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"Managerial struggle" - negotiations

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Rules of Negotiation

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Rules of Negotiation

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The telephone has long become an integral part of people's lives. Every person receives and makes calls every day. There are personal conversations that take place between relatives and friends. There are business negotiations that relate to the work sphere. Regardless of the topic and rank of the interlocutor, during the conversation you must follow the rules of telephone etiquette.

Why are there rules of telephone etiquette?

The rules of etiquette when communicating on the phone have been formed over the years. They are based on test results, data psychological research, analysis of telephone conversations. With the advent of mobile devices and their widespread use, etiquette has been supplemented with new points. According to statistics, about 70% business communications occurs over the phone, so knowledge of the rules of telephone etiquette is one of the components successful business. Observance of etiquette, polite and correct communication, neutral intonation will help to cope with dissatisfied client, an irritated partner and maintain control over the conversation in the most critical situation.


After connecting two subscribers, the first thing people do is say hello. In personal communication, they are content with an informal form, but in business etiquette, generally accepted phrases are used. Using "Hello" as a greeting is not recommended because it is a difficult word to pronounce and does not convey a positive message. Depending on the time of day they say: « Good morning", "Good afternoon good evening". From a psychological point of view, a friendly and competent greeting allows a person to feel comfortable and sets him up for a positive wave.

Mobile bans

Cell phone etiquette is much more extensive than the rules for landline phones. This is due to the fact that mobile devices accompany a person everywhere: in transport, cafes, restaurants, theaters, churches, hospitals and others in public places. Part of the rules of mobile etiquette concerns the functions of a cell phone: using silent mode and speakerphone, taking photos and videos, choosing a ringtone, etc. At their core, mobile prohibitions are basic rules of politeness that presuppose a respectful attitude towards the people around you.

Public place

In a public place, when you are surrounded by many strangers, it is better to avoid talking on your mobile phone altogether. If you receive a call while you are on public transport, accept the call and say you will call back later. You must answer so as not to annoy your fellow travelers with the ringing tone. If you are in a room surrounded by people, after receiving a call, you should immediately leave the room and talk outside of it. When it is not possible to go out, telephone etiquette recommends seclusion and speaking in a low voice so as not to disturb others. If the call caught you at that moment, you cannot talk for a year, answer it and tell the interlocutor that you will call him back later.

Silent mode and turning off the phone

A mobile phone is with a person 24 hours a day and provides him with many conveniences, but at the same time it should not disturb others. Rules of etiquette cellular communications require reducing the ringer volume in public places, and where required, turning on silent mode or turning off the phone. So, observing mobile etiquette and basic rules of decency, in a theater, museum, library, cinema, or at a concert you need to activate the vibration signal or turn off the phone altogether.

While at a meeting or negotiations, you should turn on silent mode on your mobile phone. If you expect an important call during a meeting, warn those present about it in advance. When the call comes in, excuse yourself and go out into the hallway to talk. Mobile etiquette requires using silent button operation in public places so that sound signals do not irritate people nearby.


According to the rules of mobile etiquette, you can send SMS at any time. It is believed that the phone user must take care himself so that he is not disturbed by the sound of SMS - turn on silent mode or turn off the cell phone.

Someone else's phone

In relation to someone else's phone and the information contained in it, I agree with the rules of decency - you cannot read the text of SMS messages and view the call log. You cannot use someone else’s phone without the owner’s permission to make or receive calls. It is not allowed to give out someone else's cell phone number without asking permission from its owner.

Photo video from phone

You can take photographs and film videos with your phone in permitted places, but according to mobile etiquette, you cannot film people without their consent.

Restaurants, cafes

It is not polite to put your phone on the table in a restaurant or cafe - only cutlery should be there. According to the rules of telephone etiquette, you cannot talk on your cell phone while sitting at the table. If the call is urgent, you need to go into the hall to talk.


While driving a car, you can only talk on a cell phone using a hands-free headset. Taking your phone in your hands while driving is strictly prohibited - this can not only create emergency situation, but also cause death.

Churches and temples

Following mobile etiquette and rules of conduct, you need to turn off your phone before entering the church. There is no question of talking on a cell phone. If you need to make an urgent call, go outside.


According to the rules of mobile etiquette, ringtones containing obscene language and offensive statements cannot be used for phone calls.

Don't do other things

Try not to talk on the phone where you are uncomfortable - it is best to accept the call and reschedule the conversation for another time. Follow the rules of etiquette and do not engage in extraneous activities while communicating on the phone. Extraneous sounds are clearly audible during a conversation and create a bad impression of the person.

Don't chew

Follow mobile etiquette - do not combine talking and eating. Such behavior is always perceived as a careless attitude towards the topic of conversation and disrespect for the interlocutor.

Do not place the handset on the table during a conversation

If during a conversation on the phone you need to interrupt it in order to resolve some issue, do not put the phone down on the table. Based on the basic rules of etiquette, you should end the conversation and, , agree on a repeat call, indicating its time. This will save your interlocutor from having to listen to extraneous conversations and protect your information from leakage. Since you interrupted the conversation, you should call back. If you need to be distracted by a short time- according to etiquette, no more than two minutes - you can use the “hold” function.

Don't switch to parallel calls

Although mobile phones provide many convenient features to their owners, telephone etiquette considers it rude to interrupt a conversation to switch to a second line. By doing this, you will not only make your interlocutor wait, but also show disrespect for him by showing preference for another person.

Do not turn on speakerphone without warning

According to the rules of telephone etiquette, you cannot turn on the speakerphone without warning the interlocutor about it. Ignoring this rule is a sign of bad manners and disrespectful attitude towards the interlocutor.

Telephone etiquette and its basic rules not related to conversation

Time spent talking on the phone often exceeds face-to-face communication. Whether you are having a business conversation or just chatting, practice proper etiquette.

There are generally accepted rules governing telephone communication:

  1. If the call is interrupted, the person who initiated the call calls back.
  2. You must answer the call after the third ring.
  3. The number of beeps when calling should not be more than five.
  4. If your call is not answered, you should call back no earlier than after 2 hours.
  5. The person who was called hangs up first.

Talk time

There are time limits that determine from when and until what time you can call according to etiquette. Personal calls can be made from 9:00 to 20:00, while business conversations should be conducted at work time— from 9:00 to 18:00. When picking up your phone, don't forget about the time difference.

Preparing for the conversation

It is necessary to prepare in advance for important conversations on the phone, carefully thinking through the upcoming dialogue. You should make a plan for the conversation, prepare information that may be needed, and prepare a pen and notepad for notes. You need to be prepared for counter questions on the phone so as not to remain silent in confusion.

When you get through, ask if the person you are talking to can spare some time for you. If there is a long conversation ahead, check how much time he has available. If necessary, ask to reschedule the call. When having a conversation on the phone, you cannot remain silent for a long time. After all, unlike a normal conversation, you cannot nod and smile. Therefore, you need to react to the words of your interlocutor, assent, clarify something, showing your interest.

How to start a substantive conversation on the phone Greetings and other politesse are all good, of course, but the most important thing is whether the interlocutor has time for business communication? One of the main rules telephone conversation— clarify whether the person can talk to you in this moment on business? To avoid losing this aspect of telephone etiquette, try to hone it by chatting with friends and relatives. Believe me, they will also love your sympathetic “Can you talk now?” Create the client's mood Don't say “You're worried about...” or “You're worried about...”. Hearing this, your interlocutor may conclude that he has a negative attitude towards himself and his call. What does voice intonation mean and how to adapt to your interlocutor If you are in bad mood or haven’t gotten enough sleep, you will sound sluggish, tired or aggressive; if you are saddened by any news, you will find it difficult to concentrate on the client.

Telephone service standards.

Swearing and shouting in any case is a violation of the ethics of telephone communication.

  • During telephone conversations, it is not recommended to use jargon, colloquial or profanity. It is also not advisable to use terminology that may not be clear to the interlocutor.
  • You should not cover the handset or microphone with your hand when communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor will likely hear this conversation.
  • Forcing a guest or visitor to wait while you are on the phone is a violation of business etiquette.

In this case, you need to apologize, state the reason and set a time for a new call.
  • If the connection fails, when the conversation is interrupted, the person who called dials the number again.
  • All call centers: prices, services, reviews, addresses

    Greet the caller. If you pick up the phone while answering an outside call, then immediately say hello to the person who called. The greeting, of course, changes depending on the time of day, it could be “Good morning (good afternoon or good evening).”
    By greeting the caller, you show that his call is important to you and you are glad to see him (if this is not the case, then he should not know about it). Don’t be like the “telephone dinosaurs” who, when they pick up the phone, say:

    • Hello!
    • I'm listening!
    • Firm!

    Introduce yourself over the phone. After greeting the caller, introduce yourself and name your organization. When receiving external calls, two approaches are used, the so-called “minimum” and “maximum”:

    1. Minimum approach: Greeting + name of the organization.

    Rules for communicating by phone. example of a business conversation on the phone


    Service standards when receiving/making a call First of all, the employee serves the Client who is in front of him or with whom he is already talking on the phone. If the phone rings, you need to apologize to the Client with whom you are currently communicating, answer the phone call and agree on the possibility of calling back later.

    If a Client approaches an employee during a telephone conversation, then, depending on the situation, you must ask him to wait. The exception is when an employee speaks on the phone regarding personal matters.


    In this case, you must stop the conversation immediately. “Excuse me, I need to finish the phone conversation, and I will immediately take up your question. Please wait a couple of minutes." After picking up the phone, the employee greets the Client and tells the name of the Company.

    “Good afternoon!...(...morning, evening)? FinTerra company.

    Telephone etiquette rules for a call center

    Casual business telephone etiquette. Let's consider the standards of telephone etiquette that are followed today by progressive companies that care about their image. If you strive to look like a professional in the eyes of your partners and clients, then compliance with the laws set out below is simply mandatory for you.

    The norm is to observe telephone etiquette by every employee of the organization who:

    • answers incoming calls;
    • makes telephone calls on behalf of the company;
    • to which the client's call can be forwarded.

    1. Watch the intonation of your voice. When communicating, people convey information to each other using three channels: “body language” (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). On the phone, we also convey to the interlocutor the meaning of our message using several channels, only in this In this case, the law of information transfer looks different.

    Rules for communicating with clients by phone

    When a company representative negotiates with a client, customer or partner, the representative calls back again.

    • Concluding negotiations, it is worth once again voicing joint agreements and understandings.
    • The one who called, or the senior in position or age, ends the conversation and says goodbye first.
    • Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable when ending a conversation. In parting, you can orient your interlocutor towards cooperation: “See you tomorrow” or “Call me in...”.
    • Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided? Undesirable expression Rules for communicating on the phone “No” This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding.

      It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.” “We can’t” Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors.

    Standards for operator-client communication during telephone conversations

    Calls in public places or at a meeting Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you must refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable. Answer call on business meeting or a meeting means showing the interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important. There are also good reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, a large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office. A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid. Business conversation on the phone.

    Home page » telephone etiquette

    At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to your interlocutor as kindly as possible. “If you have any questions, please call, we will be happy to help you.” “Come up at any time convenient for you, we will be happy to help you,” “All the best,” “It was very useful to receive this information from you.” Thank you for your attention, interest in your company, wish you a pleasant rest of the day or the upcoming weekend.

    Don't forget that the caller ends the conversation. Remember that by talking you lay the foundation of your personal meeting, so kindness is paramount. Rule 14. WRITE OUT YOUR RESULTS. Write down the client's general attitude towards the information you gave him, the agreement on the place, date and time of the meeting or call, who should call whom, and key points, voiced in the conversation.

    Rule 15.

    Standards for interacting with customers over the phone

    If the specified period is not enough, a reasonable solution would be to schedule a personal meeting.

    • You should not disturb people with calls early in the morning, during a lunch break or after the end of the working day.
    • In case of a spontaneous call that was not agreed upon with the partner in advance, prerequisite is to clarify whether the interlocutor has free time and indicate the approximate time required to resolve the caller’s issue. If the interlocutor is busy at the time of the call, you can arrange a different time or schedule a meeting.
    • When concluding a conversation, you need to thank the interlocutor for their time or information received.

    When a telephone conversation is interrupted, the person who initiated the call should call back.

    Telephone etiquette for incoming calls also includes several important points.

    Sales Articles

    • Information

    Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation. Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting).

    Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask. Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.

    • Mood

    Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations.

    You can most often hear a smile, fatigue, or negative emotions, which the business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling! Rules for communicating on the phone in business

    • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana.

    Business communication by phone

      Before typing, you must check the correctness phone number. In case of an error, do not ask unnecessary questions. It is necessary to apologize to the subscriber, and after the call ends, check the number again and call back.

    • Submission is a must.

      After the greeting from the interlocutor, you need to respond using greeting words, the name of the company, position and surname of the employee making the call.

    • It is recommended to first draw up a plan that reveals the goal (in the form of a graph/diagram or in text form). It is necessary to have a description of the tasks before your eyes so that you can record their implementation during a telephone conversation.

      Also, do not forget to note the problems that arose on the way to achieving a particular goal.

    • 3-5 minutes is the average time allotted for a business conversation.

    From this article you will learn:

    • What are the rules of etiquette for a business telephone conversation if you are calling?
    • What are the rules of telephone etiquette for a secretary?
    • What are the rules of telephone etiquette for a call center?

    Polite phone calls are the key to a successful conversation. Never forget the rules of telephone etiquette. You are mistaken if you think that a telephone conversation has no meaning. Compliance with the rules of telephone etiquette contributes to the development of constructive dialogue between interlocutors and allows you to direct relationships in the right direction long before the scheduled meeting. In our article we will tell you in detail about why, to whom and how to use the rules of telephone etiquette.

    Why are there rules of telephone etiquette?

    Telephone etiquette and its basic rules not related to conversation

    Nowadays, few people imagine their life without a mobile phone. He became a part of our life. A convenient and important part of it. To ensure that mobile devices do not interfere with, but rather help your life, you need to know and follow the rules of telephone etiquette. Let's look at some that are most relevant to mobile phones.
    While in a public place, set up your mobile phone to a certain mode. Calls regarding work issues can also be made as usual. Reducing the volume to a minimum is necessary during a meeting or important conversation. When you go to a library, movie theater, museum, or exhibition, turn off your phone so you can enjoy the art without disturbing other visitors. Also lower the ringer volume when visiting a restaurant or cafe. You can use vibration mode.
    Mobile etiquette rules recommend turning on silent buttons if you are in a public place. Typing the text of the message and accompanying each letter sound signal, you can irritate the people around you, causing them to have a negative attitude towards you.
    Don't put your cell phone down phone on the table, if you come to a restaurant or cafe. The call will be perfectly audible if you put the phone in your pocket or bag. But this rule of telephone etiquette does not apply at all to sports bars, where it is very noisy.
    While driving a car, you can only use your mobile phone using a headset (“hands-free”). But it still distracts attention from the road. You shouldn’t talk on the phone while driving, it will at least lead to a fine, and you don’t even want to remind about other consequences.

    Etiquette rules prohibit the use of ringtones containing obscene words or swearing, offensive expressions, or statements that are offensive to a certain group of people.
    Silent mode mobile phone is specially designed to mute the call at the right moments. These are business negotiations, meetings, visiting a library, cinema or exhibition, etc. When answering a call is important to you and cannot be postponed, apologize to your colleagues and go out to talk. If you know in advance about a possible important call, warn about it before the start of the meeting or negotiations.
    Turn off mobile required during an airplane flight or hospital visit to avoid its impact on the equipment. Etiquette rules recommend turning off your phone before the start of a performance or movie. Cell phones must also be turned off in church. You need to turn off your mobile phone wherever there are signs with such a request. If you need an urgent call, you just need to leave the restricted area.
    Getting ready talk on a mobile phone, move away from people nearby. To avoid disturbing them with your conversation, walk about five meters to the side or call your interlocutor back later. You should not talk on a mobile phone while in a crowd of people. An underground passage, tunnel or crowded transport is not the place for a business conversation or idle chatter. If the call is important to you, then pick up the phone and say that you will call back later. Think about the fact that others may be annoyed by a long-playing ringtone. The best option The way out of the situation will be to send an SMS message explaining the reason and a promise to call back.
    If the environment allows you to talk on the phone, then try to do it as quietly and calmly as possible, without attracting the attention of other people.
    According to the rules of telephone etiquette, SMS messages can be sent at any time of the day. If the subscriber does not want to hear them, he will turn off the sound of notifications. He will read them at the first opportunity.
    Rules of telephone etiquette strictly prohibit view the contents of SMS messages and call logs in other people's phones. This rule applies to everyone, including those closest to you. This is considered bad manners.
    You should not use another person's phone unless they have given you permission to do so. Also, don't give out someone else's number. cell phone without consulting its owner. This may make him irritated and have a negative attitude towards you.

    Basic Rules of Business Telephone Etiquette

    1. Hello

    The first rule of business telephone etiquette is the obligatory greeting of the interlocutor. It seems to be a truism, and no one needs to be taught this, but statistics on verbal business communication show that more than 55% of telephone conversations remain without a greeting. According to the advice of psychologists, it is better to say “Good afternoon” at the beginning of a conversation than “Hello,” because the second word is due to large quantity consonants are difficult to perceive. It is also better to avoid saying good morning or good evening, as negotiations take place during the working day.

    1. Have writing tools

    Always be prepared to write something down. Having paper for notes and a pencil is the second rule of telephone etiquette.

    1. Don't combine things

    When conducting telephone conversations, try not to be distracted by other matters. The third rule of telephone etiquette strictly prohibits combining food and business conversation on the phone. It's rude to say the least. Your interlocutor may think that you are as careless about business as you are about a telephone conversation with him.

    1. Politeness

    Polite and courteous conversation is the fourth rule of business telephone etiquette. Screaming and irritation during a telephone conversation are strictly prohibited, especially if it is a business conversation. Insults and swearing are unacceptable in interpersonal and business communication, in no way.

    1. If someone came

    The rules of telephone etiquette recommend ending the conversation correctly immediately when a client comes to you or guests come to your house. Apologize, briefly state the reason for interrupting the conversation and agree to call again. This behavior will endear you to both the person who came and the person on the phone. If you are at home, then tell him that you apologize, but since you have a guest, you will call back tomorrow morning. If you are in the office, then also apologize, but since a client came to you, you will call back in an hour. And never forget to keep your promises.

    1. If the connection is lost

    The rules of telephone etiquette stipulate that if the connection is unexpectedly interrupted, the call initiator must call back. If during a conversation between a company employee and a client or customer the connection is lost, then a company representative calls back.

    1. The right voice

    The rules of telephone etiquette state that it is the first words and the sound of your voice that determine the further style of communication. Facial expressions and gestures do not accompany a telephone conversation. Only the ability to politely and competently express your thoughts will help you make a favorable impression on your interlocutor. In a telephone conversation, your voice replaces everything - and appearance, and temperament.
    Start the conversation with calm phrases. You shouldn’t immediately cover your interlocutor with a waterfall of information. Try setting him up for a conversation first. When changing intonation, try to emphasize the most important words. Convey information in short messages so that one sentence contains one idea. But there is no need to overact, portraying a deep and velvety voice. The falsehood can be heard immediately. You can simply adapt to the interlocutor, using his rhythm and pace of conversation. He will be flattered by such a correspondence. Posture, facial expression, posture - all this determines your voice. It is necessary to tune in to the conversation both literally and figuratively. Polite, concise, calm speech and competent staging asking questions is the key to successful telephone conversations. And no cigarettes in your mouth, chewing gum, lollipops, or tea during a telephone conversation. Try to make sure that the environment is quiet and nothing interferes with achieving the goal of the conversation.

    1. Active Listening Technique

    Business telephone etiquette emphasizes the importance of active listening techniques. The interlocutor should feel that you are listening to him attentively. Support his speech with words “yes”, “clear”, etc. Keep the conversation under control, preventing the interlocutor from leaving the topic and prolonging the conversation. Try to answer a question with a question, thereby leading the interlocutor to a personal meeting.

    1. Abstract
    1. Intonation

    It is a well-known fact that three channels are involved in the transmission of information - sign language, intonation and words. In personal communication, sign language takes center stage. However, during a telephone conversation, this channel disappears, and main role plays the intonation with which the message is conveyed. The rules of telephone etiquette call for carefully monitoring your intonation, especially when conducting business negotiations over the phone.
    The positive intonation of your voice allows you to favorably set your interlocutor up for conversation, creates a good mood for him, and creates a good reputation for you. Using intonation, charge the other person with your smile, energy and enthusiasm.

    1. Pose

    Telephone etiquette rules do not recommend lounging in a chair or putting your feet on the table during telephone conversations. By being in this position, you change the angle of the diaphragm, which causes a change in the timbre of your voice, making it appear indifferent and uninterested. Do not allow this, because the interlocutor will immediately understand that you do not need this conversation.

    1. Speech rate

    If your interlocutor is slow, then try to take your time when giving him information. The fact that you speak faster will not make him think faster. Just the opposite. Not keeping up with the speed of receiving information, the train of thought is lost, and the person ends up completely confused.
    Another case is if the interlocutor quickly grasps and analyzes information. His speech is short, and his decision does not require much thought. In this case, your slowness and leisureliness may irritate him; he needs action. When communicating with this type of person, speed up your speech, but carefully control everything so as not to look funny.

    1. Listen to yourself

    Try saying "Hello" several times different ways. Record it on a tape recorder. Listen to everything. Choose the most appropriate option that you think is inviting and sounds positive.
    Find synonyms for the word “Hello”. For example, “yes” or “listening.” And now make a record with them. All this will help you hear your voice from the outside and choose the most suitable timbre and intonation. Do this exercise until you achieve the desired effect. Remember it and try to always stick to it later.
    As you observe your negotiations, you will realize that many problems disappear on their own as soon as you begin to adhere to the rules of telephone etiquette. Following the simplest truths can endear you to people, help you achieve results, and avoid unpleasant consequences.
    By taking these simple rules of telephone etiquette into account, you can establish yourself as a correct, competent person and a stable business partner.

    1. Brevity

    Do not delay telephone conversations. The call should be short and clear. The rules of business telephone etiquette provide for a business conversation to last about five minutes. If the issue requires a long discussion, then it is better to arrange a personal meeting.
    When you call, first ask if it is convenient for the other person to talk at the moment, and if not, then apologize and specify when to call you back.

    1. The right priorities

    Telephone etiquette teaches you to prioritize. If you are unable to answer incoming calls, then turn off your phone or assign the answers to a secretary. During personal communication with a client or visitor, you should not talk on the phone for a long time. Briefly inform that you will call back later and clarify when it is more convenient to do this. If you need to call in front of a visitor, apologize to him and make the call as short as possible.

    1. Don't talk in noisy places

    The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend conducting business conversations on the phone while being among a large number of people, in public places, cinemas or transport. A noisy environment reduces the effectiveness of such a conversation to a minimum, interfering with the correct perception of information.

    1. Who ends the conversation

    The rules of telephone etiquette stipulate that a conversation on equal conditions the one who started it must finish it. If a conversation takes place with senior management, then only on his initiative the conversation ends. A woman has the same privilege. Realizing that the conversation has dragged on and you won’t hear anything new, try to restrain your impatience. Try to correctly end the conversation, for example, with the phrase: “Thank you for your time and successful discussion of the issues.” Politeness will form a positive opinion of you.

    1. What to do with an annoying interlocutor

    When communicating with an annoying interlocutor, the rules of telephone etiquette recommend not wasting your time on him and correctly explaining that you are unable to continue the conversation.

    • Telephone etiquette rules recommend preparing in advance for all important conversations. Make a list of questions to discuss so that you don’t miss anything and don’t call back several times about the same issue. This makes a negative impression.
    • The rules of telephone etiquette consider it a sign of bad taste to call the home or personal telephone number of the interlocutor to discuss business issues with him. Even the fact that he himself gave you these numbers is not a reason to resolve matters outside of working hours. Successful businessmen must have time to discuss such issues during the day. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. If you have just such a case, and you have previously agreed on a call, then choose a time no earlier than eight in the morning and no later than eleven in the evening.
    • Telephone etiquette recommends composing a message in advance if you want to send it through an intermediary or answering machine. This will enable you to compose the text more succinctly and correctly.
    • Try to find out in advance from the interlocutor when it will be convenient for you to call him. When you call, check again if he can give you time now. The rules of telephone etiquette do not advise waiting a long time for your call to be answered; 5-6 rings will be enough. Always be ready to join in the conversation if you are not making the call yourself, but have assigned it to a secretary.
    • According to the rules of telephone etiquette, calls made before eight in the morning and after nine in the evening are considered illegal. And on a weekend you shouldn’t disturb anyone until eleven o’clock in the morning. But if you have to conduct business negotiations in such early time, then you should not show your irritation; it is possible that this news cannot be postponed. In another case, hint to your interlocutor that they should not call you at such a time.

    What rules of business telephone conversation etiquette should you consider if you are calling?

    1. Introduce yourself

    Always say your name. Even despite the absolute certainty that you were recognized. The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend using phrases like “bothering you”, etc. - this puts you in an unfavorable light. It would be correct to first introduce yourself, stating your name and, if necessary, your position, and proceed to discuss the intended issues.

    1. Find out if you're talking to the right person

    Before starting a conversation, you should make sure that the person on the other end of the line is the one you need. If you don’t know for sure that the person you want answered the phone, ask to invite him to the phone as follows: “Can I hear Nikolai Petrovich?” or “Please invite Maria to the phone.” You shouldn’t guess who exactly answered the phone by listing all the familiar names, for example: “Hello, is this Masha? No? Glasha? etc. You will look funny and ridiculous. And you're unlikely to make an impression successful person, with whom you can conduct common business. Just at the very beginning of the conversation ask briefly, for example: “Vadim Petrovich?” If this is the person you need, then say hello, introduce yourself and get down to business.

    1. Don't find out who's on the phone

    It is not recommended to find out who answered the phone by asking: “Who is it?” If you doubt whether you dialed the correct number, check to see if you got through: “Hello! Is this the Phoenix Company? etc. If you find out that the number was dialed incorrectly, try not to call back several times, but simply find the correct number, for example, on the website of the desired company.

    1. What to do, if the right person Not here

    Find out when it is most convenient to call back if the person you need is not there.

    1. How to properly leave a message on an answering machine

    When thinking over the text of the message for the answering machine, do not forget the order: first - greet, introduce yourself, specify the date and time, then briefly state the question and ask, if possible, to contact you, at the end - say goodbye.

    1. At the beginning of the conversation

    The rules of telephone etiquette recommend that at the very beginning of a conversation you always clarify whether it is convenient for your interlocutor to devote time to you at the moment. A late call can ruin a million-dollar deal. If your interlocutor is busy with something more important to him, then all your proposals will fall on deaf ears. Without delving into the details, it is easier for him to refuse you than to be distracted from what he is doing. If you called at a more convenient moment, you could easily persuade him to make a deal, presenting serious arguments, but now his thoughts are occupied with something completely different, and your plans are thwarted.

    1. Save time

    Telephone etiquette rules advise explaining the topic of the call for no longer than one minute. There is no point in developing the topic of why you decided to call for ten minutes. Speak clearly and specifically so as not to waste the other person's time.

    1. Don't apologize, but give thanks

    You should not apologize for taking up your interlocutor’s time, even if it seems to you that you are taking up a lot of his time. Your apology will not do you any good, because the interlocutor will think that:

    • I wasted my time communicating with you;
    • you are not confident enough in your abilities;
    • you don't value your time.

    Rules of telephone etiquette advise replacing apologies with gratitude. Simply thank the other person for their time by saying, “Thank you for your time.”

    What are the rules of telephone etiquette if they call you?

    1. When to pick up the phone

    Try to answer the call immediately, before the fifth ring. Telephone etiquette recommends answering the third ring. The first one is needed to put things off. The second is to tune in. The third is to smile and pick up the phone. This is what demonstrates a respectful attitude towards the client and the corporate ethics of the company. Failure to comply with business etiquette indicates a low level of corporate ethics in the company.
    You shouldn’t immediately pick up the phone. Put things aside, tune in, smile and pick up the phone.

    1. How to answer

    The rules of telephone etiquette strongly recommend not using the words “Hello”, “Yes”, etc. in a business setting. After picking up the phone, you should say the name of the company you represent. For example: “Triumph Company, hello!” We advise you to think in advance about a greeting related to the specifics of your company. It is not necessary to give your first and last name; it is enough to indicate your position or department of the company. The main thing is that it becomes clear to the interlocutor which company he called and who is talking to him. And you don’t need to find out who is calling if they ask your colleague.

    1. If you don't have time

    The rules of telephone etiquette consider it unacceptable to pick up the phone and, saying: “Just a second,” force you to wait for the caller until you are free. It is much more appropriate to say that you are busy at the moment and will call back later or name a time when it will be more convenient for you to talk.
    When at a business meeting or meeting, mute your phone, giving priority to live communication. Once completed, you will be able to call back.

    1. If they ask another person

    If you are asked to invite another person to the phone, answer, for example, like this: “Just a second, I’ll pass the phone to him.” In turn, the one who is invited to the telephone should thank for this.

    1. If he's not there

    If you cannot invite an employee to answer the phone due to his absence, then be sure to offer to call back after some time. For example: “Please call back in 15 minutes.”

    1. When you're already talking to someone

    The rules of telephone etiquette advise not to take two phones at the same time, so as not to force one of your interlocutors to wait while you talk to the other. You need to pick up the phone, apologize, and briefly explain the situation, offer to call back later. Or apologize to the first interlocutor, and after finishing the first conversation, start the next one.

    1. If there are strangers nearby

    What are the rules of telephone etiquette for a secretary?

    1. Always introduce yourself when answering a call. The interlocutor must know who is answering him. Introduce yourself and greet him. State the name of the company you represent.
    2. Always keep your emotions under control, especially negative ones. The person needs to hear that you are interested in his call and are friendly. Conduct the conversation politely, correctly and with a smile.
    3. When answering a call, try to pick up the phone in left hand. This will help you make the necessary notes without changing hands. Place some note paper and a pencil or pen next to your phone. You won't have to interrupt the conversation to look for them.
    4. Priority is given to calls addressed to management. The rules of telephone etiquette do not recommend leaving a client calling management on the line. You should always be aware of whether your boss is there. It is unacceptable to first connect the client, and later, having found out that the director is absent, to tell him to call back later.
    5. According to the rules of telephone etiquette, the secretary needs to ask: “How can I introduce you?” The client must respond by giving his first and last name. After this, the secretary connects and holds the line until the director picks up the phone, returning to the client every 30 seconds.
    6. In the absence of management, all call data must be recorded by the assistant secretary. Records should contain information about who called, at what time, for what reason, to whom and when to call back. Subsequently, all information is reported to the boss.
    7. To avoid mistakes, telephone etiquette rules advise that when recording data, immediately check it with the person dictating.
    8. There are a lot of small issues that can be resolved not at the management level. An experienced assistant secretary competently and correctly regulates telephone calls to management, distributing them, if possible, to other specialists.
    9. The rules of telephone etiquette oblige the assistant secretary to give as much as possible. full information about the manager’s reception schedule, his ability to take a call, and, if necessary, inform the planned time of the call.
    10. Each institution may have a range of information that is not provided over the phone. In this case, the assistant secretary recommends that the subscriber contact the manager in writing or in person.
    11. The rules of telephone etiquette recommend maintaining a brief, tactful style in business conversations. The conversation must be complete and clear, not allowing for any other interpretation.
    12. During a parallel call, the secretary must apologize to the interlocutor, briefly explain the situation and end the conversation.
    13. When a question is received to which the secretary does not know the answer, he must apologize and ask the interlocutor to give time to clarify and arrange a repeat call.
    14. Telephone etiquette emphasizes that restrained, tactful, friendly and respectful communication with any partner is correct. You must always keep your emotions and actions under control.
  • Business information
  • Promotion of goods and services
  • Personnel Management
  • Which is correct...?
  • Business Etiquette
    • Business Etiquette
    • Positions of the interlocutors at the negotiating table
  • Business communications
  • Municipal entities
  • Telephone etiquette: rules and regulations

    Let's consider the norms of telephone etiquette, which are followed today by progressive companies that care about their image. If you strive to look like a professional in the eyes of your partners and clients, then compliance with the laws set out below is simply mandatory for you.

    The norm is to observe telephone etiquette by every employee of the organization who:

      answers incoming calls;

      makes telephone calls on behalf of the company;

      to which the client's call can be forwarded.

    1. Watch the intonation of your voice

    When communicating, people convey information to each other using three channels: “body language” (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). On the phone, we also convey to the interlocutor the meaning of our message using several channels, only in this In this case, the law of information transfer looks different. Firstly, “sign language” seems to disappear, since the interlocutor does not see us, and the remaining two channels (intonation and words) of information transmission divide 100% of the meaning of our message as follows:
    • Intonation - 86%;
    • Words - 14%.

    Your voice conveys information to your interlocutor about what kind of person you are. With your voice you not only influence perception, but often also create the mood of your interlocutor. When communicating on the phone, smile, be full of energy and enthusiasm. A smile and a positive attitude are heard in the intonation.

    Don't slump in your chair or put your feet on the table while talking on the phone. When a person lies or half-sits, the angle of the diaphragm changes and the timbre of his voice changes. Therefore, the interlocutor, even without seeing you, will “hear” that you are lying down. And this is unacceptable, because the voice of a person in this position seems disinterested and complete indifference.

    2. Greet the caller

    If you pick up the phone while answering an outside call, then immediately say hello to the person who called. The greeting, of course, changes depending on the time of day, it could be “Good morning (good afternoon or good evening).”

    By greeting the caller, you show that his call is important to you and you are glad to see him (if this is not the case, then he should not know about it).

    Don’t be like the “telephone dinosaurs” who, when they pick up the phone, say:

    3. Introduce yourself over the phone

    After greeting the caller, introduce yourself and name your organization. When receiving external calls, two approaches are used, the so-called “minimum” and “maximum”:

      Minimum approach: Greeting + name of the organization. This is what it sounds like: “Good afternoon, publishing house “Fortochka!”

      “Maximum” approach: “minimum” + the name of the person who answered the phone. This is what it sounds like: “Good afternoon, Fortochka publishing house, Marina is listening!”

    Which approach to choose and use is up to you to decide. Following any of these will show callers that you and your organization are professionals.

    I remember I once called one company, and they answered: “Hello.” I ask: “Tell me, is this company ABC?”, and the answer is: “Who are you?” I say: “Maybe I’m your potential client,” to which they assured me: “Our clients know us!”... and hung up.

    4. Answer incoming calls after the 2nd, maximum after the 3rd ring

    This is one of the laws that telephone operators, company secretaries, hotline workers and other “telephone” personnel are literally “trained” to implement. And that's why.

    If we pick up the phone after the first call, then the person who called gets the impression that we have nothing to do, and we were bored waiting for someone to finally call us.

    Don't pick up the phone after the first ring; the few seconds you have left will allow you to take your mind off what you were doing and focus on the phone call.

    If you allow the phone to ring 4, 5 or more times, then, firstly, the caller will begin to get nervous (it has been proven that people very quickly lose patience while waiting for an answer on the phone), and secondly, he will form a very “definite” opinion about our interest in him and in clients in general. Subsequently, he will no longer believe in our ability to quickly respond to his needs and problems.

    5. When you call, do not say “are you concerned about...” or “are you concerned about...”

    This is something like a national disease. I suspect that this comes from an excessive desire to appear polite and from a lack of self-confidence. By telling a person that you are disturbing (bothering) him, you are forming in him a certain - undesirable - attitude towards himself and his call.

    You are forcing him to be wary, and you yourself are asking him to treat your call as an unwanted distraction from business. Why create trouble for yourself and tell your interlocutor, “I disturbed you, disturbed your comfort and now I will pester you with my questions”?

    Just say: “Good morning (Hello), Marina (Marina Shestakova) from the publishing house “Fortochka” is calling you.

    6. When you call, ask if the client can speak with you.

    Each person has his own to-do list, scheduled appointments, meetings, etc. In other words, when we called him, the likelihood that we pulled him away from his work is very high. This is especially true for calls to a mobile phone; our interlocutor can be anywhere and be busy with anything.

    After introducing yourself, do not get straight to the point, first ask if the interlocutor can talk to you. By asking this question, we show the interlocutor that we are well-mannered and that we value his time. Thus, we position ourselves as a professional in his eyes and inspire respect for ourselves.

      Introduce yourself + ask about the opportunity to spend time + state the purpose of the call.

      Introduce yourself + state the purpose of the call + ask about the opportunity to spend time.

    7. Get to the point of your call as quickly as possible.

    After introducing yourself and asking for time to chat, don't waste time with pointless rhetoric and pointless questions like:

      So, how do you like this heat in the city?

      What do you think about our Prime Minister's statement today?

      Did you see on the news yesterday...?

      You heard latest news about Iraq?

    When communicating on the phone, business people tend to be brief and stay on topic. Don't annoy them by talking about this and that, tell them the purpose of your call and start a business conversation.

    It is worth adding that the exception to this rule is when communicating by phone with clients with whom over the years of working together you have developed warm, friendly or even friendly relations.

    8. Using the “hold” function

    Almost every phone has a “hold” function, but it is designated differently, depending on the manufacturer of the device.

    This function allows, if necessary, to “suspend” the interlocutor on the line without disconnecting the connection. It is used every time during a conversation you need to put down the phone and isolate the interlocutor from what is happening in your room (from conversations, discussions, jokes, anecdotes of your colleagues). For example, in order to:

      go to the next office for the information necessary for the interlocutor;

      print the required document;

      call the right person on the phone;

      check something with a colleague.

    By pressing the corresponding button on your phone and activating “hold”, you do not give the interlocutor the opportunity to hear what is happening in your room. If the telephone set is connected to a telephone exchange, then during the “hold” it plays the programmed melody to your interlocutor.

    There are several rules related to placing and removing an interlocutor from “hold”:

      When setting up, ask if the interlocutor can wait, and explain the reason for the need to wait.

      For example: “Can you wait because I need to contact accounting to answer your question?”

      When withdrawing, thank the interlocutor for waiting. This step helps to dissipate the tension and nervousness that arises in anyone who is expecting. We also show the person that he is important to us and we are grateful to him for not hanging up.

    If you know you'll have to wait more than one minute, don't put it on hold. Tell him that you will call him back after clarifying the information he is interested in. When waiting on the phone, even one minute seems like several, don’t give your interlocutor an extra reason to be nervous and angry.

    9. If you ask a person who is absent

    Do not “cut off” the caller by simply stating the fact that the person he needs is at the exhibition (on vacation, will return at the end of the week) and do not immediately hang up.

    After reporting the absence of the right person, make two attempts to keep the caller. Offer your help. For example: “Is there anything I can help you with?” or, “Can someone else help you?”

    If the person calling does not agree to the help offered, then ask to leave a message.

    It sounds like this:

      What should I tell (the absent colleague)? Who called?

      Let me leave (an absent colleague) a message saying you called. Introduce youreself.

    10. When ending a conversation, say goodbye to your interlocutor

    Notice how many people, when finishing a conversation, simply hang up without even saying goodbye.

    How many times has this happened to me: you call an organization and ask the person who answers the phone a question, for example: “Tell me, are you working on Saturday?” The answer is “Yes” or “No”, and the conversation ends. One day I finally called back and asked: “Why are you hanging up, I still have a question for you?” The answer was simply brilliant: “We need to speak faster!”

    In a situation similar to the one described above, before saying goodbye to the caller, ask: “Can I answer any more questions?”, and only after receiving a negative answer, end the conversation. Before hanging up, say goodbye to the person, tell him everything just a simple: “Goodbye.”

    11. Adapt to the speed of your interlocutor’s speech

    If a person speaks slowly, this indicates that his thinking process proceeds at the same speed. This means that he carefully evaluates every word he hears and pronounces and carefully weighs the information received before making a final decision. When communicating with such people, slow down the pace of your speech slightly. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the faster you speak, the faster your interlocutors will think. Quite the contrary, if they cannot keep up with the pace of your speech, they will lose the train of your thoughts and become completely confused.

    A person who speaks quickly or very quickly grasps thoughts on the fly and makes decisions without much thought, perhaps even hastily. He is irritated by slowness and leisure, he is impatient and craves action. Speed ​​up your speech when talking to these people.

    Change the pace of your speech, just don’t cross the line beyond which a parody begins.

    12. Do not chew, drink or smoke while talking on the phone.

    If you think that by performing the actions listed above, you will hide them from your telephone interlocutor, then you are mistaken. Many times I have spoken with people who thought they had disguised chewing or smoking without even realizing how unpleasant it sounded over the phone.

    One day I called a client, from whose answer it became clear to me that he was chewing. I tell him: “Bon appetit,” and he answers me: “Did you hear that?”

    Put your chewing gum (cutlet, cigarette) aside.

    13. Don’t apologize to your interlocutor for taking up his time.

    This recommendation also applies to meetings. If you think that you have distracted your interlocutor from important matters or that you have taken him away valuable time, then don’t tell him about it out loud. By saying “sorry, our meeting (conversation) took too long, I probably took up your time,” you yourself will lead him to think that:

      he lost his time communicating with you;

      your time is worthless;

      you are not confident in yourself;

      you feel guilty.

    Instead of apologizing, you can thank the other person:

      Thank you for finding the opportunity to meet (talk) with me.

      I understand how busy you are, thank you for the time allocated for our meeting.

    You show that you value him and his time, but you don't make yourself look like a "guilty supplicant."

    14. Using a speakerphone (speakerphone)

    Do not use speakerphone unless absolutely necessary and without warning and consent of the interlocutor. With today's technology, the client will hear the difference between communicating with you through a handset and using a “speakerphone.” Hearing that you are talking to him using a speakerphone, the client will almost immediately feel discomfort and become wary. In addition, he will draw two conclusions:

      Someone is listening to us.

    15. Communication with secretaries

    If your job involves making calls to organizations, this means that you periodically communicate with the secretaries of these organizations. Today, secretarial positions are occupied by educated and qualified people who are the “face of the company” and optimize the work of their superiors. Their opinions are listened to and they are valued quite highly as “frontline workers.”

      Don't insult, humiliate or underestimate them. These people often have a lot of power. They can become either your supporters or enemies, it all depends on you. Show them respect and deference, and they will return the favor.

      Treat them the same way you treat your clients. Secretaries are also your clients, they influence the opinion of their management about you, your company and your product. If desired, they can present your call (fax, letter) as “another prank of an annoying idiot from a stupid company.” They can make sure your letters, faxes and Email“will not reach” the recipient. Considering this...

      Build relationships with them. It doesn’t matter whether you do this with bouquets, chocolates or through your respectful attitude. Remember one thing: by winning the secretary's favor, you gain a supporter in the client's organization. In addition, no one knows which direction and in which company this person will become a manager tomorrow.