international association legal law

International law is a system of legal principles and norms governing relations between peoples and states and defining their mutual rights and obligations. International law was formed independently of the wishes of a particular person or a separate social group or layer, but as a result of objective social processes caused by the need to establish international communication. Even at the earliest stages of human development, primitive tribes maintained inter-tribal relations among themselves, which were regulated by customs and traditions. They became the prototype of international legal norms that emerged with the emergence of statehood among the peoples of the world.

The peculiarity of international law is that its norms are created as a result of an agreement between independent and equal subjects of international law - sovereign states. The norms of international law are contained in bilateral and multilateral interstate treaties, and also develop in the form of international customs. International treaty and international custom are the main sources of international law.

International law arose even earlier than the state, since even at the community level people from different tribes had to cooperate with each other. In 1286 BC. The first written peace treaty carved in stone was concluded between Pharaoh Ramesses II and the Hittite king. This treaty contained a provision that ensured its strict compliance.

Thus, international law is a product of interaction in the process of cooperation and struggle of various states. International law is a special legal system. It differs from national systems because in international relations there is no body that would enforce compliance with obligations. Everything is based on voluntariness. Pacta sunt servanda - contracts must be respected (from Roman law).

A feature of international law is its conciliatory nature: international law is of a coordination nature, and national law is of a subordinate nature. Actors in the international arena agree on the rules of their own behavior. Another feature is the intergovernmental nature of relations regulated by international law, i.e. states and intergovernmental organizations are its subjects and actors.

The International Law Association has consultative status with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and a number of other organizations.

Organized in Brussels in 1873. It was originally called the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations. Since 1895, it has been renamed the Association of International Law.

In Russia there is also the Russian Association of International Law, it is the successor and successor of the Soviet Association of International Law (SAMP), created in 1957 on the initiative of leading domestic international lawyers. The main goals of the Association were to promote the unification of the scientific and intellectual potential of science and practice, the exchange of experience for the purpose of progressive development, updating and effective application of international public and private law.

Professor G.I. was elected the first president of SAMP. Tunkin, who combined the features of an experienced practitioner in the field of international law and an educational organizer.

L.V. was elected the first Scientific Secretary of the Association. Korbut, who holds this position to this day.

The Association lived, grew, and matured, uniting in its ranks teachers, practitioners, academic researchers, as well as students and graduate students interested in issues of international law.

Today the Association unites all persons interested in the problems of modern international law living and working in the Russian Federation. Its doors are open to representatives of the scientific community, teachers, graduate students and students, as well as practical workers from the CIS countries and any other countries showing interest in its activities.

The Association promotes publishing activities; under its auspices the Russian Yearbook of International Law and several journals on international law are published.

The Association actively participates in events held by the World Association of International Law, information about the activities of which will be constantly posted on the website of our Association.

The Association actively cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, other state and public organizations of our country.


Based on the growing interdependence of peoples and countries of the modern world;

emphasizing the paramount importance of the united efforts of the entire world community in order to prevent and resolve international conflicts and wars, ensuring the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, protecting and restoring environment, solutions to social and humanitarian problems;

taking into account the increasing role played by non-governmental organizations in modern conditions;

Noting the key role of the United Nations in maintaining peace, ensuring security and developing comprehensive international cooperation in all areas;

Considering support for the activities of the UN as its main task and striving to increase the contribution of the Russian public to the implementation of the high goals and principles proclaimed in the UN Charter, the Conference adopted this Charter of the International Public Organization of the Russian UN Assistance Association, which is the successor and successor of the UN Assistance Association in the USSR, established 2 March 1956 in Moscow.


1.1. The international public organization “Russian Association for UN Assistance” (abbreviated as UN RAS), hereinafter referred to as the Association, is a voluntary, international public organization operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, at the location of the UN RAS Representative Office in New York, USA, as well as in other states where structural divisions of the Association will be created.

1.2. In its activities, the Association is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter, as well as the principles of democracy, voluntariness, openness, equality, self-government, and legality. The Association is a legal entity from the moment of state registration, has current and foreign currency accounts, can acquire property and personal - non-property rights on its own behalf, bear responsibilities, act as a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.3. The Association has its own seal, forms and other details approved in accordance with the procedure established by law. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of the Association are not liable for its obligations.

1.4. The Association carries out, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the possession, use and disposal of property in its ownership or transferred to it in accordance with the goals and objectives of its activities.

1.5. The location of the Central Board of the Association is Moscow.


2.1. To promote in every possible way the achievement of the goals and principles proclaimed by the UN Charter, to increase, based on the adaptation of the UN Charter to new world realities, the effectiveness of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly and other UN bodies, and to develop a movement in support of the UN.

2.2. To support the desire of peoples for mutual understanding and joint action in the name of peace, disarmament, resolution of international disputes and conflicts by peaceful means.

2.3. Actively participate in strengthening trust and friendship between states and peoples, promote conscientious implementation obligations under international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, increasing the role of international law, social and economic progress, respect for human rights and solving global, regional, national and local problems.

2.4. Give Special attention involvement of young people in the activities of the Association and active participation in the implementation of the Association’s programs.

2.5. To develop and strengthen cooperation with the UN Associations of other states in every possible way.


3.1. Informs the public about current issues through holding meetings, lectures, exhibitions, publishing books, brochures, publishing articles, and using the media.

3.2. Cooperates with relevant authorities and specialized institutions The UN, as well as with international and national organizations pursuing the goals of increasing the effectiveness of the UN and its role in world affairs.

3.3. Conducts independently and in collaboration with other public organizations, as well as organizations and agencies of the UN system, conferences, seminars, round tables, and other events on topical issues of the UN.

3.4. Promotes the involvement of the scientific community to conduct research on current issues of the UN, publishing articles by scientists in various bulletins and analytical collections.

3.5. Promotes coordination of the activities of other public organizations in carrying out events related to the activities of the UN and aimed at implementing its goals and principles.

3.6. Promotes participation of the general public in the work of the UN by non-governmental organizations.

3.7. He is a member of the World Federation of UN Associations, actively participates in its activities and cooperates with national UN associations of other countries.


4.1 Carrying out its activities, the Association and its legal and individuals, in order to solve statutory problems and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right:

- carry out various types of transactions and other legal acts, create enterprises, have their own publications and carry out publishing activities within Russia and abroad;

- build, acquire, alienate, take and lease movable and real estate;

— conclude contracts, acquire property and personal, non-property rights;

— carry out other forms of economic activity not prohibited by law;

- independently spend your funds credited to ruble and foreign currency accounts, use loans in rubles and foreign currency;

— act as a plaintiff and defendant in court;

— participate in the work of organizations whose activities contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Association.

4.2. The Association is obliged:

Publish annually a report on its activities and ensure that the report is accessible;

— annually inform the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation about the continuation of its activities and about changes in the location of the governing body and the composition of management.


5.1. The General Conference of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) is its highest governing body, convened at least once every four years (the convocation of the Conference and its agenda are announced no later than two months before the start);

a) adopts: the Charter of the Association, makes changes and additions to it, which are then registered in the manner prescribed by law; resolutions, appeals and other documents on current issues;

b) elects: the President of the Association for a term of four years - a person who has special merits to the organization, and, if necessary, one or two vice-presidents; Chairman of the Association for a period of 4 years, who is the leader responsible for the current activities of the organization; the first Deputy Chairman for a period of 4 years, who is the head of the Secretariat, Deputy Chairman for a term of 4 years, each of whom is responsible for one of the main areas of activity; Central Board of the Association for a period of 4 years; Audit Commission for a period of 4 years;

c) hears and discusses: the Report of the Central Board on the activities of the Association for the period between conferences and makes a decision on it; Report of the Audit Commission and approves it;

e) decisions of the Conference are adopted by a simple majority of votes, with the exception of decisions to amend the Charter or liquidate the Association, which are adopted by a qualified (2/3) number of votes of delegates;

f) an extraordinary Conference can be convened, in case of need to make urgent decisions, at the request of 2/3 of the members of the Association, the Central Board or the Audit Commission and is valid in the presence of more than half of them total number elected delegates.

5.2. The President of the Association is its highest leader:

a) ensures compliance of its activities with the Charter;

b) controls work at all levels, submits any issues for consideration by the governing bodies of the Association;

c) participates in meetings of all bodies of the Association with the right to vote;

d) represents the Association in relations with state and public organizations within the country and abroad.

5.3. The Chairman of the Association provides general management of its activities:

a) ensures the implementation of the decisions adopted by the Conference;

b) heads the Central Board and Presidium, presides over their meetings;

c) represents the Association in relations with government and public organizations in the country and abroad.

5.4. The Central Board is the main governing body of the Association in the periods between Conferences, elected for a period of four years:

a) considers any issues of the Association’s activities, including the opening of branches and representative offices and the appointment of their leaders, and makes decisions on them, subject to the presence of more than half of its members at the meetings;

b) is authorized, in the event of emergency circumstances that make it difficult to convene the Conference, to make decisions by a majority of at least 2/3 of its members on issues of changing the Charter and status of the Association with subsequent approval at an Extraordinary Conference, which is convened within three months from the date of adoption of such decisions;

c) creates commissions and working groups on the main areas of activity of the Association;

d) hears and approves the annual reports of the Presidium and the Audit Commission on the activities of the Association, annual plans, budget for the coming year;

e) coordinates the activities of regional branches, hears reports on their work;

f) meetings are convened once a year, decisions are made by the majority of members present at the meeting;

g) elects the Presidium of the Association of no more than 15 people. Its composition includes ex officio President, Vice President, Chairman, First Deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Association, as well as other members elected by the Central Board.

5.5. The Presidium of the Association is elected for a term of four years:

a) convened four times a year, its meetings are valid if more than half of the members participate in their work, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes;

b) performs the functions of the Central Board during the period between its meetings;

c) exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the Association.

5.6. The Secretariat of the Association is an apparatus for conducting current work, headed by the First Deputy Chairman, candidates for staff members are selected on a competitive basis and approved by the Presidium; Executive Secretary of the Association - appointed by the Chairman:

a) conducts the records management of the Association;

b) prepares materials for meetings of the Conference, Central Board, Presidium and all meetings of the Association;

c) prepares financial documents for payment together with the accountant.

5.7. Audit Commission of the Association:

a) elected by the Conference and accountable to it;

b) monitors the compliance of the Association’s activities with the goals and objectives, controls the correctness and appropriateness of spending funds, organizing accounting and reporting;

c) informs the Conferences and the Central Board about the results of audits;

d) has the right to request, and the relevant officials are obliged to provide her with all the necessary material, accounting and other documents;

e) conducts its scheduled inspections at least once a year, and, if necessary, can conduct unscheduled audits and inspections;

f) its composition cannot include members of the governing bodies of the Association.


6.1. The Board of Trustees includes representatives of organizations that provide special support to the Association in the implementation of its program activities. The Board of Trustees is formed by the Central Board for a period of four years.


7.1. Members of the Association can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, persons with dual citizenship and stateless persons who share its goals and objectives. Membership is voluntary. Members of the Association may be legal entities - public associations.

7.2. Admission to membership of the Association is carried out by the Presidium of the Association or the corresponding branch on the basis of an application - for citizens and a decision of the governing body - for legal entities.

7.3. Members of the Association have the right:

— elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association;

— participate in all events held by the Association;

- use the Association’s property, equipment, literature in the prescribed manner to fulfill the statutory goals and objectives;

— each member of the Association can freely resign from membership of the Association at any time by notifying the Presidium or the authorized body of the relevant branch of the Association in writing;

— submit proposals on all issues of its activities to the governing bodies of the Association and participate in their discussion.

7.4. Members of the Association are obliged to:

— comply with the provisions of this Charter and promote its implementation;

— in its activities, be guided by the decisions made by the General Conference, the Central Board and the President of the Association;

- take care of the Association’s property, be creative in searching for sources of funding, new methods of work to successfully solve the problems facing the Association.

7.5. A member of the Association may be expelled from the membership of the Association by a decision of the Presidium of the Association if his activities contradict the provisions of the Charter or cause moral or material damage to the activities of the Association.


8.1. The structure of the Association is formed by its divisions - organizations, branches, branches and representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad:

A) Regional branches may act both on the basis of this Charter and on the basis of their own charters adopted by the highest governing bodies of organizations and departments - general meetings (conferences). From the moment of state registration in the manner prescribed by law, organizations and branches acquire the right of a legal entity;

b) The structural divisions of the Association adopt their charter, which should not contradict the basic provisions of this Charter;

c) The highest governing body of a department or organization is the General Meeting (conference), convened by the chairman (manager) as necessary, but at least once a year. The general meeting (conference) has the authority to resolve any issues regarding the activities of the organization or department; the following issues fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting (conference):

— creation, liquidation, reorganization of a department or organization;

— election of the chairman (head) of the department or organization;

— election of delegates to the Association Conference;


10.1. The Association may be reorganized by merger, accession, division, separation or transformation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The activities of the Association may be terminated through liquidation by decision of the Conference or by a court decision in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.3. The decision of the Conference on reorganization or liquidation is considered adopted if more than 2/3 of the total number of delegates present at the Conference votes for it.

10.4. Upon liquidation of the Association, the property and funds remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims are directed to the purposes provided for in this Charter. The decision on the use of residual property is published in the press by the liquidation commission.

10.5. The Association ensures the accounting and safety of the Association's documents upon termination of its activities and promptly transfers them, in the manner prescribed by law, for state storage.

CHARTER International Tourism Association


Meeting of founders

Protocol No. 1

Chairman of meeting

Khabarov P.S.

Secretary of the meeting

Arefiev V.N.


Non-profit partnership




1.1. Non-profit partnership "INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION", hereinafter referred to as "ASSOCIATION", is a non-profit organization based on voluntary membership of Russian and foreign citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, established to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving social, educational, scientific, managerial goals, protection of rights, legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolution of disputes and conflicts, provision of legal assistance, as well as other activities aimed at achieving public benefits provided for by this Charter.

1.2. "ASSOCIATION" carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Profit Organizations" No. 7-FZ dated January 12, 1996 and this Charter.

1.3. “ASSOCIATION” does not have profit-making as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among the founders and (or) members. "ASSOCIATION" has the right to carry out business activities aimed at achieving the goals for which it was created.

1.4. The term of activity of the ASSOCIATION is not limited.

1.5. Full name in Russian:


1.6. Abbreviated name in Russian: “INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION”.


1.8. Abbreviated name in English: "IAT".

1.9. Place of establishment of the ASSOCIATION:

RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Moscow, st. B. Yakimanka, house 24.

1.10. The location of the “ASSOCIATION” is determined by the location of the executive body.


2.1. "ASSOCIATION" acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration. The legal status is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

2.2. "ASSOCIATION" has separate property and funds, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, bear responsibility, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

2.3. "ASSOCIATION" in its activities carries out the ownership, use and disposal of its property in accordance with the purposes provided for by this Charter and the purpose of this property.

2.4. "ASSOCIATION" can carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created. Such activities include the profit-generating production of goods and services that meet the goals of creating a non-profit organization, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies and participation in limited partnerships as an investor.

2.5. "ASSOCIATION" is liable for its obligations with the property and funds at its disposal.

2.6. Property transferred to the ASSOCIATION by its members is the property of the ASSOCIATION. Members of the "ASSOCIATION" are not responsible for its obligations, and the "ASSOCIATION" is not responsible for the obligations of its members.

2.7. The founders are not responsible for the obligations of the ASSOCIATION, and the ASSOCIATION is not responsible for the obligations of its founders.

2.8. “ASSOCIATION” is not responsible for the obligations of the state, just as the state is not responsible for the obligations of “ASSOCIATION”.

2.9. All members of the ASSOCIATION retain their independence and rights as a legal entity.

2.10. "ASSOCIATION" has an independent balance sheet, has the right, in the prescribed manner, to open accounts (including foreign currency) in banks on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, to use loans in rubles and foreign currency, including in the form of bond loans, on the terms determined legislation.

2.11. "ASSOCIATION" has the right to create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Branches and representative offices of the ASSOCIATION are not legal entities, are endowed with property at the expense of the ASSOCIATION and operate on the basis of the Regulations on them approved by the BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION.

2.12. The property of a branch or representative office is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the ASSOCIATION. Branches and representative offices operate on behalf of the ASSOCIATION. The ASSOCIATION bears responsibility for the activities of its branches and representative offices. The heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and act on the basis of the power of attorney issued to them.

2.13. "ASSOCIATION" in the interests of achieving the goals provided for by this Charter may create independently or jointly with other legal entities and (or) individuals on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad non-profit organizations with the rights of a legal entity, their branches and (or) their representative offices and other structural divisions that operate in accordance with the Regulations on them are vested with basic and working capital at the expense of the ASSOCIATION, have an independent balance sheet, their own accounts in banking and other credit institutions.

2.14. "ASSOCIATION" has a round seal containing its full name in Russian. “ASSOCIATION” may have stamps, forms with its name, and its own duly registered emblem.

2.15. “ASSOCIATION”, in order to implement technical, social, economic and tax policies, is responsible for the safety of documents (managerial, financial and economic, etc.), stores and uses documents on personnel in the prescribed manner, ensures the transfer to state storage of documents having scientific- historical meaning.

2.16. In the course of carrying out its statutory activities, the ASSOCIATION may acquire and sell scientific works and other intellectual property, use the services of legal entities and (or) individuals, including foreign ones, both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

2.17. "ASSOCIATION" has the right to make payments in cash and bills of exchange with other legal entities and (or) individuals, regardless of their form of ownership, including foreign ones.

2.18. "ASSOCIATION" has the right to carry out international telephone, telefax and other communications, access computer databases, create its own databases and archives, use copying machines, computers and other types of office equipment, as well as publishing and printing equipment and similar equipment.


3.1 Objectives of the activity"ASSOCIATIONS" are:

Promoting the development of tourism enterprises, the tourism services market as a whole, protecting the interests of producers of tourism services;

Promoting the establishment of connections and development of international cooperation in the field of tourism;

Protection of the collective interests of members of the ASSOCIATION;

Creation in Russia of a modern, highly developed tourism industry competitive with civilized market relations;

Formation of a positive tourist image of Russian regions;

Promotion of Russian tourism products to domestic and foreign tourism markets;

Formation of a positive tourist image of certain regions of foreign countries;

Promotion of tourism products of foreign countries to world tourism markets;

Promoting the creation of favorable financial and economic conditions for members of the ASSOCIATION and the realization of their own creative potential;

Representation of the interests of members of the ASSOCIATION in Russian and international governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations;

Promoting informatization processes, conducting scientific and technical propaganda and implementing innovative projects of various scales independently or in cooperation with other Russian and foreign legal entities and citizens;

Preparation and publication of information, analytical and expert materials on tourism issues for its members;

Assistance in posting and placing information in information networks;

Satisfying the needs of ASSOCIATION members for inclusion in the global information process, assistance in the creation and creation of web pages, portals, servers and sites on the Internet;

Participation in educating the population on issues related to tourism, protecting consumer rights;

Achieving social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and management goals, goals of protecting the health of citizens, development physical culture, satisfying the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance;

3.2 In accordance with the goals of the subject of activity"ASSOCIATION" is:

Identification and support of priority areas of tourism activity;

Promoting the development of business relations of members of the ASSOCIATION with regional and foreign organizations;

Creation and analysis of tourist flow statistics databases, tourism market marketing;

Establishment of interregional and international relations in the field of tourism;

Organization of information, advisory and methodological assistance to members of the ASSOCIATION;

Attracting intellectual, financial, organizational and other resources of members of the ASSOCIATION for the best implementation of the professional interests of members of the ASSOCIATION;

Preparation of proposals for the development and implementation of a mechanism for interaction between bodies state power, local governments with participants in the tourism business in order to develop tourism;

Representing and defending the interests of members of the ASSOCIATION in government bodies at various levels of the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

Legal protection of the interests of members of the ASSOCIATION;

Assistance to state authorities and local governments in the development of federal, regional and local legal regulations, professional standards for the activities of participants in the tourism business, assistance in work on certification of goods and services;

Creation and financing of projects and programs aimed at implementing the statutory goals of the ASSOCIATION;

Formation of a unified information database of tourism resources for members of the ASSOCIATION;

Monitoring the quality of the provided tourism product, activities to protect consumer rights;

Review and decision controversial issues in relations between members of the ASSOCIATION, as well as in relations between members of the ASSOCIATION and their clients;

Carrying out a study of the state and development trends of the global information industry, the market for information technology and new information technologies, as well as the needs of local socio-economic structures and the region as a whole;

Assistance in the development and implementation, development and implementation of information exchange methods (e-mail, electronic news boards, electronic document management, video telephony, data exchange, holding webinars, teleconferences, creating file servers for organizing information exchange, etc.);

Satisfying the information needs of members of the ASSOCIATION, creating a unified information space for the activities of the ASSOCIATION by building an information network for all members of the ASSOCIATION to have access to local and global information resources, creation of information networks, websites, servers, portals and information channels of interest to organizations and individuals, organization and provision of information exchange services;

Uniting global and Russian information flows by organizing access to the Internet and their use by members of the ASSOCIATION, as well as representing the interests of members of the ASSOCIATION by creating personal pages, websites and servers of members of the ASSOCIATION on the Internet.

Attracting investments and voluntary contributions to support and develop the ASSOCIATION as an information, consulting, scientific, methodological and educational center, to develop its relations with public and other structures of the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

Preparation, publication and distribution of information materials about the tourism potential of regions of Russia and foreign countries, holding consultations, exchange of experience and joint developments with specialists in the field of informatization, computerization and other related fields;

Carrying out advertising activities in the interests of the ASSOCIATION and its members;

Organization and participation in promotions and events on tourism development: exhibitions, fairs, festivals, round tables, seminars and the like;

Organizing participation in international tourism exhibitions, including initiating the creation of unified regional information stands that serve as advertising and information offices for organizing presentations of regional tourism opportunities, with the involvement of authorities and all interested enterprises and organizations;

Carrying out activities to organize leisure time for citizens, holding quizzes, competitions, sweepstakes and lotteries;

Popular science and educational activities, participation in the creation of a modern system of retraining and advanced training of personnel, creation and implementation of training programs providing practical training for tourism business managers;

Organization of financing scientific research and developments;

Other activities not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the current legislation and aimed at achieving the statutory goals.

The ASSOCIATION can engage in certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by special federal laws, only upon receipt of a special permit (license).


The founders of the ASSOCIATION are:

Egorychev Roman Stepanovich Arefiev Vladimir Nikolaevich Khabarov Pavel Sergeevich


5.1 “ASSOCIATION” is open for new members to join.

5.2 Members of the ASSOCIATION may be individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities who recognize this Charter, share the goals and objectives of the ASSOCIATION and comply with the provisions of this Charter.

5.3 Procedure for registration of membership in the ASSOCIATION:

An individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity (applicant) wishing to join the “ASSOCIATION” submits an application addressed to the PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION” for admission to membership in the Non-Profit Partnership “INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION”. A current member of the ASSOCIATION may submit an application to the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION to admit an individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity as a member of the ASSOCIATION.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION preliminary considers the application and (or) petition and brings the issue of admission to membership to the next meeting of the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL to make a decision on admission.

5.4 The applicant, after the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” makes a decision on admission to membership in the “ASSOCIATION”, is obliged to pay entrance and membership fees within 30 days. The applicant may be considered accepted as a member of the ASSOCIATION after paying the entrance and annual membership fee established by the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL.

5.5 The founders of the “ASSOCIATION” are permanent members of the “ASSOCIATION”, cannot be excluded from it and are exempt from the obligation to pay entrance, membership, registration and other targeted fees.

5.6 Members of the ASSOCIATION have the right to freely resign from the ASSOCIATION at their own discretion. The withdrawal of a member from the ASSOCIATION is formalized by submitting a written application addressed to the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION. On time no more three months after submitting such an application, the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” is obliged to resolve issues related to the withdrawal of a member from the “ASSOCIATION” and, no later than twelve months from the date of filing the application to withdraw from the “ASSOCIATION” membership, make all related calculations;

5.7 In case of gross or systematic failure to fulfill his duties to the ASSOCIATION, its member may be expelled from the ASSOCIATION by decision of the remaining members in the manner determined by this Charter.

5.8 A member of the “ASSOCIATION” who compromises the “ASSOCIATION” with his actions, does not fulfill his obligations to the “ASSOCIATION”, and does not comply with the requirements of this Charter is subject to exclusion from the “ASSOCIATION” based on a decision of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”. At the same time, a member of the “ASSOCIATION”, expelled from it, does not have the right to receive part of the property of the “ASSOCIATION” or its cash equivalent, within the value of the property transferred by the member of the “ASSOCIATION”, introductory annual membership, target and registration fees.

5.9 A member of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” in case of leaving the “ASSOCIATION” terminates his powers as a member of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”.

5.10 After resolving issues related to the voluntary withdrawal or exclusion of a member from the ASSOCIATION, at the next meeting of the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL, a decision is approved to remove the applicant from the ASSOCIATION membership.


6.1 Members"ASSOCIATIONS" have the right:

Participate in the management of the affairs of the ASSOCIATION;

Participate in the work of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION, make proposals to the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION;

Participate in all ASSOCIATION events;

Have access to all created ASSOCIATION databases;

Have access to information about the activities of the ASSOCIATION;

To jointly organize events necessary to achieve the statutory goals of the ASSOCIATION;

Use the resources of the ASSOCIATION to the extent determined regulatory documents"ASSOCIATION" and approved governing bodies of the "ASSOCIATION";

Contact the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION on any issues related to its activities;

Transfer property, funds, intellectual property into the ownership of the ASSOCIATION;

At your own discretion, leave the “ASSOCIATION”;

To receive, upon leaving the ASSOCIATION, part of its property or the cash equivalent within the value of the property transferred by the members of the ASSOCIATION into its ownership, with the exception of entrance, membership, registration and target fees no later than twelve months from the date of submission of the application for resignation from membership. ASSOCIATIONS";

To receive, in the event of liquidation of the ASSOCIATION, part of its property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims, or the value of this property within the value of the property that was transferred to them into the ownership of the ASSOCIATION;

6.2 Members"ASSOCIATIONS" are obliged:

Take an active part in the activities of the ASSOCIATION;

Provide assistance to other members of the ASSOCIATION in their activities in accordance with the goals specified in this Charter;

Comply with the provisions of this Charter, internal documents of the ASSOCIATION and decisions of the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;

Provide the management bodies of the ASSOCIATION with the information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the ASSOCIATION;

Do not disclose confidential information about the activities of the ASSOCIATION, and do not provide third parties with such information received from the ASSOCIATION;

Timely pay periodic membership (annual), target and registration fees;

Respect the interests of other members, strictly comply with the terms of agreements, contracts and agreements relating to the activities of the ASSOCIATION;

Avoid cases of abuse of membership in the “ASSOCIATION” and dishonest behavior. A member of the ASSOCIATION who systematically fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills his duties, or who has violated his obligations to the ASSOCIATION, as well as who, through his actions or inaction, interferes with the normal work of the ASSOCIATION, may be expelled from it by decision of the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL;

Compensate for damage caused by him (a member) of the “ASSOCIATION”. Damage is compensated in full based on the decision made by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”. The amounts to be paid as compensation for the damage caused to them and the terms of compensation are determined by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”.


7.1 The supreme governing body is the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION.

7.1.1 The general meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION ensures compliance with the goals of the ASSOCIATION, in the interests of which it was created. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION includes:

1) Amendment of the Charter of the “ASSOCIATION”;

2) Determination of priority areas of activity of the ASSOCIATION, principles of formation and use of its property;

3) Formation of executive and supervisory bodies of the “ASSOCIATION” and early termination of their powers;

4) Reorganization and liquidation of the non-profit partnership “INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION”;

5) Review of reports of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” on the results of its activities, the results of the audit, the correct use of financial and material resources of the “ASSOCIATION”.

7.1.2 General meetings may be regular or extraordinary. Notification of the place and time, as well as the agenda of the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION” is carried out no later than thirty days before the scheduled date of the meeting.

7.1.3 The next General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION is convened at least once every 2 years. The general meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION is valid if more than half of its members are present at the said meeting. If there is no quorum, a date is set for a new General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION. Such a date can be set no earlier than 30 days after the date of the failed General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION.

7.1.4 A member of the ASSOCIATION participates in the work of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION personally or through his authorized representative (representative). A member of the ASSOCIATION has the right to send his representative to participate in the General Meeting of the ASSOCIATION members by issuing such a representative with a power of attorney in simple written form.

7.1.5 The decisions of the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION” are adopted by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Decisions of the general meeting on issues of exclusive competence are made by a qualified majority of votes of ¾ of the members present.

7.1.6 An extraordinary General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION” may be convened by decision of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” adopted on the basis of an initiative coming from the PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION”, members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”, GENERAL DIRECTOR, as well as the Audit Commission (auditor), announced at the meeting “ BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION" or an initiative coming from a group of at least 25% of the members of the "ASSOCIATION".

7.1.7 If there is a need to convene a General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION from a group of 25% of the members of the ASSOCIATION, they send a written application to the PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION, who within 10 days brings up the issue of convening an extraordinary General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION at the meeting " BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION." No later than 30 days from the date of receipt of a written application by the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION, the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION makes a decision on convening the General Meeting of the ASSOCIATION members and sets a date or sends a reasoned conclusion to the ASSOCIATION members to reject the initiative of the ASSOCIATION members.

7.1.8 THE GENERAL DIRECTOR OF THE ASSOCIATION is obliged to notify all members of the ASSOCIATION about the convening of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION no later than 30 days before the scheduled date.

7.1.9 All issues related to the convening and holding of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION fall within the competence of the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION.

7.1.10 Decisions of the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION are documented in minutes and signed by the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION, members of the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION and certified by the seal of the ASSOCIATION.

7.1.11 Members of the ASSOCIATION take part in the work of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION free of charge.

7.2 In the intervals between General Meetings of members of the "ASSOCIATION"The permanent collegial governing body of the ASSOCIATION is the BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION:

7.2.1 In its work, the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” is guided by this Charter, decisions of the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION”, as well as its own decisions. The activities of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” are based on collegiality of management, transparency, and regular reporting to members of the “ASSOCIATION”. The competence of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” includes:

1) Development of the main directions of activity of the ASSOCIATION.

2) Approval of the financial plan of the ASSOCIATION and amendments to it.

3) Approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet.


5) Creation of branches and opening representative offices of the ASSOCIATION.

6) Determination of the size of entrance, annual membership, target and registration fees, the procedure for their payment and benefits for them.

7) Approval of reports of the audit commission.

8) Making a decision on the appointment and early dismissal of the GENERAL DIRECTOR.

9) Issues of preparing and holding the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION.

10) Making a decision on admission to membership in the “ASSOCIATION” and on exclusion from them. Establishing a candidate period and category of membership for those joining the ASSOCIATION.

11) Deciding on participation in other organizations.

12) Approval of documents regulating the activities of the ASSOCIATION - internal documents of the ASSOCIATION.

13) Issues of providing assistance to other bodies of the ASSOCIATION in resolving issues within their competence.”

14) Delegation of representatives of the “ASSOCIATION” to other organizations and meetings and recall of these Representatives.

15) Determination of the main directions for using the ASSOCIATION’s funds and the amount of financing for them, the procedure for accessing the ASSOCIATION’s resources.

16) Determination of the main directions of activity of the Executive Directorate and adoption of reports on their implementation.

17) Delegation of part of its functions to executive bodies.

18) Other issues, except for issues falling within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting

members of the ASSOCIATION.

7.2.3 Initially, the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” consists of founders who are Permanent Members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and cannot be excluded from it.

7.2.4 Meetings of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” are valid if more than half of the members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” participate in its work. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” participating in the meeting. If the votes of the members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” are equal, a decision is made for which the “ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT” voted at the meeting. Decisions of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” on issues

provided for in clause 7.2.1 clause 1), 2), 4), 6), 7), 10) are adopted by a qualified majority of votes of ¾ of all members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”. Permanent members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” have the right to veto when voting.

7.2.5 Decisions of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” are documented in minutes and signed by the PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION”.

7.2.6 By decision of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”, its composition can be expanded to include members of the “ASSOCIATION” who are elected at the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION” for a period of two years. The quantitative composition of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” is determined by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” itself.

7.2.7 “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” meets as needed, but at least once a quarter (3 months). The procedure for formation, convening, work, as well as the powers of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” are determined by this Charter. THE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION develops and submits for approval to the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL questions on the form and amount of remuneration for members of the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL for the performance of their assigned functions.

7.2.8 “The ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” elects from among its Permanent Members the PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION”, who becomes the head of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and exercises general management of the “ASSOCIATION” in the intervals between meetings of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION”. THE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION is elected for a term of four years.

7.2.9 In the event of the temporary absence of the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION, his duties are performed by the VICE PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION. THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE “ASSOCIATION” is elected by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” from among its members for four years.

7.2.10 THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION organizes the activities of the ASSOCIATION in certain areas and assignments, and also, on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION, performs his duties during the absence of the PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION.


Provides general management of the ASSOCIATION, acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the ASSOCIATION;

Represents the interests of the ASSOCIATION in relations with legal entities and individuals, if necessary, signs letters, appeals, agreements, etc. on behalf of the ASSOCIATION;

Acts on behalf of the ASSOCIATION and has the right to make statements on behalf of the ASSOCIATION;

Heads, organizes and manages the work of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”, presides over its meetings;

Chairs and conducts the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION;

Accepts applications, preliminarily reviews and submits for consideration to the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” issues of admission of new members and exclusion from the “ASSOCIATION”;

Develops and submits for consideration to the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” proposals on the amount of entrance, membership, registration and target fees for members of the “ASSOCIATION”;

Submits various proposals and initiatives for consideration to the management bodies of the ASSOCIATION;

Controls the current organizational and financial activities of the ASSOCIATION, promotes the implementation of decisions taken by the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION and the BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION;

Confirms the structure staffing table, shape and sizes wages employees of the Executive Directorate;

On behalf of the “ASSOCIATION”, in accordance with clause 7.3.4, signs an employment contract - hires and also dismisses the GENERAL DIRECTOR;

On behalf of the "ASSOCIATION" signs employment contracts with members of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and the VICE PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION” if they work on a permanent basis;

If the “ASSOCIATION BOARD” appoints the heads of branches and representative offices on behalf of the “ASSOCIATION,” he signs employment contracts with them and issues powers of attorney to them.

7.2.12 Early termination of powers of the PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION and VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION due to their own desire approved by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” simultaneously with the subsequent election of new persons to this position in accordance with clauses 7.2.8 and 7.2.9 of this Charter.

7.3. The permanent sole executive body of the ASSOCIATION is the GENERAL DIRECTOR.

7.3.1 The GENERAL DIRECTOR organizes the execution of decisions of the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION, the BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION, the Audit Commission (auditor) and the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION.

7.3.2 The GENERAL DIRECTOR heads and manages the work of the Executive Directorate, which carries out the financial, economic, household and other day-to-day executive activities of the ASSOCIATION.

7.3.3 The GENERAL DIRECTOR acts without a power of attorney within the limits of his powers and issues powers of attorney to perform such actions, signs documents, enters into agreements within his competence, represents the interests of the ASSOCIATION on all issues arising from the activities of the ASSOCIATION within the limits of his powers, and also resolves all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION, the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION, the Audit Commission and the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION, as defined by this Charter;

7.3.4 The GENERAL DIRECTOR is appointed (elected) and early dismissed by the “BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION”. On behalf of the ASSOCIATION, the employment contract with the GENERAL DIRECTOR is signed by the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION. The position of GENERAL DIRECTOR cannot be combined with the positions of PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION and member of the Audit Commission (auditor).

7.3.5 The GENERAL DIRECTOR is accountable to the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION and the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION.

7.3.6 The GENERAL DIRECTOR is responsible to the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION and the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION for the implementation of their instructions and for compliance with financial, contractual and labor discipline by the employees of the Executive Directorate, as well as for the results and legality of their activities.

7.3.7 Accounting, operational and statistical records of the results of work and reporting of the ASSOCIATION are maintained in accordance with the standards in force in the Russian Federation. Responsibility for the state of accounting, timely submission of accounting and other reports of the ASSOCIATION to the state tax inspectorate and other government bodies rests with the GENERAL DIRECTOR OF THE ASSOCIATION, whose competence is determined by the current legislation and the Charter of the ASSOCIATION.

7.3.8 “ASSOCIATION”, in order to implement state, social, economic and tax policies, is responsible for the safety of documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.), ensures the transfer to state storage of documents of scientific and historical significance , V state archives in accordance with current legislation, stores and uses personnel documents in the prescribed manner. "ASSOCIATION" provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, founders and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

7.3.9 The GENERAL DIRECTOR has the right to delegate his powers or part of them to his deputies.


a) carries out legal actions related to the statutory activities of the ASSOCIATION, exercises the right to dispose of property and funds, taking into account the restrictions established by the constituent documents, enters into agreements, carries out transactions, issues orders and instructions, gives instructions binding on all employees, according to issues falling within its competence;

b) develops the structure, determines the terms of remuneration, approves job responsibilities employees of the Executive Directorate of the “ASSOCIATION”, coordinates with the PRESIDENT of the “ASSOCIATION” the staffing table, form and wages of the employees of the Executive Directorate;

c) takes measures to encourage and discipline employees of the Executive Directorate, issues local management acts (orders, instructions, etc.), hires and dismisses employees of the Executive Directorate, concludes employment agreements (contracts);

d) concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, issues orders and instructions, gives instructions binding on all employees on issues within his competence.

e) opens bank accounts, signs financial and payment documents;

f) performs other actions within the limits of its powers defined by this Charter and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3.11 The responsibilities of the GENERAL DIRECTOR include:

Logistical and technical support for the activities of the ASSOCIATION within the limits of the ASSOCIATION’s own and borrowed funds;

Attracting additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of statutory activities;

Submission to the “ASSOCIATION BOARD” of annual and periodic (upon request) reports on the receipt and expenditure of funds;

Preparation and organization of regular and extraordinary General Meetings of members of the ASSOCIATION;

Annual report to the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and the General Meeting of ASSOCIATION members on its activities;

Resolution of personnel issues, appointment of deputy GENERAL DIRECTORS and their early dismissal;

Resolution of other issues not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION, the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION, the Audit Commission (auditor) and the PRESIDENT of the ASSOCIATION.


8.1 Control over financial and economic activities is carried out by the Audit Commission (auditor).

8.2 The Audit Commission (auditor) is the control body of the ASSOCIATION and may consist of one - three people who exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the ASSOCIATION. The Audit Commission (auditor) is elected from the members of the ASSOCIATION for a period of two years by the General Meeting of the ASSOCIATION members.

8.3 The Audit Commission (auditor) is accountable to the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION. The Audit Commission (auditor) checks the activities of the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and the Executive Directorate as necessary, but at least once a year.

8.4 The Audit Commission is managed by its Chairman (auditor), who has the right, in agreement with the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL, to involve independent auditors in conducting the audit.

8.5 Reports on the results of the audit, the correct use of financial and material resources of the ASSOCIATION are presented to the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION.

8.6 Audit Commission (auditor):

A) Conducts an audit of the expenditure of funds and material assets, confirming the accuracy of the data contained in reports and other financial documents;

B) Checks the timing and correctness of the progress of cases, work with proposals, statements and requests in the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” and the Executive Directorate of the “ASSOCIATION”;

C) Exercises control over the preparation of reports, the procedure for maintaining accounting records and presenting financial statements, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation when carrying out financial and economic activities;

D) Monitors the implementation of decisions made by the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION.

8.7 "ASSOCIATION" maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, founders and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent documents.

8.8 The annual report on the operations of the ASSOCIATION, the audit report and the balance sheet with the conclusion of the Audit Commission (auditor) are submitted no later than three months after the end of the financial year for approval by the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL.

8.9 “ASSOCIATION” and its officials bear responsibility established by law for the accuracy of the information contained in the annual report and balance sheet.


9.1. The ASSOCIATION's property is created through:

9.1.2 Entry, annual membership, target and registration fees of members of the “ASSOCIATION”, voluntary property and monetary contributions, donations from legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones;

9.1.3 Income from the sale of goods, works, services;

9.1.4 Income from transactions with securities and other financial instruments;

9.1.5 Income from business activities;

9.1.6 Bank loans and loans from other creditors;

9.1.7 Income received from the use of the ASSOCIATION’s property, including intellectual property;

9.1.8 Free volunteer labor;

9.1.9 Other sources that do not contradict current legislation.

9.2. When joining the ASSOCIATION, a candidate member of the ASSOCIATION (applicant) pays an entrance fee and an initial membership fee in the amount determined by the ASSOCIATION COUNCIL. The second and subsequent annual membership fees are paid by each member of the ASSOCIATION within the first six calendar months current year.

9.3. Contributions may be paid in cash, securities, other property and intellectual property. The value of the contributed property and intellectual property is assessed by agreement between the member of the ASSOCIATION (applicant) and the BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION in rubles or foreign currency. Members of the ASSOCIATION lose the right to dispose of the property transferred as a contribution.

9.4. The amounts of entrance and annual membership fees for members of the ASSOCIATION, as well as changes related to the size, deadline and forms of making contributions, are established by the COUNCIL OF THE ASSOCIATION.

9.5. Entry, annual membership, and registration fees are used to maintain governing bodies and ensure activities provided for by this Charter.

9.6. Targeted contributions are intended to finance specific activities and programs. The term, amount and form of making targeted contributions are established by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL”.

9.7. "ASSOCIATION" uses the property received from members of the "ASSOCIATION" and (or) rents property for the organization and implementation of statutory activities.

9.8. "ASSOCIATION" has the right to attract, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, additional financial resources, including foreign exchange resources and property from individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones.

9.9. "ASSOCIATION" may own buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, funds in rubles and foreign currency, securities, and other property, the value of which is reflected on the balance sheet of "ASSOCIATION".

9.10. "ASSOCIATION" may have ownership or other right land and other property not prohibited by law.

9.11 “ASSOCIATION” independently carries out the activities provided for in the Charter and manages the income from these activities.

9.12 Income cannot be distributed among members of the ASSOCIATION.

9.13 The founders of the “ASSOCIATION” are exempt from paying entrance, annual membership, registration and other targeted fees.

9.14 The funds of the “ASSOCIATION” are spent to achieve the goals and tasks provided for by this Charter.


10.1. The reorganization of the ASSOCIATION is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Reorganization can be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, separation and transformation.

10.2. Reorganization entails the transfer of the rights and obligations of the “ASSOCIATION” to its legal successors. The decision to transform the ASSOCIATION is made by the General Meeting of ASSOCIATION members.

10.3. Liquidation of the "ASSOCIATION" can be carried out:

By decision of the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION;

Based on a court decision;

In other cases provided for by current legislation.

10.4. Liquidation takes place by a liquidation commission appointed by the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION, and in the case of liquidation by decision of arbitration or court - by a liquidation commission appointed by these bodies.

10.5. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the “ASSOCIATION” are transferred to it. The Liquidation Commission evaluates the property of the ASSOCIATION, identifies its creditors and debtors and settles accounts with them, draws up a liquidation balance sheet and presents it to the General Meeting of Members of the ASSOCIATION.

10.6. The liquidation commission publishes a publication in the press about the liquidation of the “ASSOCIATION”, the procedure and deadline for filing claims by its creditors.

10.7. At the end of the period for submission of claims by creditors, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet. The liquidation interim balance sheet is approved by the General Meeting of members of the ASSOCIATION, which decided on its liquidation.

10.8. After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the General Meeting of ASSOCIATION members or the body that made the decision on liquidation.

10.9. The property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims or its value is subject to distribution among the members of the ASSOCIATION in proportion to the size of their property contribution. The rest of the property, the value of which exceeds the amount of property contributions of the ASSOCIATION members, is directed to the purposes for which the ASSOCIATION was created, (or) to charitable purposes.

10.10. “ASSOCIATION” is considered to have ceased to exist from the moment the corresponding entry is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

10.11. When reorganizing or terminating the activities of the ASSOCIATION, all documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.) are transferred in accordance with the established rules to its legal successor. In the absence of a legal successor, documents of permanent storage that have scientific and historical significance are transferred to state storage in the archives. Documents on personnel (orders, personal files, record cards, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive in the territory of which the ASSOCIATION is located. The transfer and organization of documents is carried out by and at the expense of the ASSOCIATION in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities.

10.12. The Liquidation Commission bears property liability for damage caused by it to the ASSOCIATION, its members and third parties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


All disputes regarding the affairs of the “ASSOCIATION” between its members, disputes of the “ASSOCIATION” with individuals and legal entities are resolved by the “ASSOCIATION COUNCIL” or the General Meeting of members of the “ASSOCIATION”, if both disputing parties agree to this, or if no agreement is reached, in court . Court decisions are final and binding on the disputing parties.


12.1. The Charter comes into force from the moment of state registration of the ASSOCIATION.

12.2. Changes to this Charter are made by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the "ASSOCIATION" with subsequent state re-registration of the Charter.

55th Annual Meeting Information

Russian Association of International Law

On June 27-29, 2012, the Russian Association of International Law held its 55th annual meeting on the topic “Current problems of modern international law” at the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The meeting was opened by the President of the Association, Doctor of Law, Professor AND I. Kapustin.

The Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor, addressed the meeting participants with a greeting S.V. Stepashin.

In his speech, he expressed gratitude to the Association for the fact that it regularly holds annual meetings on the premises of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.S.V. Stepashin noted the relevance of the issues that were on the agenda of the meeting. In particular, in modern world The concept of “Responsibility to protect”, the issues of the legal consequences of Russia’s accession to the WTO, etc. are becoming increasingly important.

As part of the opening of the meeting, the Director of the Federal State budgetary institution sciences of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-president of the Association A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, who drew attention to the fact that the Russian Academy of Sciences was at the origins of the creation of the Association, instructing the Institute of Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences to provide all possible assistance to the Association in carrying out its activities.

Thus, in particular, the Association was created by Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences No. 259 “On the creation of the Soviet Association of International Law in the Department of Economic, Philosophical and Legal Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences” within the framework of the Institute of Law of the Academy of Sciences CCC R.

A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov drew attention to the need for further research in the field of international space law, innovative development of the Russian economy, the Arctic, the continental shelf, conflicts in the Middle East, legal issues of Russia's accession to the WTO, etc.

Throughout its 55-year history, the Association has successfully collaborated with the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Then the floor for greetings was given to the Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia K.G. Gevorgyan , who announced the greetings of the Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrova participants of the Association meeting. Greetings from S.V. Lavrov was devoted to the need to form a modern world legal order based on the rule of law and the inviolability of the sovereignty of states.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Patricia O'Brien In her speech she noted that international law in Russia has priority over national law. At the same time, the application of international law occupies a vital place in the activities of the United Nations. States must implement international treaties and bear responsibility for war crimes, genocide, human rights violations, etc.

The Head of the regional delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine addressed the meeting participants with greetings Juan Luis Coderque Galligo.

At the meeting, current problems of modern international law were reviewed and discussed, including the concept of responsibility of states and the world community for protecting the rights of citizens (responsibility to protect) in the context of internal conflicts, the current state of the institution of responsibility in international space law, modern problems international maritime law in connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on maritime law, various aspects international criminal and humanitarian law. Discussions were held on international legal problems of the EurAsEC and the Customs Union, as well as WTO law in connection with Russia’s accession to this international organization. In a specially adopted statement, the Association confirmed the compliance of the provisions of the Protocol on our country’s accession to the WTO Agreement with the Russian Constitution. The meeting included a section on current issues of private international law.

All participants of the annual meeting highly appreciated the scientific and organizational level of this event.

President of the Association A.Ya. Kapustin made a report on the activities of the Association and the prospects for its development, and also summed up the results of the 55th annual meeting.

More than 350 Association members attended the 55th Annual Meeting. More than 80 members of the Association and guests of the meeting made presentations, messages, and discussions at the 55th annual meeting.

Notice on line 21


1.1. International association in the field collective management rights "Eurasian Confederation of Rights Holder Societies" (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a non-profit, corporate organization created to represent and protect common interests, to achieve socially beneficial and other goals specified in this Charter.

1.2. Members of the Association are organizations involved in the management of various categories of copyright and/or related rights in the member countries of the Eurasian economic union, Commonwealth of Independent States, BRICS countries and other countries.

1.3. The activities of the Association are carried out taking into account the best traditions and practices existing in the areas of collective management of copyright and related rights.

1.4. The Association is a consolidating organization pursuing the goals of forming and developing the institution of collective management of rights in the territories and areas represented by members of the Association.

1.5. The full name of the Association is the International Association in the field of collective management of rights “Eurasian Confederation of Societies of Rights Holders”.

The abbreviated name of the Association is EAKOP.

The full name of the Association in English is International collective management rights" Association "Confederation of Rightholders' Societies of Europe and Asia".
The abbreviated name of the Association in English is CRSEA.

1.6. Location of the permanent executive body of the Association: Russian Federation, Moscow. By decision of the General Assembly, the location of the permanent executive body of the Association may be moved.

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2.1. The Association was created and operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the norms of the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 “On Non-Profit Organizations”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with this Charter.

2.2. The Association adheres to all accepted international principles for the purpose of the most efficient management of the rights of copyright holders and takes into account modern challenges associated with development digital technologies and new ways of transmitting information.

2.3. The Association is created without any limitation on the period of activity.

2.4. The Association is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by law, has separate property in its ownership, is liable for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights in its own name, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court .

2.5. The Association conducts its activities independently of any organizations and interacts with them, including with organizations involved in the management of various categories of copyright and/or related rights that are not members of the Association, if this contributes to the development of the institution of collective rights management and the practical implementation of the rights of copyright holders in the areas represented by members of the Association.

2.6. The association must have an independent balance sheet and (or) budget.

2.7. The Association has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open accounts in banks and other credit organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory, with the exception of cases established by federal law.

2.8. The Association has a round seal containing its name in Russian and English. The Association has the right to have stamps, forms with its name, and other means of visual and other individualization, approved and registered in the manner prescribed by law.

2.9. The Association may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.10. Interference in the activities of the Association by state and other bodies, except for bodies authorized by law, is not allowed.

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3.1. The purpose of creating the Association is to consolidate and coordinate its members - organizations involved in managing various categories of copyright and/or related rights to improve the processes of data exchange, technical support, protection of the rights and interests of the copyright holders they represent, both at the international and national levels.

3.2. The subject of the Association's activities is the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the goals of creating the Association.

3.3. To achieve its statutory goals, the Association performs the following tasks:

  • forms and improves the procedure for the exchange of information between members of the Association on issues within the scope of collective management of rights (in particular, administrative procedures, legal proceedings/arbitration, procedures for collecting remuneration, setting tariffs, distribution procedures, etc.);
  • submits or appears before any national or international body on any matter relating to the scope of collective management of rights or affecting the rights of rights holders;
  • promotes the protection and protection of any objects of copyright and/or related rights;
  • implements and maintains the effective functioning of the mechanism for collecting and distributing remuneration for copyright holders;
  • carries out the development and implementation of uniform standards of activity and management, and also monitors their compliance in the territories where members operate;
  • coordinates activities to protect the rights of copyright holders;
  • carries out research and information activities;
  • implements, develops and supports the functioning of the Unified Eurasian System (SES) in the interests of the Association members;
  • promotes the establishment of the administrative infrastructure necessary for the effective management of that category of rights that is absent in the member countries of the Association;
  • stimulates the creation and also provides support for the development and strengthening of organizations involved in the management of various categories of copyright and/or related rights in those countries where these organizations do not function effectively;
  • participates in any activity aimed at enhancing transparency and openness of members to the represented copyright holders;
  • ensures and implements principles of cooperation between organizations in accordance with the highest standards and best practices;
  • deals with the study and settlement of issues directly related to the moral, property and professional interests of copyright holders, as well as organizations involved in the management of various categories of copyright and/or related rights.

3.4. An association may carry out income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory purposes for which it was created and is consistent with these purposes. Income-generating activities are carried out by the Association in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

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4.1. To achieve its statutory goals, the Association, in accordance with current legislation, has the right:

  • freely disseminate information about its activities;
  • participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments in the manner and extent provided for by the legislation of the member states of the Association;
  • establish mass media and carry out publishing activities;
  • represent and defend their rights, the legitimate interests of their members and copyright holders in government bodies, local governments and public associations;
  • take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to government bodies of the Association member states;

4.2. The Association is obliged:

  • comply with the legislation of the member states of the Association, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by its charter;
  • annually, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, publish a report on the use of its property or ensure accessibility of the said report;
  • annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration of the Association about the continuation of its activities;
  • provide assistance to representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of the Association in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Association in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • inform the federal state registration body about the amount of funds and other property received from foreign sources, which are specified in paragraph 6 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, about the purposes of spending these funds and using other property and about their actual expenditure and use in the form and within the time limits established by the authorized federal executive body;
  • create a website on the Internet information and telecommunications network and ensure its functioning (official website of the Association).

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5.1. Members of the Association are legal entities - organizations (state and non-state) carrying out activities to manage various categories of copyright and/or related rights in member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, BRICS countries and other countries that:

  • actually manage the rights of copyright holders;
  • have as a goal and effectively ensure the promotion of property and non-property interests of copyright holders;
  • have an effective mechanism for collecting and distributing remuneration and bear full responsibility for the management of the rights entrusted to them;
  • carry out activities in accordance with professional rules and standards;
  • carry out activities for the benefit of all rights holders, and not in the interests of any particular group of them;
  • do not have the authority to sell or trade the rights under management or to sell any share of the royalties collected or distributed.

5.2. Membership in the Association is voluntary.

5.3. A candidate for membership in the Association is an organization that manages various categories of copyright and/or related rights and that meets the requirements set by this Charter for members of the Association.

5.4. Admission to membership of the Association and exclusion from its members is carried out by the General Assembly.

5.5. To be accepted as a member of the Association, an organization that has expressed a desire to become a member of the Association must send an application to the Secretariat in the form approved by the Secretariat. The application form is subject to publication on the official website of the Association.

The following documents must be attached to the organization's application:

  • a list of all members of the organization, indicating the category of rights that the organization controls;
  • activity report for the calendar year preceding the submission of the application;
  • a detailed report on planned activities for the next calendar year;
  • copies of the organization’s financial documents for the calendar year preceding the submission of the application;
  • a copy of the decision of the authorized body of the organization on consent to membership in the Association;
  • other documents that allow you to justify the feasibility of accepting the organization as a member of the Association.

5.6. The Association Secretariat reviews the received application for completeness and accuracy of the information provided and, based on the results, issues a reasoned conclusion, in which it recommends to the General Assembly:

  • accept membership in the Association; or
  • refuse admission to membership of the Association.

5.7. The General Assembly, upon consideration of the Secretariat’s recommendation in relation to each application:

  • accepts membership in the Association;
  • refuses admission to membership of the Association.

5.8. Before the General Assembly considers the issue of membership in the Association in accordance with paragraph 5.7 of this Charter, an organization that has expressed a desire to become a member of the Association has the right, in agreement with the Secretary General, to take part in the work of the Association’s bodies with the right of an advisory vote.

5.9. Members of the Association have the right:

  • participate in the management of the Association’s affairs;
  • elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association;
  • submit proposals regarding issues of its activities for consideration by the governing bodies of the Association;
  • use a unified software package to support the activities of rights management organizations on a collective basis and participate in the work on its development;
  • receive financial support from the Association in accordance with the established procedure;
  • receive on an ongoing basis information and publications about the activities of the Association, get acquainted with its accounting and other documentation;
  • challenge, acting on behalf of the Association, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 182 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, transactions made by him on the grounds provided for in Article 174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or laws on corporations of certain organizational and legal forms, and demand the application of the consequences of their invalidity, and also applying the consequences of invalidity of void transactions of the Association;
  • at his own discretion, withdraw from the Association by sending an application to the Secretariat for consideration and approval at a meeting of the General Assembly. Information about the withdrawal of a member from the Association is also subject to publication on the official website of the Association.
  • enjoy other rights provided for in this Charter.

5.10. Members of the Association are obliged to:

  • participate in the formation of the Association’s property in the required amount in the manner, manner and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or this Charter;
  • not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Association;
  • participate in making corporate decisions, without which the Association cannot continue its activities in accordance with the law, if participation is necessary for making such decisions;
  • not to commit actions knowingly aimed at causing harm to the Association;
  • not to take actions (inaction) that significantly complicate or make it impossible to achieve the goals for which the Association was created;
  • provide assistance to the Association in carrying out its activities;
  • pay membership fees in accordance with the Membership Regulations approved by the General Assembly, as well as, in accordance with the legislation of the country of its location, make additional property contributions in accordance with decisions made, if necessary, by the General Assembly;
  • submit annually to the Secretariat information on its activities in accordance with the standards approved by the General Assembly;
  • send to the Audit Commission a duly certified conclusion on the results of the audit, as well as financial statements subject to audit;
  • upon request of the Secretariat, provide additional information about its activities;
  • in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Assembly, admit auditors and representatives of the Secretariat to carry out control activities to verify the accuracy of the information provided and reporting, as well as to develop proposals for improving and optimizing the work of members of the Association;
  • fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Association;
  • provide information necessary for the work of the Association, with the exception of information constituting a trade secret of a member of the Association;
  • not to commit actions that violate the Charter of the Association, the ethics of friendly relations, to refrain from activities that contradict the statutory goals proclaimed by the Association.

5.11. Membership in the Association is terminated in the following cases:

  • voluntary withdrawal from the Association;
  • exclusion from members of the Association in cases provided for in clause 5.14 of this Charter.

5.12. The decision on expulsion from the association is made by the General Assembly based on the results of consideration of the conclusion of the Secretariat, which must inform the member of the Association about the grounds and evidence at its disposal for submitting the issue of expulsion from the association to the General Assembly for consideration.

5.13. The rights of a member of the Association are terminated from the moment the decision on expulsion is made; property contributed to the Association by a person who has terminated membership in the Association, including entrance, membership and other fees, is not returned to him.

5.14. A member of the Association may be expelled from the Association by decision of the General Assembly in the following cases:

  • violation of the Association Charter;
  • systematic failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Association;
  • committing actions that discredit the Association;
  • failure to fulfill financial obligations to the Association for more than two calendar years;
  • failure to comply with the requirements for members of the Association provided for in paragraph 5.1 of this Charter.

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The bodies of the Association are:

  • General Assembly;
  • Presidium, headed by the President;
  • Committees created in various areas of copyright and related rights;
  • Secretary General;
  • Secretariat, headed by the Director General;
  • Audit committee.

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7.1.1. The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association, consisting of members of the Association;

7.1.2. The exclusive competence of the General Assembly includes resolving the following issues:

  • approval of the Association's charter, amendments and additions to it.
  • determination of priority areas of activity of the Association, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • admission to membership of the Association and exclusion from its members;
  • approval of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the Association;
  • creation by the Association of other legal entities, participation of the Association in other legal entities, creation of branches and opening of representative offices of the Association;
  • reorganization and liquidation of the Association, appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator) and approval of the liquidation balance sheet;
  • approval of an audit organization or individual auditor of the Association;
  • making decisions on the amount and procedure for payment by members of the Association of membership and other property fees;
  • election of the Presidium and Audit Commission of the Association for a period of 2 (Two) years and early termination of their powers;
  • appointment of the Secretary General and early termination of his powers;
  • appointment of the General Director for a period of 1 (One) year and early termination of his powers;
  • election of Committees;
  • approval of the report on the activities of the Presidium, Secretariat, Audit Commission and Secretary General;
  • approval of standards for disclosing information about the activities of members of the Association;
  • approval of the Regulations on the implementation by the Secretariat of control measures to verify members of the Association;
  • consideration of proposals from the Presidium and the Secretary General on the development of cooperation between the Association and organizations that are not members of the Association, and making decisions on them.

7.1.3. The General Assembly considers other issues initiated for consideration by members of the Association or bodies of the Association, if they correspond to the purpose of creating the Association, and makes decisions on them.

7.1.4. Regular meetings of the General Assembly are held annually until the end of February of each calendar year and are convened by the Secretariat of the Association by sending a notice addressed to each member at least two months before the meeting. The Association also has the right to use other means of notification of the next meeting of the General Assembly, including by publishing information about this on the official website of the Association.

7.1.5. An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, limited to a special purpose, may be convened by the General Secretary or the Secretariat of the Association at the request of a member of the Association, as well as members of the Audit Commission, with mandatory notification to other members of the Association no more than a month before the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.

7.1.6. The norm for the representation of delegates to the General Assembly, the date, place of the General Assembly and the agenda are determined by the Secretariat of the Association.

7.1.7. Meetings of the General Assembly via videoconference are not permitted.

7.1.8. A member of the Association may be represented in the General Assembly by a maximum of three delegates. Regardless of the number of delegates representing a member of the Association, each member of the Association has one vote when voting.

The General Assembly has the right to approve regulations defining the procedure for participation in its meetings.

7.1.9. By decision of all delegates present at the meeting of the General Assembly, the agenda of its meeting may be changed and/or supplemented, if this does not contradict the law. Decisions of the General Assembly on changes and/or additions to the agenda, as well as on issues included in the agenda, are adopted unanimously.

7.1.10. The General Assembly of the Association is competent to make decisions if delegates representing more than half of the Association members take part in its work. All issues provided for in paragraph 7.1.2 of this Charter are the exclusive competence and decisions on these issues are made by a qualified majority vote of 2/3 of the members of the Association present at the meeting of the General Assembly. On other issues, decisions at the General Assembly are made by a simple majority of votes.

In the event that on the issue of admission to membership (exclusion from membership) of the Association, as well as on the issue of changing the Charter of the Association, making additions to it, 2 (Two) or more votes of members of the Association opposed admission to membership of the organization and against the adoption of changes /additions to the Charter of the Association - such an organization is not accepted as a member, changes/additions to the Charter are not accepted.

7.1.11. If there is no quorum for holding the General Assembly, the Secretariat of the Association announces a new date for the meeting of the General Assembly.

7.1.12. Meetings of the General Assembly are chaired by the President. In the absence of the President, the chairmanship passes to the Secretary General.

7.1.13. The minutes of the General Assembly are drawn up no later than 10 (ten) days after the closure of the General Assembly in the number of members present at the meeting of the General Assembly, and signed by the chairman of the General Assembly and the secretary keeping the minutes.

7.1.14. The Association ensures that decisions of the General Assembly are available to its members for review by posting them on the official website of the Association.


7.2.1. The Presidium is a permanent collegial governing body of the Association that manages the Association in the period between the General Assembly.
The Presidium is elected by the General Assembly for a period of 2 (Two) years from actually nominated candidates for members of the Presidium. Candidates for the Presidium are nominated by members of the Association, no more than two candidates from each country of the Association member. Only individuals can be members of the Presidium. The quantitative composition of the Presidium is determined by the General Assembly.

7.2.2. The Presidium consists of prominent cultural and artistic figures, as well as representatives of government authorities of the Association’s member countries with competence in matters of protection of copyright and related rights. State bodies take part in meetings of the Presidium within the framework of the powers established by the national legislation of the countries they represent.

7.2.3. By decision of the General Assembly, the powers of the Presidium may be terminated early.

7.2.4. The activities of the Presidium are accountable to the General Assembly. Meetings of the Presidium are held as necessary, but not less than 1 (One) time per year. Meetings of the Presidium are convened by the President of the Association. The first meeting of the Presidium is convened by the Secretary General, who determines the place and time of the meeting of the Presidium.

7.2.5. The competence of the Presidium includes resolving the following issues:

  • management of the activities of the Association in the period between Conferences;
  • approval of the standards developed by the Secretariat for the disclosure of information about their activities by members of the Association and submission to the General Assembly for approval;
  • providing consulting assistance to the Association Committees on issues of copyright and related rights;
  • submitting proposals to the General Assembly to develop cooperation with organizations that are not members of the Association;
  • submitting a report to the annual meeting of the General Assembly;
  • determining the priority of projects and programs of the Association;
  • monitoring the implementation of decisions of the General Assembly;
  • resolving other issues not within the exclusive competence of the General Assembly.

7.2.6. The Presidium has the authority to make decisions with the participation of more than half of its members at its meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Presidium present at the meeting. The minutes of the Presidium meeting are signed by the chairperson and the secretary keeping the minutes.

7.2.7. The Presidium is headed by the President, elected at a meeting of the Presidium by the members of the Presidium for a period of 1 (One) year, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 7.2.8 of this Charter.

7.2.8. Presidential candidates are nominated by members of the Association, one candidate from each member country of the Association and are not entitled to be nominated for a new term of office. Presidential elections take place on a rotational basis. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby provided that a candidate from a member country of the Association may be re-elected as President only after the position has been nominated by each member country of the Association.

7.2.9. President of the Association:

  • convenes meetings of the Presidium, determining the place and time of meetings, presides over meetings of the Presidium and directs its work;
  • represents the Association at various international and national events dedicated to issues of copyright and related rights;
  • ensures that the decisions of the Presidium are available to members of the Association for review by posting them on the official website of the Association;
  • ensures the implementation of decisions of the General Assembly and the Presidium;
  • together with the General Director, forms the agenda for consideration at the meeting of the Presidium;
  • signs documents for consideration at a meeting of the General Assembly;
  • carries out other representative functions of the Association.


7.3.1. The Secretariat is not the governing body of the Association and provides administrative support for its activities. The Secretariat consists of the Administrative and Control Departments, heads of Committees who are its permanent members, as well as hired employees who do not have voting rights.

7.3.2. The activities of the Secretariat are accountable to the General Assembly, and, between sessions, to the Secretary General.

7.3.3. Administrative Department of the Secretariat:

  • provides organizational support for meetings of the General Assembly, Presidium, and Committees of the Association;
  • creates, implements, supports and develops a unified software package to support the activities of organizations for managing rights on a collective basis in order to improve the efficiency of managing the rights of copyright holders;
  • requires members of the Association to enter data into the relevant systems of the Association within the established time limits;
  • prepares for consideration by the General Assembly the annual report of the Secretariat for the previous calendar year;
  • together with the Control Department, develops standards for the disclosure of information about their activities by members of the Association and verifies information about their activities submitted by members of the Association in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Assembly;
  • distributes mail to members of the Association and receives correspondence from them;
  • examines applications from organizations for admission to membership in the Association for the completeness and reliability of the information they provide and, based on the results of the consideration, sends proposals for consideration by the General Assembly;
  • convenes regular and extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly, determines the rate of representation, date, place of the General Assembly and agenda.

7.3.4. Control Department of the Secretariat:

  • submits the annual report and accounting (financial) statements for approval to the Secretary General for subsequent approval by the General Assembly;
  • exercises control over the payment of membership fees by members of the Association;
  • together with the Administrative Department, develops standards for the disclosure of information about their activities by members of the Association and verifies information about their activities submitted by members of the Association;
  • prepares for consideration by the General Assembly a conclusion on exclusion from membership of the Association;
  • Authorizes the expenditure of additional voluntary contributions.

7.3.5. The Secretariat is headed by the Director General, appointed by the General Assembly for a period of 1 (One) year with the right of re-election for subsequent terms.

7.3.6. CEO:

  • carries out general management of the activities of the Association Secretariat;
  • in agreement with the Secretary General, appoints and dismisses staff members of the Secretariat in accordance with the budget of the organization;
  • notifies about the convening of meetings of the Committees, monitors the preparation of each meeting of the Committee, the Presidium and the General Assembly, and also prepares the agenda for each meeting;
  • together with the President of the Association and the General Secretary, forms the agenda for consideration at the meeting of the Presidium, implements the decisions of the Presidium of the Association;
  • signs, in agreement with the Secretary General, conclusions prepared by the Control Department on the possibility of applying sanctions to a member of the Association for consideration at a meeting of the General Assembly;
  • ensures consideration of applications from organizations for admission to membership in the Association and, in agreement with the Secretary General, signs conclusions on the completeness and accuracy of the information provided by them for consideration at a meeting of the General Assembly;
  • at the request of the Audit Commission, provides all documents necessary for the audit related to the activities of the Secretariat;
  • sends, in agreement with the Secretary General, for approval by the Presidium and subsequent approval at the General Assembly of the Association, standards for disclosure by members of the Association of information about their activities;
  • submits to each General Assembly an annual report of the Secretariat for the previous calendar year;
  • at the request of the Secretary General, provides a report on the activities of the Secretariat, and also carries out his individual instructions and orders related to the execution of assigned powers;
  • along with the Secretary General, has the right to sign on the documents of the Association. For the avoidance of doubt, it is presumed that documents executed with the sole signature of the Director General, without the signature of the Secretary General or his consent expressed in writing, are considered invalid;
  • issues orders, instructions, instructions and other acts mandatory for execution by employees of the Association Secretariat, applies disciplinary measures and incentives to them;
  • performs other functions necessary to ensure the reliable functioning of the Association.


7.4.1. The General Secretary is the sole executive body of the Association, appointed by the General Assembly for a period determined by the General Assembly.
The Secretary General is accountable in his activities to the General Assembly.

7.4.2. The Secretary General performs the following functions:

  • carries out operational management of the Association’s activities;
  • ensures that the activities of the Association comply with its statutory goals;
  • coordinates the activities of the Association and its members;
  • determines the development goals of the Association and submits to the General Assembly proposals for the development of cooperation with organizations that are not members of the Association;
  • takes part in meetings of Committees with the right to vote;
  • coordinates the proposals of the Director General on the appointment and dismissal of staff members of the Secretariat in accordance with the budget of the organization;
  • agrees to CEO Associations to sign conclusions prepared by the Control Department on the possibility of applying sanctions to a member of the Association for consideration at a meeting of the General Assembly;
  • agrees with the General Director for its signing in order to consider at a meeting of the General Assembly the conclusion on the completeness and reliability of the information provided by organizations applying for membership in the Association;
  • makes a decision on the approval of the annual report and accounting
    (financial) statements of the Association prepared by the Secretariat for approval by the General Assembly;
  • represents the Association in relations with various international and/or national organizations, government agencies, other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as courts without a power of attorney;
  • submits a report on its activities to the General Assembly for consideration;
  • coordinates the direction of standards for disclosure by members of the Association of information about their activities for approval by the Presidium and subsequent approval at a meeting of the General Assembly;
  • organizes accounting and statistical reporting of the Association;
  • executes decisions of the Presidium of the Association;
  • submits for consideration to the General Assembly proposals to change the Charter, making additions to it, formed both on its own initiative and based on the results of proposals from members of the Association (Article 10 of the Charter);
  • at the request of the Audit Commission, provides all documents necessary for the audit related to the activities of the Secretary General;
  • opens current and other accounts of the Association in banks;
  • issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Association;
  • has the right to sign on Association documents, including the right to bank signature;
  • carries out, within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, any other actions necessary to achieve the statutory goals of the Association, with the exception of those that, in accordance with this Charter, are within the competence of the General Assembly and the Presidium of the Association.


7.5.1. The Audit Commission is a collegial body that exercises control over the financial, economic and statutory activities of the Association.
The Audit Commission is elected by the General Assembly for a period of 2 (Two) years in the number of at least 3 (three) people from the actually nominated candidates for members of the Audit Commission. Candidates for members of the Audit Commission are nominated by members of the Association, no more than one candidate from each country of the Association member. Only individuals can be members of the Audit Commission. The Audit Commission cannot include employees of other bodies of the Association.

7.5.2. The competence of the Audit Commission includes:

  • control over the financial, economic and statutory activities of the Association;
  • monitoring compliance with the Charter of the Association;
  • control over the safety of property and expenditure of funds of the Association;
  • an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Association, carried out at least 1 (Once) time a year;

7.5.3. The Audit Commission is authorized to:

  • requests to hold an extraordinary General Assembly of the Association;
  • consider complaints from members of the Association within the scope of their powers;
  • suspend or cancel decisions of the Secretariat, officials of the Association, in case of violation of the current legislation or the Charter of the Association.

7.5.4. Regular meetings of the Audit Commission are convened by the Chairman of the Audit Commission once a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Audit Commission may be convened on the initiative of the Chairman of the Audit Commission or by decision of the Audit Commission.

A meeting of the Audit Commission is valid if more than half of the members of the Audit Commission participate in the meeting.

Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Audit Commission present at the meeting if a quorum is present.

The holding of a meeting of the Audit Commission is documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary keeping the minutes.

7.5.5. The Chairman of the Audit Commission is elected by decision of the General Assembly for a period of 2 (Two) years and is accountable to it. The Chairman of the Audit Commission may be elected for a new term.

7.5.6. Chairman of the Audit Commission:

  • manages the activities of the Audit Commission;
  • distributes functions among members of the Audit Commission;
  • convening regular and extraordinary meetings of the Audit Commission;
  • organizes an audit of the financial, economic and statutory activities of the Association;
  • signs documents of the Audit Commission;
  • chairs meetings of the Audit Commission.

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  • Committee on Collective Management of Authors' Rights;
  • Committee on the reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal purposes (private copying);
  • Committee on Issues of Copyright and Reproductive Rights of Authors of Fine, Plastic and Photographic Arts;
  • Committee on Collective Management of Related Rights;
  • Information Technology Committee.

8.2. In each Committee, each member of the Association may be represented by one delegate.

8.3. The General Secretary of the Association has the right to participate in meetings of the Committee and participate in decision-making therein.

8.4. A member of the Association may be represented in the Committee whose goals and objectives correspond to his actual or planned activities.

8.5. The head of the Committee is elected by the members of the Committee from among themselves for a period of two years. A delegate representing a member of the Association cannot be elected as the head of the Committee if the previous head of the Committee was a delegate from a member of the Association from the same member country of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, a BRICS country or another country.

8.6. Each Committee:

  • develops proposals in the field of copyright and related rights within the framework of the activities of its Committee;
  • conducts research, carries out examinations and analyzes the general state of the represented industry;
  • interacts with the authorized bodies of each member;
  • carries out other actions related to the development of the represented industry in the territory of each member;
  • submits a written or oral report to the annual meeting of the General Assembly on the development of the represented area.

8.7. Meetings of the Committees are held at least twice a year, according to the plan approved by it.

8.8. Meetings of the Committees can be held either in person or through electronic communication in the form of a video conference.

8.9. Decisions in the Committees are made by a simple majority of votes.

A meeting of the Committee is considered to have taken place if at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the Committee takes part in it.

8.10. Any Committee can be convened by the Secretariat at the request of any member of the Association, in the event of issues arising that require an immediate response from the organization in the direction of the Committee’s activities.

8.11. Minutes of Committee meetings are kept by the Secretariat.

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9.1. The Association, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, funds and other property necessary for the material support of the activities provided for by this Charter.

9.2. The Association has no right to engage in entrepreneurial or other income-generating activities.

9.3. The sources of formation of property and funds of the Association are:

  • entrance and membership fees;
  • voluntary contributions and donations.

9.4. The Association may be liable for its obligations only with that property that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed upon.

9.5. The subject of ownership of the property belonging to it is exclusively the Association.

9.6. Members of the Association do not have ownership rights to a share of property owned by the Association.

9.7. The Association maintains accounting records and provides accounting and statistical reporting in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.8. The Association provides information about its activities to tax authorities, the authorized federal executive body, as well as other persons, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Association.

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10.1. The official language of the Association is Russian.

10.2. English is the working language of the Association.

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11.1. Any change to the Charter is possible only at the General Assembly on a written proposal of the Secretary General or on the proposal of at least 4 member organizations of the Association.
Each proposal of the Association members must be submitted for consideration to the Secretary General no later than two months before the next meeting of the General Assembly so that he can summarize, analyze the proposals of the Association members and present it for consideration at the next meeting of the General Assembly.

11.2. Proposals of the Secretary General on changes/additions to the Charter of the Association, formulated by him on his own initiative, must be sent to the members of the Association for consideration no later than three months before the next meeting of the General Assembly so that, no later than two months before the next meeting General Assembly, the Secretary General received their approval or comments from the members of the Association.
Distribution is carried out by the Secretariat of the Association.

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12.1. The Association may be reorganized or liquidated based on a decision of the members of the Association, or by a court decision, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.2. Reorganization of the Association can be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, separation and transformation.

The decision to transform the Association is made unanimously by all members of the Association.

12.3. The Association is considered reorganized, with the exception of cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of the newly emerged legal entity.

12.4. An association, by decision of its members, can be transformed into a public organization, an autonomous non-profit organization or a foundation.

12.5. The General Assembly of the Association appoints a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establishes, in accordance with the Civil Code and other federal laws, the procedure and timing for the liquidation of the organization.

From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Association are transferred to it. The liquidation commission acts in court on behalf of the Association.

12.6. Upon liquidation of the Association, the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, unless otherwise established by Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other federal laws, is directed to the purposes for which it was created, and (or) to charitable purposes in the manner determined by the General Assembly of the Association.

12.7. Upon termination of the Association's activities, all management, financial and economic documents, personnel documents and others are transferred to the successor in accordance with the established rules. In the absence of a legal successor, documents on personnel (orders, personal files and record cards, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred according to the inventory to the archive at the place of state registration.

12.8. All issues not regulated by this Charter are resolved in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 12, 1996 “On Non-Profit Organizations”, and other current regulations of the Russian Federation.