Modern multimedia media are increasingly taking advantage of the opportunities provided by Internet services for working with content. After all, it is not always easier and faster to create materials in popular and effective formats only based on the “engine” of your site.

Therefore, sometimes the pages information resources turn out to be assembled from a variety of web service elements built into them. The existence of such a “constructor” is made possible by the embed and iframe functions, which can be called the basis of modern multimedia storytelling.

What is Embed

This is a way to borrow and use the capabilities of another web resource on your page. Thanks to embed, you embed the necessary content into your site and end up with a completely fully functional element that you can interact with in exactly the same way as on the site from which it was taken.

Embed function of the Storymap service from Knight Lab

Thanks to embed, you can place on your page:

  • video from video hosting sites: n The most obvious advantage of this approach is that there is no need to store large files on your server. In addition, the video service platform itself becomes an additional channel for distributing your content;
  • interactive maps, annotated illustrations: extremely rare CMS and independent website “engines” allow you to create them today without resorting to third-party services;
  • tests and infographics: everything related to user interaction;
  • and much more.

What is Iframe

Without going into technical details, for the user there is no difference between Iframe and embed. It is purely formal: using Iframe, HTML content is placed (for example, the content of another web page), and embed embeds an external web application. Therefore, depending on the characteristics of the content to be posted, the web service can offer you either an Iframe or an embed code. The word embed has become a household word for any embedded content - no matter whether we are talking about embed, iframe, or other methods.

How to insert an Embed or Iframe into a web page?

The vast majority of content management systems or website “engines” have two editor modes for creating posts (pages) - visual and html (sometimes called “source” or Source). The first of them, as you know, is intended for working with text, but the insertion code must be placed by switching to the second. To do this, you just need to copy it from the corresponding field of the web service and paste it into the desired place on the page.

Switching between message creation modes in popular CMSs

Many resources also offer additional settings appearance embedded content - as a rule, you can specify its size and design. However, sometimes this can be done simply by changing the corresponding numbers in a line of code - for example, in the width and height fields.

Some modern blogging platforms like Medium no longer have an html mode for creating and editing materials. In this case, sometimes to convert the content into embedded content, you just need to click on the button with the code symbol and paste the direct link from the browser address bar into the field that appears.

The most popular blogging engine, WordPress, also has its own peculiarities of using embed content: not all codes work on it. Therefore, a number of services for WordPress offer specially optimized options. If they are not there, and the standard code does not work, most likely, you can find a special plugin that is made specifically for this purpose by third-party developers.

Finally, there are services - for example, wiki modules of some CMSs - that do not provide for the use of embed at all. This can be understood by the absence of switching to html and the corresponding buttons in the visual editor panel.

Embed and copyright

As a rule, user agreements of popular social networks and hosting contain clauses stating that they have the rights to use the posted content. This is a very important point.

Let's imagine that you want to illustrate your post about an event with photographs about it that are on Twitter, Instagram or other in social networks. If you simply copy them and upload them to a page on your website, you will be taking the copyrighted content without permission.

If you use an embed code instead, this will simply be a technical capability of the site, which was initially provided for by it. In addition, the element built into the page will have all its functions. For example, through links in a Twitter message, you can follow the author, retweet, and so on. The same applies to other popular services.

Window for embedding a post from Facebook

Thus, knowing what embed is is very important for any journalist or blogger, because it significantly expands his capabilities.

Disadvantages of Embed

When using borrowed objects on the pages of your sites, it is worth remembering some of the limitations and inconveniences associated with this.

First, embedded content is usually increases the time it takes to open a web page, since it is loaded from external resources. This is especially important when we are dealing with “heavy” multimedia formats. Loading speed, in turn, is a very important indicator for a website. If the page takes a very long time to open, you may simply lose a considerable percentage of your audience. Search engines don’t like this either, and in response they demote the resource for unoptimized content in search results.

Secondly, embed from some sites May be not available to user due to the inaccessibility of the service itself where you posted the information. There can be many reasons for this - for example, settings for access to sites made by the network administrator of the institution’s corporate network.

Third, embedded content may be blocked and at the level of the user device - for example, the display of some elements is affected by the use of Ad Block plugins in the browser or disabled Flash Player or Java Script. Some embed elements do not always look harmonious on screens either mobile devices.

The simplest option

Multimedia content- information that is transmitted simultaneously to different forms: sound, animated computer graphics, video sequence. Examples of such content are films, presentations, computer games, multimedia Internet resources. Main components:

Ø Text (txt,doc)

Ø Audio (mp3,wav)

Ø Images (jpg,png)

Ø Animation (gif)

Ø Video (mp4,mov)

Ø Interactivity - user participation in the process

An example of multimedia content can be given Podcasting(podcasting,broadcasting) - the process of creating and distributing audio or video files in the style of radio and television programs on the Internet (Internet broadcasting).

Podcast- a separate audio or video file, or a regularly updated series of such files, published on one Internet resource, with the possibility of subscription. The word "podcast" and the podcasts themselves modern form appeared only in the early 2000s. Several technologies contributed to their emergence:

Ø RSS is a format that allows you to easily broadcast content and subscribe to it on the Internet

Ø MP3 - audio file format

Ø iPod - media player from Apple.

Adam Curry is a former MTV VJ who created the world's first podcast, Daily Source Code. He recorded the first episode in his car, on the road from Belgium to Holland. The word “podcast” itself comes from a combination of the words “iPod” and “broadcasting.”

Podcast terminal is a site that supports the placement of media files, automates the placement of recordings and subscription to updates. It is a type of social media and is similar to the technology of video blogs and Internet radio.

Screencasting- a type of podcasting that allows you to transmit a video stream to a wide audience with a recording of what is happening on the user’s computer.

To create screencasts, they do not use web or video cameras, but special software.

Screencasting is also actively used in educational processes. It is widely used by students and teachers of schools, universities, and library staff.

Video hosting-a web service that allows you to download and view videos in a browser, for example through a special player. Online broadcasts on video hosting sites are called the slang word “Stream”.

1) Email service (, Outlook, Gmail…)

2) Video and audio conferencing service (Skype, ISQ...)

3) Database management system (MSAccess, 1C, FoxPro...)

4) Search engine (Yandex, Google, Sputnik...)

5) Video hosting (YouTube, Twitch…)

In the headings, include the name, official page and motto of the company. Describe briefly why and for whom this service is needed, you can add the history of its creation. Carefully consider the style of the brochure, add suitable images, “play around with fonts”

The work program of the professional module is part of educational program SPO in the preparation of qualified workers, employees and mid-level specialists 230103.02 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information, included in the enlarged group of profession 230000 Informatics and computer technology in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Storage, transmission and publication of digital information and related professional competencies (PC):

PC 2.1. Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

PC 2.2. Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

PC 2.3. Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

PC 2.4. Publish multimedia content on the Internet.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva

State budgetary professional educational institution

Republic of Tyva

"Tuva Polytechnic College"




Work program of the professional moduledeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Specialties vocational education(hereinafter referred to as SPO) 230103.02 Digital information processing master

Developer organization: State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Tyva “Tuva Polytechnic College”


Saryglar Dan - Khayaa Nikolaevna, master of industrial training,

Syrat Anai-Khaak Leonidovna, teacher of mathematics and computer science







“Storage, transmission and publication of digital information”

1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the professional module is part of the educational program of secondary vocational education in the preparation of qualified workers, employees and mid-level specialists 230103.02 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information, included in the enlarged group of profession 230000 Informatics and computer technology in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Storage , transmission and publication of digital information and related professional competencies (PC):

PC 2.4.

The work program of the professional module can be used in additional education and professional training of workers in the field of information and communication technologies if availablesecondary (complete) general education. No work experience required.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student during the development of the professional module must:

Have practical experience:

Digital information media library management;

Transfer and placement of digital information;

Replicating multimedia content on removable storage media;

Navigating through resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet;

Ensuring information security.

Be able to:

Connect peripheral devices and multimedia equipment to a personal computer and configure their operating modes;

Create and structure the storage of digital information in the media library of personal computers and servers;

Transfer and place digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storages of a local and global computer network;

Replicate multimedia content on various media;

Navigate Internet web resources using a web browser;

Create and exchange mail with email letters;

Publish multimedia content on various Internet services;

Perform data backup and recovery;

Carry out anti-virus protection of a personal computer using anti-virus programs;

Implement measures to protect personal data;

Maintain reporting and technical documentation.


purpose, types and functionality of programs for publishing multimedia content;

licensing principles and distribution models multimedia content;

regulatory documents on installation, operation and labor protection when working with a personal computer, peripheral equipment and computer office equipment;

structure, type of information resources and main types of services on the Internet;

main types of information security threats and means of information protection;

principles of anti-virus protection of a personal computer;

composition of measures to protect personal data.

total – 402 hours, including:

The maximum student workload is 174 hours, including:

the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 116 hours;

independent work of the student – ​​58 hours;

educational and industrial practice – 228 hours.

Educational practice – 108 hours, industrial (concentrated) practice – 120 hours.


The result of development work program professional module is the mastery by students of a type of professional activity Storage, transmission and publicationdigital information, including professional (PC) and general (GC) competencies:


Name of learning outcome

PC 2.1.

Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

PC 2.2.

Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

PC 2.3.

Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

PC 2.4.

Publish multimedia content on the Internet.

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in her.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK 3.

Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4.

Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6.

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 7.

Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).


3.1. Thematic plan of the professional moduleStorage, transmission and publication of digital information.

Professional competency codes

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

Amount of time allocated for mastering an interdisciplinary course(s)


Mandatory classroom teaching load of the student

Independent work of the student,






(if dispersed practice is provided)



incl. laboratory work and practical classes,


PC 2.1

Section 1. Technologies for storing and reproducing information

PC 2.3

PC 2.4

Section 2.

PC 2.2

Section 3. Security and information protection

Internship, hours


3.2. Contents of training for the professional module (PM) Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Names of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1.

Information storage and replication technology

MDK 02.01.

Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 1.1.

Introduction. Storage and structuring of information

Goals and objectives of the professional module being studied. Basic safety requirements when working with computers and peripheral devices. The concept of multimedia content. Types of publications (CD-, DVD-, Internet site, FTP)

Computer internal memory.

Programs for working with disks. Types and possibilities.

Concept, types and work with browser programs.

Data archiving. Archiver programs.

Information recovery and backup.

Practical lessons

Creating a personal computer media library.

Structuring the storage of information in the media library of a personal computer

Laboratory works

Creation of an electronic archive

Backing up and restoring information

Topic 1.3.

Methods for reproducing information

Replication of digital information. Licensing principles and distribution models for multimedia content.

Disk replication methods. Replication. Duplication. Replication of information on various media

Methods for duplicating information on digital media. Copying and reproducing information from a master disk on one or more media.

Technologies for transferring images to storage media.

Office equipment types of office equipment. Printing equipment.

Connecting peripheral devices and multimedia equipment to a personal computer. Setting up operating modes.

Laboratory works

Copying information from the master disk onto one or more media.

Recording information on CDs, DVDs.

Replication of information on paper. Printing digital information.

Working with peripheral devices and multimedia equipment of a personal computer.

Practical lessons

Independent work when studying section PM 02.

  1. Areas of application information technologies.
  2. Optical storage. Types and formats. Record
  3. Protection against copying information on disks.
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of floppy and hard drives.
  5. Advantages and disadvantages of RAM
  6. Development of optical storage media technologies.

Educational practice

Types of jobs

  1. Creating a media library. Structuring information.
  2. Creation of an electronic archive.
  3. Recording information on CD, DVDs. Working with a master disc. Performing information recovery.
  4. Working with office equipment. Setting up operating modes.

Section 2.

Technologies for transmission and dissemination of information

MDK 02.01

Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 2.1.

Global Internet as a means of communication

Computer networks. Types of networks. Access methods. Hardware. Clients and servers.

Computer network software.

Global Internet. Structure and types of information resources. Main types of services.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

  1. Working on the Internet: Communication. Custom products. Chats. Forums. Distance learning.

Topic 2.2.

Transfer and publication of digital information

Placing digital information on disk storage of a personal computer, as well as a global and local computer network.

Creating a website in the hypertext language HTML.

Working with a visual website editor. Program interface. Website creation.

Publishing multimedia content on various services on the Internet. Determining the goal. Choosing a domain name.

Network constructors. Capabilities and purpose.

Practical lessons

Creating a website in HTML

Creating a website using a visual website editor

Publication of the site. Promotion

Website development using a network builder

Practical lessons

Independent work when studying the PM section 2.

Systematic study of lesson notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters teaching aids, compiled by the teacher).

Preparation for laboratory work using methodological recommendations teacher, design laboratory work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Approximate homework topics

  1. Types and means of communication.
  2. File Transfer Services
  3. Law and ethics on the Internet.
  4. Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies
  5. Selection and systematization of information for the site
  6. Site design

Educational practice

Types of jobs

  1. Working on the Internet. Creation of electronic mailbox. Communication. Navigation through resources.
  2. Creating a website in HTML.
  3. Creating a website using a visual editor.
  4. Publication of the site. Website promotion
  5. Creating a website using online builders.

Section 4.

Information protection and security

MDK 02.01 Storage, transmission and publication of digital information

Topic 3.1. Protection and security of information.

The concept of “Information security”. Components of information security. Types of computer crimes.

Regulatory and legal foundations of information security of the Russian Federation. Information security methods. Physical methods protection.

Protection against computer viruses. Antivirus programs.

Protection of information in computer networks.

Licensing principles and distribution models. Commercial status of programs (Freeware, Shareware, Adware, comercialware)

License types (GNU, GPL, Openlicence). Multimedia content distribution models (Demo versions, Beta versions, OEM versions, boxed version (Retail or Box), Slim version, electronic versions.

General understanding of the regulatory documentation required when working with a PC; relieving tension with the help of special sets of exercises, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work.”

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Implementation of information protection in computer networks.

Protecting information in a Windows environment

Working with antivirus programs

Thesis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 “On the protection of intellectual property; copyright and related rights; protection of personal data"

Independent work when studying section PM 1.

Systematic study of lesson notes, educational and special technical literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher).

Preparation for laboratory work using the teacher’s methodological recommendations, preparation of laboratory work, reports and preparation for their defense.

Approximate topics of independent work

  1. Information security standards for distributed systems
  2. Information security standards in the Russian Federation
  3. classification of “information security” threats

Educational practice types of work

  1. Protection of confidential information
  2. Performing information protection in operating system Windows.
  3. Working with antivirus programs.

Final production practice for the module

Types of jobs:

1 Creating and structuring a personal computer media library

2. Digital media library management

3. Storage, backup and recovery of digital information

4. Transfer and placement of digital information

5. Replication of multimedia content on removable storage media

6. Publishing multimedia content on the Internet

7. Navigating resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services

8. Create and exchange mail to email letters

9. Create a website and publish it on the Internet

10. Publish multimedia content on various Internet services

11. Ensuring information security



4.1. Minimum logistics requirements

Implementation of the module program requires the presenceclassrooms:

1. Computer science and information technology;

2. Multimedia technologies;


Library, reading room.

Equipment for the classroom and classroom workplaces:

Computer desks for students;

Set of parts, tools, devices;

A set of technological documentation forms;

A set of educational and methodological documentation.

Technical training aids:

Personal computers for each office at least 12 pcs.

Server equipment;

Uninterruptible power supplies;

Interactive board;


Laser printer;

Color inkjet printer;


Multifunctional devices;

Digital video camera, photo camera, web camera;

Audio system;

External storage devices;

The local network;

Access to the global Internet.

Equipment and technological equipment of workplaces:

Computers, the local network, access to the global network, safety briefing magazine, textbooks, brochures.

The implementation of the module program involves mandatory educational practice, which is recommended to be carried out in a dispersed manner. It also requires mandatory concentrated industrial practice.

4.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

  1. Mikheeva E.V. Information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 12th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-384 p.
  2. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 13th ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-256 p.
  3. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on computer science: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. – 12th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-192 p.
  4. Mogilev A.V., Pak N.I., Henner E.K. Informatics: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities / ed. E.K. Henner. – 8th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.-848 p.
  5. Mogilev A.V., Pak N.I., Henner E.K. Workshop on computer science: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities / ed. E.K. Henner. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2009.-608 p.
  6. Gokhberg G.S., Zafievsky A.V., Korotkin A.A. Information technology: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education. – 7th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 208 p.
  7. Strumpe N.V. Computer's operator. Practical work: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. – 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013.-112 p.
  8. Sapkov V.V. Information technologies and computerization of office work: a textbook for institutions beginning. prof. education. – 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011.-288 p.
  9. Fufaev E.V. Development and operation of remote databases: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education. – 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 256 p.

Additional sources:

  1. Sviridova M. Yu. Creating a presentation in PowerPoint: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 224 p.
  2. Sviridova M. Yu. Excel spreadsheets: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 144 p.
  3. Sviridova M. Yu. Information technologies in the office. Practical exercises: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. 6th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2013. – 320 p.

Internet resources:

1. Federal Center information and educational resources

4.3. General requirements to the organization of the educational process

Mastering the work program of the module is based on the study of general professional disciplines: Fundamentals of Information Technology, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Fundamentals of Electronics and Digital Circuitry, Occupational Health and Safety, Organizational Economics, Life Safety. The implementation of the module’s work program involves final (concentrated) production practice. Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of students’ training.

A prerequisite for admission to practical training within the framework of a professional module is the development of educational practice and interdisciplinary courses “Technology for creating and processing digital multimedia information” and “Technology for publishing digital multimedia information”.

When conducting practical classes, depending on the complexity of the topic being studied and technical conditions, it is possible to divide the study group into subgroups of at least 10 people.

In preparation for the final certification of the module, consultations are organized.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses): availability of secondary vocational or higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the module “Storage, transmission and publication of digital information”» and the profession “Master of Digital Information Processing”.

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff supervising practice.

Industrial training masters must have 1–2 grades higher in their profession than those provided for by the educational standard for graduates. Experience in relevant organizations professional sphere is mandatory for teachers responsible for students’ mastery of the professional cycle. Teachers and masters must undergo internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.



(mastered professional competencies)

PC 2.1. Create media libraries for structured storage and cataloging of digital information

Creating and structuring a personal computer media library

- Digital media library management

Storage, backup and recovery of digital information

Current control in the form:


PC 2.2. Manage the placement of digital information on the disks of a personal computer, as well as disk storage on a local and global computer network.

Transfer and placement of digital information;

Publishing multimedia content on the Internet.

Ensuring information security.

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

PC 2.3. Replicate multimedia content on various removable storage media.

Replication of multimedia content on removable storage media;

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

PC 2.4. Publish multimedia content on the Internet.

Navigating resources, searching, entering and transmitting data using Internet technologies and services;

Create and exchange mail with email letters;

Publish multimedia content on various Internet services

Current control in the form:

Defense of laboratory classes;


Tests on the topics of the MDC;

Tests for sections of the professional module.

Forms and methods for monitoring and assessing learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that support them.


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluation

OK1.Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

Demonstration of interest in a future profession

OK2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK3.Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

Solving standard and non-standard professional problems

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK4.Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks

Searching for the necessary information to solve a given professional task;

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK5.Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Solving atypical professional problems using independently found information;

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK6.Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers

Interaction with students, teachers and masters during training;

Perform duties in accordance with the role in the group;

Solving situational problems related to the use of professional competencies.

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student’s activities in the process of mastering the educational program.

Internet technologies

Introduction. History of the creation and development of information resources and Internet technologies. Review of Internet capabilities.

History of the creation and development of information resources and Internet technologies. First trip to the Internet. Computer telecommunications – functional classification. Types of computer networks. Classification and description of services provided by computer networks. Local networks.

Internet topology

TCP/IP protocol family. Domain name system – DNS.

Internet connection

Requirements for PC hardware, methods of connecting to the Internet. Units of measurement of information and speed of information transfer. Specifications means of transmitting and receiving information. Speed ​​of receiving information by the user Review of providers Perm region and connection technologies.

Browser Basics

Effective work with the browser (using hot keys). Bookmarks. Favorites. Working with multiple windows. Saving information. View settings.

Searching for information on the Internet.

What is a search server. Review of the features of the currently most effective search servers (classification of information retrieval systems). Creating simple and complex queries. Examples of professional requests. Test.

Working with email and mail programs.

How email works. Receive a free postal address. Creating, sending and receiving letters. Rules of good manners when writing letters. Outlook Express program. Working window. Basic commands. Fighting viruses in e-mail. The address book. Black list. Creating groups. Electronic signature. Setting up a mail service. Additional options for creating letters. Attaching files to letters.

Working in FTP.

What is FTP. FTP search. Review of FTP client programs. Obtaining, setting up and working with Сuteftp.

Internet conferences.

Review of various conferences. What is USENET. Connecting to conferences. Effective techniques for working with conferences.

Antivirus programs

Protecting PCs and computer networks from external threats. Possible methods restoring the operation of an infected PC.

Basics of office technology

Word processor (creating complex documents from templates, reviewing, scanning, etc.)


Basic concepts. Rules for filling out spreadsheets, using the cell autofill function. Construction of charts and graphs. Using standard functions in ET, performing calculations using fixed references to cells. Filtering, sorting data. Protection of sheets, cells. Implementing form controls.


The concept of a DBMS, a relational database, its elements (records, fields, keys; field types and formats). Database normalization. Preparing the database (creating tables), generating queries. Creation of forms and reports in the database.

Preparation of presentation materials.

Using PowerPoint capabilities in the educational process. Preparation of presentations using the example of PowerPoint, using hyperlinks within the document, communication with external documents. Save presentations as a demo file.

Preparation of multimedia content for publication on the Internet

Tools for working with graphic information.

How a computer draws. Vector and raster graphics. Graphic file formats used on the Internet. Graphic editor. Graphic editor CorelDraw.

Graphic editor PhotoShop

Demonstration of main features. Window interface. Windows and toolbars, saving, viewing, editing files. Screen scaling and control. Selection tools and techniques. Drawing tools. Color selection. Color palettes. Methods for determining color. Solid fill tools. Retouching tools. Fine layers. Working with “layered” images. Main types of filters and methods of their application. Scan text and graphics. Optimizing files for WEB. Test.

Table of contents

Individual task

7. Development of a catalog of information resources


Individual task


Speciality: 230115 Programming in computer systems


professional module4 Carrying out work one at a time working profession"Operator of electronic computers and computing machines" for 2nd year student 24 groups

FULL NAME.Jarjishova Ashrafa Ibrahim oglu

Practice base of State Public Institution SO ChPTsDIPOV "Nadezhda"

Type of professional activity

Types of jobs

(from the practice program)

Performing work in one working profession “Operator of electronic computers and computers”

1. Complete safety training

3. Develop a database of students for the summer period

4. Create graphical applications for the GKU SO practice base

ChPTsDIPOV "Nadezhda" for the purpose of posting them on the Internet

Description of the work progress

1. Characteristics of the practice base

Base : GKU SO CHPTsDIPOV "Nadezhda"

Address: Samara region , Chapaevsk, st. Yaroslavskaya, 9

Telephone: 89270190924

Supervisor: Silantieva Anna Petrovna

Structural model: organizational chart of the institution (Appendix 1)

Technical base:

Intel processor Pentium 4 2.4GHz, RAM 512Mb, HDD 40Gb, integrated video/audio, discrete local network 100Mb/s, 4 USB on the rear panel, CD-ROM, card reader with USB on the front panel power supply unit 350W.

Trainee's workplace:

2.Safety briefing

Task No. 2

Complete safety and health training.


At an instructive meeting on industrial practice, instructions were given on labor protection and safety precautions when working with computer equipment. An individual assignment has been received. A package of documents for industrial practice has been compiled: a diary, instructions on the structure of the diary and report, certification and evaluation sheets, a characterization form.

Figure 1 Safety briefing

3.Job responsibilities of a system administrator

Task No. 3

Explore job responsibilities system administrator


During the practical training, familiarization with the responsibilities of a system administrator was completed.

General position ( Appendix 2)

Job responsibilities and rights of the system administrator. (Appendix 3)

4.Converting files with digital information into various formats

Task No. 4

Converting media files to various formats, exporting and importing files into various editor programs.


Free Audio Converter is a program for converting to mp3 format. It is included in the free Free Studio multimedia software package and supports the following audio files:

Mp3;Wav;Acc;M4a, m4b;Wma;Ogg;Flac;Ra, ram;Amr;Ape;MkaTta;


CUsing Free Audio Converter you can convert your original audio file to mp3 format.

    Download and install the multimedia software package .

    Launch Free Studio and select “MP3 AND AUDIO” in the main menu (Fig. 2)

Figure 2 Main menu of the program

    In the second level menu, click on the “Free Audio Converter” item. The converter will start (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 Second level menu

    In the main converter window at the top there is a list of files to be converted. Initially it is empty. Let's add one file to it, for example in WAV format. To do this, click on the “Add files...” button (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 Converter main menu

    In the window that opens, select the source file by selecting the desired file and clicking the “Open” button. The source file format can be any of those listed above in the article (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 Selecting source file

    Our task is to convert the file into MP3 format, so we set it in the “Formats” field in the lower left corner of the main window of the Free Audio Converter program (Fig. 6).

Figure 6 Formats

Then you can change the folder in which the converted file will appear, click on the ellipsis in the “Save in” field, and set the conversion quality in the field below. By default, the highest quality of the output mp3 file is determined - Lame Insane Quality MP3.

    To start the file conversion process, click on the “Convert” button. A progress window will be displayed, but the actual conversion of the audio file should take place within a few seconds (Fig. 7).

Figure 7 Progress window

Once the conversion is complete, you will be notified that the process is complete. To go to the received MP3 file, click on the open folder icon in the conversion process window (Fig. 8).

Figure 8 Jump to result

5. Creation of the final product (slide show, electronic presentation, video)

    Creating a slide show on the topic of an individual assignment

Task No. 5.

Prepare demonstration material (slide show) on the topic “Great Mathematicians”


5.1 Slideshow

Slide show - video clip,formed from photographs. In the classical sense, a slide show consists of photographs with spectacular transitions between pictures and is accompanied by a pleasantmusic. But a modern slide show is not photographs with music. This is a film that is actually created from photographs, but operates with the laws of cinema. Creating a modern slide show requires a meaningful plot, subject to laws logic ; correct joining of adjacent plans, careful work with sound. Therefore, a good slide show does not just show photographs, but conveys the holistic atmosphere of viewing photographs.

1.Select photos:

Figure 9 Photo selection

Figure 10 Selecting a save destination and saving to the “Let’s go” button

3.Start the recording process

Figure 11 Recording process

We are waiting for the process to complete (at the end, you can check the box so that the folder with the source file, i.e. your slide show, will automatically open).

5.2 Electronic presentation

The process of creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint consists of actions such as choosing an overall design, adding new slides and their contents, choosing slide layouts, changing the design of the slides if necessary, changing the color scheme, applying different design templates, and creating effects such as animation effects when slide shows.

Figure 12 Title slide

Figure 13 Final slide

5.3 Video

The first video clips in the format of short films to music appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but they really developed in the 1960s at the BBC. With the spread of television, music videos have become an important part of artist promotion. Previously, fans could see their idols mainly at concerts and photographs. Now it has become as important for pop music performers to shoot high-quality and original video clips as to perform live. The most important event In the history of the music video, the MTV channel appeared in 1979, which polished the modern culture of the video clip.

Figure 14 Still from a video clip

6. Processing audio and visual content using sound, graphic and video editors

Task No. 6

Process audio, visual and multimedia content using specialized editor programs


Sound - physical phenomenon, which is a distribution in the formelastic wavesmechanical vibrations in a solid, liquid or gaseous medium.

Digital audio - analog coding sound signal as a bit sequence.

In everyday life, we often come across digital sound, which is presented in the form of audio files, be it a song or a speech by a presenter on television.

There is a set of programs for working with digital sound, among which it is worth notingAdobeAudition, SoundForge, FlStudio. As I completed my internship and developed an individual assignment, I used the programSoundForge.

Program Sound Forge

Sound Forge - Professional tool for complete and comprehensive editing of audio files. Allows you to create and edit sound files very quickly and with high accuracy, creating a master copy from raw and unprocessed sound.

Drawing 15 Processing of audio information

During the internship, this program was used to record and edit audio files on an individual assignment.

Sound recording. Microphone and sound card settings

Recording sound is only possible using special software and peripheral devices such as a microphone. To work with audio recording I usedGenius MIC-01A Silverconnected to sound cardRealtekHD.

Drawing 17 Recording audio information

The sound was recorded by the programAudacity, equipped with everything necessary for this operation. Recorded sound is presented in the presentation.

Removing noise and distortion from audio recordings.

Noise is one of the most pressing problems encountered in audio processing. Noise is a natural phenomenon.

Figure 18. Removing noise in the programAudacity

    Development of a catalog of information resources

Task No. 7

Development of a database about students for the summer period


Calling the programAccess. To do this, double-click on the iconMicrosoftAccess; PA window of the database management system opens in front of us, in which a menu will appear.

Turn on the switch with the mouse "Open database», Select the name of our database from the list of databases located below the switch and click on the OK button. A window with the main elements of the database will appear on the screen.

    Select the table name.

    Press the [ keyDelete].

    When asked to confirm deleting a table, we answer “Yes».

    Select the tab "Table», if we are in another window.

    Click on the button "Create». The window shown in (Fig. 19) will appear.

Rice. 19 New table

We leave "Table mode"and click on the OK button. An empty table will appear, the fields of which are not defined and have no name. The field type will be selected automatically depending on the information entered.

Let's rename "Field 1». Fields 1» . Execute the command "». Study group» and press the [ keyEnter].

Let's rename "Field 2». To do this, place the cursor in any cell of the column “Fields 2». Execute the command "Format - Rename Column». The column name cell will be highlighted. Enter the field name "Teacher» and press the [ keyEnter].

Save the table with the name "Groups», by clicking the button - « Save». We answer the question about creating a key field in the negative.

Let's go to the "Constructor» by clicking the button , and let's see how the fields are set. Let's make a field "Study group» key by placing the cursor on the name of this field and clicking on the button - « Key field». Field data type "Study group"set it as numeric by selecting it with the mouse from the drop-down list.

Click on the button - « Save». Close the table (when saving the table, questions will not appear, since the table name has already been specified).

Figure 20 DB title page

8.Publishing multimedia content on the Internet

Task No. 8

Posting information content on the Internet; place one of the developed information products on Internet services. Describe placement technology


To begin with, in order to post a video on the Internet, you need to register or log in to some resource, in my case I choseYoutube .

1) After we have logged in with our login, we click add video in (Fig. 22) this is shown.

Figure 22 Adding a video

2) Click the “Select files to upload” button (Fig. 23)

Figure 23 selecting a file to download

3) Select the file to download. My file is called “Slideshow on the topic system units» Click on it and press the “Open” button. (Fig. 24)

Figure 24 Specifying the file storage location

4) Wait for the file to be processed and click the “Publish” button. (Fig.25)

Figure 25 Publishing a file

Figure 26 Launching a video file Conclusion

On the basis of the State Institution SO ChPTsDIPOV "Nadezhda" an internship was carried out from 05/26/2014 to 06/21/2014.

The purpose of the practice was to master the type of professional activity: Perform work in one working profession “System administrator”.

During the introductory lesson, I received a safety briefing and was given a practice assignment.

The tasks were of this type:

    Complete safety training

    Learn the job responsibilities of a system administrator

    Develop an automated system for registering children-pupils kindergarten"Hope"

    Create graphic applications - advertising pictures of an educational institution - and organize them on the Internet

During the internship, I became familiar with the capabilities of the programs(Microsoft Office package),in which all practical work was carried out.

When performing practical tasks, technical literature and Internet resources were used. Every day I filled out a practice diary.

When preparing the report and completing the task, I used literature from the Internet and various manuals on the basics of computer science, music on a PC, video editing on a PC.

The goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved.

List of sources and literature

a) basic literature:

    Vovk E. T. Computer science: lessons on Flash. M.: KUDITS-OBRAZ, 2012.

    Vybegalov A. A. Video editing on PC. M.: Aquarium-Print, K.: House of Printing-VYATKA, 2009.

    Zalogova L.A. Workshop on computer graphics. M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2012.

    Leontyev V. P., Prokoshev I. V. Digital photo studio on a computer. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2011.

b) additional literature:- MS PowerPoint
