The sacred Yants came to Thailand from Cambodia, during the time of joint confrontation with Burma. Even kings considered it necessary to protect their bodies with magical tattoos. Now Yants are made en masse only in the Land of Smiles; neighbors have long forgotten this art and do not strive to decorate their bodies. However, the language in which the Yants are written and spoken is still Khmer.

I learned about a magical tattoo a couple of years ago. I immediately wanted to do it. But the more I studied this topic, the more often my mood changed: from “Let's go immediately!” to “Never!” Never!" and back. The fact is that Yant changes a person’s life, and it is impossible to understand in advance how ready we are for these changes.

Some tattoo owners talk about miraculous healings from an incurable disease, others write about incredible success in love or business, and others claim that with its help they found themselves. All eyewitness stories are amazing and different. They have only one thing in common - the first year with Yant you have to literally survive: before giving the owner what he wants, the tattoo tests his strength, selects what is superfluous and unnecessary (at her discretion), puts him through trials and hardships, strengthening his character. If a person does not lose his temper and keeps all his vows, in a year happiness may find him.

By keeping the vows, we become more aware - then positive changes come

The true essence of Yant is something like a huge umbilical cord that connects the person with the shaman who applied the tattoo. Through this invisible connection, the Master transfers his powers and magical abilities to a person, takes care of him and protects him along with the spirits. But in response, we must not let down or harm the “parent” (feedback also exists!). Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to steal, kill, scold anyone’s mother, take drugs, sleep with married people, and drink.

Our compatriots have the most problems with the last point, but now Yanty is a huge business, and resourceful guides reassure those who want to drink that it is actually possible to drink, the main thing is not to get drunk. And even if you get drunk, you can come and make Yant again. But this just raises doubts...

There are other restrictions. One master will forbid eating star-shaped foods (pumpkin, tangerine), another - to pass under laundry hanging on the lines, the third will come up with something more cunning. No one knows where this comes from, but most are inclined to think that by keeping the vows, we become more aware - then positive changes come.

In general, over the course of two years I either returned to the topic of shamanic tattoos or forgot about them. But one day I woke up and firmly understood that I urgently needed to make the sacred Yant! First of all, I announced the news to my husband, he only laughed in response: “Well, of course! You're so hot-tempered! Some woman in the store will be rude to you, you’ll think nasty things about her, and bam – and she’s someone’s mother! It’s okay for her, but your Yant will begin to take revenge on you! This is good in tropical countries - sun, sea, fruits - that's why everyone is good. But for us it is unacceptable! No, you definitely can’t!”

Then I told my mother. “Is this where they do it with a huge needle? Is it disposable? No?! How do they disinfect it? No way?! Have you even read reports about the spread of infections in Thailand? No, you definitely can’t!” Friends reacted even worse: “How do you imagine it - never drink anything at all? All life! How about a glass of wine after work? What about fun discos on Fridays? What about gatherings over a glass of beer and poker? No, you definitely can’t!”

Unlike my loved ones, I was sure that these changes would only benefit me - a sober lifestyle and limitless internal tolerance. Nothing bad. With the “one for all” needle, things were a little worse, but, as they say, if you don’t believe that Yant will protect you from everything, then there’s no point in doing it.

Having made Yant, you find yourself forever connected with the shaman, all his students and the same tattooed

The option of getting a magical tattoo in an obscure Asian salon was not considered. I needed proven shamans who had proven themselves in the best possible way! On this moment Of the ajans (masters) working with Europeans, three are known. The main thing is not to make a bad choice, because having made one Yant, you find yourself forever connected with the shaman, all his students and the same tattooed ones.

The master cannot be changed under any circumstances; in the event of his death, you can communicate with the Ajahn’s student, to whom he will transfer all the skills. The man who tattooed Yant on Angelina Jolie - the most popular Master - was involved in an unpleasant story - it seems that he gave her a tattoo while he was a monk, and monks are strictly forbidden to touch a woman.

I couldn’t find much information about the second ajan, so I moved on to the third option. Kob is a handsome uncle who hosts in Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Thailand, where the spread of Sak Yant began. He has nine dogs at home (and I love animals), a pleasant smile never leaves his face, and in general, I seemed to immediately feel that this was “my man.”

We bought tickets to Thailand and decided that we would first relax on the islands and then go to Ajahn. My husband was still wary, my mother was resigned, my friends were on strike... Hurray! We're at the resort. Sunshine, palm trees, pina colada, shrimp, lobster, beer. Songs, dancing until the morning, watching the dawn, shots.

Doubts crept into my head. And everything is just as good - great job, loving husband, devoted friends. Why these restrictions, risks, expenses, again? No, apparently I’m not ready for Yant. Not this time. But then suddenly my husband changed his point of view and began to passionately convince me of the opposite. He told me all the arguments that I gave him at home, but I again began to doubt.

On the day when doubts reached their peak, a huge frog appeared in the middle of our room. She just sat and looked at me, without croaking or running away. I picked it up to take it outside. And then insight came. Kob - the name of the ajan I chose - translates as Frog. His name is Master Frog, Ajahn Kob. I decided that here it was, the long-awaited sign, and we definitely had to go.

Animal tattoos are considered the most powerful - Hanuman monkeys, crocodiles, centipedes and tigers.

Our train to Bangkok was 7 hours late. I became sad, realizing that we weren’t going to make it in time - we had to line up for the ajahn before 9 am, and I became sad (or maybe I made a last attempt to escape). But then the husband again showed strange determination: “Let’s go, you can at least get to know him - if you like it, you’ll come back and do your Sak Yant next time!”

Was not! It turned out that the bus station to Ayutthaya was located right behind our hotel, the bus left within a minute, and the first tuk-tukker stopped in Ayutthaya knew where Master Kob lived and agreed to translate for us a little so that we could get to know each other. It seemed surprising to the taxi driver that the Europeans knew their ajan and came specifically to chat with him.

Koba's wife met us and showed us into a huge, bright room, and it turned out that there was no line that day! I started flipping through the pages of the catalog with drawings and looked at the space around me. When else will I get to the home of a real shaman? The room is warm and cozy, there is no furniture at all, a good-quality wooden floor. The long wall is completely lined with images of deities and photographs of saints, many flower and fruit offerings, amulets, and incense sticks.

Previously, Kob lived in a small house, almost like a hut, but then grateful clients gave him such a large and beautiful house. There are a great many sacred Yants. There are basic, universal ones - they will give you a little bit of everything; they usually start their acquaintance with Yants with these tattoos. There are more highly specialized ones - attracting good luck, protecting from enemy weapons, promoting the easy way, health. Animal tattoos are considered the most powerful - Hanuman monkeys, crocodiles, centipedes and tigers.

The form of Yant is canonical; its functions and direction are contained in a certain drawing-symbol, but the internal content of Yant is individual. That is, if you and a friend make the same Yant “ha tew” (five columns, like Jolie’s), the words themselves inside the Yant will be different - this is selected by the ajan for each person.

It’s difficult to describe the feelings that covered me at that moment, but it was something new, very calm and pleasant

The master was freed. I knew that I needed to crawl up to him so as not to be taller than him (and he was sitting). It looked ridiculous and funny - a white cuttlefish in a skirt, but I had no time for jokes - I was terribly worried. Tuk-Tuker translated what kind of Yant I want to do. The place is chosen by the ajan himself, but most Yants are not customary to be stuffed below the waist - disrespect for the spirits.

Yants come in three types - black, red and colorless. Each paint is a secret magical composition - several dozen herbs, ashes, minerals and God knows what else are mixed with natural ink. Each Master has his own recipe.

I asked him to make me an invisible Yant in oil. Firstly, because you can’t brag about a magical tattoo (and it’s difficult to determine where the difference between bragging and just putting on a jacket that reveals the tattoo is). Secondly, I already have a number of regular tattoos, and I know how many questions this always raises. What then will happen to Yant, who is even more unusual than simple drawings?

Ajahn reacted favorably to my choice and spent several minutes talking to the needle and paints in a quiet melodious voice. And I became scared - what if it was going to hurt a lot? But with the very first touch of the needle, the fear went away, I relaxed and calmed down. About twenty minutes later Ajahn finished and began to charm the tattoo, “breathe” life into it. He stroked Yant in a circle with his hand, blew on it, stroked it again, without ceasing, uttering a spell in Khmer. It’s difficult to describe the feelings that washed over me at that moment, but it was something new, very calm and pleasant.

By watching my every step and remembering my vows, my life has become more conscious

I felt Yant for several more days, but it was not pain, but as if light touch gentle hand. Yant itself was visible for about a week, then the oil was completely absorbed and it disappeared. But I learned its power the very next morning.

We fly to Thailand quite often and always with the same airline. I'm afraid of flying; the only thing that has a calming effect on me is huge airliners. And this time we were returning home on just such a brand new handsome guy of unprecedented size! My happiness knew no bounds. I immediately attributed such incredible luck to my new spirit assistants.

It is forbidden to talk about Yant’s influences, but in general terms, many different and unusual events happened during the year. For example, I broke up with people who for a long time were close to me, but then suddenly they began to do terrible things. I was denied an important grant, and I couldn’t find a place for two weeks, and then I received an even more lucrative offer. I stopped going to bars, and the free time is spent on sports and walks.

I don’t know how much miraculous power Yant has, but thanks to the fact that I watch my every step and remember the vows I made, my life has become more conscious and of higher quality in all directions. Mentally, I’m already planning the next route of our family travels so that I can visit Ajahn and thank him for all the magic that is now constantly with me.

- This sacred designs or tattoos, which are made in countries of Southeast Asia, such as Thailand and Cambodia, containing buddhist prayers and magical formulas invoking various elements and forces, giving protection and blessing.

What's happened

Sak means "stuff" And Yant Yant (Yant) from Yantras, meaning in Sanskrit “sacred geometric pattern, created in accordance with sacred geometric symbolism.”

Sak Yanta tattoo that each includes a prayer or blessing to the person who wears it.

For centuries Buddhist monks made these tattoos and today they can only be done on men. A tattoo artist can tattoo a woman, but a true Buddhist Monk is prohibited from doing so.

AND buddhist prayers, written among and around the drawings (Yant), are called on Thai – Kata .

Katait is the same, what we in the West are used to calling the word mantra (in Sanskrit - “prayer”) . The ancient tradition of applying sacred Yant in the form of a tattoo has one, if not two thousand years.

Festival of magical tattoos in Thailand. People going into trance

Magical tattoo origins

The oldest documented evidence of the use of sak-yant dates back to the reign of King Naresuan Maharaj - the golden age of the heyday of the Ayutthaya kingdom.

The warriors covered their bodies with tattoos in the form of Yant, in addition, they wore special shirts - Sueayant “xue yant” (outerwear with protective formulas applied to it designed to repel weapon strikes).

Yants themselves are not the only element necessary for sacred geometric symbols to be filled with magical power.

Recitation of "Kata" is also an integral part of the process of activating the magical power contained in the Yants.

Activation occurs through the transfer of “samadhi” and visualization of the necessary elements that must be active in the Yants.

The vow made when applying a magical tattoo

It is believed that the person applying the tattoo and the person on whom the tattoo is applied must observe five daily commandments:

don't kill
do not steal
do not lie
do not commit adultery
don't drink alcohol

which are the basic rules that govern the life of any Buddhist.

Keeping these five commandments presupposes a certain level of moral purity, which is the key to maintaining magical power.

Film actress Angelina Joliegets a magic tattoo in Thailand for $1000

Magical tattoos modern tradition

It’s funny, but despite their prevalence, sak-yants are precisely that part of the country’s cultural tradition that almost always remains invisible to tourists, because rarely does anyone look closely at the tattoos of the local population - you never know who draws anything on their body.

And even if someone pays attention to them and becomes interested, then the language barrier will still make understanding almost impossible. But this is a very interesting and original tradition, which is worth learning about it in more detail.

The ancient art of Sak-yanta appeared in the times when Ayutthaya was the capital of Thailand. After the country became Buddhist, the semantic content of tattoos changed somewhat, and the tradition of these tattoos merged so successfully with Buddhism that sak-yants are even sometimes called "temple tattoos"

Today there are even separate monasteries that are famous for their sak-yanta masters.

For example, Nong Khim Monastery in Chiang Mai.

Alternative origin

However, there is an alternative version of the origin of the magical tattoos of the sak-yants, whose adherents believe that this is an ancient Khmer tradition. They motivate their point of view by the fact that many sak-yant masters use the Khmer alphabet to write tattoo texts, and not the Thai one.

The mastery of sak-yant is transmitted from the teacher, Ajyan(this word means "Dear" and is applied to a person who communicates with higher powers), to a student.

Sometimes something like family dynasties arises when the son becomes a student Ajyan, who undergoes training and initiation from his father.

By definition, women cannot be sak-yant masters. Moreover, everyone who received a tattoo from Ajyan, are considered his students.

It is considered bad form to receive sak-yants from different masters: all students of one teacher are considered a spiritual family, and changing Ajyan means betraying your family.

Yantsmagic symbols– however, they are not necessarily performed in the form of tattoos. In ancient Thailand, warriors even wore special shirts, completely decorated with yant, which protected against weapons when they went into battle.

Now a more common option- This pieces of paper or fabrics with a pattern printed on them, They can often be seen on the windshield of car drivers; sometimes yants are painted directly on the dashboard or on the ceiling of the car.

Quality and method of applying a magic tattoo

It should be noted that the quality of magical tattoos varies greatly. Some are so terrible that they resemble the works of Russian tattooists done in places not so remote.

Others are very beautiful and amaze with the subtlety of the design. The detail of the drawing depends not only on Ajyan’s skill, but also on the tool with which the drawing is made.

If it is made with bamboo (this is the traditional way), then the tattoo will a priori be rougher than steel needle – in the latter case, you can already count on filigree.

Prices for the work of sak-yant masters also vary greatly.

The more farangs (white foreigners) turns to a master, the higher the price for his services will be. For the same work, the price can vary from 100 baht to 500 dollars, depending on how famous the master is.


Magic tattoos. There are several categories of sacred tattoos, the main ones are:

· Amnaj– the owner of the tattoo receives Strength, both in the physical and spiritual sense. This type of yant is usually of interest to people who want or need respect and submission from other people.

· Mattha Mahanyom(Maetthaa Mahaniyom) - allows you to receive compassion from other people, helps increase popularity among others, people feel the need to help the owner of the tattoo.

Kong Grapan Chatri(Kong Grapan Chathrii) – protection against bladed weapons and firearms.

· Maha Sanaeh– adds charm and attractiveness, arouses increased interest from the opposite sex, helps to achieve love from a particular person.

· Klaew Klaad– helps to avoid accidents and mortal danger.

· Tam Kwaam– contributes to the achievement of a specific result, relates to black magic, in certain cases it can be used to make a husband leave his wife, sends illnesses and even death, helps to win lawsuits.

Jang Ngang– causes paralysis, inability to react, stuns the enemy.

Sathw Himapant– Tattoo of mythical animals. It is applied to obtain certain properties of a particular animal. It is believed that such a tattoo connects a person with the spirit of the creature depicted as an animal. As a result, obsession is possible, the so-called. Khong Khuen phenomenon.

Choke Laap- happiness and luck. Helps you get a good job, win the lottery, and achieve a higher social status.

Magic tattoos. The most common types of yant applied to the back are:

Gao Yord / Yant Gao Yord (nine towers),

Sarigaa Kuu / Yant Sarigaa Kuu (a pair of lovebirds),

Paed Tidt / Yant Paed Tidt (eight unidirectional yants),

Moo Tong Daeng / Yant Moo Tong Daeng (copper pig - wild boar),

Hanuman / Yant Hanuman (monkey general),

Ngop Nam Oy / Yant Ngop Nam Oy (round yant of Compassion, applied to the shoulder blades),

Maha Ud / Yant Maha Ud (square or triangular yanta that stops weapons),

Suea Paen / Yant Suea Paen (jumping tiger)

Hongsa/Yant Hongs/Hongsa (rooster),

Mae Tap / Yant Mae Tap (Guardian Yanta is a small pyramid-shaped pattern for the lower back),

Puttsoorn / Yant Puttsoorn (five Buddhas in the form of concentric letters),

Hanuman Chern Tong (Hanuman waving battle flags)

Dork Bua / Yant Dork Bua (lotus yanta),

(yanta diamond armor),

Suea Koo / Yant Suea Koo (a pair of royal tigers).

Sacred yants and their meaning

What is the meaning of sacred yants? Knowing the meaning and meaning of yant increases their effectiveness.

The lines depicted in the yant represent a direct connection with the Buddha and are traditionally known as "skeleton yant"

There are many different shapes of yant, presented in a variety of shapes, such as round yant, triangular yant, four-sided yant, and even yant depicting something.

Round yanta– symbolizes the face of Buddha (Pra Pakt Pra Putta Jao). In the Brahmin tradition, the main meaning is Brahma (Note: The concept of Brahma comes from Brahmanism - the Vedas tradition, the god Brahma in the Vedas is the only Creator.

In early Buddhist texts, however, brahmas are spoken of plural; they consider themselves omnipotent creators, Buddha addresses them and corrects them. These Brahmas are already different in character from the Vedic Brahma.

One of the Brahmas (Great Brahma) considered in Buddhism as an object of worship by Brahmanists.

According to Buddhist ideas, this Brahma is the first being who appeared after the destruction of the Universe, who, due to lack of memory or due to a misunderstanding, considers himself the creator.

The Buddhist concept of Brahma has nothing to do with the Indian absolute (Brahman, in contrast to Brahma, ends in -n) as the universal life force or Ocean).

Triangular yanta– represents the three jewels: Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (Pra Put, Pra Tamm, Pra Songk). In the Brahmin tradition, he personifies three gods (Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu).

Quadrilateral yanta– represents the four elements/continents (Earth, Water, Air and Fire).

Yants with images (animalistic)– represent various angels, humans and mythical animals (Sathw Himapant).

Yanta Onk Pra represents the Buddha himself.

Crescent moon image, which is located above the Onk Pra yanta, personifies the Moon, illuminating the Path in the era of decline (as I understand it, this means the Kali Yuga).

Small circle(symbol of the sun) is very often depicted above the yants and symbolizes the sun illuminating the path in the daytime, another meaning is that all living beings, people and animals live under the influence of the stars and planets and these forces force living beings to act.

Zigzag spiral line at the top of the yanta is called “Unalome”. Unalome represents arhats who have achieved enlightenment. Desires are overcome, their fetters are cast aside.

Yanta ends with application unalome(applied at the top of the yanta). The tattooing process is completed by reciting the mantra (PraKataa) in Pali or Sanskrit, the power from the mantra entering the yanta through the breath during the recitation process.

Most PraKataas end with the phrase "Ma A U" which means:
Ma - means "MooMahaaSangkoe" (Sangha, community of monks)
A – means “Awrahang” (Buddha himself)
U – stands for "Utamatammoe" (Dhamma, teachings of Buddha)
That. the meaning of this kata (mantra/prayer)– three jewels: Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

There are also yants where numbers are used instead of symbols. Sometimes, in order to shorten the length of the Agkar (Khmer script), the yantta artist may use numbers to convey the meaning of the PraKataa (mantra).

By own experience Syndicate Tattoo studio can say that many people are looking for themes for their tattoos in ancient times, focusing on sketches that were common among certain tribes or in some religious movements. Such patterns, as a rule, have a mystical meaning, are strong amulets, and in addition to this, they look unusual and original, which contributes to their popularity. A good example is Sak Yant, a tattoo that deserves a very detailed conversation and consideration.

A little history

This tattoo is common among Buddhist monks. According to their beliefs, it protects the wearer from the machinations of evil spirits, physical injuries, and helps to attract good luck and happiness into life. According to ancient beliefs, such body decoration is only permissible for those people who are ready to further follow certain restrictions and concentrate on their own spiritual development. Ignoring this requirement is fraught with serious consequences, including madness and death.

Experts in the field of historical science are unanimous in the opinion that Thai magical tattoos first appeared in the first century BC. The technique for applying this pattern is based on numerous centuries-old traditions, which is not surprising, since sacred properties are attributed to the ornament. The finished drawing is formed by “katas,” which in our society are more commonly called “mantras.” When writing mantras, the Pali dialect is used, originating from the northern Indian regions. This name does not have its own alphabet, and therefore the Thai alphabet is used to indicate sounds. It turns out that this picture is directly related to Buddhism.

In addition to sacred sayings, masters use when stuffing geometric figures, as well as stylized images of animals, thanks to which the owner of the tattoo should acquire the corresponding qualities inherent in a certain representative of the animal world. In order for an ornament to truly have the properties of an amulet and a talisman, its application must be done by a monk or an ajan, that is, a former clergyman who has undergone long training, confirmed and proven his skills in practice. This rule, of course, is completely optional. In terms of graphic skills, the specialists of the Syndicate Tattoo salon are not only not inferior to their “colleagues” from Asia, but also surpass them, using more modern equipment.

Classic application rules

If we literally translate the name “Sak Yant”, it will sound like “sacred stuffing”. The traditional method of application involves the monk reading prayers while applying the pattern to the body. Of course, the monk does not use modern tattoo machines; the main tool is a stick made of bamboo or steel, which is also an item with magical properties. After each session, the master processes the instrument, but you should not be surprised at the repeated use of it.

The traditional “studio” where you can get such a tattoo is the forest temples, lost in the jungles of Thailand. The monks living there are real ascetics, their life is a constant series of restrictions and rules that must be observed. It is believed that all this contributes to spiritual cleansing, and therefore masters are able to devote all their energy to the ornament and endow it with magical properties. Important point for the fair sex - only adjans, former monks, can give them tattoos, since active monks are forbidden to touch women.

If it is fundamentally important for you that the sign is made by a Buddhist, then you will have to go to Thailand. In such a situation, you can act on your own to save money, but it is much safer and easier to use the experience of a specialist. Most a famous person, engaged in this area is a guide and translator Konstantin Anisimov, who has been accompanying tourist groups for 15 years, whose members are united by the idea of ​​​​getting a tattoo not in Moscow, but in her homeland.

Konstantin himself describes the master’s work process in a very interesting way. First of all, he talks to his client, asks him about health problems, tries to establish and determine the main life principles, understand what exactly a person lacks. This dialogue allows the master to determine which sign to give to a specific visitor so that he can help achieve his goals. Reviews from those who have made such a tattoo boil down to the fact that the process, despite its visual simplicity and the use of primitive tools, is as painless and fast as possible, and the body ornament itself heals quickly if you follow the minimum recommendations for care. Why is this happening? Both in Phuket and Pattaya, as well as in Hua Hin, this work is a business and brings in a good income, so the monks and ajans are interested in quality. The instrument is thoroughly sterilized, and its working area is always kept as sharp as possible in order to have minimal traumatic effects on the skin. This is noticeable even by the amount of blood, which is almost non-existent.

Main varieties

The ornament is represented by many sketches, each of which has eigenvalue. If you choose a pattern yourself, we recommend focusing on your own feelings, which solution will appeal to you more visually, which interpretation will seem most spiritually close and applicable to real life:

  • Ong Phra. Buddha's body. In this version, the pattern is usually made on the back, on one of the shoulder blades or between them. The drawing is considered a powerful amulet against the forces of evil and unkind spirits; it can bestow enlightenment and help in achieving spiritual harmony.
  • Ha-Thaeo. Five lines. They are applied to the hand, usually in the area of ​​the left shoulder. Such a sketch is one of the most popular and widespread; it should attract good luck to its owner, help strengthen his physical and spiritual health, and help him achieve wealth. The lines themselves represent the clan in this case. The first vertical row of symbols is a talisman for the family (clan) and home, the second strengthens positive traits personality, the third – creates conditions that contribute to achieving career success. The third row performs a similar function, and the fifth is needed to reveal the merciful side of your character. According to the Thais, mercy grants not just success in endeavors, but even invulnerability.
  • Suea. Tiger. Located on the back, it increases the owner’s physical strength and helps in achieving power over other people.

  • Kao-Yot And Si-Yot. Tattoos with towers, in the first case there are 9 of them, in the second - 4. The meanings are similar for both designs. The body pattern is designed to become a powerful protection against the forces of evil and help in achieving family happiness. The traditional location is the back of the neck.
  • Yot Mongkut. Once upon a time, this tattoo, visually reminiscent of a crown with a tower, was worn by warriors; it was considered a talisman that protected them on the battlefield. Now its main function is assistance in all life endeavors and assistance in achieving success. The ornament is usually placed in the head area.
  • Paet-thit And sip-thit. The tattoo, which is a set of 8 or 10 dots, should be located on the back, where it serves as a talisman against the machinations of evil spirits.

The traditional solution involves making the design in black, red or clear ink. As additional symbols used when creating a body pattern, it is recommended to use the sun or the dragon, both solutions have great importance for followers of Buddhism, their energy can increase overall strength tattoos Similar functions are performed by the image of a gecko, which makes it easier to establish contacts with other people. Some catalogs contain tattoo options, improved with the image of Buddha or simply an abstract meditating monk, lotus, fire or rune wheel. All this looks stylish and original, so if you are planning to decorate your body with something truly unusual and original, you can easily rely on such sketches.

Wearing rules

In order for a tattoo to become a truly powerful amulet and fulfill all the functions assigned to it, it must be worn accordingly; the following habits should be categorically abandoned:

  • Lie. It is unacceptable to deceive other people, even if we're talking about about white lies.
  • Violence. A tattoo can attract retribution to its owner if he dares to offend the weak or cause physical harm to another person. The exception is self-defense.
  • Theft. Buddhism clearly says that you cannot encroach on someone else’s property, this is a great sin.
  • Adultery. There is no need to completely abandon carnal pleasures and completely go into the spiritual world. However, one should be guided by certain moral standards, and reason must be above passion. A magical symbol can punish for treason.
  • Alcohol, drugs and other mind-altering substances affect the mind and are therefore prohibited.

Meanings for men and women

Sak Yant is a tattoo that is equally suitable for both sexes, because it helps each person to discover some new facets of their own personality. If you look at photos of celebrities, you can find a tattoo, for example, on Angelina Jolie, whose back is decorated with characteristic symbols. It is known that Angelina took such decoration of her body very seriously, and therefore got a tattoo in one of the temples of Thailand.

Yes, among the masters of the Syndicate Tattoo studio there are neither monks nor ajans. However, in graphic terms, we are in no way inferior to Asian specialists; we are ready to implement any sketch, regardless of its degree of complexity. Numerous reviews about us are clear evidence that our work is capable of satisfying the wishes of the most demanding customer. High-quality pigments do not lose their original brightness and saturation for a long time, and strict adherence to the rules of sterility and antiseptic treatment guarantees that the pattern heals quickly without causing inconvenience.

Many times I took tourists to the best sak yant master in Thailand. A tattoo is applied with a specially forged and pointed needle, and wearing it obliges a person to observe rituals for life. As a reward for such rigor, tattoos help achieve goals and often cure diseases. Konstantin Anisimov explained these and other properties of sak yant to us personally.

Konstantin Anisimov, guide-translator, reenactor, volunteer

Lives in Thailand for 13 years, enjoys motorcycles, sewing leather bags and reconstructing the early Middle Ages. In his free time, he studies the ancient traditions of Thailand and helps his compatriots get to Ayutthaya to see the sak yant tattoo master, shaman Ajahn Kob.

“ZagraNitsa”: What does the process of choosing a tattoo look like?

There are several stages. First Cob holds your hands, looks you in the eyes, then says a few things. He sees if you have health problems and where they come from. For example, there are people who take damage, the evil eye, and there are those who do not accept it. In fact, there are few who accept damage - three percent of those who come. But in our country now all kinds of psychics are very common, so every second person believes that he is damaged. It even comes to scandals. A well-fed, healthy woman, about 80 kilograms, says: I have the evil eye on me. And with the evil eye, hair falls out, teeth, and skin deteriorate greatly. But she is sure that her sister has jinxed her and demands to get a sak yant tattoo. The master hits - where to go? It happens that a person is too sick. I brought one girl: young, blood and milk. Master to her: I can’t help, you’re too sick. I translated for her: they say the master is mistaken, he is talking about some diseases. And she confirmed that she was completely sick: heart disease, anemia, and much more. Although appearance it was impossible to tell.


"ZagraNitsa": Can sak yant make a person luckier?

K.A.: All people are divided into lucky and unlucky, and the master always sees this. An unlucky person, in order to earn 100 rubles, must work for the entire 1000, but even these 100 rubles, as a rule, immediately go somewhere. Kob adds luck and ease in life to such people. The shaman tries not to tell a person the future and not to say that everything is very good or very bad for him. If a person knows that he was born lucky and everything will be easy for him in life, he will relax. And if he finds out that no matter how hard he tries, he will achieve nothing, he will despair. Therefore, the master believes that knowing your future is always bad. In his opinion, in any case, you need to work on yourself.

A lot of Russians, when they come to see him, ask him to paint the same tigers as Angelina Jolie’s on her lower back. Apparently, I just like the picture.

The master always warns about the negative side of a strong sak yant tattoo. He very rarely stuffs tigers, because they need to be brought here once a year to be “walked.” If you are an office worker, it will be difficult for a tiger to sit still all day and you will become aggressive. Well, and most importantly: with a tiger tattoo you will always be alone. There was a case: a guy, who had been with his wife since school and had three children, stuffed a tiger and laughed that no tigers could separate them. I arrived a year later - already divorced. And the master applies such tattoos, for example, to the world champion in martial arts: he doesn’t need a family, he fights all his life. I know he did it to some of our big officials.

There was another case: a couple came, husband and wife. My wife asked for a tattoo for a prosperous life with her husband, and the artist told me in Thai, not for translation, that she had a lover. And indeed: the next year she arrived with another man.

"ZagraNitsa": How to understand whether you need one tattoo or several, how to choose the size?

K.A.: When the master looks and talks with the person, he himself will tell you what you are missing and will make a tattoo for it. Otherwise they think: I’ll get a tattoo to attract money and I’ll be rich. But in order to earn money, you also need to add perseverance, eloquence, and get rid of laziness. Just the mantra of money is not enough. Kob himself understands what to add. He takes money and writes in the mantras that you will need to achieve wealth. Even in the same sak yants, the mantras are still different. Depending on the number of mantras and the desire of the customer, they can be placed in one tattoo, or you can paint the entire back with them.

Photo: Shutterstock 4

“ZagraNitsa”: There are people who say “I’m happy, I’m satisfied with everything,” and the master says to them: just add this mantra, and everything will be fine?

K.A.: Yes. When I came to the shaman at the age of 23, I said: “Everything is fine with me, I just want something as a keepsake.” He replied: “You are hot-tempered, you need to be calmer” - and stuffed the turtle. Many people claim that sak yant are magical tattoos that only work if you believe in their power. This is a misconception, I checked it myself. Kob applied a mantra of calm to me, and I treated the tattoo as an ordinary one - for beauty. He didn’t believe in all this and even laughed at those who believed. And six months later, my friends asked me to “sprinkle some grass,” I became so unnaturally calm! Everyone was sure that I smoked marijuana every day. Then I sat down and tried to remember when last time cursed, made scandals and got angry. I realized that it was a long time ago, and that I had really changed. But I decided that it was a coincidence and that perhaps I had just become more mature. Another six months later I went to the master - I wanted to conduct an experiment. Since childhood, my scourge has been laziness. And not just laziness, but LAZINESS. I could give up anything to spend the day in front of the TV or sleep until lunch. The master remembered me and asked if I had become calmer. I said yes, but it's just a coincidence. And then he applied yant to me, which changed my whole life. There were mantras for getting rid of laziness, finishing things I started, and my constant growth as a person. After about a year I became different. I started doing everything that I had previously planned, but always put off.

"ZagraNitsa": Doesn't this work on the placebo principle?

K.A.: Nobody knows this. But even if you change because of self-conviction, then why not? The cult is 8000 years old, if it were a dummy, it would have disappeared long ago, like Kashpirovsky, for example. Apparently there is something in this. Time is the best test for any cult, teaching, religion. Sak yant used to be everywhere, all over the world. Historically, Slavic tribes also had tattoos and battle amulets. Just like the Vikings and Celts. Unfortunately, in Europe and Russia this culture was completely destroyed by Christianity.

“ZagraNitsa”: What if you don’t get magical tattoos like yant, but buy a talisman with yant?

K.A.: This is completely different. There are 25 daily publications about amulets in Thailand, many are interested in this: both tourists and collectors. But it’s impossible to buy a real amulet without understanding it. Usually, even if the work is done well, it is a copy of a copy. If a Thai or tourist shows you an amulet and claims that it was made centuries ago, don’t believe it. Such amulets are not only very rare, but also cost tens of millions of baht. Who would wear something like that around their neck? And there are more difficulties with an amulet than with a tattoo. If you accidentally sit on it or put it in your pants pocket, it no longer works. So the saint who guards the amulet can take revenge on you.

For the amulet to work again, you need to recharge it with a master. How will you do this if he died hundreds of years ago?

My master sak yanta makes amulets for collectors. His works are published in specialized magazines. There are many materials: from elephant bone to goat horn. He takes the order, and the collector waits a year and then receives the item.

Photo: Facebook 7

"ZagraNitsa": Then let's get back to the tattoo. In sak yant, not only the drawing is important, but also the worship of the saint, the mantra?

K.A.:Yes, there are a lot of regulations. In Buddhism, in order to receive, you need to give - this is an exchange of energy. In other words, to fill a cup with tea, you must first pour coffee out of it. The tattoo itself will not have any effect. “Payments” consist of compliance certain rules. You need to hang a portrait of a saint (the master himself says which one) and put five incense on him every week.
Photo: Shutterstock

Plus a number of restrictions: don't drink, don't swear. If in Russia a person with tattoos is perceived as a criminal, a dangerous person, then you can expect more calm and tolerance from the wearer of the sak yant tattoo.

“ZagraNitsa”: But Angelina Jolie shows tattoos in the media, brags about them, and this is prohibited...

K.A.: Firstly, we do not know what vows the teacher gave her. Or maybe she broke them. Or at first she violated, but then went to renegotiate, this also happens. The master never tells anything about the clients.

"ZagraNitsa": Is it true that colorless tattoos exist?

K.A.: Yes, the master makes them with oil. A lot of women, for example, come with infertility problems. At the same time, they work in government agencies, and in general we do not have a very tolerant attitude towards tattoos. But they want to be cured, and so the master gives them colorless sak yant tattoos. It's a matter of mantras and rituals, and not the shade of ink. Most are cured; many then move to Thailand. And those who were not cured may not have performed all the rituals.

“ZagraNitsa”: They say that sak yant tattoos heal quickly.

K.A.: That’s right - the whole point is that the needle is very thin. In ordinary ones, the needle is slightly dull, because larger areas need to be covered, and its diameter is larger, which means it causes more injury. What is the task of the master sak yant? You need to apply a thin pattern, and quickly. The needle is so thin that it does not tear the skin at all, there is not a drop of blood. You can take a shower and swim on the same day. And another plus: if there is no blood, you cannot catch the disease. The master, of course, constantly sterilizes the needles, but when I went to see him with the doctors, they said that in the absence of blood during application there is no risk of the virus entering the human body.


“ZagraNitsa”: You say that some tattoos need to be “walked” and the sak yant needs to be re-spoken if you did something wrong. What to do when the master dies?

K.A.:Among Buddhists, the topic of death is not considered closed or unpleasant. Death is just a continuation of the journey. Therefore, I once asked the master directly: who will perform the annual ritual of re-talking strong sak yant tattoos when you die? He replied that a few years before he retired, a student would definitely come to him. It has always been this way, hundreds and thousands of years in a row. It is interesting that many shamans consider their gift of correcting people’s destinies as punishment, retribution for negative acts committed in past lives. The life of a true sak yant master is essentially house arrest. Every morning at 6:00 am, Cob picks up a needle and tattoos until midnight, sometimes until the next morning. And so it has been for 45 years. Seven days a week. He can't "not go to work" because people constantly come to his house who need help. The master had never been to the sea or to the mountains. He has never traveled or been on vacation. But he says that in this life he will pay everything off, and in the next he will rest. Only a very strong, wise and religious person can do such a thing as sak yant tattooing.

As you understood from the conversation with Konstantin, sak yant is far from an ordinary tattoo and its application, like its wearing, requires lifelong self-control and adherence to the rules. It’s up to you to decide whether to apply sak yant to your body, but we hope that our advice will help you treat the sacred Buddhist tattoo with full responsibility and receive only good luck and benefits from the ritual.

Tattoos with a magical meaning called Sak Yant are ritual designs on the human body that are traditionally done in countries in the southeast of the Asian continent (Cambodia, Thailand). These tattoos contain Buddhist prayers and mystical symbols calling for help from higher powers. The local population believes that Thai tattoos give their owner strong protection and blessing. The main meanings of Sak Yant are not banal oriental drawings, but a whole philosophy, life choice and path that can give its owner luck, a comfortable existence, good health and longevity, strength and recognition.

Magic tattoo Sak Yant: origin story

A tattoo called Sak Yant was first mentioned in the oldest legends found in the territory of modern China, which date back to the first century BC. According to these legends, Chinese warriors applied yantras to their shirts, believing that they would protect them from being hit by enemy weapons.

The most accurate description of a Sak Yant tattoo sounds like a noble painting made taking into account the basic principles body image sacred symbolism.

Over time, tattoos began to be tattooed throughout Southeast Asia, taking into account the territory of the Philippine Islands and Indonesia. The ancient tradition owes such prevalence to the religious movements of Buddhism and the teachings of Brahma.

The magical tattoo consists of mantras written in the Pali language, which is practiced in the northern part of India. According to legends, this particular region of the country is considered the birthplace of Buddha, therefore the most ancient traditions of the Buddhist school are written in this language. Let us note that the Pali language does not have its own written language: it is replaced by Khmer characters. In accordance with this fact, we can say that Sak Yant is a unique Khmer prayer.

Interesting hieroglyphs form laconic forms and have absolutely different meanings, despite their external similarity. In most cases, the meaning of tattoos is the desire to achieve material wealth, protection from ill-wishers or enemy weapons, and possession of wealth.

The meaning of the symbols is of particular value, since it is not a simple drawing, but an ornament endowed with special mystical power.

Who can get sacred Yant tattoos?

Getting a sacred Sak Yant tattoo is not as easy as it seems. Only monks of Buddhist temples or Reishi sages are dedicated to the mystery of tattooing such tattoos. The tattoo ritual is performed in a Buddhist temple. Masters call this special place Samnak. A true Reisi must have a number of high moral qualities. Only in this case is he able to transfer his spiritual purity to the tattoo.

Monk tattoos are applied to a person’s body in accordance with an ancient ritual. Their magical meaning is activated by pronouncing a special prayer or mantra (kata) during the procedure. This allows you to charge the image with special power and endow it with unique abilities that influence the fate of the owner.

For the yantra to work, the person on whose body it was applied must adhere to the basic Buddhist principles of existence, namely:

  • do not lie and be truthful in everything;
  • not to diminish and not to commit violence against others;
  • do not steal or appropriate the property of another person;
  • do not drink alcohol or drugs;
  • do not engage in illicit sexual relations.

Buddhist monk tattoos can only be done by males. This is due to a tradition that prohibits Thai craftsmen from touching female body. In addition, in Thailand, as is known, women are not allowed to visit holy places, in particular, Buddhist temples, which makes it impossible to comply with all the norms of the Sak Yant procedure.

In 2004, contrary to tradition, the scandalous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie tattooed Sak Yant on her back. Naturally, this caused a storm of indignation and indignation among Buddhist monks who were initiated into the sacrament. Later it became known that the celebrity’s tattoo was done by a defrocked monk for a lot of money. Therefore, authoritative masters do not perceive such work as an authentic Tibetan drawing with a mystical meaning.

Sketches of Sak Yant: description and meaning

The meaning of the Sak Yant tattoo depends on the nature of the image and the characteristics of the magical design. Today, masters distinguish the following types of tattoos of Buddhist monks:

  • Amnai is a Buddhist tattoo that gives its owner extraordinary physical and mental strength, allowing him to easily overcome life's difficulties, easily achieve his goals and subjugate other people to his will;
  • Metha Mahaniyom is a magical drawing that helps you gain sympathy from others and increase your popularity among people.
  • Kong Grapan Chathrii is a classic tattoo, which is necessary for reliable protection against enemies and their weapons, regardless of their nature;
  • Maha Sanae helps the owner to reveal his attractiveness to others and become desirable to representatives of the opposite sex (in addition, such a tattoo allows a person to achieve mutual feelings from the object of his adoration);
  • Klaew Klaad is a tattoo of Buddhist monks to protect against tragic events, tragic accidents and sudden death, provoked by external danger factors;
  • Tam Kwaam is a symbol aimed at attracting good luck and invariably achieving the desired results (sometimes this design is associated with black magic and can be applied for the purpose of separating spouses, sending illness or mortal danger to a specific person);
  • Jang Ngang - this yantra is associated with the power to paralyze or stun the enemy;
  • Sattv Himapant is an image of animals from Buddhist mythology that personify a person’s connection with the spiritual side of the world and mystical entities, that is, possession;
  • Chok Laap is applied for good luck and to attract happiness into a person’s life, it helps to get a higher position at work, gain respect among colleagues and take a respected position in society;
  • Paet thit is a tattoo that provides protection to the Universe in all eight directions.

In addition, there is a huge number thai tattoos, which are applied to attract strength, success and respect from others into the owner’s life. Among the most famous and popular designs in Thailand are the nine towers, the dragon, the body of Buddha and the tiger.

Places to apply Sak Yant tattoo

There are classic places on the body for Sak Yant tattoos. Most of them are usually drawn on the back, in its different sections. Yantras can be applied to the entire surface of human skin. More often, men in Southeast Asian countries cover the upper part of their body, arms and hands, and chest with sacred designs.

Less often, people prefer to depict yantras in the leg area, in particular on the shins or knees, as well as in the popliteal fossae and in the thigh area. The place where Buddhist tattoos are applied depends not only on the wishes of their owner, but also on the existing traditions of this culture, which are known in more detail to master monks.

Tattoo Sak Yant: photo

On the Internet you can find many photos with tattoos of Buddhist monks on the bodies of people of different ages. There are also women in such photographs, which does not fit into the picture of the authenticity of the tattoo. You can learn more about the features of possible images on the website or directly from a tattoo artist, who will tell you about all the nuances of the upcoming procedure.