The cartoon "Winx Club" appeared on screens 13 years ago, but has not yet lost its popularity. The main characters of the animated series are ordinary, at first glance, girl friends. But these girls have a peculiarity - they turn into fairies and end up in the most amazing stories! Today we will talk about the main characters of the Winx Club. You will find photos and names of fairies in our article. Have a nice adventure!


The plot of "Winx Club" centers on a fairy named Bloom. She is the founder of the Club! Bloom was born in royal family in December, her homeland is the planet Domino. One day, three Ancient Witches attacked the planet. Elder sister A fairy named Daphne sent her to Earth to save baby Bloom. Firefighter Mike found the girl: he found her in a fire, which, by the way, did not harm her. Since the girl had no relatives, Mike and his wife Vanessa adopted Bloom. The girl's magical abilities were revealed as soon as she turned 16 - Bloom tried to save a girl named Stella. It was Stella who suggested that Bloom go to a school for young fairies. At school, Bloom found three more friends, with whom she founded the Winx Club. the main objective Club - defense of good.

The Winx heroine named Bloom is distinguished by her generosity and sincerity, she is a true leader. In addition, Bloom can be called noble, independent and at the same time stubborn and impatient.


The Winx character named Stella is one of the central characters. Stella was born in August on the planet Solaria. The little princess was considered not particularly beautiful, but the matured Stella took her appearance seriously, so she often won various beauty contests. From her parents, the girl inherited the power of the stars, the Sun and the Moon.

Stella is cheerful and has a gentle character. She is generous, sincere and funny. Sometimes a girl allows herself to be lazy. The authors of the animated series say that Stella can be called a little selfish. This fairy's favorite pastime is shopping, and Stella's wardrobe holds the title of the largest wardrobe in the entire Universe!


This name of the heroine of the Winx Club speaks for itself - the fairy was born on a planet called Linphea, where all magic is somehow connected with nature. One of the first members of the Club was born in March. At the very beginning of the animated series, shyness prevented Flora from communicating with other students at school, but everything changed after meeting Bloom.

Those who have watched the cartoon know that the fairy grows a variety of plants and cares for them, and therefore Flora’s entire room is filled with flowers. Flora is a diligent student, but not at all ambitious. She gives herself completely to what she does. It is also important that she does not hesitate to rush to the aid of those who need it. At the same time, the Winx Club fairy Flora is distinguished by her prudence and wisdom. Flora is also patient and very sweet. Her only drawback is her lack of confidence. It is because of this quality that it is difficult for a girl to achieve her goals.


Among the main characters is the Winx Club fairy named Muse. Her home planet is Melody, and her parents are great singer and a professional pianist. It was from her parents that the girl inherited her love of music. The baby was not even five years old when her mother died. At the same time, Muse’s father made a difficult decision - he left music forever, and forbade his daughter to develop her natural musical talents. This became the cause of a long quarrel. Once at a concert, Muse performed a song that her mother once sang. That same day, she was finally able to establish a relationship with her father, who could no longer forbid his daughter to study music.

Quite a lot is known about the character of the Muse. For example, the fact that she is energetic and ironic. In addition, this fairy has enormous inner strength. The girl does not trust the people around her. The exception is her faithful friends. By the way, the creators of the cartoon assure: Muse is a real tomboy, prone to regular mood swings. Darling musical instrument fairies - flute.


The Winx Club fairy named Tecna comes from a planet called Zenith. Magic on this planet is inextricably linked with technology. Since childhood, Tekna has not let go of gadgets, the main one of which is a pocket computer. Perhaps this is what allowed the fairy to become one of the best students of the magic school. Since Tecna is a technology fairy, she often invents extremely useful things. In addition, she is a real genius in drawing up detailed action plans.

To understand what kind of fairy Tekna she is, just watch a couple of episodes of “Winx Club”. It is immediately clear that this fairy is distinguished by her accuracy and rational approach to everything. Find a way out difficult situations Logic helps the girl. It may seem that Tecna is aloof and even cold towards others. This is not entirely true - next to loved ones, the fairy is always affectionate and open. Tecna has tender feelings not only for science, but also for sports. She doesn't mind playing video games either.


The homeland of the Winx Club fairy named Leila is the water planet Andros. Due to the fact that little Leila’s parents were on the road almost all the time, the girl was often left alone; usually her days were spent learning the rules of etiquette. The girl had practically no friends. Leila's only friend is the young dancer Anne. Most likely, it was thanks to Anne that Leila developed a real passion for dancing.

This fairy was the latest to join the Winx Club. Leila's main qualities are pride, energy, and readiness to face danger at any moment. Thanks to regular exercise, Leila is in excellent physical shape.

Only on our website is a complete selection of Winx fairies, all the characters with names, their biography, description, bright pictures and photos. The Winx Club has recently, but quite firmly, taken the place of the idols of many modern girls. On our website you can familiarize yourself with any of them in more detail.

Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Leila, Muse, Flora, Pixie - the main heroines of the animated series, as well as the fairies of the White and Black Circle, Specialists and dark witches Trix - you can find all of them on this site.

Main characters

Bloom was born on the planet Domino. Her father was the almighty King Oritel, and her mother was the beautiful Marion. Not long after she was born, evil witches attacked their planet; they wanted to master the power of Fire.

This heroine is also the same. Flora's homeland is considered to be Linphea and she loves and admires her more than anything in the world. The fairy has ideal parents, but her relationship with them is not entirely smooth.

Leila appeared in this cartoon not in the first, but in the second season; she was not in the first. The girl's real name is Aisha. The fairy's homeland is the planet of water, and the fairy is the crown princess. The fairy was born on June 15th.

This heroine first appeared, like the others, in the first season of the series in the second episode. Muse's birthday is May 30th. And she was born on the planet Melody. The girl’s mother is a great singer who died when her daughter was still a baby.

The animated series "Winx Club" tells the story of fairies sent to Earth to find unique people there and take them to their fairy-tale world. However, having encountered many difficulties on an unknown planet, the cartoon heroines are forced to linger in an unknown Universe, where they meet friends and enemies. The article will discuss the stories of the main characters of the cartoon "Winx".


The charming red-haired fairy is 17 years old. Bloom was born on December 10 on the planet Domino, but spent most of her life on Earth. The fairy has magical power Fire Dragon, which she mastered only at the age of 16.

When Domino was attacked by enemies, the newly born girl was sent to an unknown planet through a portal. The baby ended up on Earth, where a fireman found her. He noticed that the flames did not harm the girl, but was not afraid. Instead, the fireman adopted her and raised the little fairy with his wife.

After this, the life of the main Winx character developed quite calmly, until at the age of 16 she saved a girl using her magical abilities. The girl suggested that she go to a magic school. So the inexperienced fairy realized who she really was.

Bloom is the most important among the cartoon characters. In addition to strong magical power, she has all the necessary qualities of a true leader. A curious and active girl always tries to get to the bottom of the truth. Most of all, she is interested in her origins. The girl is desperately trying to find at least some information about her real parents. However, she loves her foster family endlessly.

Bloom's only drawback is her impulsiveness, which sometimes gets the fairy into unpleasant situations.


Another Winx character is an 18-year-old fairy born on the planet Solaria. Stella was born on August 18th. Possesses the magic of the Sun and Moon. When the young fairy was a very little girl, she considered herself ugly and was very worried about it. However, later she decided to radically change her image and start following fashion. Of all the Winx characters, she is the most stylish, but rather selfish fairy.

Adult Stella tried to enroll in a magic school 2 times, but after the first year of study she was kicked out. One day she almost blew up the potions classroom. When she is finally accepted back to school, the girl's grades do not improve, but her friends help her with her studies.

Stella is a real talker and never plans anything ahead. Because of this carelessness, she often gets into trouble.


This Winx character is from the planet Zenith. Tekna is 17 years old, and the fairy was born on December 16th. The girl has the magic of technology and science.

The diligent student grew up on her planet, but later also ended up in a school of magic, where she proved herself to be a the best side. However, in addition to high intelligence, the fairy has one distinctive feature: She's half droid. Of all the Winx characters, Tecna is the strongest and smartest. However, she is inferior to Bloom in potions making skills.

Tekna has a very difficult time expressing her emotions, but she gradually learns to be a human and not a robot. The longer she communicates with other fairies, the less she listens to cold logic and the more she surrenders to her inner impulses.


This fairy was born on the planet Andros on June 15th. She is 17 years old. Leila is the heir to the throne, so the little fairy had to spend her entire childhood learning the etiquette and duties of a princess.

Leila has excellent physical characteristics. She dances and participates in martial arts competitions.

The fairy has magical ability control fluid substances and give them any shape. In addition, the girl is very beautiful, but capricious. TO opposite sex She has an extremely negative attitude because she considers herself a feminist. This is the fault of her parents, who planned to marry the princess to a completely unknown young man.

She has well-developed intuition.


The most cheerful Winx character is a fairy born on the planet Melody on May 30th. The girl is 17 years old. She has the ability to control music and rhythm. She plays the guitar and saxophone excellently.

As a child, life was not easy for Muse, since her mother died very early. After the death of his wife, the fairy's father became isolated and began to spend everything free time alone, completely forgetting about my little daughter. Because of this, Muse is offended by him and categorically refuses to celebrate Rose Day, when, according to custom, the whole family gathers at one table.

At the school of magic, the girl tries to stay away from everyone and likes to be alone. However, she changes after meeting the other characters. The Winx fairies helped her open up. Later, Muse turns into a real rebel who constantly finds herself in difficult situations.


This fairy was born on the planet Linphea on March 1st. Flora is 17 years old. She can control any plants and flowers. The girl has a very subtle and romantic nature. She loves insects and all living creatures. Of all the fairies, she is the calmest and does not like conflicts. Flora tries to settle any quarrels amicably.

Her mother owned a small potions shop, and her father was an agronomist. The girl grew up in love and mutual understanding. She spent most of her time with her father, learning her magical powers. Once at the school of magic, the young fairy was very worried that she would not be able to find a common language with those around her. However, already in her first potions lesson, she showed herself to be a talented student. Flora later met Tekna and they became best friends.

It was a biography of the Winx characters. In addition to the main cast, the animated series has secondary characters - young people who are beginning to romantic relationship with charming fairies.

The Mages of the Black Circle are the main enemies of the Winx in season 4. They were called "Fairy Hunters". The magicians of the Black Circle were able to imprison Queen Morgana and other fairies on the island of Tir Nen Ok. To save them, the Winx had to activate the White Circle, which Roxy found on the old farm. When Queen Morgana and the other fairies became free, they for a long time were looking for magicians in order to take revenge. Despite the fact that they wanted to drag Roxy into the Black Circle portal and gain her power, the Winx agreed to save them from Morgana. They decided to judge them with all justice. But the magicians deceived them and fled to the Omega Dimension. There they wanted to attack the fairies. They were eventually frozen by the ice snake and remained in this dimension.
Ogron is the leader of the Black Circle mages, cunning and merciless. He can absorb the power of his opponent and reflect it with the same blow, but stronger. Moreover, it will not have any effect on him.
Gantlos is the most cruel of the magicians of the Black Circle. He has enormous physical strength, can create sound and energy waves, and cause earthquakes.
Anagan is the quietest of the magicians of the Black Circle. He has the power of speed and can move very quickly.
Dumon is the fourth magician of the Black Circle. Has the power of transformation and can become either an animal or a liquid. He was killed before the rest of the magicians in the battle with Nabu.

Myrta is a cute witch who became a fairy. First she studied at the Cloud Tower, then moved to Alfea. She moved to Alfea because she believed that she best friend Lucy abandoned her and went over to the Trix side. In addition, she is the only witch who believed that witches could be friends with fairies. She once helped Bloom escape from the Trix when she revealed their plan against the Winx (with her power of transforming emotions into pictures). She looked for Bloom in the forest and found her. Then the Trix appeared. Icy had long considered her a traitor and turned Myrta into a pumpkin. Throughout the first season, it is shown as a pumpkin in Flora and Bloom's room. I communicated with Winx several times through a hologram in a pumpkin. Once she warned the Winx about a dream monster (again, the Trix’s idea). Flora tries to break Myrta's spell throughout the first season. At the end of the season, he breaks Mirta’s spell and she says that she won’t find it. better friend than Flora and Lucy. Also takes part in the final battle against the Trix: first in the form of a witch, then in the form of a fairy. When Lucy came to her senses (type from the Trix's spell), she asked Mirta:
-Mirtha, why did you leave the Cloud Tower?
“I just couldn’t find a better friend than Flora.” That's why I'm in Alfea. But don’t worry, I will visit you and we will spend our free time together.
Here is Myrta as a witch

Here in the form of a fairy

And lastly, a short questionnaire:
1)Name: Mirta
2)Age: 17 years old
3)Planet: Unknown
4) Strength: Her powers are related to illusions and optical effects.
5) School: First Cloud Tower, and then Alfea
6)Character: Her timid and friendly character sets her apart from other students of the Cloud Tower. Unlike other witches, she does not strive to annoy the fairies in everything, she is of the opinion that “all flowers should bloom.”
7) Zodiac sign: Dryad
8) Interests: Like all young girls
9) Favorite color: Red, blue
10) Guy: no
11) Best friend: Lucy, Flora
12)Roommate: Lucy
13)Pixie: No
He first appears in the ninth episode of the first season, "The Beguiled".

Darkar is an evil wizard who first appeared in the second season. His name is derived from English word Dark is dark, and he himself has the power of darkness. Darkar wanted to take possession of the power of the relix - a very powerful force, which, according to him, was stronger than Dragon Fire. To get it, you had to collect four parts of the codex. He freed the Trix from the Lightstone prison and said that he would share this power with them if they helped him. The Trix obtained for Darkar all the parts of the code that were located in three Magix schools and the Pixie settlement. Besides them, the phoenix also needed Dragon Fire. In order to get him, he sent a spy to Alfea, who kidnapped Bloom and turned her into the Dark One. When Bloom was enchanted, she did not understand what she was doing, so she almost helped Darkar take possession of the relix. But Sky was able to save her from this witchcraft, and thanks to him, the Winx were able to defeat the phoenix. As for the Trix, Darkar did not keep his promise, and they were sent to the Omega Dimension to serve their sentence.

Valtor is an evil magician who first appeared in the third season. It is the creation of the Three Ancient Witches, created from Dragon Fire in order to destroy. Many years ago, a team of Light, under the leadership of Oritel and Marion, Bloom’s parents, imprisoned him in the Omega dimension. When the Trix were sent to this dimension, they freed him from the ice and merged with him. Together they opened a portal from the Omega dimension to Andros and nearly destroyed Layla's planet. Valtor stole Ogador's casket from the Museum of Magic in Magix and put spells stolen from it there. different worlds. The most powerful of them was the “Four Elements” spell, which he directed at Magix and his three schools. He deceived Bloom for a long time, telling her that he defeated her parents and sent her to eternal imprisonment. But thanks to the water stars and Enchantix, the Winx were able to defeat Valtor. Since he and Bloom are connected by Dragon Fire, she could feel his presence, and this helped the Winx a lot. Valtor can exist both in the form of a man and in the form of a monster, which serves as his real appearance.

Name: Artisi
Birthday: January 17
Star sign: Pegasus
Planet: Torrento-La-Tan
Age: 19

Character: this is someone who has a truly “iron” character. Artisi has incredible stamina, courage, composure in battle, common sense. Artisi is a loner. Relies only on himself. Looks a little down on fairies.

Likes: participating in battle, powerful time vortexes on Torrento-La-Tan, flyriks and much more (classified)

Dislikes: crying, lying, weak people.

Jealous: Winx. Sometimes she also wants a team like theirs. But still, Artisi is a loner. Therefore, she rejected Bloom's offer to join their club.

Bio: Unfortunately, we know little about Artisi’s past.

Artisi was born on the planet Torrento-La-Tan - a planet located on the sixth ring from Magix. Magix is ​​the center of the Magic Universe. Some planets are located at approximately the same distance. They are called rings. The sixth ring is the most distant. But let's return to Torrento-La-Tan. On this planet almost always it's raining and huge storm eddies develop. But these are also streams of time. By getting into these vortexes, you can end up in another time. The energy on Torrento La Tan is not stable. Fairies have a hard time there. But for the indigenous people - no. We will not say anything more about this planet. It has not yet been fully studied.

Artisi is one of the guardians of this planet. The girl studied for three years at Alfea before Winx. When the Winx came to school, Artisi had already graduated. She was something like the same Winx fairy. That is, she was also sent on various missions, she was one of the most powerful fairies.

How did she get a simple transformation? What was it like? We have not received his photographs or any information. These are things of a long time ago.

Artisi received Charmix when she overcame her cold-bloodedness, and Enchantix when she saved a fairy from her planet.

Belivix Artisi

How she got it also remains a mystery. And in general, this girl is a mystery herself. Its entire origin is shrouded in all sorts of secrets. Now Artisi is in the Flyrix transformation

Notes from the pink kid and my response to her.

Pink sneaker:

Different Winx:
You've probably noticed that Winx is called differently everywhere, for example, in season 1 it's Tekna and in the fourth it's Tekna, the same with Helio. First, Helia sweats Helia, and it's actually funny about the red fountain! In the Winx magazine it's called redfontein! That's all why? Well, in the first season 4, Winx was voiced by other actors, the original version of Tekna is Tekna. So everything is correct in the magazine and you know why? Yes, because the Winx magazine at one time collaborated with the company Rainboy. If you saw it, they drew comics there according to different from the outside ones. Yes, and with Helio it’s the same. By the way, Stella’s original name was Stera! I found this out on the Rainbowboy website! And the name Stella should
was to be technical. The stereo was taken from the stereo! Although it seems to me that this refers to music!
On the Winx magazine website I found out that Redfontein
they did it because I didn’t like the name Red Fountain! Who knows, maybe in season 5 Tekna will be Tekna

I’ll make a reservation right away that I didn’t read the magazines, but I saw several scans from small books on the Internet and the names there really were different.

Let's start from afar - with theory. In general, there are three main options for translating names: how they are written, how they are heard, or how they are translated. For example, the name of the Prince of Denmark (Hamlet) in the first version would be Hamlet, in the second - Hamlet, in the third - Village. However, the first two are usually more or less the same, so the translator can only choose between making a direct translation or translating it (if the name is speaking).

I'm sure that when Iginio Straffi and his team came up with names for the Winx girls, they understood that Italian language- not the most important in the world, and we tried to make sure that the names of girls and boys sounded quite international and were easily pronounced by the majority who speak or simply understand English. " Blooming"Bloom," heavenly"Sky doesn't call any special problems. But in the Russian language there is a problem with Tekna.

In Italian and English languages in the words “technology” and “teknix” (writing transcriptions in Russian letters is a thankless task, but we are only interested in one letter now) sound with the letter “k” in the middle. In Russian, these same words are pronounced with the letter “x”. Since the name Tekna is derived from technology, it would be quite logical to make it Techna - it sounds more pleasant and understandable to a Russian person. And it’s more convenient to pronounce. But the translators who worked on the animated series did not do this. But in a completely similar case, they translated Majix as Magix, because in Russian there is a word magic but there is no word Maggia.

But in addition to the studio that ordered the dubbing of the series, we also have the Egmond publishing house, which translates the books. And there, you will laugh, the translators did exactly the opposite - they Russified Tecna to Techna, but left Magix as Magix.

The situation is a little more complicated with Leila-Aisha. In the Italian film, where Layla is called Aisha, her name is entered in Bloom's phone as Layla.

That is, this is the official adaptation of the name, approved by Rainbow Studios. One can only guess why the name Aisha did not suit her. Perhaps it seemed that this word would be difficult for the English-speaking population to pronounce, but they decided to replace it with the more common version Leila... I don’t know. But it's a fact.

In general, the situation when the same cycle is translated by different translators happens quite often. In this case, a list of proper names is compiled so that the names of places and characters sound the same in different translations. In our case, the dubbing studio and the publishing house are in no way connected with each other, so everyone came up with names as they pleased.

But then the translation of the 4th season came out, and again there were some surprises. Bloom, who was the princess of the planet Domino for three seasons, suddenly found herself from the planet Sparks. That is, here the same studio has not been able to come to an agreement with itself.

When copying this text in whole or in part, an active link to — — is required! Otherwise it's just theft.

With the corner of my memory, I remember that someone from a northern European country, where the broadcast of season 4 began a couple of months earlier than in Russia, also complained that Domino was changed to Sparks. So I can assume that the name of the planet was changed in the scripts sent out, that is, this change came from the Rainbow studio itself. Let me be corrected if I'm wrong, but before that the name of the planet Sparks was used in the American translation from 4kids, which was much criticized for being inaccurate, and even Straffy seemed not very happy with it. If all this is true, then the transition from Domino to Sparks is not clear to me. Well, a new translator for season 4 has probably appeared in Russia, and how can he know what was there in the first three seasons? So we got Bloom's renamed homeland.

Another question that interests me is why did all the villains' names have an emphasis on the last syllable? Ogron, GantlOs... after Italian it’s unusual. Or was the translator a fan of the French and decided to remake them in the French manner?

In general, we’ll leave it all on the conscience of the translators. We know that Helia, Helio, Helia, Helia are the same guy. And both Redfontein and Fonterossa are still the same Red Fountain. This means we will understand each other. :) Even despite the fast-tracks.