Dear readers, in this article we will give some tips on how to write a letter to your grandmother. Are you surprised? But we will be talking about kids who are just learning written signs. For such children, the first real personally written text is a very difficult and responsible task. Therefore, it is important to help, advise and encourage the little addressee.

Great idea!

In our age of enormous communication opportunities with the help of all kinds of gadgets, the classic message to grandparents remains an important and reverent part of communication between the older and younger generations of the family. Leaflets with the first, sometimes still discordant and uneven words, with the obligatory drawing from a grandson or from a granddaughter of a grandfather and grandmother are kept for a lifetime. And for a child, the writing process becomes an exciting and “adult” (which is important) activity.

First of all, you need to captivate your baby with the idea of ​​a game. When writing printed letters has been mastered (even if not at all perfectly), you can congratulate the child and say that now he can write the real adult letter grandparents. Play up this moment. Tell us about all the benefits of having your own message:

  • the opportunity to show that you have learned or have learned to write and read;
  • talk about something interesting;
  • ask about important things;
  • sign your own drawings;
  • send the envelope by mail yourself.

It will be useful to show your little one letters from family archive, tell a fascinating story related to one of the messages, look at old postcards together. This will strengthen the baby’s interest, provide an opportunity to introduce him to the history of the family, and demonstrate examples of different messages. And most importantly, be sure to describe the incredible joy and pride of your grandparents after receiving the letter. It is possible to agree on little secret and not to warn elders that such a surprise is being prepared for them. You will see how the child's eyes light up!

Preparatory stage

Have you already planted the seeds of interest in your child’s soul? Don't rush and don't force things. Give your baby time to want to write. And when the desire is voiced, you can move on to the next stage:

  • decide what it will be: a message on a regular piece of paper or a postcard;
  • agree on the design: will you draw the picture yourself, or buy beautiful postcard, stick on bright stickers;
  • come up with a drawing;
  • buy an envelope together and explain its purpose;
  • Show stamps, tell us about the rules for designing a postal envelope.

Be sure to encourage the baby with assurances that you will help and advise.

We are writing a letter

First of all, compose the text orally. Tell your child how best to contact her grandparents. Let the child choose the right word himself:

  • "expensive";
  • "favorite";
  • "darling";
  • "Dear"

Then you can report your news:

  • about an exciting journey;
  • about an interesting game;
  • about holidays with parents on weekends;
  • about a new toy;
  • about a friend in kindergarten or on the playground;
  • about an important event.

We must not forget that the child is only developing and strengthening his spelling skills. The baby writes slowly and is not yet very beautiful. This process is not easy for him: it is difficult both physically and emotionally.

Therefore, do not rush the young writer, do not scold him for mistakes. Remember that the child is not yet familiar with the rules of spelling. Help him choose the right ones and simple words which are familiar to him. For difficult words You'll need a sample, so write these words yourself and read them aloud several times. Pay attention to the difference in pronunciation and spelling: “hello”, “goodbye”, “darlings”, etc.

Correct all mistakes kindly and calmly, without delving into the rules yet. Believe me, this draft will be as dear to you as the clean copy sent to your grandmother.

An important educational moment

It would seem like little wisdom to write to your grandmother. But how many imperceptible thin spiritual threads are intertwined in him. By inventing and creating a letter, you solve several problems at the same time:

  • train and develop your child;
  • improve your writing and reading skills;
  • develop oral and written speech;
  • instill a culture of written communication (which, by the way, is so important today for gadget users);
  • cultivate respect for elders in the family;
  • You strengthen trust in communicating with your child, because he shares his most intimate things with you in the process of writing a letter, and listens to your advice.

However, for children, all this should be exciting and interesting game that brings joy and pleasure. And the reward for his work will be a drawing or appliqué, which he will do with pleasure.

Sample letter

We offer a sample letter that may become a support for your child’s creativity.

Dear grandparents!

How are you doing? How is your health? I really miss you!

I have great joy. Mom and dad gave me a bicycle. He is big and beautiful. Two wheels, headlights and a loud bell. I ride outside a lot. I'll come soon and visit you.

Goodbye. Hello from mom and dad.

Granddaughter Lena

Hello, beloved grandparents!

Anything new? What's the weather like?

We are relaxing by the sea! Very hot. I swim and sunbathe a lot. Dad taught me to dive! I collect shells and stones on the shore. I'll bring them to you as a gift. We'll be there soon, don't be bored.

See you! Hugs and kisses!

Grandson Egor

Let's sum it up

  • Remember: writing to grandma for a baby is intellectual and physical work.
  • Try to use playful forms.
  • Spread the work over 2 days.
  • Complete the message with a drawing.
  • Help me sign the envelope.
  • Entrust the insertion and sealing procedure to children's hands.
  • Encourage and do not scold for mistakes.

Believe me, such classes are very useful. Your children's first experiences will always be valuable in your home archive. Perhaps in the future you will have a tradition of exchanging postcards and other messages, which, unlike electronic ones, you can hold in your hands, feeling the energy of a child, endlessly re-read and rejoice. Good luck!

We will be grateful for your feedback and stories from personal experience. See you again!

Miniature essay “Letter to Grandmother”

Hello, dear grandmother! How are you? How is your health?

Everything is as usual for me. I study and get only good grades. I am especially good at answering questions in mathematics, geography, biology and English language. Now I'm getting ready to compete for my class in a biology competition. There you will need to talk about animals and show pictures from their lives. I myself look for information for the competition in books and on the Internet.

How is your cat Marquise? You already know that we have a kitten, Kuzya, living at home. He is white and fluffy. During the holidays I will bring it to show you, if dad allows. He will have grown up by then. I hope that she and Marquise will play together, because Marquise is very kind and affectionate.

Lisa and I often quarrel. She started going to dances and constantly brags. She only talks about dancing, she is not interested in anything else. That's how nasty my sister is.

I miss you very much. Dad promised that we will soon go to visit you for the holidays. I look forward to meeting you. Say hello to Aunt Katya, Uncle Vova and little Natasha! Goodbye!

On Thursday evenings we have Volunteer Thursday. The Coordinator simply forgot to transfer the photo from the album. No one has informed them yet and, probably, the grandson/granddaughter has already been discovered. Imagine how good your old lady will feel when one of her roommates or a nurse, who reads your message to her, says: Who is the attractive girl in the photo or something similar? Calculation of prices and delivery times postal items in the Russian Federation Parcels, parcels and registered messages can be tracked using the identification number indicated on the receipt (you will receive the receipt at the post office when sending, you must enter the number on the website without a space). Should you write messages by hand or is it much better to print them? 6.

If you see a mistake, select the desired text and press Ctrl+Enter to tell the editors about it.

How are packages delivered to nursing homes? Since not many old women and grandfathers have every chance to go to the post office.

Good lesson Russian language in 3rd grade on the topic: Writing a double consonant at the boundary of a word's shares. Introduce words in which a double consonant is seen at the junction of a root and a suffix; teach how to accurately parse a word according to its composition in order to responsibly recreate a double consonant. Summary of a Russian language lesson in 4th grade on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense form Plan summary Russian language lesson in 4th grade on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense form according to PNS. Demonstration for a Russian language lesson in 4th grade on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense form Demonstration for a Russian language lesson on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense in 4th grade according to PNS: sample petition to reduce legal costs. The number of lonely old women/grandfathers in nursing homes exceeds the number of people who want to write, so we are carefully looking for 1 grandchild. More are welcome.) When common questions arise, you can look for answers on the forum. Thank you for your kindness and love, which you have generously given me since birth. .

It is better to send the toy 1 (do not forget about the lack of storage space), of this volume, so that it is comfortable to pick up and hug (approximately 40-50 centimeters in height) sample letter to grandmother from granddaughter. Here is an excerpt from our most basic coordinator, which properly illustrates the difficulties that volunteers who collect greetings face: ".

  • Ready birthday wishes for grandma. Congratulations to grandmother: from grandson, from granddaughter, great-grandmother, funny, everything. You are an example of wisdom, generosity, and care.
  • Can one of the grandparents have several grandchildren by correspondence? 6. I sent a letter/parcel, but it is still on the Russian Post website.
  • From practice, experiences of grandchildren usually turn out to be useless; everything arrives on time and in the appropriate form.

    Children much prefer photographs and clear drawings, postcards, as a result of which the emphasis can be placed on them, and the messages can be reduced to notes. Alternatively, you can write like this: Hello, I’m Lyuba from Kaluga, I would like to sincerely congratulate you, Maria Ivanovna, on your New Year's holidays! I want it for you. It is possible to register, in fact, we saw photos of the trip, noticed her photo and asked for an address in order to write messages and support, even though you live a little far from each other. May fate return to you all the warmth and love given away to you a hundredfold. They don’t think about the grief they cause to their father and his parents. Young people in DI (boarding home) and PNI (psychoneurological boarding school) are, in most cases, children aged 18 years and older in children's homes, who do not have the opportunity to live in person, and are developed as young people. We have grandchildren who write to Russian DPs as a result of a psychological barrier. But it is necessary to give a notarial permission of the guardians or a person who has the appropriate rights, an established sample with a validity period covering the period for which the visa is requested

    Correspondence with grandparents - helping the elderly

    Sample letter to grandmother from granddaughter. Rating: 84 / 100 Total: 34 ratings.

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    Description. THE SECRET 1992 Memoirs of a Siberian writer and artist, born and raised in Crimea, represent an artistically authentic and historically valuable document from the era of the thirties. The author vividly and colorfully recreated the atmosphere of life and everyday life of the pre-war south of Russia, the peoples inhabiting it, with numerous characteristic types, customs, household items, architecture, the originality of the author’s family - a mechanic-inventor father and a noblewoman mother in the tragic, but in their own way romantic pre-war years.

    Letter to my beloved grandmother


    There are many grandmothers all over the world, but mine is the best. She has been working in a kindergarten for many years. My grandmother is fifty-four years old, but she looks younger.

    When I was little, my grandmother worked with me a lot. She developed my knowledge and prepared me for school.

    There is never a dull moment with my grandmother. Sometimes we have a game day. Grandma and I play Board games: Mill, uno, chess, checkers and so on. We win one by one.

    I love my grandmother very much, and she loves me. All grandmothers are special, especially mine!

    Pavel Vokhmyanin, 3rd grade, Orichi village.

    Hello, my dear grandmother! How is your health? How do you live without us? Thank you for having a wonderful holiday with you! Do you remember how we went camping in the summer, fried sausages over a fire, and rode a bike down the mountain? That was fun! And how I ran races with the boys, and was always the first.

    And your pancakes are the most delicious! And I still remember your bedtime stories and different stories! It's my birthday soon, come visit us. This will be for me the best gift. Mom will bake a cake, I will make a wish. I'll only tell you a secret.

    Goodbye! Be healthy! Do not be bored!

    Your grandson Dima.

    Dima Nurgalin, 2nd grade, Orichi village.

    I try to study well

    Hello dear grandmother! How are you? How is your health? I'm fine. I try to study well. I have more than five ratings. I want to go pick mushrooms in the forest. Come visit us. I miss you. How does the cat Busya live? Say hello to him. I want to see him. On weekends, my mother and I baked pies with cabbage and cheesecakes. I helped my mother. She said I was good at it. In the summer I went to Sovetsk. I swam and sunbathed there. My sister Varya and I played funny Games. Sovetsk is very beautiful. In the summer I went rollerblading and cycling. IN free time I walk or play on the Internet. Recently my mother and I went to Kirov. Goodbye, dear grandmother.

    Your granddaughter Nastya.

    Nastya Ulanova, 3rd grade, Orichi village.

    I can't wait to see you

    Hello, grandma! I decided to write you a letter because I missed you. I can't wait for the holidays to see you again! See you. Bye. Your grandson Dima.

    Dima BELKOV, 2nd grade, Orichi village.

    I want to take care of people

    Hello, Grandma Galya. Grandson Alyosha is writing to you. I haven't seen you for a long time and decided to write you a letter. I miss you very much. Write to me how you are doing. How is your health?

    I'm fine. I'm in 4th grade and I'm not sick. Every day I walk and practice playing basketball.

    Everything is great in our family. Mom and Dad work and come late. Polina moved to another school. In the morning we wake up early because the parrots are screaming. Every morning they ask to fly. I understand them. You can’t always sit in a cage, because sooner or later you always want to look at something else. My room is the whole world to them. They inhabit it in their own way. They have a lot to do. Pound the wall, chew notebooks and books. They have a dacha. We bought them a nest. They have rare but exciting trips to other rooms.

    We have two fish. Guram Guramych and Guramka. He lived alone for a long time. We bought a female, but he didn't like her. Guramych began to offend her. He beat her so much that she lost an eye.

    You see, grandma, everything is like with people.

    We will soon bring all the living creatures to you, as we are leaving. Try to take good care of them. They really need care. But I just can’t understand what caring is. Kindness? Responsibility? Write. I need your answer. Ask your grandfather what he thinks about this, because I want to learn to take care of people too.

    Goodbye. Alyosha.

    Alyosha KOSYKH, 4th grade, Orichi village.

    Hello my grandmother, I am writing you this letter with respect. We are fine. They bought Fedya for my guinea pig. For reproduction, and Keshe Dasha, but he beats her. Mom also bought herself a rooster fish. That’s the name of his breed, and his name is Semyon.

    I was offered to participate in a competition in which I had to watch animals. I will write a project. That's how great everything is with us.

    And how are you? How are your piglets and mine? How are Mukhtar and Rex doing? I hope Tim and Pim are behaving well? How is your health and mood? Everyone says hi to you. Sincerely, your granddaughter Lena.

    Lena Smorkalova, 4th grade, Orichi village.

    How to write a letter to your grandmother?

    In our age of progress, handwritten letters look like echoes of past centuries. Today, few people sit down at a desk, pick up paper and pen, and write a letter. All this was replaced by a computer connected to the Internet. But there are still people in this world who are no longer trying to master the Internet, leaving it to the young - these are our grandparents, who would be pleased to receive a letter from their grandson or granddaughter, written with their own hands. They would keep it as a keepsake and keep it as a family heirloom, especially if it was also colorfully decorated. But often the “Next” generation does not know how to write a letter to their grandparents, since they mostly write letters in free form, without taking into account the rules and basic features.

    We are writing a letter

    For a letter to turn out good and “warm”, it should be written from the bottom of your heart, not limited to two dry lines, because a letter is far from being an SMS message. It’s better to start with an abstract introduction, for example, why you decided to sit down and write a letter, what prompted you to do this. The letter should include more descriptions, your reasoning, you need to ask your grandmother various questions and ask for your grandmother’s advice or her opinion. You should beware of dry, condensed phrases, as such letters may give the impression that you were reluctant to write and that you are not interested in communicating with them.

    You should not write something that your grandmother will not be interested in, and that she does not understand, because it may seem nonsense to her. Therefore, it is important to draw up a plan for the letter in advance, then it will turn out to be logical and interesting; you should also write neatly in large, legible handwriting, without spelling errors. If you are writing a letter to your grandmother using a sample that you found on the Internet, then try not to use it every time, as it will look cliched and artificial, which will obviously alert her.

    Also, when writing a letter, you should not be distracted, otherwise it will turn out unrelated. In the end, you should definitely sign a letter to your grandmother from your granddaughter or grandson with your signature, and also write about how you love her, miss her and are looking forward to meeting you soon and a soon letter from her. You can design the letter with your own drawings, or make it in the form of a postcard. Such a work of art will probably be kept in her possession for years and proudly displayed to all her friends.

    To make your letter even more joyful, you can put a few of your photos in the envelope along with it. Of course, your grandparents will write you a response letter, which in no case should be left unanswered, since this will show disrespect and inattention to those people who care about you. Now you know how to write a letter to your grandparents and you will often make them happy.

    Hello, dear grandmother! How are you? How is your health?

    Everything is as usual for me. I study and get only good grades. I am especially good at answering questions in mathematics, geography, biology and English. Now I'm getting ready to compete for my class in a biology competition. There you will need to talk about animals and show pictures from their lives. I myself look for information for the competition in books and on the Internet.

    How is your cat Marquise? You already know that we have a kitten, Kuzya, living at home. He is white and fluffy. During the holidays I will bring it to show you, if dad allows. He will have grown up by then. I hope that she and Marquise will play together, because Marquise is very kind and affectionate.

    Lisa and I often quarrel. She started going to dances and constantly brags. She only talks about dancing, she is not interested in anything else. That's how nasty my sister is.

    I miss you very much. Dad promised that we will soon go to visit you for the holidays. I look forward to meeting you. Say hello to Aunt Katya, Uncle Vova and little Natasha! Goodbye!

    Your grandson Andryusha

    Letters to grandparents are often written by their loving grandchildren. In the letter you need to ask about the health and well-being of your grandparents, tell a little about yourself and your life, you can write how much you miss them. Here is an example of such a letter.

    “Hello, my dears, grandma and grandpa! How are you living? Is your health failing you? I hope that you are doing well. I miss you very much. Everything is fine with us, I started going swimming, I really like it. I'm also a good student, no C's. Coming soon New Year, yesterday we bought a Christmas tree, and today I decorated it all day. Mom and Dad say hello to you. I'm really looking forward to summer and new meeting with you. Goodbye. Your granddaughter Katya."

    Nowadays, writing letters is rare, but they still exist, because older people do not like media such as the telephone, it is very difficult for them to master them. Especially modern gadgets and smartphones with many various functions, which modern children and teenagers love so much. Our grandparents prefer classics to new technologies, so in order to contact them and make them happy, it is better to write a letter.

    What to write a letter to your grandparents about

    And so, the letter should contain the following points, they can be changed at your discretion:

    • Greetings. This is a required item. Example "Hello, dear grandma", "Hello, grandpa".
    • Tell me how are you. Example: “Everything is fine with me, I just got home from school.”
    • Tell us about your news and achievements. Example: “Tomorrow there will be a Biology Olympiad, I’m participating in it,” “I signed up for the pool, now I go there 3 times a week, I really like it.”
    • Tell me how your family is doing. It is important for grandparents to know how other relatives are doing. Example: “My sister and I stopped quarreling and now we go to the movies together on Sundays,” “Can you imagine, dad got promoted at work, we are so happy for him.”
    • Share your problems, ask for advice, because older relatives know a lot due to their life experience. Example “Grandfather, what do you think should I sign up for: football or basketball?” “Grandma, please tell me the recipe for your mother’s favorite pie. I would like to bake it for her birthday, it would be nice.”
    • Be sure to find out how your grandparents are doing, especially their health. They will be pleased with such care. Example "How are you doing? How is your health? Is everything okay?" .
    • Invite them or say that you yourself would like to come, express your feelings. Example: “I miss you so much, when can I come to you?” , “Mom says hi to you and grandpa and says we’re looking forward to visiting you next weekend.”
    • Parting. Example: “Waiting for an answer soon, bye”, “See you soon, kisses.”

      How to make your grandparents happy with your letter

      If you want the letter to please your relatives as much as possible, you can show a little imagination. You can decorate the letter, include a small craft or maybe a poem you wrote especially for them, as well as a small gift, preferably homemade.

    One grandmother decided to write a letter to her newborn granddaughter. A more touching and wise message still needs to be found. Here's what came of it:

    Don't be afraid to fall.
    Ride a bike, swing, skate, roller skate and don’t be afraid to fall. It will hurt, but thanks to this you will learn to be quick and get up when you want to cry.

    Don't be afraid to express your point of view.
    You don't have to remain silent if you don't like something or when you don't agree. Do not hide your opinion either for the sake of “friendship” or for the sake of “love”. If they don’t hear you or demand that you be loyal, then to hell with such friendship and love.

    Don't be ashamed to apologize.
    Only very strong girls know how to apologize and realize their mistakes, and I really want you to grow up like this. It’s hard to say: “I’m sorry, I was wrong. How can the situation be corrected?" But you need to learn this and then no one can defeat you.

    Don't be afraid to get a bad grade.
    A two is not so bad. This will show you your weak points. You will know what you need to work on. A low score doesn't mean you're stupid. This is just motivation for action.

    Don't be afraid of not being popular.
    While all the popular partygoers will go to parties, spend time in eateries and hang out on the Internet for days, posting their photos, you will learn to shoot well, ride horses, sing, and so on. At the age of eighteen, the popular ones will still be sitting in front of the computer, and by that time you will already be conquering the world and, perhaps, going on a trip around the world.

    Don't be afraid to be weird.
    Your grandmother is not afraid!

    Don't be afraid to fall in love.
    Falling in love will still come to you. Be happy that you have finally grown up.

    Don't be afraid of the first kiss.
    Trust grandma it's amazing! Don't be afraid, all women are great kissers, as it is in our blood.

    Don’t be afraid to get married or, on the contrary, not to get married.
    When you grow up, no one will care if you have something on your finger. wedding ring or not. But if you decide that marriage and family life for you, try to meet “your” person, and then everything will work out. Even socks scattered everywhere will not irritate you. But there will be someone to give you a massage in the evenings or take the dog for a walk.

    Don't be afraid to give birth.
    I won't lie, it hurts. But this is the most beautiful thing that any woman can have in her life.

    Don't be afraid of divorce.
    Anything can happen in life. The main thing is don’t despair and don’t close yourself off. Divorce is not the end of life. This is the beginning of something new and most likely more interesting.

    Don't be afraid of loneliness.
    Sometimes being alone is good. You can even enjoy it. But this won’t happen for long - I know our family.

    Don't be afraid to cry.
    Tears are the choice of the strong. I'm strong and I do what I want. I want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to throw socks all over the apartment.

    Don't be afraid to try new things.
    Don't think about age or what people will say. Take the best from life, no matter how crazy your desire.

    Don't be afraid to grow old.
    As you age, you will begin to appreciate life more and love your loved ones. And then maybe you’ll write a letter to your grandchildren.

    Don't be afraid to lose loved ones.
    I doubted for a long time whether I should write this to you. But losses are inevitable. Loved ones leave - but love does not disappear...

    I love you, your grandmother."

    This letter touched the heartstrings of many of us. Granny gives very valuable advice and shares her invaluable experience. After reading this message, there is something to think about...