If you dreamed of jam, it means Carlson is flying to visit you! No, that doesn't mean it. Unfortunately, Carlson will definitely not arrive, but something similar could happen - a meeting, a party, perhaps even with goodies, a walk under the moon, wishes coming true and much more, both good and not so good. To find out the truth, try to remember what kind of jam you dreamed about and what you did with it.

Sweet dream

All dream books agree on one thing. If you eat jam in a dream, you are guaranteed love success in reality. And it doesn’t matter in this case what kind of jam. Otherwise, their interpretations sometimes differ.

Let's remember what jam is usually made from and find out what it means.

  • Currant. Surprisingly, some official will understand your problem and solve it right away. If there are no problems of this magnitude, then your financial situation, which is also good. The 21st century dream book believes that jam from black currant or an assortment of these berries warns of the arrival of guests.
  • Apple jam. Expect pleasant events in the near future. But it’s better to admire apple jam in reality; it is a sign of betrayal in a dream, says the Dream Book of the 21st century. Choose your social circle carefully, either you or your partner will not resist temptation.
  • Apricot. An almost unknown but nice person is preparing a gift for you. Perhaps a neighbor or fellow passenger from the minibus. Raspberries or strawberries can be added to the jam; this does not change the essence of the prediction.
  • Banana jam. They say this happens. Even if in reality you have never eaten it, if you see it in a dream, pay attention to your affairs; perhaps some should be abandoned immediately.
  • Quince jam. You think you are surrounded by insoluble problems, but in fact you just need to be more active in resolving the situation.
  • Raspberry. This jam promises a long and beautiful love with your own husband/wife. If you are still single, wedding is just around the corner. But if you saw a puddle of raspberry jelly in your dream, you may be disappointed in love.
  • Strawberry. Having eaten strawberry jelly in a dream, you will experience pleasure in reality, old Freud is sure. How could it be otherwise?
  • Cherry. Seedless - get ready for surprises and surprises. Jam with seeds warns of imminent disappointment in a loved one.
  • Blueberry. Many guests will come to your house.
  • Strawberry. The Eastern dream book prophesies the same thing, because the grains in strawberries are not much smaller than in blueberries. And in the East, as you know, family ties are not limited to a dozen.
  • Gooseberry jam. This delicacy promises a meeting with childhood friends. Such a dream will awaken long-dormant feelings in your soul.
  • Pear. The lunar dream book promises that you will soon sell something at a profit. Do you have one in mind?

For some reason, the Electronic Dream Book contradicts all of the above. He claims that eating jam in a dream, any kind of jam, means failure in love. He might be right though. If you didn’t understand the jam and didn’t understand what you ate, perhaps in life you’re just as bad at understanding people.

Would you like some jam?

We have dealt with the situation when you eat jam in a dream. But before you eat it, you need to cook it. You can treat someone, sell it, throw it away, but in the end the jam may not turn out. Let's see what jam means in dreams.

If in a dream you are simply looking at jam, it means that in reality you are busy with useless things. Something needs to change, otherwise life will pass you by. Seeing jam and doing nothing means wasting your life uselessly.

You're covered in jam and don't look your best. This suggests that your rating among friends may decrease, and you need to take action.

If you receive a jar of moldy jam, take a closer look at those around you. Most likely, you overestimate their disposition towards you. The jam is spoiling before your eyes - it's time to go on a diet. Your gastrointestinal tract sends SOS.

All night you diligently cooked the jam, but it was not digested, in general, it was not possible. This means that in reality your life will not change in the best way and you will have to give up your usual income. Another option: your jam is burnt, so much so that even in your sleep you can smell burnt sugar. Don’t start any new business in the morning and don’t make deals - you’ll definitely get burned. But if you have made wonderful jam, the Lunar Dream Book advises you to start something new without delay. Now is the time for this and you will easily achieve success.

The dream book “Food” has its own view of jam. Cooked from small berries - to tears, from fruits - to worries. Both do not promise a bright future. According to this dream book, you need to eat jam, then in reality some kind of profit awaits you. It is also useful to treat someone with jam in a dream; this will also bring good luck.

If you bought a jar of ready-made jam, get ready for the road; soon you will have the opportunity to make a pleasant trip.

Here is jam in a jar, not in a vase or on a saucer. So it's a little more difficult to get to. It’s the same in life. To achieve your plans, you will have to work hard. And if you don’t resist, but roll up your sleeves and move towards the goal, any of your ideas will come true.

How careless you are! The jam jar slipped out of my hands and broke! It doesn't matter, it's a dream. In fact, he predicts pleasant events that will soon happen.

You see several varieties of jam, and you want to try everything, then you are completely promiscuous, says old Freud. To which you can object - I want to, but I haven’t tried it, perhaps I just didn’t have time. Well, if you managed to empty all the vases before the end of the dream, draw your own conclusion. You risk damaging your health and ruining your relationships with others.

Whatever the dream book, ancient or modern, all its predictions are based on long-term observations of dreams and subsequent events. For example, the Dream Interpreter is sure that cooking jam in a dream means finishing work, and eating it means a new lover. And this does not contradict folk wisdom- done the job, walk safely!

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Dream Interpretation Jam

Jam, having a fairly thick consistency in nature, symbolizes concentrated energy. It personifies deep knowledge and experience. Pairs with the reserve of strength.

Dream symbolism

As usual, sweets in dreams are exclusively in a positive way, and mean pleasure, enjoyment, in other words, something pleasant. The type of raw material plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams. Dream books will indicate why you dream of jam.

If you dreamed about jam

Previous interpretations

Classic dream books do not differentiate the meaning of dreams about jam in terms of cooking or eating it by the dreamer. Interpretations of the plots promise a wonderful time and love encounters. Experts will tell you more about this.

Miller's Dream Book

A psychologist promises good luck in the love sphere by deciphering a dream about eating jam.

If you treated a friend, or even a stranger, to this delicacy, it promises new interesting acquaintances and a fun holiday with old and new friends.

A dream where you saw a delicacy in a jar on the table will tell you about small obstacles to the implementation of your plans.

If the jam was placed in a saucer, according to Miller, everything would turn out just fine.

A successful corporate party is foreshadowed by a dream where you had a meal with tea and jam.

Buying a jar of jam promises a trip that has personal status. Sale - indicates a business trip, which is not burdensome.

Freud's Dream Book

If you ate jam

If you ate jam in a dream, it means in reality you crave sexual pleasures. Moreover, it is absolutely not important for you who your partner will be. The dream book warns against excessive carelessness. It is not surprising that such disorder in love relationships gives rise to certain rumors among the people that will not increase your reputation. Numerous reproaches cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream about jam that the dreamer made himself? You gladly fulfill the wishes of other people, often at the cost of your own interests. Such sacrifice of one's needs may come back to haunt you in the love sphere. You will no longer perceive having sex without the renunciation of your own aspirations that you previously practiced.

Modern interpretation

Current interpretations of sweet dreams predict positive or negative events, depending on whether the delicacy seen or tasted was in a dream.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Eating jam promises success in love relationships.

However, as the dream book indicates, jam, dreamed on the side, but not tasted, speaks of the unrealizability of desire.

If it was strawberry jam

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician is sure that when the dreamer happened to make strawberry jam in a dream, your ideas will be realized without much effort. Sometimes you'll be lucky, sometimes circumstances will work in your favor.

Plots of sweet dreams

Carlson said about jam that it is the best medicine in the world. But before you can taste it, you need to cook it, and even earlier, collect it. These processes in a dream require special interpretation. Let's analyze dreams into details and see what the dream is about:

  • make jam;
  • eat it;
  • berry - fruit dessert.

If you see how you happen to cook a delicacy in a dream, feel free to start bringing your enterprise to life. If it burns during cooking, wait a while. Otherwise, something will not go according to plan, which will disrupt the entire process and the business will fail.

Enjoying a sweet culinary product promises sincere and reliable relationships in the family. This happiness will be stable and unshakable.

Those with a sweet tooth, and not only those with a sweet tooth, manage to see and enjoy jam even in their dreams. What an abundance of their species exists in reality. And in dreams, even more so. What boiled fruits mean in dreams depends on their variety.

Raspberries promise love to lonely hearts. And for families - strong feelings.

Strawberries promise the quick pleasure of meeting your lover, which will end in a night of intimacy.

Pitted cherries promise little surprises and gifts. With bones, she predicts weightless disappointments.

Blueberry jam

Guests will arrive soon, says blueberry or strawberry jam. The same forecast is given by currant delicacy.

A possible meeting with classmates is foreshadowed by jam or gooseberry confiture.

See apple jam, beware of betrayal - someone will be able to seduce you, or your significant other will not resist the temptation of a love affair.

An apricot delicacy, paired with any other berry, promises a gift from a person you recently knew.

Pear jam predicts a profitable trade deal.

Seeing quince jam - your difficulties in business will resolve by themselves.

Why do you dream of boiled exotic fruits? Dream books say that such dreams warn against deceiving business partners.

Negative messages

It turns out that the plots of sweet dreams do not always bring positive things with them. Treats are not of sufficient quality and carry a different meaning.

If you see spilled raspberry jelly, expect disappointment in your companion.

Seeing how you took a sip of cherry, apricot, or some kind of jam, where there is a berry with a stone, but it turned out to be moldy, you will be dissuaded of the goodwill of your boss and colleagues towards you.

Watching strawberry or currant jam become moldy indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Apricot jam - for trouble

I had a chance to cook apricot jam and get dirty, the dream indicates the likelihood of a situation where your reputation will suffer.

Sour apricot jam will bring trouble.

Old small currant jam predicts tears.

Raw jam from grated currants speaks of shaky and unstable success - financial fortune will smile on you, but not for long.

If in the plot of your dream you saw apricot jam in the window and could not buy it, then your future may contain some kind of hidden anxiety.

Why do you dream about raspberry jam?

This is a positive and truly “sweet” dream from all sides. Raspberry jam portends sincere and faithful love between spouses. And for those who have not yet found family happiness, the dream promises an imminent fateful meeting. A dream in which you see a raspberry bush and calculate how much jam you will make from it symbolizes wealth. However, you won’t get it just like that: you will have to work hard to make a profit.

Why do you dream about strawberry jam?

Such a dream, in most interpreters, has erotic overtones. Strawberry jam considered a symbol of pleasure and shallow pleasures. If you dreamed of this delicacy, you will soon have a whirlwind romance. And even if this person does not become your life partner, the memories of the time spent with him will evoke pleasant, “strawberry” associations for a long time.

Why do you dream of cherry jam?

In this case great value has what the berry was. Pitted cherry jam symbolizes unexpected gifts. With bones - minor difficulties that will arise on the way to the fulfillment of desire. However, just as you can easily spit out a cherry pit from the fruit, these obstacles will not create any significant inconvenience for you. According to another interpretation, a pit in cherry jam is love “with a catch.” Perhaps the person who is nearby today is not a completely worthy candidate for your hand and heart, since he plans to receive some benefit from an alliance with you.

Why do you dream about currant jam?

The dream foretells prosperity and comfort. Assorted different types These berries predict the appearance of old friends in your life. Free girls dream of blackcurrant jam getting married soon, and for married ladies - to pregnancy. But at the same time, if the dreamer tries jam, and it turns out to be sour or moldy, this indicates unrealistic hopes or that the relationship with the current partner will not lead to anything good.

Why do you dream of making jam?

If you dreamed of the cooking process, most likely in real life you are planning some new business, but you are not confident in your abilities and hesitate, afraid to take a decisive step. This dream is a hint that all worries are groundless, your goal is achievable and you can start without fear new project. There is another interpretation of such a dream: according to it, making jam means preparing for a holiday, family celebration or important meeting.

If in a dream you see medical banks, then trouble awaits you; if someone puts them on your stomach, then beware of an accident or the machinations of enemies.

If you see a jar with a bouquet of flowers in a dream, then expect pleasures and good news; an empty glass jar in your dream portends you joy and good news.

Empty cans in a dream are a sign of need and unfulfilled desires. Breaking cans in a dream is a sign of hope for the best. If they are filled, then circumstances will change in your favor and you will be lucky. See what they are filled with by name.

If in a dream you break a full jar, then you will be disappointed, worried and upset, which can have a bad effect on your health. If in a dream someone brought you some cans, then you will live in hopes of a bright future; if you bought cans, then you are in for a waste of time and effort. You should give up vain hopes and get down to something more realistic.

Drinking from a can in a dream is a harbinger of fun and good news.

(See interpretation: bouquet, flowers)

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Banks

Full jars are a harbinger of your success in business, empty ones.

Empty glass jars can portend upcoming joy.

Buying banks means experiencing the fragility of your position.

A broken jar may portend trouble or health problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

Almost every person loves jam - a delicacy that our mothers and grandmothers treated us to from childhood. Each housewife has her own unique recipe preparing this delicious dessert.

Jam can be completely different: from currants, strawberries, apricots or other berries and fruits. But every taste takes us back to childhood and gives us a feeling of joy. What could this delicacy mean in our dream? In this article you will find out why you dream about jam.

The dreamer's actions

Almost always, a dream about jam is interpreted as a good sign, foreshadowing something pleasant. As the dream book says, jam in a dream is often a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of goals.

To interpret such a vision more accurately, it is necessary to remember the details. For example, if a person sees such a delicacy in his dream, then in reality romantic adventures and a lot of joy await him. And if the dreamer gets dirty with jam, then he will live in abundance and love.

There is jam - to an unexpected successful completion of affairs. The results obtained will exceed all your expectations. But Miller’s dream book claims that eating jam means success in love affairs.

The dreamer's dream of a delicacy in a jar warns that some difficulties may arise on the way to achieving the goal. But don’t worry – you will successfully overcome them and achieve your goal! Buying a treat in a jar promises a quick pleasant trip.

Dropping and breaking a jar of dessert in reality is undoubtedly quite unpleasant. However, a dream with such a plot foreshadows new events in your life, from which you will receive a lot of pleasant impressions.

If in a dream you treat your friends to jam, then soon you will have a pleasant evening in the company of loved ones. But treat this delicious dessert– to meeting new people who will bring you a lot of joy.

Sometimes in such a “sweet” dream a person can cook this delicacy. To interpret such a vision, let us turn to several dream books:

  • According to Solomon’s dream book, making jam means quick success in your favorite business.
  • David Loff argues that if you prepare a dessert and taste it, then your work is not in vain. Everything you do to achieve your cherished dream will ultimately bring joy to you and those around you.
  • Cooking a delicacy, according to Freud’s dream book, means you are putting too much effort into pleasing other people. You should pay a little more attention to yourself.
  • The women's dream book warns: if you dreamed about the cooking process, be careful. It is your discretion that will help you avoid minor troubles.
  • According to the dream book of Simon Kananita, cooking such a dessert is a sign of success in business.

Variety of flavors

As it turns out, almost always seeing, cooking or eating this amazing delicacy in a dream is a sign of positive events in a person’s life. However, the dream can be interpreted in more detail. To do this, try to remember what the dessert was made from.

Why do you dream about jam from? As a rule, such a dream promises pleasant meetings. Let's take a closer look at what the delicacy you saw was made from.

For the hostess, a dream about blackcurrant jam foreshadows the arrival of guests. But a dessert made from red currants symbolizes love adventures. jam, according to Freud's dream book, is a sign of pleasure.

Strawberry, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, fruit - the delicacy that appears before us in all its variety of tastes and is familiar to everyone from childhood pleases us not only in reality, but also in our dreams. Why do you dream about jam? In most cases, such a dream foreshadows pleasant acquaintances, achievement of goals and joyful events in a person’s life.