A small cafe in the center of Moscow next to the Praktika theater, where Alisa has been playing for six years. She appears on the threshold minute by minute. “I don’t like to be late,” the actress smiles, ordering coffee. “Probably, my disciplined ballet past is taking its toll.” A few minutes later, a taxi pulls up next to the cafe - an old foreign car with a sticker on the windshield that says “I’m confusing the pedals.” Dmitry gets out of it and, having quickly paid the taxi driver, runs into the cafe: “If only you knew what adventures it took me to get to you!” - he says, kissing Alice, and sits down next to her. Cheerful, funny, loud. At first glance, they seem completely different. Although Dmitry and Alisa have a lot in common: both are successful in their professions, children famous parents(Dmitry’s father is politician Alexander Shokhin), both were already married and raising children. “Are you going to ask questions?” Shokhin asks in playful surprise. “Wait, I’ll catch my breath a little.” And a second later: “Ready!”

Alisa, Dmitry, congratulations on your engagement! On the sidelines of the Praktika theater, where the proposal was made, stories about how touching and beautiful it was still persist.

Alice. Thank you. It was not even a proposal, but a real theatrical fantasy, invented by Mitya personally. To be honest, I have never seen anything like this in a movie. Everyone cried: girls, boys, uncles and aunts.

Dmitriy. I composed my proposal for two whole months, wrote the script, thought through every detail. It all happened after Alice's performance "Agatha Comes Home."
There were only our friends and acquaintances in the hall, and they did not know why they had gathered. I called them and said something like: “You definitely need to come, Alice has been playing in the play for so many years, what if she... changes her mind about playing it?” ( Smiles.) And this really prompted many to come. While we were secretly seating everyone, Alice was preparing to go on stage. The most difficult thing was to hide the musicians - the girl with the violin, the girl with the cello and young man with double bass. If we somehow lost the violin and cello, then the double bass... I kept thinking: what if Alice came out into the corridor and, seeing musical instrument, will he guess everything?

Alice. I suspected that something unusual was happening in the hall. I see: none of my colleagues look me in the eyes. I came to play a performance, but everyone looked away!

Dmitriy. According to the script, the musicians and I appear on stage when Alice comes out to bow and accepts flowers. I, as an experienced lawyer, calculated all the risks: what if she thinks for a long time? Or will he say no, or will he burst into tears and not be able to utter a word?

- What then needed to be done according to your plan?

Dmitriy. Dance around Alice to The Beatles song All You Need Is Love! Sing and dance in circles until she agrees. ( Laughs.)

Alice. Mitya entered the stage solemnly - in a tailcoat. When I realized what was happening, I thought: the main thing is not to burst into tears. ( Smiles.) I will never forget how he got down on his knee and handed over the ring.

- Each of you has experience from previous marriages. Were you both ready for a new relationship?

Dmitriy. Yes, when we met, I was divorced. Alice was also free. This is further proof that everything must happen in due time. I don’t really believe that relationships can be built on blood - leaving one family for another. Love can only happen when you are in balance with yourself. And we met Alice precisely during such a period.

- How did you two meet?

Alice. In a friend's kitchen. She invited me to her place for borscht. There were warm home gatherings with friends, among the guests were Mitya and his friend, both with such serious faces.

Dmitriy. When I went there, I thought it would be a party for graduates of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, but actress Alisa Khazanova was among the guests. Now I understand that it was a gift of fate. However, when I saw Alice, I was somehow shy, but I really wanted to ask for her phone number. And I came up with tricky way. She turned on some music on her iPhone to get in the mood, and I asked her to send me a message with the name of the song. That's how I found out her phone number.

- And immediately began to correspond and call each other?

Alice. In fact, after this meeting we did not communicate for a year. ( Pause.)

Dmitriy. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t call back or write anything to this phone number. I thought: “Well, how can I, a serious 36-year-old man, call, worry and mumble into the phone? I’d rather not try at all!”

Alice. Chance helped. A mutual friend called and said: “We want to come to your theater for a performance. And... Mitya Shokhin will be with us, do you mind?” I replied: “Of course!” And she made them tickets. But that evening Mitya and his friends got into such an argument about politics that he was late for my performance. They were not allowed into the hall, but Mitya gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

- Did the viewing still take place the next day?

Alice. Yes, Mitya came with his son Danya. Afterwards they came to me backstage, and Mitka turned pale, blushed, shy and silent, and nine-year-old Danka talked to me, discussed the performance and made a great impression on me with his maturity.

Dmitriy. My son helped me out. I saw that something was wrong with dad and took the initiative. It’s funny that later, leaving the theater, Danya said to me: “I really like Alice!” I replied: “If only you knew how much I like her!” Danya made a serious face: “Dad, but if you like it so much, then get married.” This was our first frank conversation, thanks to which I realized that the boy had grown up. Then I invited Alisa to Diana Arbenina’s concert.

Did you immediately realize that you were made for each other?

Alice. In general, there is such a thing as intuition. And in fact, you still need to listen to her. Mitya turned my whole life upside down - he did it confidently, deftly and bravely. I had never seen such determination in men before, it amazed me. I am a person with a fairly strong character, with my own experience family life and relationships with men. Apparently, Mitya felt that he needed to be decisive with me, and it worked.

Dmitriy. Of course, already in the first minutes. It is hard to explain. I didn’t just like her eyes, or her hair, or her dress... I liked everything about her: the way she looks, speaks, moves. What happened between us can be called differently - a coincidence of energies, auras, vibration. There was some effect, and a very strong one. Everything came together and fell into place on its own.

Alice. In my understanding, Mitya cannot help but like him. He is amazing, this is a rare combination when a person is beautiful in appearance and beautiful in soul, he is kind, cheerful and smart. Women dream of men like him - self-confident, strong, self-sufficient, romantic and spontaneous.

Just like Richard Gere's character from the movie Pretty Woman.

Alice. Yes, Mitya, by the way, also once suggested that I fly to the opera. ( Laughs.) He did it with such a smile and enthusiasm that instantly slays. Mitya is a surprise man. I remember last spring I went to Paris for two days for work, Mitya decided to surprise me and flew to me for a day. And when I returned home and opened front door, then I saw that our entire apartment had turned into a greenhouse: tulips were everywhere - on the floor, on the furniture, in vases. Other free areas of the apartment were decorated balloons. It was unforgettable.

Dmitriy. For me, the most unforgettable adventure was our joint trip to Iguazu Falls. It is on the border of Argentina and Brazil. It is stunningly beautiful there: the hotel is located next to the waterfalls. We arrive, check in at this hotel, and the managers ask: you probably came specifically for this weekend? We were surprised and said that we had not guessed. It turned out that during this period you can watch rainbows over Iguazu around the clock, even at night. People book hotel rooms six months in advance to see this unique a natural phenomenon, and we came across it by accident. But the funny thing is that the next day there was also a lunar eclipse!

- Do you live together now?

Alice. Yes. Mitya and I, my daughters Mina, Eva and Mitya’s son Danya, as well as the dog Duska and the cat Alisa.

- Alice?

Alice. This is another funny story. Alisa is a red Abyssinian, Dani's favorite. He named her after a girl from the kindergarten who he really liked, but did not reciprocate. To be honest, at first it was difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that there was another Alice in the house; I still sometimes respond when children call the cat. ( Laughs.)

How did the children meet?

Alice. In fact, we were more worried than they were. And then Mitya said: why are we fussing? Let's just introduce the children and give them the opportunity to find a common language. And surprisingly, they became friends very quickly. Mina is twelve, she has her own business, but eight-year-old Eva and ten-year-old Danya are now just like lovebirds. The daughter abandoned the dolls and started collecting LEGO constructors. She even walked like Dani.

- Did your parents also support your choice?

Alice. Certainly. The most important thing for them is that their child is happy.

Dmitriy. In principle, I am not very keen to forcibly establish any degree of intimacy; this is not necessary. And that’s why Gennady Viktorovich Khazanov and I can easily talk about politics; he often comes to our home and arranges “home readings” - he reads his plays out loud. And he does it absolutely amazingly: you sit, then your tears flow, then you burst into laughter. He great person and artist. And we became friends with Alisa’s mother Zlata Iosifovna.

Alice. Mitya also has amazing parents. We immediately found a common language, it seems that I have known them all my life.

- Your story could well become a film script. In a year you have completely changed your lives, moved in together, and now you are going to get married...

Alice. We love each other and really hope that everything will work out for us. We are already a family with love, children and even pets. ( Smiles.)

Dmitriy. Nikolai Gumilyov has a poem “The Sixth Sense”, in which he describes in detail the difference between falling in love and love. The poet does not believe that love passes - in a year, or three, or ten. This is a feeling that is born long, painfully and lives in the heart all your life. “So century after century - how soon, Lord? - / Under the scalpel of nature and art / Our spirit screams, our flesh faints, / Giving birth to an organ for the sixth sense.” Therefore, if there is love, it will live. The most important thing is to save it.

Style: Dzhiga Sanzhieva
Make-up and hairstyle: Aigul Khabirova
Producer: Olga Zakatova



Shokhin spoke about Putin’s New Year’s meeting with businessmen

Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with business representatives on December 21. The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin told reporters about this.

FESCO changes personnel: Dmitry Shokhin leaves the group

Dmitry Shokhin, Vice President for Legal and Corporate Affairs of PJSC Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO, the parent company of the FESCO group), has been removed from the FESCO board of directors and is leaving the group.

JSC "FESCO" held its next annual general meeting shareholders

Presentations were made by Sergei Generalov, President of the FESCO Transport Group, chairing the meeting, Alexey Nazarov, Director of the Accounting Department of FESCO JSC, and Dmitry Shokhin, Vice President of the FESCO Transport Group for Legal Affairs.
link: http://www.fesco.ru/press- center/news/2011-06-8-02916/? year=2011&month=6

New FESCO vice presidents

Dmitry Shokhin was appointed to the vacant position of Member of the Management Board - Vice President for Legal Affairs. In addition, a new position of Vice President for Corporate Finance was added to the Management Board, which was filled by Nikolay Ermoshkin. Both top managers came to FESCO from Industrial Investors LLC, the main shareholder of FESCO. Dmitry Shokhin headed the legal department of Industrial Investors LLC. Nikolay Ermoshkin worked on strategy issues in the position of Vice President of Industrial Investors LLC.
link: http://www.skybuilding.ru/ page/novye-vice-prezidenty-fesco

DVMP will be added to the “Sum”

9 people were elected to the board of directors, including the president, chairman of the board of JSC FESCO Yuri Gilts, ex-president FESCO Sergey Generalov, FESCO Vice President for Legal Affairs Dmitry SHOKHIN, Senior Vice President of Industrial Investors LLC for Corporate Finance Kirill RUBINSKY (all were members of the current board of directors). Five independent directors were also elected to the board.
link: http://www.zrpress.ru/zr/2012/24/54241/

FESCO infused with “fresh blood”

9 people were elected to the board of directors of the shipping company, including 4 representatives of the controlling shareholder - Generalov himself, FESCO Vice President for Legal Affairs Dmitry SHOKHIN, Senior Vice President of Industrial Investors LLC for Corporate Finance Kirill RUBINSKY and Senior Vice President of LLC Industrial Investors Industrial investors" Maxim LIKHACHEV.
link: http://www.zrpress.ru/zr/2010/ 43/37816/?print=Y

FESCO will have a top manager for “mergers and acquisitions”

“I intend to focus on the development of my own business projects - management of commercial real estate, as well as enterprises in the field of railway transportation and railway infrastructure, united within the Garant investment and industrial group,” S. Gushchin commented on his decision.

Dmitry Shokhin, who previously headed the legal department of Industrial Investors LLC, was appointed to the vacant position of member of the Management Board - Vice President for Legal Affairs. Vladimir Lelyukh, who previously held the position of Vice President for Legal Affairs, was replaced in 2008. place of work. New position Nikolai Ermoshkin, who was previously responsible for strategy issues as vice president of Prominvestors, took over as vice president for corporate finance.

Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin - scientist-economist, head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, president of the State Institution " graduate School economy." Previously, director of the Institute of Employment Problems, assistant to member of the Politburo of the Communist Party Central Committee Eduard Shevardnadze.

Among his high-ranking appointments are the positions of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, Head of the Ministry of Economy, Labor, and the Board of Directors of Renaissance Capital. He was elected to the State Duma of three convocations and was a member of the so-called “Gaidar team” along with such famous people as Anatoly Chubais, Alexei Golovkov, Andrei Nechaev, Pyotr Aven, who determined the course of economic reforms carried out in the 90s.

Childhood and family of Alexander Shokhin

The future high-ranking civil servant was born on December 25, 1951. His parents came from the very heart of Russia, which for a long time was considered the city of Orel. They met in the difficult post-war years and traveled around the country in search of best place residence.

Therefore, Alexander’s older brother was born in the Tula region, and he himself was born in the Arkhangelsk region. When the youngest son was about three years old, the family moved to the village of Kapotnya near Moscow, which was annexed to the capital in the early 1960s.

His mother, a teacher, was forced to become a weaver and work hard at a carpet factory in Lyubertsy, and Shokhin’s father worked as a driver at a motor depot. At first the family lived in a barracks, then moved to a communal apartment, and later received housing in Kuzminki, where Alexander went to high school. He studied well and was deputy secretary of the Komsomol organization.

The young man was not taken into the army due to poor eyesight, which in those years he already had about minus nine. In this regard, the road to MGIMO or the Institute foreign languages The Ministry of Defense was also closed to him. In high school, he attended preparatory courses at MEPhI and decided that physics was not his calling.

Therefore, after graduating from school in 1969, he applied to the Faculty of Political Economy of Moscow State University. In the entrance exams, he only lacked half a point for admission, so he studied his first year as an evening (full-time/correspondence) student. The young man was able to transfer to full-time (full-time) study only in his second year.

During my student years, an unpleasant incident occurred, the tragedy of which only people of the older generation can understand. Shokhin turned out to be one of the organizers of the conference under the name “World Revolution”, which was not agreed with the party committee. Participants of the event who intended to discuss the most different types revolutions (scientific-technical, demographic, sexual), were considered an anti-party neo-Trotskyist group and intended to be excluded from the ranks of the Komsomol, which in those years meant automatic expulsion from the university.

Fortunately, the punishment was replaced with a more lenient one - a severe reprimand entered into a personal file. As a result, Alexander was not accepted into graduate school at the department of political economy, and he, a graduate with honors, received a free placement.

The beginning of the career of Alexander Shokhin

However, such a “stain” on the biography did not prevent young specialist subsequently have a fantastic career. In 1974, Alexander got a job at the Economic Research Institute under the State Planning Committee, 5 years later he became a head of sector at the State Committee for Labor, three years later he headed the laboratory of the academic Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, and in 1986 he took a similar post at the Institute of Economics and Science Forecasting.

At less than 40 years old he appeared personal assistant head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then became head of the Foreign Economic Directorate of this department. After the putsch of the State Emergency Committee, he joined the group of experts to develop an economic reform package and headed the Ministry of Labor.

In 1992, the official simultaneously held a number of positions - head of the national agency for cooperation and development, head of the Coordination Committee of the CIS countries, president of the State University - Higher School of Economics, as well as a manager from the Russian Federation at the World Bank.

In 1993, the economist was elected to the State Duma for the first time. Subsequently, he also became a deputy of Duma II and III. In 1994, the official took the chair of the head of the Ministry of Economy, in addition, he was deputy prime minister in the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin, then Yevgeny Primakov.

In 2002, he, a successful entrepreneur, took over the leadership of the Renaissance Capital investment group. In 2003, Alexander Nikolaevich joined the leadership of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and headed the council of a group of experts on the securities market. A year later, he became a member of United Russia and headed the Coordination Council of Domestic Businessmen.

Interview with Alexander Shokhin

In 2005, Alexander Shokhin became the head of the RSPP. In 2008, he joined the supervisory board of the energy enterprise TGK-10, Lukoil, RJ, and the leader of the domestic beer market Baltika.

Personal life of Alexander Shokhin

The successful manager is married. His wife Tatyana worked at the academic Institute of Socio-Economic Problems. The couple raised two children, Dmitry and Evgenia.

Shokhin Jr. is a lawyer, a graduate of Moscow State University and the American Duke University. He was an employee of the capital representative office of Coudert Brothers, president of the Industrial Investors department, and lived and trained in New York for 6 years.

The daughter is a specialist in political science, a graduate of the State University Higher School of Economics, and has an MBA degree. She was married twice. Her first choice was an employee of the NIKoil investment group, Alexander Zheleznyakov. The second husband was Nikolai Netbalsky, who worked in the field of inventory and use of forest resources.

In 2015, Dmitry married Gennady Khazanov’s daughter Alice. Their wedding took place on one of the Seychelles islands. The 40-year-old woman received a marriage proposal right on the stage of the Praktika theater, where she serves. Both newlyweds were previously in an official relationship. Dima has a son, Daniil (from his marriage to model Alexandra during the years of work in the USA), Alisa has two daughters from her first marriage. All their friends consider them a very beautiful and harmonious couple. Vladimir Putin and Alexander Shokhin about business

In 2016, the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs noted that, according to a survey of Union member companies, business had adapted to working under sanctions. And at that time, he was sure that in 2016 the country’s economy would begin to emerge from the crisis.

The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Alexander Shokhin, commented on the new edition of the Administrative Code

An economist who has held many key government positions, he believes that a person who wants to succeed in any professional activity, must be a perfectionist. He must understand that he has done a lot, but not everything, and try to do something more and more. Moreover, you should set realistic tasks for yourself, but not simple ones, but rather complex ones.

[...] In children Russian elite Entries in work books change quickly [...].

Not a random minister

As spiteful critics like to joke, younger son Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov - 25-year-old Pavel himself once “attached” his father to a warm place. It happened like this.

In 1995, by decision of the pope, Pavlik entered the Suvorov Military School in St. Petersburg. The boy studied well and showed himself to be “military-style disciplined and sociable.” The proud father came to visit his child and accidentally met the future President of Russia. Vladimir Putin, then still the vice-mayor of the Northern capital, was amazed that Mikhail Fradkov, who held the position of first deputy minister of foreign economic relations, “did not place his son in a warm place, but sent him to study in another city, and even to the Suvorov School.” And although a year later Pavlik was transferred to the Moscow SVU, from which he graduated in 1998 with a gold medal, for his father and the Suvorov student himself, that meeting turned out to be fateful.

The investigation found that the first-born minister did not have the opportunity to “prevent a collision with a pedestrian.” It was then that the first information leak appeared. The media learned that Alexander Sergeevich received an economic education and works in an important position at Vnesheconombank.

Alexander’s younger brother, Sergei Ivanov, graduated from MGIMO in 2003. He worked briefly at the State Investment Corporation, then became an assistant to the chairman of the board of Gazprombank and for two years combined this responsibility with the position of chief expert on international projects at Gazprom. From January 2005 to this day, Sergei Sergeevich has been working as vice president of Gazprombank.

No maternity leave

Zhenya Shokhina: now she will definitely have to part with the French manicurist, who is not approved by dad Alexander Shokhin

Zhenya Shokhina, the daughter of a former deputy prime minister and now the chairman of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, gave her first interview to Express Gazeta four years ago. Then she tried to do PR and charity work. But last year I abandoned these ideas.

It was not me who was involved in charity, but my mother,” Zhenya clarifies. - I just helped her look for projects. And if there was an interesting business, I also tried to attract sponsors to it. But without your own money, it is extremely difficult to do charity work in Russia. In any case, as a permanent activity. But you need to earn money. My friend and I created the Casval Friday Agency with a representative office in Vienna. And we are not engaged in “throwing parties,” as they wrote somewhere, but in business support in Russia for foreign delegations and individuals, organizing conferences and corporate events. True, now I hardly think about my career and everyday work, although I live as interesting and joyful as ever. Can you guess why? I'm expecting a boy! [...]

- Was your father involved in your employment?

He believes that we should achieve everything in life ourselves, especially brother. But he still helped Dmitry take his first steps. At the age of 18 he got a job at law firm errand boy. As a result, my brother became a lawyer. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University and interned in New York. In America, where he lived for five years, he fell in love with future wife- Ukrainian fashion model Alexandra. She worked in the USA under a contract and left for her homeland before Dmitry. Unable to bear the separation, Dmitry went after her. On March 20, 2004, they got married in Moscow. Now he works for the Russian company Industrial Investors.

Dmitry Shokhin: his parents Tatyana and Alexander know that a business family must have its own lawyer

Soul Salvation

29-year-old Yulia Shoigu, the eldest daughter of the most beloved minister by Russians, like Maria Gaidar, works in the pope’s department. The certified psychologist was gladly hired by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Having become proficient in a difficult specialty and having defended her Ph.D. thesis, Yulia Sergeevna headed the Emergency Center psychological assistance Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In 2002, CEPP began to develop rapidly. And when Julia headed it, everyone decided that it was created specifically for her. One way or another, there are no complaints about his work.

English education

27-year-old Evgeny Lebedev, the son of billionaire MP Alexander Lebedev, whom Forbes magazine ranked 194th on the list of the richest people in the world, loves to remember his childhood.

All my relatives on my mother’s side are biologists,” says Evgeniy. - My mother is a microbiologist, and my grandfather headed the biology department of the USSR Academy of Sciences. As a child, he took me with him on all his research expeditions. Mostly, of course, we traveled to Soviet bloc countries.

The exceptions were trips to Vietnam and Bolivia.

The Lebedevs lived in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin. And Evgeniy recalls with a smile that he often walked his dog on Red Square.

When Alexander Lebedev, who graduated from MGIMO, where his mother worked, was sent to the Soviet embassy in London, he took Zhenya with him. Colleagues were very surprised when they learned that the “spy” - that was Lebedev’s name at the embassy - had sent his son to study at the Church of England school in Kensington.

At that time, this was prohibited for Soviet subjects. My parents brought me and picked me up through the back door,” recalls Evgeniy.

Last summer, he helped Mikhail Gorbachev hold a charity auction in Britain in favor of children suffering from leukemia. The event was financed by Lebedev Sr. Even the staff of the State Duma deputy does not know what Evgeniy is doing now and what kind of education he has. But the heir to the oligarch lives in London. By the way, the children of Mikhail Kasyanov and Evgeniy Kiselev are studying there now. Yulia Timoshenko's daughter Evgenia recently completed her studies in London.

Children with "grandmothers"

Our poet Alexander Vulykh imagined a monologue of today's major.

At all times, for the children of the elite there were warm places. But related protectionism reached its apogee during the Yeltsin era. Boris Nikolaevich appointed his daughter Tatyana as a personal assistant, her husband Valentin Yumashev as head of the Presidential Administration, and his second son-in-law Valery Okulov as general director of Aeroflot. There was even a special term - “family”. Looking at Himself, senior officials also did not hesitate to strongly “recommend” relatives for bread positions. And now it has become the order of things. Children choose what they want to become, and dads are happy to try.

The little son came to his father,
And the little one said:
-Living with money is good
And without money it’s bad.

I'm tired of cocaine.
Tired of drinking
In general, your son decided to become
President at the bank!

Who the hell am I to the boys?
Loch, in kind, pure!
There's Serega Ivanov
Also the son of a minister,

Yesterday I was still a student.
I was thinking about my diploma.
Currently Vice President
In a bank at Gazprom.

And it doesn’t matter where the fuck is...
Modesty or conscience -
The important thing is that you have money.
With finances, that is.

And Fradkov is not a bummer.
That is, enough spirit.
So that Vnesheconom Bank
The son of Petrukh would sit down.

To spite all enemies
Were a result
Banks, kids and loot
Under dad's supervision!

And Patrushev has
Poor kids
They need to read it too
Account number in the book.

So, as long as the oil hums.
Sitting quietly in the bank.
Control credit
In the oil industry.

I'm not arrogant, I'm not a tank.
But me too, dad
Both Rosneft and Vneshtorgbank
There were 6 very handy!

I would shoot from them too
Cream or foam.
I would like help with this
Matvienka's offspring.

I would buy a locomotive
And he was joking with all his might,
I would go to the forums in Davos
I rode with chicks.

I would save money
Without wasting
I would buy myself with them
Yacht, do you hear, dad?

I'd like a toilet seat made of gold
Made in every hold,
I would be with Ksyukha Sobchak
He sat in the State Duma,

To make poverty war
Announce beautifully
To love your country -
Motherland, Russia!

Competent opinion

Alexey Mukhin, director of the Center for Political Information and author of numerous books on Kremlin political clans:

Children of high-ranking officials are a tasty morsel for business. Their parents, as a rule, claim that they have nothing to do with the employment of their children. Often this is the absolute truth, and the children are absolutely sure that they got a prestigious job themselves. As a rule, they are well educated and, studying at prestigious foreign universities, grow up there necessary connections. But Russian companies are waiting for them with open arms because of connections in their native Fatherland. As a result, children of government and officials are welcomed everywhere in the offices of large companies, offering them well-paid jobs. This phenomenon is not new or unique to Russia, but two years ago the country saw a wave of such appointments that people clearly linked to corruption and the growing closeness of the new ruling class.

Elena Krementsova

Five years ago, after a similar event, Khodorkovsky went to bed, and before this meeting, the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Alexander Shokhin, also had real cause for concern. Just the day before he got into trouble dark story. I was planning to rent 2 hectares of forest near Moscow in a prestigious area. And not cheap, but very cheap - 768 rubles per hundred square meters (instead of the market price of 7 thousand dollars)... Anyone else would have been immediately punished for corruption, but Shokhin managed to defend both the forest and his post. This man generally made his career not thanks to, but in spite of.

Comes from the people

The parents of the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs were not wealthy people. Nikolai Romanovich drove a car, Varvara Platonovna taught at school. The Shokhins didn’t even have their own corner, so at first the family had to wander around the country. Only in 1953, when Sasha was two years old, did they settle in Kapotnya, which was still near Moscow. We lived in the basement and in a barracks with amenities on the floor. The father traveled around the Union in pursuit of big money (in the end he left home for good), and the mother, who got a job as a weaver, cried at night from fatigue and fear for the future of her two sons.
Alexander Shokhin's older brother has already died. Father too. And the mother settled on Plyushchikha in the late 90s - not only in the same house with her son, but also (it happens) in Chubais’s former apartment. Now her son is taking care of her.
Sasha Shokhin started earning money a long time ago, from the seventh grade. During the holidays, he worked at the post office, on the state farm, and at the bakery.
“They didn’t know about this at school,” says Marta Orskaya, who taught Shokhin mathematics. – His family was low-income, but even if he worked part-time in free time, this did not affect my studies in any way.

Learned to get to the bottom of things

“He was very serious, modest, hardworking,” old-time teachers at school No. 461 remember Shokhin.
“But, like all children, he joked and laughed. And I was very worried about my grades,” adds Orskaya. – When I was younger, I could whine: “Why a four? I taught!” But he always listened to comments and made sure to correct them.
Thin, with bangs constantly falling into his eyes and long legs, exposed in the aisle - this is how history teacher Galina Zadokhina remembered Alexander Shokhin.
“The first impression of Sasha as a student is that his hand is always raised,” she says. – Always ahead, never behind. Constant thought: “Can I?” Fight for leadership in the class. He had his own point of view on everything - you can’t just take people like that for a story. He even egged on the teachers with his questions, to which he himself thought he knew the answer. But if this answer did not coincide with his position, he simply listened in fascination. I wanted to know everything and about everything, I read voraciously.
It was Zadokhina who instilled in Alexander Shokhin a passion for archaeological expeditions. Having started traveling with her to excavations of a Greek colony on the Black Sea island of Berezan, he did not abandon this hobby even at the university.
However, Alexander Shokhin learned not only to dig, but also to get to the bottom of others. In any case, in the 90s they started talking about him as a caustic person who was capable of “offending three with two words.”
“Not to offend, but very subtly to put in place those who went too far,” corrects Galina Zadokhina. “He was very critical even as a child. And self-critical too. But he never went over his head. And he always strived for independence.

Organized a "revolution"

Alexander Shokhin came to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University by chance. At school I wanted to become either a diplomat or a physicist, but, having not decided on my vocation, I decided to become a professor of political economy.
In those years, mostly the children of various directors studied economics, and Shokhin, in his cheap suit, clearly did not look like a representative of the “golden youth”. He had to get his start in life not with his connections, but with his head.
- Sashka Shokhin? Of course, I remember,” says his classmate Nadezhda Troitskaya.
Former classmates recall an incident that almost cost the future president of the RSPP his career:
“In the third year, he and his friends decided to organize a seminar at which one speaker would talk about the youth revolution, another about the environmental revolution, and a third about the scientific one. A harmless event. But they chose an inappropriate name for it - “World Revolution”. Representatives of the party committee and the Komsomol committee immediately suspected Shokhin of creating a Trotskyist cell. They were even going to expel the entire company from the Komsomol and the university, but it was not done. However, because of that story, Sashka was later not allowed to enroll in graduate school.

Satisfies everyone

However, it was precisely because of this that Shokhin did not become a “university rat.” After working for several years in the State Planning Committee, the State Committee for Labor and the Academy of Sciences, at the age of 36 he became assistant to Foreign Minister Shevardnadze on economic issues. Dissatisfaction with the appointment of Shokhin himself, who at that moment did not want to tear himself away from his dissertation, did not particularly worry anyone. Thus, involuntarily, his childhood dream came true - to become a diplomat.
His wife, they say, is a sincere woman (Tatyana Valentinovna studies socio-economic problems of population at the institute of the same name). They have two children - 31-year-old Dmitry and 26-year-old Evgenia.
- I have dad wonderful person, but as a child I felt deprived of his attention,” recalls Zhenya.
The power elite did not become a second family for Shokhin. Together with other reformers, Alexander Nikolaevich, who became Deputy Prime Minister in 1991, came up with “shock therapy,” and Gaidar scribbled such a vile characterization on him that former like-minded people still do not communicate. But the then head of the White House, Chernomyrdin, who did not like Gaidar, immediately took Shokhin into his office with such a recommendation.
However, Shokhin was not only in the executive branch, but also in the legislative branch, he served as a deputy from 1994 to 2002. Having become the chairman of the NDR faction, Shokhin promised to restore order in the movement and immediately had a fight with the deputy chairman of the party, Vladimir Babichev.
In the end, Alexander Shokhin “equally removed” from power. First he joined the management of the Renaissance Capital investment group, and three years ago he headed the RSPP. Shokhin is too cunning to lobby for the interests of any one group. The day before yesterday he defended the interests dictated by the investment group, banks, yesterday by Gazprom, today by the casino, so he suits everyone in his post. And Dmitry Medvedev, apparently, too - their recent meeting in the Kremlin passed without incident.
However, this hardly means that the oligarchs will turn from being equally distant to being equally close to the new Kremlin government.
“There is no talk of any restoration of the format of the 90s,” says political scientist Dmitry Orlov.
The president of the “trade union of oligarchs” Shokhin is really not suitable for this format. It’s not for nothing that he was born in the year of the Cat - he made such a career, and still walks around on his own.


We have reached the zero stage of economic growth.
We need to move away from the edge of the abyss at the bottom of which we find ourselves.
Such favorable moments as the devaluation of the national currency, as a rule, are not repeated often.
Then there will be a complete default. I don't use the more common Russian term.
Before the congress (NDR congress in 1998), I resigned my powers (leader of the Duma faction). I hope that I will replace me.
It is important for a politician to rip the clothes off his opponents.
I agree that only tough measures, perhaps, a demonstration of a cruel approach, regardless of faces, can improve the situation with tax collection, but to begin with, “on the cats” is better.

Alexander Shokhin.