What is better to buy: an exercise bike or a treadmill? Both of these cardio machines are extremely popular among people who are in love with sports. At the same time, comparisons are made between them all the time in order to determine the most effective machine.

Before moving on to the answer to the question, which exercise machine is better: a bicycle or treadmill, let’s come to the conclusion that everyone is free to choose for themselves, so our article should not be taken as a lesson or strict instructions. We will tell you about the positive and negative aspects of training on the above machines, after which you can understand which one is best for you!

Which is better, a treadmill or an exercise bike?

What are the benefits of cardio training?

An exercise bike, a treadmill, and an elliptical trainer are all cardio machines that are primarily used for cardiovascular training. Cardio training is an indispensable process for burning fat, improving a person’s general condition, and even gaining muscle mass. First of all, such exercises allow you to increase endurance, which is useful for work, for relaxation, and for improving athletic performance.

What's best for losing weight?

Girls often walk around gym with a question in your head: which is better - a treadmill, or an exercise bike, or an elliptical trainer? At the same time, they forget that they actually came to training for sports load. The main thing when losing weight is systematic training and proper nutrition, not a search for the perfect exercise machine, so find the optimal exercise program for you and stick to it.

It is best to turn to professionals for a training program and diet development. By the way, in the “Sport Zone” store you can get advice from a qualified fitness trainer completely free of charge; more about this in the “Fitness instructor” section. If you are interested in how easy and profitable it is to buy an elliptical trainer in Tula or any other sports equipment in any city in the Russian Federation, please contact our managers.

Exercise bikes

This type of cardio equipment can be divided into the following subtypes: vertical and horizontal. Upright bikes are almost completely similar to sports bikes: the pedals are located under the seat. Horizontal, or inclined, have an inclined seat with a back, onto which the entire weight of the trainee is transferred. The pedals of this subspecies are in front, like in bicycles for small children. Briefly speaking about the difference between these subtypes of exercise bikes, the former provide a more “hard” load, while the latter are more “soft” and are more intended for the rehabilitation of patients who have problems with the back and/or leg joints.

Pros of exercise bikes:

  • You can pump up your leg muscles, abs and even your lower back muscles well.
  • Knees are less susceptible to damage when cycling than when running.
  • An hour of moderate riding on an exercise bike can burn 500-600 calories. As your pedaling intensity increases, the number of calories burned also increases.
  • When choosing between an exercise bike and a treadmill, people often buy the former due to its compact size.

Negative points:

  • People with thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus and those with cancer, exercise on exercise bikes is not recommended.
  • While riding, you mainly use your legs, so you will need additional training or exercises for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle in any case.


Some reviews claim that it is better to buy a treadmill than an exercise bike, because it burns more calories in the same amount of exercise time. In addition, you can place the exercise machine at an angle, which will create an imitation of running downhill. A treadmill is a unit whose running belt rotates, like the steps of an escalator.

Positive points:

  • Running on a treadmill burns 600-700 calories in one hour.
  • These machines work more muscles than an exercise bike.
  • This type of cardio equipment is suitable for all ages.

Negative points:

  • Treadmills are larger in size than exercise bikes.
  • As a rule, they are also more expensive.
  • Running puts a lot of stress on the legs, which may be contraindicated for people with joint diseases or varicose veins.

ZonaSporta. com– good service and best prices

What to buy: an exercise bike or a treadmill? As we agreed earlier, you will choose for yourself, the main thing is that you make this purchase correctly and as profitably as possible! Or perhaps it’s in the Zona Sports store.

Our online market has been selling exercise equipment and sports equipment for many years, so in the store catalog you can find a very rich assortment and the best prices. In addition, we offer our products throughout the Russian Federation, that is, buying an elliptical trainer in Omsk, as in any city in our country, is very easy and simple with us. Our managers work for you around the clock, which simplifies the purchasing process. Choose us and buy quality sporting goods.

You can answer the question “buy a treadmill or exercise bike” by watching this video:

It consists of a rotating belt and handrails that allow you to carry out the necessary activities. Its basic functions include selecting incline, decreasing or increasing speed, and training programs.

Did you know? The treadmill was invented in 1818 by English civil engineer Sir William Cubitt. It was designed to grind grain or pump water, and it was powered by prison inmates. Over time, this technique began to be used for picking cotton, crushing stones or laying bricks.

Gradually, American overseers stopped using the treadmill among other backbreaking jobs, such as picking cotton. In England, the treadmill remained until the end of the 19th century and was abolished as too cruel a punishment. The car was almost lost to history. But Dr. Kenneth Cooper demonstrated the health benefits of aerobic exercise in 1960, and the treadmill made a triumphant comeback.

Exercise bike- this is an alternative version. In addition to the basic functions of measuring speed, time, distance traveled and calories burned, there are additional ones, such as measuring temperature, selecting a training mode, fitness test, etc.

Exercise bike training

Contraindications to exercising on an exercise bike

The presence of diseases that significantly reduce the body's endurance causes contraindications for exercise. These include diseases of the respiratory and systems, such as: tachycardia, bronchial, angina, etc. In this case, classes should be physical therapy approved by a doctor.

In addition, you should not pedal in case of advanced arthrosis and illness, as well as in case of acute respiratory viral infection and. As for women, they should limit their exercises in and also during.

Benefits of an exercise bike for losing weight and staying fit

One of the advantages of an exercise bike is that it is more effective than a treadmill. To do this, you need to exercise every day for half an hour with an intensity of 80%, however, these parameters depend on the age or state of health of the person.

Exercises on such a simulator allow you to provide the necessary load on the cardiovascular system, while stabilizing blood levels and ensuring a decrease in blood levels. In addition, they reduce the dynamics of development.

Aimed at working the lower body, namely: shins and gluteal muscles, exercises help in the abdominal and side areas. Just like a treadmill, an exercise bike allows you to develop endurance, thanks to which you can cover long distances on foot or by bike. To lose weight, it is better to stick to a program that includes different types load and intensity.

Thus, the following chain of actions should be performed:

  • While warming up, pedal easily for up to 7 minutes.
  • Switching to medium intensity, pedal at medium resistance for 12 minutes.
  • Starting sprinting, pedal at light resistance for 1 minute.
  • Going back to easy riding, pedal for 2 minutes at medium resistance.
  • Selecting a heavy load, pedal for 5 minutes.
  • After a short break, you need to exercise for 12 minutes at light intensity.

Such a program can include 20 load types, the selection of which is adjusted in accordance with the functionality.

Did you know? By exercising continuously for one hour, you can get rid of approximately 500 calories.

The design of the equipment allows you to perform training in sitting position, which provides the least stress on the knees and ankles. This is true if you have the corresponding ones or with arthritis.

During training, you can watch your favorite shows on TV or listen to a useful audiobook. This is another advantage of this simulator.

Disadvantages of exercise bikes

Since the structure is quite large in size, it must be placed in a large room. Performing the exercises takes a considerable amount of time, and, unlike cycling, this equipment will not allow you to enjoy a ride in the fresh air, unless it is located on the street.

It is necessary to remember the contraindications to exercise on an exercise bike and if you suffer from hepatitis and other diseases mentioned above, you should refrain from training so as not to cause even greater harm to your health or choose another exercise machine, such as a treadmill, which is better Suitable for moderate loads.

Treadmill workouts

To achieve the desired results using a treadmill, you need to follow a number of rules. First, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure and control panel in order to know how to switch the speed mode and inclination angle. In addition, before starting exercises, you should warm up and make sure that you have no contraindications to training.

For training, it is better to purchase shoes that are specifically designed for. This recommendation also applies to using an exercise bike. You need to start exercising on a treadmill with a 10-minute walk. This rule especially applies to older people or those for whom excessive exercise is contraindicated.

Important! Do not start exercising by jumping on the treadmill while the belt is in fast motion, as this may cause injury.

You should start the exercises on an empty stomach, before breakfast. However, if this is not possible, then you can transfer the training to evening time. You also need to take care of hygiene and take it after training.

Upon reaching 20 years of age, you can calculate the number of heart beats per minute and determine your pulse zone. To do this, you need to subtract the number of full years of a person from the number 220. Since the effective heart rate zone is 65–85%, you need to multiply the result by 65 and 85, respectively. This way we will get the lower and upper heart rate threshold. If during training it drops below normal, then the exercises can be considered ineffective. If the pulse exceeds the upper mark, this indicates an overload of the body.

However, this type of training will help older people, as well as those who want to tighten their body. It is believed that the path is better for people suffering from heart disease.

Contraindications for exercising on a treadmill

Contraindications for exercise are primarily due to the presence of diseases that significantly reduce the body's endurance.

Increased body temperature, migraine, bronchial asthma, heart disease, stage 3 hypertension, angina and tachycardia, spinal diseases, influenza, ARVI, colds, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, dysfunction respiratory system- here is a list of symptoms and diseases, in the presence of which you should not engage in walking or jogging on the treadmill. As for women, they should limit exercise during menstrual periods, as well as during pregnancy.

Benefits of Treadmills

The main advantage of this projectile is that it allows for cardio training. This makes it possible to strengthen the cardiovascular system and normalize blood circulation. The design allows you to use the strength of your muscular frame, while loading the muscles of the back, arms, legs and neck.

Important! According to the configuration of the treadmill, it must be equipped with a seat belt. It is located near the dashboard and is capable of stopping the simulator if the person exercising on it loses consciousness.

Such activities contribute to the production of endorphins in the body, which allow you to get rid of. In addition, they improve metabolism and the general condition of the body, as well as burn fat and help shape the figure.

Another advantage of the simulator is that while jogging you can watch TV, study foreign languages or listen to music.

Disadvantages of Treadmills

The disadvantages of a treadmill include the following:

  • Regular running can lead to joint problems.
  • A large-sized device takes up a lot of space, and its heavy weight will create inconvenience during transportation.
  • Exercising will not allow you to enjoy a walk in nature unless the exercise machine is placed outside.
  • The treadmill feels monotonous and makes loud noises.

What muscles are used on both machines: comparison

By pedaling on an exercise bike, you can strengthen your legs, namely: the inner and back surfaces of the thighs, calves, etc. Besides, physical exercise are comparable to running and allow you not only to tone your muscles, lower back and abdomen, but also get rid of

When you run or walk on a treadmill, you primarily use the muscles in your legs, thighs, and buttocks. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulder joint also swing.

Which simulator is more effective?

Exercises on any of the simulators, one way or another, will lead to a loss of calories and, accordingly, to. Thus, exercises on an exercise bike will allow you to pump up the muscles of your buttocks and calves, and a treadmill will allow you to do cardio training at home.

Important! Most effective way In order to get rid of excess weight, you can exercise on cardio equipment. They help increase aerobic exercise and are the best helpers for burning calories. However, if you overdo it with training, you can get physical and mental exhaustion of the body, which will lead to depression, loss of strength and sore throat.

In addition, the functional features of each projectile make it possible to free your hands and combine sports and other activities. However, if you use a treadmill, you must take into account its risk of injury. So, if there are children in the house, you should not leave the device on.

Which exercise machine is more convenient for home use?

To determine which exercise machine is best for the home, you need to take into account its dimensions, number of functions, material strength, cost, presence of a radio or a special stand for a phone or a cup of water. Thus, for placement of the treadmill will require a larger room, than for an exercise bike. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in order to move it you will need to fold or unfold the projectile.

In addition, the treadmill can create noise and vibration, and its moving belt can cause injury. Thus, you should select a projectile based on your individual preferences and goals.

We come to the right choice for ourselves

Each person must determine for himself which exercise machine is best for him. To do this, it is necessary to determine not only the purpose of using the projectile, but also take into account its size and functional features. You should also take into account the financial component and the possible presence of contraindications.

If your goal is to improve your cardiovascular health, then you should choose a model that has more accurate heart rate measurement devices. The logging feature will also be useful when using a projectile. If you just want to increase the overall tone of the body and relax, then choose shoe or magnetic models that have a smooth ride.

And if you live in a cramped apartment, then the best option will become a small-sized exercise bike. Some models can fit on a balcony. And if you want to place the equipment in a private gym, then a treadmill will be an excellent addition.

To maintain good health, every person should exercise. As you know, they can strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. In addition to having a positive effect on human health, exercise machines can correct figure flaws and develop endurance through regular training.

Treadmill or exercise bike? The dilemma is solved by those who are planning to purchase a home exercise machine. When making a choice, they pay attention to a combination of factors - working muscle groups, contraindications, cost and others. So how are these cardio machines different from each other, and which is better for weight loss? Let's find out!

Why are cardio machines popular?

cardio equipment for people interested in increasing endurance and losing weight

Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they face the problem of excess weight and weakening muscles. Aerobic exercise improves your figure and strengthens your body.

These loads are obtained, among other things, with the help of sports machines - a treadmill and an exercise bike, which are designed for gyms and for home use. They develop endurance, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and the respiratory system.

Which cardio machine to choose for home (video review):

Comparison of an exercise bike and a treadmill

What muscles are involved?

When working on these simulators, the muscles of the lower body are included in the work, less is involved. But On a treadmill, the shoulder girdle also partially receives the load, which does not happen on an exercise bike.

In some cases, exercises on simulators are prescribed to patients as physical therapy.


an exercise bike is much more compact than a treadmill

When choosing a device for your home, pay attention to the size of the device. An exercise bike that can even stand on the balcony is suitable for a small apartment. Treadmills in working condition occupy more space. Although they can be stored compactly: some models have a folding design.


One of the determining factors is price. Fitness equipment for adults is offered at the following prices:

  • treadmill - from $130;
  • exercise bike - from 70 dollars.

How many calories are burned?

Energy consumption depends on the intensity and time of exercise: But it is believed that the treadmill is more effective. Below in the table - data on energy consumption on both types of exercise equipment for half an hour of training.

Reviews of those losing weight on a treadmill can be seen, and the results of those exercising on an exercise bike.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each device has advantages and disadvantages.

Exercise bike

These devices are used by bodybuilders to increase aerobic exercise.

upright exercise bike is more suitable for weight loss

There are vertical and horizontal types of exercise bikes. The latter loads the spine more gently, since there are no shock loads there; a gentle effect on the spine is characteristic. knee joints. The horizontal exercise machine is suitable for rehabilitation after injuries. But reset excess weight and it is more difficult to work the muscles on it than on its vertical counterpart.


Advantages Flaws
The walking exercise can be performed even by people with chronic diseases, varicose veins, weakened people, people with reduced immunity; noticeable energy consumption in electric models;
involving the whole body in the work, including the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck; noisiness;
training stabilizer muscles- those that fix the position of body parts relative to each other, thereby improving coordination;
vibration at heavy weight athlete;
endurance increases, The functioning of the respiratory system improves, the blood is enriched with oxygen.
if running technique is not followed, joint diseases occur, cartilage and vertebrae are destroyed;
needed special shoes for running;
high risk of injury;
the need to concentrate on the exercise;
monotony of movements.


The treadmill is contraindicated for people with diseases of the joints of the lower extremities, since they bear the main load.

General contraindications for both simulators:

  • cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, angina pectoris, heart disease, heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis);
  • acute illnesses or exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • temporary or chronic disorders of respiratory function - bronchial asthma, flu, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

If you have other diseases, consult your doctor before starting training. A specialist’s recommendation regarding restrictions and recommended loads will help you choose the right exercise machine.

Gym check

before purchasing, work out on a similar machine in the gym

So which exercise machine should you buy - a treadmill or a bicycle? The choice depends not only on general characteristics apparatus, but also from his personal perception by the person himself. After all, the body has individual characteristics. Therefore, before buying, it is better to go to a gym where such installations are available for a month and try them on yourself under the supervision of a trainer. There it will become clear what to choose.

The training will have an effect if you do it 5 times a week for 30–45 minutes.

Exercise bike or treadmill - which is more effective in terms of weight loss? This is current...

Exercise bike or treadmill - which is more effective in terms of weight loss? This is a pressing question for many novice athletes. If you want to buy yourself a machine, but don’t know what to choose, then try to compare all the pros and cons of these wonderful cardio machines.

The easiest way to understand which exercise machine is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike is to rent one. This way, you can accurately determine which equipment copes with the tasks more effectively. Of course, you can test the device in a sports store, but in 5 minutes it is quite difficult to make an objective assessment. Another good option is to buy a gym membership and alternately work out on the machines.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercise bikes

Exercise bikes can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location of the pedals. Latest models allow you to conduct so-called threshold training, in which the load increases and decreases, depending on your heart rate. Inexpensive exercise machines do not have this feature, but they also provide benefits.

Exercising on an exercise bike increases muscle tone, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and helps get rid of extra pounds. Thanks to the strengthening of blood vessels, it is normalized arterial pressure. Systematic training promotes the production of joy hormones in the body. They help fight stress, depression, and insomnia. By exercising on an exercise bike you can boost your immunity and relieve nervous tension. In 1 hour of exercise you can burn up to 500 kcal.

An exercise bike has some disadvantages and contraindications. Exercises on this simulator are not recommended for people with diseases of the spine, legs, joints and thrombophlebitis. It is forbidden to train if you have diseases such as heart failure and asthma. It is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of treadmills

Treadmills are good because you can adjust and change the degree of load. You can walk at a calm pace, jog, walk uphill (when the running belt is inclined), run with maximum speed etc. On sale you will find various types of treadmills, from inexpensive mechanical ones to modern electric ones.

A treadmill is better than an exercise bike in that it promotes a more harmonious distribution of the load. During exercise on the treadmill, almost all muscle groups are involved in the work, but on an exercise bike, the main load falls on the legs. The back and abdominal muscles are partially activated.

Running and walking are great way get rid of extra pounds. In addition, these are the loads that are considered the most natural for humans. By constantly exercising on a treadmill, you can lose weight, strengthen your heart and blood vessels, improve the functioning of your respiratory system, improve your immunity and generally improve your health. An hour-long workout on a treadmill will help you burn up to 700 kcal.

There are practically no disadvantages to the treadmill, except for the stress on the joints while running. If you have problems with your spine or legs, you need to practice walking.

Which is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill?

Our desires do not always coincide with our capabilities, so when choosing a simulator, we are often guided by two main criteria - price and area of ​​the apartment. Few people can afford to install a large exercise machine at home and have to look for the most convenient options.

If you compare an exercise bike and a treadmill in terms of compactness, then the exercise bike will win. If necessary, it can be easily moved from place to place without folding or disassembling. In addition, exercise bikes have low noise levels. They do not irritate with creaking or sound from footsteps.

Treadmills require a lot more space and make a little more noise compared to an exercise bike. If the user exercises with a heavy weight, vibrations may be felt. Also, a moving belt can cause injury if used incorrectly or without attention.

Exercise bike or treadmill: which is better, user reviews

What is more effective: a treadmill or an exercise bike? User reviews are divided approximately equally. Each simulator deserves attention and copes well with its tasks. If we consider both devices from the point of view of the impact on the joints, then you should give preference to an exercise bike (after consulting with your doctor in advance). The treadmill in this case is not the best option, since when running both joints and spine are stressed. If such a problem occurs, then it is advisable to purchase an exercise bike or only practice walking in good sports sneakers.

If you are purchasing a machine for the sole purpose of losing weight, then remember that only regular exercise will give the desired effect. Infrequent exercise does not promote fat burning. You need to exercise on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for at least 40 minutes. The exercise bike can also be used 3-4 times a week for 30-40 minutes. In addition, it is necessary to perform strength exercises and stretching exercises.

Who is most suitable for an exercise bike and for whom is it contraindicated?

An exercise bike and a treadmill are the most popular cardio machines. It is difficult for many to immediately figure out which simulator is more effective, especially since each of them has its own advantages.

So, who is best for an exercise bike?

  • If your problem area- hips and legs. Since during exercise on an exercise bike the load is placed specifically on the lower part of the body, it is worked out first.
  • If you have problems with joints and varicose veins. An exercise bike is considered more gentle compared to a treadmill. As you pedal, your knees and veins are subject to less stress. When you run, your joints experience a slight jolt as your leg rises and falls sharply.

There are also contraindications:

  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • Stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Tachycardia, heart failure, angina attacks, heart defects;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Flu, ARVI, colds;
  • Oncological diseases.

If you do not have the listed diseases, but during exercise you feel dizzy, have a strong heartbeat, shortness of breath, or weakness, then immediately get off the exercise machine and consult a doctor.

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike?

When training on an exercise bike, you should find the optimal load mode at which you can pedal evenly at the same speed (25 km/h) for 30-35 minutes.

The duration of the workout should be 30-45 minutes, heart rate should be 65-70% of the maximum. The first heart rate indicator, the “load pulse,” is recorded after 10 minutes of training. With a properly selected load, the heart rate should not exceed 70% of the maximum value. Calculating the maximum allowable value is very simple: subtract your age from 220, and the resulting amount will become your heart rate limit. Over time, this figure can be increased to 80%. Beginners should keep their heart rate to no more than 120 beats per minute.

Exercise bike training for weight loss

Training on an exercise bike for the purpose of losing weight should be regular and intense. Fat burning is possible only at 60-70% of the heart rate, which corresponds to your age norm.

There are several options for weight loss programs. The choice of program depends on the level of physical fitness.

Program for beginners:

  • Training 3-4 times a week;
  • The duration of 1 workout is at least 30 minutes;
  • Step frequency – no more than 50 per minute;
  • Pulse intensity is 60-70% of the maximum for age.

The peculiarity of the level for beginners is to gradually increase the load and gradually increase it to 30 minutes. This program should be followed for a minimum of 6 weeks. If the program is difficult, then work with it for up to 8 weeks.

  • Number of workouts – 3-5 per week;
  • Duration of 1 workout – 45 minutes;
  • Step frequency – no more than 60 per minute;
  • Pulse intensity is 70-80% of the maximum for age.

The intermediate program gives excellent results and can be followed for a long time, even if you have already lost weight.

For those who are physically fit, there is their own training program:

  • Number of workouts – 4-6 per week;
  • Duration of 1 workout – 45-60 minutes;
  • Step frequency – no more than 80 per minute;
  • Pulse intensity is 80-90% of the maximum for age.

This program is designed for those who already find the intermediate level easy. It is also suitable for those who want to increase muscle mass or restore excellent physical fitness after the break.

Exercises on an exercise bike can be varied depending on the duration, intensity, frequency, load level, etc. During training, you need to move from one speed to another, giving the body different loads, but this needs to be done gradually.

Interval training provides excellent results. You can start at a slow pace and then speed up for 40 seconds, then slow again for 20-40 seconds and then speed up again for 40 seconds. This way you will start the fat burning process.

If you are training on a standing machine, alternate exercises while sitting and standing. This will diversify your activities and give additional stress to the core muscles. In addition, standing exercises will give your buttocks a rest.

Who should choose a treadmill?

Many novice athletes prefer a treadmill because they can both run and just walk on it. Give preference to a treadmill if:

  • You want to develop your body evenly. This is due to the fact that running uses more muscles than cycling. The load is distributed evenly and there is no feeling of overtraining in the legs.
  • You want to reduce the volume on your stomach and hips. Of course, it is impossible to lose weight locally without affecting other parts of the body, but when exercising on an exercise bike, the legs work more, and the abs and back muscles are not particularly involved in the process. While running, your abs, core muscles, buttocks, calves, thighs and even arms work. For this reason, weight loss occurs evenly and the body looks more harmonious.
  • You prefer to run and walk than sit in one place. In fact, not everyone is comfortable sitting on an exercise bike, especially continuously for 40-60 minutes. Exercising on a treadmill is more physiological and natural for a person.

Features of choice

If you are still in doubt, consider some features when choosing a simulator.

Exercise bike:

  • Compact, does not take up much space, suitable for use in a room of any size, even on a balcony;
  • During the workout, your hands are not used, so you can pedal and read a book or hold the TV remote at the same time;
  • There is no risk of injury because only the pedals move in the machine and there are no dangerous protruding elements.

Now let's look at the treadmill:

  • Increased noise level compared to an exercise bike;
  • There is a possibility of injury, since the running belt moves independently (in electric models);
  • Running may seem monotonous and boring (just like working out on an exercise bike);
  • Increased calorie consumption;
  • More functions and built-in programs.

Choose a simulator based on your capabilities. Be sure to test the model you choose, as you may not like how it works.

Greetings, friends!

In the spring, the topic of losing weight comes first among the female and male population. After all, summer is coming, and this is the time of year when we can demonstrate to others our slim figure. Some of the best helpers in the fight against extra pounds are running and cycling.

Of course we can do physical activity and on the street, but for various reasons this is not always convenient. Therefore, it is best to purchase for these purposes Sports Equipment for home use and improve your shape in more comfortable conditions.

You can get two types of exercise equipment at once, but in reality it turns out to be too expensive, and where can you get so much space in our miniature apartments? Therefore, most people who want to lose weight ask the question - what is better, a treadmill or an exercise bike for losing weight?

To choose the right sports equipment that will meet all our requirements, let's get to know each one a little closer.

A treadmill is a machine that has a running belt, handrails and measuring sensors. They can be either electrical or mechanical, which work only due to the efforts of the runner himself. More modern models are equipped with ready-made programs for any training purpose.

The prototype of a modern treadmill is an agricultural wheel; their mechanism of action is very similar to each other. This simulator was also used in prisons to correct prisoners at the beginning of the 19th century.

An exercise bike is similar to a real bicycle, but unlike it, it does not have wheels (or only one - the front one), but there are pedals and a steering wheel; in advanced versions there are various indicators for tracking the progress of the workout.

The first exercise bike appeared in the 19th century and was a bulky structure that worked not only the legs, but also the athlete’s arms. Outwardly, it was a chair to which a board with a handle was attached, and pedals were attached below. Since then, a lot has changed about him.

Both of these machines are designed for:

  • burning calories and effective weight loss;
  • strengthening and building muscles.

They also perfectly train the cardiovascular system, increase blood flow throughout the body, improve lung function, relieve stress and nervous tension, increase endurance.

If you decide to buy one of the exercise machines for your home, it is best to first test at the fitness club several times. There you will feel for yourself all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of simulator, consult with a trainer, and after your overall impression, make the right decision.

It is also important to know that in order to reduce body volume, you need to train with such sports equipment only at a fast pace, but if the goal is to strengthen the muscle corset, then, on the contrary, slowly.

Which cardio machine is more effective?

In our world, gaining weight is as easy as shelling pears, especially for those people who are naturally inclined to be overweight, because the abundance of food products, various delicious dishes, and a sedentary lifestyle quite quickly affects weight.

People who have set themselves the goal of losing weight deserve respect simply because they have willpower. Therefore, everyone who is losing weight needs to first of all improve their health.

Do not starve under any circumstances, otherwise anaerobic training will simply squeeze all your strength out of you. Therefore, a balanced diet is the key to successful weight loss.

When choosing a simulator, you need to pay attention not only to how many calories it burns per hour, but also to a lot of other parameters that are also important to one degree or another.

Let's have a little comparative characteristics treadmill and exercise bike.

  1. Let's start with, perhaps, the most important thing - energy consumption. In this case, an exercise bike is slightly inferior to a treadmill, because in an hour it burns about 400 calories, while the second one is 2 times more. But there is such training on exercise bikes as, which is much more effective than usual.
  2. As for the muscles, on the treadmill they receive the load more evenly, that is, the legs, arms, stomach, back, and even stabilizer muscles work here. Whereas on an exercise bike, the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks are mainly used, and partially.
  3. When exercising on an exercise bike, you can overstrain your leg muscles and strengthen your back and shoulder muscles, and after training on a treadmill, the risk of overstraining is much less.
  4. You can train on an exercise bike both sitting and standing, whereas on a treadmill you will have to either constantly walk or run, so it’s easier even for a beginner to reschedule the former.
  5. A treadmill can be more traumatic than an exercise bike, especially with modern electric models to which you need to adapt. A good vestibular apparatus will help in this case.
  6. Exercise on an exercise bike is not prohibited for people who are overweight or elderly, while training on a treadmill can unnecessarily increase the load on the joints. Everything here, of course, is individual; if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.
  7. In terms of size, a treadmill takes up more space than an exercise bike, although both equipment can be equipped with a folding feature.
  8. Based on the noise level, training on an exercise bike is much quieter, while a treadmill is noisier.
  9. Another important factor is the cost; a more economical option is an exercise bike, the prices of which start at $70, while a treadmill is much more expensive, about twice as expensive.
  10. If the goal is to lose weight in the hips, buttocks, and reduce riding breeches, then it is better to give preference to an exercise bike, since it directly works with the legs, and if you reduce weight evenly, then you should take a closer look at the treadmill.
  11. Monotonous pedaling can be brightened up by reading literature or watching TV, while when exercising on a treadmill, greater concentration is required; here, for entertainment, it is better to turn on rhythmic music.

But it's not yet full list parameters that must be taken into account when choosing the right sports equipment; contraindications are no less important here, because, unfortunately, not all people have excellent health to engage in any type of physical activity without consequences.

Contraindications for sports equipment

The following diseases of the body are taboo for two types of cardio equipment:

  • Heart disease;
  • Heart failure;
  • Angina;
  • Hypertension;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bronchitis;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Asthma;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Any disease in the acute stage.

Now let's look at them individually.

This is how exercise on a treadmill will bring more harm than the benefit if a person has:

  1. diseases of the leg joints;
  2. diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system;
  3. pathologies of the genitourinary and digestive systems;
  4. varicose veins when running, with the exception of walking.

Contraindications for an exercise bike include:

  • diabetes mellitus in the last stages;
  • all hepatitis groups;
  • diseases of the lumbar spine;
  • knee injuries;
  • various swelling;
  • varicose veins

In addition to the usual upright exercise bike, there is also one horizontal analogue, it acts much softer, without unnecessarily loading the back and joints, suitable for people with varicose veins. Its only downside is that it is not suitable for losing excess weight.

That's all for me. I hope these tips and tricks will help you do right choice in favor of one or another sports equipment. But there is another type of cardio machine called an ellipsoid, but more about that another time.

Let me summarize all of the above once again. Choose an exercise bike if you want to shed pounds on your legs, thighs and buttocks. Give preference to the treadmill if your goal is to remove your sides and belly, as well as lose weight and tone your entire body.

Whatever sports equipment you choose, each of them will, to a greater or lesser extent, bring you closer to your ideal figure.

Good luck with your weight loss! See you!