Hypertension is normal. By measuring blood pressure, scientists found that it is the highest in giraffes. Hypertension is normal for him. Blood pressure is needed to provide nutrition to the brain.

Long, vertical - an obstacle to the flow of red blood cells. Pressure helps to raise. But people are interested in giraffes not so much in physiological facts as in symbolism.

The inhabitant of the savannah embodies elegance, foresight, and grace. This is the reason for its popularity animal tattoo. However, other animals are also reflected on the bodies.

It is customary to use their images as, or correlate with their character traits. Dozens of popular images are asking to join the giraffe’s “company”. Let's study their meanings.

Meaning of animal tattoos

The meaning of animal tattoos depends on the type of interpretation. You can rely on textbooks, or you can rely on stories and legends. In the East, for example, they talk about the existence of executioners.

It is said that in ancient times African giants were trained to crush the heads of criminals crucified on the ground. It turns out, beautiful tattoos animals with raised front legs - punishment.

If you look at the elephant from a scientific point of view, the animal can become a symbol of matriarchy. The herds are led mainly by females. They, like male elephants, are friendly. Suffice it to remember that when they meet, giants intertwine their trunks. This is a kind of hug. In addition, elephants know how to smile.

In legends, rhinoceroses are called “savannah firefighters.” It is believed that when animals see it, they rush towards it and trample out the flame. There is such a scene in the film “The Gods Must Have Gone Crazy.”

Actually, the picture is “to blame” for the appearance of the legend about fire fighters. In nature, rhinoceroses are afraid of flames. But animals are blind. For a rhinoceros, a fire in the night is just a bright spot towards which they rush with curiosity.

Realizing that they have come running to the fire, and even sensing people nearby, the animals rush around in panic. These throwings can lead to trampling of the fire, which is not an end in itself. In general, from the point of view of science, the rhinoceros is the embodiment of clumsy power.

Dozens of legends “force” you to look through animal tattoo designs fox They are associated with intelligence and cunning. I remember stories about a cheat who lowers her tail into the water so that small fish get entangled in its hairs.

The events of Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Cheese” also come to mind, in which the fox uses cunning to lure out a delicacy. In fairy tales, there is also a plot about a red-haired woman pretending to be dead in order to catch prey or get onto a fisherman’s cart and eat perch.

From a scientific point of view, with fox animal tattoo on arm or other part of the body, are a symbol of loneliness, independence. Unlike their relatives, wolves and jackals, red cheaters do not form packs.

Foxes unite only when they give birth. The mother and her brood sit in a hole, and the father brings them food. This continues for 7 months, which indicates the foxes’ strong parental feelings.

A number of legends are associated with wolves. In Slavic legends, black animals are the servants of Cherneobog, and white animals are servants of Belobog. A meeting with the former promises war or, and with the latter - quick happiness.

Considering that albinos are rare, Slavic tribe I had to drown in soldiers and not know joy. It is better to rely on scientific arguments. According to them, wolves symbolize keen hearing and scent.

Predators pick up sounds at a distance of 15 kilometers. Of the odors, 200,000,000 are available to wolves versus 5,000,000 captured by humans. Accordingly, a tattoo with a wolf is associated with certain superpowers, instincts and what is commonly called flair.

Among tattoo Realistic animals there is an image in the form of a mountain. Thus, the clubfoot is indebted to the legend. It says that a group of bears once lived on the southern tip of Crimea.

Their old leader saved them in a shuttle rushing along the waves. Living with animals, the baby has matured. Then a young man sailed to a distant shore, fell in love, built a raft and took it with him.

The leader bear became so attached to his ward that he howled, hid his head in the sea and began to pull him into his mouth. So did the other clubfooted people. But she started singing. Having listened, the bears raised.

Only the leader continued to draw in the sea in the hope of turning the current back. The beast's body was petrified. The mountain sticking out of the waters of the Crimean Sea has the outline of a lying animal and is a symbol of love, a certain possessiveness, and affection.

From a scientific point of view, bears are a sign of logic. Its presence in clubfoot is indicated, for example, by the ability to walk backwards, specifically to confuse their tracks.

Particularly relevant colored animal tattoos, because clubfoot is one of the few mammals that can distinguish colors. Both in this and in their cunning, bears are similar to people. Tattoos with club feet are applied in the same way as signs of power, because the Potapychi are large and strong.

About some animals scientific facts no, because animals exist only in myths. What can we say about a hydra, a unicorn, a bird? We have to be content with only legends and the transfer of their images into real life.

So, the hydra became the emblem of "". Now a woman with chilling eyes and snakes instead of hair is not only a symbol of evil, but also of fashion. However, the world of fashion is considered by many to be an expression of vice. In contrast to it stands the image of a unicorn. It is associated with virgin purity, goodness, and light magic.

Another mythical horse, Pegasus, is the son of the god of the seas Poseidon and Hydra. On Olympus, Pegasus offers it to Zeus. On Earth, the winged horse managed to knock out the hippocrene with its hoof. This is the source of the muses.

Accordingly, Pegasus is included in the list of “ Tattoos: female animals“, because all the muses are girls. In general terms, a tattoo with a winged horse is a sign of creativity and inspiration.

Pegasus can be considered a male symbol in images next to lightning. Such pictures personify the energy of Zeus, strength, power and dominance in the world. However, oh Tattoo "Male Animals" and “Women’s” we will talk in separate chapters.

Animal tattoos for girls

A typical female animal is the frog. Suffice it to recall the fairy tale about the princess who took on her appearance after witchcraft and became Ivan’s wife. The frog is associated with the feminine principle due to its ability to transform.

This refers to the transformation of an egg into a tadpole, and that into a frog. The abundance of “eggs” in the clutch is a sign of fertility. The element of water, its fluidity and mystery are also close to the feminine principle.

The rabbit is also included in the female symbols. He is considered a companion of witches and guardian of the gates of the night. In addition, the animal represents fertility. The reason for this is frequent and large litters of rabbits.

I also remember the animal from the fairy tale about Alice in Wonderland. The rabbit was always in a hurry somewhere, calling for people to follow him. As a result, the animal from the fairy tale became a symbol of the rush for time, the pursuit of the elusive, and mystery.

In women's black animal tattoos and the praying mantis often enters. Naturally, female insects are depicted. They are associated with deceit, consumer attitudes towards men and dominance over them. The picture hints that a woman, like a female praying mantis, is capable of “eating” her partner.

Many animals are chosen by women for their grace and beauty. I want the tattoo to reflect the curves female body and gentleness of character. Hence with the swans.

These birds are not only spectacular, but also symbolize fidelity, since they are not inclined to change partners. Representatives of cats are a sign of sexual and somewhat dangerous grace.

Economics can also be brought to the fore. Clean ladies order small animal tattoos- rinses. The animals are related to raccoons and wash everything, even food. A humorous show is connected with this when the stripers are given cotton candy in their paws. The animals immediately lower it into the river and wonder where the prey disappears to.

Girls love to emphasize not only their grace, sexuality, thriftiness, but also their lightness. The airiness of nature is expressed by the hummingbird. The bird is the embodiment of freedom of movement, the joy of life, the colors of existence.

A completely different energy comes from images from. These animal tattoo on forearm, , and not only, is a sign of wisdom and thoughtfulness. Because they are active at night, owls have been associated with the forces of darkness.

Male energy is usually correlated with the sun. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex also choose light-colored animals, in figuratively, Certainly.

Animal tattoos for men

Among the birds, guys give preference to swallows, hawks and falcons. Predators differ in their flight altitude. This speaks of both life aspirations and proximity to that very thing.

- a sea symbol, or more precisely, a sign of the proximity of land. Seeing birds, sailors understand that land is nearby. Swallows do not tend to fly far into the ocean. Therefore, with birds they mean a craving for home, its value for a man, a desire to stand on his feet.

If girls prefer full-scale images of animals, then guys often choose Animal Skull Tattoo. The fact is that the body, as a rule, personifies movement and grace.

The head is the concentration of thought. Men like to focus on erudition. In addition, the grin of the animals is exploited. He personifies aggression, the willingness to stand up for oneself.

Guys express their nobility and claim to royalty through s. Plus, mythical snakes promise wealth. In terms of amulet, the dragon is a spiritual mentor.

This means that there is both wisdom and prudence. Carries a different energy Wolverine tattoo. Animal famous for its ferocity, thoughtless rage. Wolverines are hardy and usually attack the weak.

The mission of the animals is connected with this. They clear the forests of diseased animals, preserving a healthy gene pool and preventing epidemics. From this point of view, a tattoo with a wolverine is the emblem of a fighter for the health of the nation. Therefore, doctors choose. However, tattoos with wolverines are also ordered by members of nationalist movements.

Among the inhabitants of the seas, the guys are inspired by stingrays, sharks, and seals. The latter are a symbol of parental responsibilities. Accordingly, tattoos with seals are applied by male fathers.

- sign of the hunter. Perhaps he is stalking women, or perhaps he is striving for success and wealth. Skat is associated in the mind with freedom, friendliness and relaxation. This is the emblem of travelers.

Depicts realistic or geometric animals. Tattoo with the latter they are abstract and, in addition to the main essence, express the desire for creativity and modernity.

Tattoo "Geometry: Animals" guys love to portray in tribal style. This is an Aboriginal technique. Pictures are made up of dots, curls, lines. Girls ask more often.

In it shoulder tattoo - animals, composed of color “strokes”. There is something mysterious and soft in such a blurry picture. The lines in guys’ tattoos are often clear. The form expresses a position in life and a certain severity.

In this article we will talk about wolverine tattoos. Well, first of all, it should be said that if when you hear the word “Wolverine” you remember not a predatory animal from the mustelid family, but Hugh Jackman, in tight pants and a leather jacket, then you can skip the first couple of paragraphs and read about the tattoo with Wolverine from Marvel . Well, if you are one hundredth of a zoologist, then we will tell you about the meaning of a tattoo with a wolverine (animal). First of all, don't forget that this is a predator. very dangerous and very aggressive. No, not even that. VERY DANGEROUS AND VERY AGGRESSIVE! It is believed that this is almost the only animal that, without hesitation, will rush to attack, and it does not matter at all whether its enemy is larger or stronger. crazy wolverine. Absolutely. Sharp teeth and claws (and, of course, temperament) are the main weapons of this beast. The animal is very beautiful, self-confident, very daring, but at the same time quite cautious. Not without a king in my head, so to speak.

Wolverine in history

In many tribes this animal was considered sacred, for example, among the North American Indians. But the Sami living on the Kola Peninsula consider him to be the personification of demonic forces.

By the way, hunters are in no hurry to kill these animals - it is believed that killing a wolverine means killing someone just like you. Well, or they are simply hiding so much that it is difficult to find them. They are very careful.

If you decide to get a tattoo with a wolverine (animal), then you should know that there are several meanings for this tattoo. The main thing is to fight fears. Just as the animal itself lacks them, the wolverine tattoo carries a similar meaning. Overcoming insecurities, feeling strong, and so on. Everything is there.

If, for example, you decide to decorate yourself with just an image of an animal, then this also means a fight against vices. But if in the drawing the animal’s mouth is open - the meaning, as if by magic magic wand, is changing. And it already means the desire for pleasure. That is, remember, a wolverine with an open mouth is a tattoo for hedonists.

Also, to summarize, the meaning of a wolverine tattoo also suggests that the owner is a strong, purposeful, fighter. And a reader, and a reaper, and a trumpet player. And besides, he is also quite reserved. Since the animal is a solitary hunter, it is not a pack animal, the wolverine is not a fan of company, therefore its meaning is the same - like a lone wolf, only a lone wolverine.

Which images look better?

Don’t forget that a tattoo with a wolverine animal is an image of an animal with the most gorgeous fur. Dark fur. Therefore, as a rule, tattoos are performed in dark shades, driving pigments deep into the skin. There will also be small details on it - fur, teeth, eyes, etc. Therefore, in order for the picture to look skillful, you need to choose places such that it all fits and, preferably, where the skin is less susceptible to changes (including age-related) - this is the shoulder, lower back, thigh, forearm.

Hello, friends!

Today we will talk about a unique totem, which is possessed by a very small number of people, and most of them are experienced shamans. Making its owner virtually invulnerable, the wolverine totem works on literally all fronts, from intuitive protection to direct physical attack.

However, it is not easy to come to an agreement with him; you need to have certain character traits for the spirit of this animal to agree to become your ally. If you have these traits, then all you have to do is be patient and persistent, and then there is a chance that luck will be on your side.

The totem animal wolverine among different nations

Information about this totem among peoples different countries a little, and this is not surprising. Wolverine is a secretive animal, and to meet her in wildlife - great luck. Its main habitats are Siberia, Europe and North America.

This beast enjoyed great respect and reverence among the peoples of Siberia. However, he is not always presented there in a positive image - his cunning, gluttony and even anger are often noted.

In Belarusian folklore, the image of a wolverine is closely associated with werewolfism, and on the Kola Peninsula the Sami called it the devil of the taiga.

In the same time North American Indians They revered this beast for its resourceful intelligence, fearlessness and strength, and called it “cunning trickter,” noting its speed and resourcefulness. Here it was believed that wolverine is a messenger between two worlds - the real world and the world of spirits.

As I wrote above, few shamans could have such a totem. However, those who succeeded in this gained great advantages over others. And then we will find out why.

How does this totem help and how does it work?

Wolverine is naturally cautious, secretive, and prudent. She is famous for her fearlessness even in front of larger animals.

For example, wolves are afraid of wolverine and try not to meet her one on one. And only by rallying into flocks can they attack her.

Why is this totem considered invulnerable? The fact is that in his arsenal (like the animal itself) there is a huge range of all kinds of defenses. Let's see how exactly the wolverine defends itself and with what unique properties it empowers its owner.

1. The first thing to note is the caution of the beast. He has such a keen intuition that he senses a person or any other danger a mile away and disappears in a timely manner. They say that he is capable of confusing even the most experienced hunter, leading him in circles along the same paths.

Therefore, wolverine is very difficult to track and catch. Accordingly, it endows its owner with a special quality - to anticipate danger and take immediate measures to eliminate it. Such a person is always several steps ahead of his enemy.

He will confuse the tracks, creating the illusion of his presence, will direct you on the wrong trail, and in the meantime he will be far, far away. Or he can secretly observe the one who is tracking him, and in such a way that he does not even suspect it. The ill-wisher sincerely believes that he is in control of the situation, while this has long been no longer the case.

2. Wolverine is secretive and unsociable. This is a solitary animal. Although he occasionally communicates with his brothers using special signals, he spends most of his time alone.

Likewise, Wolverine Man will never reveal his presence unless absolutely necessary. He is self-sufficient, closed and does not suffer at all from his loneliness. In society, he usually makes good money, having his own small business or doing what he likes. He is able to provide food for himself and never grovels to anyone.

He has few friends. Often they may not exist at all, but many respect him and even fear him. He is very picky about his environment, and essentially does not need support.

If someone manages to win the sympathy of a wolverine man, then even in close friendships he remains free, independent and is not particularly affectionate. Nevertheless, appearing as suddenly as he disappears, he is capable of literally “pulling” a friend out of trouble at the most dangerous, peak moment. And...go about your business again.

It is impossible to “tame” him like a dog, bind him with a sense of duty like a wolf, bribe him with compliments and attention like a cat - it is simply impossible to tie him to anything. And this is worth remembering for those who want to enlist support of this totem. However, it also has its weaknesses, but we will talk about them later.

3. Wolverine has an amazing ability to adapt. Nature took care of this - the animal’s fur does not allow moisture and cold to pass through, it has a special undercoat, and it has claws on its paws, which makes it possible to climb trees no worse than a bear.

The wolverine also has an excellent metabolism - it is able to digest almost any food, and its powerful jaws allow it to gnaw even ice bones frozen in the snow! The special structure of its paws allows it not to fall into the snow, which gives it advantages over ungulates when hunting. She can survive in almost any conditions.

Therefore, Wolverine Man has an excellent ability to adapt to any environment. He won't disappear anywhere. He can eat both meat and vegetarian food, he has a strong stomach, and he is not at all fussy about food.

The one who is connected with the spirit of wolverine will cope with any situation, find a way out, dodge, figure out what to do, and even if it seems that death is already nearby, he is able to deceive it!

4. This animal is very hardy. It can cover distances of 20, 30 and even 80 kilometers per day. It endows its ward with the same quality.

A man with a wolverine spirit ally in his soul is a wanderer, a traveler. He cannot be in the same conditions, he must constantly explore new and new horizons.

There are people who don't like to travel alone. They need company or close person to truly enjoy your trip. This is absolutely not about Wolverine Man. He travels alone, developing his own route. And, following his own internal logic, he conquers vast distances, practically without getting tired.

Unlike, for example, a person with, who is more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner, a wolverine works for the long term, so it has no problem setting itself labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks, getting a little closer to the goal every day.

5. Wolverine never gives up. There are known cases when an animal fell into a trap and, in order to stay alive, bit off its own paw.

It's very Wolverine-Man-esque. He desperately fights for his life to the last, not ready to put up with a hopeless situation. Instantly sets priorities and is ready to lose little in order to gain more. He takes risks and wins. This is truly a fighter with colossal fortitude.

He could become a folk hero, but he is not attracted to fame and praise.

6. Wolverines often organize “pogroms” in hunters’ houses. They say that in this way they take revenge on people for establishing their own order in the forests. In fact, we don’t fully know the animal’s motives, but as a totem, wolverine can really avenge his charge.

You have to be extremely careful here. When calling on the wolverine totem for revenge, think a thousand times, because he takes revenge desperately and mercilessly! It is best to use his help in case of extreme necessity, when there is a danger to life. Don't waste your power. Use it wisely.

7. Wolverines are very strong physically. They can cope with a beast several times larger than her. What also gives her strength is the ferocity that arises when her life is threatened.

She gives the same quality to a person. In anger, he is able to scare away even an objectively stronger opponent. Such people have an internal readiness for conflict; they are not afraid of conflict situations.

Aggressors feel that such a person will not think long enough to fight back, and this somewhat cools their ardor. In general, they prefer not to mess with them.

Appearance and character of a person

I already talked partly about this in the previous section, but here we will add a little to the image so that it becomes recognizable against the background of others.

What are the most striking features of Wolverine Man?

He often looks somewhat ridiculous, and may even seem clumsy in appearance. His appearance sometimes contains repulsive features, but overall he nevertheless seems quite handsome.

For the time being, you may not notice it at all. However, if it suddenly disappears, then it becomes noticeable. It occupies a clear place in space, and therefore its absence is energetically very noticeable.

One of its brightest markers is self-sufficiency. Such a person never asks for help. Sometimes he can ask for a small favor, especially if he is too lazy to do something, but asking for something because he is helpless is completely not his style.

He himself doesn’t help either, unless you ask directly. This is not selfishness, he just judges by himself - if I can do it myself, then someone else is capable of it, and if he doesn’t ask, then he doesn’t need it. A request is usually not refused if what is asked for does not contradict his goals and principles.

Wolverine Man is purposeful, persistent, and self-confident. He has practically no feeling of fear. At the same time, he may be internally anxious, but this is not so much anxiety as a tonic state.

Sometimes he is characterized by eccentricities. And completely out of place and out of time. People usually chalk this up to his strange personality. It would be hard to call him inadequate: he is very serious, reasonable and sensible in his usual state.

Wolverine Man doesn't really care about the opinions of others. In this sense, he is practically independent of society. People feel it, but it doesn't cause them a negative reaction. Wolverine does not strive to please - he is honest with himself and his surroundings, therefore, no matter what, they trust him.

It is almost impossible to truly anger a person with this totem. Despite his constant “combat readiness,” he is internally calm and confident. It explodes only if it senses a real threat to its existence. And then it becomes dangerous for the enemy’s life.

He is unpretentious in everyday life. Sometimes he may look untidy, but it only seems so; in fact, he is very clean.

But his clothing style can really be ridiculous. He just doesn't pay much attention to it. The main thing is that the clothes are comfortable and practical. He usually dresses in dark colors.

Another special quality that can be noted is thriftiness. The wolverine animal constantly makes supplies; for example, its “hides” can be found under the snow. A person with this totem also has his own hiding places, which allow him to survive in difficult times.

What disadvantages and weaknesses does a person with the wolverine totem have?

He is prone to overeating. I must say that he loves to eat. The love of food can develop into gluttony, and as a result, his irritability increases. Then he begins to lose his concept and commit rash actions.

It is also difficult for him to establish contact with people. Because of his isolation, he often comes across as a misanthrope, and to some extent he is.

How to make contact with a totem

As I wrote above, establishing contact with this totem is not easy, but it is possible. Personally, the best way for me to do this was through a lucid dream. By the way, in dreams, wolverine most often warns of danger, and can also be a link with other animal totems, as it was for me.

To strengthen the connection with the wolverine totem, talismans with its image work well. The talisman should be made of natural material, such as wood.

You should not use the claws and fangs of an animal as a talisman - through them the wolverine spirit can take revenge for the killing of the animal. And only a very experienced magician who has already established contact and has an agreement with the animal can cope with such energy. Otherwise, this can lead to big troubles.

It is best to put an image of the beast on a tree, a stone, make an amulet pendant and thus establish a connection with it.

In general, wolverine, as a totem, is quite responsive, despite its difficult character. However, if you decide to call upon her, then you need to clearly understand why. She works well for specific tasks when strength, worldly acumen, and courage are required.


I guess I'll finish here today. In one of the next posts we will talk about the dog-headed cat. It works at the intersection of two different energies, which gives its owner an expanded range of capabilities, but more on that next time.

I'm not saying goodbye - see you soon!

The wolverine beast as a tattoo becomes the personification of insight, agility, endurance, courage, determination, and independence. This is the image of a brave and dexterous lone hunter.

Meaning of wolverine tattoo

Tattoos with the superhero Wolverine are very popular. Sacred meaning They dont have. Each owner is free to put his own into the tattoo eigenvalue. Of course, such an image will tell about who the idol of its owner is, and how he would like to appear in the eyes of others.

The beauty and expressiveness of the predatory Wolverine.

The depictions of the legendary hero Hugh Jackman or the main comic book character are varied in style and execution. What unites them is the abundance of small details and the richness of the pattern. Only such a picture will be expressive enough to convey the mesmerizing predatory beauty of the image.

Advice. To apply a Wolverine tattoo, it is better to choose a place least susceptible to age-related and other changes, for example, the thigh, lower back or shoulder.

The same applies to the naturalistic depiction of the wolverine beast. Thick dark fur, sharp fangs and claws, and a gaze are difficult to perform and require special skill.

Traits inherent to Wolverines.

Natural features.

The wolverine animal is similar to a badger and a bear at the same time. This is a strong and agile predator that quickly climbs trees. In nature, wolverines are nocturnal and rarely gather in groups of several individuals. Usually each animal has its own territory, which it jealously guards.

The strength and endurance of this beast has become legendary. This predator is capable of dragging prey three times its weight into a secluded place. During the hunt, he shows amazing ingenuity. A risky animal that loves to destroy hunting camps and lodges. Cunning, tenacity, ferocious temperament and intelligence - these are the traits inherent in the wolverine.

Wolverine as a totem.

This totem animal is characterized by endurance, firmness and ingenuity in achieving goals, secrecy and caution. People with such a totem rely only on themselves and go to the end, showing enviable persistence and even some impudence. This is a sign of a worthy and capable leader.

Wolverine in folklore.

In Belarusian folk art, wolverine (rasamakha) appears as a female demonic creature. A female beast with a loose braid hid in the hemp trees, hunted travelers, choosing the youngest one to eat his brains out.

In the Russian north, the beast was nicknamed the cunning devil for its resourcefulness and mischief. The Sami call him the devil of the taiga. And the Norwegian nickname for this animal translates as mountain cat.

Interesting. The expression “walking like a wolverine” means sloppiness and untidiness.

Canadian Indians, on the contrary, revere this predator for its endurance, intelligence, fearlessness and independence.

For those who do not want to place an extensive image on their body, a stylized drawing of a wolverine is suitable. An image of an animal's muzzle in mosaic technique or a schematic drawing of a predatory profile carries the same semantic load, and it can be placed on any part of the body.