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The use of garlic in folk and traditional medicine is multifaceted. A special place is occupied by the use of garlic juice. It is prescribed not only for colds, rhinitis, cough, sore throat, acute respiratory infections and flu, but also for the treatment of general weakness, insomnia, dysentery, colitis, enteritis, helminthic infestation, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, scurvy.

Researchers have concluded that garlic is a remedy that can be used in cases of flatulence and colic, to remove stomach and intestinal gas, and to relieve painful cramps. For external use, garlic can be used in cataplasmas or hand and foot baths. Inside, garlic can be taken with honey before or after meals. Garlic can also be used as tablets or capsules.

Allicin in garlic, he says, stimulates the peristaltic movements of the intestinal walls and thus creates stool motility. If a piece of garlic is taken in the mouth, at the beginning of the cold, on the side between the teeth and cheek, the cold will disappear after a few hours or a maximum of one day. For example: This wonderful healing plant leaves teeth free to catch roots and remove plaque again! It has a healing effect on cataracts and inflammation of the tear ducts! Do you have ear pain? Wrap the plant in a small gauze and insert it into the outer ear canal!

Fresh garlic juice helps with various skin diseases(fungal infections of the skin and nails, warts, alopecia, acne, herpes, calluses, seborrhea, etc.). Garlic juice is not only rich in the beneficial components of this plant, but also very concentrated, and therefore its use is advisable only in a mixture with other vegetable and fruit juices, for example, lemon juice, milk, honey, water, vodka. Garlic juice is used in small doses, drop by drop, in full accordance with medical recommendations.

How to squeeze juice out of garlic?

Garlic is nature's aspirin, dilating veins and arteries to clear congestion. Squeeze some garlic juice into a teaspoon of honey. Do you have a stuffy nose or allergies? Try some chopped garlic ingested in water. They say that in such cases garlic works wonders! If the mouth contains garlic dog, the cold disappears within a few hours, no more than noon. Do not burn at all unless you are chewing it. Just cut it with your teeth from time to time to release the juice. Thus, a sore throat can linger in a matter of minutes.

How to properly prepare garlic juice

The head is divided into cloves, cleaned and crushed into a paste using a mortar. Not recommended for use metal objects to obtain garlic pulp, since upon contact with metals some of the biologically active substances of the plant are destroyed.

The resulting pulp is placed in a linen bag (you can also use a triple gauze bag) and the juice is squeezed out. The finished concentrate cannot be stored for a long time, since over time its healing properties decrease significantly and the juice loses its healing power, so it is recommended to squeeze out the amount of substrate that you need for a single use.

Garlic provides permanent, not just temporary healing. Place some garlic in the salad. Emnagog has been proven to stimulate menstruation. This is the millennium of treating women's problems. Famous doctors found that garlic combat fever, irritability, insomnia, palpitations, chills, itching, obesity, leucorrhoea, arthritis and many other ailments. Of course, garlic is also found in powder, pill or capsule form at most plants and herbal pharmacies.

Tea is prepared only by mixing a teaspoon of powder in a cup hot water, adding honey to taste. Or a small amount cut into a teaspoon of honey can be swallowed with water before eating. The first time he tried the eyelash extension formula. She used regular garlic oil capsules, and after about a month the swelling disappeared. The second time she tried it for hair growth, which grew rapidly, even reaching the size of a dime when she first became aware of its existence.

The use of garlic juice in folk medicine

We bring to your attention proven remedies with garlic juice for the treatment of various diseases.

Cure for a runny nose

It is not recommended to put pure garlic juice into your nose, as you can get a burn to the mucous membrane. Inhalation of plant phytoncides is also effective against rhinitis, as are compositions prepared on the basis of juice.

Again, the garlic oil healed her by seeing her eyes. These manifestations, according to him, are caused by serious sunburn, and the radiologist who made the diagnosis advised them to dry them with alcohol, which he tried for two or three months without success. And admire, he comments, that we are interested in statements about garlic and cancer? Even if they were not malignant, these manifestations could have developed in this sense, given my medical history. And they definitely weren't cured until we had garlic.

Moreover, they were ugly and painful. We hope that this experience will be useful to others. His toes were red, coughing and painful. The heel and sole were covered with thousands of small perforations. His legs were unbearable and he didn't want to disqualify himself. He had burns, itching and pain. When all medicines proved helpless, garlic turned out to be safe medicine for the patient's feet. The real method is to stretch some fresh crushed garlic over the affected area.

  1. Soak cotton swabs in garlic juice and place them in the nose for 10 minutes 4-5 times a day, alternately, first in one nostril and then in the other. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of a runny nose disappear completely.
  2. Mix 5 ml of freshly prepared carrot and beet juices, dilute them with 10 ml of vegetable oil, it is better to use sea buckthorn, as it softens the mucous membrane, add 5 drops of garlic juice. The resulting composition for rhinitis is instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage several times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Cold medicine

It gives you a warm feeling of approx. five minutes. It should remain on the skin for half an hour. Then the leg is washed with plain water. To prevent the infection from returning, boil your stockings. It is said that a simple tonic made from crushed garlic in a spoon of honey, taken at table over a period of time, can work wonders to relieve pain and suffering, especially in cases of sciatica and gout. An Indian scientist said that garlic oil has always been very successful in paralytic and rheumatic diseases.

Another physician says that the pain of the rheumatic parts can be greatly relieved by rubbing them with garlic. “It gives great results,” he says. Another leading scientist and expert in the field of garlic therapy says that garlic, internally, quickly soothes rheumatic pain and neuralgia.

The product effectively stops the development of colds. It is recommended to take it when the first unpleasant symptoms appear. Add 8-10 drops of garlic juice to a glass of warm (not hot!) milk and drink, preferably before bed. If you catch it in time, you can prevent the disease from developing and get back on your feet overnight.

Garlic has been cultivated since ancient times, the Romans grew it in large areas, consumed by the poor population and was a staple food for Roman soldiers, who believed it increased their strength and courage in battle. It is said that those who built the pyramids during the time of the pharaohs in Egypt consumed a lot of garlic in order to have the necessary powers for the hard work they were subjected to.

Garlic is a plant with very high nutritional value, with a spicy taste and unmistakable taste. Garlic's name comes from the fact that chewing it makes you feel stupid on your tongue, and the bulbs are called garlic "cloves" because they give you the sensation of biting your tongue. Garlic contains essential oil, containing sulfur-based compounds. Garlic also contains large amounts of carbohydrates, antidepressants, lipids, B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and E, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper, sulfur, iron, arsenic, silicon, iodine and zinc.

Cough medicine

Pound 5 medium garlic cloves in a mortar and pour into a glass whole milk and boil the composition over low heat for 1 minute, add a tablespoon of natural honey (linden, forest, St. John's wort, sage, herbs) and boil again. Drink the finished product in small sips throughout the day. Garlic-honey milk helps remove mucus and relieve coughing spasms.

How to make garlic juice?

The nutritional value of garlic makes it included in the culinary network of all nations, used for cooking, seasoning or flavoring. large quantity dishes, from sausages, salami, roasts to soups and salads. Since ancient times, the benefits of garlic have been known as a miracle medicine, food medicine, due to its nutritional and healing properties demonstrated over thousands of years. Since ancient times, it has been used to prevent and treat many diseases. The ingredients contained in garlic destroy certain pathogens such as those that cause typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera, etc.

Medicine for hypertension and atherosclerosis

Mix a teaspoon of garlic juice and the same amount of bee honey. This is a single dose, which is taken three times a day before meals, washed down with warm, but not hot, tea or water.

Medicine for mycosis

Fungal infections of the nails and skin are very difficult to treat. Garlic juice is a fairly effective antifungal agent, however, complete healing may take several months to six months.

Garlic is consumed to prevent influenza, being considered an excellent tonic and stimulator of antibody production. Beneficial influence for hypertension is also recognized, and in the pharmaceutical industry acellular is used in the production of drugs that lower blood pressure by slowing the pulse. Garlic is a good homeopath and has been used successfully to relieve digestive problems and chronic bronchitis. It is said to reduce the risk of stomach cancer in those who frequently consume garlic.

With regular consumption of garlic, it helps in better digestion of food and revitalizes blood circulation. Garlic is effective in combating bacteria or fungi of the digestive tract, with intestinal and pulmonary antiseptic properties. Garlic is successfully used for urinary lithiasis and circulatory disorders. Another quality of garlic is that it helps increase appetite for those who are struggling with this problem.

  1. Prepare a mixture of 5 ml of garlic juice, 5 ml of medical alcohol and 5 ml of distilled water. Apply this product to the affected skin and nails twice a day.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of garlic pulp with a teaspoon of homemade butter and apply to nails. At night, it is good to apply the composition in a thick layer, wrap the affected nail in cellophane and wrap it with a bandage on top.

Contraindications to the use of garlic juice

Garlic can be eaten directly, simply, without any preparation, in the form of muja, but also in the form of syrups, juices and various infusions. For supporting good condition health, it is recommended to consume 1-2 pounds per day on an empty stomach. For external use, garlic is used to heal wounds, is septic, and soothes pain.

It is indicated in the treatment of warts, battles, scabies, wounds, ulcers, as well as for the healing of infections and inflammations caused by insects and throats, and also helps to save cysts, blood clots and fungi on the soles of the feet. Here are some recipes and directions for herbal remedies and garlic remedies, plain or in combination with other herbs.

Garlic, juice and everything medications based on them are contraindicated for epilepsy, some liver and kidney diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity), especially in the acute stage, since the active components of the plant are irritating to the mucous membrane. It is not advisable to consume garlic during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester.

For infections and inflammation, a mixture of honey with crushed garlic applied to the affected area, or directly chopped garlic placed in cheesecloth and wrapped on the problem area. A two-part mixture of oil and one garlic fights asthenia and depression. - For rheumatism, garlic cloves are marked along the spine. - For toothache, take a clove of garlic, crush it and rub the rubber into the tooth area. If the pain is high, leave the garlic on the tooth for about an hour. - To disinfect wounds and ulcers, compress garlic vinegar. - To cure rai, make a decoction of garlic. - To fight warts, rub fresh garlic cloves on the warts daily.

Garlic is contraindicated for breastfeeding women, since the essential oils of the plant significantly impair the taste of mother's milk. Remember that before using any recipes traditional medicine with active agents such as garlic juice, it is advisable to consult a herbalist or knowledgeable person. There are no contraindications for using garlic juice externally, except for individual intolerance to the components of the plant and allergic reactions on him.

Garlic has a strong antiviral effect and the warts will disappear gradually, so this treatment requires patience. - In case of a cold, peel 5 cloves of garlic, crush and mix with 5 teaspoons of sugar. Boil them with a little water until they boil. Take the pot off the heat, leave for 5 minutes and then squeeze. Drink one teaspoon daily. - To heal slats and pieces of seasoned fabric, apply a stack of hot oven-roasted garlic several times a day. - To treat deafness of rheumatic origin, a cotton swab soaked in garlic juice mixed with oil is poured into the ears in the evening. - For cardiovascular diseases Garlic tincture with honey and propolis extract is recommended.

Eastern peoples have a parable that garlic grew from the teeth of a dragon, which were sowed by a wise man. He ordered his people to eat garlic to protect against disease and gain strength, because all the strength of the dragon lies in its teeth. In Ancient Greece, garlic was called the “smelly rose” and was also highly valued for its beneficial features. With its help, they got rid of cholera, plague, typhoid fever and Staphylococcus aureus. There is still a respectful attitude towards this culture, which helps to get rid of many diseases and carry out very useful prevention and help rejuvenate the body.

This has a preventive and therapeutic effect both in cardiovascular diseases and in the prevention of sclerosis and other diseases. - Garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, prevents deposits on the walls of blood vessels, sheds blood, prevents clots and repairs “damage” to the arteries. - The connection with honey and propolis honey increases the therapeutic value of garlic, especially in the fight against sclerosis. - For intestinal parasites, it is recommended that 3-4 cows pass through the stomach and are left to macerate for several hours in a pan of boiling water or milk.

Useful properties and composition of garlic juice

As we know, all beneficial substances act especially strongly and quickly if vegetables or fruits are used in the form of juices. This also applies to garlic. Garlic juice is rich in mustard oil, flavonoids, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. It also contains iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and copper. It contains nicotinic acid and vitamins C and B. Garlic has a strong smell due to its essential oil. which is rich in sulfur.

In the morning he was drunk for three weeks. - To reduce weight and prevent tissue aging, garlic tincture is recommended, which also has an antiseptic, vasodilating, anti-skeletal, and anti-asthmatic effect. Here's how to make garlic tincture: take 50 grams of garlic and 250 grams of alcohol. Peel the garlic, cut into pieces and put it in alcohol and let it soak for 10 days. After 10 days, filter. - Against respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and gutturai, it is recommended to consume garlic soup during the cold season.

As you can see, garlic is a remedy for many ailments and an assistant in many problems of our body. For what diseases can garlic juice be used?

The spectrum of these ailments includes problems with the cardiovascular system. For example, flavonoids help remove cholesterol from the body, thereby healing the walls of blood vessels. The result is lower blood pressure, reduced vascular spasms and easier heart function.

For colds, garlic juice is used in combination with honey or vodka, taken internally. Externally, the same composition will help with purulent wounds and ulcers.

For insect bites, you can simply wipe the bite site with garlic juice - the itching will go away. And even with snake bites, it is recommended to apply a compress of garlic juice to the bite site.

Garlic juice also helps with osteochondrosis. To prepare the rub, mix 200 grams of garlic juice with 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. The mixture is rubbed into the sore spots, tied with a towel, and a woolen cloth on top. Leave the compress overnight.

The famous “elixir of youth” is well known, which restores vigor and clarity of mind. It is very simple to prepare: chop 400 grams of garlic using any in an accessible way, squeeze the juice of 24 lemons. mix everything and place in a glass container, covering it with a cloth. Take the mixture once a day, one teaspoon, diluted in one glass of chilled boiled water. This elixir has the most beneficial effect on circulatory system human, giving the vessels elasticity and strength. Therefore, within a week you can feel a surge of strength and energy. And after 3-4 weeks you will feel simply great.

Famous Tibetan healers advised their recipe for the elixir of youth: infuse garlic with vodka in equal proportions and take this infusion, starting with one drop on the first day to 25 drops on the twenty-fifth day, and then on reverse order, decreasing drop by drop per day. This is a general strengthening recipe that brings vigor and improves overall well-being.

As a warming remedy for colds, use garlic juice in the form of a compress or garlic pulp as a mustard plaster. In addition to its warming properties, this drug is capable of drawing out harmful substances from the skin through the pores. Therefore, such compresses can be used for masks for acne and acne. The disinfecting and rejuvenating properties of garlic will help make the skin more elastic and give it a healthy color.

Garlic juice for skin and hair

To cleanse the skin well. you need to make a mask with garlic juice. adding 5g of honey to 20g of garlic juice. 2g borax, 5g glycerin and 60g water. Apply this mask to clean skin for a few minutes before going to bed.

Another recipe for treating acne. mix one and a half parts of garlic pulp and 8 parts of vodka. Apply to the face, cover with gauze or cloth, hold until a feeling of warming appears (this is about 10 minutes, no longer recommended). The prepared mixture can be kept in the cold for three days; before use, it must be warmed at room temperature.

You can also use a compress of garlic juice to treat rosacea. soak gauze with it, or the same compress of garlic pulp. You need to apply the paste to your face for a few minutes, covering it with a cloth. Then make sure that there is no strong burning sensation, otherwise there may be a burn.

Just like for the skin, garlic juice is effective in getting rid of hair problems. Here are a few recipes:

  • Strengthening hair. Rub garlic juice into hair roots. The warming essential oils irritate the skin, increase blood flow to it, strengthening the hair follicles. And phytoncides destroy pathogenic bacteria. For dry hair, it is better to mix garlic juice with any vegetable oil 1:1, this should not be done if you have oily hair. Do the procedure once a week for 2-3 months.
  • Getting rid of focal baldness. grate the garlic, making a paste out of it and apply it to the areas of baldness for 2 hours. Then wash your hair with mild shampoo. It is recommended to do the procedure every day for a week. Then, with a break of ten days, the course can be done two more times.

do not cover your head when performing procedures with garlic juice. so as not to cause severe skin irritation. If there is severe burning, wash off the hair masks immediately.

To get rid of the smell of garlic, you can use a decoction of parsley or water with lemon juice. if the smell causes any inconvenience. However, the beneficial properties and the effect that garlic produces completely compensate for these shortcomings.

Today we're going to talk about the health benefits of garlic cloves and how you can use them to improve your health. However, if consumed in excess, garlic can bring not only benefits, but also harm, especially if you have contraindications to its use.

Garlic - benefits and harm to the body

Garlic, whose beneficial properties are largely determined by its composition, contains a huge amount of biologically active substances. These include alkaloids, which, due to their action, very similar to the action of insulin, are able to lower blood sugar levels.

Garlic is used as a bactericidal, antiseptic, and analgesic. It has diuretic, restorative, diaphoretic, blood purifying, and vasodilating properties. It is safe to say that garlic is beneficial to almost all people. The exceptions are cases of epilepsy and kidney problems. Garlic should also be consumed with caution by pregnant women.

What are the health benefits of garlic?

You can use a healthy decoction of garlic for swelling, prostatitis, urolithiasis, bladder diseases. Garlic treatment for hemorrhoids gives excellent results. In this case, it is simply recommended to swallow the garlic cloves whole. Subsequently, they will come out of the intestines and cauterize the affected areas, accelerating their healing.

To treat gout and atherosclerosis, chop 3 lemons without peel and seeds, 3 large heads garlic Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them and leave for 24 hours in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take the resulting product 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Benefits of garlic for treating hypertension

Every morning before meals, eat 1 chopped clove of garlic, the benefits and harms of which we tell you about, washed down with 1/3 glass cold water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in it. Please note that this treatment can be used if you do not have ulcers or gastritis.

Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves and place them on cheesecloth. Dry at room temperature and then grind in a coffee grinder. Place in a glass container, close the lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Take ½ teaspoon of the resulting product 3 times a day before meals. You can drink garlic with lemon balm or mint infusion.

Grind 20 cloves of garlic, 5 lemons and 5 onions into a paste; in such a mixture the health benefits of garlic will be even greater. Mix everything with 1 kilogram of sugar and 2 liters of boiled water. Next, the seeds need to be infused in a warm, cool place for 10 days. Remember to shake the container periodically. This product is stored in a cool place. Folk remedy Garlic of this type is taken 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

The benefits of garlic in cooking

Of course, when we talk about garlic, we first of all remember its benefits in the culinary field. Indeed, garlic is included in a variety of dishes. For example, donuts are baked with it, giving it a unique aroma meat fillings for pies. Garlic can be added to salads, jellied meats, or simply eaten as a snack with rich borscht. This product is also indispensable for canning, as it makes the preparations more tasty and piquant.

Contraindications and possible harm from garlic

The harm or benefit of garlic is discussed so often for the reason that scientists have discovered a substance such as sulfanyl-hydroxyl ion in the composition of this product. It belongs to the category of poisons and can lead to a variety of consequences.

  • The first drawback that garlic has is, of course, bad smell. It is not completely eliminated and can persist 24 hours after eating garlic. It is still unknown where exactly the smell is concentrated - in the stomach or in the skin. However, it is still very difficult to fight him. Yes, they exist traditional methods getting rid of unpleasant odor garlic You can drink milk, chew a few sprigs of parsley, or hold clove buds in your mouth. But it is not always possible to do this. And regular teeth brushing is unlikely to help here. But despite the smell, the benefits of garlic for your health outweigh the harm from the smell.
  • For diseases of the kidneys, stomach and liver, garlic can also help negative impact on general health. Yes, we said above that garlic is good for the genitourinary system. However, you should always consult your doctor on this issue.
  • According to research, sulfanyl hydroxyl ion, when in excess, causes changes in the brain, which leads to the development of various diseases. By the way, for the same reason, garlic is contraindicated for people with epilepsy.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the harm of garlic may include allergic reactions and toxicosis. Keep this in mind when thinking about the benefits and harms of a plant like garlic.
  • Large amounts of garlic eaten at one time can lead to stomach discomfort.

What are the benefits of garlic juice?

Benefits of garlic juice for cleansing the body

Garlic juice, the benefits and harms of which are not too different from garlic itself, helps to quickly and effectively cleanse the body. This amazing effect is due to the fact that garlic contains a lot mustard oil, as well as other cleansing elements that are also involved in cleansing the body.

The disease is often accompanied by loss of appetite, the body weakens and stops fighting the infection. Garlic, on the contrary, improves appetite and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and this in turn contributes to better digestion of the food consumed. In addition, garlic has a diuretic effect and improves gastric motility. Also, the essential oils contained in garlic are useful for cleansing mucus from the lungs and bronchi. In addition, they help remove toxins from the body through sweat through the pores.

Beneficial properties of garlic juice for intestinal diseases

Garlic juice is good for health because it is an anticoagulant - it naturally thins the blood and prevents blood clots from appearing. The anti-cancer benefits of garlic juice help reduce the risk of cancer, especially of the stomach and colon. Garlic juice is an excellent remedy for fighting colds.

Garlic juice significantly reduces the oxidation of cholesterol, and also prevents the accumulation of plaque in the arteries, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Garlic juice taken orally is highly effective in treating fungal infections, and lotions help relieve itching.

We hope that garlic with its beneficial properties will help you stay energetic and in excellent health!

The benefits and harms of garlic: video

06.08 Useful properties of garlic: Treatment with garlic, garlic against cholesterol

Unique medicinal properties garlic have been known for a long time. Eating garlic eliminates excess cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, improves heart function, reduces blood pressure and blood sugar, relieves fatigue, stimulates digestion, and removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. All the beneficial properties of garlic cannot be listed in one article. One thing is clear, the benefits of garlic have been proven for centuries. How to treat with garlic, what is good about garlic against cholesterol, how to make garlic juice, read the article.

Treatment with garlic

Behind taste qualities And garlic is called the king of spices. The beneficial properties of garlic were used by healers in ancient Greece and Rome. Garlic was used as a disinfectant and healing agent. The ancient Romans were sure that garlic is healthy, gives strength, strengthens the spirit, and cures all diseases. Great importance the beneficial properties of garlic were also attributed to ancient Egypt. Garlic was also used to treat plague and cholera. So, garlic and benefits are synonymous. In China, the beneficial properties of garlic were used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, and blood circulation; rheumatism, vitamin deficiency, and skin diseases were treated with garlic. In Europe, the benefits of garlic have been confirmed in the treatment of tuberculosis and dysentery. In Russia, tincture of garlic with vodka was used to crush and remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. In Japan, garlic is a necessary component of all anti-cancer treatments.

The beneficial properties of garlic should be used in Everyday life to each:

  • garlic is the first home remedy for colds (flu or viral infection);
  • inhaling garlic vapor helps in the treatment of coughs, colds, flu, and sore throats;
  • Garlic pulp helps in treating a runny nose with garlic;
  • Garlic treatment is used for suffocating cough, bronchial asthma;
  • garlic relieves tension in blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure, however, if an attack of hypertension has already begun and you have taken medication, you should not supplement treatment with garlic therapy.

Useful properties of garlic

Garlic, in addition to fiber, proteins, fats, also contains useful substances such as carbohydrates, ash, ascorbic acid, as well as a wide range of micro- and macroelements: sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and zinc. In addition, the beneficial properties of garlic are determined by the vitamins C, B, D, P it contains, as well as sulfur compounds, phytoncides and essential oil. Scientists count more than 100 sulfur-containing components in garlic. It is sulfides that give garlic juice the ability to fight against staphylococci, the causative agents of dysentery and typhus, and countless pathogenic fungi and yeasts. The benefit of garlic is that garlic sulfides glue together free poison molecules before they have time to affect the human body.

Medicinal properties of garlic

The medicinal properties of garlic are due to the presence of allicin in garlic, which gives garlic its pungency and specific smell. Allicin is a natural antibiotic that can cope with inflammation, suppress the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, increase immunity and protect against viruses and bacteria, and also reduce blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, garlic is often used as a means to prevent hypertension and fight atherosclerosis. The benefits of garlic don’t stop there. Garlic also contains other substances beneficial to humans: adenosine, allicin, allixin, eychoen, pectins, diallyl trisulfide, which successfully neutralize infectious agents, have a pronounced antitumor effect, reduce blood glucose levels, normalize cholesterol levels, prevent blood clotting and the formation of blood clots , eliminate harmful consequences stress conditions. The beneficial properties of garlic for the human body are obvious.

Medicinal properties of garlic:

  • garlic improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • garlic improves the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • garlic has a sugar-lowering effect;
  • garlic heals wounds well (has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties);
  • garlic has a diuretic, choleretic, vasodilator, and also strengthening effect on small vessels and capillaries.

Garlic against cholesterol

High cholesterol levels lead to atherosclerosis. Dioscorides, two thousand years before the process of atherosclerosis was studied, argued that garlic cleanses the arteries. Take advantage of the anti-cholesterol benefits of garlic: reduce fatty foods in your diet, replace animal fats with vegetable fats, and eat garlic more often.

To cleanse blood vessels and blood of excess cholesterol, a person needs:
- medications that lower its level;
- tablets that will reduce the oxidation of cholesterol and prevent it from turning into fatty deposits in - the walls of blood vessels;
- medications that lower blood pressure;
- blood thinning drugs.

You can replace all these tablets with garlic. Eat 2 - 3 cloves of garlic daily. After a month, this dose of garlic will lower blood cholesterol levels by 9 - 10%. Tested by practice. Eat garlic powder, add garlic extract, garlic oil, fresh garlic to your food. It is an ideal medicine that has all the properties of the above drugs. The benefits of fresh garlic or garlic extract are obvious for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Garlic recipe for cholesterol

  • For the general fight against atherosclerosis Mix well the crushed clove of garlic with half of the grated apple. Take the mixture 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • For heart pressure A glass of beet or carrot juice with a spoon of garlic juice helps. It is better to drink this mixture before meals.
  • Garlic cocktail for blood thinning, prevention of atherosclerosis and against cholesterol. 3 cloves of garlic, one tablespoon each of red wine, vinegar and olive oil. Mix all ingredients in a mixer, let it brew for at least three hours. Stir a third of the mixture in a glass of hot water and drink. Drink the remaining two servings, one every 6 hours during the day.
  • To prepare garlic against cholesterol By this recipe, put it on the bottom three-liter jar leaves of black currant, cherry, horseradish, dill, 1 kg of peeled garlic, 80 g of salt per liter of warm boiled water (not boiling water). The brine should completely cover the garlic. Close the jar with a double layer of gauze and keep at a temperature of 15-22 C. After 4-5 days, the anti-cholesterol garlic is ready for use. The garlic anti-cholesterol recipe is also effective for the prevention and treatment of heart attack, stroke, and reduction blood pressure blood.
  • Effective for the same purposes garlic tincture. To prepare garlic tincture, pour 40 g of crushed garlic - 100 g of vodka; if you need more garlic tincture, just stick to the proportions. Infuse the garlic tincture for 10 days in a dark container and a cool place. Garlic tincture should be taken 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The benefits of garlic in this form acquire special properties.

Young garlic

Young garlic is a storehouse of biologically active substances, especially in the form of a bulb that has not yet been divided into cloves. And green garlic, with long narrow leaves, contains a lot of vitamin C. Garlic leaves are in no way inferior to the feathers of green onions.

Garlic juice

Preparing garlic juice
Mash the garlic cloves until mushy or grate them on a fine plastic grater. Place the pulp in a linen or gauze bag and squeeze out the juice. It is useful to mix the juice of garlic, lemon and red beets. Ancient doctors recommended drinking garlic juice with cilantro juice and apple cider vinegar.

Get rid of garlic smell

To freshen your breath after eating garlic, you can chew a sprig of parsley or a slice of lemon, cinnamon or cardamom seeds, or rinse your mouth with milk. The garlic smell is removed by herbal tea with mint; you can add myrrh, rosemary, fennel seeds, anise or cloves. Strong coffee, only without milk, will produce about the same refreshing effect.

Olga Frunze Chief Editor of National Explorer