days to complete it. The ritual cannot be interrupted, as this will cause it to lose its magical power, so it’s better to postpone its start until later than to stop halfway.

To perform it you will need a church wax candle. Using a red felt-tip pen or marker, put 6 dash marks on it, breaking the candle into 7 equal parts - one for each day of the ritual. On a small piece of paper with the same marker, write your cherished desire in the present tense and place a candle in a candlestick on top of it. Light the wick, and without looking up from the candle flame, think about what you want as brightly as possible, feeling the emotions from its fulfillment. Immerse yourself completely in pleasant experiences until the candle burns down to the first division and then put it out. Leave everything as is and repeat the ritual for the next 6 days. On the last, seventh day, at the moment when the candle is almost burnt out, take out the sheet with the wish and set it on fire from the flame of the lucky seventh part. Wait until it burns completely and scatter the ashes into the air, throwing them out the window.

Friends, choose any ritual you like or perform them all and very soon you will see how your dreams, one after another, begin to come true!

Enjoy your magic!

Alena Golovina


Complete collection and description: a powerful conspiracy prayer for the fulfillment of desires for the spiritual life of a believer.

Every person secretly or openly dreams of having his dreams come true, of having his cherished or momentary desires come true - this is the true essence of a human being.

Naturally, each of us resorts to different means to achieve what we are looking for. Someone is for money, someone is for connections, and someone is reading a conspiracy to make a wish come true. A kind of help against failure.

The popularity of the latter technique is quite understandable: conspiracies are universal, you don’t need to read five hundred different conspiracies to fulfill five hundred wishes, you can be content with two or three.

However, before you start reading the right words for inspiration, you will need to know something about conspiracies: you need to be careful with them.

Firstly, before you start reading, you should tune in. Some call this setting meditation, others call it concentration, but one way or another you need to focus as much as possible on the result you want to achieve by performing the ritual. And also at the price that you will pay for this result.

To perform the ritual correctly, you must keep your thoughts as pure, calm and clear as possible. Throw away everything that interferes and focus on what you want. That is, everything that can work against your calm.

For better concentration, you can, for example, lie down for a while, turning off all distracting devices. Focus on the singing of birds coming from the street or the hum of cars or knocking from a construction site.

After this, concentrate as much as possible, highlighting these particular sounds for yourself, and banish all other thoughts from your head. After some time, you will find that you have cleared yourself of everything that prevented you from concentrating solely on your desire. Also, experienced magicians recommend not just believing in the result, but feeling as if you have already received what you wanted, and now you are just waiting for it to be in your hands. Now you can cast the spell.

Strong spell on a scarf

As mentioned above, the first stage of the conspiracy is the concentration of a person on desire. After that, close your eyes and imagine what you want. Take a clean handkerchief in your hands (it should have been used for some time, but only by you). Say a clearly formulated wish out loud three times, squeeze a handkerchief in your fist and say the text to receive a strong spell to fulfill your wish.

After reading the words, you must tie a handkerchief in a knot and put it in your bag or pocket.

Do not part with the enchanted scarf until the moment your wish is fulfilled.

There is also one fairly universal conspiracy from the category “ folk remedies”, which works not only to fulfill a specific wish. It also allows you to make every desire you experience become a reality - sooner or later. In order to achieve this tempting goal, you will have to read the text of the conspiracy three times a day, every day, for six days.

This conspiracy is extremely effective, however, remember that it is impossible to achieve your dream without difficulty. A conspiracy can only help you, clear obstacles, enhance your luck, and so on. But you yourself will have to put in a lot of effort if you want the handkerchief in your pocket to not remain just a handkerchief, useless against the circumstances, and if your six days of work are not in vain.

Conspiracy with seven icons

A prayer in which you speak directly to God must ask for something truly important. If you just need a raise or new car, it is better not to bother the Almighty with such trifles: He will already give you everything you need.

To perform this ritual, you will first need to obtain seven icons. The Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, the Kazan Mother of God, the icon of the saint who bears your name, the icon of all saints, “Consolation” and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When you have all seven sacred images, you need to take the same number of sheets of paper - one per icon, and write down a wish on each.

There is no clear indication of exactly how to write, so you can write a separate wish on each sheet, or you can write one general wish on each.

After you do this, attach sheets with written wishes to the back of the icons, using wax dripped from church candles. Place the icons on the table, on which you have laid a white tablecloth in advance. Light a candle near each image and read the text of the conspiracy.

What could be the consequences of a wish spell?

Depending on what exactly you asked and from whom, the consequences may be different. If you ask for something important, not for yourself, but for a loved one or relative, from a pure heart and from the saints, your wish will come true quickly, and there will be no troubles.

If you ask for something insignificant for yourself, and not from saints, but from spirits about whom you have no idea, then they will probably take something in return: your strength, money, some kind of resource. And the less predisposition you have in your destiny to get what you want, the more resource they can take from you.

Also, do not forget that conspiracies are not an exact science, and therefore the desire may not come true at all if you do something wrong, or do not focus on the result well enough.

Useful spells:

Conspiracies to make a wish come true: comments

One comment

I have tried so many spells to make a wish come true, but for me personally, the most effective and effective was a simple spell for a scarf. You must believe that your plans will come true, otherwise nothing will work out. The plot with seven icons is also good, but for me it is a little complicated. I did it only once and my wish came true very quickly.

Read the prayer and your wishes will come true within a day

Prayer for the fulfillment of a desire to the Lord God

The Lord God will not leave you alone, you can always ask him for help, but you need to do it sincerely. Here is a prayer to the Lord God that you need to read to fulfill your desires: “Son of God, Lord Jesus, bring good luck to my deeds, help me fulfill my cherished desires. May they not harm their neighbor. My thoughts are pure and open before you. Amen".

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker can protect you, he will help you fulfill your desires. Like the previous prayer, the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is read near his icon, if you have one at home or in church.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires to Matrona of Moscow

Conspiracy to fulfill wishes No. 1

  • colored candle;
  • a piece of bread;
  • coarse salt.

To begin, choose a colored candle. It doesn’t have to be church style; absolutely anything will do, just not decorative; it shouldn’t have any additional elements. And so, what color to take the candle depends on what kind of wish you will make.

  • green candle - to fulfill dreams associated with material values;
  • red candle - to fulfill a dream related to the relationship between a guy and a girl;
  • yellow candle - to fulfill dreams associated with friends;

blue cut - to fulfill a dream connected with travel.

When the sun begins to rise in the morning, light a candle on the table in the color you want. Crumble the bread on the table and sprinkle it with salt. Say the following words: “I meet my dream with bread and salt. May they bring me breadcrumbs of happiness, bringing my dream closer to me day by day. Let it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy to fulfill wishes No. 2

You know that water conspiracies are the most powerful conspiracies. If you have a dream that is still in no hurry to come true, I’ll try to make the following spell for spring water.

  • a glass of spring water;
  • church candle;
  • icon of the Mother of God.

Early in the morning, when the sun is just beginning to appear, sit at the table and place the icon of the Mother of God in front of you. Light a church candle in front of the icon and say the following words: “Mother of God, my intercessor, make my wish come true. I beg you from the bottom of my heart, with pure thoughts and a clear mind. Let this sacred water bring me strength and bring my cherished dream closer to me. Let it be so from now on. Amen. Amen. Amen".

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Paid consultation with a professional astrologer

A strong conspiracy prayer for the fulfillment of a wish

On December 31st for the New Year, your intended wish comes true, and if you read a special plot at the moment when you wished for something New Year's Eve then after New Year's ritual what you want will definitely come true. Magic on New Year This is the most powerful white and black magic that can almost immediately fulfill any dream that you make at the moment of reading a wish spell, the main thing is that what you really want and ask for for the New Year does not cause any harm to you or the other person. The conspiracy to make your wish come true in the New Year is read next to a live New Year tree. Pick 7 needles from the tree and remove the rain, all this is needed to read the plot that will fulfill your plan - a dream.

New Year's ritual - a ritual with reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the night of the New Year is as follows:

Conspiracy to fulfill a desire to read on candles

Those who know the text of the prayer - white conspiracy once a year they can fulfill their most important wish. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday, but the day before it happens you need to go to church and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, place and light 12 candles around you and hold a glass of water in your hands while the candles burn, read wish fulfillment spell :

Say something for good luck

To attract constant good luck in any business, read a good luck plot that will help you become more successful. The oldest ritual that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can cast a spell on any new things or objects; most often, the spell is cast on jewelry that you will wear every day; this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It's customary among magicians cast a ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on your left hand without taking it off. A thing charmed for good luck becomes the best talisman that makes its owner lucky, about whom many say: “he was born with a shirt on and that’s why he is always lucky in everything.” But the secret of constant luck is in the enchanted object - the ring. Now we will tell you how to independently charm any thing or object so that it brings good luck and wealth. Buy any silver ring or pendant and read this spell on it :

Read the conspiracy to fulfill a desire for water yourself

To fulfill any of your wishes you need water, salt and a wish-fulfilling spell.. The not complicated ritual that we will talk about today is capable of quickly fulfill your intended (made) wish with the help of white magic. Until recently, this powerful conspiracy to make a wish come true was known only to the “chosen ones,” but time flies quickly and with the advent of the Internet, magic has become available to everyone. Today everyone can get what you want and for this you only need to take water and salt yourself read the spell that fulfills any wish. For this ritual, the phase of the moon is not important and you can read the plot both during the day and at night, but always on Sunday. Before read a wish fulfillment spell you need to prepare for the ritual. On clean slate On paper, write one wish of yours that you need to fulfill. Pour into a transparent glass clean water(It won’t work with bleach from the tap). For a magical ritual to fulfill a wish, you need coarse salt (3 full pinches), which you measure in advance onto a sheet of paper with a written wish (directly on the text). When everything is ready, stir the water in a glass and slowly pour salt into the water. read the wish-fulfilling spell :

Spell to make a wish come true with bay leaf

To independently make a ritual to fulfill a wish with a bay leaf, you need to read a wish-fulfilling spell on a new moon or a waxing moon and perform simple actions with a bay tree leaf. The magical properties of bay leaves have long been known, giving strength, success and fulfillment of desires. Bay leaves are used in white and black magic to attract love, luck and money, but today we will talk about how to perform wish fulfillment ritual using a bay leaf, which is not difficult. If the desire is of a monetary nature, you need a yellow candle; the ritual for love desires is carried out using a red candle; in all other cases, a white candle is used. To read a wish-fulfilling plot, we need a dry Bay leaf, on which you need to write with a simple pencil what should come true. It is best to use the softest pencil. After writing a wish on a bay leaf, place it on a saucer and light a candle, when the candle burns, drip wax onto the bay leaf three times tell the plot :

Prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Saint Matrona

This is very strong prayer fulfillment of desires must come from the heart; only in this case the power of prayer is so strong that the fulfillment of desires occurs very quickly. Among the people there is one ancient prayer for wish fulfillment which has survived to this day. The words of the prayer are known to many people; to fulfill their desires, people pray to the Most Holy Theotokos or turn in prayer to the Holy Matrona, who has already helped many in getting what they want. The text of the prayer must be memorized and read before and after the icon of St. Matrona prayers to ask Matronushka to fulfill your desire :

Wish-fulfilling prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like the prayer that fulfills wishes, combines one and the same thing. If you read the prayer to Saint Nicholas and pass its words through your heart, then very quickly any of your desires will be fulfilled and you can see for yourself how strong the power of this prayer is! A prayer for a wish to come true must be read in church while kneeling in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Only after reading the prayer you need to state your desire, the help in the implementation of which you want to receive from the Saint. Don't forget to light a candle in front of the icon when you ask for help and after Nikolai has helped you! After reading the wish-fulfilling prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, voice your request - desire and “bow down to the ground” three times - go to the Saint in Peace. Very soon you will find out how powerful prayer is and what great power St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has - after all, your your wish will come true as soon as possible! After you will get what you wanted do not forget to go to church again and, as a sign of gratitude, light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and, after reading a prayer, thank him for his help.

conspiracy to fulfill a wish and prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Strong conspiracies, like prayers, can fulfill any desire.. The prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking the Virgin Mary to quickly fulfill the most important desire, has long been popular with people for its quick and accurate fulfillment of what to ask. If you have a cherished desire, you have the opportunity to pray and ask the Saints for the fulfillment of your cherished desire; only for this you need a special prayer, and even better if the prayer for the fulfillment of your desire is very strong. A strong prayer will fulfill your request faster and you will receive what you asked and wanted to receive, although everything has rules and boundaries - in no case should you read a prayer and wish harm to others in advance. Below is a very strong prayer for your wish to come true in the near future. I think many of the readers have a hard time reading Orthodox texts and prayers written in ancient Slavic. In any prayer, no matter in what language you ask for the fulfillment of this or that desire, it is the feeling that plays main role in communication with higher powers, and for them there is no language barrier in fulfillment of desire. Any prayer should include a feeling of gratitude and love. And these prayers work great and help in fulfilling your intended desire to attract money and good luck in life. Prayer for a dream to come true requires a clearer construction of your desire .

A strong spell to fulfill the desire to read on your birthday

White magic of wish fulfillment teaches how to make a wish come true on your birthday and what kind of conspiracy helps to make your wish come true in the shortest possible time. It is about this ritual of magic that fulfills everything you wish that the conspiracies for today will tell you. Believe me, in order to independently make a strong conspiracy that will definitely fulfill your wish, you don’t need any magic items, but only a few rubles for a church candle, memorizing the words of the spell and going to the nearest church. The most important thing in any magical ritual is unshakable faith in the result and confidence that you will succeed! If there is even the slightest doubt, put off reading the plot for a while.

Spell to make a wish come true on a handkerchief

The conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a scarf is in third place in terms of its effectiveness and speed of fulfillment of the wish. Even in the old days, a knot was tied on scarves as a keepsake or when making a wish. important event which must happen and come true. Old people knew that a knot tied on a handkerchief has a magical effect (magic of wish fulfillment) and believe me, this practice has existed for several centuries! As you may have guessed, the plot to fulfill a wish needs to be read on a handkerchief, but it must be completely new! Having tied a knot in the center of the raft, say your wish and read the plot:

A spell for good luck. A conspiracy to catch luck and turn it towards you

Conspiracies will tell you how to quickly attract good luck into your life with the help of magic and what kind of conspiracy will help you catch luck and success in all your undertakings. Believe me, this is a fairly simple and at the same time very effective magical ritual of white magic that will help you independently catch luck in business, study, at work, in the lottery. by the tail and become the luckiest person.

The spell for good luck should be read on any Thursday, but for the ritual you need to prepare any coin, a small piece of soap with which you will wash your hands and a live cockroach before the conspiracy. On Thursday, put the listed items in a matchbox and dig a shallow hole near the house where you live so that no one can see and bury the box in it while reading a strong spell for eternal luck in everything :

The magic of wish fulfillment. A wish-fulfilling spell to read on a fern

Do you want your wish to come true and come into your life? happy Days execute magic ritual . At night on Ivan Kupala, go into the forest and find a blooming fern. Don’t rush to pick it, you need to perform a simple ritual and pick the blooming fern by saying the words of the conspiracy to it. After this, you will always be accompanied by good luck, happiness, health and financial wealth. Approaching a flowering plant, draw a circle around it with any stick, closing the line. Throw the stick and, taking the fern in your hand and pulling it towards yourself, say spell for good luck and fulfillment of your desire :

Wish fulfillment magic will help you make your wish come true if you read the spell spell

To make a wish come true, read a conspiracy to fulfill your intended desire. . Technology of wish fulfillment using white magic quite simple. Any wish will come true if you read this powerful plot three times: once at home before going to church, the second time before entering the church and the third time when returning home from church and then a powerful ritual to fulfill a wish will allow you to get what you need. After the church has read wish-granting spell enter the temple and you need to place twelve candles at any price in front of any icons. After this, fast for forty days and then the wish you have conceived will definitely come true. The words of the conspiracy that need to be read to achieve the desired are as follows: :

Strong desire to lose weight? Magic will help!

A spell for a good harvest so that everything grows well in the garden

If you want to get a rich harvest, read this powerful plot for a good harvest. After the plot for the harvest on your plot of land, your estate or garden will grow greatly whatever you plant. In the fall you will get the best harvest in all previous years. The plot must be read twice for the growing month, once in the morning in someone else’s garden, a second time in the evening in your own, and spell words to increase productivity the following:

A conspiracy to punish the offender using magic

A magical way of punishing an offender (an offended person) is done using a spell on water in windy weather. This is the most powerful way you can punish a man or woman who has offended you with the rituals of black magic. It was this method that was used for more than 12 centuries by magicians to punish the enemy and bring damage to him. Conspiracy to punish the enemy - the offender You need to read it yourself outside in windy weather. Pour plain water into a glass and when you go outside with it, stand so that the wind blows at your back and slowly start pouring water from the glass, read spell to punish an enemy or offender :

A conspiracy to remove bad luck. How to remove and remove damage to bad luck from a person

It happens that a person is constantly unlucky in all matters. Most likely, the person was damaged by bad luck and failure. The conspiracies will tell you a ritual to remove the bad luck of a miserable person from a person using a conspiracy and a chicken egg. Only a special egg laid by a black hen is suitable for the ritual. You can buy an egg from a black hen in the village, and you can always distinguish it by the color of the shell - it is gray. When you bring home a chicken egg at exactly midnight, set the egg to boil, and when the water boils, read it three times in a row. a spell that can instantly remove damage caused by bad luck .