Now it has become fashionable to apply tattoos on the body with various meaningful phrases. Plus, beautiful calligraphy and Latin (or other foreign language) look mysterious and meaningful. Let's look at the most popular inscriptions for tattoos with translation.

Lettering for tattoos with translation. Interesting information

Tattoos in Lately have become quite popular among young people, especially those who want to stand out from the rest. Some take their cues from celebrities, among whom there are also tattoo fans.

For example, Angelina Jolie has several tattoos in the form of an inscription on her body. Also, the famous football player David Beckham has inscriptions on his body (the names of his wife and children).

When getting a tattoo on your body, you should decide what exactly you want to see on your body every day. Then you need to decide for yourself whether you want to have a tattoo for the rest of your life. Today's technologies make it possible to make temporary drawings on the body.

If you want a tattoo for life, then you should be more careful in choosing the inscription, as this will in some sense affect your destiny.

Meaningful inscriptions for tattoos with translation

What can you choose to write on your body? Below is a list of phrases with translation that are suitable for this purpose.

Tattoo inscriptions with meaning create a certain image of a person that will represent him in society. For example, for men, the inscription can show courage or sensuality, passion or shyness, rudeness or gentleness. All this will depend on personal predispositions.

For women, a tattoo can show romance, generosity, morality or audacity, aggressiveness and dominance in any situation.

Thus, when choosing a suitable inscription for a tattoo, you should think carefully about what you want to convey in its meaning - a deep thought, a meaningful word or some kind of definition. You also need to decide on the language in which this inscription will be depicted and the calligraphic style of writing.

It is necessary to get a tattoo from a qualified specialist who will take all safety measures for its application with due care.

Sometimes events happen in life that you would like to leave behind a long memory about. Tattoo inscriptions with translation interesting way for those who want to capture such moments. Express yourself, convey meaning to others, stand out from the crowd or create your own philosophy. All this is achievable with the help of a tattoo. However, it is necessary to understand how the tattooing process works before applying the image to the body.

Before you get a tattoo, you need to know

  • The importance of size. A small tattoo format is not often beautiful. The simpler the image, the smaller the size you can make. Larger tattoos will be required to work out small details. You also need space to work with color, shadows and transitions. The reason for choosing matching size and complexity also lies in the wearability of the tattoo. If the outline of the image is less than a millimeter, then such a tattoo will not last long, and it will have to be updated or interrupted. The size of the tattoo also depends on the style you want. Some techniques and styles are simply not suitable for a miniature image.
  • The right choice of the master. A professional master must have a high-quality and detailed portfolio, as well as certificates of completed courses and medical examination. It is better to spend time looking for a sufficiently qualified and experienced tattoo artist than to correct a damaged tattoo and be treated for acquired diseases.
  • Beauty requires sacrifice? The process of tattooing can rarely be called pleasant. Painful sensations guaranteed. But everyone's sensitivity level is individual. Also, the amount of pain depends on the location of the tattoo and the time of work. Consult with the specialist in advance and choose the appropriate option.
  • Small spool but precious. Nice tattoo can't be cheap. The price of the artist consists of his experience, skill level, complexity of the image and the location of its application, as well as the time spent on tattooing. On average, the price of a tattoo starts from three to four thousand.
  • Time. When consulting with a specialist, you will find out the approximate work time. But how much time the work will actually take is unknown, since everyone’s reaction is individual. During the filling process, unforeseen situations may occur: from a power outage to the client not feeling well. Therefore, plan your time with plenty of reserve.
  • Getting a tattoo is not the end of the matter. You can’t just apply an image and forget it. A tattoo requires care, like any accessory or part of the body.

Sunlight damages the image. Therefore, the tattoo site should be covered with clothing or protected with sunscreen.

The main enemy of a tattoo is the laziness of its owner. Strictly follow the instructions received from the master. Remember, the first fourteen days are the most important. The longevity, purity and quality of the tattoo depend on them.

Small tricks when visiting a tattoo parlor:

  • Human skin tends to deform. Therefore, tattoos should be restored every three to four years.
  • In no case moles and birthmarks cannot be covered with a tattoo. They should be ignored or included in the image.
  • To cover a scar or scar with a tattoo, at least twelve months must pass from the moment of injury.
  • Under no circumstances should you come to a tattoo session under the influence of alcohol or drugs, hungry or tired. All of these conditions directly affect blood pressure, as a result of which the tattooing process may be slowed down or impossible.
  • Feeling slightly unwell after getting a tattoo is a natural reaction of the body, so there is no need to panic.
  • If tattooing is divided into several stages, then there should be at least ten to fourteen days between sessions.
  • It is possible to get rid of a boring tattoo. But this is a very long and painful process. The tattoo is burned out with a laser, which leaves a mark on the skin. In addition, the image cannot be reduced one hundred percent.

Tattooing methods

The variety of methods for applying long-lasting images and phrases to the body is divided according to technique, level of pain and time of application to the skin.

The human body is sensitive, so the process of applying a tattoo is painful, no matter the method. You need to decide on the method of application and your level of preparation for tattooing.

Method number one - needle

Two types of tools for this technique have been invented: a needle wrapped at the end with a thread, pishni - a sharpened metal staple, paper clip or wire. The instrument is dipped in ink and microscopic injections are used to steam the skin along the contour of the image. Thanks to this, the coloring pigment penetrates the skin and remains there. Then the applied image is retouched with colored ballpoint pen paste or ground match sulfur.

Method two - stamping

A template is created from dense rubber material on which there is desired image, along the contour of which the needles are installed. The template is dipped in ink, placed against the tattoo site, and the points are inserted three to five millimeters into the skin with a sharp slap. As a result, the design is imprinted on the skin, and the coloring pigment penetrates into it. With this type of tattoo, the client experiences unpleasant painful feelings, and it takes a significant period of time to process the image.

Method three - a tool based on an electric razor

Pain sensations are low, time consumption is increased. A significant disadvantage of this method is increased trauma.

Method four - blade

The skin is cut along the contour, then the pigment is rubbed into it. The procedure is characterized by increased pain and risk of injury in the hands of an inexperienced practitioner.

Method five - hardware tattooing

The image is applied with a specialized machine using a highly targeted pigment. Sterility, precision and small painful blow - distinctive features such drawing. The needles in the device are disposable, the pigment is hypoallergenic. The client selects an adhesive-based template, according to which the tattoo artist applies the outline. The micro-needles of this device imperceptibly inject paint and fix it into the skin.

The first four types of applying images to the skin belong and are used most often in the world of crime, in religious groups or in the artisanal conditions of “freebie” lovers.


Tattooing is the introduction of dyes under the skin. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin allows the pattern to be fixed on the surface without penetrating into other layers. This is why there are no allergies to pigments. It is possible to reduce the risk of infection after tattooing only if sanitary and hygienic rules are followed by a professional tattoo artist.
Sequence of actions when applying a tattoo:

  • Selecting an image, coordinating it with the master, or creating an individual sketch.
  • Transferring the sketch onto tracing paper, then onto the body.
  • Treating the skin with a special disinfectant solution.
  • Piercing the image outline.
  • Filling a contour with color or colors, applying shadows and highlights.
  • Treating the completed drawing with an antiseptic solution, lubricating the disturbed area with a healing composition, and applying a protective bandage.
  • Following tattoo care instructions will ensure the safety of the image, fast healing and eliminate the risk of suppuration.

When tattooing, the image area can be numbed with anesthesia.

The placement of tattoos on the body is unlimited. From the fingertips to the eyes can be involved in tattooing. However, there are the most popular body parts for tattoos.

Arm tattoos

The most common and popular location for a tattoo is the arm. Possible conservatism, traditions of arrangement, simplicity and expressiveness of hand tattoos attract a huge number of fans. However, the hand gives wide scope for the imagination of the master and the customer of body jewelry. The many curves and “subparts” of the hands make it possible to divide hand tattoos into several subtypes.

Shoulder tattoo

The popularity of this species is the same among both the female and male public. IN ancient times tattoos on the shoulders symbolized a person’s position in society, his status, marital status, belonging to one or another clan, and could also report on the number of living and deceased relatives.

The main advantage of such a tattoo is the simplicity and speed of work for the artist. The skin of the shoulder is less susceptible to the formation of wrinkles and folds, which will preserve the pristine beauty of the tattoo on for a long time.

The practicality of this arrangement of the picture is due to the ease of hiding it from prying eyes; a certain atmosphere of intimacy is created for those who know about this tattoo.

Forearm tattoo

For people who want to emphasize their originality, a tattoo on the forearm will be a real gift. The interlocutor's gaze, after paying attention to the face, notices the forearms. The small space of the forearm is by no means a reason for small images. A special feature may be the puzzle effect, when tattoos on the forearms of both hands create a common picture when the hands are brought together, and when separated they carry a separate semantic load or remain a mystery to outsiders.

The process of getting a tattoo is practically not noticeable in this area and is very comfortable.

If a strict dress code is required at work, then forearms are not the best option. It is not always possible to cover them well with clothing, and this can cause inconvenience.

Wrist tattoo

Wrist tattoos are distinguished by their variety. Representatives of the fair half of humanity especially like to make small pictures and inscriptions in this part of the body. The application procedure is painless, and if necessary, the tattoo can be covered with a bracelet. A wrist tattoo in itself is a kind of decoration and does not require separate decoration of the image.

Elbow tattoo

Tattoos on the elbow part of the arm are the least in demand. But there are individuals who want to get a tattoo in this exact place. This procedure is distinguished not only by the pain of application, but also by the constant deformation of the image. The skin on the bend of the elbow is the most mobile, so you need to carefully select the image. A good solution would be geometric and wave-like motifs, which are not embossed in outline, but are completely painted over inside.

Tattoo on hand

Tattoos on the hands are a very painful process. A large number of nerve endings and thin skin make the tattooing process as noticeable as possible. The unpleasant aspects of this type of image will be the frequent updating of the image, because frequent contact with water, chemicals and mechanical damage destroys the original image. This part of the body is also inconvenient for the master, since the surface is uneven and has a huge number of folds, bulges and depressions.

The practicality of such a tattoo leaves much to be desired. However, exclusivity also breaks all records. It is rare to meet a person with a tattoo on his hand.

Palm tattoo

A tattoo on the palm is one of the most fashionable trends of our time. Painted palms are a mandatory attribute in many rituals of the East and Asia from ancient times to the present day.

The process of applying a tattoo is almost painless, since the skin on the palm is quite thick. However, a small area imposes its own limitations on the size and type of tattoo. Most often, phrases or sayings are written on the edge of the palm.

Finger tattoos

The trend of tattooing fingers has come quite recently. But it is already in great demand. Fingers have been decorated with rings, rings and chains at all times and among all peoples. Now, jewelry and costume jewelry have been replaced by tattoos. There is no risk of losing such jewelry, and getting a couple tattoo is the dream of every girl in love.

This is one of the most practical types of tattoo area. If necessary, you can hide or, on the contrary, focus attention on such a tattoo.

Tattoo all over the arm

For simplicity of designation, it was called the first association that comes to mind - the sleeve. The length of such a tattoo is determined in the same way as regular sleeves: short, three-quarters and wrist length.

Over time, the image loses the clarity of its contours and color saturation. It is necessary to update the tattoo in a timely manner.

Leg tattoos

Leg tattoos are very practical for those who wear trousers, or for those who do not care about the dress code. More recently, a tattoo on any part of the leg was rare. Nowadays, leg tattooing is gaining momentum in popularity.

Moreover, this applies to both the strong and the beautiful half of humanity. Men most often prefer to tattoo the thigh or lower leg, and girls prefer the foot, lower leg or ankle.

Based on their location, leg tattoos are divided into three types.

Tattoo on thigh

Tattooing on the thigh is not limited in size. This part of the body is most popular among girls, thus emphasizing the beauty, sexuality and attractiveness of the female form.

This type of tattoo stands out among others due to its practicality. The only condition is to keep your body in shape. Otherwise, the tattoo will disfigure the body instead of serving as decoration. The skin of the thigh is especially susceptible to deformation due to body weight. Stretch marks may appear on it, which will irreparably spoil the image. However, you will feel almost no pain when applying the image.

Tattoo on shin

The shin is the entire space of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Images are most often applied to the back and outside. If you compare the pain when getting a picture on the thigh, the lower leg is more sensitive. The code on it is close to the bone.

The practicality of a shin tattoo is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is a chic accessory for a hot summer, on the other hand, it is a restriction in clothing. This directly applies to girls who prefer short types clothes. But if there is no embarrassment from having a tattoo, then you shouldn’t even think about the dark side of the coin.

Ankle and foot tattoo

It is better to position the image on this section so that it is visible in its entirety. For the most part, this applies to the male population, since they most often prefer large images.

An obstacle to getting a tattoo can be hairline. But even for such a case, there are methods of application and care.

After getting a picture tattooed on your leg, you should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes until the skin is completely restored.

Over the past two decades, tattoos in the form of inscriptions have become extremely popular. They are divided into:

  • Religious – quotes from the sacred books of world religions.
  • Memorable – dates, names and numbers that have sacred or memorable meaning for a person.
  • Dedicated – inscriptions, wishes and names to loved ones and relatives.
  • Statements - a kind of life credo said by one of the greats.
  • Own symbols – in this case, everything depends on the customer’s imagination.

Below are options for the most popular phrases, sayings and sayings. Women's and men's lettering in several languages ​​of the world, as well as photo ideas for tattoos.

Stylistics of fonts for writing inscriptions.

It is important not only the meaning of the phrase, but also what font it will be printed in. The font style may be dissonant with the semantic load, so it is necessary to choose the best tandem.

  • Sharp, straight lines, monochrome color, most often jet black, pointed letters - characteristics Gothic. This font is suitable for men and for clear, decisive statements.

  • Soft, rounded contours are suitable for girls and expressions in smooth-sounding languages.

  • A universal font for both genders. Neutral, both to the semantic load and to the native language.

  • Hieroglyphs. Special care must be taken with this font. Since each hieroglyph can have several meanings. Frequently used characters have Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Arabic roots.

  • Graffiti style. Modern street art has become related to the tattoo movement. Graffiti from the walls of houses was transferred to human skin. This style is suitable for young people and hip-hop fans.

The variety of writing styles is amazing. More than three hundred fonts exist today. Therefore, for a tattoo, you can create a good tandem from combinations of the meaning of the image and the style of its outline.

An inscription tattoo for men is a classic tattoo option when you need to briefly and concisely express the meaning. Inscriptions will never go out of style; they are simple, clear and always look appropriate. Depending on the font of the tattoo, the inscription can be either small and inconspicuous or large, detailed and complex.

Lettering tattoofor men -Popular places:

Quotes for tattoos in English:

When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it

When inspiration doesn't come to me, I go out to meet it.

Success is the child of audacity

Success is the child of courage (Benjamin Disraeli)

Be wiser than other people, if you can, but do not tell them so

Be smarter than others if you can, but don't tell them about it (Lord Chesterfield)

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge

Admitting one's ignorance is a great step towards knowledge (Benjamin Disraeli)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success

Success is not the key to happiness. This happiness is the key to success (Herman Cain)

Any quote you like or a meaningful word that reflects your views can become a tattoo. You can also write the names of dear people, important dates and motivating slogans for yourself.

There are many styles and types of body designs. One of the most common is the inscription. This type of tattoo is equally suitable for both men and girls. Even the most creative individuals will be able to find something for themselves.

Lettering on a woman's body is usually done in a thinner, more elegant font. Can be supplemented with a small and cute drawing nearby. Men often choose simpler options - classic fonts, weighted symbols, minimalism. In general, there is no specific division in which representatives of the fairer and stronger sexes get tattoos that fall into the same category. It all depends on you, your fantasies and preferences.

Places for such tattoos are chosen in a wide variety of ways. Common options: inscriptions on arms, legs, neck. But there are also those who choose more sophisticated options. For example, inscriptions on the head, or even the earlobe. Of course, most people still choose the more standard options.

Foreign languages ​​are often used in sketches. Phrases in Latin, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese are especially popular. I rarely use Russian or Ukrainian. This depends on the prevalence and origin of many tattoo texts. Most people take phrases of one origin or another and there is no need to translate them from the original language.

It is very important to decide on the translation of the tattoo inscription. You must be sure you know her exact value so that you don’t end up with awkward or even disastrous situations. It is better to talk to professionals in this matter, rather than using programs on the Internet and information from forums. Most often, this is written by ordinary Internet users, most likely passing by. Are you ready to trust their opinion on such an important issue?

An inscription is a tattoo specifically for those who want to have not just a beautiful image or symbol, but want to put a real mark on their body, to emphasize something. It could be popular expression, aphorism, quote from someone famous person, a line from your favorite movie, poem. They often use the name of their significant other, or a close relative, or their own name, among others. This is a romantic gesture, a manifestation of love. Sometimes one word is enough to remind you of something. For example, for parents – the first word of their child.

Before you grab the sketches that caught your eye first and run to the master, it’s better to carefully look at a sufficient number of photos on the Internet and think about your decision. Will you get tired of the sketch? Will you regret your decision? If you have doubts, then maybe you should postpone this idea and wait a little?

Tattoo – an important event in everyone's life. She will stay with you for the rest of your life. It must be something truly important and meaningful to you.

Nowadays, more and more often you can meet a girl or woman on the street with a tattoo on her body. This is one of the ways of self-expression of the fair sex, which is a trend in modern fashion. Recently, not drawings, but phrases for tattoos on tattoos have become increasingly popular. foreign language, which carry a special meaning.

Historical information about tattoos

The tradition of painting female body Tattoos take roots from eastern countries. In ancient times, girls from rich Indian families were painted with henna before their wedding. Dancers also decorated their bodies in this way. This type of art has gained popularity among other nationalities relatively recently.

Expert opinion

Anna Koval

Tattoo master

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Most modern girls prefer permanent rather than temporary tattoos.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos should be stuffed on exposed areas of the body, as well as areas where the skin is less likely to develop stretch marks over time. It is preferable to decorate the following areas with quotes:

  • lower back;
  • shoulders and area below the neck;
  • area above the ankles;
  • the area of ​​the hand above the wrist.

These are more successful options for applying the symbol’s inscription, which will have its original appearance for a long time.

Phrases for tattoos with translation

Very popular words for tattoos for girls on English language. Many people know this language modern people, therefore, they can easily reveal the meaning of the inscription that the fair sex decided to tattoo on herself. Next, we will present more original phrases for tattoos with translations for girls.

The people rejoice in the Sun, and I dream about the moon.

This beautiful inscription literally translated means “People are content with counting the sun, but I am in dreams of the moon.”

Laconic english quote has a deep and simple meaning. Its literal translation is “Now or never.”

This inscription is perfect for cheerful and optimistic people who value every minute they live. Translated into Russian, it means nothing more than “Life is beautiful.”

Illusion is the first of all pleasures

Dreamy people will appreciate this quote. In Russian it sounds like “Only illusion is the highest pleasure.”

My guardian angel is always near.

For believing girls, this saying may be suitable, which says: “My guardian angel is always there.”

All that person needs is love.

This phrase is perfect for romantic individuals. It means the following: “All a person needs is love.”

This love “message” is also created for romantic natures. The inscription literally translates as “The only love for life.” With such a phrase, a girl can emphasize and express all the love for her other half.

Only my dream keeps me alive.

The English saying says that its owner wanted to say - “Only my dream can warm me.”

I will get everything I want.

Ambitious and purposeful individuals can choose for themselves this laconic phrase, which speaks for itself. Its literal translation into Russian sounds like “I will definitely have everything I want.”

Be yourself and don’t try to imitate someone.

This quote translates to: “Be yourself and don’t try to imitate anyone.”

Small daily actions are of great importance

This inscription can be translated as “Everyday small actions become of great importance over time.”

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in English can be selected endlessly. These may be your own beliefs and views on life. It is enough to translate them into English and ask an experienced master to write the chosen saying in the required place.

Latin quotes for tattoos

Latin phrases for tattoos are especially popular. Typically this is wise sayings great thinkers of all times and peoples. However, they will “explain” on ancient language in inscriptions, many prefer modern style. Here are some quotes for tattoos in latin with meaning:

Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago.

Translated from Latin into Russian, the saying goes something like this: “I will always thank my mother for the life she gave me.”

Nata sum ut felix essay.

The laconic and optimistic inscription translates as “Born to be happy.”

Noli credere! Noli timere! Noli petere!

This saying in Latin has a deep meaning and can say a lot about the owner of this inscription. This statement contains three short sentences of encouragement, literally translated as “Don’t believe! Don't be afraid! Do not ask!". Such short phrase suitable for a strong, purposeful girl or a woman who is used to relying only on herself.

For strong-willed people who want to emphasize their individuality and character, this saying is perfect. Translated, it literally sounds like “To be, not to seem.”

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

A fairly short phrase contains a simple truth, which sounds in Russian as follows: “Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you.”

This laconic saying carries a deep meaning and reminds a person that he should enjoy every moment of his existence.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

A simple and short phrase can say a lot: “A person’s actions speak more eloquently than his words.”

For girls who want to express love for their boyfriend, this phrase can be suitable, meaning that “You are my life and soul.”

De gustibus non disputandum est.

An original phrase saying that “There is no arguing about tastes.”

Winged Latin expressions for tattoos

deserve special attention winged ones below latin phrases with meaning for a tattoo with translation.

Nil permanent sub sole.

This inscription reminds a person that “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.”

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt.

The literal translation of the saying is “Other people’s misdeeds are before our eyes, but our own are behind our backs.”

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.

This clever thought serves as a reminder to a person that happiness is easier to find than to maintain it later.

The succinct quote means that “It is common for every person to make mistakes.”

Fortunam suam quisque parat.

Translated into Russian, the phrase sounds like “Every person is the arbiter of his own destiny.”

Literal translation wise quotes“Love is the greatest thing in life.”

The laconic quote says that everything is nothing but vanity of vanities.

Potius sero quam nunquam.

It's very popular catchphrase, which means “Better late than never.”

The literal translation of the saying is: “To each his own” or “Everyone chooses his own path.”

Lettering in Russian for tattoos

Adherents of their native language can decorate their body with an inscription in Russian. By tattooing phrases in his own language, a person first of all expresses his respect for him. However, sayings in Russian are less popular. It is believed that inscriptions embossed in English, Latin or any other language are more original.

Despite this, there are those units that do not change their native language. It is for them that the list of phrases below is presented:

  • “Only mother is worthy of love”;
  • “Fate helps the brave”;
  • "To each his own";
  • “Living means acting”;
  • "Love conquers all";
  • "Let everythnig will be alright";
  • “Listen a lot, talk little”;
  • “Variety is fun”;
  • “Only the first step is difficult”;
  • “We will live and love”;

It is important not only to choose the right phrase, but also to choose a font that will make the inscription original and beautiful. This matter can be entrusted to a master who will clearly demonstrate all possible options.

You can supplement the tattoo with an inscription in Russian with a small drawing that will highlight the meaning of the saying itself or a separate word.

Slavic symbolism for tattoos

Of particular interest are not only phrases for tattoos with meaning, but also Slavic symbols having pagan roots. Many people apply this kind of tattoos as a talisman. Pagan tattoos can be depicted as.