IN European countries The process of eradicating such concepts as “waste” and “garbage” has been going on for quite some time now. Almost anything can be processed into useful materials - from plastic bottles until they serve their term car tires. Crumb rubber, which is obtained by grinding tires, is a fairly useful material that can be used in the most different industries production. A tire recycling business plan with calculations will be an excellent guide for budding entrepreneurs in this specific but profitable endeavor.

To open your own small enterprise for recycling and recycling old tires in a provincial town, you will need to initially invest at least 2 million rubles. Considering the not entirely stable economic situation in Russia, it is better to use personal savings to start a business, refusing loans and other types of loans.

Brief description of the concept

In order for a businessman to open a private plant for recycling car tires, he must first visit the local branch of the Federal Tax Service. An example of this business plan involves registering an individual entrepreneur. A limited liability company is not entirely suitable in this case. The optimal taxation system for this business is the simplified tax system of 15% (income minus expenses). If an entrepreneur has basic knowledge of accounting, then there is no need to hire an appropriate specialist. As a last resort, outsource filling out tax returns. It is very important when registering to select the appropriate OKVED codes, namely these:

  • 38.32 “Disposal of sorted materials.”
  • 38.32.54 “Processing of rubber waste”.

Until 2012, organizing a line for processing tires into crumb rubber required a license. IN this moment there is no such need.

How much do you need to invest in opening?

The costs that are inevitable at the initial stage of organizing a private plant for the processing and disposal of car tires are as follows:

From the above table it can be seen that equipment for processing tires into crumbs is the main expense item at the start-up stage of this business. Also, you should not skimp on preparing the premises for the start of production, so that later the relevant authorities do not have unnecessary questions.

Marketing plan

Recycling of car tires is a rather specific business that does not require serious investments in advertising and promotion. The only thing that should be given increased attention is searching for distribution channels and establishing a system for accepting old car tires from individuals and enterprises.

The enterprise's income will consist of the sale of crumb rubber and metal cord. The wholesale cost of one kilogram of crumbs is 20 rubles in 2017. One ton of tires produces approximately 700 kilograms of crumbs. The capacity of the production line will allow us to freely process approximately 1 ton of tires in one working day. Accordingly, the monthly income from the sale of crumb rubber will be about 280,000 rubles, and the annual income will be 3,360,000 rubles.

Production plan

To install a tire recycling line, you should rent a production facility with an area of ​​at least 80 square meters on the outskirts of the city. meters. The area adjacent to the workshop must also be large enough to provide space for storing tires after receiving them from the population. Naturally, the workshop premises must fully comply with the established SanPiN and safety standards. fire safety. Also, safety regulations must be strictly observed in production.

The optimal work schedule for a tire recycling workshop is as follows:

  • Monday – Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Saturday – Sunday: non-working days.
  • One day a month - preventive maintenance.

The list of workers in the workshop for the production of crumb rubber from tires is given in the table below, as well as the approximate salary figures that should be assigned to them:

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Production Master 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 Production line worker 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
3 Equipment fitter 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
4 Tire receiver 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
5 Sales Manager 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
TOTAL 95 000 1 140 000

Below is a list of equipment that will need to be purchased to organize a production line:

  • Device for cutting seat rings.
  • A device for cutting tires into strips.
  • Device for cutting blanks from tapes.
  • Apparatus for abrading and forming crumb rubber.
  • Vibrating sieve for initial crumb cleaning.
  • Two magnetic separators and one air separator.
  • Transport devices in the amount of three pieces.
  • Electrical panel
  • Vibrating sieve through which fine cleaning of the material is carried out.
  • Apparatus for squeezing the seat ring.

Calculations of income and expenses

Current costs for maintaining the functionality of a tire processing workshop are as follows:

No. Expenditure Amount per month, rub. Amount per year, rub.
1 15 000 180 000
2 20 000 240 000
3 Remuneration of workshop workers 95 000 1 140 000
4 Personnel contributions to the Social Insurance Fund 28 500 342 000
5 Marketing expenses 5000 60 000
6 2000 24 000
7 3000 36 000
TOTAL 168 500 2 022 000

The profitability of a tire recycling workshop organized in a small town is shown in this table:

No. Indicators Amount for the current year of activity, rub.
1 Planned income from tire recycling 3 360 000
2 Cost of expenses for disposal and recycling of tires (sum of lines 2.1-2.7) 2 022 000
2.1 Monthly fees for renting a workshop 180 000
2.2 Utilities (mainly electricity) 240 000
2.3 Remuneration of workshop workers 1 140 000
2.4 Personnel contributions to the Social Insurance Fund 342 000
2.5 Marketing expenses 60 000
2.6 Scheduled maintenance and possible repairs of production workshop equipment 24 000
2.7 Likely additional costs 36 000
3 Gross income (before taxes) 1 338 000
4 Tax payments 200 700
5 Net income 1 137 300

Processing car tires into crumb rubber will bring a fairly decent annual profit of 1.1 million rubles, that is, about 100 thousand rubles will “drip” into the entrepreneur’s account per month. And this is when the production line is not fully loaded! The profitability of the business will be 34% - an excellent indicator. The initial investment in setting up a production workshop will pay off in less than two years.

Possible risks

Tire recycling and disposal is a business that can either make huge profits from the first months of operation or fail within the same period. The cause of failure can be very unpleasant risk factors that should not be discounted when working on a business concept. Such negative factors include:

  • Problems with finding high-quality equipment for processing car tires.
  • An increase in electricity prices, which may lead to an increase in the cost of the production process.
  • The risk associated with a drop in demand for crumb rubber, which is obtained from the processing of tires.
  • The risk of a serious increase in the payback period of this business due to low utilization of the tire processing line.

A far-sighted entrepreneur will always calculate to the smallest detail the likelihood of such risks and will try to protect his business as much as possible from their occurrence. So be careful, don’t make hasty decisions, and then your business will always have success and high profits!

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. A famous literary character spoke. Confirming his words, the car fleet around the world is growing steadily. Russia and the CIS countries are not lagging behind in terms of growth in the number of cars.

This growth is leading the world to many environmental problems, and one of them is the constant increase in the number of worn tires.

Scientists estimate that every year about 3 billion tires are thrown into landfills on the planet. And only about a fifth of them are exposed industrial processing. The rest rest in various landfills, polluting environment.

IN natural conditions tires do not disintegrate, but become constant sources of environmental, fire, and sanitary hazards. Although on their own, they can become sources of valuable raw materials.

So, from 1 ton of car tires you can get about 700-750 kg of rubber for recycling. And if we simply burn it, we will get about 600 kg of toxic waste in the form of soot and toxic gases.

Small tire recycling plant in Russia

Car tires can become a source for obtaining high-quality secondary raw materials. The tire contains polymers that can be used in various industries.

Tires also contain a sufficient amount of metal that metal processing enterprises are ready to take. If we consider that in Russia today no more than 10% of car tires are recycled, then such.

Among the advantages of such a business is access to raw materials. You can find tires for recycling in any city.

Its cost will be minimal, and you will often get it for free. The processing production line occupies a small space; you do not need to look for a large room for it.

To work on the line, 2–3 people per shift are enough. The cost of the line depends on the degree of tire processing and ranges from 800,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles. With a well-organized process, this will pay off in a period of 6 months to 1 year. One ton of tires, after processing, produces an average of 700 to 800 kg of secondary raw materials.

Tire processing products

The product of the primary processing of tires, crumb rubber, is used to obtain new products:

  1. Car tires and other rubber auto products.
  2. Manufacturing of rubber tracks and mats.
  3. Production of road coatings.
  4. Shoe making.
  5. Production of water-repellent surfaces.
  6. Production of coverings for tennis courts and sports fields.
  7. In construction, crumbs are added to concrete products.

This list can be continued, remembering all the other use cases.

By heating them in a special reactor, we obtain the following fractions:

  1. Liquid fuel, it is used to heat water and rooms in boiler rooms
  2. Gas, a significant part of it is used to support the heating process.
  3. Metal cord, it is readily accepted by metallurgical plants.


Start-up capital

Your main primary expense will be to purchase equipment. Your primary expenses will be in the range of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Let's see where your money will go:

  1. Purchase and installation of equipment – 1000000 – 1500000 rubles.
  2. Decor entrepreneurial activity LLC or individual entrepreneur - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Rent and preparation of premises – 300,000 – 400,000 rubles.
  4. Registration of permits – 100,000 rubles.

If you do not have your own cargo transport, you will need money to rent or purchase. This is at least 2,000,000 rubles.

Current expenses

  • Renting premises – 100,000 rub..
  • Employee salary - 80,000 – 120,000 rub..
  • utility bills, transport, communications, taxes – 200000rub.

Total per month will be approximately 380,000 – 420,000 rub..


The production line includes equipment:

  1. Reactor installation.
  2. Hydraulic shears.
  3. The separator is magnetic.
  4. Air separator.
  5. Belt conveyor.
  6. Vibrating sieve.
  7. Crucible 3 pcs.
  8. Tape cutter.
  9. Fuel oil storage tank.
  10. Containers for storing bulk raw materials.

The composition of the equipment may vary depending on the tasks assigned.

Selecting a room

Installation of a tire recycling line takes approximately 300 square meters. meters. To this should be added a room for storage of raw materials and finished products, approximately 200-300 sq. m. Since the installation is a reactor, it has greater height, it is better to install it in an open space.

The number of employees

All modern lines are fully automated. They require an average of 2 – 3 people per shift. It is worth noting that you may need a storekeeper, driver, forwarder, and accountant.

Line workers need to undergo professional training. Many companies offering tire recycling lines conduct personnel training at the commissioning stage. If the person came later, then the burden of training will fall on your shoulders.

Recycling process

Tires to be recycled are taken to your company's warehouse. Then there may be two options. The rubber will go into a reactor to produce fuel oil, or it will be processed into crumbs. It should be noted that in the cold season the demand for fuel oil is better, and in the summer the crumbs are sold more.

Let's consider the process of producing liquid fuel. After inspecting the rubber for the presence of metal discs and rings, it is crushed and fed as raw material into the reactor. There the raw materials are heated to approximately 450 degrees.

As a result of temperature exposure, the rubber breaks down into gas, which is sent to the reactor furnace for further combustion. Excess gas is released into the atmosphere. Its composition resembles car exhaust gases. Liquid fuel, which is poured into special containers.

To obtain crumb rubber, first the seat ring is removed from the tire, then the metal is removed from it. Next, using a tape cutter, spiral tire mode, we get a tape 3 - 5 centimeters wide. Next, the second seat ring is removed. And the rubber blanks are sent to the shredder. Next, the crumbs are separated into fractions of different sizes and sent to the warehouse.

Revenues and payback

The big advantage of the tire recycling business is that the raw materials are virtually free. But you can even make money from this. Some businesses are willing to pay you to rid them of tires.

Let's consider the option of obtaining liquid fuel. On average, the proposed installation is capable of processing 5 tons of tires per day.

From 5 tons of raw materials we will get the following amount of materials:

  1. Liquid fuel – 2 tons
  2. Metal cord – 0.5 tons
  3. Carbon-containing residue – 1.5 tons
  4. Gas – 1.0 ton

The average cost of liquid fuel is 7000 rubles/t. Metal cord – 4000 rub/t. Carbon-containing residue 3000 rub/t.

Thus, with continuous daily work, we will receive revenue of 615,000 rubles. Let's subtract from it monthly expenses 380,000 - 420,000 rubles. We will receive a net income of 195,000 - 235,000 rubles.

Depending on the primary costs, the payback period for the line will be from 6 to 12 months from the moment the line is put into operation.


It is worth noting that the processing of domestic and foreign tires is somewhat different. Although they look the same on the outside, the tires differ in their insides.

So in Russian tires There are a lot of nylon fibers, this point makes it very difficult to process Russian tires into rubber crumbs.

Foreign manufacturers They install an all-metal cord in their tires, without the participation of nylon fibers.

From this we draw simple conclusions. We use foreign tires for crumb rubber, but it is better to process domestic tires for fuel oil.

Location of the enterprise

One of the important factors for the location of a tire recycling plant is its proximity to raw material base. However, it should not be closer than 300 meters from a residential area. It is better to install it outside the city, in an industrial zone.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of basic communications, electricity and water. Industrial and automotive enterprises with a large fleet of vehicles. Tire fittings are also a good source of raw materials.


When organizing a tire recycling enterprise, you will need to obtain environmental certificates.

Install additional filters and carry out a number of other activities.

Can often help rental of premises in an enterprise, the territory of which already has a corresponding certificate.

Modern tire recycling lines operate using waste-free technology and have the appropriate certificates. When purchasing such equipment, make sure that it has the appropriate certificate.

Fire safety

This production must comply with high fire safety standards adopted for enterprises involved in the processing and storage of petroleum products.

The room where your production line will be installed, and the warehouse of finished products and raw materials, must be equipped with good fire extinguishing system. Otherwise, you will be guaranteed problems with firefighters.


Despite some challenges, the tire recycling business has a bright future. The growth of the vehicle fleet is at the level 10-15% per year. The number of tires will increase accordingly.

The recycling process itself begins to be paid for by the state, plus the sale of processed products comes as a bonus. Before opening your business, conduct a market analysis. Maybe there are already a lot of competitors in your area. And the return from the business will not be so significant.

Recycling hazardous types of waste is relevant in Russia. With the increase in the number of cars, the number of used tires increases (according to statistics, it reaches 1 million tons per year).

There are not enough enterprises involved in their processing, although every year 50 tons of rubber that has become unusable accumulates in each region. Not all cities have places to store this type of waste. Discarded tires are found on the side of the road or adjacent to suburban roads.

The greatest experience in recycling tires is in the Moscow region (2 specialized plants operate), but they only recycle 10%. Therefore, the business of processing car tires will fill an empty niche.

The advantage of such a business is the opportunity to receive old tires for free. Processing tires into crumb rubber is a promising type of business.

There is no tire recycling system in Russia; experts attribute this to imperfect legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the processing business

The advantages of this business include:

  • inexpensive raw materials in large quantities;
  • location close to sales locations;
  • few competitors;
  • the ability to use any room;
  • economic benefit.


  • initial investment required;
  • selection of raw materials with the same composition.

Selecting a room

The main parameters are the area of ​​the premises and the rental price. When choosing a room you need to consider:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate production equipment;
  • places for loading and unloading;
  • necessary auxiliary premises;
  • connection to water supply and power lines;
  • convenient access roads;
  • distance from residential area 300 m or more.

An industrial zone located outside the city would be the most suitable location.

Required documents

To open a business, you will need documents confirming or, the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, an agreement for the supply of electricity. Licensing for this type of activity was canceled by Federal Law No. 93 of June 25, 2112.

What documents will be required to register an individual entrepreneur and how to prepare them correctly in accordance with legal requirements - read

Registration of activities

You should approach your choice responsibly: this affects the registration procedure, payment of taxes and other factors. When opening an LLC, the following responsibilities arise:

  • as a legal entity;
  • How individuals founders and participants.

The LLC is liable for its obligations within the limits of its property. If it is impossible to repay debts during bankruptcy, obligations may pass to the founders and participants.

For individual entrepreneurs, when debt obligations arise, property is not considered personal and is not used for business activities (this also applies to property acquired before the start of business activities).

Industrial processing of tires into crumbs: business plan with calculations

The technological line that processes tires into crumbs has a capacity of up to 700 kg/hour. The yield of finished products from the initial mass of raw materials is 60 - 70% of the granulate, which is in particular demand (fraction 2 - 4 mm).

Room area 250 m2, number of workers 4 people, electricity consumption 120 kW. The annual production of crumb rubber will be 2000 tons.

  • The cost of main equipment is 10.75 million rubles.
  • Delivery and setup 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses 30 thousand rubles.
  • A machine that sews bags 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales 20 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of crumb bags is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary is 100 thousand rubles.

With a minimum monthly processing of tires of 150 tons, the yield is:

  • metal cord 30 tons;
  • rubber crumbs 100 tons;
  • textiles 20 tons.

Income from product sales

  • 1500 thousand rubles. from crumb rubber (100 t x 15 rubles/kg);
  • 90 thousand rubles. metal cord (30 t x 3 thousand rubles/t);
  • 40 thousand rubles. textiles (20 tons x 2 thousand rubles/t);
  • 150 thousand rubles. acceptance of tire recycling from individuals and enterprises.

Total: 1780 thousand rubles.

Production costs

  • 100 thousand rubles. staff salaries;
  • 4 thousand rubles. for packaging bags;
  • 20 thousand rubles. communication services, economic;
  • 100 thousand rubles. electricity (120 kW x 4.5 rub.);
  • 50 thousand rubles. rental of premises;
  • 50 thousand rubles. line maintenance;
  • 20 thousand rubles. garbage removal.

Total: 344 thousand rubles.

The profit is 1780 – 344 = 1436 thousand rubles. Return on investment 8 months.

With an increase in the output of finished products and their sale at a price above the minimum, monthly profit indicators will increase.

Starting a business requires large investments, and this is scary for novice entrepreneurs. You can use a bank loan or receive a subsidy under a government program. To do this you will need a business plan with calculations.

and tips for their implementation are contained in our new article at the link.

Possible risks

The production cycle includes the supply of raw materials, operation of equipment and sale of finished products. Risks that may arise:

  • breakdown of technological equipment (to reduce this risk, you should promptly maintain the line, follow recommendations for its operation, replace worn-out mechanisms and consumables);
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials (a contract for the supply of raw materials can be concluded simultaneously with the search for equipment);
  • difficulties with sales (you should enter into a long-term agreement with a company that needs crumb rubber and establish a sales channel in nearby regions);
  • spoilage of products during storage ( special conditions not required, but crumb rubber is sensitive to moisture).

A business based on processing car tires into crumbs will be profitable if the entrepreneur manages to resolve the issue of marketing the finished product. This direction is promising and consistently brings good profits.

You can find out how lines for processing tires into crumbs function in practice in the following video:

There are many damaged tires, and their number increases by tens of tons every year. City landfills are prohibited from accepting them for disposal. Old tires are thrown away anywhere or stored in garages. Tires are flammable, do not decompose, and become a haven for rodents and insects that spread infection.

The good thing about a business plan for recycling tires into crumbs is that the development of such a business reduces the level of waste that pollutes the planet. The recyclable materials produced by the tire recycling plant are needed by various organizations.

In Russia, the industry for the disposal and processing of worn-out materials is poorly developed. Setting up a business for producing crumbs will be profitable and will slightly reduce global pollution of the planet.

Market analysis for crumb rubber production

Most old tires are not recycled. In many cities there are no places for their storage and disposal. A large number of People throw used tires on the roadsides.

The problem is only getting worse due to the constant increase in the number of vehicles. As a result, the volume of tires subject to recycling is increasing. The country does not have a system for recycling old tires. There are very few tire recycling plants.

Tire recycling as a business may be of interest to entrepreneurs. There is a demand and need for crumb rubber, but competition is low. You can occupy a profitable niche in the market, because in most regions there are no tire recycling plants.

Competitiveness assessment

In Russia, they have recently begun to think about a structured system for recycling old materials. There are few competitors in the tire recycling business market.

There are only four large tire recycling plants in the entire country:

  • Volzhsky Regenerative Tire Repair Plant
  • Chekhov Regeneration Plant
  • KCT-ecology company
  • Tire Recycling Plant No. 1

These enterprises account for about 60% of the processing of all used tires in the country.

There are small enterprises producing up to 5,000 tons of crumb rubber per year. In the country, 24 regions have large or small enterprises for recycling old tires. This is not enough to process more than 1 million tons of raw materials.

Registration of activities

Business planning begins with choosing the form of economic organization of the business. It depends on where funds are invested in the business.

Opening an individual entrepreneur

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is possible if the entrepreneur has enough finances to open. In the tire recycling industry, this form of business is acceptable and requires less costs.

To register a business you need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles per tax office. You need to get your own stamp, the cost for it is up to 1000 rubles.

Opening an LLC

If the entrepreneur does not have enough funds for business development, an LLC is registered. To share costs, you can find a co-founder of the organization or take out a business loan.

The state duty for business registration for the tax service will be 4,000 rubles.

There are many organizations offering services in opening an LLC, but it is better to do it yourself. You can also negotiate with an existing large organization and work under its franchise.

The production process of tire shredding is working with hazardous waste. An illiterate approach to processing old tires can harm the environment. This risk requires obtaining permits from several supervisory companies. Environmentalists and the Sanitation Station will inspect the production premises for the presence and condition of equipment filtration systems, and how far the place is from residential areas. Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority will be required to ensure that the site complies with fire safety regulations.

Choosing a location for a production facility

A recycling plant cannot be located near places where people live. The shortest distance from residential areas is 300 meters.

It is better to look for a place for the enterprise as far as possible from houses. The most acceptable option is a city industrial zone or a place outside the city. You can rent premises for a business from one of the factories. Many workshops are now empty and already meet the necessary requirements:

  • The working space is equal to or more than 300 square meters.
  • The work area is equipped with running water, sewerage system, electricity and central heating.

Equipment needed to shred tires into crumbs

The most expensive part of a business plan for processing tires into crumbs is purchasing the equipment necessary for the operation.

A small plant will need equipment:

  • main apparatus - a machine that produces crumb rubber
  • unit that removes tires from the bead ring
  • devices that process tires into rubber crumbs of various sizes
  • tire cutting machines
  • two vibrating sieves for coarse and fine cleaning of material
  • two magnetic separators
  • air separator
  • three conveyor belts and pneumatic conveying systems
  • hopper for collecting rubber crumbs
  • wire storage bin
  • electrical shield
  • loader

In addition to this equipment, you will need:

  • packaging containers
  • rental of a warehouse for storing unsold products
  • vehicle and garage
  • special clothing for workers and protective equipment
  • computer

The process of making crumbs is divided into the following stages:

  • inspection of tires to determine if a product is unsuitable for disposal
  • tire cutting
  • separation of all metal components
  • tire shredding
  • making crumbs using a crusher
  • separation
  • sorting and cleaning crumb rubber on a vibrating screen
  • packaging of products and preparation for transportation

After the process is completed, several finished products are obtained: carbon dioxide, fuel oil, metal cord, crumb rubber.

Raw materials are transported from tire stations, service stations, large trucking companies, and recycling collection sites.

You can open collection points for used tires. The cost of old tires is low. They are easy to get for free, and sometimes you can make a profit for the possibility of recycling.


Three to five people can operate the belt of a small tire recycling plant. The following personnel are required for administrative management:

  1. Accountant
  2. Receiver
  3. Manager
  4. Driver

Approximate financial plan for processing tires into crumbs

Based on the above data, you can draw up a rough business plan with calculations for processing tires into crumbs.

Costs (RUB):

1. Registration of an enterprise - up to 150,000.

2.Rent of workshop premises - up to 180,000.

3. Arrangement of premises - up to 150,000.

4.Fuel tanks - up to 80,000.

5.Equipment - up to 1,500,000.

6.Tools - up to 200,000.

Total expenses: 2260000.

Also, the business organizer needs to regularly pay monthly expenses:

  1. Staff salary - 120,000.
  2. Utility costs - 30,000.
  3. Rent - 180000.
  4. Transport costs - 150,000.

Total expenses: 4800000.

Revenue from a tire recycling plant

The price of 1 kilogram of crumb rubber is 17 rubles. During the day, the production line at full capacity can produce no more than 2100 kilograms.

The monthly income from the production of crumb rubber at full capacity will be 750,000. The income also includes the sale of production by-products: fuel oil and metal cord - 375,000 per month. The total monthly revenue will be 1,125,000, and the net income before taxes will be 645,000 rubles.

This business pays off from six months to 21 months. Such a spread in time is associated with possible risks and unforeseen expenses.

Production will become unprofitable if the requirements of environmental services are not met. Most often, they are not satisfied with the quality of the cleaning equipment.

Possible risks

A business plan for recycling tires into crumbs should include possible risks in production. Therefore, it is important to remember some business nuances:

  1. Selection of equipment. Russian-made tires have a mixed or textile cord. Foreign equipment will not be able to process Russian tires. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase equipment adapted for processing old domestically produced tires.
  2. Purchase of defective parts. This risk arises when ordering Chinese equipment. Already in the first months of plant operation, breakdowns will appear, requiring costs for equipment repairs and leading to downtime in production.
  3. Inflated equipment performance characteristics. Some manufacturers overestimate equipment parameters. You need to realistically evaluate the price-quality ratio, otherwise there is a big risk of buying low-quality equipment. Then the payback of the business can reach decades.

Sales of finished products

Before starting a business, you need to find out which businesses need products.

Organizations for the sale of crumb rubber can be found among the following companies:

  • Enterprises related to construction and production of construction equipment.
  • Enterprises that produce sports, road surfaces, paving slabs, roofing with moisture protection and a variety of rubber products.
  • Firms serving oil production enterprises.

The list of products using crumb rubber is quite extensive.

Many entrepreneurs do not limit themselves to simply processing old tires into crumb rubber, but launch an additional business for the production of a product ready for sale and increase the company’s profit several times.

This business requires significant costs and solving organizational issues, but the industry of processing tires into crumb rubber is recognized as promising.

The number of used tires is growing at a tremendous pace. Mountains of bald tires near tire service stations create a lot of inconvenience, take up space and pollute the environment. What to do with them? But you can make money on them. Tire recycling: we will tell you how to do it and get maximum income. Not only in our country the problem of their processing has not yet been completely solved. According to statistics, only a fifth of tires in the world are recycled. In most countries, the state allocates subsidies for such processing.

Methods have now been developed to effectively recycle tires. If run correctly, a tire recycling business will help you recoup your investment within six months. At the same time, you will also help improve the environmental performance of the region.

Tire recycling can be profitable business. The tire is a source of valuable polymers. From a ton of waste tires you can get 700 kg of rubber. It is used to produce fuel, building materials, and rubber products. But burning tires is extremely harmful to the environment and all living things. This releases 450 dangerous toxic gases and 270 kg of soot.

Recycling tires makes it possible to obtain valuable recyclable materials– crumb rubber, steel cord and liquid fuel. Crumb rubber is used in many industries: oil, chemical, mechanical engineering, and in everyday life. Rubber is used to make hydro- and heat-insulating coatings. It is used for the production of road surfaces, sleepers and rail pads. A rubber modifier is often added to asphalt. It doubles its service life. Rubber also includes hoses, shoe soles, etc.

At large factories it is difficult to obtain significant economic benefit from tire recycling. Tire recycling is an idea for small business. It is enough to acquire a mini-factory for their processing.

By the way, a draft law is currently in the State Duma, according to which the manufacturer will be responsible for recycling tires. So rubber recycling can be controlled by the state.

Step one. You need to get a license. It is mandatory if the business is based on waste recycling. Tires are considered one of the least hazardous wastes, so obtaining a license should not be too difficult. But there can still be small ones.

Step two. We need to rent space for a mini-processing plant. It is better to give preference to a place outside the city. It is better to place such an object away from the populated area. The advantage of such a place is that renting it will be much cheaper than within the city. The average rent for such an object will cost 50 thousand rubles.

Step three. To deliver raw materials and remove finished products, you will need a small truck.

Step four. Equipment. You will need to buy or lease a mini tire processing plant. This is a small collapsible complex. Its area is about 17 square meters. m. It will be able to process 5 tons per day.

When planning a mini-factory, you need to allocate areas for:

  • tire storage;
  • slicing;
  • product warehouse.

The plant itself is installed quite quickly - in a couple of weeks.

Step five. Staff. The plant can operate in two shifts. Each will require two people. Plus, we need staff for the removal of products and delivery of tires (a couple of people), as well as an accountant.


Rubber recycling allows you to extract rubber from waste tires. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Chemical. The most toxic and harmful to the environment.
  2. Mechanical. Tires are crushed and exposed to high temperatures.

It is the second option that is now used in tire recycling. It is very popular, but more expensive. Please note that recycling tires also produces metal waste. During processing, metal cords are separated from synthetic ones.

Now the number of vehicles is constantly growing. The amount of waste, including tires, is also increasing. There are still not enough enterprises for their processing in our country. If recycling is properly organized, recycling car tires can bring enormous income.

To make tire recycling profitable, you need to think through everything. Let's take a closer look at the organization of this business. You will need vehicles, because old tires will need to be collected and brought to the warehouse. There the metal parts are removed, and the rubber goes to cutting. Tires need to be cut into small pieces. For this purpose, the mini-factory has powerful scissors. The crushed tires are poured into the hopper of the factory reactor.

Under high temperature The tires in the reactor decompose. Recycling car tires allows you to obtain a number of products at once:

  1. liquid fuel;
  2. residue containing carbon;
  3. metal.

To support tire recycling, some of the gas is returned to the reactor. The rest of the gas enters a special pipe. In terms of volume, its quantity can be compared to the exhaust of a truck. The carbon residue is sifted to separate the steel cord.

After processing you will have a carbon residue, liquid fuel and steel cord. Rubber crumbs are bought by many enterprises that manufacture rubber products. She is always in demand. Steel cord and liquid fuel are also in demand.

The peculiarity of tires is also their weight. Each one is quite heavy. Such large-scale waste becomes a good source of polymers. There are many of them even in big cities, therefore recycling of car tires will always be a popular service. The main thing is to establish the process itself and obtain all permissions.

And recycling car tires will save the environment from pollution, because tires naturally take hundreds of years to decompose.


Recycling of rubber tires is possible in a small plant. You will need to select your equipment. An average plant can process 5 tons in 24 hours. Recycling rubber tires per day will bring about:

  • 2 tons of liquid fuel;
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord;
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue with carbon;
  • 1st ton of gas.

As you can see, recycling tires is very cost-effective. These are quite high performance indicators.

The peculiarity of this installation is that it works without interruption. It is cyclically supplied with gas released during tire processing. It must be installed in an open area.

The installation can be operated by only two people per shift. It consumes about 14.5 kW/h.

Start-up capital

An average installation costs about 1 million rubles. Shipping costs are not included here. Disposal of used tires is associated with the accumulation of fuel oil. You will need to buy tanks for it. Fuel prices change, so it is better to store fuel when they fall. We recommend selling it when prices rise. This will increase your profit.

Tanks can be purchased used. The average price for them is 20-26 thousand rubles/piece. Six or seven tanks will be enough.

You will also need warehouse equipment, overalls, and various tools. This is approximately another 100 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about rental, delivery, installation of equipment, paperwork. In general, expenses can amount to 1.5 million rubles.


Work two shifts, 2 people each. This is a salary for four people. (10 thousand/month). Need an office for accounting. A couple of workers will be needed to supply tires and market the products. This is about 70 thousand rubles. per month for taxes, salaries and office rent.

Electricity per month approximately 10440 kW will be consumed. In total, the operation of such a mini-factory will require about 100 thousand per month.


The advantage of this project is that the raw materials will be practically free. Sometimes you can make money even while collecting it. Large enterprises pay for the disposal of old tires, because landfills do not take them. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the company, and it pays monthly for the removal of tires. The cost of removal is about 2-3 thousand. rub.

Scrap metal can be handed in for recycling for 4 thousand rubles. per ton. A ton of carbon is accepted at 3-4 thousand rubles. All kinds of coatings are made from it.

Bottom line

According to average estimates, the total monthly income can be 370-380 thousand rubles. (fuel oil + carbon + scrap metal). Costs every month - 114,600 rubles. (salary + office rent + electricity). The payback will be about six months from the launch of the mini-plant.


  1. There are not many vacant plots in big cities. There are many residential buildings around.
  2. The distance from the mini-factory to houses should not be less than 300 m.
  3. It will be difficult to pass the examination.
  4. Difficulties may arise with residents of nearby neighborhoods. Many people don't want to live near a tire recycling plant.

It is better to organize such processing at a ready-made enterprise. The main thing is to find a suitable site that is inactive. But this territory already has all the approvals and permits. Try to come to an agreement with the company itself on mutually beneficial terms.

Most likely, a cleaning installation will also be required. It will prevent pollution of nature.

Another difficulty is unforeseen expenses. They may appear already during the processing process. Most likely, there will be difficulties with firefighters and environmentalists. If tanks for fuel oil are installed, it will be necessary to install a fire shield, conduct personnel training, post safety instructions, etc. Such objects always attract the attention of fire inspectors.


How profitable is this business? It can bring good income. In a small town, at least one and a half tons of waste tires accumulate per year. There will definitely not be a shortage of tires. Having processed this amount of waste, you will get about 50 tons of fuel oil. The big advantage of such a business is that you do not need to spend money on purchasing raw materials.

It is also important to install special filters so as not to pollute the environment. Pay the fee on time to protect the environment. Then environmentalists will have no reason to find fault with you.

Food for thought

In order for tire recycling to develop, it is important that the state supports this industry. Government subsidies for such processing are practiced in many developed countries. It is important that a law is passed that increases producer responsibility. It would also be a good idea to create collection points for used tires. It would be logical if they were based in tire workshops.

Tire recycling as a business can bring good income, but you will need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. This service will always be in demand, as the number of tires is only growing.

The tire is a source of valuable polymers.