I have been meaning to write about my experience of getting the mystical Sak Yant tattoo for a long time. But she didn’t do this, because it is believed that if a person brags about it, then the tattoo loses its power. But there is a difference between the term “bragging” and saying that other people might benefit from me sharing information. Everything in life is relative, the main thing is my personal attitude and belief in this or that fact. Again, it is much easier to remain silent about the fact that you have a sacred tattoo than to observe the commandments that a person undertakes to fulfill before applying it. More on this later. First, let’s figure out what “SAK YANT” is.

“Sak means stuffing in Thai.” Yant (Thai: ยันต์; from Yantra) - sacred patterns (including tattoos) that are made in countries South-East Asia, mainly in Thailand and Cambodia. The Yant themselves came to Siam from Cambodia during the middle Ayuthaya period during the reign of King Naresuen the Great, when for the first time Siamese and Khmer troops marched together against the common enemy of Burma. Yant contains in its pattern Buddhist prayers and magical elements in the Pali language, which are believed to give the owner certain preferences, such as health, strength, protection, favor of others, etc. Since the Pali language does not have its own written language, then when When drawing yants, the Khmer or Thai alphabets are used.

According to their type they are divided into:

  • round - represent the face of Buddha, in the Brahmin tradition - Brahma.
  • triangular - represent the Triple Gem of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; in the Brahmin tradition there are three gods: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.
  • rectangular or square - represent the four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
  • artistic - depict various angels and mythical animals According to the “goal” - the effect on the owner:
  • Amnaj - the owner of the tattoo receives physical strength, cunning and prudence.
  • Matha Makhanyom - compassion from others; people of higher rank perceive the owner of this tattoo as an equal.
  • Kong Grapan - protects against bladed weapons and firearms.
  • Maha Sana - makes the owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, allows you to find the love of a specific person.
  • Klaev Klaad - Power of Evasion - from accidents and dangers.
  • Tam Kvaam - the action of this Yant is classified as black magic
  • Jang Ngang - reducing the enemy's capabilities.
  • Sathv Himapant are tattoos of mythological animals that impart certain qualities to that animal.” (WIKIPEDIA)

The tattoo is applied with a metal needle, which requires special sharpening and is passed down from generation to generation, from master to master. Most professionals simply handle drinking games between clients. When applying sak yant, the needle does not penetrate under the skin as deeply as in the case of a machine, which is why there is either no contact with blood at all, or there is, but very limited. This causes more low risk infections when applying sak yant compared to machine tattoos with approximately the same level of hygiene. Not a single case of HIV infection has been officially recorded from this tattoo.

It is customary to address the Master as A-tian (translation of the Thai-Russian dictionary by A.N. Morev), but more often we can hear that the Master is called Ajan or Ajarn. Initially, tattoos could only be applied to Buddhist monks and only to men (since a monk has no right to touch a woman). Nowadays, it is not only monks who do it. You can call such a person a white shaman. He has a wife to whom he is obliged to remain faithful, meditates, and observes Buddhist precepts.

Sak Yant tattoos are made in three colors: black, red and colorless. Most often they choose black, less often red. Transparent tattoos are applied using oil. The oil is completely absorbed by the body and leaves no visible traces except for red dots that disappear after a day or two. No one will be able to see her, but her strength remains, moreover, she is considered the strongest.

Many people who want to get a tattoo are much more concerned about the ink for the sak yant. Some artists use individual capsules of fresh ink for each client, but this practice is not widespread. Most pigments used in inks are not approved for skin contact by health authorities. Some ingredients are industrial coloring agents that are more suitable for printing purposes or car painting. And although allergic reactions Tattoo ink is rare; if it does occur, it is often heavy in nature due to the difficulty of removing the pigment from under the skin. There are cases when allergic reactions develop years after getting a tattoo. Therefore, be careful!

So, you have decided to do Sak Yant. We found and selected a master. We arrived in Thailand. What's going on? I am talking about my experience that I had on Koh Samui.

To be honest, I didn’t intend to do it at all and didn’t really know anything. But it so happened that I am sitting in front of the Master and we are talking. My English is not very good, and neither is his. The “shaman’s” wife served as our translator. The dialogue lasted two hours. He was interested in some details of my life in order to understand what my priorities are, what I want from life, my goals and values. Calculated the material and spiritual proportions of my being. Then he summarized that a tattoo is not Magic wand. You need to work hard on yourself and follow the principles.

  1. Don't kill.
  2. Don't steal.
  3. Do not lie.
  4. Don't commit adultery.
  5. Do not take any psychotropic substances that alter consciousness.

I timidly asked: “What, sometimes you can’t drink wine?” - “You can, but no more than 2 glasses.” Discipline and restraint give the strength originally laid down by the master. And violation of this word destroys power and, moreover, can be directed against the owner of the tattoo.

The “something” formed by tattoos is not just abstract elements, but a sacred, metaphysical object for which the human body is a repository. Drawings applied in ink (or oil) to the skin turn into a border between inner world the student and the outside world around him. To put it more simply: I form a clear intention - the master gives me the energy and help of natural forces for implementation, and I pay for it with moral and ethical behavior. For me this is quite acceptable.

Sacred tattoos are morally neutral and their power is not absolute. If the owner of the tattoo uses the power of Sak Yant with good intentions, he receives good in return; in exactly the same way, evil begets evil. Careless handling of tattoos can lead to accidents, illnesses and other unpleasant things. Those. The tattoo is not so important as the behavior of the person to whom it was applied.

Angelina Jolie got a tattoo in 2003. We know that this is one of the most successful women on Earth, and we can observe her life. I don’t know if the tattoo is “to blame” here or something else, but thanks to it, we Europeans learned about the miracle tattoo.

Well, I was distracted from the process. When I confirmed that we were doing an oil tattoo, the Master chose designs for me that he would apply on the top of my head, between my shoulder blades and on my ankle. Then we performed various rituals, I asked everyone for forgiveness, and made offerings to the Gods. Then, chanting mantras, he quickly “pricked” me. It was a little painful, but quite bearable. Then I pasted it over with gold leaves, which dissolved on my skin. And it was all over. The entire procedure, including the dialogue, lasted 4 hours.

I didn’t feel any changes inside myself right away. But later I began to understand that habits began to change. And what do I really get from my actions? outside world according to merit. I can definitely say that Sak Yant has influenced my life. And I don’t want to talk about whether it’s mysticism or the placebo effect, the important thing is that it gave me a different level of consciousness.

Elena Petrova is a certified hatha yoga instructor, student of the Himalayan Yoga Academy, and professional traveler.

Yantra tattooing, also called Sak Yant, is a type of tattoo practiced in Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Its popularity also began to grow among Chinese Buddhists in Singapore. "Sak" means "to tattoo" and "Yant" is the Thai pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Yantra".

Sak Yant designs, typically made by magical practitioners (called wicha) and Buddhist monks, are traditionally made using a long bamboo stick (mai sak) with a pointed end, or a long metal spike (khem sak).


Yantra tattoos originated in Cambodia, where images of the ancient Khmer script were used. During the Great Khmer Empire, all war warriors were covered in tattoos from head to toe, including the chest, arms and even fingers. King Jayavarman VII tested the effectiveness of the tattoo on his own body, being hit by arrows that all bounced off his chest. Proof of this fact was recorded in Zhou Daguan's diary. Chinese chronicles describe Yantra tattoos in the Thai culture of Southwest China and Northwest Vietnam dating back at least 2,000 years. Over the course of many centuries, the traditions spread throughout the territories occupied by modern Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and part of Myanmar. Today, the Sak Yant tattoo tradition is most popular in Thailand, while in Cambodia and Laos it has almost completely disappeared.

The script used in Yantra tattoos differs according to cultural and geographical factors. In Cambodia and Central Thailand they use the Khmer script, while in Northern Thailand they prefer Yantra tattoos with Shan, Northern Thai or Tai Lu script, and in Laos they use the Lao Tham language ). The writings depict the abbreviated syllables of Pali spells. Over the centuries, various masters have made additions to the design based on the results of visions obtained in meditation. Some Yantra images were adopted from pre-Buddhist Shamanism and the belief in animal spirits, which were found in the subcontinent of Southeast Asia and incorporated into Thai traditions and culture.


It is believed that tattoos with Yantra symbols have magical and mystical powers, protect and bring good luck.

In Cambodia, tattoos are used for self-defense. Cambodians believe that Yantras are endowed magical power, driving away evil and deprivation. Tattoos are especially popular among military personnel. They serve as a kind of guarantee that no physical harm will be caused to a person as long as he follows all certain rules.

Yant designs are also applied to many other objects, such as fabric or metal, and are placed in a home, place of worship, or vehicle as a means of protection from danger or illness, increasing prosperity, or attracting a lover.

Types and design

There are many traditional types and designs of Yantra tattoos. Some of the most famous and popular include:

  • Onk Phra/Ongk Phra(translation: Buddha body) is one of the most common elements in Yantra tattooing, but can also be a complex individual image. Designed to provide understanding, direction, insight, etc.
  • Ha Thaew(translation: five lines) - one of the most common Yantra designs for women in Thailand, also used for men. Typically applied to the back of the left shoulder. Each of the five lines implies a different blessing for success and good fortune.
  • Gao Yod/Kao Yord(translation: nine spiers) - usually tattooed in the center of the upper back in various sizes and levels of complexity.
  • Sii Yord(translation: four spiers). A tattoo is intended to influence the feelings and actions of other people and to protect the wearer of the image.
  • Paed Tidt(translation: eight points) – provides protection in the eight directions of the Universe. Tattoo round shape; usually applied in the center of the back.
  • Sip Tidt(translation: ten points) - a variant of the Paed Tidt tattoo, differs in that it provides protection in ten directions, instead of eight.
  • Mahaniyom(translation: great preference). Tattooing provides the wearer with favor in the eyes of others. The image is round in shape and is usually placed on the back of the right shoulder.
  • Yord Mongkut(translation: pointed crown) – intended for good luck and protection in battle. A round tattoo is usually placed on the top of the head.
  • Bpanjamukhee(translation: five faces of the Virgin) - the tattoo is designed to ward off illness and danger.
  • Suea(translation: tiger) - as a rule, twin tigers are depicted on the tattoo. Symbolizes strength and power.

Where to get a Sak Yant tattoo?

Today many people view Thailand as the best place for applying the most exquisite ritual tattoos, and also as a country where you can learn this art. Every year, hundreds of foreigners come to Thailand in search of original and magical Sak Yant tattoos. In all of Southeast Asia, Thailand is the country with the largest number of followers. Sak Yant is performed throughout the country in Temples in Bangkok, Ayutthaya and Northern Thailand.

  • Today, one of the most famous Temples for Yantra tattooing is Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Chai Si, in the Nakhon Pathom province of Thailand. The power of sacred tattoos decreases over time. Therefore, to restore the power of tattoos, Sak Yant tattoo artists perform the sacred Wai Kru ritual with their followers every year, the main meaning of which is to pay tribute to the teacher. The most impressive Wai Kru ceremony in Thailand is held at Wat Bang Phra Temple. It is noteworthy that Ajarn Noo Kampai, perhaps the most famous Sak Yant specialist in Thailand, trained in this Temple.
  • One of the famous Temples in Northern Thailand is Wat Kaew, which means "needle". It is located in San Patong, near Chiang Mai and the home of master Phra Ajarn Gamtawn, who died in Chiang Mai on September 14, 2010.
  • In the Lum Phli area on the north side of Ayutthaya, Ajarn Kob and his son Ajarn Oh are the most famous Sak Yant tattoo artists.

Real magical Sak Yant tattoos are done by famous and not so famous masters. If the “magical” component of the Sak Yant tattoo is not important to you, then you can go to any tattoo parlor, which you can easily find in any resort place.

One of the centers where you can get a Sak Yant tattoo is the Buddhist monastery Wat Bang Phra(Wat Bang Phra) is a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Chai Si district of Nakhon Pathom province, about 50 km west of Bangkok. Its name from Thai can be translated as “Temple of Several Monks” or “Temple of Several Faces of Buddha” (from Thai Bang - “several”, and Phra - “monk”, “image of Buddha”).


There is no written evidence of the founding date of the temple, but the architecture of its main hall suggests that it belongs to the late period of the Ayutthaya kingdom, while the frescoes on the walls of the prayer hall indicate similarities with the work of masters from the reigns of Kings Rama III and Rama IV.

The former abbot of the temple, Phra Udom Prachanart, better known as Luang Por Phern, was a famous meditating monk, renowned for his ability to perform effective spells and talent in interpreting the Buddhist sacred canonical texts of the Tripitaya. As abbot of Wat Bang Phra, he organized several charitable structures through which donations were collected from believers, which was a significant innovation for those times.

Of greatest historical interest are the well-restored prayer halls of the temple, as well as the curious artifacts of the temple museum.

The temple is famous for the daily ritual of applying sacred tattoos Sak Yant, which are applied to those who wish by the temple tattoo artists - the monks living here. Every March, a festival of sacred tattoos takes place here. Information about the festival is quite easy to find in public sources, while information about the daily tattoo activities of the temple is very scarce, so we describe them below.

So, the process of getting a tattoo during a daily ceremony at Wat Bang Phra outside of festival events is as follows:

Preliminary stage

Those wishing to receive a tattoo must arrive at the temple no later than 8 am. At the temple, they will be expected to make offerings in the form of flowers and cigarettes (the price of cigarettes in February 2011 is 70 baht), and the cigarettes at the end of the ceremony will be returned back to the sellers in exchange for money, which, in turn, will go towards maintaining the temple. Before entering the temple premises, you need to take off your shoes and take your place in the line of people waiting. Donations are divided into piles of 18 to 30 offerings in one (most often 20), and stored in the center of the hall. The monk illuminates these offerings, and those who donate them are invited to a simultaneous tattoo session. When the tattooing is completed, the next batch of offerings is blessed and the next group of people is invited.

Tattoo options

Immediately at the entrance to the temple, a huge banner catches your eye, on which various sketches of tattoos are presented. If you do not choose a specific tattoo, the monk will by default take one of the simple sketches from the very top row of the table as a sample.

Tattooing process

Before being “received” by the monk, those sitting next in line usually help the master hold the one who is getting the tattoo in this moment. To apply the design, a thin needle approximately 45 cm long and 4 mm thick is used. It is forked at the end, so each touch of the needle leaves two ink dots on the skin. The monk has about 8 more such needles at hand in a special pot, usually waiting their turn in a disinfectant solution. Sometimes before starting, the monk ritually sharpens the needle with sandpaper. Then, among the rubber templates, an option with the selected design is selected. The template is dipped in ink and then used to leave an imprint of the future tattoo on the skin. Before starting to transfer the print into a tattoo, the tip of the needle is dipped in a special mixture consisting of palm oil, Chinese coal ink and snake venom. He then begins to imprint the sample with a needle. Each tattoo requires approximately 3,000 needle pricks. But the monk works with practiced, quick movements, dipping the needle into the ink every 30 seconds.

When a tattoo is applied, it is blessed with a special mantra - Ghata, which activates its sacred power. Dark gray ink is used for tattooing men. For women, transparent ones are used and the monk works on them with gloves so as not to touch female body.

Health safety

The extent to which needles and ink can be disinfected is unknown. Potentially, by getting a tattoo at Wat Barng Phra, pilgrims expose themselves to the risk of HIV and hepatitis B and C. More than 1 million AIDS patients are officially registered in Thailand. However, according to the 2006 UNAIDS report “On the Global AIDS Epidemic,” among these cases there were no cases that were obtained from tattoo needles. Because inside such a needle itself, blood cannot accumulate in such an amount that it would be sufficient to transmit the infection.

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Sacred Sak Yant tattoos have a special, sacred meaning. The meanings of Sak Yant contain magical formulas and Buddhist prayers. Understanding the meaning and meaning of drawings increases their impact on a person who wants success in business or protection from misfortunes.

Features of applying Sak Yant

Buddhist monks who apply the tattoo are called Ajyana, meaning "respected one". Sometimes this skill is passed on from a father to his son, who undergoes mandatory training and initiation. A person who receives a tattoo from Ajyan becomes his student and enters the circle of his spiritual family. Today there are monasteries in Thailand famous for their Sak Yanta masters. For example, Wat Bang Phra, located near Bangkok, is famous for the master Luang Por Phern. This temple hosts an annual festival, which attracts people from all over the world to undergo a sacred ritual.
Traditionally, the tattoo is applied with a bamboo needle, and in Lately- steel. This needle is made long time, special prayers and conspiracies are read over it. Sak Yants are applied with special red or black ink. Sometimes the tattoo is made colorless. In this case, only the owner knows about its existence and it is believed that in this way it gives additional strength and protection from higher powers.

The procedure for applying sacred drawings itself lasts from 15-20 minutes to 3-5 hours - depending on their complexity and “importance”. After this, Master Ajyan reads a special mantra (Pra Kataa) relating specifically to this Sak Yant in the Pali language. Gives commandments for the student’s future life.

Sacred designs come in several forms:
Round - denotes the face of Buddha or Brahman (in the Brahman tradition).
Triangular - Triple Gemstone(Buddha, Sangha, Dharma).
Rectangular - four elements: Water, Air, Earth, Fire.

An artistic (animalistic) tattoo depicts mythical animals from the ancient epic Ramayana, plants, people or angels.
One of the famous ones is Sak Yanta, depicting Buddha (Onk Pra). Above it is a crescent moon, illuminating the way in dark times.

The sun symbol (small circle), found in many tattoos, represents the illuminated path of the day. Talks about the importance of planets and stars that give people development.
Spiral lines (Unalome) represent saints who have achieved Enlightenment. And the straight line at the end of the zigzag means the direct path to Nirvana. It is applied to complete the work in the upper part of the drawing.

Some Yants use numbers instead of symbols. For example, when writing the mantra “Novahorakun”, you can designate it with the Thai number 9 (according to the number of syllables in the mantra).

Categories Sak Yant

Amnai. Gives physical and spiritual Strength

Giang Ngang. Stuns and causes paralysis of the enemy.

Sath Himapant. Images of mythical animals that give their strength to the owner of such a tattoo.

Klaev Klaad. Eliminates dangers and accidents.

Maha Sanae. Makes the owner attractive to the opposite sex and adds charm.

Mattha Mahanyom. Inflicted by a person in need of compassion and help.

There's Kvaam. Brings good luck in personal affairs and helps solve a specific problem.

Chok Laap. Improves social status, career, brings happiness and success.

But somehow in passing. In today's post we will consider this aspect of Thai culture in more detail. What varieties are there, what is it like meaning of Sak Yant symbols where you can get such a tattoo in Thailand - we’ll tell you about all this and more.

These patterns on the body contain Buddhist sacred symbols and mantras written in the letters of the Thai or Khmer (Cambodian) alphabet in the Pali language - the language of worship in Thai Buddhism. In addition to lettering, there are also images of mythical animals and angelic people.

Some common Sak Yant designs and their meanings

Drawings for Sak Yant tattoos are divided into many categories according to their meaning and purpose. There are very, very many variations of patterns, but more often than others you can find the following:

  • Gao Yot, translated from Thai as "nine towers" - this popular Sak Yant tattoo belongs to the category " chok laap", that is, "bringing happiness and good luck." Nine pins are placed on the back at the base of the neck. This pattern often serves as the basis, the “foundation” for all subsequent tattoos. Some Thai masters recommend as the first Sak Yant tattoos make exactly “nine towers”.
  • Ha Thaeo - "five rows" - this is also chok laap, that is, a tattoo aimed at good luck and happiness. Each column is responsible for a specific aspect of life: the first is home and correctness life path; the second - positive changes in fate; the third is protection from evil spirits, all kinds of misfortunes and troubles; fourth - attracting good luck; fifth - invulnerability achieved by true love and mercy.
  • Si Yot - “four spiers” - is done by those who want to gain power over the feelings of other people, and, on the other hand, protect themselves from such influence.
  • Paet Thit - “eight points” - eight identical, but multidirectional yantras collected in a circle. Usually done in the center of the back, it signifies protection in all directions of the Universe.

Among the images of animals, the most popular are tigers, birds (usually depicted in pairs - one on each shoulder blade), and monkeys.

In general, it makes no sense to talk about varieties - not only because of their diversity, but also because Thai sacred Sak Yant tattoos are applied not at the whim of a person, but solely at the personal discretion of the master monk. Yes, yes, it’s not you who choose the pattern here! You can only express your wishes - and not about the image, but about what changes you want to bring to your life, what goals to achieve.

Where to make Sak Yant in Thailand

According to established traditions, they do magical tattoos Sak Yant ajana- this is how in Thailand they respectfully call ascetic monks who have spent at least ten consecutive rainy seasons in seclusion. There are quite a lot of such masters, but few foreigners know about most of them. In addition, we must take into account the fact that some people flatly refuse to give a sacred tattoo to strangers and people of other faiths.

  • Guests of the country, choosing where to make Sak Yant in Thailand, in most cases they go to Ayutthaya, where master Ajahn works Cob, or go to Bangkok to see Ajahn Nu, who at one time became famous for giving a Thai ritual tattoo to Angelina Jolie herself. But these two options are for those who are willing to pay $1,000 or more for a magical pattern on their body.
  • For those who are not ready to part with such a sum, there is a simpler option - the Wat Bang Phra temple near Bangkok, where artists give tattoos to everyone for a symbolic donation of 100 baht. You can go there on any weekday. And every year in the spring (most often in March, but the date varies) a grandiose tattoo festival is held there: on this day, a huge number of ajans and crowds of lay people gather in the temple, wanting to get an appointment with them.

Sak Yant Masters in Thailand They live in almost every corner of the country, but on our island, unfortunately, not a single one could be found. So if your goal is to acquire a real sacred symbol on your body, then you will have to go quite a long way. But if Thai Sak Yant tattoo you need it purely for beauty and as a memory of visiting the Land of Smiles, then on Koh Chang you can easily get a stylized pattern done in almost any tattoo parlor.

Tattoos with a magical meaning called Sak Yant are ritual designs on the human body that are traditionally done in countries in the southeast of the Asian continent (Cambodia, Thailand). These tattoos contain Buddhist prayers and mystical symbols calling for help from higher powers. The local population believes that thai tattoos give their owner strong protection and blessing. The main meanings of Sak Yant are not banal oriental drawings, but a whole philosophy, life choice and a path that can give its owner luck, a comfortable existence, good health and longevity, strength and recognition.

Magic tattoo Sak Yant: origin story

A tattoo called Sak Yant was first mentioned in the oldest legends found in the territory of modern China, which date back to the first century BC. According to these legends, Chinese warriors applied yantras to their shirts, believing that they would protect them from being hit by enemy weapons.

The most accurate description of a Sak Yant tattoo sounds like a noble painting made taking into account the basic principles body image sacred symbolism.

Over time, tattoos began to be tattooed throughout Southeast Asia, taking into account the territory of the Philippine Islands and Indonesia. Such prevalence ancient tradition owes religious movements to Buddhism and the teachings of Brahma.

The magical tattoo consists of mantras written in the Pali language, which is practiced in the northern part of India. According to legends, this particular region of the country is considered the birthplace of Buddha, therefore the most ancient traditions of the Buddhist school are written in this language. Let us note that the Pali language does not have its own written language: it is replaced by Khmer characters. In accordance with this fact, we can say that Sak Yant is a unique Khmer prayer.

Interesting hieroglyphs form laconic forms and have absolutely different meanings, despite their external similarity. In most cases, the meaning of tattoos is the desire to achieve material wealth, protection from ill-wishers or enemy weapons, and possession of wealth.

The meaning of the symbols is of particular value, since it is not a simple drawing, but an ornament endowed with special mystical power.

Who can get sacred Yant tattoos?

Getting a sacred Sak Yant tattoo is not as easy as it seems. Only monks of Buddhist temples or Reishi sages are dedicated to the mystery of tattooing such tattoos. The tattoo ritual is performed in a Buddhist temple. Masters call this special place Samnak. A true Reisi must have a number of high moral qualities. Only in this case is he able to transfer his spiritual purity to the tattoo.

Monk tattoos are applied to a person’s body in accordance with an ancient ritual. Their magical meaning is activated by pronouncing a special prayer or mantra (kata) during the procedure. This allows you to charge the image with special power and endow it with unique abilities that influence the fate of the owner.

For the yantra to work, the person on whose body it was applied must adhere to the basic Buddhist principles of existence, namely:

  • do not lie and be truthful in everything;
  • not to diminish and not to commit violence against others;
  • do not steal or appropriate the property of another person;
  • do not drink alcohol or drugs;
  • do not engage in illicit sexual relations.

Buddhist monk tattoos can only be done by males. This is due to a tradition that prohibits Thai masters from touching a woman's body. In addition, in Thailand, as is known, women are not allowed to visit holy places, in particular, Buddhist temples, which makes it impossible to comply with all the norms of the Sak Yant procedure.

In 2004, contrary to tradition, the scandalous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie tattooed Sak Yant on her back. Naturally, this caused a storm of indignation and indignation among Buddhist monks who were initiated into the sacrament. Later it became known that the celebrity’s tattoo was done by a defrocked monk for a lot of money. Therefore, authoritative masters do not perceive such work as an authentic Tibetan drawing with a mystical meaning.

Sketches of Sak Yant: description and meaning

The meaning of the Sak Yant tattoo depends on the nature of the image and the characteristics of the magical design. Today masters highlight the following types Buddhist monk tattoos:

  • Amnaj is a Buddhist tattoo that gives its owner extraordinary physical and mental strength, which allows you to easily overcome life’s difficulties, easily achieve your goals and subjugate other people to your will;
  • Metha Mahaniyom is a magical drawing that helps you gain sympathy from others and increase your popularity among people.
  • Kong Grapan Chathrii is a classic tattoo, which is necessary for reliable protection against enemies and their weapons, regardless of their nature;
  • Maha Sanae helps the owner to reveal his attractiveness to others and become desirable to representatives of the opposite sex (in addition, such a tattoo allows a person to achieve mutual feelings from the object of his adoration);
  • Klaew Klaad is a tattoo of Buddhist monks to protect against tragic events, tragic accidents and sudden death, provoked by external danger factors;
  • Tam Kwaam is a symbol aimed at attracting good luck and invariably achieving the desired results (sometimes this design is associated with black magic and can be applied for the purpose of separating spouses, sending illness or mortal danger to a specific person);
  • Jang Ngang - this yantra is associated with the power to paralyze or stun the enemy;
  • Sattv Himapant is an image of animals from Buddhist mythology that personify a person’s connection with the spiritual side of the world and mystical entities, that is, possession;
  • Chok Laap is applied for good luck and to attract happiness into a person’s life, it helps to get a higher position at work, gain respect among colleagues and take a respected position in society;
  • Paet thit is a tattoo that provides protection to the Universe in all eight directions.

In addition, there are a huge number of Thai tattoos that are applied to attract strength, success and respect from others into the life of the owner. Among the most famous and popular designs in Thailand are the nine towers, the dragon, the body of Buddha and the tiger.

Places to apply Sak Yant tattoo

There are classic places on the body for Sak Yant tattoos. Most of them are usually drawn on the back, in its different sections. Yantras can be applied to the entire surface of human skin. More often, men in Southeast Asian countries cover themselves with sacred designs. top part your body, arms and hands, chest.

Less often, people prefer to depict yantras in the leg area, in particular on the shins or knees, as well as in the popliteal fossae and in the thigh area. The place where Buddhist tattoos are applied depends not only on the wishes of their owner, but also on the existing traditions of this culture, which are known in more detail to master monks.

Tattoo Sak Yant: photo

On the Internet you can find many photos with tattoos of Buddhist monks on people’s bodies. of different ages. There are also women in such photographs, which does not fit into the picture of the authenticity of the tattoo. You can learn more about the features of possible images on the website or directly from a tattoo artist, who will tell you about all the nuances of the upcoming procedure.