Krasnodar region

Founding history
Sochi national park- one of the very first parks created in our country. It was founded in 1983 with the goal of preserving and restoring natural complexes and objects of high environmental, scientific and recreational value. Its area is about 194 thousand hectares.
Sochi National Park – perfect place for ecotourism thanks to unique for our country climatic conditions, biological and landscape diversity, the uniqueness of many natural objects.

Physiographical features
The national park is located in the northwestern part of the Greater Caucasus, on its Black Sea slope. The terrain of the territory is mountainous, highly dissected.
Total by territory national park 40 rivers and streams flow through the area, the longest being the Mzymta, Shakhe, and Psou. On rivers and streams there is a large number of waterfalls and canyons: Bezymyanny (72 m) on the Psou River, Orekhovsky (33 m) on the right tributary of the Sochi River at the confluence of the Bezumenki stream.
The park contains interesting karst formations, the famous Vorontsov and Akhun caves.
The subtropical climate of the territory is characterized by warm and mild winters and hot summers. average temperature air changes with altitude and movement from north to south. Average temperatures on the northern part of the coast in January are about +5ºС, in July +23ºС, and at an altitude of 2000 m (Circassian Pass) -5ºС and +12ºС.

Diversity of flora and fauna
The most widespread forests in the park are dominated by eastern beech. Its silver-gray trunks reach 50 meters in height! Oak plantations occupy about a quarter of the forested area and are located mainly on the dry and warm southern slopes of the mountains. Only in the Caucasus natural conditions growing chestnut (European), which is a relict species.
Boxwood plantings are very picturesque: a lace of small, black-green, glossy boxwood foliage and fluffy hanging everywhere from the trunks and branches, long, like beards fairy-tale heroes, moss gives the forest a fantastic look of a green kingdom.
This territory, like the entire Caucasus, is rich in very rare and valuable species. Common fig, Caucasian lily, Caucasian lily, Caucasian lily, Lipsky tulip, and orchid species found here are listed in the Red Book of Russia: orchids: orchid aquiferous, anakamptis pyramidalis, purple orchis and many others.
The fauna of the national park includes about 70 species of mammals: brown bear, deer, lynx, Caucasian and European roe deer, marten, otter and others.
The most rare and valuable species of animals are listed in the International Red Book. These are the Caucasian cross, the Aesculapian snake and the Caucasian viper.

What to watch
Dozens of tourist routes pass through the territory of the national park, many of which have a long history. They include visits to the Agursky and Orekhovsky waterfalls, Mount Akhun, Vorontsovsky caves, Akhshtyrsky and Khostinsky canyons.
And you can’t help but visit the Narzan springs, the Mamedovo Gorge, the archaeological monument “Dolmen”, the Volokon Gorge, and speleological routes through numerous caves.

Based on materials from and

Relaxing on the beach is great. But what if you are offered to supplement it with a trip to the picturesque corners of the sunny Krasnodar region? And will they also tell you in great detail about all the nuances and interesting things? Meet Sochi National Park: photos and descriptions of how to get there from Sochi and Adler on your own. Show us at least one person whom communication with living nature will leave indifferent. And if you do find it, take it to this amazing place.

Sochi National Park is a specially protected state natural area. Its history began in 1983, when the need arose to create a place capable of preserving the unique species of animals and plants of the Caucasus. But in addition to valuable specimens from the world of flora and fauna, more than a hundred historical and cultural monuments were discovered here, from completely different eras! Dolmens, tombs, burial mounds, ancient settlements and sites of nomadic tribes, ruins of fortresses and temples. A whole open-air museum.

In March 2018, a decision was made to merge the Sochi National Park and the Caucasus National Park biosphere reserve; the new structure would be called " Reserved Caucasus" For unknown reasons, Sochi National Park was never finally annexed to the reserve. But this will not affect ordinary people in any way. In addition, the national park is replenished with new exhibits every year. And you have every opportunity to see them!


The animals of the Sochi National Park received their enormous diversity thanks to their favorable location, at the junction of Europe and Asia, and the fertile conditions of the region. There are at least 70 different species of animals here, including Brown bear, bison, Caucasian forest cat, marten, chamois, etc. So valuable rare species, like the griffon vulture, are listed in the Red Book.

Most mammals are forced to leave their usual habitat during the breeding season. This is how they find food and reliable shelter from bad weather and voracious predators. It is noteworthy that their main migration routes coincide with the most convenient routes of movement for humans - along the main Caucasus ridge and along large rivers.

Leopards in Sochi National Park

The Center for Breeding and Rehabilitation of the Central Asian Leopard is the first specialized center of its kind for breeding large predators in Russia. Massive poaching in the mid-20th century brought this subspecies to the brink of extinction. Now a program to restore the leopard population is being implemented in the Sochi National Park. The Center's specialists do everything possible to preserve this unique animal. And their efforts are not in vain. Over 10 years of work, 14 kittens were born, and the first grown-up leopards were released in 2016 wildlife, where they managed to successfully settle down.

The Center itself is closed to the public, but you still have the opportunity to see these rare animals via an online broadcast on the park's main website.


Vegetable world It is distinguished by a large number of endemics and relics. Most of the territory of the national park is covered with forests. Oriental beech, Armenian oak, alder, European chestnut... And also fir, spruce and pine. Amazing variety!

What is protected in Sochi National Park? Plants such as Caucasian lily, Otran bell, Staphylea Colchis and other 56 species. Almost all of them are strictly forbidden to collect, and only the collection of medicinal plants is carried out, but strictly with permission and under careful supervision.

– part of the Sochi National Park; Rare species also grow on its slopes: the berry yew, nicknamed “mahogany” for the corresponding color of the wood, and the evergreen boxwood, which is particularly durable. The plants there have antibacterial properties, so a walk under the shady trees will be not only pleasant, but also useful.


What interesting things can you see there? The real Berendey kingdom, the Byzantine temple, a gorgeous panorama from the view tower on Mount Bolshoy Akhun. There are also many waterfalls, gorges, caves and mountain bowls.

Visitors are often tormented by the question: Are the Sochi National Park and the Arboretum the same thing? Partly, yes, because in 2012 it was included in the Sochi National Park, and is now one of its attractions.

What is an outing into nature without a cozy gathering around the fire, toasted slices of bread with meat and soulful songs? But in the reserve itself, of course, it is forbidden to light a fire and make excessive noise. We advise you to go to a recreation center, which, moreover, is located not far from Sochi - “”, located in the Kepshinsky forestry of the Sochi National Park.


The waterfalls of the Sochi National Park can confidently be called a work of art. Judge for yourself! The Dragon's Mouth or Glubokiy Yar is one of the largest waterfalls in Adler. “Miracle Beauty” is a waterfall that received such a gentle name for the crystal shade of the water and the picturesqueness of this corner. “Girl's tears,” sad, with a touch of romance, flow down directly from the thickness of the stone rock in many thin streams. But to better appreciate this magnificence, take a look at the photos of the waterfalls of the Sochi National Park.

Canyons and gorges

No less fascinating natural complexes– canyons and gorges. Canyon Psakho, in which a stream, sandwiched between two rocks, bypassing them, forms a large bowl. The Agur Gorge is not just lifeless stone walls, but a riot of colors and an intoxicating aroma. Crab Gorge, on the way to which there are the Font of Mermaids and the Font of Adam, the Karst Canyon and the Canyon of Desires. And if you visit the Navalishchensky Canyon, then after going a little further, you will find an excellent place for swimming.


In these parts there is one of the longest caves in Russia - Vorontsovskaya. And in addition to numerous underground halls and galleries, an interesting discovery was made here. Researchers stumbled upon sites ancient man, and also found the bones of... a cave bear! The Akhshtyrskaya Cave is not far behind in terms of ancient artifacts found. Here there were things that could satisfy the most inquisitive and tireless archaeologists in their work: from household items to primitive weapons.

For environmental education, go straight to the “Museum of Nature,” which was once created on the basis of the park’s scientific department.

The small museum has only two halls, but every centimeter of it is imbued with history and valuable information. In the first hall you will be told about the history of the Sochi National Park, in the second – about the nature of the Caucasus. The impressive entomological collection with dried insects, herbariums, and mineral collections attracts attention. For convenience, the entire museum exhibition is divided into climatic zones. A must visit for young naturalists and their inquisitive parents!

Routes for tourists

A huge number of routes of varying difficulty levels run through the territory of the national park. Some of them can be overcome on foot, others - on horseback, and some can only be conquered by rock climbers and mountaineers.

For beginner tourists, the ideal option would be one-day routes: Yew-boxwood grove, climbing to the top of the Stone Pillar, Agur waterfalls and Eagle rocks, 33 waterfalls, Vorontsov caves, Svanidze waterfalls.

Experienced tourists can test their strength on multi-day hikes. The Bzerpinsky cornice, Malaya Laba and Aishkho pass are very popular.

Think you're not ready for solo hikes? Use the services of tour operators. They will help you choose a suitable excursion that will never make you fall asleep.

  1. The area of ​​Sochi National Park is 1,937 km².
  2. There is not a single hotel for tourists on its entire territory.
  3. Within the park, 251 species of vertebrate animals (except fish) have been recorded.
  4. About 40 rivers flow, 103 waterfalls roar.
  5. There are 200 caves.
  6. Subtropics and highland areas converge at one point, thanks to which in a few hours of walking you can see snow-capped cliffs, alpine meadows, and lush subtropical forest.

Ticket price 2019

  • Excursion through the territory of the Sochi National Park with a guide – 200 rubles;
  • Visit to the Arboretum park - 250 rubles for adults, 120 rubles for children from 7 to 14 years old;
  • Visiting the park Southern cultures» – 250 rubles for adults, 120 rubles for children from 7 to 14 years old;
  • Monthly subscription to visit the Arboretum park and the Southern Cultures park – 2,500 rubles;
  • Visit to the “Museum of Nature” – 100 rubles + additional fee for guide services (100 rubles);

Services are also provided to create the necessary conditions for photo sessions, costing from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the selected locations.

People belonging to the preferential category of the population are exempt from visiting fees.

How to get to Sochi National Park from Sochi and Adler on your own

The Federal State Budgetary Institution Sochi National Park is listed at the address Sochi, Kurortny Prospekt, 74.

The territory of the Sochi National Park stretches along the entire coast and consists of 3 main groups: Lazarevsky, Central and Adler districts. They, in turn, are divided into 15 forest districts.

How to get there, how to get there? This can be done in the following ways:

  • by private car, traveling along the A-147 highway. All major facilities are located close to this transport route;
  • on public transport;
  • traveling with excursion groups on a tourist bus.

“Sochi National Park” - all tourists who traveled to natural objects in the Greater Sochi area. Many of us are perplexed: “What national park? What a special feature." So here it is

1. Sochi State Natural National Park appeared in 1983 and was practically the first national park in Russia. Long before this, since 1870, the Sochi forestry existed. It included the Sochi and partially Velyaminovskoe (now Tuapse district) departments of the Black Sea District. The forestry was engaged in collecting and planting seeds, issuing permits for hunting, catching birds and animals, and was engaged in logging and sale of timber.

By 1915, the area of ​​the Sochi forestry was 114,745 acres.

2. In November 1995 Sochi State Natural National Park was renamed Sochi National Park.

3. The area of ​​the park is 93,000 hectares - there are mountains and a narrow strip of foothills.

4. The park includes 15 forest districts, the Arboretum and Southern Cultures parks, the leopard reintroduction center and the Azovsky reserve.

5. About 40 rivers flow, 103 waterfalls roar.

6. There are 1,500 species of native higher plants, and only 164 species are classified as trees, shrubs, subshrubs and lianas, and all the rest are classified as herbaceous plants.

7. 51 plant species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The most famous of them are 2 types of snowdrops, yew berry, Colchis boxwood, and Caucasian lily.

8. There are 80 species of mammals, about 120 species of birds, 17 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians, 21 species of fish.

9. 15 species of animals are included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, including the leopard and the Caucasian viper.

10. On the territory of the park there is significant amount karst massifs, with about 200 caves. The most famous are the Vorontsovskaya and Nazarovskaya caves.

11. 114 historical and cultural monuments were found - these are sites of ancient people, settlements, dolmen structures, well-shaped tombs, remains of fortresses, temples, burial mounds, and a sacrificial stone.

12. The entire territory of the national park is divided into 5 zones. The largest zone of regulated recreational use is 86,683 hectares, which is 44.7% of the entire territory. The smallest zone for economic purposes- 3453 hectares (1.8%). But the zone, which is called the visitor service area, totals 13,031 hectares (6.7%).

13. There are no industrial activities taking place on the territory of the national park.

14. All tourists are required to pay a fee for entering the park.

15. In March 2018, the protected areas were to be united into a new structure - the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Caucasus" ("United Directorate of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and Sochi National Park").

Now we can say with confidence that the Sochi National Park is not an invention of bureaucrats. This is a unique territory that needs to be preserved for posterity.

This is interesting

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In 1870 it was organized Sochi forestry. Initially, it included the lands of the Sochi and, to some extent, Velyaminovsky departments, in the Black Sea district. If we talk about the administrative side, the Sochi forestry was subordinate to the Department of State Property in the city of Yekaterinodar.

The forestry included management and nine state-owned dachas: Muravyovskaya, Golovinskaya, Tsarskaya, Adlerskaya, Lazarevskaya, Kubanskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Velyaminovskaya and Makopsinskaya.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the forestry included only five dachas: Kubanskaya, Adlerskaya, Muravyovskaya, Tsarskaya and Golovinskaya. Their total area was 152,379 acres. The size of the convenient forest area was equal to 133,256 acres.

In 1915, due to the transition to private ownership and economic development of the coast, the territories served by the forestry decreased - from now on they amounted to 114,745 acres. The main goals of the forestry included the following: land surveying, as well as their description, leasing and sale.

In addition to the above-mentioned functions, the forestry was involved in organizing various measures to protect the forest, selling forests and logging, issuing permits for trapping animals and birds, hunting, and supervised the organization of settlements and colonization of the entire coast.

In 1983, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 5, 1983 No. 2146, the Sochi State Natural National Steam j. The main task of the park was the following: to preserve and restore natural complexes that have special historical, economic, and aesthetic value and to use them for scientific, recreational, cultural and educational purposes.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1995 No. 990, as well as by order general director Sochi State Natural National Park dated November 15, 1995 No. 158, the park was renamed to.

Climate, relief and general information of Sochi National Park

, with a total area of ​​1,937.37 km², is located in the northwest Greater Caucasus, on a slope near the Black Sea. There are mountains in the protected area, as a result of which the local terrain is highly dissected.

Total within territorial limits Sochi Park About 40 streams and rivers flow through the area, the longest among them being Shakhe, Psou, Mzymta. There are a considerable number of canyons and waterfalls on streams and rivers: Orekhovsky waterfall is located on the right tributary of the Sochi River, at the confluence of the Bezumenki stream and Bezymianny - on the Psou River. In the park you can see interesting karst formations: the famous Akhunsky and Vorontsovsky caves.

The park is dominated by subtropical climate, which is characterized by hot summers and mild warm winter. The average air temperature depends on altitude and will change as you move from north to south. On the northern part of the coast, the average daily temperature in January is about +5ºС, and in July reaches +23ºС. At the Circassian Pass, the height of which is equal to 2000 meters - -5ºС and +12ºС.

Sochi National Park and its vegetation

Most of the territories Sochi National Park occupy forests dominated by oriental beech. The silver-gray trunks of these trees reach a height of 50 meters! About a quarter of the area covered by forest is occupied by oak plantations. These territories are located mainly on warm and dry southern mountain slopes. Only in the Caucasus can one admire the common (European) chestnut in natural conditions, which is one of the relict species. The boxwood plantings are incredibly picturesque.

Like the entire Caucasus, this territory is rich in valuable and very rare species. IN Red Data Book of the Russian Federation included Caucasian lily, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Caucasian kandyk, Ophrys aquiferous, Lipsky tulip, common fig, as well as different kinds orchids such as orchis purpurea and many others.

Sochi National Park and its fauna

The national park is inhabited by typical representatives alpine And mountain forest Caucasian fauna. In total, the park is home to about 70 species of mammals. In the territory alpine meadows you can meet the West Caucasian tur Severtsov, chamois, Caucasian red deer, snow vole, Promethean mouse. Birds include snowcock, Caucasian black grouse, pipit, griffon vulture warbler and others.

Typical inhabitants of the forest belt are brown bear, roe deer, wolf, wild boar, wildcat, fox, squirrel, brown hare, marten, badger, lynx. The most valuable and rare species are included in the International Red Book, among them: the Caucasian viper, the Aesculapian snake, and the Caucasian cross.

Goals and objectives

To the main goals that it is designed to fulfill , include the following:

  1. Preserve natural complexes, unique and reference natural areas and objects.
  2. Keep valuable objects history and culture.
  3. Environmentally educate the population.
  4. Create conditions for healthy recreation in natural natural conditions, as well as for regulated tourism.
  5. Develop and implement scientific methods, which will contribute to the conservation of unique natural complexes in conditions of recreational use.
  6. Carry out environmental monitoring.
  7. Restore damaged natural, as well as cultural and historical complexes and objects.
  8. To develop scientific, technical, information and cultural cooperation with protected areas of Russia, with foreign countries, other enterprises, institutions and organizations in accordance with the tasks and goals of the national park.
  9. Protect, protect and reproduce forests, guided by the principles of preserving the biological diversity of forest ecosystems, sustainable forest management, increasing the resource and environmental potential of the forests of the Sochi National Park.

A visit to the Sochi National Park is an excellent option for those who do not intend to spend their entire vacation by the sea. On the one hand, this is also communication with living nature, on the other hand, it is a diverse leisure from hiking or horseback riding to rock climbing. Today in our review we will tell you about the main attractions of the park, what to look for, what is definitely worth seeing, how to get there, where to start. You can visit Sochi National Park either independently or with a tour. Which option is more convenient for you is up to you to decide, it depends on individual characteristics and wishes. During our review, we will tell you both about independent ways to get there and about interesting excursions that are held in these places.

Sochi National Park: structure

Sochi National Park is one of the first national parks in Russia. The park extends from the borders of the Tuapse region to the borders of Abkhazia, there is a place tropical forests, snow-capped peaks, rivers, waterfalls, canyons and gorges, caves and historical monuments. The territory of the Sochi National Park consists of 3 large groups - Lazarevskaya, Central and Adlerskaya, which in turn are divided into 15 forest districts. Throughout most of the park there are tourist routes, following which you can visit the main attractions of the place.

Sochi National Park: attractions

Sochi National Park consists of many natural and man-made attractions; we will tell you about some of them that are most popular among tourists and travelers.

Mount Akhun is located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi, and is very popular among tourists thanks to the observation tower and observation deck located on the top of Mount Bolshoi Akhun (height just over 600 m). The observation tower on the mountain was built at the beginning of the 20th century and made in romanesque style. IN good weather It offers stunning views all the way to Pitsunda. During the “high” season there are always a lot of tourists here; this is one of the most popular places in the Sochi National Park.

You can get there on your own to the Maly Akhun stop. Buses and minibuses go here from Adler and Central Sochi (105, 105с, 124с, 125, 125п, 125с). Next, walk along the standard ascent route. You can get there by car along the A-147 highway. But the most common option among tourists is organized bus excursions. An excursion to Mount Akhun is extremely common due to the popularity of the place, so you can book it at almost every local tourist office.

If you prefer to take care of excursions in advance, then similar excursions in this direction are offered. The advantage of these services is that any excursion can be selected and paid for online.

Sputnik8 offers a 5-hour excursion; the excursion includes guides and a tourist bus; the schedule of excursions and their cost can be found on the description page.

Tripster's private guide offers an excursion that includes a tour of the Agur waterfalls, Eagle Rocks and Mount Akhun. The tour is walking and individual. Duration – 4 hours.

Eagle Rocks

Eagle rocks are also located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi and stretch along the right bank of the Agura River near the Agur waterfalls. The shape of the rocks resembles an eagle’s head, they consist of limestone and sandstone, which is why the mountains received their second name “White Rocks”. The rocks are famous for their steep cliffs and panoramic platforms, which offer views of the mountain peaks of the Caucasus Mountains (including the famous Sugarloaf, Pseashkho, Chugush, etc.).

You can get to the rocks on your own. The route will look something like this: first you need to take a bus to the “Green Grove” or “Staraya Matsesta” stop, then walk to the main entrance (the walk will be uphill, lasting approximately 20-40 minutes, depending on your physical capabilities) . You can also cover this distance by car; there is a parking lot at the main entrance. Entrance to the territory is paid.

Tripster's private guide offers a personalized tour of the route. The excursion is walking (about 6 km), lasts from 4 to 5 hours, the price includes transfer from Adler, Central Sochi or Khosta.

Mount Fisht

Psaho Canyon

The Psakho canyons were formed near the river of the same name, and now the so-called “Psakho trail” operates here, which is considered one of the most picturesque among trekkers. Psaho canyons are divided into “wet” and “dry”. The “wet” canyon was formed by the stormy Psakho River, which either rapidly narrows or expands no less rapidly, forming seething streams and quiet calm backwaters. The “wet” canyon stretches for about 2 km. Along the route there are karst caves, waterfalls and natural pools.

The “dry” route lies nearby. It was formed during an earthquake and has been here ever since. deep canyon with grottoes in which stalactites are hidden. Both canyons are overgrown with boxwood, and in some places with dense tropical vines.

Getting here on your own is not easy. First you need to take bus number 131 to the village of Galitsino, then walk to the village of Lesnoye, to the left of which the Psakho trail starts.

Practical and eventful travels to you!