“Tick-tock,” the clock on the wall is ticking, the heart is beating rhythmically, inhalation is replaced by exhalation; less noticeable, but also work cyclically internal organs, other processes occur in the body. Day turns into night, seasons alternate, and so on. Our whole life is riddled with periods of ups and downs. But if, for example, it is not so difficult to change the heart rate within a small range, then things are much more complicated in the psychological sphere. But it also has periodic processes, and they most directly affect our state, well-being, and actions.

Mood instability has not been a revelation for a long time. In sanguine people, the phases of emotional rise and fall are especially pronounced. Here’s what psychotherapist Mark Burno, an expert on people’s characters, says about them: “A changed (often without external shocks) mood sometimes dramatically transforms a sanguine person. Subtle soul, a gentle, selfless woman in caring for her sick husband, a friend, in a bad mood, for example, in violent unjustified jealousy, becomes vulgar and bazaar, completely different from her former self. The natural, warm responsiveness and kindness of sanguine people often frightens inexperienced beginners: carefully cared for, caressed at the first meeting, they can get the next day, when the sanguine person’s mood has swung downward, which is called “face on the table.” Living and working with such a person means seriously depending on his mood.”

It is useful to know about such extremes because each of us has mood swings, albeit to a lesser extent. Our emotional state colors our worldview and, moreover, influences our actions. During a positive period, we are active, full of determination and readiness for new life endeavors. For example, we decide to eat right and exercise. But now “the weather in the soul has changed” (without external reasons) - and good undertakings are forgotten, abandoned, we return to the old rut. So, do we just have to walk in a vicious circle, or is it possible to somehow get out of it?

Wait out the bad weather.
“Dark” streaks can seem insurmountable, cause a feeling of helplessness and lead to the conclusion that all your good endeavors are pointless. If you know that moods tend to change, you will begin to remind yourself of this, say to yourself: “Yes, now the pendulum of my mood has swung towards despondency and melancholy, but I know that my mood will definitely change, it’s how it works,” then it will be much easier for you to withstand this difficult time , you will wait it out calmly and will not take actions that you would later regret.

However, many cannot withstand this period without certain breakdowns or setbacks. Why is this happening? First of all, because people, being in a negative state, make ordinary demands on themselves. A person tries to overpower himself in order to meet his self-image or the expectations of others. But nothing good comes out of this. The tactics must be different. When you are in a bad mood, you need to give yourself a time out; not to fight, but to calmly accept yourself as you are, while firmly knowing that your condition will return to its previous normal. Excessive efforts are contraindicated; do what you can. Give yourself time to recover. This attitude will allow you to get out of the negative phase the fastest and without losses. Walking in dosed doses will help speed up the return to normal shape. physical activity, proper nutrition.

How to manage yourself.
Of course, the question arises: is it possible to control your mood and become more independent of it? Psychologist and writer Vladimir Levi says that “the mood cannot be defeated and cannot be deceived; but he can be persuaded to change.” How?

Start by eliminate those circumstances that bring down your mood. First of all we're talking about about the habit of making your mood dependent on the opinions of other people. This habit comes from childhood, when the assessment and attitude of parents, educators, and teachers were of enormous importance for the child. Evaluative dependence is formed in childhood, and an adult must, if not completely get rid of it, then reduce it as much as possible. And when this happens, the mood itself becomes more even and calm.

In addition to other people, life circumstances also influence our mood: successes and failures, victories and defeats, favorable circumstances and unexpected difficulties. And you need to learn to protect and distance your condition from their influence. It's not that simple, of course. But it's quite possible.

As psychologists Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck found, Our state and mood are influenced not by the event itself, but by our opinion about it, what we think about it. Here's a simple example. A man is walking through the forest, and suddenly he sees a bear ahead. How does the person feel? Horror. Then I looked closer - and it was not a bear, but a snag that looked like a bear. How does the person feel? Relief. Has anything changed in the world around you? Nothing. What has changed? Human thoughts. This is how we live, sometimes mistaking various snags for bears and reacting accordingly.

When something happens in life, you need to identify your automatic thoughts about the event. This stream flies through your head very quickly; as a rule, they are not realized. But we see the result - grief, anxiety, anxiety, disappointment. Each such experience was preceded by certain thoughts and assessments. These are the ones that need to be caught and subjected to critical examination. Is what happened really that scary? Is it that bad? Is this really irreparable? Imagine what another person thinks - it’s easier to be critical of them, based on common sense. This kind of work will make your mood more independent of external circumstances and events.

The third way to influence your mood combines many methods of self-regulation. This communicating with nature, listening to beautiful music, reading interesting books. Of course, humor and meditative practices.

I would also like to say something about creativity: psychotherapist Mark Burno has developed a special system for treating various severe mental conditions. Its essence is that, By doing something creative, doing something in your own way, a person experiences inspiration, inspiration, thereby helping himself to feel better.

Expert opinion
Tatyana Shvaitser, leading specialist in the field of micropsychoanalysis, full member of the European Association of Psychotherapists
"Cure" for bad mood
The article is, in my opinion, only a short “virtual guide” and does not reveal the necessary (practical) options for friendship and the ability to get along with your mood. When giving recommendations to a person regarding the regulation of his mood (the word “mood” very precisely defines its own meaning - to tune in), it is necessary to understand and take into account the life-situational context. It is difficult for a person in a state of mood imbalance to understand, accept and apply what the author recommends, since these actions also require a mood. An independent analysis of “why and why there was such a mood and what is needed so that it does not recur” can lead a person even more into a dead end and, accordingly, leave a feeling of misunderstanding of oneself. The fact is that mood is a kind of human defense mechanism and it is not always necessary to consider a “bad” mood as negative. “Bad mood” is often a corrector, a coordinator, and simply saves a person from destruction. In other words, it is the “destroyer of destruction” of man. There is no single “cure” to correct your mood. You need to learn how to build a friendship with him, or rather set it up.

If you have been diagnosed with mild depression, it doesn’t matter. It is easy to cope with without the use of special tools and medications. A few steps will relieve you of an obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho emotional state. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and a contrast shower.

Step 2. Healthy sleep. Sleep disorders are the most common reason the occurrence of sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Go to sleep earlier, putting all gadgets away. In sleep, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you are not satisfied with your place of work? Don't be afraid, change it! A job you don’t like is another common reason that causes stress, and along with it, protracted, difficult-to-treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outside, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4: Reading. Good literature– this is not only the development of intellectual abilities, but also a great way to get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts you from obsessive thoughts and helps you gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5. Creativity. Scientists have long proven that during creativity a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are capable of creating real miracles with just their presence. Even if depression progresses and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overcome yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own: traditional methods

You can fight depression with improvised means. Few people know, but many of the available products have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to your attention several simple ways, which will help you get rid of obvious symptoms of depressive disorder in a matter of days.

Nuts+dried apricots+honey. You will need an equal amount of all ingredients - 100 grams each. Grind the nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture must be taken for a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

Herbal drink. Take one tablespoon of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long tea to this. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this “tea” with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. By taking a glass of the drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast. Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (or walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink this cocktail every day as breakfast, and within a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis and the right treatment method can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trivial the symptoms of mild depression are, they can always progress, developing into a severe form.

The probability that every person on Earth has lost their mood at least once is almost 100%. Troubles at work, failures in personal life - the reasons could be completely different. As well as the ways in which they managed to get rid of the blues, “get back on track” and continue living with a smile. But still, there are a number of tips and options that are common to all cases on how to cheer up and escape from boredom, driving away this “relative” of apathy and depression.

Psychologists describe boredom as a type negative emotions or mood. In such a state, a person is indifferent to everything that happens around him, is not interested in anything, does not want anything. He himself is well aware that this “is not good,” but he cannot do anything about it, which is why irritability appears in his character.
Causes of boredom Not only can a person’s personal problems arise when he is “lost” and cannot find the meaning of life, is unable to feel joyful emotions and he simply has no goal, but also completely vital problems that are familiar to many. For example, monotonous and boring work, repeated day after day, lack of communication, when there is no friend or girlfriend nearby for a “heart-to-heart talk,” a long wait for some event.
Even astronauts are at risk from prolonged exposure to weightlessness, which can lead to loss of sensory control. People simply stop “feeling” the world - how can you not die of boredom?

Defining boredom

Boredom will not lead to any good, say knowledgeable experts, and they compare it quite sadly with drug addiction - a person strives for emotions, new sensations, and having received short-term pleasure, he again becomes despondent.
This behavior can be compared to “everything and nothing” at the same time - new activities quickly become boring, poor concentration and the inability to relax go “hand in hand”, flowing into chronic fatigue, nervous tension, a feeling of anxiety and a constant search for new stimuli, gives way to bouts of incredible laziness. This exhausts morally, “eats” a person piece by piece, he quickly gets “saturated” with life, but remains eternally hungry.

Having heard such “alarming” bells, you should not panic - submarines have been floating under water for months, and sailors are still “brave kids.” No one promises that it will be easy to get rid of boredom, but no one said that it will become an extremely difficult task. There is everything for this - several simple tips and the rules, the head and hands that will do everything.
First, you need to understand the reason - why boredom prevailed. This is quite difficult to do, but still ask yourself, “Why is the light so not nice?” and answer the question honestly. In general, the most popular answer options will be love, friendship and work.
Only new ones can save you from unhappy love; a hateful job can only be replaced by your favorite business, albeit with less financial income; friendship can only be found. All this requires different approaches and methods, but there are certain general rules, which are required to start getting out of a psychological crisis:

  1. Don't be lazy. Human laziness can take many forms, but in boredom it is especially pronounced. I don’t even want to do small everyday activities, let alone more serious things. You have to force yourself and self-control is important here. In fact, in the end, a person receives a feeling of satisfaction from any job done correctly, which adds joyful emotions.
  2. For some, a “to-do list” helps with this, where all the little things are indicated. Having made a list, a person monitors its implementation, crossing off what has already been done. It gives purpose. Of course, it is not so significant on a global scale, but still. This is already the “light at the end of the tunnel” to which you should go.

  3. Be active. You should not lie on a soft sofa, even if there is no visible business. This does not mean that you need to constantly run somewhere and do something. No. You just shouldn’t give up visiting various events, hiking, etc., in favor of a solitary, home vacation, filled with melancholy and loneliness.
    In a company, with friends or acquaintances, a chance to smile, learn something new, get to know interesting person, much higher. You don’t have to stay until the end of the event if you don’t want to, but you definitely need to “ventilate.”

Banishing boredom

When bored, a person's main enemy is doing nothing. Therefore, it is worth noting several of the most effective hobbies and activities that are used to ward off boredom.

  • Music and cinema. The simplest and most accessible. Favorite tunes or films can lift your spirits, new ones can interest you in something. Educational programs will show that in life there is always something to learn, something new to learn.
  • Internet. The global network is now available to almost everyone. On the Internet you can find all kinds of interest groups, where you will definitely find like-minded people, people with similar tastes, with whom it will be interesting to communicate. Virtual friends are also friends, they will be able to support, listen, and advise.
  • Sport. Exercising will not only be beneficial to your health, but will also require regular effort. The mode and regularity of training or games will be included in the daily schedule, leaving much less time for the blues, and sporting achievements will add a sense of self-confidence.
  • Hobby. Hobbies help you take your mind off pressing problems. A favorite activity captivates you, allows you to forget about troubles, gives you a feeling of satisfaction and positive emotions.
  • Pet. A pet will give you a sense of responsibility, and caring for it will force you to do something even if you “don’t want to” (for example, walking the dog at 6 in the morning). In addition, the pet sincerely loves its owner, will not leave him alone, and is able to amuse and amuse with his actions.

It is worth remembering that there are many interesting, unusual, fascinating and beautiful things in life. All this can be missed, missed and not recognized if you succumb to boredom, melancholy and despondency. Therefore, they must be driven away and not allowed near you.

It is a widely known fact that stress is one of the main reasons bad mood. Stress can be caused by many things minor details accompanying a person in his everyday life. Such details can be small things like traffic jams, or larger troubles. What to do if a bad mood appears more and more often? Should I resign myself and wait to do something, armed with the motto “man is the creator of his own mood”?

Over time, a combination of stress factors begins to have an increasing impact on a person, he becomes irritable and perceives all situations from a negative point of view.

To avoid a bad mood, you need to reduce the risk of stress, try changing your daily routine, or write certain rules and in mandatory stick to them. The following tips will tell you what to do if a bad mood has become a constant companion in your life.

When you are in a bad mood, you should not trust your thoughts. Often a person does not always correctly interpret what happened. Negative thoughts can support or worsen your mood, so check whether you interpret and perceive a given situation absolutely correctly. It is possible that some things seem much worse to you than they are.

Provide yourself with healthy good nutrition.

Go in for sports - this is best way fight depression and bad mood. Exercise prevent sad thoughts and improve mood. Exercising in the fresh air, as well as just walking in the park after a day at work, are useful. A great way to improve your mood is to walk with an animal, such as a dog.

Treat yourself. Do something that you have long dreamed of: watch a movie, visit a cinema, exhibition, museum, etc.

Think positively.

Meet your friends. Communication with people you like will completely drive away your negative mood.

Get rid of various unpleasant or long-delayed tasks that are weighing you down. Make it in your apartment general cleaning, make an appointment with the dentist, etc. When you get rid of such things, you will immediately feel a surge of energy.

Try to create a calming atmosphere at home. Clear the emotional and physical space around you - remove unnecessary papers from your desk, throw out trash, etc. Your mood will also improve from a sense of accomplishment.

Smile. By overcoming yourself and smiling even when you are in a bad mood, you immediately turn the situation around. better side.

Now you know what to do if you are in a bad mood. In any case, the most important thing is not to forget that your mood and well-being largely depend on you.

How to deal with a bad mood

It's no secret that a huge number of people wake up in the morning in a bad mood, with negative emotions and thoughts. How can you make sure that, despite the possible difficulties, the day goes well, and so that by the evening fatigue does not affect you too much? In a good mood, we cope with all our tasks more easily and spend significantly less time and energy on them. Let's try to figure it out - what is needed for a good mood?

If the day doesn’t go well in the morning, any of your plans may be disrupted. That is why in the morning we must have great mood. How to achieve this?

Before going to bed, open the window and ventilate the room intended for sleeping. Try to drive away from your thoughts all the negativity that can prevent you from falling asleep. You can say this or a similar phrase to yourself: “Today I did as much as I could do.

All the situations that happened to me have already happened, and nothing can be changed; a bad mood will not change anything. So, there’s no point in thinking about it, now I need to rest.” And it is better to postpone all thoughts that remind you of tomorrow until tomorrow. This way, it will be much easier for you to fall asleep, and you will wake up more rested and in a much more positive mood.

Try to wake up a little earlier than planned (literally 15-20 minutes). Don't rush and get up quickly. It’s better to open your eyes, smile, lie down for a couple of minutes and stretch well so that your muscles and whole body wake up. You can stand on all fours and bend your back several times, similar to the movements that cats make.

And now you can get up. Open the window, let some fresh air into the room, turn on your favorite music and move around a little.

Be sure to take a shower. The water temperature should be comfortable for you. If you don't like cool water, take a warm or hot shower, it will drive away your bad mood.

Before breakfast, drink at least one glass of water, to which you can add a spoonful of honey or lemon juice.

Prepare a hearty breakfast, but if your appetite is not strong, limit yourself light salad. The main thing is to realize that you take care of yourself. This fact alone will reduce the risk of bad mood.

Drink jasmine tea or a cup of mate.

Dress nicely and look in the mirror afterwards. Smile at your reflection, drive it all away negative thoughts. You look great and you are in a great mood!

Now you have learned how to drive away a bad mood and create a good one for yourself. Believe that you have a wonderful day ahead!

How to get rid of a bad mood

If there is a desire to correct the mood, then the person clearly wants to do this in the direction of improving it. I think that the opposite desire will interest few people, since already in the surrounding life there are many reasons why it can worsen.

When the topic comes to a bad mood, you should never confuse this concept with depression, since they have two completely different meanings. How to improve your mood with certain medications?

Chocolate is a reliable product that can significantly improve a person’s mood. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with eating chocolate every time a negative mood arises, otherwise, against the backdrop of an uplifting mood, you can also get a couple of extra pounds as a bonus. In this case, no chocolate will bring a smile to your face.

Dancing is an excellent way for many people to influence their mood. Of course, we are talking about people who love to do them. You can turn on your favorite melody at home and start dancing. For many people, this activity provides a great way to distract themselves and switch to a positive mood.

Chatting with friends. By deciding to meet your friends or even just make a call to one of them, you can just as successfully come to good mood.

Sport is, of course, not an activity that most people want to do if they are not in the mood. However, it helps to cope perfectly with a negative attitude. Physical exercise not only helps you stay healthy in great shape, but also get a boost of energy and a sense of superiority over yourself. This will help raise your level of self-esteem, as you can be proud of yourself that, despite a bad mood and some difficulties, you can cope with your own emotions and continue doing things.

Gifts are a pleasant way to lift your own mood, and maybe give a gift to someone, since there are a considerable number of people who get more pleasure from the process of giving. Observing the joy of others from the gift you made for them, you can take your mind off your own problems and lift your mood, change it from minus to plus.

Pets are real healers, capable of taking on the burden of negative emotions. Talk to them a little, you will instantly notice how you feel better. They have an excellent calming effect.

All people are subject to mood swings. Some more often, some less often. And you are probably familiar with the situation when everything around you is annoying. Every event, even positive, does not please, but brings disappointment. When the gentle spring sun hurts your eyes, and the chirping of the neighbor's children in the yard is an ear-worm. This doesn't mean that you - bad person. You're just in a bad mood.

Who ruined your mood? Don't deceive yourself. A bad mood is not a consequence of external causes. The secret of the problem always lies within. And don't lie. Saying it's not true. Let's admit that we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

For some reason, people often like to plunge themselves into a depressing mood. It’s as if they are trying to find the reasons for all the problems. They are trying to find sympathizers. There are few advantages to this. True friends They will regret it, perhaps they will help with advice. Many people think that life is easier this way. But often a person justifies his laziness, low level of motivation, lack of desire.

How to deal with a bad mood? Reveal in the bud. After all, when some kind of trouble happens... STOP! This is the moment when the seed of depression falls on the soil. It is important to realize from which side you are looking at the situation. Can you decide for yourself how to look at a problem? Who decides this for us?

You need to think about it, delve into yourself. Understand what threatens your good mood. Listen to yourself? What happens to the body, to the mind, to the soul? This will help you see the first signs of a bad mood. And then you can take action. Which? How to get rid of a bad mood when it just begins to crowd out all the positive? You need to understand what is best for yourself. Decide what mood you choose.

Observation and sensitivity to one's own feelings are not an innate quality. It develops with the help psychological exercises. Most personal trainings are aimed at understanding yourself.

What are the reasons for a bad mood? Very often this is a signal from our body. He tells us: “There is something wrong with me.” A familiar situation - you wake up in the morning, and it is not clear why you are in a bad mood. And you just need to remember what happened yesterday before going to bed. Hearty dinner! Dietitians do not recommend eating before bed - this is harmful to your figure and promotes the deposition of fat in the body. Psychologists agree with their colleagues. After seven to ten hours of lying almost motionless, the food stagnates and rotting processes begin. How to deal with a bad mood? Delay your meal time two hours before bedtime. Take a two-week to three-week course of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli every six months. You can eat fiber, which is sold in pharmacies - it helps remove harmful substances from the body.

You get into a very bad mood when you sleep in a stuffy room. The body does not have enough oxygen for proper rest. And he takes revenge with a feeling of weakness and nightmares. But they never cheer people up. But you need a little thing - an open window or regular ventilation before going to bed.

A bad mood in girls and boys causes constant stress. It occurs when you live in the same apartment with people you find unpleasant. You always have to expect something bad, constantly be in tension. How to get rid of a bad mood in this case? Try to move away from them.

Bad mood, what to do? Did it appear today? Think about how much caffeine you consumed yesterday. This substance plunges the body into a tense-stressful state. His overdose threatens the next day with a caffeine hangover. How to deal with a bad mood? Limit your daily caffeine intake. It is found in coffee, green and black tea.

Why the bad mood? Think about how much you move. With a lack of movement, the body's cells are poorly supplied with oxygen. A bad mood in this case is a cry from the body. Start moving more, playing sports, and it will immediately recede.

When you watch your diet, you sleep comfortably at night and don’t experience constant stress, you don’t overdo it with coffee and move a lot, but the problem remains a bad mood, what should you do? The cause may be a kidney problem or bile stagnation. When the kidneys do not work well, urine stagnates in the body. The body is poisoned. Drink more water and a diuretic. If there are symptoms of bile stagnation, you need to find out whether it is working well gallbladder. You can also drink choleretic drugs.

It is important to remember that a constantly bad mood is very dangerous. This can lead to depression. And it doesn’t matter what the reasons for the bad mood are. Depression negatively affects a person’s life, worsens his relationships with loved ones and colleagues, and negatively affects his ability to work.

How to distinguish a bad mood from depression? After all, with depression you need to see a psychotherapist. It consists of three components - mood disorders, autonomic disorders and fatigue.

If a bad mood lasts more than two weeks, the person has a mood disorder. When you are depressed, the world seems dull and gray. Very often, a mood disorder is accompanied by mood swings rather than a stable bad mood. In the morning everything around can make you happy, but in the evening you feel heaviness and depression. Or the morning bad mood dissipates in the evening. And then, it seems that there is no need to ask the question: “Why are you in a bad mood?” This is not so - you need to listen to yourself.

Sometimes a depressed mood is accompanied by feelings of melancholy, anxiety, despair, and indifference. Perhaps a person will not notice a bad mood. But the feeling of “a stone in the soul” will signal the onset of depression. There are rare cases when depression manifests itself in chronic pain in some place, and no doctors can identify the cause of this pain.

Very often long-term stress may lead to depression with anxiety. It is very important to identify anxiety. It may be accompanied by constant unreasonable fear for loved ones, fear of falling asleep and frequent nightmares. Sometimes anxiety manifests itself as nervousness and the inability to sit in one place.

Anxiety, which manifests itself in a feeling of panic (symptoms of which are a feeling of rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, trembling in the body), often occurs against the background of full-blown depression. This is how one of the types of depression manifests itself - anxious depression.

Unlike anxious depression, when a person cannot sit still, other types of depression are reduced motor activity person. He sleeps more than twelve hours a day, and sleep does not bring morning vigor. Ordinary tasks such as making soup or vacuuming the carpet seem difficult and meaningless. Most likely, this is the development of apathetic depression.

Inhibition processes affect not only motor activity, but also thought processes. Attention and memory deteriorate, it becomes more difficult to think. Feeling tired after reading or watching TV for a short time.

The second component of depression is autonomic disorders (manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia). If the cardiologist and the general practitioner have ruled out the corresponding organic diseases, then dizziness, headaches, frequent urination, false urges, and hesitation begin blood pressure and temperatures are secondary vegetative signs of depression.

Depression also affects gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite, constipation appears for four to five days. With atypical depression, the opposite happens: appetite increases and diarrhea appears. This form of depression is much less common.

When depression develops in a person, regardless of gender, sensations in the sexual sphere become dulled. Sometimes depression prompts numerous promiscuous sexual intercourse and masturbation. Men have problems with potency. In women, menstruation is delayed by ten to fourteen for six months or more.

The third component of depression is asthenic. It is expressed in fatigue, irritability, sensitivity to weather changes.

With depression, there are problems falling asleep, shallow sleep, early awakening with a persistent desire to sleep.

The development of depression has its own laws. The most severe is depression, in which thoughts arise about the purposelessness of life, and even about suicide. The manifestation of such signs of depression is a reason to immediately contact a psychotherapist. It is important to start treatment as quickly as possible medicines in the right doses. Medicines affect the system of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), norepinephrine, etc. A stable mood helps solve psychological problems.

There is a myth that antidepressants are addictive. Therefore, many are afraid to take them. Strong sedatives and sleeping pills from the group of tranquilizers cause addiction. Antidepressants used to treat depression are not addictive.

Antidepressants are prescribed according to the nature of the depression: some treat depression with a hint of anxiety, others treat depression with a hint of apathy and indifference. When using medications in the correct dosage, the first results appear in the third or fourth week - anxiety disappears, suicidal thoughts disappear, mood levels out, and the desire to live actively appears. To cure depression, you must complete a course of treatment. If interrupted, depression may return.

The duration of treatment with antidepressants is determined by a psychotherapist. It usually lasts from four months to a year. Sometimes a maintenance course of treatment is prescribed. It is designed to consolidate the results achieved in the fight against depression.

Depression can be compared to high temperature. This is an indicator that something is wrong in the body. It should not be taken lightly. It is better to prevent it at the stage of bad mood.