A new game pro for girls 12 years old invites you to go through an amazing and unusual test along with a nice girl who will help determine what type the participant is today. In the game you will have to answer questions and create things necessary for the journey. For example, you have to create your own bag, with which it is most convenient to go on a trip; for this, various patterns for the fabric and a color palette are provided that will delight you with a variety of bright and rich colors. Once the bag is ready, you can start packing. The game provides a large selection of different things that can be useful on a trip, but you shouldn’t take them all. The outcome of the entire game depends on what items are collected. The little ones will become world travelers, museum lovers and much more.

An interesting game with unusual tasks will be a great addition to the collection of home applications that will help you have fun and have fun. The test game for girls is not designed to be played for a long time, which is why it is loved by many users who just want to relax and not solve difficult problems. The musical accompaniment is one with the process itself, which makes the mission even more attractive and comfortable. The mouse is used to perform all actions, which makes the plot truly interesting and easy. Even the youngest gamers who are just starting to explore the Internet can have fun here. The heroines of the test for 12 year old girls are beauties. They have their own interests and life positions. Some users will want to become one of them, while others will simply be interested in knowing all the options.

commit round the world travel very difficult and sometimes quite dangerous, it all depends on the chosen route and the companions of the game’s heroes. But visiting museums in various cities and villages is quite interesting and safe, and such a hobby also helps to learn amazing story past and see antiquities with your own eyes. In every region, city and even small village rich story and if in some it is expressed in monuments and museums, then in others only grandmothers can tell it. History needs to be preserved not for those living today, but for the future generation; perhaps it will be able to learn from the mistakes of its ancestors and not make similar ones. You cannot hide actions for which the characters in the game are ashamed; the future generation should know about them and not repeat them. So we wish good mood all the girls who like free online tests.

Interesting online tests for free from this section will help girls and women learn a lot about themselves, their appearance, children and personal relationships. You can find unexpected answers to your questions in the results of free online testing.

All people are unique - some have eternal spring in their souls, others are like bright summer, others are like the snow queen from winter's tale- sophisticated and outwardly cold, and the fourth resembles a romantic sad autumn. This online test will tell you what season you are.

Have you always dreamed of pet, but didn’t know which one would suit you best. After all, he has his own character, temperament and lifestyle, which can become an obstacle to your measured and calm existence. A test will help you understand this problem: which animal is right for you?

Every woman dreams of beautiful and healthy hair. But in order to make this dream come true, you need careful care and products selected according to your hair type. How to determine it yourself? Our simple test will help with this.

Women's charm and charm in tandem with attractiveness work wonders - men cannot take their eyes off such a girl. Seductive outfits often help achieve this effect. You can find out how seductive your wardrobe is with the test below. Answer 10 questions and get the answer so you can adjust your style to make it more attractive if necessary.

A woman in love often does not notice that she is gradually ceasing to be independent; she becomes, as it were, a slave to her stronger half. Although it seems to her that there is nothing better than relying on her loved one in everything, however, such a relationship can lead to the death of the individual. If you want to find out how dependent you are on your man, take our test.

One of the most important character traits is confidence. After all, it is thanks to her that a person finds a way out of any, even the most difficult situation, easily makes acquaintances and finds a common language with people different ages And social statuses. A self-confidence test online for free will help you determine the degree of fortitude.

Stylish and beautiful haircut plays an important role in creating a memorable image. When choosing it, first of all you need to be guided by the shape of your face and only then by fashion trends. Today, there are as many as 7 such forms. You can determine which particular face your face belongs to by the ratio of its length and width, the shape of the cheekbones, chin, and forehead. An online test will help with this.

Our skin can tell a lot about us, because depending on the condition of our appearance others estimate age. The proposed test will help you find out whether you were able to hide the years you have lived: you look much younger or older than the data indicated in your passport. Answer 10 questions and find out how old your skin really is?

Of great importance in the psychological image of a person is his mentality, which is usually divided into analytical and intuitive. People of the first type are easy to understand in exact sciences, they are smart and calculating, they think a lot and speak little. Individuals with an intuitive mindset, on the contrary, love to reason, they have a developed imagination, and they are strong in the humanities. You can find out your mindset using an online test developed by psychologist Shane Frederick.

So that the relationship between loving people were strong, you need to learn your love language. Even if you think that you have figured out your type, then thanks to the proposed questions, you can make sure that you were right, or get additional information that will help you achieve greater success in communicating with your soulmate. Take the test carefully: What love language do you speak? and get the exact answer.

Prestigious job, romantic meetings, financial stability… Throughout our lives, we encounter opportunities, but we don’t always take advantage of them. You can find out whether you will take advantage of the chance given to you by taking a test consisting of 10 simple questions.

Free Online Games Tests for Girls

Test: If you were Elsa, what kind of magic would you have? Game for girls and girls! As you know, Princess Elsa has the magic of ice and snow. She is subject to the elements associated with water, fire, wind, sky... And if you were Princess Elsa, what magic would you have? Have you thought about this? Do you want to know? Then answer the test questions and read the results. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same magic that Princess Elsa possesses. In this case, it will depend on the similarity of your characters.

Test: If you were Elsa, what would you say?

Test: What kind of fairy are you? Game for girls and girls! Fairies are different - evil and kind, slender and fat, human-sized and tiny. Some of the fairies prefer to serve humans, while other fairies are insidious and evil towards him. And they all have magic that allows them to be one thing or another. Regarding fairies, humanity is divided into two camps. Some believe that they exist in reality, while others are sure that they are just fictional, fairy creatures. Let's say - fabulous or real - but they exist. In this case, it is not difficult to find out what type of fairy (by character) you might consider yourself to be. To do this, you just need to answer the questions of this test.

Test: What kind of fairy are you?

Quiz: Which Disney princess are you most like? Game for girls and girls! Girls, are you wondering which Disney princess you are most like? Of course, in this case we're talking about about the character and priorities of princesses. And it's very easy to find out. To do this, you just need to select one of the proposed answer options for each asked question. The game will analyze them and display its summary. Good luck!

Quiz: Which Disney princess are you more like?

Test: Guess the cartoon based on the bird characters. Game for girls and girls! The heroes of many cartoons are cute birds. You will meet them in this test game. Birds from cartoons - Zambozia, Storks, Wave Your Wing, Feathered Riot, Trio in Feathers, Move Your Feathers, Veliant: Feathered Special Forces and others - in front of you. After looking at the pictures with birds, you, as true connoisseurs and experts on animated films, must guess which cartoon characters they are. Good luck!

Test: Guess the cartoon based on the bird characters

Quiz: Which Disney villain is your alter ego? Game for girls and girls! First of all, about what an alter ego is. Alter ego is the “other self” of a person, his hidden alternative essence. Sometimes a person may not even be aware of these character traits. In this case, the test-game will help you identify a Disney villain, in whose character and actions you can discover your “other self.” However, remember that you don’t have to give in to your dark alter ego. And "Test: Which Disney villain is your alter ego" is just a game.

Quiz: Which Disney villain is your alter?

Quiz: Which Disney character would play you in a movie about your life? Game for girls and girls! Imagine that a film is being made about your life in the fairyland of Disney. The question is being decided which of the Disney characters you know can play you in this film. The determining factors when choosing a character will be your honest answers to several questions in a kind of test called “Test: Which Disney character would play you in a film about your life.” A surprise may await you here: this character can be either a positive or a negative hero.

Quiz: Which Disney character would play you?

Test: What your birthday can tell you about your personality. Game for girls and girls! It often happens in life when you have to learn something new about yourself from outside sources. Do you want to pull off this trick - mocus? Then answer a few questions in this cool test. To control the game "Test: What your birthday can tell about your personality" - you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Test: What can your birthday tell you?

Test: Guess the cartoon by its logo. Game for girls and girls! To make sure of this, we invite everyone who considers themselves a true connoisseur and a true connoisseur of cartoons to take a fascinating test in Russian - “Test: Guess the cartoon by its logo.” Its essence is as follows. Having seen on the game screen the name of one of the 18 most popular cartoons and an image of 18 logos, you will have to indicate the logo that corresponds to the named film. If you answer correctly, the square with the logo you have chosen will turn blue and then turn pale. Good luck!

Test: Guess the cartoon by its logo

Test: What is your Guardian Angel trying to tell you. Game for girls and girls! Every person has God's messenger Guardian Angel. He is invisible, but is always with a person and is constantly ready to protect him and call on other divine forces to help him. If a person wants his Guardian Angel to have more opportunities to help him and guide his actions, he must strive to live righteously - according to the laws of decency and honor. And now specifically about the proposed test. Don't forget, this test is just a game. Therefore, the advice given to you by your virtual Guardian Angel may be far from the truth. However, it is possible that you will find some truth in them. Good luck!

Test: What is your Angel-x trying to tell you?

Quiz: Which Disney Princess should you spend your winter holidays with? Game for girls and girls! We are convinced that you girls know how to fantasize. So, imagine, you have the opportunity to spend the winter holidays visiting the Disney princesses. In this case, you will probably have to think about which of them you should spend your holidays with. Considering the merits of the princesses, making a choice will not be easy. But, if you use the test proposed here, the issue will be resolved very quickly. Good luck!

Test: Which Disney Princess should you have?

Test: Are you an Apple or an Onion? Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you - Apple or Onion - test game in Russian. Remember the events of the cartoon film, the heroes of which are two positive characters - Apple and Onion? These inseparable friends live in a city whose inhabitants are the same fruit and vegetable people. Thanks to their personalities and friendship, Apple and Onion constantly become participants in interesting adventures. Have you ever thought about which of them is closer to you in character? Answer the questions of this test and you will find out everything right away. Good luck!

Test: Who are you - Apple or Onion

Color test from celebrity Kendall. Game for girls and girls! Celebrity Kendall Nicole Jenner is an American model, a participant in the acclaimed television reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and loves bright, colorful clothes. She chooses outfits for every day depending on her mood. Girls, if you want to find out how she does it, then arm yourself with a mouse and go ahead! On the game screen you will see the 4th emoticon, reflecting her mood. Click on any of them and get access to her wardrobe in that mood. And then everything depends on your choice and the taste of the celebrity. Good luck!

Color test from celebrity Kendall

Quiz: Which LEGO Disney princess are you? Game for girls and girls! A series of sets “Lego Disney Princess” – ‘this is a real miracle, which, by assembling with your own hands, you, girls, create interesting stories with your loved ones Disney princesses. Have you ever wondered which of the LEGO Disney princesses you created are you like? Of course, not in the literal sense, but in terms of actions, character, thoughts... If not, then this Test is for you. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Quiz: Which LEGO Disney princess are you?

Test: What type of girl are you? Game for girls and girls! Girls, it’s clear that you are all different. Which ones exactly? Dreamy. Unique. Those who are able to change this world... Are you interested in this? If yes, then this test is for you. Play with the mouse.

Test: What type of girl are you?

Test: What kind of Elsa are you? Game for girls and girls! Girls, having once watched the magnificent cartoon "Frozen", you met one of its main characters - Princess Elsa, who later became the Queen of Arendelle. Many of you fell in love with Elsa from the first minutes and would like to be like her. But what kind of Elsa can you be, girls? After all, the queen, as a person, has so many different, interesting sides! Is it interesting for you? Then take this test.

Test: What kind of Elsa are you?

Quiz: Who do you turn into when the sun goes down? Game for girls and girls! I don’t know about you, but as a child I often had dreams. Whoever I had to be in these dreams! True, they were not always remembered. How are things going for you? Just for fun, want to know who you turn into when the sun goes down? Then simply answer a few questions in this Test. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who do you turn into when you sit down?

TEST: What kind of hostess are you? Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you consider yourself a good housewife? Or maybe you just haven’t thought about it yet? The nature of girls is such that they absorb everything related to household chores like a sponge. Someday the time comes to use this knowledge, and then dear housewives take it out of their heads, as a matter of course. Want to make sure? Then take this Test. Good luck! Use your mouse to play.

TEST: What kind of hostess are you?

Test: Choose a kitten and we'll tell you what kind of cat girl you are. Game for girls and girls! "Test: Choose a kitten, and we'll tell you what kind of cat girl you are" - a cool Test game in Russian. Cats, like people, are good and evil, generous and greedy, smart and stupid, sociable and loners, fidgety and sleepy. In general, they are different...Do you want to know what kind of cats you are? Then, in each proposed option, simply select the kitten that you like best. The game will evaluate your choice and give you the result. To control the game you need a mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten and we'll tell you which one you are

Test: Which LOL Surprise doll are you? Game for girls and girls! Quite recently, a large, new, original series of LOL Surprise dolls (Lol Surprise) was born. Judging by the word surprise, you already understand that there is more than one surprise inside these dolls. Each doll has its own character. Among them there are rockers, athletes, rappers, and glamorous beauties. stunning fashionistas, and other little personalities that you girls may well be like. Want to know: who? Good luck then! Play with the mouse.

Test: Which LOL Surprise doll are you?

Ladybug test: Adrian or Luka. Game for girls and girls! In the story about Ladybug and Adrian, a new character named Luka appeared. And although this handsome guy only flashed next to Lady Bug (Marinet), among the heroes of this cartoon, suspicions have already arisen about the mutual sympathy of the named heroes. Girls, to understand this situation, you will have to take on the role of Lady Bug for a few minutes and answer the questions of this Test. Good luck! Play with the mouse. .

Ladybug Test: Adrian or Luka

Hyper Test from Unikitty: Games of intelligence. Game for girls and girls! Hello, girls, are you already familiar with the heroine of the new animated series “Kisonka”, aka “Unikitty?” This pink pussy is a unicorn hybrid, which is why it has a horn. The pussy is a big turn on. She loves activities that make life more interesting and fun. And she also loves different tests. She composes them herself. And today, Kisonka invites you to her kingdom to play with her a game of intelligence, which is called “Hyper Test from Unikitty: Games of intelligence.” Have fun!

Hyper Test from Unikitty: Games to figure it out

Test: Together for the better: How to help others?. Game for girls and girls! The authors of this game along with charitable organization KidsRigts support the “Together for the Better” project, which helps children all over the world change it for the better - at home, at school, in their city, in their country... Girls and boys who strive to do truly good deeds and be an example for other children in the world a lot. As a rule, in such cases they do not risk their lives. They just know how to be generous good deeds. Do you strive to change the world for the better? Or you just don't know where to start? Start with the smallest thing - with a test that will help you get an idea about it. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Test: Together for the better: How to help those around you

Test: Guess the cartoon character - Lady Bug and Super Cat - by his first phrase. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, are familiar with the characters of the cool cartoon about Lady Bug and Super Kota. Isn’t it difficult for you to guess the character from this cartoon based on the first phrase he uttered? Try it! Good luck!

Test: Guess the cartoon character - Lady

Test: A Wrinkle in Time - Which of the three Mrs. are you? Game for girls and girls! This Test will be interesting for those who are already familiar with the characters of the film “A Wrinkle in Time,” which successfully combined genres such as science fiction, fantasy, and adventure. Briefly about its events, it looks like this. Scientist Alex Murry believed that time travel was possible and was looking for evidence. As a result, he disappears from reality. To rescue her father from the captivity of darkness, his young daughter Meg goes in search of him. Thus, she becomes a participant in an adventure in which she will have to fight evil, eager to destroy all dimensions. Who knows how this story would have ended if three brave angelic creatures, three Mrs. - That is, What's There and Who, had not taken up the solution to this problem. Girls, imagine yourself in their place for just one moment. Which one would you like to be like? Do you want to get an answer to this question using the proposed Test? It's very easy to do. Answer all questions truthfully. The game will analyze them and give you its conclusion. Good luck!

Test: A Wrinkle in Time - Which of the three missies are you?

Test: Which LEGO Friends are you? Game for girls and girls! You, of course, are familiar with the girlfriends from the animated series “Lego Friends” - Mia, Stefania, Olivia and Andrea. Cheerful girlfriends live in the town of Heartlake. Each of them has their own views on life and their own preferences. But this does not weaken their friendship, but makes it even stronger. And all because they were able to find a lot of things in common. Girls, how do you feel about them? Are you like any of them? Take the test and find out! Play with the mouse.

Test: Which LEGO Friends are you?

Test: Which Ariana Grande emoji are you? Game for girls and girls! Each of us has someone whom we are ready to imitate, whom we would like to be like. This Test game is about super star Ariana Grande who recently released her emoji collection. Each emoticon has some semantic meaning and hints at a certain character. To understand which emoji (smiley) depicting a celebrity is inherently most similar to you, you just need to answer a few questions. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Which Ariana Grande emoji are you?

Trolls: Love Test. Game for girls and girls! In this Test game you will meet the main characters of the cartoon “Trolls” - Rosochka and Tsvetan. Other names are written under their portraits. Don't pay any attention to it. Simply by literal translation into different countries their names sound different. The daughter of the troll king, Rosette, is a cheerful girl. Tsvetan is almost always gloomy and grumpy. And suddenly this happened to them! Tsvetan and Rosochka fell in love with each other. You, girls, have to find out how sincere their feelings are with the help of the Love Test. To do this, you will need to provide answers to a number of questions posed to you. The game will analyze them and give an answer, which will be reflected on the love indicator (on the left) as a percentage. Good luck! Use your mouse to play.

Trolls: Love Test

Test: Henry Danger or Game Makers - whose team are you on? Game for girls and girls! You, of course, remember the fascinating television series: “Henry Danger” and “Game Makers”. In the first of them main character Henry became the super hero's assistant. He had to keep it a secret from everyone for a while. But in the end he had to take the place of this super hero. The history of the heroes of the series “Igrodely” is no less interesting. It features seventh graders Babe and Kenzie as homework invented the game “Whale,” which became the game of the year. So they turned out to be the owners of a business that brought them millions. As it turned out later, they had problems in this regard, but Babe and Kenzi find a way to solve them. So, girls, the question for you is - whose team would you prefer to be on - the team of dangerous Henry or the team of game makers? If you find it difficult to make a choice, take this Test and then everything will fall into place for you. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Henry Danger or game makers - in whose

Test: Who are you from? super babes Townsville. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, remember the little ones named - Bubbles, Flowers and Pestle - whom you met by watching the famous animated series, Super Babes.” The babies owe their birth to this world to a rather comical incident. Scientist John Utonius decided to create an ideal girl, but due to the fault of his assistant Jojo, something unexpected happened, as a result of which, instead of one ideal girl, three not quite ordinary babies appeared. These little ones also turned out to be endowed with super abilities: the ability to fly, super strength, super hearing, super speed, super vision. Charming babes, endowed with such cool qualities, stand up for the defense of law and justice. And it doesn’t matter to them who to protect: defenseless puppies, or some other executive. The little ones just get in the way of evil. The criminals of Townsville, where our babies live, know that it is better not to cross paths with super babies named Flower, Pestle and Bubble. Cool little ones! Girls, have you ever wondered which super babes you look like (not literally, of course)? It's very easy to find out! Answer the questions of the proposed Test. The game will analyze them and give you its summary. Good luck! To play you will need a mouse.

Quiz: Which Townsville Powerpuff Babes Are You?

Test: Love is.... A game for girls and girls! "Test: Love is..." - Test game for girls in Russian. Love is something that cannot be described in the same words for all of humanity, because it is different for each individual... But if, girls, you answer the questions of this Test, then the authors of this game will analyze them and based on they will still try to formulate what love is for you...

Test: Love is...

Which girl in childhood did not use a daisy to guess whether a guy loved her? When you are in love, you really want to know whether your feelings are mutual. But to Once again check this out, don’t spoil beautiful flowers, better launch an exciting one online game“Test love” and guess as much as you want, without causing any harm to nature.

To start playing, first enter your name and the name of your chosen one in the special fields playing field. Then choose a beautiful flower that you will sacrifice in the name of bright feelings and happiness. Next, choose a cute assistant who will tear off the petals of your virtual flower and feast on them. Cheerful ones are ready to help you Ladybug, a serious bee, a joyful caterpillar, a happy bird and a cute snail.

Now the fun begins. The game "Love Test" provides the flower of your choice. Use your mouse to click on its petals and the insect you have chosen will bite them off until it eats every single one. As soon as you feed the diligent creature, the long-awaited result will appear before you. If you see a fireworks display of multi-colored ribbons and kissing bugs, it means that your couple has passed the test and your sympathy is mutual. If lightning strikes against the background of gloomy skies, and your little friend runs away bursting into tears, then, alas, your chosen one did not live up to your expectations.

Don't be upset if the Love Test results are negative. Keep playing, choose another flower (or guy) and you will definitely get lucky. But in general, love relationship This is a huge amount of work that needs to be built and protected. Good luck and good mood!