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Weather on Kos by months:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night
January 13.9°C 12.6°C 37.2% 9 days (140.2 mm.) 17.7°C 9 o'clock 58m.
February 15.0°C 13.5°C 33.3% 7 days (82.9 mm.) 17.0°C 10 o'clock 51m.
March 16.0°C 14.2°C 26.8% 4 days (57.1 mm.) 16.7°C 11 o'clock 58m.
April 18.7°C 16.2°C 18.8% 2 days (22.8 mm.) 17.5°C 13:00 9m.
May 22.2°C 19.3°C 13.3% 1 day (18.7 mm.) 20.1°C 14h. 8m.
June 26.5°C 22.8°C 6.3% 1 day (7.7 mm.) 23.0°C 14h. 38m.
July 29.8°C 25.3°C 1.5% - 24.4°C 14h. 23m.
August 30.2°C 25.8°C 2.2% - 25.7°C 13:00 32m.
September 27.2°C 24.0°C 5.5% 2 days (25.2 mm.) 25.1°C 12h. 25m.
October 22.9°C 20.7°C 12.6% 4 days (44.4 mm.) 22.9°C 11 o'clock 14m.
November 19.4°C 17.7°C 21.5% 5 days (86.2 mm.) 21.1°C 10 o'clock 13m.
December 15.6°C 14.3°C 29.1% 8 days (106.7 mm.) 19.1°C 9 o'clock 41m.

*This table displays weather averages collected over more than three years

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Aegean Sea Garden

Exactly so thanks beautiful nature is called one of the islands of Greece in the Aegean Sea - Kos. We got to it through Athens, but I know that in certain months you can fly there from our country by charter planes. The most unique phenomenon on the island it is black volcanic sand. They say that it is healing and similar in properties to the mud in Saki. You can rub yourself with it from head to toe and walk around like that, getting exposed to the air. You can just lie down; the sand warms up your body perfectly. Bubbles sometimes appear on the surface of the water near the shore - these are underwater sulfur springs, creating the effect of a natural jacuzzi. Highly recommend!

When choosing a resort on the island, keep in mind that in Kefalos the sea is much colder, but there are many beautiful and well-maintained beaches, and there are water parks in Marmari and Tigaki. We were on vacation in Kardamena. The noise of night discos, 24-hour restaurants, bars, many shops - what young people need.

On Kos, as throughout Greece, there are ancient ruins and temples on every corner. Also be sure to take a ride to an active volcano.

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Prices for holidays on Kos. September 2013.

tour cost

Plane tickets were purchased on the Ryanair website. It cost about 800 euros for two people there and back. We also booked a hotel via the Internet; it cost about 750 euros for a three-week stay. From the airport we easily got to the hotel by bus. (Stop near the airport). We flew from Kaunas. (I had to go from Vilnius by car)

An excursion to the volcano cost 35 euros. The excursion itself is so-so.

Food and products

Fruit prices on Kos are significantly higher than on other Greek islands. At the same time, the quality of the fruit is much lower (most often stale). For example, peaches, grapes - 3 euros per kilogram, watermelons - 0.90 euros. Finding a normal supermarket is very difficult. Most often you come across shops for tourists. We found the only good and large supermarket (LIDL) on the road from Kefalos to Kos. Only there is a more or less normal selection of products at reasonable prices.

The prices in restaurants are outrageous. I had to pay 6 euros for some not very high quality fruit cocktail. A Greek salad in a restaurant costs at least 15 euros.

Souvenirs and other goods

We looked at how much fur coats cost. A not very stylish fur coat, more reminiscent of a standard coat, sold for 2,000 euros. In principle, here in Lithuania you can buy much more beautiful and high-quality ones for half the price. Jewelry is also more expensive than in other places, the quality is so-so. Honey is expensive and of the lowest quality imaginable ( Sugar syrup with the smell of herbs). We bought an expensive wax-based cream, and it turned out that there was half as much cream in there as you might think by looking at the jar. And the cream itself is not particularly good.

Why is it better to vacation in September?

At the end of the warm season there are usually fewer tourists, the air is fresher and the heat is already gone. Seasonal fruits are still ripening and the local population is becoming kinder, as we were told.

Family holiday

On Kos you need to drive, walk, and not sit still. Always an active lifestyle, no attachments to a place. We stayed in random hotels, hostels, once we even tried to spend the night in a car, but we didn’t like it)

What to take with you on vacation?

You need to take sun protection with you, good mood and the desire to spend time actively. for couch potatoes and lovers of exclusively beach holidays, it is better to choose larger islands, there are more opportunities to find a hotel for such a pastime. It wouldn’t hurt to have a pair of comfortable sports shoes to make it comfortable to walk around the ruins and take long walks. Take a camera, phone, whatever, so you don’t feel bad about being left without great shots.

Where is the best place to stay?

Based on our experience, it's best to go to hostels that offer bed and breakfast only. The rest of the time you shouldn’t stay in a hotel, it’s better to travel and see the sights, sit in restaurants or visit farms. Big hotels look impressive, each has a lot of additional services besides the basic provision of a bed, but it’s boring there!

What to do at the resort?

The island is home to many rare animals that are worth admiring. People especially go to Kos for them, because seals have preserved rookeries here, and pink flamingos are beautiful in the wild, not in a zoo.

Kos has a developed party scene; you can go to a different club every day. Foam beach parties, big parties for young people - everything is at your disposal. We preferred small bars on the shore where we could listen to live music and sip wine. It is in such places that you can enjoy the spirit of Greece and listen to the hubbub of an incomprehensible conversation in a foreign language. See how a simple Greek family has dinner during the working day.

Our entire vacation on the island of Kos can be considered an excursion program. We initially vacationed in Rhodes, left the child with my grandmother there and went together to Kos for three days. We arrived by ferry, paid as for an excursion program - next time we will be smarter and just take travel tickets. On the spit itself, we took audio guides when visiting ancient ruins; we did not use the services of a guide and moved independently.

There are simply beaches for every taste. There are even black volcanic sands. Interesting landscapes, beautiful sea and sand. I prefer pebble beaches, but for a change we also stopped at sandy ones. There were so many different impressions and photographs - golden sandy beach, white, black, pebble. Near Kamari we stopped on the beach, which overlooks the nearby islands. True, the beach is very crowded with tourists and there are practically no free places. It is worth noting that all beaches on the island provide Additional services- rental of sunbeds and towels. But along the way you can find wonderful cozy coves in which there is not a soul.

What can you buy?

You need to buy local honey and wine. Visit wineries and farms - excellent quality products and a great price are guaranteed. We spent one day at the vineyard, talked with its owners, and tasted everything we could. happy and satisfied we left there with 5 bottles of wine and local sweets. You can buy a whole wine tour and fall out of reality for a long time - I recommend it to true connoisseurs, it’s very educational and tasty.

It’s a pity that almost no one produces olive oil on the island. You can’t bring it from Kos - it will be oils from other islands at an inflated price.

About product prices

The average cost of a bottle of Metaxa is from 12-17 euros, Moschato is more expensive - we bought a bottle for 20 euros. Honey depends on the volume, but on average it works out like buying honey in Russia - about 600 rubles per liter.

Where can I eat?

Food in small taverns and establishments with local cuisine can only be given five stars. Each tavern tries to serve visitors, to make their stay not only pleasant to the taste, but also visually pleasing. everything is stylized, clean and cozy. Naturally we ate seafood and fresh vegetables. I don’t understand fast food lovers, they can have a bite to eat in any country in the world, why do this if you have the opportunity to try fish and seafood. I note that often on the menu the price is indicated not for the dish, but for its weight, so check in advance. Otherwise, you may end up with 2 shrimp or a bowlful of fish that simply cannot be eaten by two people.

About the quality of food and service

All the waiters are helpful, friendly, sometimes intrusive, but this is the mentality. They work not for the sake of tips, but just because I work. The food is delicious and fresh, and local Greek cuisine is full of unexpected combinations. be sure to eat vegetables and cheese. At first I wanted something exotic because vegetables and cheese are part of my daily diet. But they make unimaginable salads, and soft cheese melts on the tongue.

How much does it cost to eat? About food prices.

On average, eating dinner on the island of Kos will cost you 13-17 euros per person. lunches and breakfasts are about 5-7 euros cheaper. The portions are large, no one looks crooked if you order one dish for two and ask for 2 plates and 2 cutlery.

Pros of holidays on Kos

1. Beautiful island

2. You can combine a holiday on Kos with a trip to the nearest islands

3. Variety of beaches

4. reasonable price for a vacation

Disadvantages of holidays on Kos

Large crowds of people on famous beaches, the sea is not always calm. But it is precisely for this reason that it is worth coming here for boarding.

Is it worth vacationing on Kos?

Definitely yes, but I didn't consider Kos as my only holiday destination. A couple of days are enough to see the sights, and then you need to swim, fly, and drive on. Travel around the islands, study the history of one of the ancient states on the planet!

The island of Kos is located in the southeastern part Aegean Sea. Historians suggest that the name of this island comes from the word “crab”. The image of this crustacean was minted on coins that first appeared in use on this island.

The island's territory is 45 km long and its width varies from 2 to 11 km. The area of ​​the island is 293 sq. km. Currently on the territory of the island. Kos is home to about 31 thousand local people. The capital of the island is the city of Kos.

The island's topography is mainly flat with small hills, although on the eastern side there are small hills with maximum height 0.85 km (Mount Dikeos).

The island has resorts such as Kefalos, Marmari, Kardamena, Mastichari, Tigaki, Lambi, Psalidi and Agios Fokas.

Local residents live off developed tourism, growing citrus fruits, olives and other crops. Winemaking, coastal fishing and beekeeping also flourish here. There is practically no industry on the island.

The island is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches with plenty of greenery, a huge number of attractions and at the same time very affordable prices.

The island of Kos has an ancient and fascinating history. It, like a tasty morsel, has seduced strong conquerors throughout the centuries and has repeatedly passed from hand to hand. Already in the 9th century BC. e., together with its first settlers (the Corians), it was captured by the aggressive Greek tribe of the Dorians.

Throughout its difficult history, the island passed from one conqueror to another several times. In 258 BC. e. it belonged to the Macedonians, in 366 BC. e. - to the Romans, in 1204 - to the crusaders, etc. And only at the end of the Second World War the island of Kos was safely returned to Greece.

Due to the fact that the island is located in a seismically unstable zone, there are cases where the population suffered seriously due to natural disasters. The most powerful earthquakes on the island of Kos, causing massive destruction and significant casualties, were recorded in 142, 469, 554 and 1933.

During the summer months, nature lovers can witness an amazing natural phenomenon: sea turtles laying eggs. These shell-like inhabitants depths of the sea They are so accustomed to humans that they completely fearlessly emerge from the sea onto the coastal beaches and lay eggs right in front of the astonished vacationers. And in the southern part of the island of Kos you can observe such rare animals as Mediterranean seals, which completely fearlessly bask in the waves of the Aegean Sea, sometimes racing for schools of fish.

Current time in Kos:
(UTC +2)

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How to get there

25 km from the capital of Kos, in a suburb called Antimachia, there is an international class Hippocrates Airport with two passenger terminals. Despite the fact that the airport was built in 1964, it has everything necessary for a comfortable stay: ample parking, a medical office, a cafe-restaurant and Duty Free, beloved by all tourists. Flight check-in begins no later than 1 hour 30 minutes. before departure.

Direct regular flights from Moscow are available to (Aeroflot and Aegean Airlines) and to Thessaloniki Airport (in summer, Aegean Airlines). To fly directly to Kos, you can take Aegean Airlines flights with a connection in Athens.

From June to the end of September, the number of people wishing to visit Greece increases sharply, so the number of flights per week increases and a lot of charters to the islands, including Kos, appear. Flight time averages three and a half hours.

Charter flights fly to Kos from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara and Kazan. The main airlines operating charter flights to Kos airport: Aegean Airlines, Ural Airlines, Transaero, Sky Express, Tatarstan, Kuban Airlines.

From Athens to Kos island


Considering the compact size of the island of Kos, many tourists enjoy moving around it, while visiting a variety of attractions and interesting places.

Some vacationers prefer to rent a bicycle, scooter or bike, and you can rent a bicycle on the island of Kos directly from the hotel. Daily rental cost is 3.0 - 4.0 euros.

Getting around by taxi

The most comfortable form of transport for moving around the island of Kos is, of course, a taxi. It can be ordered from the hotel by phone, hired at special parking lots, or simply stopped on the road.

Payment for travel in any taxi is made according to the meter; it is not customary to give a “tip” to the driver. Day and night tariffs differ in cost, the night tariff is 30-40% more expensive. In addition, taxi fares in holidays increases by an average of 50%.

There is a fee for getting into a taxi (approximately 1.3 euros), calling a taxi by phone automatically adds another 2 euros to the service fee. In addition, if a taxi is called by a certain time, the fare increases from 3 to 6 euros.

There is a charge for carrying luggage in a taxi. For example, luggage weighing more than 10 kg will cost 0.4 - 0.5 euros.

Some Greek taxi drivers like to “pick up” clients in the same direction. This method of transportation is, without a doubt, also beneficial for “decoy” passengers. In order to avoid getting into trouble, it is necessary to make sure that the main clients are actually on the way and inform the driver that payment will be made only for the distance actually covered.

Traveling by regular buses

Regular buses are a very popular form of transport on the island of Kos. The municipal company Ktel is responsible for all bus services on the island. The fare ranges from 1.2 to 3.0 euros.

Bus routes run regularly and strictly on schedule. There are almost never queues for rides. To travel on a regular bus, you must purchase a ticket from the driver or at the hotel reception.

By bus you can take a ferry to the nearby islands (Rhodes, Crete, Lemnos), as well as to the mainland. The cost of the ferry crossing is quite affordable: 5-11 euros.

Traveling with a rented car

It is very convenient to enjoy free movement around the picturesque places of the island of Kos with a rented car, and the cost of renting a car will be approximately 2 times lower than on the mainland.

On the island, you can rent a car in the capital, and right at the airport at the branch of the international company Hertz Car Hire. According to the rules, the driver renting a car categories A-B must be over 21 years old and over 23 years old to rent a car categories C-D. In addition, the driver must have a minimum driving experience of 1 year.

When renting a car, a foreign tourist must provide the manager with a foreign passport (with all the necessary visas) and an international driving license. A credit card is also desirable.

When renting a car on the island, great attention should be paid to the terms of the insurance policy, which clearly states the points of compensation for losses in the event of theft or breakdown of the vehicle.

It is worth noting that the cost of parking in the central parts of cities starts from 1.50 euros. Breaking the rules traffic entails a fine, in some cases quite significant (up to 700 euros).

For vacationers with low financial resources, it is more profitable to rent a car from a private company whose offices are located in close proximity to hotels, restaurants or gas stations. In addition to the attractive price for car rental, private rental owners do not require the presentation of an international license. In addition, you can always negotiate with private owners if the car is rented for a decent period.

Local businesses are happy to accept cash payments. However, even here you need to be vigilant, because private rental companies most often have a very “dilapidated” fleet of vehicles, so it is best to carefully inspect and test the car.

Having decided to spend a vacation on “four wheels,” the driver should be prepared for problematic parking: in the center of the capital, as well as in other major cities, it can be difficult to find a parking space. Traveling by car, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the peculiarities of sea ferry crossing. Parking of vehicles on the ferry is quite specific - the cars are parked right next to each other, so sometimes it is not possible to get out of them.



In the west of Kos, approximately 40 km from the capital, is the picturesque resort of Kefalos, which has the whitest sand beach on the island. The length of the beach area is over five kilometers.


Museums and galleries



Things to do

On the island of Kos, the main activities are enjoying Greek cuisine, sightseeing on the island and, of course, lying on the beaches of Kos. However, you can not just lie on them, but also do various interesting things, such as windsurfing, kayaking, diving, surfing and much more.

Beaches of Kos

The beaches of Kos island will satisfy the most varied tastes of holidaymakers. There are large beaches here, up to several kilometers long, as well as small ones for a quiet family holiday.

Many beaches on the island can delight tourists with picturesque bays with romantic grottoes, beautiful caves, as well as parks and gardens adjacent to the beach area. Most beaches are covered with either small pebbles or volcanic sand, which can be of a wide variety of colors: snow-white, golden, ash-beige, silver-gray and even black.

Absolutely all the beaches of the island of Kos are perfectly maintained and have at their disposal all the necessary attributes for comfortable rest— sun awnings and awnings, beach umbrellas, sun loungers, deck chairs, tables. Most beaches are equipped with fresh water showers and areas for beach recreation.


Shopping lovers should keep in mind that almost all shops on the island have a very long lunch break (siesta), which lasts from 13.00 to 17.00 local time. And some shops on the island of Kos are even open until lunch (until 13.00 - 14.00).

In large supermarkets, the opening hours are more suitable - from 09.00 to 21.00. The most common and popular markets on the island of Kos are open from 9.00 to 13.00. But numerous kiosks selling cigarettes, newspapers, sweets and ice cream are usually open from 07.00 to 24.00.

The most suitable city for shopping on the island is its capital. The shopping center in this city is located between Nymphaion and Eleftherios Square. In this area you can buy gold products, jewelry, fashionable clothes, leather and fur products, and often with discounts.

In addition to a huge variety of boutiques and exclusive shops in the city of Kos, you can visit the market, where, along with high-quality Greek-made clothes, you can buy souvenirs, aromatic spices, seashells, olives, olive oil.

In the Old Town of Kos there are many souvenir shops and shops for every taste, where tourists stock up on unique jewelry self made, high-quality cosmetics, oils and unique ceramic products in true Greek style - amphorae and jugs.

Many tourists who visit the island of Kos not for the first time prefer Greek sweets, the almond drink Surmada, and icons that are still made by hand using ancient Greek technologies.

In addition to the above, on the island of Kos you can find many interesting and original goods and food products that you cannot buy in another country: tomatoes in sugar, goat cheese V wine sauce, olive wood household items, carpets and rugs, wine, honey and other specialties.

Food and drink

For connoisseurs of high-quality, varied and exquisite Greek cuisine, a visit to the island of Kos is a real gift! For the local residents, eating is a whole event, a whole life, which includes traditional, but at the same time very “live” dishes, communication, relaxation, and controversy, in which guests of the island are often involved.

The cost of a standard dinner in a middle-class cafe is 10-15 euros, in a restaurant - 50-60 euros. On the island of Kos, as in other places in Greece, there are many places where you can have a snack and a solid meal.

Coffee shops on Kos island

The Greeks have a tradition of drinking coffee since childhood. Moreover, on the island of Kos they start drinking coffee from the moment they wake up until late in the evening. The best coffee can only be tasted in coffee shops.

When choosing such an establishment, you need to pay attention to the following feature: the more elderly local residents there are among the visitors, the cheaper and better quality the drink they offer.

When you find yourself in a Greek coffee shop, don’t make the mistake of ordering Turkish coffee! Greek coffee (ellinikos kafes) is an oily, thick, strong, unusually aromatic drink with a stable, strong foam. It is served exclusively in small cups with a glass of cool water.

Tourists who cannot drink hot drinks in the heat are recommended to try Greek frappe. Frappe is a cold coffee drink that was invented by the Greeks specifically for the hot season. In coffee shops it is offered in several varieties - frappe glyco (a very sweet cold coffee drink), frappe metrio (medium sweetness) and frappe sketo (no sugar).

Pastry shops on the island of Kos

Greek confectionery shops (zacharoplastio) bake a huge variety of confectionery and culinary products. Greece is the birthplace of the famous baklava (baklavas), the first mention of which dates back to 1453. In addition, it was in this country that such a delicacy as Turkish delight (loukoumades) appeared more than 400 years ago.

Guests of the island of Kos should definitely try such delicacies as: corne me crema (puff pastry filled with cream and whipped cream), galatombureko (sweet dough roll with delicate milk cream), local halva, kadefi, ravani, samali, nishallo, nogul, sherbet. Greek jam made from figs, quinces, oranges or peaches will surely surprise you with its inimitable taste. In winter, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, all of Greece is filled with traditional Christmas sweets that cannot be found in any other country - melomakarona, diples and kurabiye.

To prepare Greek sweets, natural honey, all kinds of nuts, natural milk, cheese, fresh and dry fruits are used. This is why Greek sweets are not only delicious and inimitable in taste, but also retain their freshness and flavor for a long time. taste qualities. That is why many tourists take traditional sweets from Greece home.

Bars on Kos island

Bars on the island of Kos are small clubbing establishments with big opportunities. Many of them start working at 22.00 in the evening and work until the last client leaves the premises. In almost every bar, entry for visitors is free, and each client receives an incentive shot. Thanks to the free opportunity to visit bars, you can change several establishments per night, choosing the music, environment, cuisine and interior of the establishment that suits your mood.

In the north-eastern part of the capital of the island there is a special “Bar Street”, on which there are countless different nightlife entertainment venues. Everyone flocks to this street every evening to enjoy the fun and relaxed nightlife.

Taverns on the island of Kos

Tourists who want to taste dishes of true Greek origin should go to a tavern. Taverns are inexpensive establishments that can be either specialized (fish and meat) or with mixed cuisine.

In an ordinary tavern, customers are offered a variety of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, salads, appetizers, national sauces, and drinks. If you decide to try exclusively Greek cuisine, you should ask the waiter for a special menu - “specialite”.

Cheese lovers are strongly recommended to try feta, a soft cheese made from whole sheep's milk, on the island. In Greek taverns, this cheese is usually served with a salad of tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, olives and onions. Also, other types of cheeses are popular on the island - saganaki, graviera, halloumi.

The world famous “Greek salad” deserves special attention in Greece. It is prepared from the same set of products, but only in Greece does this salad have a special “sound” and flavor.

In fish taverns - psarotaverns - they prepare all kinds of fish and seafood dishes. As a rule, such taverns are located in close proximity to the sea and a visit to them is highly recommended for those tourists who love freshly prepared fish.

In psistari taverns, dishes are prepared exclusively from meat, which is cooked only over live fire or charcoal. Here they offer such famous dishes as brizola (pork chop on a grill), paidakya (lamb ribs), bifteki (cutlets), kotopoulo (chicken on a skewer). You should definitely take marathopites (fennel cakes), lots of vegetables and herbs, as well as national drinks with them.

Beer houses on the island of Kos

On the island of Kos you rarely find a large selection of beer in a beer establishment. Most often, the beer assortment is represented by one or two imported beers - Heineken and Amstel (Greek production), as well as two or three types of local beer - Alpha, Mythos and Vergina.

Historically, beer is not the most popular drink among Greeks. And until some time it was generally considered a drink of the plebeians. Locals prefer wines and stronger drinks.

There are four major breweries in Greece - Mythos, Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti, Athenian Brewery and Olympiaki. There are also private small breweries in the country.

All listed breweries produce foamy drink strength 5% in tin and glass containers with a capacity of 0.33 and 0.5 liters. The cost of 0.5 liters of standard beer is 0.5 - 0.7 euros. Draft beer is more valuable, and its cost, accordingly, is higher than 1.7 - 2.0 euros per 0.5 liter. However, on the island of Kos, in mountain villages, keg beer on tap can be purchased for 1.5 euros. So Kos Island will not disappoint beer lovers.

Glass shops on the island of Kos

You can get acquainted with national Greek alcoholic drinks in glass bars. In establishments of this kind, tourists can get acquainted with the full history of alcoholic beverages, as well as learn a lot of useful and interesting things from the history of the island.

Visitors can choose from several unique alcoholic drinks.

Ouzo- traditional spicy alcoholic drink with an alcohol level of 40%. In addition to the alcohol base and water, its composition includes anise, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. On the island of Kos you can buy ouzo as industrial production, and home bottling. The cost of one bottle is 3-5 euros. Ouzo is consumed both in pure form and diluted with water or with ice. When diluted, the drink acquires a whitish tint and becomes less tart in taste. Ouzo is often one of the main ingredients for cocktails. It is also often added to coffee. On the island of Kos there are establishments called ouzeri, which exclusively serve this drink, made in various ways.

Tsipuro is a traditional Greek alcoholic drink made from grapes. To produce tsipuro, other derivatives can also be used to give the drink a special flavor - quince, apple, pear, fig and even strawberry. The history of the invention of tsipuro goes back a long way. However, it is known for certain that in 1980, tsipouro, as a national Greek product, was approved by the law of the country.

Cancers- national vodka made from grapes. Raki has a specific tart taste and is a very strong alcoholic drink. This is why raki is served in very small glasses.

Raki is one of the main components of the traditional Greek drink rakomelo. In ancient times, warm rakomelo was used to treat colds. Rakomelo contains crayfish, cinnamon, cloves and honey. IN winter time Rakomelo is consumed warm and chilled in summer.

It is very difficult to visit Greece and not try delicious Greek wines, the names of which sound like music.

Retsina- light wine with an unusual taste of fresh pine tree resin. Retsina is ideal as an addition to meat and fish dishes, as well as seafood.

Moschato- Muscat sweet wine. This is a uniquely rich-tasting wine with a long aftertaste, which is ideal with fruits and sweets.

Assyrtiko- noble white grape wine. The infinitely refined and sensitive variety “King of Santorini” is especially prized.

Moschofilero- pink foamy wine with a pronounced floral aroma.

Mandilaria- red wine with an active, rich color. This wine is light, with a balanced bouquet and a fresh aftertaste.

Kebabs on the island of Kos

The Greeks are sure that kebab is a traditional Greek dish. That is why they treat the preparation of this dish with the utmost responsibility. At a kebab shop (suvladzidiko) you can always quickly and efficiently satisfy your hunger with kebab from a wide variety of meats, eating it with fresh vegetables and washing it down with light wine. In addition, you can take away prepared meat from kebab shops.

Restaurants on Kos Island

There are a sufficient number of restaurants on the island of Kos; these establishments offer tourists dishes of various cuisines.

In the resort towns of Kos, you should choose establishments that are located away from the central streets and port. From the experience of many tourists, it is known that the cost of food there is lower.

In addition, you should avoid restaurants where excursion groups are brought for lunch. Often in such food outlets the food preparation process is streamlined, which affects both the quality and portion sizes of the dishes. And the service in such establishments leaves much to be desired.


Payphones can be found everywhere on the island of Kos. With the Face card (5-10 euros), the subscriber gets the opportunity to call mobile phones (call duration - 1 hour 30 minutes) and landline phones (3 hours). You can purchase such a card in markets and kiosks. The card is valid for 3 months from the date of activation, after which it is canceled.

It is convenient to use Greek telephone services through OTE communication offices, which are open 6 days a week (Sunday is a day off) from 09.00 to 21.00. The exception is small Greek settlements, where OTE liaison offices close at 15.00.

Communications via roaming on the island of Kos are of fairly high quality, but the prices are quite high and must be checked with your telecom operator before your trip.

Every self-respecting hotel provides its clients with Internet connection. You can connect to Wi-Fi at the reception (approximate cost 15 euros for 12 hours). In some cases, you can find a free network (near large hotels, restaurants). You can also look for a free network on the coast near popular places, bars and cafes.


According to the crime rating, Greece ranks at one of the lowest positions. However, as with everything, some precautions won't hurt. For example, it is best to change currency in banks, special exchange offices, and hotels, and not from dubious individuals on the street.

To protect yourself from theft, valuable items should be placed in a safe; in crowded places you should pay close attention to your personal belongings and wallet.

When vacationing on the island of Kos, you should carefully cross the roadway, even at a pedestrian crossing. Greek drivers, due to their temperament, often exceed the speed limit and do not always give way to pedestrians.

Indecent behavior in public places in Greece, especially when drunk, can result in arrest and a fine.

The Greeks, although they treat tourists with great respect, are accustomed to expressing their discontent and protests violently. Therefore, tourists who unwittingly find themselves in a “hot spot” should move to a calmer place as quickly as possible, and not film the incident unfolding before their eyes on a video camera.

Considering that during the season (July-August) the daytime ambient temperature sometimes reaches + 45 °C, while the breeze constantly blows on the island, there is a possibility of sunstroke or heatstroke. In order not to ruin your vacation, daytime from 13 to 17 hours it is recommended to stay in a cool room and drink more fresh water. If tourists need to move around the street (visiting excursions, shops, etc.), then they must cover their heads and avoid the sun.

Beach holidays also require compliance certain rules security. When sunbathing, you should be under umbrellas and sun canopies, and use special protective creams. The refreshing breeze that constantly blows on the island of Kos gives a deceptive impression of freshness, so the likelihood of sunburn in this region is very high.

Tourists who prefer active recreation on the water (surfing, water skiing, diving) should not neglect the help of instructors, as well as advice and warnings regarding the advisability of being in the sea.

Where to stay on Kos

Booking.com offers more than 390 hotels in Kos for booking. You can select a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star rating, hotel type (hotel, apartment, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, ratings of people who visited the hotel, Wi-Fi availability and much more. .

Latest booked hotels in Kos

In addition to the traditional hotels presented above, you can, this may be convenient for some categories of tourists - families with several children, who prefer to cook for themselves, and so on.

The island of Kos is the birthplace of Hippocrates. At least, this is what the local residents and the myths of Ancient Greece, familiar to us from childhood, say. From above, the island reminded me of a sand castle surrounded by the sea. It blinked and beckoned with lights. And I was already imagining how I would go around it on a bicycle. And in one day. But more on that later.

Colors and facts of Kos island

The island of Kos is part of the so-called Dodecanese archipelago, which consists of 17 miniature Greek islands. With only 112 km of coastline, the island has plenty to surprise you with. Even in winter, flamingos come here. And in summer the island is surrounded by greenery and silvered with olive trees. The inhabitants of Kos boldly call themselves Greeks and are very proud that after 400 years of Turkish and then Italian “patronage” they have finally returned to their roots. Industry here is not developed at all, but olives and tourists provide almost all local jobs. all year round.

The capital of the island with the same name is truly a city of contrasts. A sort of mixture of Italian courtyards with oriental bazaars. A city inside a village. A ten-minute walk from the port, with its majestic fortress and bustling restaurants, takes you to the outskirts where goats, sheep and cows graze peacefully. Other resorts on the island: Kefalos, Mastichari, Marmari, Psalidi, Agios Fokas are more designed for a relaxing beach holiday.

Short video about Kos

How to get there

There are two main ways to get to Kos: by plane or by ferry. By plane it is faster and more convenient, but by ferry you can travel with your car. But you can’t get to the island by bus or train.

By plane

The island of Kos is lucky. With an area of ​​290 km², it even acquired international airport. Charter flights from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and CIS countries fly here from May to October 1-2 times a week. To purchase a charter you will need to contact a travel agency. From Moscow (Vnukovo) the flight takes 3.5 hours, from St. Petersburg (Pulkovo) - 3 hours 17 minutes. There are no direct (not charter) flights from Moscow or St. Petersburg. If you book on your own, you will have to change planes in Athens. The flight to Kos from Athens takes 1 hour. The best time to fly is in April/May or October. During these months, you can fly from Moscow (DME) to Kos (KGS) with a transfer in Athens for 9,000 rubles, from St. Petersburg (LED) - for 14,000 rubles. (Aegean Airlines). In the middle of the season, prices for flights to Kos from both capitals increase by one and a half times. It is absolutely impossible to avoid transfers in Dusseldorf, Munich, Athens, Thessaloniki during the low season - from October to April. You can find air tickets on search engine sites, for example.

A little about Kos airport. Hippocrates Airport is located in the center of the island, about 1 km from the town of Antimachia. It has only two small terminals, signs in English and Greek are accompanied by international icons, some of the staff even speak Russian. It's hard to get lost. In summer there are queues here - plan your time. There is Duty Free at the airport, but prices there are higher than in city shops.

I will tell you about the most convenient way to get from the airport to the city of Kos or resorts in the section on urban transport.

By ferry

You can fly to Athens, get to the port of Piraeus and take a ferry to Kos. This method takes longer, but in winter or when charter flights are expensive, it can help out. In addition, the ferries are comfortable and you will admire the views to your heart's content. The most convenient way to get from Athens Airport (ATH) to Piraeus port is by bus X96. The trip takes 90 minutes and costs 5 euros. You can get there by metro in 1 hour 20 minutes and 8 euros. The ferry ride from Piraeus to Kos will take about 12 hours (with a stop at). The most economical ticket for one will cost about 40 euros. You can see the schedule

There is also a ferry service between the Greek islands. For example, you can take a ferry from Rhodes to Kos. It will take about 4 hours. However, ferries may not run every day - check in advance. All ferries land at Port Kos.

To moor to the island. You can use Kos on your own yacht, which is a 10-minute walk from the port.

If Kosmarina is crowded, you can use the Old Port or the ports at Kardamena and Kefalos-Bay.


Kos - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

The season on the island of Kos lasts from April to October. The main flow of tourists occurs in the summer months. In July-August, prices for flights and accommodation become significantly more expensive. Thanks to the more famous neighboring islands, you won’t feel the crowds on Kos even in summer. In winter, mostly European retirees come here for sedate walks along the sea. Many hotels/shops/restaurants are closing altogether.

You can find prices for tours to the island of Kos in the travelask section.

Kos in summer

Summer on Kos is hot. The air temperature can rise to +45C. The weather is calm. If you are a sightseeing hunter, you shouldn’t go in the summer. In the heat, climbing through ruins or just walking is a dubious pleasure. But fans of beach holidays will enjoy plunging into the coolness of the Aegean Sea after a sunbath.

The sea is pleasant, it doesn’t look like warm soup at all, because... does not heat up more than +25C. There are fragrant fruits on Kos all year round. Considering the heat, I advise you to indulge in watermelons and peaches for lunch.

Kos in autumn

September and early October are truly velvet here. Water +20C, air +25C. This time seems to be created for walks, excursions, and bike rides. It's nice to spend the first part of the day on the beach, get a light tan, and then go in search of adventure. Local almonds appear in shops. This is in addition to peaches, which do not disappear from the shelves.

But there is also bad news. It may start raining from mid-October. Rain on Kos is like a flood. The entire sky is covered with black clouds, thunder roars, and rain pours down on the unfortunate tourists for two or three days in a row. You can only walk through the streets in knee-length rubber boots. In addition, it gets sharply cold. Tourists can only sit in bars and unanimously complain about their fate. Although bars may close due to bad weather. Umbrellas are sold here on every corner, but the quality is so-so. Better grab it from home. But after the rains, the island looks happy, and the sun is so warm that tourists forgive everything and continue to have fun until the end of October. November is no longer the season.

Kos in the spring

In spring the island blooms. No wonder it is called the garden of the Aegean Sea. Already in February, everything that can blooms. Even cacti. And almond and bougainvillea bloom especially exotic to the Russian eye.

For spring secluded walks around the island, you can arrive in March-April. Air temperature +18C, water temperature +17C. In addition, the first nectarines and cherries are ripening. But in May there are more tourists. Obviously, in connection with the May holidays in Russia. Just like autumn, late spring in the Mediterranean is considered the velvet season. You can get a beautiful tan and explore the entire island.

Kos in winter

In winter, you can fly to Kos for only one purpose. Live as a hermit. Look at the sea in a storm, listen to the wind. Chill and warm up with almond liqueur in a nearby cafe.

From December to February the weather is cloudy. Temperature is about +10C. We haven't seen snow here in winter, but there has been plenty of rain. Of course, the extinct resort has its own charm, but visiting in the spring will delight you with completely different colors.

Kos - weather by month


Kos - weather by month

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

Tourists choose the area of ​​the island depending on the type of vacation. The majority settle directly in the capital, the city of Kos, or in nearby villages. I usually look for hotels on Booking.com, you can check if there is a better price somewhere. If you prefer to rent private apartments, go for it.

Kos town

The beaches here are equipped and clean. In the evening you can take a walk into the city without spending money on a taxi. By the way, with the beaches in Kos interesting system. They belong not to hotels, but to bars. Bartenders stand at the entrance to the beach and invite vacationers to join them. Sunbeds are free, but the client must order something: beer, ice cream, juice. However, you can make friends with the bartender: they don’t mind chatting. Then you, as a friend, will be able to use the sunbed without ordering anything.

Kamari and Kefalos

The resort of Kamari near the town of Kefalos is also suitable for those wishing to Ancient Greece take a look and lie on the beach. It is located 43 km west of Kos. In Kefalos it is worth visiting the ruined castle and the ancient basilica. Active travelers will also find an outlet for their energy here. Kitesurfing and windsurfing equipment can be rented at the beaches of Kamari and nearby Kollihari. An hour's rental of one set of equipment costs approximately 25-30 euros; it is more profitable to rent equipment for a day - pay about 70 euros.


Food. What to try

On Kos they believe that Greek, not Italian, cuisine rules the world. It's useless to persuade - I tried, don't mess with me. Nod, smack your lips, and you will become the favorite guest of every cafe.

There are a lot of snacks here. But what seemed most unusual to me was the cheese fried in olive oil. It's called saganaki. They bring a briquette 10 by 10 cm, golden, salty and very fatty. But you will never forget this taste.

Local olives are neither green nor black. They are oblong, irregular in shape and some kind of light purple or brown. Depends on the lighting. I only admire them, because I don’t eat. A plate of appetizers usually costs 4-7 euros.

Greek salad. The kitchen cannot be described without it. A proper Greek salad is eaten with a fork and spoon. Just like pasta. Apparently, a spoon to scoop oil from tomato juice and vinegar that drips from the vegetables to the bottom of the plate. The salad portions are large. If you are not very hungry, you can get by with them. Costs 5-8 euros depending on the level of the establishment.

Fish dishes simple, juicy and relatively expensive, despite the fact that the sea is nearby. But for some reason their octopuses taste like rubber. Hot fish will cost 9-15 euros.

The local goulash captivated me. It’s prepared like this: pieces of beef are stewed in a pot with feta and potatoes. They bring it hot. Smells of spices and comfort. Be sure to try it. Costs about 10 euros.

Wine. Be patient until you return to Russia. Decent red wines in local stores are expensive - from 10 euros (in Moscow stores you can buy similar wine for 6 euros). In local restaurants you can’t even approach the prices of wine. I tried homemade wine in several establishments - very weak.

I would recommend The Fish House Taverna at 25th Martiou St, Kos Harbor (see map). The place is in the center, colorful, white with blue accents. It is located on a hill, and there is a terrace on the stairs. It’s more pleasant to sit on the terrace, but people often take pictures there. No wonder this is the most beautiful corner in the city. The food is delicious, we even met a Russian waitress. We were able to talk about life in exile. Main course + salad cost about 15 euros.

And if you go down the stairs and turn left, you can go to the most popular pub on Kos. At least among the locals. The bartender on the beach assured me that they make the best cocktails in all of Kos. I don’t remember what it was called, but there were large tables in the open air, and inside the room was small, with mirrors. There are a lot of people, although this is by no means a cheap place - all cocktails start from 7 €. But stop by and see where the locals relax.

Safety. What to watch out for

It's quite calm on Kos. Serious crimes are unheard of and sensational. You should only be wary of minor thefts. Keep track of your bags, wallets, phones. It is better to take a minimum amount of money to the beach, and keep expensive jewelry, money, and a passport in a safe. If your room doesn't have a safe, put everything in your suitcase and zip it all up. It’s even better if you get a lock for your suitcase in advance.

Outside of Kos there is a lot of talk about Syrian refugees. In vain - they are completely harmless here. We set up a small camp at the port and live in tents. There are always police patrols around the refugees, so they speak in whispers. It’s really a pity for them, but you should be afraid of pickpockets.

Things to do

Top 3 non-tourist activities on Kos

Go visit the Metropolitan by bicycle

Of course, you won’t be able to travel around the entire island by bicycle. I shouldn't have hoped. But at least try to travel outside your resort. If you move a decent distance from the port of Kos (about 4 km) and drive through the hills, you can stumble upon the house of the local metropolitan (entrance is free). And there are cages with parrots, and a pebbled floor, and silence.

Get to know the fauna in the vicinity of the resorts

Excursions and sightseeing are useful things to do. But they are very well planned. But if you just go for a walk, you can make an unexpected acquaintance. For example, with a turtle. My new friend got stuck in the fence and couldn’t get out for so long that she even bent her shell.

Taste Kos

What does Kos taste like? It will be great if upon arrival you can answer this question. Therefore, while on the island, try everything. The Greeks are very hospitable people, in every shop they smeared me with creams, fed me honey, butter, and nuts. At the restaurant, when they found out that I didn’t drink strong drinks, they said that I hadn’t tried raki. And then they brought a glass. Raki, the local grape vodka, tart and bitter, burned my throat, and the Greeks smacked their lips joyfully. And they didn't include it in the bill.

How to get around the region

The most convenient way to get around Kos is by bus or rented car. You can also ride a bicycle, but you won’t be able to travel around the island in a day, and there are a lot of hills here - you’ll have to work hard. There are many excursion buses on the island, but this method of transportation is more expensive and involves a group.

Taxi. What features exist

Taxis on Kos are usually located at special parking lots and have “TAXI” checkers. The cars are new, with air conditioning, but driving them is quite expensive. For example, a trip from the airport to the center of Kos will cost about 35-40 euros. Prices are fixed, listed at each resort. Bargaining is not very appropriate. Reservation information can be viewed

Public transport

It is convenient to travel around the city of Kos and its immediate surroundings by city buses. Tickets can be purchased at special booths at bus stops. There they will also advise you on which bus to get to the desired place. The ticket costs 1.6 euros. To go to the thermal baths or other resorts on the island, use the commuter buses. Long-distance trips can cost 7-8 euros. Tickets for commuter buses are purchased directly from the driver. All buses depart from the Central Bus Station (Kleopatras 7) and stop near the Neratzia Fortress.

A bus ride from the airport to Kos Town costs €3.20. Stop next to the terminal exit. You will arrive in 45 minutes. The route passes through the Mastichari resort. Buses from the airport run from 7.55 to 19.50 (or until 16.15 from November to April).

Transport rental

You can rent a bike at your hotel or in the city. Rental points usually have a large parking lot, which can be seen from afar. This pleasure costs about 4 euros per day. Documents and age are not important; no contracts will have to be drawn up or signed. The bike must be returned to at a certain time to where you took it. You pay in advance. Be sure to check that the bike is moving and ask for a lock for it. The castle is usually included in the rental price.

You can rent a car at the airport and at any of the resorts. If you plan to pick up a car at the airport, it is better to book in advance so as not to waste time comparing prices. Look for "Rental Car" signs around town. The cost of renting a car per day starts from 40 euros. You can select and reserve a car in advance. To sign the contract, you must have a license, a passport with a visa and approximately 200 euros on the card. Requirements for the age and experience of the driver: age from 21 years and driving experience from 1 year. It’s great if you know English, you can study the lease agreement. There are no problems with parking on the island, but they are paid. In resort centers and near attractions, parking costs from 1.50 euros per hour. Gasoline 95 costs about 1.50-2 euros per liter.

The island of Kos is unique in that it literally “breathes” history. The small island contains many historical and architectural sights from different eras. In addition, Kos is a place with excellent ecology, where the sea breeze mixes with the clean air of the mountains.

General information

Kos Island is located in the Aegean Sea, it is the third largest island among the Greek Dodecanese Islands. The length of the coast is about 112 km, the island is flat, only in the eastern part there is a small mountain range. The Turkish coast from the island of Kos is only 4 km. The local population numbers about 30 thousand people, and up to 1 million tourists visit the island every year.

In ancient times, Kos was called the “Garden of the Aegean Sea” for its lush vegetation. Nowadays, magnificent forests cover mainly the mountainous part of the island; on the plains, active logging during the Italian occupation greatly changed the landscape. Forests are gradually being restored in accordance with the state program.

Over its centuries-old history, the island belonged to the Greeks, Venetians, Ottoman Empire and Italy. During the Second World War, Kos was occupied by the Germans, and at its end the land was returned to Greece.

There is no industry on the island; the local population is engaged in agriculture and works in the tourism industry.

Weather on Kos island

The island's climate is quite typical for the Mediterranean: summers are hot and dry, winters are accompanied by rain and strong winds. Although the winds, especially on the coast, do not stop in summer time. Only in summer the breezes are more pleasing, as they save you from the stuffiness.

From June to September, the average daily temperature on the island exceeds thirty degrees, the water off the coast is 25 °C. From the second half of September until the end of October it is very comfortable: the daytime air temperature is about 26 °C. At the end of October, the weather begins to gradually deteriorate: the air temperature gradually decreases, it begins to rain, and the sea is stormy. This weather lasts until March. In May, the daytime temperature is already about 24 °C, the sea water is about 21 °C. In spring, everything on the island begins to grow and bloom, and it becomes very beautiful.

The high season is considered to be the time from the second half of June to mid-September. For those who don't love too much hot weather and wants to save money, it is better to choose May-June or September-October for travel.

Transport on Kos Island

Between Kos Island and Athens, Thessaloniki, Samos Islands , Lemnos, Lesbos, Syros, Astypalaia , There is a ferry service between Mykonos and Rhodes.

You can get around the island itself on comfortable shuttle buses that run from the capital in the direction of all resorts and settlements. Buses run strictly on schedule. City shuttle buses transport passengers around the capital, Kos.

You can use a taxi, or rent a car, scooter or bicycle. There are special bike lanes for cycling in cities and even on suburban highways.

Districts of Kos

The city of Kos is the capital of the island; after the terrible earthquake in 1933, the city was rebuilt almost from scratch. During this construction, many interesting things were done archaeological finds. The city is very clean and green, in the central part of the city there is a port from where ships depart to other islands and to the mainland, as well as to the Turkish city of Bodrum, located a few kilometers away by sea. The city has many taverns, coffee shops, souvenir shops and shops. The city has a spacious pebble beach with crystal clear water.

Psalidi is a resort located 4 km from the capital of the island. It features wonderful gardens and picturesque sea views.

Lambi - located on the outskirts of the capital. There are great beaches here. Lambi is the best windsurfing spot on the island.

Kardamena is the largest resort area of ​​the island. Famous for its long sandy beaches. This is the noisiest and most youthful resort with an active nightlife.

Marmari - the resort has a clean two-kilometer beach, many hotels, and a windsurfing school.

Mastichari is distinguished by its extensive sandy beach, which turns into dunes. There are excellent fish taverns here. The resort has a water park "Lido Waterpark", and in the surrounding area there is the picturesque village of Mastichari.

Agios Fokas is a fairly young thermal resort with small pebble beaches. In the vicinity of the resort is the monastery of Agios Georgios.

Sights of Kos Island

Sycamore Hippocrates- a tree that, according to legend, was planted by the famous healer himself. Research, however, has shown that the tree is no more than seven hundred years old, so Hippocrates could not have planted it. Nevertheless, Hippocrates was born on the island of Kos and founded his school here.

Asklepion is an ancient medical complex that included the temples of Apollo and the god of medicine Asclepius, the altar of Asclepius, a medical school, an anatomical theater and thermal baths. The complex is well preserved and dates back to approximately 357 BC.

Ambros thermal spring - this place is located 10 km from the capital of the island, here hot thermal waters are mixed with sea water and unique baths are formed with a very beneficial effect on the skin, respiratory system and blood vessels.

Castle of the Ionite Knights is located in the city of Kos. This castle was built on the ruins of an even more ancient Byzantine fortress and surrounded by walls at the beginning of the 16th century. However, the island soon became dominated by the Ottoman Empire and the castle fell into ruins. The fortress wall has been preserved in the best possible way to this day, offering amazing views of the capital’s port and the Old Town. In addition to the Castle in the city of Kos, there are many more attractions: the Defterdar Mosque and the Hadji Hassan Mosque, the Agora of the ancient city of Kos, Grigoriou Street with buildings from the Roman era.

Ancient city of Palio Pyli - very picturesque ruins of an ancient Byzantine city with the remains of fortress walls, buildings and the Church of the Apparition of Christ.

Kalymnos Island - a pleasant boat trip to the island will take two hours. On the island, tourists can view the interesting exhibition of the Maritime Museum and visit the sponge factory.

Nisyros Island - of volcanic origin, tourists can go here on an interesting excursion from the island of Kos. Twelve years ago, the Nisyros volcano was, as volcanologists say, “breathing.” Tourists go to the crater of the St. Stephen volcano, they are shown hot sulfur and mud springs. A tour of Nisyros includes a rich and interesting program and is definitely worth a visit.

Beaches of Kos

The beaches of the island are notable for the fact that they are very different: there are small pebble and pebble beaches, there are beaches with black and silver-gray volcanic sand and beaches with snow-white and golden-beige sand, silky to the touch. All beaches are clean and well-groomed, equipped with everything necessary.

The coast of the island is very picturesque, the landscape is enlivened by caves, small grottoes and cozy coves, and the beaches are adjacent to gardens and parks.

Kos Island Restaurants

The island's cafes, bars and taverns offer traditional Greek and European cuisine. All establishments can be divided into exclusively tourist ones, where locals do not go, and local, often family taverns. Establishments type « There is no fast food on the island.

It is definitely worth having lunch or dinner in a small typical Greek tavern. Greek cuisine appeals to most tourists. In the island's taverns you should try Greek salad, baked eggplant, moussaka and dishes traditional to Kos: lamb with cabbage, pork with sweet peppers and leeks and couscous (bulgur) with pork. Local sweets are also worthy of attention: halva, lokum, sherbet, kurabiye and other delicacies will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. And, of course, you need to try Greek aromatic coffee and cold coffee drink - frappe.

Shopping on Kos island

Each region of Greece and each island is famous for its characteristics and local delicacies, which tourists willingly buy and take home. Such local delicacies on Kos include thyme honey, cheese in white wine, tomato jam and wines from local wineries.

In addition to local delicacies, you can buy on the island:

  • natural Greek cosmetics based on honey and olives;
  • natural sponges, caught from the sea and processed by hand;
  • olive oil and olives;
  • Greek "cognac" - metaxa;
  • paintings;
  • Greek fur coats.

Nightlife on Kos Island

Nightlife on the island is especially vibrant during high season. The choice of nightclubs and discos is quite sufficient. Here are some popular places in Kos Town:

  • Hamam Club - located near the historical center of the city. The club is decorated in oriental style. There are usually a lot of people here, since the club is quite popular and conveniently located;
  • Disco Kalua - youth club with appropriate music;
  • Blues Brothers - nightclub for blues lovers;
  • Gemini - a club with modern dance music;
  • Bar 1960 is a themed club.

Other resorts on the island also have clubs, bars and discos where you can have a good time. A special feature of nightlife establishments on the island is their safety. There are practically no cases of conflicts, much less fights. Some beach cafes turn into discos at night, where they dance and have fun until the morning.

Kos Island Hotels

You can stay on the island in a large hotel complex, small family hotels and budget hotels. You can rent an apartment or a room.

Four- and five-star hotels and hotel complexes usually have good territory, large swimming pools, several restaurants - that is, everything that is expected of hotels of this class.

Renting an apartment gives complete freedom to those tourists who choose this type of accommodation. The opportunity to cook yourself or eat in local taverns allows you to experience the life of the island and pamper yourself with local dishes.

Budget accommodation is suitable for active tourists who need a hotel as a place where they can spend the night and get ready.

The island of Kos is quite suitable for families with children due to its mild climate. In addition, there is no need to worry about outbreaks of childhood infections, which often happens in nearby Turkey.

The following hotels are suitable for a family holiday:

  • Grecotel Royal Park 4* - the hotel has playgrounds with slides, kids club, all inclusive meals
  • Dimitra Beach 4* - hotel with good room capacity, allowing families with children to be accommodated, green area, beach with a gentle entrance to the sea, all-inclusive system
  • Mitsis Norida Beach 5* is a hotel with a large, well-kept area, water slides for children and adults, and a children's playroom. The restaurant offers a children's menu. There is daytime and evening children's animation.

The island of Kos is conducive to an eco-friendly holiday in harmony with nature and has a beneficial effect on health, especially if you spend a couple of weeks here. Lovers of antiquity will also find a lot of interesting things on the island.

Today we will go again to the Dodecanese, which means “twelve islands”.

Travelers who choose the island of Kos see Greece from a different perspective: they note its more homely atmosphere than in Crete or Rhodes. Moreover, on Kos, as one of the most eastern islands, Turkish monuments still remain, and the mixture of cultures could not help but leave its mark on general form islands.

At the same time, Kos is very Greek: there is a lot of ancient heritage and traditional flavor here. This versatility, coupled with excellent beaches, has made Kos an island to visit at least once in your life.

Kos is not only the island of Hippocrates

Liman, Kos. Photo www.skaikairos.gr

How to get to Kos

You can get there directly from Moscow or St. Petersburg in the summer, when seasonal charters begin flying in May. Within Greece, you can quickly reach Kos via Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Leros and Athens. Hippocrates Airport welcomes tourists on the island. Another way to connect with Kos is by ferry from Piraeus, Rhodes, the Cyclades Islands, Thessaloniki and Kalymnos. This is the most economical option, in addition, the receiving port is conveniently located near the center of the capital of Kos.

Sights of Kos Island

Asklepion and Hippocrates

Inviting tourists on vacation, Kos relies on the name of the most famous native of this island - Hippocrates. And there are many things connected with it: first of all, it is the Sycamore of Hippocrates. It is said that the father of medicine planted it with his own hands. The tree is considered the oldest in Europe. Local residents carefully look after the tree, caring for its branches, and tourists enjoy taking pictures against the backdrop of the plane tree.

Sycamore of Hippocrates. Photo www.kos.gr

The diameter of the trunk at the base of the tree is 4.70 m, and the perimeter is about 10.5 m. Over so many centuries, a cave-like cavity has formed in the middle of the tree. Scientists estimate the age of the tree to be about 2300 years old; nearby there are two sources from the time of Turkish rule.

Respect for Hippocrates on Kos resulted in the opening of an entire cultural center named after him. On the territory there is a small theater, an altar of Asclepius and a house in the style of that era. Inside there is an interior restored to ancient standards and a Museum of Demeter with tools found on the island. The cultural center is surrounded by a picturesque garden with fruit trees and aromatic herbs. In summer, theater or dance performances are organized here.

The route of tourists to Kos must include Asklepion- in ancient times, people came to this temple of Asclepius and the hospital for healing. It is believed that Hippocrates studied and then taught here, and it was here that the modern medicine. Today even the ruins of Asklepion look impressive. Baths, ruins of altars and temples, statues, and columns have been preserved on the territory. Asklepion is located just 4 km from the capital of the island and is also noteworthy amazing views to East Kos.

The Sanctuary of Asclepius was built in the 4th century BC. and presumably destroyed subsequently during a strong earthquake. It is unknown when exactly Asclepius began to be worshiped on the island, and at first a very small temple with an altar and several rooms for patients was built here. However, starting from the 3rd century BC. Thanks to the patronage and generous gifts of King Ptolemy ΙΙ, who was born on Kos in 308 BC, the island is flourishing. Asklipion in the 2nd century BC becomes quite a large architectural complex with temples and residential buildings.

Reconstruction of the view of Asklepion. Photo www.studyblue.com

In ancient times, Asklepion was surrounded by a virgin forest, in which no one was allowed to be born or die. The three levels of the Asklepion on the hillside occupied a significant area. The most ancient buildings are located on the second level - the altar of Asclepius, to the west - a pair of columns from the temple of Asclepius, to the east - eight columns remaining from the temple of Apollo, nearby - a semicircular amphitheater, which possibly served as a meeting place for priests and doctors.

On the first level there are walls with openings where there were most likely patient rooms. Springs flowed here from which pilgrims could drink. healing water. At a distance are the remains of Roman buildings, perhaps it was the villa of the Roman governor of the island.

On the third level, in addition to magnificent views, you can see the remains of the large temple of Asclepius. It is believed that it was later used as a Christian church.


During your vacation, it is worth taking time and going to the town of Antimachia. A 14th-century Venetian fortress built by the Johannite monks has been preserved here, with strong walls, double gates and the symbol of the knights enshrined in marble. You can see the couple inside Orthodox churches St. Paraskeva and St. Nicholas, erected after the 16th century. Also, the Antimachia fortress will delight you with views of the surrounding area and the sea - a magnificent view of Nisyros and the surrounding islands, Turkey is visible. The fortress is well preserved and very impressive, but when wandering inside you should be careful - there are snakes here.

Antimachia Fortress, Kos. Photo: wikimedia.org

In general, the mountain villages of Kos are very picturesque and can be easily reached by car, bus or bicycle.

Knight's Castle

The same knights of the Order of St. John built Knight's Castle, which greets guests of the island at the entrance to the estuary. Otherwise, this castle-fortress is called Neradzia (Νερατζιά), this name comes from the abundance of orange (neradzia) and lemon trees with which the island was planted in the 14th-15th centuries.

The fortress faces the Asia Minor coast - thus the knights controlled passing ships. Together with the fortress of St. Peter on the opposite bank (Bodrum), they controlled the passage to the Holy Places of Jerusalem during the Crusades.

It was also built in the 14th century on the foundation of the walls of the ancient city; materials from numerous archaeological sites were used during construction - columns, marble, slabs.

Knight's Castle, Kos. Photo www.skaikairos.gr

The Castle Bridge is located opposite the entrance to the castle itself, on the famous Palm Boulevard, and was also built in the 14th century. It is believed that the bridge connected Kos with a small island that was once located there. The bridge is made of large square stones and is perfectly preserved.

Fortress of Neradzia, Kos. Photo www.kos.gr

Muslim monuments

On Kos, as one of the easternmost Greek islands, one cannot ignore the Ottoman monuments. They are a reminder of the island's rich history and how completely opposite cultures can intertwine. It is worth visiting the Haji Hassan and Defterdar mosques - two colorful and well-preserved monuments.

The Defterdar Mosque was built in the late 18th century by the then Ottoman Finance Minister Ibrahim Efendi. This is a two-story square building with a characteristic dome, located on Freedom Square.

Freedom Square, Kos island. Photo www.skaikairos.gr

The Lodzia or Hassan Pasa Mosque was built in 1786 on the site of an earlier christian church St. George. It is also square in shape, and materials from numerous archaeological sites were used in its construction.

On the north-eastern side of the mosque there is a spring in which Muslims washed their feet before entering the mosque. This is a white marble structure with 14 sides.

Ancient monuments of Kos

Agios Stefanos, Kos. Photo: wikimapia.org/

Ancient city of Astypalaia

The ruins of an ancient city on the island of Kos have been discovered on the southwest coast. It flourished in the 6th century BC. and it was called Astypalaia (Αστυπάλαια). In the 4th century BC. A strong earthquake occurred on the island, from which the city suffered greatly. After this, the residents built new town on the northeast side of the island.

Archaeological finds at the site of the city showed that it was quite developed for its time. Some fragments of the city walls are still well preserved; the city also had a well-defended port. In addition, there was an extensive water supply and sewerage system.

The walls of the ancient city were built in the 4th century BC. to protect against pirate attacks. The design of the walls is still impressive - their width was from 6 to 8 meters, and they were built from huge stones.

The excavations of the ancient city are divided into several zones - the port zone, the western, eastern and central zones.

Ancient Agora

The ancient Agora on the island of Kos is one of the largest in the ancient world; parts of its eastern, western and northern sides have been preserved. Its southern edge is believed to have reached the altar of Dionysus. The courtyard was surrounded by colonnades.

Ancient Agora, Kos island. Photo www.kos4all.com

Altar of Dionysus

The remains of the Altar of Dionysus are located on the northeast side of the Roman villa Casa Romana. It was built in the middle of the 2nd century BC. made of white and blue-gray marble and quite well preserved.

Europa Abduction House

This building, located in the western excavation area, was built in the mid-2nd century BC. and it got its name from the mosaic on the floor inside. The mosaic depicts a naked, beautiful Europa being kidnapped by a bull—according to mythology, Zeus reincarnated. In front of the bull, with a torch in his hand, stands Eros.

Also in the excavation area you can see the ruins of an ancient stadium from the late 4th century BC. and the building of an ancient gymnasium, which was even larger in size than the stadium.

Roman Odeon

This well-preserved amphitheater was discovered in 1929. Its first nine rows were of marble, then after a certain interval there are five more rows of stones. Under the rows for spectators there were niches in which statues were discovered, now on display in the Archaeological Museum of the island.

Currently, the Odeon periodically hosts open-air cultural events.

Casa Romana

Roman villa, courtyard. Photo www.kosguide.net

100 meters from the Odeon is the beautifully preserved Roman villa Casa Romana, built on the foundations of an earlier ancient dwelling in 2 AD. Its three courtyards are surrounded by beautiful columns in Doric and Ionic rhythm. In numerous rooms of the villa you can see well-preserved mosaics and frescoes.

Mosaic in a Roman villa, Kos. Photo www.nostalgia.gr

The villa was discovered in 1933 and was then restored to its current appearance by the Italians.

A visit to the neighboring volcanic island of Nisyros will also be memorable. Once upon a time, during the period, Poseidon fought with the giant Polyvot. He broke off a piece from the Scythe, threw it at the giant and covered him. And now the giant sometimes wakes up and shakes the island, causing the volcano to work. True, this manifests itself more as hot lakes, showing that the volcano is alive. Nisyros is famous for its volcanic sand beaches and picturesque villages.

The best beaches in Kos

Among all the Dodecanese islands, Kos has one of the best beaches, most of which are located in the southern part of the island. Mastichari, a beach with emerald waters and white sand, is famous for its exotic atmosphere.

Mastichari beach, Kos island. Photo: www.cycladia.com

Here you can either calmly enjoy a beach holiday or try water activities. The only water park on the island is located very close by, which is very convenient for families. In general, Kos is exceptionally suitable for windsurfing and yachting. There are plenty of small boats here that you can take on for a day trip. boat trip to neighboring islands or to Turkey.

Probably the most famous beach on Kos is Paradise Beach. You need to relax on its clean sand and clear sea at least once during your entire vacation. The coast has everything that goes along with a good time: taverns, an entertainment center, a bar.

No less picturesque is Kefalos Beach, surrounded by greenery. The water here is a little cooler than in general on Kos, but the sea is truly transparent and clean. Kefalos is popular with young people because it has an excellent sports center.

And lovers of silence will prefer Limnionas beach with clean sand and rocky landscape. This natural bay is always protected from the wind and is conducive to a carefree holiday. There are few tourists on Limnionas, but the beach is equipped with everything you need. You can often see fishermen here, so you should definitely order fresh fish in the coastal taverns.

Map of Kos Island

Find a hotel on Kos:

Gastronomy of Kos: everything you need to try

While on holiday on Kos, it is difficult to resist trying all the local cuisine. The first step is to order cathimeria - a traditional sweet pie, which is prepared with myzithra cheese, fried and served with honey and aromatic cinnamon. Another delicacy is Krasotiri cheese. Once upon a time, due to a shortage of olive oil, they began to soak it in red wine. The technology has been preserved, and now krasotiri in combination with watermelon and bread is a desirable product on any table.

On the coast, tourists will always be offered all types of seafood. Here you can choose fish or shellfish, as well as the cooking method. Through a short time a delicious dish with herbs, vegetables and lemon sauce will appear on the table. And, of course, a meal on Kos is unthinkable without local wine. It is best to order Moshato with fruit and Assyrtiko with white meat or fish.

It is also worth visiting one of the local wineries, tasting the famous local wines and learning about their production process. The three largest winemakers are recommended: the companies Mores, Triandafillopoulou and Hadziemmanouil.

On the island you can also attend local festivals and watch performances by amateur artists. The video shows the “pendozalis” dance as it is danced on Kos:

As a souvenir of the island: what to buy on Kos?

The first thing you need to take away from Kos is honey, the healing properties of which were attributed by Hippocrates. A huge number of plants grow on the island, thanks to which honey acquires a recognizable and unique aroma. You can’t leave Kos without a natural sponge. Their prices vary: they start from 3 euros and go up to 40 euros.

Crafts occupy a special place on store shelves. On Kos it is not much different from what is produced in the rest of Greece. But it’s still worth purchasing a tablecloth from local craftswomen, olive tableware, and painted ceramics with an island flavor. Tourists are happy to buy paintings with views of Kos from young artists, leather sandals and bags. And as a small souvenir, magnets with the Asklepion and the Sycamore of Hippocrates are incredibly popular.

Listen to the song about Kos performed by Notis Sfakianakis:

The island of Kos cannot be described in one article, of course. The scattering of Dodecanese islands is like a precious necklace, where each island bead shines with its own unique beauty. Start exploring them from Kos!

Elena Meteleva