July 4 marked the 75th anniversary of the Hero of Ukraine, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber (1996-2011), long-term head of the National Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing

This year is a four-year anniversary for Hero of Ukraine Valentin Symonenko, who headed the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine for 14 years. On July 4, he turns 75 years old. 55 years ago, as a student at the Odessa Construction Institute, he first visited the Caucasus, thus connecting his life with mountaineering: for 35 years he has headed the Odessa alpine club and for 20 years - the National Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing.

On the eve of his birthday, we met with Valentin Konstantinovich at the Kiev office of the federation. The wall of his office is decorated with a panorama of the Pamir mountain system, one of the peaks of which is named after the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

- Valentin Konstantinovich, in what mood are you celebrating your anniversary?

I don’t even think about any rethinking and summing up. Buddhists say that at this age a person enters the stage of contemplation. But I believe that it is still early, we need to fulfill everything that is destined from above and remain in the stage of creation. Every morning I walk three to five kilometers, do a little exercise in the gym, including on an exercise bike.

I am guided by the principle “health is given once in a lifetime, and by training hard, we spend it” (laughs). Now, in addition to leading the federation, I give a course of lectures at the National Trade and Economic University, because I am a Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

There is a lot of work in the federation now, questions and... problems have accumulated that threaten our movement. And this despite the fact that at the annual world championships the Ukrainian mountaineering team wins medals and prizes in various classes. And over the past five years, our climbers have never been left without awards at international competitions.

By the way, last year a former Donetsk resident and now an Odessa resident became the champion and world record holder in speed climbing.

But, unfortunately, we are not in favor with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Federations allocate only 50 thousand hryvnia per year for participation in the Ukrainian and world mountaineering championships, but we're talking about about foreign competitions.
The state lacks an understanding of the essence of youth policy, where sport is one of its main mechanisms, the most important social elevator.
But we, climbers, are optimists by nature and do concrete things with the words: “In the morning there is a rise, in the morning there is a journey to the top.”

- I heard that you are going to celebrate your birthday in Odessa. Why there?

The genealogical roots of our family go deep into the Odessa land - the countdown begins in 1852. In this city I was born, and it was in South Palmyra that the main stages of my life took place. life path.
Many comrades and like-minded people, with whom I ate more than a pound of salt, live in Odessa. Friends from Moscow, Almaty, Baku and Tbilisi will be happy to come there to celebrate this day with me.
And swim in the Black Sea, as they say, on a ball (smiles). As for gifts, believe me, the most priceless is communication with friends.
This is why life is beautiful. And although there are only 25 years left until the century mark, I think that this is far from evening.

- You once said: “Ukraine needs heroes, and they are born where maximum concentration of physical and intellectual forces is necessary to achieve a goal. There is a better way to raise worthy winners than to climb to the top high peaks, No".

This is the motto of the first National Ukrainian expedition to Everest, when three of its participants reached the summit and established highest point peace flag and coat of arms of Ukraine.
Then, unfortunately, one of the expedition members, doctor Vasily Kopytko, died.

He reached the top, but at an altitude of 8 thousand 600 meters he set off without oxygen in search of a lagging comrade, saved him, but left us forever. And Vladislav Terzyul is one of the few people on the planet who, without oxygen, climbed 14 peaks of the world exceeding eight thousand meters.
Yes, mountaineering produces heroes. When the genetic code of our ancestors, the craving and desire to look beyond the horizon of the ordinary and familiar, is triggered in a person, then real mountaineering is born. Mountains are a kind of brain convolutions of our planet, an excellent natural training ground for raising leaders and potential heroes.

I have been to the Himalayas several times. Did you know that only one peak of this mountain system is named after the country? And this country is Ukraine. The name was given to the peak in 2001. To do this, I had to meet with the Prime Minister three times and once with the King of Nepal.

I still visit the mountains every year. Five years ago I climbed the six-thousander Kazbek. In mid-July this year, the regional federations of Kyiv and Odessa will send expeditions to Svaneti (Georgia), I will also be with them. It’s a pity that today, as they say, the traction is no longer the same. Otherwise, I would go with the Ukrainian mountaineering team to the Tien Shan, they intend to conquer two seven-thousanders there - Pobeda Peak and Khan Tengri. Unfortunately, today my limit is 4 thousand 500 meters above sea level.

- What episode from your sports career do you remember most?

In 1962, our group, having completed the ascent, descended from Eastern Shkhelda - the top of the Central Caucasus Range. For me this was the first peak highest category difficulties. Even during the descent, we noticed that a helicopter was constantly cruising over this area. They even joked that we were being watched. We went down to the glacier and saw a group of people sitting on a rocky island. Among them we recognized... film director Stanislav Govorukhin and Vladimir Vysotsky!
They were just filming the film “Vertical”, in which Vysotsky played one of the main roles. Govorukhin suggested that we go through the route again. Like, they went great - it should turn out a good picture. One of our people replied: “Not for any money! Even at gunpoint it will not be possible to drive us to this peak again. This can only be done at the call of the soul.”

- You left big politics four years ago. With whom from former colleagues Are you still friendly?

The circle of friends has practically not changed, although there are fewer people with whom one wants to meet - the process of dividing society into one's own and another's has affected. I learned that I was no longer a civil servant and no longer headed the Accounts Chamber on July 7, 2011. I was on vacation in the Caucasus, leading a team of rescuers transporting Odessa climbers who died on Dykhtau. Actually, I was ready to resign a long time ago, but I didn’t think it would happen in such an underhanded manner.
Nevertheless, this news prompted me to slightly adjust my plans for the future. With over 50 years behind me length of service, thirty-five of which I gave to the civil service, I embodied my further existence in the formula: “What was a song should become a craft.” And there are enough songs in my life: mountaineering, scientific activity, work with youth, books, travel, home...

As a Doctor of Economics, tell me, can current science offer anything to restore the domestic economy?

The National Academy of Sciences has economic developments with an innovative component worth at least $300 billion! But they lie like dead weight, aging, since there is no mechanism for their introduction into the real economy. That is why the first task of the government is to launch the innovation policy mechanism. The figure was not taken out of thin air; I dealt with this issue when I was chairman of the Accounts Chamber.

It is also necessary to free people’s energy. That is, to give our society passionarity and eliminate the rigid vertical power structure. Today this is supposedly called decentralization. I worked with four presidents of Ukraine - Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. And each of them built a vertical. And, judging by the amendments to the Constitution proposed today, Petro Poroshenko wants to concrete this vertical.

It turns out that Kyiv, as it was a battlefield for sorting out relations, will remain so.
Well, God bless him, give the regions freedom, the right to work and earn money. I was the mayor of Odessa for nine years (from 1983 to 1992 - Ed.). We were the only ones in the Soviet Union to open a city currency account in 1986. Then the mayor of Kyiv, Valentin Zgursky, came and asked how we managed it. And everything is very simple: we found an opportunity to earn money by accurately choosing the strategic direction of development.

It is also necessary to correctly formulate local and regional budgets. So that 80 percent of the funds are earned locally, and 20 percent come from the center. And now everything is exactly the opposite. They gave a carrot in the form of so-called financial decentralization, while loading it with many functions and enormous responsibility... The current Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Vladimir Groysman, being the first Deputy Prime Minister, was involved in regional politics and local self-government. He first predicted that reforms based on the Polish model would take months, and then one to two years. But he did not take into account that in Poland it took nine years and more than 100 billion euros to reorganize self-government, the lion's share of which were non-repayable grants from the European Union.

Regional policy is interpreted and consolidated by government regulations. But they forget that the region, being an integral part of Ukraine, should have its own socio-economic policy and could compete with similar European territorial units. I say this with bitterness, because we are missing one of the last chances to overcome the deepest crisis. Especially for our managers, I once wrote a book (as a guide to educational program on this issue) “Ukraine will be revived by the regions”, which was preceded by about a dozen fundamental works devoted to the study of this current topic. In my opinion, having worked for five years as the head of the district, nine as the mayor of Odessa, and then as the representative of the president in the Odessa region, I had the right to do this.

- Are you invited to any groups to develop a new legislative framework?

As a rule, the “development” processes follow the principle “and Vaska listens and eats.” For me, the main thing is not participation, but the result. Today all executive structures are under external control. There are constant conversations about the need to fight corruption. At the same time, there is no clear answer to the question of what this corruption is. Everything is mixed up: bribery, and organized crime... Honestly, this reminds me of an Odessa joke: “Will there be a war?” - “There will be no war, but there will be such a struggle for peace that no stone will be left unturned.”

The Ukrainian Accounts Chamber, the youngest in Europe (established in 1997 - Ed.), is today in organizational anabiosis. For example, the history of the French Court of Auditors goes back 205 years, the English one - 260 years. But for some reason, we were chosen several times for an external audit of the activities of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). And we have reported on the results of inspections at OSCE sessions for several years in a row.

In 2004-2005, experts from GRECO, an organization that unites free auditors and is considered the most authoritative European anti-corruption structure, came to the conclusion: “The Accounts Chamber of Ukraine has achieved the most significant and striking successes in the fight against corruption.” And now everyone in the country is fighting corruption, but virtually no one listens to the Accounts Chamber. Ukraine today is a parliamentary-presidential republic. The main functions of the Verkhovna Rada are legislative and supervisory. What is the main control tool? The Accounts Chamber, which on behalf of the parliament, that is, the people, reports on all the shortcomings in the use of public funds.

Even before becoming the head of this structure, you served as acting prime minister in 1992. These were the first years of Ukraine's independence. Is it true what they say that Russia was already breathing unevenly towards our territories?

I was involved in politics a lot, more than once I was offered to join various parties, or even become a co-founder of a new one. But I deliberately focused on the economy, without the success of which all that will remain from our independence is a flag, a coat of arms and an inoperative Constitution.

How did Crimea, an integral part of Ukraine, go to Russia without military clashes and with our army on the peninsula? Those involved in this process still occupy the highest government positions, but there are no reasoned answers to the pressing question yet. There is supposedly a political mantra that explains everything: “Imperial plans of Russia.” I associate such statements with the recent past, when officials different levels questions on any of the burning topics were answered the same way: “There is such an opinion.”

Unfortunately, even now the most pressing questions concerning our plight in the economy social sphere, military and law enforcement activities, the answer is also the same: “Counteracting Russia’s imperial plans.”
You will not hear any other arguments or explanations. Recently, the newly appointed governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, announced to the whole world that Russia is implementing its imperial plans in Bessarabia, and provided evidence - the local residents watch Russian television. Now let’s ask ourselves: there are televisions, stable broadcasting in this territory is carried out by Romania, Moldova, Turkey, Russia. There is practically no permanent Ukrainian broadcasting.

So what kind of television should the residents of Bessarabia watch and what do imperial plans have to do with it? The burning desire of any government, especially an unstable one, is to relieve itself of responsibility. It is this position that gives rise to political mantras with which politicians answer all questions that arise from society.

– USSR MS, Kyiv.

Born on July 4, 1940 in Odessa. In 1962 he graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (OCI). As assigned, he worked for three years on the construction of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station. Then, in the city of Ilyichevsk, he built a giant plant for the production of reinforced concrete structures as head of the production and technical department, head of the workshop. Sent to Odessa (1965-1970) to improve the work of construction industry factories - beginning. technical department, plant director. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1976), the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1981). Subsequently, he was the first secretary of the Primorsky district committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, secretary of the Odessa city party committee, head of the Odessa regional state administration, mayor of Odessa, Representative of the President in the Odessa region, Advisor to the President of Ukraine, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine. 1996-2010 – Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine.

Economist, Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Honored Economist of Ukraine (2000), member of the Academy of Economic Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for a series of works on problems of regional and socio-economic policy (2003), honorary member of the International Personnel Academy. Author of more than 200 published works on social issues economic development Ukraine, including 7 books devoted to the problems of economic development of regions and the system of state financial control in Ukraine.

He was awarded the insignia of the President of Ukraine - the Order of Merit, II degree (1999) and I degree (2004), and the Order of Yaroslav the Wise, V degree (2006).

The Accounts Chamber of Ukraine was elected to the Board of Directors of EUROSAI (European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) for a period of six years (2008). The OSCE appointed the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine to serve as its external auditor (2009) for a period of 1 year with the possibility of extension for another two years.

Simonenko and Medvedev. 2009

While mayor of Odessa, he gave a long-term lease of premises for the Odessa alpine club. With his help and participation, the Museum of the Private Collection of A.V. was opened. Bleschunov (the first organizer of Ukrainian mountaineering in Odessa - 1936).

On the occasion of Simonenko’s 70th birthday in 2010, the books “Position” were published - memories of colleagues working with Simonenko in government agencies, “Lifelong Climbing” - stories of fellow climbers about joint ascents and work in the FAiS of Ukraine.

He began mountaineering in 1960. The first instructor was Hana Saulovna Stepanova (Lerner). Mountaineering instructor since 1967. Since 1976 - Chairman of the regional mountaineering federation. Since 1995 - President of the Odessa alpine club. Since 1998 – President of the FAiS of Ukraine, leader of the Himalayan expeditions. MS USSR– 1968. Honored Coach of Ukraine – 1999. Three-time champion of the Ukrainian SSR. Participation in rescue operations: 1962 – Ushba icefall, transportation of N. Solovtsov (vertebral fracture). Instructor. He worked in alpine camps in the Caucasus.

The best climbs, participation in the championships of the Union, Ukraine: 1964 – Chatyn on the S wall, 5b; 1965 – Lenin village via Sk. Lipkina – 1st place of the Ukrainian SSR (highest class); 1967 – Engels village in the south-east corner, 6 grades, 1st place in the Ukrainian SSR (high-tech class); 1967 – head of the PV at the village of Babel in the SW direction; 1968 – Shkhelda in the center of St., 5b.; 1969 – Sandal-Muzdzhilga, traverse, 5b, 5th place of the USSR; 1970 – traverse of Kovshov village, Pamir, 5b, 1st place of the Ukrainian SSR; 1971 – Ushba cross; 1972 – P. E. Korzhenevskaya and others.

Leader of Himalayan Expeditions: 1996 – to Annapurna (8.091 m). 1998 – on Pumori and Ama Dablan. 1999 – the first national expedition to Everest (8,848 m). 2001 – on Manaslu (8.163 m). 2003 – on Hidden Peak (8068 m) and Trango Tower (6.257 m), along a steep wall in Karakoram. 2007 – on Himal-Chuli (7.893 m), pv, Himalayas. 2010 – on Makalu (8.470 m), pp along the SW wall with access to the western edge.

Initiator and leader of the appearance on world maps in 2001 (in the year of the 10th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine) of the peak “Ukraine”, 6.251 m (Himalayas, Manaslu region), p. “Independent Ukraine”, 6.201 m (Tian Shan, Khan Tengri region ) and item B.E. Paton, 3.960 m in the Caucasus in 2004.

He wrote an essay on the history of Odessa mountaineering “From Goverla to Everest” in the book “The Ascent of the World to Everest.” Odessa. OKFA.1995.

Valentin Simonenko photography

Education, scientific achievements

Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (1957-1962). Civil engineer.

Candidate's dissertation: "Improving organizational and economic management big city" (1992).

Doctoral dissertation: “Improving the management of socio-economic processes in the regions” (1996).

Honored Economist of Ukraine. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for a series of works on problems of regional and socio-economic policy (2003). Honorary member of the International Personnel Academy (2004).

Author of more than 200 published works devoted to the problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the formation of a market economy, regional policy, the formation and implementation of state budgets, the role of executive and legislative bodies in this process, including the books: “Ukraine will be revived by the regions” (1995). ), "Ukrainian Black Sea region: potential opportunities and development prospects" (1996), "Regions of Ukraine - problems of development" (1997), "Repentance?!" (1997), “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” (2000), “Fundamentals of a Unified System of State Financial Control in Ukraine” (2006), “Five-Year Plans for Independence: Economic Essays” (2007).

Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

Labor activity

He started as a foreman in the construction of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station. He worked his way up from a civil engineer to a plant director at the Odeszhelezobeton trust.

Best of the day

Since 1983, Valentin Simonenko has been chairman of the executive committee of the Odessa City Council, people's deputy, and since 1991 - chairman of the city council and city executive committee.

In March 1992, he was appointed representative of the President of Ukraine in the Odessa region, and in July of the same year - First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine. At the same time, he heads the Socio-Economic Council under the President of Ukraine, Advisor to the President of Ukraine on socio-economic issues.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 11th convocation and People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 1st and 2nd convocations.

At the end of 1996, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine V.K. Simonenko was elected Chairman of the Accounts Chamber.

On December 11, 2003, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed V.K. Symonenko to the post of Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine for a second term.


Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, "For Merit" 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, Yaroslav the Wise 5th degree, Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, Certificate of Honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Honorary title "Honored Economist of Ukraine", numerous medals.


Mountaineering. Master of Sports, Honored Trainer of Ukraine, multiple champion of Ukraine and the USSR, President of the Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Ukraine. Leader of the First Ukrainian National Expedition to Everest (March-May 1999), leader of the National Expedition "Ukraine-Himalayas-2001". He has been the head of the Odessa mountaineering club for 25 years.

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine since 1996, served as Prime Minister of Ukraine from October 2 to October 12, 1992

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine.


Education and works

Graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (1957-1962) with a degree in civil engineering.

Candidate's thesis: “Improving the organizational and economic management of a large city” (1992). Doctoral dissertation: “Improving the management of socio-economic processes in the regions” (1996).

Honored Economist of Ukraine. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for a series of works on problems of regional and socio-economic policy (2003). Honorary member of the International Personnel Academy (2004).

Author of more than 200 published works devoted to the problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the formation of a market economy, regional policy, the formation and implementation of state budgets, the role of executive and legislative bodies in this process, including the books: “Ukraine will be revived by the regions” (1995), “Ukrainian Black Sea region: potential opportunities and prospects for development” (1996), “Regions of Ukraine - problems of development” (1997), “Repentance?!” (1997), “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” (2000), “Fundamentals of a Unified System of State Financial Control in Ukraine” (2006), “Five-Year Plans for Independence: Economic Essays” (2007).

Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

Industrial and political activities

He started as a foreman in the construction of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station. He worked his way up from a civil engineer to a plant director at the Odeszhelezobeton trust.

Since 1983, Valentin Simonenko has been chairman of the executive committee of the Odessa City Council, people's deputy, and since 1991 - chairman of the city council and city executive committee.

In March 1992, he was appointed representative of the President of Ukraine in the Odessa region, and in July of the same year - First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine. At the same time, he heads the Socio-Economic Council under the President of Ukraine, Advisor to the President of Ukraine on socio-economic issues.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 11th convocation and People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 1st and 2nd convocations.

At the end of 1996, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine elected V. K. Simonenko Chairman of the Accounts Chamber.

On December 11, 2003, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed V. K. Simonenko to the post of Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine for a second term.

Since the summer of 2006, member of the Council of the civil-political association “Ukrainian Forum”. In the spring of 2009, he joined the council of the New Ukraine Civil Movement.


He is interested in mountaineering. Master of Sports, Honored Trainer of Ukraine, multiple champion of Ukraine and the USSR, President of the Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Ukraine. Leader of the First Ukrainian National Expedition to Everest (March-May 1999), leader of the National Expedition “Ukraine-Himalayas-2001”. He has been the head of the Odessa mountaineering club for 25 years. Head of the Federation of Mountaineers of Ukraine. It is only thanks to this man that mountaineering in Ukraine continues to flourish to this day. Organizer of many mountaineering expeditions in Ukraine.

In 1973 he founded the Alp Club Odessa.

In 1995, Valentin Konstantinovich becomes president public organization“Mountaineering Club “Odessa” (successor of the federation). Under his leadership, the alpine club becomes the leading one in Ukraine and famous in Europe.

VC. Simonenko is one of the main organizers of Ukrainian Himalayan expeditions to the peaks of Annapurna (8078m), Cho Oyu (8201m), Pumori (7161m) and Amadablam (6856m), conducts Ukrainian national expeditions to Everest (8848m), Manaslu (8163m), Peak Ukraine (6251 m), Himal Chuli (7893 m) and this year led an expedition to the eight-thousander Makalu (8463 m).

In 1999, for the development of mountaineering in Ukraine, training of highly qualified climbers V.K. Simonenko was awarded the high title of Honored Coach of Ukraine.


  • Adazhi's first wife Inna Alekseevna (1938-2002)
  • Widowed, married again: wife Olga Taratuta
  • He has two sons from his first marriage: Sergei (born 1963) - head of the State Hydrography enterprise. Konstantin (born 1974) - deputy of the Kyiv City Council.
  • Daughter: Elena Vitalievna Lozhkareva


  • On December 3, 2009, by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1008/2009 - for his outstanding personal contribution to the state building of Ukraine, the formation and approval of the Accounts Chamber as a constitutional body of independent financial control - he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.
  • Soviet Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1976) and Friendship of Peoples (1981), Russian Order of Friendship (2009), Ukrainian Orders of Merit III, II and I degrees (1996, 1999, 2004) and Yaroslav the Wise V degrees (2006), numerous medals.
  • Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, Certificate of Honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Honorary title"Honored Economist of Ukraine."

Valentin Konstantinovich Simonenko(ukr. Valentin Kostyantinovich Simonenko; genus. July 4, Odessa) - Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Ukraine in 1996-2011, served as Prime Minister of Ukraine from October 12, 1992. Civil servant of the 1st rank. Honored Citizen of the Hero City Odessa.


Education and works

Honored Economist of Ukraine. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for a series of works on problems of regional and socio-economic policy (). Honorary member of the International Personnel Academy ().

Author of more than 200 published works devoted to the problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the formation of a market economy, regional policy, the formation and implementation of state budgets, the role of executive and legislative bodies in this process, including books: “Ukraine will be revived by the regions” (), “ Ukrainian Black Sea region: potential opportunities and development prospects" (), "Regions of Ukraine - development problems" (), "Repentance?!" (), “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” (), “Fundamentals of a Unified System of State Financial Control in Ukraine” (), “Five-Year Plans for Independence: Economic Essays” (), “” (2011).

Industrial and political activities

He started as a foreman in the construction of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station. He worked his way up from a civil engineer to a plant director at the Odeszhelezobeton trust.


In 1973 he helped found the Alp Club Odessa.

In 1995, Valentin Konstantinovich became president of the public organization "Odessa Mountaineering Club" (successor to the federation). The Alpine Club, under his leadership, became one of the leading ones in Ukraine.

V. K. Simonenko is one of the main organizers of Ukrainian Himalayan expeditions to the peaks of Annapurna (8078m), Cho Oyu (8201m), Pumori (7161m) and Amadablam (6856m), conducts Ukrainian national expeditions to Everest (8848m), Manaslu (8163m) m), peak Ukraine (6251 m), Himal-Chuli (7893 m) and this year led an expedition to the eight-thousander Makalu (8463 m).

In 1999, for the development of mountaineering in Ukraine and the training of high-class mountaineers, V. K. Simonenko was awarded the high title of Honored Trainer of Ukraine.


  • Father - Simonenko Konstantin Davydovich (-)
  • Mother - Simonenko Alexandra Ivanovna (-)
  • Brother - Simonenko Vladimir Konstantinovich (-)
  • Adazhieva's wife Inna Alekseevna (-)
  • Widowed, married again: wife Olga Taratuta - designer, owner of the famous brand “Modessa” in Odessa
  • He has two sons, Sergei (b.) - head of the State Hydrography enterprise. Konstantin (b.) - deputy of the Kyiv City Council, lawyer.


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  • (Ukrainian)
  • (Ukrainian)
Vitold Pavlovich Fokin
And. O. Prime Minister of Ukraine

October 1 - October 13
Leonid Danilovich Kuchma

An excerpt characterizing Simonenko, Valentin Konstantinovich

Pierre met the old count. He was confused and upset. That morning Natasha told him that she had refused Bolkonsky.
“Trouble, trouble, mon cher,” he said to Pierre, “trouble with these motherless girls; I'm so anxious that I came. I'll be honest with you. We heard that she refused the groom without asking anyone anything. Let’s face it, I was never very happy about this marriage. Let's say he good man, but well, there would be no happiness against her father’s will, and Natasha would not be left without suitors. Yes, after all, this has been going on for a long time, and how can it be without a father, without a mother, such a step! And now she’s sick, and God knows what! It’s bad, Count, it’s bad with daughters without a mother... - Pierre saw that the Count was very upset, he tried to shift the conversation to another subject, but the Count again returned to his grief.
Sonya entered the living room with a worried face.
– Natasha is not entirely healthy; she is in her room and would like to see you. Marya Dmitrievna is with her and asks you too.
“But you are very friendly with Bolkonsky, he probably wants to convey something,” said the count. - Oh, my God, my God! How good everything was! - And taking hold of the sparse temples of his gray hair, the count left the room.
Marya Dmitrievna announced to Natasha that Anatol was married. Natasha did not want to believe her and demanded confirmation of this from Pierre himself. Sonya told Pierre this as she escorted him through the corridor to Natasha’s room.
Natasha, pale, stern, sat next to Marya Dmitrievna and from the very door met Pierre with a feverishly shining, questioning gaze. She did not smile, did not nod her head to him, she just looked stubbornly at him, and her gaze asked him only about whether he was a friend or an enemy like everyone else in relation to Anatole. Pierre himself obviously did not exist for her.
“He knows everything,” said Marya Dmitrievna, pointing at Pierre and turning to Natasha. “Let him tell you whether I was telling the truth.”
Natasha, like a shot, hunted animal looking at the approaching dogs and hunters, looked first at one and then at the other.
“Natalya Ilyinichna,” Pierre began, lowering his eyes and feeling a feeling of pity for her and disgust for the operation that he had to perform, “whether it’s true or not, it shouldn’t matter to you, because...
- So it’s not true that he is married!
- No, its true.
– Was he married for a long time? - she asked, - honestly?
Pierre gave her his word of honor.
– Is he still here? – she asked quickly.
- Yes, I saw him just now.
She was obviously unable to speak and made signs with her hands to leave her.

Pierre did not stay for dinner, but immediately left the room and left. He went around the city to look for Anatoly Kuragin, at the thought of whom all the blood now rushed to his heart and he had difficulty catching his breath. In the mountains, among the gypsies, among the Comoneno, it was not there. Pierre went to the club.
In the club everything went on as usual: the guests who had come to dine sat in groups and greeted Pierre and talked about city news. The footman, having greeted him, reported to him, knowing his acquaintance and habits, that a place had been left for him in the small dining room, that Prince Mikhail Zakharych was in the library, and Pavel Timofeich had not arrived yet. One of Pierre's acquaintances, between talking about the weather, asked him if he had heard about Kuragin's kidnapping of Rostova, which they talk about in the city, is it true? Pierre laughed and said that this was nonsense, because he was now only from the Rostovs. He asked everyone about Anatole; one told him that he had not come yet, the other that he would dine today. It was strange for Pierre to look at this calm, indifferent crowd of people who did not know what was going on in his soul. He walked around the hall, waited until everyone had arrived, and without waiting for Anatole, he did not have lunch and went home.
Anatole, whom he was looking for, dined with Dolokhov that day and consulted with him on how to correct the spoiled matter. It seemed to him necessary to see Rostova. In the evening he went to his sister to talk with her about the means to arrange this meeting. When Pierre, having traveled all over Moscow in vain, returned home, the valet reported to him that Prince Anatol Vasilich was with the countess. The Countess's living room was full of guests.
Pierre, without greeting his wife, whom he had not seen since his arrival (she hated him more than ever at that moment), entered the living room and, seeing Anatole, approached him.
“Ah, Pierre,” said the countess, approaching her husband. “You don’t know what situation our Anatole is in...” She stopped, seeing in her husband’s low-hanging head, in his sparkling eyes, in his decisive gait that terrible expression of rage and strength that she knew and experienced in herself after the duel with Dolokhov.
“Where you are, there is debauchery and evil,” Pierre said to his wife. “Anatole, let’s go, I need to talk to you,” he said in French.
Anatole looked back at his sister and stood up obediently, ready to follow Pierre.
Pierre took him by the hand, pulled him towards him and walked out of the room.
“Si vous vous permettez dans mon salon, [If you allow yourself in my living room,” Helen said in a whisper; but Pierre left the room without answering her.
Anatole followed him with his usual, dashing gait. But there was noticeable concern on his face.
Entering his office, Pierre closed the door and turned to Anatole without looking at him.
– You promised Countess Rostova to marry her and wanted to take her away?
“My dear,” Anatole answered in French (as the whole conversation went), I do not consider myself obligated to answer interrogations made in such a tone.
Pierre's face, previously pale, became distorted with rage. He grabbed Anatole by the collar of his uniform with his large hand and began to shake him from side to side until Anatole’s face took on a sufficient expression of fear.
“When I say that I need to talk to you...” Pierre repeated.
- Well, this is stupid. A? - said Anatole, feeling the collar button that had been torn off with the cloth.
“You are a scoundrel and a scoundrel, and I don’t know what holds me back from the pleasure of crushing your head with this,” said Pierre, “expressing himself so artificially because he spoke French.” He took the heavy paperweight in his hand and raised it threateningly and immediately hastily put it back in its place.
– Did you promise to marry her?
- I, I, I didn’t think; however, I never promised, because...
Pierre interrupted him. - Do you have her letters? Do you have any letters? - Pierre repeated, moving towards Anatole.
Anatole looked at him and immediately, putting his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet.
Pierre took the letter handed to him and, pushing away the table that was standing on the road, fell onto the sofa.
“Je ne serai pas violent, ne craignez rien, [Don’t be afraid, I won’t use violence,” said Pierre, responding to Anatole’s frightened gesture. “Letters – one,” said Pierre, as if repeating a lesson to himself. “Second,” he continued after a moment of silence, getting up again and starting to walk, “you must leave Moscow tomorrow.”
- But how can I...
“Third,” Pierre continued without listening to him, “you must never say a word about what happened between you and the countess.” This, I know, I cannot forbid you, but if you have a spark of conscience... - Pierre silently walked around the room several times. Anatole sat at the table and bit his lips with a frown.
“You can’t help but finally understand that besides your pleasure there is happiness, the peace of other people, that you are ruining your whole life because you want to have fun. Have fun with women like my wife - with these you are in your right, they know what you want from them. They are armed against you with the same experience of depravity; but to promise a girl to marry her... to deceive, to steal... Don’t you understand that this is as vile as killing an old man or a child!...
Pierre fell silent and looked at Anatole with a gaze that was no longer angry, but questioning.
- I do not know this. A? - said Anatole, cheering up as Pierre overcame his anger. “I don’t know this and I don’t want to know,” he said, without looking at Pierre and with a slight trembling of his lower jaw, “but you told me these words: vile and the like, which I comme un homme d’honneur [as an honest man ] I won’t let anyone.