Lesson 3

Subject. Tales of the peoples of Eurasia. "About the Foolish Tiger" (Tibetan fairy tale)

Goal: to teach students to understand the cognitive and educational nature of folk tales, their moral and ethical values; to give an idea that the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe are folk and original, different types- fairy tales about animals, social and everyday, magical, scientific; improve the ability to compare, compare, classify actors, and evaluate their actions; expand the range of ideas about the commonality of thematic motifs of fairy tales different nations peace; cultivate interest in reading.

Equipment: map of Europe; textbook; workbook; illustrations of a tiger; drawing of an associative bush; visualization for the game “Guess where whose house is.”

II. Updating students' basic knowledge. Motivation for learning activities

III. Working on new material

IV. Lesson summary

What are the names of the works we worked with today?

What types of fairy tales does the tale “About the Stupid Tiger” belong to?

Who wrote it?

Explain the expression “Fairy tales are small, but there is a lot of intelligence in them.” A challenge for scholars

Read the tales about animals “Bird Dispute”, “About the Jackal and the Crocodile” for yourself.

One day, in the reeds, a fox came across a hungry tiger. The tiger growled - the fox froze with fear. I thought: “My last hour has come, if I don’t deceive the striped one.” But what to do? The tiger is about to jump! Then the fox pretended to be shaking not from fear, but from laughter:

“Ha ha ha!” The surprised tiger sat down, not understanding anything, and asked:

What are you laughing at?

Above you, unfortunate one! - answered the fox, bursting into feigned laughter.

What? Above me? - the tiger growled.

Certainly! - said the fox. “You, poor thing, think that you’re going to eat me, but I can’t stop laughing.” Ha-ha-ha!.. After all, no one is afraid of you anymore! But everyone is afraid of me, even people!

The tiger thought: “What if it’s true? Then it’s dangerous to touch the fox!” But I still doubted...

“I see you don’t believe it,” said the fox. - Come after me. If people are not afraid of me, then you can eat me and my tail.

The tiger agreed and they set off. They began to approach the road along which the peasants were returning from the city.

Don't fall behind! - the fox shouted and ran forward. The tiger follows her with huge leaps. People saw a terrible tiger rushing towards the road! They screamed, dropped everything and started running.

Then the fox leaned out tall grass, where she was not visible at all, and shouted to the tiger:

Well, did you see it? One tip of my tail put them to flight! And no one even looked at you!

Stupid tiger He lowered his muzzle in shame and sadly trudged back into his reeds.

Now the fox was laughing for real!

Tiger and donkey

They say that in time immemorial one merchant, returning from distant travels, bought a donkey - the fattest and stupidest. He loaded him into a boat and brought him home. Here he was released into the wild to graze.

Soon the donkey was seen by a tiger. I thought, told my fortune and decided: “This big fat beast is probably a dragon. His ears are very long!” He hid in the forest and began to slowly peek. Suddenly the donkey raised his head and screamed. There was a terrible roar. The tiger got scared and ran away: he thought that the donkey would eat him. He sat in the bushes for a long time, trembling with fear. Then he looked out: a donkey was walking through the meadow, nibbling grass. The tiger perked up and crawled closer. Nothing happened! Then he went out into the clearing and meowed quietly. The donkey became furious: he flapped his ears and screamed.

“Eh, yes, you are obviously stupid if you get angry over a trifle!” - thought the tiger and meowed again.

In terrible anger, the donkey began to kick.

“Oh,” exclaimed the tiger, “you’re not much use!” Just stupidity and stubbornness. He jumped on the donkey and killed it.

And to this day, donkeys get angry in vain, and when you start to reason with them, they kick. Donkeys are recognized by this sign.

Tiger and buffalo

It is said that the tiger and the buffalo used to be great friends. They lived next door and loved each other very much. The buffalo praised the tiger to everyone, and he more than once invited the buffalo to walk with him and have fun. During these walks, the tiger always sat on the buffalo's back, and the buffalo was very proud of this.

One day, friends went for a walk and met a herd of cows. Seeing the buffalo and the tiger, the cows asked:

Why are you together?

We are friends! - answered the buffalo.

You guys don't really fit together! - said the cows.

But the tiger and buffalo no longer heard this, as they rushed forward. Soon they reached a herd of horses.

Why are you walking together?” the horses asked when they saw them.

Yes, we are friends! - the buffalo answered for both of them again.

Strange friendship, we don’t like it! - the horses shouted to them, but the tiger and buffalo, not listening to them, ran even faster.

Then they met a flock of sheep. Looking at them, the sheep asked:

What are you two doing?

The buffalo already knew that they would also say: “You are not suitable for each other!” or “We don’t like this kind of friendship!” So he immediately shouted:

He and I are friends, but what does it matter to you?

And, without waiting for an answer, he rushed past. Soon after this, the tiger and buffalo moved to different places: the tiger moved to the mountains, and the buffalo began to live on the banks of the river. And they stopped dating.

But one day the buffalo wanted to see the tiger, and at that time the tiger decided to visit the buffalo. And both, without saying a word, set off on their journey.

Each of them passed seven days and seven nights without rest. On the eighth day in the morning they met, and both were very surprised. Old friends started talking.

Brother, where are you going? - asked the tiger.

I'm coming to see you, brother! - answered the buffalo. - Where are you going?

And I'm coming to visit you! - said the tiger. They chose a place by the road, sat down to rest, and chatted about this and that. Suddenly the tiger says:

Brother, I walked for seven days and seven nights, didn’t eat anything, my stomach was empty. Come on brother, I'll eat you! And the buffalo answered him:

Dear brother, I also spent seven days and seven nights on the road, I’m also terribly hungry, but what can I do? Let's better go home, and let everyone look for something for lunch.

But the tiger insists:

Let me, brother, eat you!

We are friends! - the buffalo is surprised. - How can you eat me?!

And the tiger was already salivating from hunger:

Brother, let me ask you for the third time! You are my older brother, so you have to feed me! If you let me, I’ll eat you, if you don’t let me, I’ll eat you anyway!

Well, since you want to eat so much, I agree,” the buffalo calmly answered. - But first you must fight me! If you win, you can eat me, if you lose, there is nothing to do: you will remain hungry! Agree?

Hearing this, the tiger became very happy. He considered himself the king of beasts, but how could anyone overcome the king?!

And both began to prepare for the fight. They prepared for seven days. The tiger went to the mountains, collected more vines and wrapped them around his body. And the buffalo went to the field and climbed into a hole with liquid clay. He lay there, rolled around, and then got out and began to bask in the sun. When the clay dried, the buffalo lay down in the hole again. He did this until he was covered with a clay crust in several layers.

On the eighth day, the tiger and buffalo met at the appointed place.

Well, brother, who will attack first - you or me? - asked the buffalo.

Of course it's me! - answered the tiger.

Fine! First you bite me three times, and then I will butt you three times!

The tiger got ready, opened his mouth and bit the buffalo with all his might. But he didn’t even feel anything: after all, the tiger only bit off a piece of clay. The tiger bit the buffalo a second time - and again only a lump of dry clay fell off. The third time the tiger rushed at the buffalo - and the third time clay fell from the sides of the buffalo, but he himself remained safe and sound.

It was the buffalo's turn. He hit the tiger with his long horn - the vines on the tiger burst. He hit it a second time - all the vines fell to the ground. He hit him a third time and blew out his guts. Here the tiger died.

And the buffalo looked at him and said:

I now understand that you need to choose your friends carefully! From now on, I will order my children and grandchildren to be friends with tigers!

Since then, the buffalo and the tiger have been enemies. If a buffalo sees a tiger, it butts it with its horns; and if a tiger notices a buffalo, it avoids it, afraid to bite!

One day, when it was already evening, two peasants were sitting in a reed hut and talking among themselves. One peasant asks another:

Aren't you afraid to live alone in such a remote place?

And he answers:

I’m not afraid of anyone, not a tiger, not the devil, I’m only afraid that drips will drip from the roof.

About that time, a tiger was hiding nearby. He heard these words and quietly said to himself: “He’s not afraid of the tiger, not the devil, he’s only afraid of the drip-drip. It turns out that this drip-drip is scarier and more menacing than me? I’d better get out of here and say hello.” The tiger said this to himself and ran away from the hut. He ran and ran and did not notice how he came running to one village. There lived in that village about two dozen, well, maybe two and a half families.

And it so happened that just at that time a thief entered the village. A thief came to the gate of a tall house, and in his hands a large, large paper lantern was dangling. The tiger saw him, stopped in fear and thought: “This is the same drip-drip.” He thought so, shrank and decided to quietly walk around that house. He walked around, found a reed hut, and lay down to sleep in it.

Soon the thief ran there - the people scared him away. The thief lay down next to the tiger and fell asleep. And the tiger lies there, trembling with fear, thinking: this is the drip-drip sleeping next to him. He's afraid to raise his head. And the thief mistook the tiger for a cow and rejoices: “Now happiness has arrived! What luck! You ran all night in vain - people scared you away, and suddenly there was a cow on top of you. I’ll take her with me.” But the tiger doesn’t remember himself from fear, he’s shaking, thinking: “Let him take him out of the hut, let him take him with him - I still won’t raise my head.”

Meanwhile, it was already getting light. The thief decided to take a better look at the cow - is it big? He looked and felt - now he has a heart and gallbladder will burst. The thief rushed out of the hut and climbed to the very top of the tree. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a monkey appeared. I saw that the tiger was in trouble, and let’s laugh:

Why are you so scared, brother tiger?

Don’t you even know it, sister monkey? Last night I met a dude. He led me on his lead until the dew. Trouble, and that’s all!

What is this drip-drip?

Just look at it yourself, otherwise I’m afraid. There he is, sitting on a tree.

Did you imagine it, or what? You will also say: drip-drip! After all, this is a man sitting on a tree. If you don’t believe me, I’ll tear out the vine now, tie it with one end to your paw, and the other to mine. I’ll throw it down quickly, and you can enjoy it to your heart’s content. And when it drips, I shake my head. Then run and drag me with you away from trouble. Well, do you agree?

I agree, I agree! You can't imagine anything better!

A monkey climbed a tree. I just got to the middle, and the thief dropped his pants in fear. It dripped onto the monkey: drip-drip. The monkey shook its head and began to shake itself off. The tiger saw it, started running as fast as he could, and dragged the monkey after him. The poor fellow was killed to death.

The tiger ran for more than thirty years in one breath, became out of breath, saw a high hill, and sat down to rest. It would be nice, he thinks, to dine on deer. He had heard that there were deer in the mountains, but he had never seen them in his life. Suddenly he looks - some animal has appeared in the distance. Runs straight at him. And this was just a deer. The deer saw the tiger, trembled with fear, and stopped, neither alive nor dead. And the tiger smiled and very politely said to the deer:

Be kind, my friend! Tell me your precious surname and glorious name!

The deer heard this, immediately realized that he was a stupid tiger, became brave and answered:

I have no last name, only an insignificant nickname. And I am called the Venerable Tiger.

The tiger marveled at this nickname and said:

Brother Venerable Tiger! What useless chatter! Tell me better, have you ever met a deer?

Why do you need him?

I'm hungry. I want to eat venison.

And I - tiger meat. So first tell me if you have seen a tiger.

I didn’t see it, I didn’t see it!

What's under your belly?

Teapot for wine.

Do you carry it with you?

But of course! I'll eat some reindeer meat and then drink some wine!

What's that on your head?

Bamboo cart.

Do you carry it with you?

Well, yes! If you come across a tiger, you won’t eat it right away! So I put the leftovers on the cart - convenient and beautiful.

The tiger was dumbfounded here, he senses that the soul and body are about to part. And he wet himself out of fear. The deer saw this and screamed:

Drip-drip has arrived!

The tiger heard and ran away, but the deer was just waiting for this, turned and ran away.

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “The Tiger and the Fox ( Chinese fairy tale)" even for adults, they immediately remember their childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. When faced with such strong, strong-willed and kind qualities of the hero, you involuntarily feel the desire to transform yourself into better side. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities over time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. Despite the fact that all fairy tales are fantasy, they often retain logic and a sequence of events. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce the pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, win the love of a modest and wise princess. There is a balancing act between the bad and the good, the tempting and the necessary, and how wonderful it is that every time the choice is correct and responsible. The fairy tale “The Tiger and the Fox (Chinese fairy tale)” is certainly useful to read online for free; it will instill in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

One day, in the reeds, a fox came across a hungry tiger. The tiger growled - the fox froze with fear. I thought: “My last hour has come, if I don’t deceive the striped one.” But what to do? The tiger is about to jump! Then the fox pretended to be shaking not from fear, but from laughter:
“Ha ha ha!” The surprised tiger sat down, not understanding anything, and asked:
-What are you laughing at?
- Above you, unfortunate one! - answered the fox, bursting into feigned laughter.
- What? Above me? - the tiger growled.
- Certainly! - said the fox. “You, poor thing, think that you’re going to eat me now, but I can’t stop laughing.” Ha-ha-ha!.. After all, no one is afraid of you anymore! But everyone is afraid of me, even people!
The tiger thought: “What if it’s true? Then it’s dangerous to touch the fox!” But I still doubted...
“I see you don’t believe it,” said the fox. - Come after me. If people are not afraid of me, then you can eat me and my tail.
The tiger agreed and they set off. They began to approach the road along which the peasants were returning from the city.
- Don't lag behind! - the fox shouted and ran forward. The tiger follows her with huge leaps. People saw a terrible tiger rushing towards the road! They screamed, dropped everything and started running.
Then the fox leaned out of the tall grass, where she was completely out of sight, and shouted to the tiger:
- Well, did you see it? One tip of my tail put them to flight! And no one even looked at you!
The stupid tiger lowered its muzzle in shame and sadly trudged back into its reeds.
Now the fox was laughing for real!