Royal regalia, which at all times symbolizes power and might, today adorns the bodies of ambitious individuals who know their worth and love to live like a king.

Crowns in the form of a pair tattoo on the hands

The Sumerians, ancient Egyptians and Romans were also familiar with the crown. Originally it was a crown of flowers, and in pre-literate cultures we find similar head decorations made of horns, feathers and branches. The choice of a body part for the crown is not accidental, because the head and the decoration on it should elevate a person above those around him.

This is interesting. During the reign of kings, only members of the royal family could afford such a tattoo. In England, supporters of the existing government decorated themselves with this design.

Crown on the girl's back

From the 11th century, crowns became a mandatory attribute in feudal Europe. In Rus', its role was initially replaced by the Monomakh cap, and later the Great Imperial Crown appeared. There are crown-like headdresses for religious figures, for example, the well-known tiara of the Pope.

It is believed that the shape of this headdress with numerous carved teeth and plates represents the ramparts and turrets of the walled city, which is symbolically placed on the head of the ruler.

In most cultures, the image of a crown is associated not only with the powerful absolute power of the ruler, but also with the divine principle, because only the gods can give power to a person.

Important. In the underworld, a tattoo with a royal symbol indicates the high position of its owner behind barbed wire. The snake depicted underneath says that its bearer is an authority, a thief in law. Some tattoos are complemented by this symbol to show that the person is in conflict with power and denies it. A tiger with this headdress in its paws symbolizes man's desire for violence. A crown with four card suits is placed on the back of passive homosexuals.

Graceful crown tattoo on a girl's hand

Often this sign was depicted on knightly shields and flags of countries, and certainly referred us to a high, elite position in society. The golden crown of Apollo in Greek myths is directly related to the image of the crown. It is also found in Christianity, because a halo can also be interpreted as a divine decoration.

The image of a crown is more typical of Western culture, but it is also rarely found in Eastern traditions. So, in Korea, a turtle with a crown symbolizes power and longevity.

If you are interested in a cross tattoo, the sketches in the article will help you decide on the choice of image.

Crown with cross tattoo on arm

Popular meanings

But no matter how multifaceted the crown tattoo is in different cultures, its meaning is invariably associated with the following categories:

  • Power, dominance, superiority;
  • Majesty, royalty;
  • Strength, power, wisdom;
  • Ambition, arrogance, pride;
  • Divine patronage, protection;
  • Immortality, endless movement, cycle of life.

Crown tattoo on fingers

Who chooses a crown tattoo?

  1. Ambitious individuals striving for power in any sphere.
  2. Powerful people by nature.
  3. Girls eager to show their superiority and higher status compared to other women.
  4. People who want to emphasize their uniqueness and specialness.
  5. Individuals with an active life position, those who do not like to let things go to their own devices, are able to create their own destiny.

Crown on the ring finger

Image options

I don't think the crown is just a girly tattoo. On my shoulder it is done in black and red and looks very masculine. I advise everyone not to worry about stereotypes, but to do what they like.

Vadim, Uglich

  • A crown decorated with any stones and jewelry indicates that a person is looking for the meaning of life.
  • Sometimes precious stones are placed symmetrically with the crown or next to it, most often these are blue sapphires or snow-white diamonds.
  • The Celtic ornament with the image of a crown, heart and hands is the personification of devoted friendship, true love and constancy.
  • An image with three sharp teeth will indicate Faith, Hope and Love.
  • A heart under a crown is considered a sign of good luck. This is the kind of couple tattoo that many loving couples now choose.
  • A cartoon crown, often small in size and drawn slightly askew, will reveal a person living in fairy tales and dreams, or a little princess waiting for her prince.
  • Often the crown is accompanied by an inscription. Latin catchphrases and quotes from great people are especially common. Some people put their name or initials on it. As a rule, the inscription is made in Latin script or Gothic fonts.
  • The cross is complemented by people who believe in Jesus Christ.
  • The headdress on the head of a lion represents the leadership qualities of the owner of the tattoo.
  • Skull decorated with a golden crown. Another popular story in which each owner puts his own meaning. For some it is a symbol of the frailty of human life, for others it is an indication that you will be luckier in the next life. Many people use this tattoo for its aesthetic function, without paying attention to the symbolism.

Back of a girl with a crown tattoo

Place of application

She had a royal crown stamped on her back with a ribbon that said “Queen Victoria.” I am grateful to the artist for the quality work and interesting composition. I admire my tattoo every free minute.

Victoria, Penza

The most popular option is the shoulder and forearm. This is where tattoos are placed by people seeking to attract or retain power and might. Often, brave people decorate their chest with a royal headdress.

The wrist is an ideal area for small cartoon or sketchy crowns, and girls most often place a tattoo here. It is not uncommon to get a tattoo on the ankle, ankle or foot.

The back is a very common area for royal regalia. There are a lot of placement options here - right under the neck, on one of the shoulder blades or between them. Girls love to wear a crown on the top of their back or on the back of their head. Here it is usually accompanied by the owner's initials or a quote reflecting her worldview.

In any case, if you are interested in a crown tattoo, the photos in the article will give you many ideas for its implementation.

What is the meaning and meaning of a crown tattoo?

A crown tattoo is not very common, but crown tattoo meaning, deserves special attention. For many peoples, the crown is a symbol of power, power and prestige, indicating belonging to a high family. Therefore, the main meaning of a crown tattoo is a high social position in society or the desire for power. Most often, self-confident and focused people choose this tattoo. In addition, you need to remember that a crown tattoo is often used in prison tattoos and indicates that its owner has great authority in the criminal world.

Crown and diamond tattoo on a girl's back

History of the crown tattoo

Many cultures and religions have a symbol of the crown. In ancient cultures, the crown testified to the divine principle and was a symbol of various gods. In ancient Greek mythology, the crown was the laurel crown of the god Apollo. In Christianity, the halos of angels and saints were compared with the crown, and the crown is also associated with the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, the Virgin Mary is called the Queen of Heaven and is depicted with a halo resembling a crown. We know that in many countries the crown is a symbol of the monarchy, power and is present in the heraldry and attributes of countries where a monarchy existed or still exists. For example, the coat of arms of Spain depicts a lion with a crown on its head. Many monarchs wore and still wear a crown as a symbol of their power. In the Middle Ages, the image of a crown was often found on the coats of arms and armor of noble knights.

Capital letter and crown in tattoo

What does a crown tattoo mean?

A tattoo in the form of a crown symbolizes the thirst for power, the desire for it, superiority over others, the desire to lead them. In addition, the crown is often depicted in combination with other objects. Therefore, its meaning also depends on the composition, where the crown has superiority over other symbols depicted nearby.

  • A crown, depicted together with a heart, is often worn by lovers and means fidelity, passionate love, constancy, devotion.
  • The crown depicted above the heart symbolizes good luck.
  • The crown on the head of a turtle is a Korean symbol of a calm life and longevity.
  • The Celtic bracelet, which consists of two hands holding a crown with a heart, has its own meaning. Hands - friendship, crown - fidelity, constancy, heart - ardent love.
  • The image of a small crown in a unique original style on a girl indicates her desire to stand out and give herself an elite status.
  • Girls who want to look like princesses choose a small crown tattoo.

Crown tattoos are quite widespread in the criminal world and have a special meaning. Most often, the presence of a crown in a prisoner’s tattoo indicates his high authority in prison, as well as a particularly serious crime or unwillingness to obey the laws. The crown depicted above the snake is a symbol of the thief in law or the beholder. It is usually depicted on the chest or shoulder. A tiger holding a crown in its paws symbolizes the desire for violence. If the crown is depicted on the back, then this means humiliation. The crown, depicted with red cards, indicates that its owner is a passive homosexual (mainly applied by force, for humiliation).

Whatever the appearance of the crown, in any case it is associated with power, freedom, and the desire to control one’s own destiny. For some people, the crown is a symbol of perseverance, determination, self-control, and victory.

Tattoo of a skull in a crown

Crown tattoo: meaning of the symbol

We all know that the crown is a symbolic object of royal rule. This headdress already on a subconscious level evokes associations with sole and unlimited power. Therefore, today many people strive to get a “crown” tattoo, the meaning of which in most cases remains traditional and symbolizes superiority.

"Crown" on the body

The “royal” tattoo has no gender and can be tattooed on both female and male bodies. However, the meaning changes slightly. A girl who has given herself a “crown” tattoo has the following meaning: she strives to rise above her friends around her, informing the outside world about her “privileged” princess status, which she has assigned to herself. This is probably how every little girl’s desire to become a princess, and then a queen, is expressed at a conscious age. The “crown” tattoo, the meaning of which we are considering, made by a woman, in most cases is a way of self-expression, which is intended to communicate her superiority, originality and chosenness. Girls also get “crown” tattoos to demonstrate to men their superior position and to compete with them in all areas of life.

Crown tattoo: meaning

All tattoos have some specific meaning and significance. Many of them come from the prison subculture, in which tattoos serve as unique “marks” and can often tell much more about their owner than he himself. The “crown” located on the shoulder or chest, which crowns the head of the snake, identifies a thief in law, who keeps himself apart from ordinary criminals and leads them. The “crown” tattoo also has the following meaning in the criminal world: a prisoner with this symbol has committed a serious crime or demonstrates his disobedience to the correctional system. For other cultures, a crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, has divine meaning and personifies higher powers. Also, the crown as a tattoo is accepted in criminal circles, in particular among street thieves and hooligans. She is depicted with a tiger holding her in his paw. This composition makes an aggressive impression and is intended to inform others that its owner has a tendency and readiness for violence. The “crown” in the form of red card suits is characteristic of homosexuals, but what they want to express with such a symbol is not known to the general public. There is information that such tattoos on people with this orientation can be performed in a violent way.

Crown image

Today, a tattoo with this royal crown is done on a variety of parts of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, back and so on - as imagination and a sense of proportion allow. Girls prefer small, neat and sophisticated images, guys, naturally, larger and rougher ones. By the way, tattoo prices also depend on this. Some people get tattoos in secluded places, not wanting to advertise their love for body art (for themselves), while others, on the contrary, do it in prominent areas to demonstrate their originality. Often the crown is depicted in combination with other objects. This is done to emphasize their importance. For example, in Korea, the crown is depicted with a turtle, thereby highlighting its characteristic qualities - wisdom and longevity. The crown depicted on the left side of the chest is considered a talisman for good luck, and on the back it is a symbol of the humiliation experienced. Basically, the crown is tattooed exclusively as a fashionable and iconic attribute of modern tattoo art.

Crown tattoo on neck

During the time of the kings, a crown tattoo on the neck had only one meaning - belonging to the ruling dynasty, and only members of the royal family were allowed to do it. Now anyone can get such a tattoo, although it has not lost its meaning (power, leadership). In addition, the image can be supplemented with other elements that emphasize the individuality and personal qualities of the owner of the tattoo.

What does a crown tattoo on the neck mean?

Classic interpretation of the picture in question:

  • leadership skills;
  • desire for power;
  • superiority over others;
  • outstanding achievements;
  • achieving success in all endeavors;
  • prestigious position in society;
  • wealth, material wealth, luxurious life;
  • strong, stable character;
  • courage, bravery;
  • immortality, longevity;
  • noble origin.

Also, a tattoo on a girl’s neck with an image of a crown can have other, less profound meanings. For example, many women fill themselves with the picture described in order to emphasize their peculiarity and exclusivity in comparison with other ladies. Younger people put a different meaning into the tattoo; for them it symbolizes the purity and innocence of the princess, the expectation of a miracle, and naivety.

What are the meanings of a crown tattoo on the neck in a composition?

Increasingly, the described symbol is printed in combination with other designs.

Heart with crown

In this case, the emphasis is on the priority of romance and love in a person’s life. As a rule, such a tattoo means that a woman has a chosen one. It is also fashionable to get paired tattoos with a crowned heart.

Bird with a crown

Much, of course, depends on the type of bird chosen for tattooing, but usually the composition in question testifies to the inner freedom of the tattoo owner combined with strength, power over one’s own life.

Inscriptions or letters with crown

These drawings are intended to emphasize the importance of a word, name, initials. Also used for inscriptions are aphorisms, catchphrases, quotes that are of great importance or serve as a life motto.

Skull with crown

This composition came from Mexico, where there is a more loyal and calm attitude towards death, and they also believe in the reincarnation of the soul. A crowned skull means that the owner of the tattoo will have better luck in the next life.

Cross with crown

The presented combination symbolizes belonging to Christianity. This combination can also indicate the tattoo owner’s religiosity and deep faith in God.

Crown - tattoo for the elite

In a modern person, everything should be beautiful: both the inner world and the appearance. There are many ways to improve and change your appearance, one of them is tattoos. The art of applying images to the skin was popular in the ancient world, but the worldwide fashion for tattoos began quite recently. Today, such “decorations” can be seen on men and women of all ages and social status. However, it is difficult to admire the drawings and inscriptions on someone else’s body without thinking about what prompted the person to get that particular tattoo. Let's try to find out what the crown means - the tattoo is quite popular these days.

General meaning of the symbol

The crown is a symbol of power and superiority over others. It is not without reason that this particular sign has been used since ancient times on the coats of arms of kings and noble people around the world, as well as on the emblems of entire states. It is curious that in the cultures of many ancient civilizations the crown symbolizes precisely the divine principle and power given from above. However, the supreme rulers were often considered the descendants of the gods. It turns out that the meaning of the symbol is extremely positive and sublime, and it is not surprising that the crown (tattoo) is so popular in our time. This image also has its own interpretation in the Christian religion; it is associated with the crown of thorns of Jesus.

Crown tattoo: meaning in the criminal world

Tattoos made in “places not so distant” can be distinguished from ordinary ones by the specific blue color of the ink. Usually just one color is used, and the designs are simple and primitivistic. Although among the prison artists there are also real artists who make large and beautiful tattoos. The crown in the criminal world symbolizes high authority, a particularly serious crime or unwillingness to submit to the prison regime and the laws in force in the country in general. If in addition to the royal symbol there is a snake in the tattoo, you are looking at a thief in law or an observer. But the crown depicted in the paws of a tiger is a symbol of the desire for violence. When considering prison tattoos, special attention should be paid to their location. In its “positive” sense, a crown (tattoo) is applied to the chest or arms. This symbol is usually applied to the back as a sign of humiliation, often against the will of the person. The “crown and red cards” pattern is popular; the owners of such a pattern are passive homosexuals.

Combination with other symbols

Very often in tattoos a crown is depicted together with a heart. It is a symbol of good luck and fortune, as well as a sign of lovers, popular for couples tattoos. A frequently encountered symbol from Korea, the crowned turtle, can be used in body art as a sign of longevity and peaceful life. A small graceful crown is a tattoo popular among young girls. It is very simple to interpret - this is the desire to be a princess and stand out among others. Often they combine the image of a crown with letters, numbers or whole words. The meaning in the inscription is usually purely personal, and it can be difficult for an outsider to decipher it.

Where to get a crown tattoo

The choice of place for tattooing is of great importance only in the criminal world. In general, modern society supports individuality and the desire for self-expression and accepts tattoos on any part of the body. Most often, a “crown” tattoo is located on the arm, chest, or back. You can often see it on the legs, and some artists claim that this is a popular design for intimate tattoos. If you decide to apply such a tattoo on your own body, choose the location and final design to your taste. Don’t forget that, first of all, you are the one to walk around with this image and you will see it most often, and what other people say and think is not so important...

What does the crown on the left hand on the wrist mean?

A crown tattoo is quite rare. And different people take the meaning of crown tattoos differently.
If the crown is depicted above the heart, it symbolizes good luck.
When a crown is depicted along with other symbols, it indicates the high authority and importance of this symbol, its superiority over other symbols.
The crown is a widely used symbol in criminal tattoos. In the underworld, the crown tattoo has a special meaning.
If a prisoner’s tattoo contains a crown, this undoubtedly indicates that this person has high authority in the zone.
It may indicate a particularly serious crime of the convicted person, or a reluctance to succumb to correction; this is a sign of hatred towards the administration and order.
A crown on the back is a sign of humiliation.
But no matter how this symbol is used in the criminal world, for an ordinary person a crown in a tattoo symbolizes power, leadership and self-control.

Tattoos with a crown design have become very popular among girls nowadays. They try to fill it in open places: arms, legs, shoulders, back, since this symbol defines authority, leadership, and strength.

The crown is a royal and princely attribute, confirming the qualities that allowed these people to rise above the population of their empire, giving them the role of leader and protector. But, depending on the surrounding background, country, religion, type of crown itself, interpretations of the symbol vary greatly.

The crown is a noble symbol of power. In ancient cultures, it indicated the divine principle and was a sign of the gods. In Ancient Greece, Apollo had a crown; it was a crown of laurel leaves. In Christianity, the tiara was the halos of angels and saints, but the main crown was the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

The meaning of a crown for a girl

A crown tattoo demonstrates the power and ascension of its owner over others. A girl who gets such a tattoo positions herself as a strong, dominant and rebellious person. Also, such a pattern may indicate a weak, gentle and romantic nature. The meaning of a tattoo can be different, it all depends on the style in which it is made and where it is applied.

The meaning of the crown on the hand

  • The power in my hands is what the crown tattoo says about itself. Girls prefer this design on their hand so that everyone around them can see this symbol and know that she is a queen.
  • Often young females choose a small and neat crown so that it looks gentle on the hand. Such images do not have serious significance and meaning, they simply show others that in front of them is a girl with a pure soul, very trusting, but wayward, who is waiting for a prince.

Also, the sign in the form of a crown demonstrates the eminence of the owner above her surroundings, and the fact that the young woman belongs to the cream of society.

The meaning of the crown on the hand in the zone

  • A crown tattoo on the arm of girls in the criminal world shows that the owner has committed particularly serious crimes and refuses to reform.
  • A tattoo with a crown, which is located above the snake, indicates that the girl has a certain authority in the criminal world.
  • If the image contains a crown next to a skull, then this symbol in prisons identifies a person prone to violence.

Crown on the wrist

The wrist is a popular place to get a crown tattoo.

Most salon clients prefer this particular area for drawing because:

  • this place is distinguished by its versatility for applying the crown for men and women;
  • stamping a mark on the wrist occurs with virtually no pain;
  • you can constantly keep the printed symbol in your field of vision;

In addition, a crown on the wrist adds a special touch to the girl’s look.

There are also disadvantages of tattoos on the wrist:

  • Anyone can see the tattoo. But, despite the massive popularity of body tattoos, many people have a negative attitude towards such things;
  • Problems with body patterns can also arise at work if there are strict requirements for appearance. Then it is better to apply the image to a less noticeable area of ​​the body;
  • If you decide to have a tattoo on your wrist in the future and decide to remove it with a laser, you will be left with marks and damage, since the skin there is very thin and delicate.

Crown on the forearm

The crown sign on the forearm has its advantages:

Disadvantages - the filling process may be accompanied by a slight sensation of pain.

Crown on the shoulder

Pros of placing a crown tattoo on the shoulder:

Disadvantages - as you gain or lose weight, the tattoo can become significantly deformed.

Paired crown on hand

Paired crown tattoos are very popular. The meaning of this symbol is devotion. Most often, newlyweds or those couples who have a long and serious relationship get a couple tattoo in the form of a crown.

For such people, this image signifies loyalty to their soulmate. At the same time, such paired tattoos look unusually beautiful; they serve as a reminder of your vows and promises to your loved one.

Other cultures attribute additional meaning to such images: a paired crown in the hands of loving people is a symbol of a strong family, true love and longevity.

Inscriptions under the crown and their meaning

Most often, girls write their name or initials under the tiara.

The following expressions are also popular:

  • queen;
  • one Love - one Life;
  • always number one.

All these inscriptions can be depicted in any language, but Latin or English are more often used. Such signatures under the crown mean that the owner of such a tattoo has a high opinion of herself and demonstrates her superiority over other people.

Crown with letter and its meaning

Most often, girls accompany a crown tattoo with a letter symbol, choosing for this their initials, a loved one or children, thereby emphasizing their love.

But the following letter meanings are also common:


Realism in a tattoo indicates a serious approach to the matter and implies reproduction with the highest accuracy of a real object. The image of a tiara made in a similar style declares the desire to control and manage others.


This direction involves original, bright, catchy, saturated images, characterized by a clear, wide and rough outline. For this style, masters often create works with ironic nuances. A crown implemented in a similar style will show the owner’s outstanding intelligence, extraordinary personality and need to be the center of attention.


This style is characterized by church and sacred themes. Images are made in dark colors. The drawings are executed with distinct lines, and a shadow is always drawn.

People believe that a crown tattoo on the hand in the Chicano style will serve as a talisman against various troubles, guide you along the right path in life, and betray faith in your strength.


Works made in a similar style are distinguished by careless lines and bright colors. Watercolor tattoos are filled with sensuality, carelessness, lightness and romance.

A crown tattoo on the hand for girls, on the wrist looks gentle and emphasizes strength and beauty

This tattoo technique will be relevant for lovers of body painting. A girl's crown tattoo using watercolor technique demonstrates elegance, originality, determination, and self-esteem. Such a crown will emphasize the fragility of the princess.

Gold crown with closed rim

A tattoo in the form of a crown with a closed rim declares the endless power, might and immortality of its owner.

Tower Crown

The tower crown symbolizes a holy place, a divine home, which is surrounded by a magical wall.

Crown with upward rays

The crown, consisting of pointed rays that are directed upward like the sun's, shows the wisdom, greatness and spiritual dominance of its owner over others.

Crown with precious stones

Precious stones located on the crown draw the attention of others to the importance, arrogance, and extraordinary nature of its owner.

Crown with royal attributes

Such a tattoo indicates the owner’s elevation above others, her arrogance and pride.

Crown with wings

A crown with wings, together with semi-precious or precious stones, has a philosophical meaning.
This tattoo symbolizes the search for the meaning of life. As a rule, such a crown is applied to the forearm, thereby emphasizing one’s power and desire to control others.

Crown on the head of a lion

This tattoo represents a crown on a lion's head. This drawing displays wisdom, strength, justice, fearlessness. The tiara emphasizes the royalty and nobility of the predator, declares the mistress’s desire to control those around her and in her power to become like the king of beasts. In such a tattoo on a girl’s arm, there may additionally be inscriptions that emphasize the individuality of the owner and help convey to others the meaning embedded in the image.

Crown with cross

A crown with a cross indicates that its owner serves God and lives according to his commandments.

It is better to make large images on the shoulder, then the picture will look as impressive as possible, the master will be able to convey the detail of the image.

Before getting a permanent tattoo, experts recommend first making it with henna and wearing it for a while. This will help confirm (especially for a beginner) that their choice is correct.

Experts strongly advise getting a tattoo in a specialized salon, where all sanitary requirements will be met and professional tattoo artists work.

The choice of paint should be taken with special responsibility. The use of cheap paints is not recommended, as they contain particles of toxic plastic and can cause a very severe allergic reaction. Preference should be given to renowned companies that produce professional tattoo inks.

Different variations of crown tattoos on the arm of girls are mostly a manifestation of leadership, greatness and elevation above others. Each girl chooses the style and theme of her symbol, starting from the meaning that she wants to convey to others. In any case, such a tattoo will arouse public interest and will not leave its owner in the shadows.

Crown tattoo video

Crown tattoo, meaning:

Crown tattoo:

The crown has always been perceived by people as a sign of chosenness, greatness and power. Such a special symbol is very popular today in the culture of body art and tattoos. But to understand what a crown tattoo means for men, you need to take a closer look at the sketch itself, its location on the body and the presence of additional elements.

If previously only rulers, the mighty of this world, wore the crown, today any person can be a “king” in his field, demonstrating his confidence and strength, position and leadership through a tattoo. All that remains is to look through the interesting options for men's tattoos with a crown, choose a style and color scheme.

To understand the meaning of crown tattoos for men, you can try to translate the word. In Latin, crown means wreath or crown. The crown has always been associated with power, chosenness and superiority over others. You can talk more about the meaning of tattoos if you consider the ideas of the sketches.

Crown with precious stones– high knowledge, professionalism, strong intuition, leadership, wisdom, ability to make thoughtful decisions.

Crown with name inscription– a tattoo shows that this person is the most important and paramount for a man.

Crown with closed rim- a symbol of endless power and superiority, the infinity of existence, the immortality of the human soul.

Tower Crown- means a holy place or divine abode protected by magical walls. In simple terms, it is a symbol of protection and safety.

Crown with pointed "rays"– the symbol is associated with the energy of the sun, warmth and strength penetrating everywhere, wisdom and royalty, spiritual ascension.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

The latest trend for 2018-2019 is paired tattoos with crowns for a man and his companion. In this way, you can emphasize the depth of feelings and show your significant other that they are the most important and beloved.

What does a crown tattoo mean for a man?

Despite the fact that in modern society it is becoming less and less common to observe the attributes of royal power; rather, they can be museum exhibits or decorations; all the same, the symbolism of the crown is still relevant in tattoo culture. Today, the crown is tattooed everywhere - young guys, creative individuals, respectable status men, prisoners, as well as representatives of the fair sex.

Where did the tradition of wearing a crown come from? Even in ancient tribes of different nations, there was a custom of weaving wreaths from branches, flowers, feathers, horns and other improvised means, using the device as a sign of passing power or the presence of secret knowledge. Later, priests, seers and those who had connections with higher powers began to wear decorations similar to the crown.

After some more time, it was already a crown or tiara, made of rare metals, complemented with precious stones. It seemed to rise above its bearer, thereby elevating him himself. This is where the association came from that the crown is a material sign of the manifestation of dominance, spiritual enlightenment, and the presence of special powers. And in the Middle Ages, a hierarchy and classification of crowns appeared.

Where do men most often get crown tattoos?

In order for a tattoo with a crown to be not just an aesthetic element for a guy, but a symbol with sacred meaning and deep meaning, you need not only to choose the right sketch, but also the location on the body. It is known that each area has its own energy and influence.


A crown tattoo on the shoulder can look harmonious on a purposeful man with an active and strong position in life. A tattoo in this place will help you become influential, successful, advance in your career and build interpersonal relationships only forward.


A crown on the forearm is a symbol of high social status or a man’s desire for it. The picture also demonstrates that you are looking at a self-confident leader who clearly sets goals and objectives and achieves them step by step.

Wrist tattoo

A crown on the wrist is the most popular choice of modern men, since here a small symbol will look harmonious and understandable. Often in this place the name and date are added to the item, emphasizing their importance for the owner of the tattoo.

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Tattoos on the palm, hand or fingers are made by extraordinary and creative individuals. The crown in this place can help you achieve heights in your career and professional activities, and develop your creative potential.

Tattoo sleeve

A sleeve is a tattoo on the arm that completely covers it. In this place, the crown can be combined with different animals, other elements and symbols. It will emphasize the strength, wisdom, courage and nobility of the owner.


The presence of a crown design on the neck can be attributed to a sign of the privilege of people of “blue blood”. In this way, a man tries to emphasize his uniqueness, difference from others, leadership and strength.


The crown, to be stuffed by the master on the left side of the chest, is an effective talisman for good luck, success and luck. Also, a tattoo can help you find true love and family happiness.


If the crown is placed on its side, it symbolizes a man’s special attitude towards himself, respect and value of his own life and destiny.


The crown on the thigh is a more feminine version of the tattoo. If a man gets a tattoo in this place, it will concern his personal intimate sphere, love and passion.


Crown tattoos are rare on the back. In some circles, it is believed that a crown on the back is a symbol of pain, violence or humiliation experienced. Therefore, rarely do any men use such an object in their back tattoo designs.


The crown on the shoulder blade is a symbol of a man’s ambition, his increased demands on himself and his life. It is believed that a crown on the shoulder blade or between the shoulder blades gives a man confidence and determination.


Are there any recommendations for applying a crown tattoo in different combinations?

Before getting a tattoo, a man can experiment with designs by wearing a temporary transfer on the skin or doing a henna design. Thus, you can visually verify the correctness of the choice of both the sketch and the place on the body for it. Also consider a few important points:

  • for what purposes do you need a tattoo;
  • what is the task of drawing on the body;
  • does the nature of the tattoo correspond to the image and lifestyle;
  • what color and style would suit the tattoo;
  • what other symbols can be on a crown tattoo;
  • where you can get high-quality and safe work;
  • how much will a tattoo cost?
  • how often will you have to adjust the sketch on the body;
  • Are you ready to live with this pattern for the rest of your life?

Important! When choosing a tattoo, consider whether you will need to periodically hide the design from others in a work or official setting. If the answer is yes, choose places on the body that can be easily hidden with clothing.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

The tattoo design must correspond to the location on the body according to the principle of proportionality and proportionality. For example:

  • large sketch in a complex design with additional characters, decorative items, inscriptions, suitable for the back, chest, side, arms and legs;
  • moderate sketch with a small number of inserts and additions it will harmonize with such places on the body as shoulders, shoulder blades, forearms, hips;
  • small tattoos in a minimalist design without unnecessary details, suitable for hands, wrists, fingers and neck.

Styles and Colors That Are Popular for Crown Tattoos

Tattoo style is a special look at the execution of the design by the master. Most often, crown tattoos are depicted in several versions:

realism– believable execution of the item in a three-dimensional 3D style;

new school– bright, catchy and extraordinary designs with rough, wide lines;

Chicano– religious and sacred themes in contrasting dark colors using clear but elegant lines;

watercolor– careless and blurry colors and lines, using bright shades;

minimalism– laconic execution without unnecessary details and touches.

Symbols that a crown tattoo can be combined with

You can complement a crown tattoo with different symbols, characters, inscriptions and decorative elements. But most often craftsmen perform the following sketches:

crown on the head of a lion– leadership, need for control, innate leadership and organization skills;

crown and cross– willpower, desire for victory, love of faith, its importance in life, hope and faith;

crown, gems, money– a symbol of prosperity and financial well-being, priority in material values;

crown and wings– a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, human self-development, determination to conquer new heights;

crown with heart– devotion to your feelings and your soulmate;

four leaf clover crown– a talisman for good luck;

crown with dagger, cards, rose, ribbons or skulls- freedom of thought, action and morals of a man, his steadfastness and firmness.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

You need to get a tattoo in a tattoo parlor where professional artists work and sanitary standards are observed. Preference should be given to places where tattoos are performed by renowned companies with professional paints and equipment. A tattoo in an untested place risks infections, injuries, allergies, poor-quality results and the absence of any guarantees.

Have you already chosen a place on your body where you will get a tattoo?


Tattoos with crowns are also common in the zone; each individual design requires a clear understanding and competent application. The most common ideas used in such places are:

  • a crown with a lion is a symbol of a criminal authority;
  • a crown with a snake - a leader and a dangerous person;
  • ring with a crown - thief in law, crime boss;
  • crown - the number of lines from it shows the number of convictions.

It is extremely important to understand all the meanings of the chosen tattoo, so that in the future there will be no misunderstandings and conflicts against the background of incorrect perception of the body design by people around you.


Are you wondering if you should get a crown tattoo? In many ways, the answer depends on the task and purpose of the tattoo, the selected sketch and location on the body, style, and the presence of additional elements and symbols. The crown is the choice of a strong, self-confident man striving for leadership, success and self-development. The nature of the tattoo should not create dissonance with the character of the owner.

Throughout the world, the crown is a symbol of power, authority and prestige. It's no wonder why many guys and girls choose this image as a tattoo. Due to the variety of designs, a crown tattoo can be located on any part of the body. As a rule, an image of one crown is chosen for a tattoo, but it is not uncommon to see a combination of a crown with precious stones, for example, a diamond or sapphire.

Crown Tattoo: Meaning

The symbol of the crown is common to many cultures. Firstly, it is inextricably associated with the crown of thorns, which was worn by Jesus Christ during the crucifixion. Also of religious significance is the comparison of the crown with a halo, saints and gods. The Catholic Virgin Mary has a saint's halo above her head. She is often referred to as the “queen of heaven.”

on the ankle

In many countries, the crown was (and is) worn by representatives of the ruling monarchy.

In ancient cultures, the crown spoke of the divine principle and was a symbol of the gods.

In European countries in medieval times, the crown was often depicted with. This combination represented "victory".

The crown itself is a very strong symbol, so the main meaning of the crown tattoo is power, strength and superiority. Some people use this interpretation in a figurative sense. Therefore, very often this image speaks of self-control, and that its owner has power over his emotions and knows how to manage himself.

The girls added their own special meaning to the crown tattoo. Representatives of the fair sex love to associate themselves with princesses, demonstrating to others their uniqueness.

So, let's summarize the above. Don't forget that the crown tattoo has many interpretations, choose the one that suits you best.

Crown Tattoo Meaning:

  • Leadership;
  • Luck;
  • Strength and authority;
  • Justice;
  • Jesus;
  • Divine inspiration;
  • Legality;
  • Immortality;
  • Control;
  • Eigenvalue;
  • Prestige;
  • Greatness.

Crown Tattoo Ideas

As already noted, a crown tattoo can be done in many ways. To attract more attention to the tattoo, many people add additional elements to the design. It can be:

Precious stones and skulls - this combination speaks of power and superiority;

Head - about leadership and leadership qualities of the owner;

Typically the owner;

Cross - Jesus.

behind the ear

on the heel

crown and skull on ribs

crown and bird on ankle

crown and circlet on the inside of the arm

crown, circlet and diamond on the collarbone

crown and diamonds on shoulder

crown and cross on hand

rose crown

on the finger in the form of a ring

crown and key on hand

crown and jewel on a chain on the back

on logta

cross and crown on hand

on the shoulder