Oct 08, 2018 by in

Previously, in the game World of Tanks it was possible to earn silver on level 6-8 tanks, but nowadays, the wargaming policy has changed, and you can actively earn in-game currency only on premium tanks. All premium equipment has different technical characteristics, which divides tankers into different opinions about the best tanks for making money. Below is a list of the best tanks for farming, based on player reviews.

If you need

German heavy premium tank tier 8 Lowe, holds the record for silver earnings. This equipment appeared in the premium store at the beginning of the game’s popularity and was subject to changes in technical characteristics almost every six months. The latest changes to the Lion were very successful, as the heavy tank finally became a formidable opponent among similar tier vehicles. The engine power and declination angles were increased and armor was added to the hull and turret. The German Lion did not become a dynamic tank, however, it began to get to its destination faster. At the moment, the tank has an engine with a power of 1000 hp. Since the tank weighs 90 tons, the specific power is 11.15 hp/t.

As for the armor, according to the technical specifications, the front part of the turret is only 120 mm, however, it has a huge gun mantlet, which is also 120 mm. As a result, the frontal part of the Lion turret is armored to 240 mm. This is enough to tank levels 8-9. The tank's hull was also improved, armor was added to the VLD (120 mm) and sides (100 mm). That is, at an angle, the armor increases significantly and the tank is already quite difficult to penetrate. With improved side armor, the Lion can tank enemy shells with its sides, but at optimal angles.

The tank's gun is its main advantage. An accurate gun with high degrees of declination allows you to target the enemy at long distances. The average armor penetration of a basic projectile is 234 mm, which is one of the best indicators at level 8. However, there is also a minus. The reload time is 11.5 seconds, which produces an average damage per minute of only 1600 units.

The last advantage of the tank is its viewing radius of 400 meters. Not all level 8 STs have such indicators.

German king of beasts, quite colorful technique. The tank has both many pros and cons. Leo is able to hold back opponents' breakthroughs by playing from the terrain. A large viewing radius will allow armored vehicles to shine independently in battle, while earning a lot of in-game currency.

Preferential French premium TT level 8. This tank has always been played by tankers with extensive experience. It has virtually no armor, but has a good rapid-fire gun, a good viewing radius and a powerful engine.

After updating the balancer in the game and introducing a large number of vehicles with good technical characteristics, FCM 50 t began to noticeably lose in all respects. Since the vehicle belongs to the preferential level of battles, the maximum level that the Frenchman will get to is 9. With all its current performance characteristics, the tank almost always plays with 9 levels. However, even there he shows his agility and rate of fire from time to time.

If you look at the characteristics, the FCM 50 t has pretty good armor in the upper part of the hull - 140 mm, but its declination angles are built in such a way that the armor provided is practically non-existent. The tank is capable of reaching speeds of up to 51 km/h, and the specific engine power is more than 18 hp/t, this allows you to quickly drive on hilly terrain, change positions and retreat. As for firepower, the Frenchman is equipped with a 90 mm gun with an armor penetration of a basic projectile of 212 mm and a one-time damage of 240 units. The tank's reload time is 7.19 seconds, which allows it to deal average damage per minute of 1920 units.

Currently, this tank is quite difficult to play, since in battles against 9 levels the one-time damage of 240 units is too low. As for farming, the FCM 50 t has one unique feature. The tank's armor-piercing shells cost only 250 units. silver This means that after the battle, small deductions of in-game currency will occur.


The American heavy tank costs a little less than Lowe's and has its own unique abilities. The T 34 has a strong 280 mm turret, which is almost impossible to penetrate even for level 10 tanks. The only weak point on the turret is the hatch, which is located on the back of it. However, it is quite difficult to target it, since its size is too small. The tank's hull is lightly armored, only 102 mm. Therefore, for a comfortable game, you should take positions with reliefs so that you can hide the body. The gun depression angle of -10 degrees also helps with tanking with the turret. Since the tank's body is low, it is able to hide it even on steep hills.

The dynamics of the T34 are very weak - only 12.44 hp/t. The maximum speed is 35 km/h, which is also low. However, this heavy tank has a powerful weapon, with an average armor penetration of 248 mm and a one-time damage of 400 units. Dealing a lot of damage per minute is prevented by a long reload of 14.38 seconds. The viewing radius is average, like many level 8 TTs. – 380 m.

The tank is equipped with a powerful weapon with high armor penetration and high one-time damage. The declination angles allow you to tank from the tower, while being confident that it will not be penetrated. However, the tank is too slow, has poor gun stabilization and a large dispersion when firing. The T 34 will be effective on hills, in mid-range and closer battles.

WZ-120-1G FT

The Chinese branch of tank destroyers appeared in the RU region relatively recently. Almost all of them in appearance resemble USSR anti-tank installations, however, they have different performance characteristics. This also applies to the premium level 8 PT WZ-120-1G FT. The premium vehicle has a powerful weapon with high one-time damage of 440 units. and average armor penetration of 258 mm. The gun reload time is 9.39 seconds, which allows you to deal 2807 average damage per minute. These are some of the best performance among all tier 8 tanks. However, the 122 mm gun has too long an aiming time of 2.8 seconds with a dispersion of 0.35.

There is no armor as such, the front part is 120 mm, the sides are 80 mm and the rear is 45 mm. For all its firepower, the tank destroyer has good dynamics. Specific engine power 16.24 hp/t. This allows you to quickly reach a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h.

The viewing radius of the Chinese premium tank is 380 m. With upgraded crew skills and additional equipment, the WZ-120-1G FT can detect breakthrough tanks on its own.

The new Chinese premium Tier 8 tank destroyer has a good weapon that can inflict large one-time damage every 9 seconds. However, the large dispersion and long convergence allow effective shooting only at medium distances. Many tankers consider this tank to be one of the best at their level, despite the fact that you can still earn good silver from it.

M4A1 Revalorisé

A medium French tank of tier 8, which was improved by the developers at the request of players. At the moment, the premium ST has a fairly powerful 105 mm gun with high one-time damage of 390 units. and average armor penetration of 200 mm. The accuracy is acceptable, with a spread of 0.33, the reduction is only 2.3 seconds, which allows you to hit the enemy at long distances. The downside is firepower, it has a long reload of 12.27 seconds. With declination angles of -10 degrees, the tank can comfortably play off the terrain, however, the armor of the turret, as well as the hull, leaves much to be desired. The maximum armor thickness in the turret is 63 mm. The Frenchman can deflect some shells, but he won't be able to tank with his turret.

The dynamics of the tank are average, with a high specific power of 15.84 hp/t, the M4A1 Revalorisé is capable of reaching a maximum speed of only 40 km/h. That is, the speed picks up quite quickly, but the tank will drive moderately.

The M4A1 Revalorisé has a visibility of 390 m, which is a good indicator for a medium tank. With installed equipment and a trained crew, the Frenchman will be able to highlight enemy equipment well.

Since the tank is not advantageous, with weak armor it will be quite difficult to play with 10 levels. However, an accurate weapon allows you to target enemy weak points and inflict large one-time damage. Together with a good review, the French ST can bring good profits.

Every World of Tanks player needs silver coins. With their help you can afford everything, or almost everything. This is why you should have a tank for farming silver in WoT

In general, farming credits in WoT is inferior to the rate of gaining experience per battle. The situation gets more complicated when you reach your top ten. It’s very easy to go into the red here after the battle.

What’s even more unfortunate is that the new premium vehicles no longer have the option to reduce the level of battles, so your Patton 59 will fall into the tenth level, where you won’t earn silver, unless it can spoil your nerves.

Today we will look at the best tanks for farming in World of Tanks in 2019, so that people who do not have premium equipment also have a chance to make a fortune.

7th place - VK 30.01H

The key to farming: very high level penetration.

The figure of 157 mm lags behind the breakdown of the single-level cumulative KV-1 by only 3 mm. As you know, WoT silver farming is directly related to the frequency of penetration of enemy vehicles. Simply put: the more often you punch, the more likely you are to make money.

Features of the vehicle: - extremely high penetration of the 157 mm rapid-firing and accurate German gun - excellent declination angle -8° - the tank has an average speed, which will allow you to occupy the desired positions without much discomfort; - all-round armor of 50mm is “below average”.

  • 000-35,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

Push the direction at the top and shoot from behind the backs of allies in the middle and end of the list to guarantee yourself WoT farming records. Don't forget about sniper positions too, and success is guaranteed!

6th place - Pz.Sfl. IVc

The next tank on our list will be a German Tier 5 tank destroyer, which features an excellent gun and good visibility. At the same time, the almost completely absent armor makes this tank a prime target for opponents.

The key to farming: good penetration, excellent damage per minute.

Features of the vehicle: - Excellent penetration of 194 mm - Huge damage per minute by the standards of the 5th level - Almost completely absent armor, 20 mm in the forehead and 15 on the sides and in the stern.

  • 000-24,000 dirty income per 1000 experience;
  • 000-45,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

The gameplay of the tank is no different from other tank destroyers and it is best to play “from the bush”, thus implementing the weapon at medium and long distances.

5th place - ARL 44

ARL 44 is a French tier 6 tank. The tank has a penetrating top gun with the best penetration among its classmates. The gun also has excellent vertical aiming angles of 10 degrees. But such characteristics had to be paid for by a long reload and mixing.

The key to farming: the best penetration at the level.

Features of the vehicle: - the best penetration at the level of 212 mm - not bad armor in the frontal projection - excellent vertical guidance angles - 10 degrees - long aiming, disgusting stabilization and mediocre accuracy of both guns - low maneuverability - long reload

  • 000-25,000 dirty income per 1000 experience;

At first glance, the tank’s armor is fine, but there are a couple of pitfalls. 120 mm in the forehead at 45 degrees, gives 170 mm of reduced armor, which will protect against tanks of equal level, and some tanks of a higher level.

4th place - AMX 50 100

French heavy tank of the eighth level, the first with mechanized loading. It is distinguished by powerful weapons and high mobility. The price to pay for this is weak armor and a long reload time for the drum, during which the tank is practically helpless.

The key to farming: a drum capable of delivering 1800 damage, high penetration.

Features of the vehicle: - good armor penetration with a basic projectile - excellent maneuverability and maximum speed - potential damage of the 100 mm SA 47 gun is 1800 units - thin armor - long aiming - poor stabilization - long reload of the drum

  • 000-49,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

The first French heavy tank with a drum. The style of play is more like a medium tank, although the tank has fairly weak armor, but has good maneuverability and a penetrating weapon capable of delivering 1800 units from the drum. damage, carrying almost any enemy into the hangar. The battle tactics are identical to other maneuverable drum tanks - “catching” enemies while reloading, attacking enemies distracted by allies, sniper shooting, staying on the track, quickly finishing off damaged enemies.

3rd place - ISU 152

Excellent camouflage, colossal damage for level 8, and not bad dynamics, all this in one of the legendary Soviet vehicles ISU-152.

The key to farming: huge damage from one shot, camouflage.

Features of the vehicle: - huge one-time damage - high camouflage coefficient - high DPM of the 122 mm BL-9S gun - weak armor - poor agility - long aiming

  • 000-31,000 dirty income per 1000 experience;
  • 000-46,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

Thanks to excellent camouflage and one of the best weapons on the level, the tank should be used as a support tank, standing on the open flanks, or go with the bulk of the tanks and from the second and third lines help the allies push the flank.

2nd place - UDES 03

Swedish tank destroyer, level 8. This tank is not easy to use, because this tank destroyer has a very specific gameplay.

The key to farming: high armor penetration, good camouflage in siege mode, dynamics in marching mode.

Features of the vehicle: - good dynamics in traveling mode - good performance of the gun in siege mode - good camouflage performance - high armor penetration of the top gun - extremely low speed of movement in siege mode - uncomfortable performance of the gun in traveling mode - frequent fires

  • 000-25,000 dirty income per 1000 experience;
  • 000-48,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

The tank has two modes: marching and siege. In traveling mode, the tank has excellent forward and reverse speed, but practically cannot fire. In siege mode: excellent camouflage and high shooting comfort. The gameplay is as simple as possible: stand in a bush or a place from which you will get shots, go into siege mode and stand in it on the horns and camouflage net, destroying everything you see.

1st place - Charioteer

A British Tier 8 tank destroyer, the prototype of which is the Cromwell tank, from which it inherited excellent mobility, but instead of weak weapons, the tank received a new type of turret and a 20-pounder 83.4 mm caliber gun, which allowed it to become a dangerous adversary on the battlefield.

The key to farming: good dynamics, excellent penetration.

Features of the vehicle: - good dynamics - turret with a 360-degree rotation - penetrating top gun - hESH high-explosives for the top gun - very poor stabilization, huge aiming circle - lack of armor as such, given the level of combat - poor camouflage

  • 000-32,000 dirty income per 1000 experience;
  • 000-47,000 dirty income for 2000 experience.

One of the main advantages of this tank is its versatility, because the tank combines excellent dynamics and an excellent penetrating weapon. The tank gives you the opportunity to independently choose a game model between a medium tank and a tank destroyer. PT style. Speed ​​allows you to take the best places. But since it will be difficult to make big shots when playing on the second line, you will receive little experience and credits. ST style. You won’t be able to play like a medium tank due to several reasons: a large aiming circle, slow turret rotation. The best choice is a mixture of PT and ST style; playing from the strengths of the tank, you can maintain a good average damage, as well as gain profit in terms of credits.

The economy of the World of Tanks game is designed in such a way that from level to level you earn more and more silver. At the same time, as the level of technology increases, you may notice an increase in the cost of repairing equipment, as well as the purchase of shells. For the most part, this concerns repairs. The beginner first enjoys the increase in profitability from the battle, buying more and more expensive modules of high-level tanks and collecting credits for the tank itself. But after level 5-6, a problem appears - the costs of the battle begin to exceed the reward. The developers made this trick specifically so that you could, so to speak, “practice in low-level battles” and already perform well at higher levels. You won’t be able to play “somehow” at high levels. Which means you need to think about something.

The problem of experienced players

Here, a similar situation can arise in two main cases:

  • in the heat of the game, they did not notice the large expenses and spent their accumulated savings;
  • the player had not played World of Tanks for a long time and when he came to the game again, he quickly spent the accumulated credits.

Everyone probably felt the fuse in the game World of Tanks. “One more fight and sleep” is probably the most common situation among players. You can race to complete personal combat missions (personal combat missions) using high-level equipment. You can actively participate in Marathons. Try to complete a daily or weekly combat mission. In the end, it’s easy to just play in clan wars or team games. As a result, you will come to a logical question - how to farm silver in World of Tanks?

Ways to farm credits in World of Tanks

Perhaps for some players it will be a revelation that you can actually accumulate credits in World of Tanks. Even when various factors change in the game, various updates are released, you can accumulate silver. There are quite a few ways to do this, which will be presented in the article. And most importantly, almost all of them work stably. In other words, once you take notes, you can use them all the time.

To begin with, it is proposed to divide all methods into: direct and indirect actions. Direct farming methods are actions that directly affect the increase in silver. Indirect action - actions that do not directly relate to farming, but still lead the player to enrichment. Let's first consider direct farming methods.

An example of a successful battle on the KV-2:

Method number 1 – Premium account

The Wargaming company offers the player to improve the profitability of his game at any time by purchasing a premium account (colloquially – Prem) in the game’s Premium store. What will you get if you purchase Prem? The first is an increase in profitability by 50% (in credits) when playing on any vehicle (except for premium tanks, there is its own calculation). The second is an improvement in crew experience leveling by 50%. And thirdly, improving the leveling of equipment (combat experience, and therefore free experience) also by 50%. This is an excellent solution for a player to earn silver, but there are nuances.

The first nuance is that you need to buy a premium account optimally, based on the money you have. The lots available for purchase are updated daily in the Premium Store (in this case, the number of days of the Prem) and it is better to keep an eye on this. Also, during various promotions you can save a lot of money on buying Prem. So stay tuned for news on the official portal of the World of Tanks game.

The second nuance is the opportunity to receive that same Prem for free by completing either daily/weekly tasks, as well as in the case of unplanned technical work on the servers.

The third nuance is the other side of the coin - worsening playing conditions for the player. This nuance became known from the experience of playing the mastodons World of Tanks and is constantly confirmed. According to him, it feels like when playing with Prem your tank becomes stock (with basic modules), and the crew is only 50%. Perhaps this is Wargaming’s way of encouraging players to get hooked on Prem on an ongoing basis, or perhaps this is the result of the player’s own relaxation with Prem.

Method No. 2 – Premium technology

Surely from the first battles in the game you are aware that in the Premium Store you can immediately (without long leveling) buy a tank of almost any level and class. This point still causes controversy among players. Some talk about breeding “crawfish and crayfish” (bad games and bad players), since Wargaming’s idea of ​​​​training and preparing the player for high-level battles is violated. The result is that inexperienced players enter the battle at high levels and leads to “losses” (defeats) in the battles of one of the sides due to the fault of these most inexperienced players. Others talk about the benefits of premium equipment, but only for players who have a certain number of battles (from 20k). Still others say that high-level premium equipment gives an inexperienced player a chance to see how they play at high levels and gives him an idea of ​​how to develop and what to strive for in the game. Well, there are still others who talk about banning premium cars altogether, since they give the player a certain head start compared to an ordinary player of the same level.

Be that as it may, Wargaming sells premium tanks, which means you can buy them and increase your profitability (and the overall comfort of the game). Specific numbers for improving farming are individual for each tank (usually +30% credits, you need to look at each tank). But there is no doubt that you are improving your profits in every fight. Again, there are a few things to remember:

The first nuance is that the additional profitability from playing on a premium tank and the profitability from a premium account are summed up. But as no one knows for sure, Wargaming leaves loopholes here specifically for itself.

The second caveat is that premium equipment is periodically nerfed (changes in characteristics for the worse) by developers and this causes a lot of indignation among players. So far, there has only been one precedent in the game when SuperPershing T26E4 could be sold for the same amount of in-game gold (the game's purchase currency) that the player bought. Usually, you can sell a premium tank for silver at an extremely unprofitable price, or if there is a promotion, you can get on Trade-in (exchange with an additional payment of your premium tank for another, with a decrease in the cost of the tank being sold).

Method No. 3 – Personal combat consumables

Recently (less than a year ago), LBRs (personal combat consumables) appeared in the World of Tanks game. The player can activate no more than 3 LBRs at once for a certain time. There are four types of LBRs: increasing combat experience, increasing crew experience, increasing free experience and increasing profitability in credits. Each consumable has a different duration (from 30 minutes to 3 hours) and a different bonus level (from 5% to 300%). LBR can be bought in the Premium Store, but almost no one does this (it’s expensive and you need to play it all the time the consumable is active for maximum effect). Fortunately, the Wargaming administration hands them out left and right in every promotion. Therefore, do not forget to activate them and use 100% of their duration.

Method No. 4 – Promotions and event modes

The game quite often hosts various promotions dedicated to events related to tanks and famous personalities from tank building or wars. In addition to daily/weekly combat missions on the occasion of these promotions, you can also get into the event mode (a completely new mode in World of Tanks that will not be repeated). Everyone needs to follow this in the news on the official game portal and be sure to participate in it. This is sometimes just a great way to significantly increase your savings without loss.

16.3.2017 15101 Views

This article will discuss in detail the question of which premium tank is best for farming silver and what kind it is, best premium tank for farming.

Almost every Word of Tanks player sooner or later faces a shortage of the in-game currency called “silver”. And if, playing at levels up to the sixth inclusive, this deficit is practically imperceptible, then starting from the seventh level and higher, the question of farming silver becomes relevant.

To answer this question, Word of Tanks offers two available solutions - buying a premium account for a certain period or buying a premium tank, which you will have on an ongoing basis.

Which premium tank is best for farming?

Before you buy the much-desired best premium tank for farming and enjoy the amount of silver you earn, you need to figure out which premium tank is best for farming silver and why it is called premium.
A premium tank is a vehicle purchased for “gold” inside the game client, in the Research tab, or on the wargaming.net portal in the premium store for real money.
Premium tanks are divided into levels, starting from the second and ending with the eighth level, and are also divided into classes, such as: heavy, medium, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns and artillery (premium artillery is limited to the fifth level). Premium cars above the eighth level that bring increased silver income are not currently represented in the game.

What is silver awarded for?

The main criterion for receiving silver is the damage dealt and the amount of damage dealt to your light. Therefore, when answering the question of which premium tank is better to buy for farming credits, you should start from these two parameters. Since the amount of potential damage caused increases with the level of the vehicle, this means that tanks of the eighth level will be the most profitable. In what follows, only level eight vehicles will be considered.

Which premium tank is better to buy for farming?

Based on the above, we can rank eighth-level premiums based on the amount of damage dealt per shot:

1. Rheinmetall Skorpion G

The German tank destroyer is currently perhaps the best premium tank for farming silver, its alpha of 490 units with a base shell penetration of 246 mm allows you to penetrate your classmates simply in silhouette, and with an accuracy of 0.3 you can target vulnerable points of well-armored vehicles. And if you need to penetrate super-heavy vehicles like E 100, there are gold shells with a penetration of 311 units. This tank is suitable for players who like to play from the second line, since it has no armor and suffers greatly from high-explosive guns and artillery.

2.Object 252 U Defender

This is a new product from Wargaming with the best alpha indicator among heavy premium tanks of the eighth level. The penetration of the basic projectile is 225 mm, which allows it to penetrate most of its classmates without any problems, but the accuracy of 0.44 indicates that this machine is exclusively melee. Weaknesses include a small viewing radius of 350 meters, which is the lowest at the level. Suitable for those who like to play on the first line.

3. American T 34

This vehicle is famous for its excellent weapon with a one-time damage of 400 units and a penetration of 248 mm, which, with an accuracy of 0.35, practically eliminates the use of gold shells, even during a battle at the bottom of the list with tenth levels. It is also famous for its strong turret, capable of repelling shells from level 10 guns. The vehicle's hull is poorly armored, so this vehicle suffers greatly on flat maps. Suitable for players who love the tower style of play.

4. M4A1 Revalorise

French medium tank, whose only advantage is its gun. It deals 390 units per shot, penetration is 200 mm, and accuracy is 0.35. These parameters allow you to play from a medium distance and target vulnerable areas of the enemy.

5.Heavy German tank Lowe

Alpha 320 with a penetration of 234 mm and an accuracy of 0.33 allows you to confidently inflict damage on almost all enemies, and the excellent armor of the vehicle’s forehead, combined with good gun angles, allows you to feel great in close and long-range combat on any map of the game.

6. 8.8CM PAK 43 Jagdtiger

A separate line in this list of premium vehicles can be placed on the 8.8 CM PAK 43 Jagdtiger - this vehicle does not have high one-time damage, which is 240, and penetration is 203 mm. But the excellent accuracy of 0.31 and the phenomenal rate of fire of 11 rounds per minute turns this vehicle into a formidable opponent, capable of shooting almost any opponent one-on-one.

In conclusion, I would like to especially emphasize that the best premium tank for farming silver there will be a tank on which you will be good at causing damage, which means if you like heavy vehicles, then there is no point in buying a tank destroyer on which you will die with minimal damage.