Nowadays, few people believe in miracles, and it is difficult to convince modern people that they happen. And yet, I modern man, must tell about the miracle that happened to me and try to find simple convincing words - without anything,

which may seem deceitful, far-fetched, or at least slightly contrived.

This happened several years ago, and I, the writer Alexander Segen, still did not dare to testify in writing to the miracle, limiting myself only to oral stories. I was always stopped by the thought: either they openly wouldn’t believe me, or they would just pretend that they believed me. Or they won’t trust you. Since the spring of that year, my heel began to hurt. I wasn't particularly worried. It will pass. But it didn’t go away, but, on the contrary, it hurt more and more. I had to go to the doctors. They made different diagnoses, prescribed ointments, pills, but nothing helped. In the summer, my son Kolya and I were planning to go to Gurzuf for three weeks, and I thought about the sea - it often saved me, many sores healed when you swim for many days for a long time, walk on the coastal pebbles. But this time the sea did not help, and when the time came to leave, I could no longer step on my heel, every step caused such hellish pain. We arrived from Gurzuf to Simferopol, there were three hours left before the train.

“We must go on foot to St. Luke,” I announced my decision to my son.

- What a walk! – Nifkolasha doubted. “You can’t walk, daddy.”

I almost never dared to disturb the saints with requests about my arrangement in life. Only occasionally. When Kolya was supposed to be born, they appointed C-section on June 1, and this freethinker decided that it was time for him, and began to demand release on the morning of May 31. Having learned about this over the phone, I got scared and ran to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Izmailovo, knelt before the icon of St. Nicholas and prayed for a long time. At some point it seemed to me that St. Nicholas smiled at me. I hurried home, called the maternity hospital and learned about the successful outcome.

- No, we have to go.

- Let's at least take a taxi.

- No, only on foot. 234

And we, leaving our things in the storage room, went to the healer Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky). From the station to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, in which, after canonization, the relics of the saint rest, it takes about 15 minutes on foot, if with cheerful legs; if with a tired step, then 20-25 minutes. I, leaning on my son, trudged for over an hour, sweating from pain, but overcame it by talking about the person we were going to. I talked about how Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, who was born into a Catholic family, was fond of Tolstoyism in his youth, then, despite the protests of his parents, he converted to Orthodoxy; about how famous a doctor he became in his young years, how, having mourned his wife who bore him four children, he took monastic vows. While in Tashkent, he was brought in as an expert on one court case , and the famous security officer-executioner Peters asked him: “Tell me, priest and professor Voino-Yasenetsky, how do you believe in God, in the immortality of the soul? Have you seen God? And when you performed operations on the chest, did you see the soul?” “No,” the healer calmly answered, “I have not seen God or a soul. But I have performed craniotomy more than once, and I haven’t seen the mind either.” For bold judgments and statements, Valentin Feliksovich, and in the rank of bishop - Bishop Luka, was arrested and spent 11 years in camps and exile. And during the war years, his work “Essays on Purulent Surgery” was published, thanks to which tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives of Soviet soldiers were saved. And for this healing book, he, a recent prisoner of the Gulag, was awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st degree! There I knelt before the saint’s tomb and prayed to him, without boring me with too long a petition. I bought oil blessed on the relics of the saint and a flannel wrap, which I was advised to use to wrap the sore spot after anointing with the oil. The journey from the temple to the station was even more tiring. I no longer had the strength to talk about anything. I don’t know why, but I decided to anoint my leg with oil upon arriving in Moscow. Kolya and I returned on Sunday afternoon. In the evening I remembered about the oil. Hand on heart, I didn’t really believe in a miracle, although hope for the saint’s help glimmered in my heart. Well, I thought, at least the pain would be relieved a little... What happened next was that the hair on my head literally began to move, and goosebumps ran across my skin. As soon as I anointed my leg with oil, a kind of pleasant seething was created in my leg: like in a glass where champagne or Narzan had just been poured, thousands of bubbles were running inside, and in a matter of seconds the pain disappeared, dissolved in this wonderful boil. I wrapped a flannel wrap around my leg and walked back and forth. Great, nothing hurts! I couldn't believe my feelings. I was afraid to tell Kolya. Moreover, after half an hour the pain returned, and after another hour it became unbearable again. In the middle of the night I woke up and smeared myself again. And the same thing happened again. Only this time the seething was not so lively. The pain went away, I lay down and tried to sleep before it hurt again. When I woke up early in the morning, I felt almost no pain, but I still lubricated my heel again. Now there is almost no champagne and narzan. It just became even easier. I loved walking my son to school in the morning. We always talked about something interesting and pleasant. On Wednesday, the third day after he and I returned from Crimea, we left the house, and I said:

- Nikolasha, do you want me to show you a miracle?

- Look!

I dashingly ran 100 meters forward and came back running the same way.

- And where is the miracle?

- Well, hello, face me!

And a few days ago...

- Wow, exactly!

- I saw...

We walked in silence for some time. Finally Kolya stopped, looked at me and said:

- Well, what did you want? This is a saint.

In the capital of Crimea, on Odesskaya Street, from afar you can see the domes of a beautiful Orthodox church. Its official name is the Holy Trinity Cathedral, located on the territory of the existing convent of the same name. But for many residents of the city, and even visitors, it is known as the Church of St. Luke; in Simferopol this place is very revered by parishioners.

Where is the temple located in Simferopol?

Trinity Church is located in the very center of the Crimean capital. After walking a block to the northeast, you will find yourself at. Heading northwest, along the street. Odessa, you can go to the Valencia Hotel.

Church on the map of Crimea

The history of the appearance of a sacred place

Like many ancient churches, The Church of St. Luke now looks completely different than at the beginning of its existence, and its “life” was full of different events. On the spot where it now stands, a small wooden church was erected back in 1796; it belonged to the Greek church. By the way, this served her well during the years of persecution of her faith in Soviet times: the authorities treated such churches with some caution, so as not to spoil relations with other states.

IN early XIX century, the entire area where the Holy Trinity Cathedral was located was inhabited by Greeks, so a Greek gymnasium was opened in the temple building. But the small wooden structure was not suitable for long-term and active use. In the middle of the century it was dismantled in order to build a new temple complex, more spacious and made of stone, on the vacant site. The author of the project was the architect I. Kolodin.

The architect used classical architectural forms for his project. The plan of the church is cruciform, crowned in the middle with an octagonal dome, to the left of which there is a low bell tower. Noteworthy is the sophistication of the facade, decorated with pilasters, columns, and an abundance of mosaic paintings. Inside, it is divided into two chapels: one is dedicated to the Cathedral of the Crimean Saints, the second to Saints Helen and Constantine.

The Orthodox community of Simferopol experienced hard times during Soviet times. All the main churches in the city were blown up, only this one survived. For a long time he stayed Cathedral Crimean diocese. The two clergymen leading it were driven into the camp and shot. In 1946, the archbishop became the local rector Crimean Luka, whose name is now called Trinity Church.

Trinity Cathedral: under the sign of the saint

Archbishop Luke is a truly unique personality. His worldly name is Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky. To at least a little note its unusualness and scale, it is worth listing only some biographical facts:

What is interesting about the Church of St. Luke?

Since the Holy Trinity Cathedral was a Cathedral, Saint Luke connected the last fifteen years of his life with it. He died in 1961, was canonized by the church, and in March 1996 his relics were transferred to the temple to which he gave so much of his strength. Now they are kept in the main hall, in a silver shrine, and are one of the main valuables here. And to the right of the entrance there is a small building - the Museum of St. Luke.

The icon of St. Luke (Bishop of Crimea) is especially revered in Orthodox world. Many Christian believers say warm and sincere prayers before the image of the saint. Saint Luke always hears requests addressed to him: through the prayers of believers, great miracles are performed daily - many people find deliverance from various mental and physical ailments.

The relics of Luke of Crimea show various healings these days, testifying to the great spiritual power of the saint. To worship the shrine, many Christians come to Simferopol from different cities of the world.

The icon of St. Luke is intended to remind people of the life of a great man, fearlessly following in the footsteps of the Savior, who embodied the example of the Christian feat of bearing the cross of life.

On the icons, Saint Luke of Voino-Yasenetsky is depicted in archbishop's vestments with his hand raised in blessing. You can also see an image of the saint sitting at a table over an open book, in the works of scientific activity, which reminds Christian believers of fragments of the saint’s biography. There are icons depicting a saint with a cross in his right hand and the Gospel in his left. Some icon painters represent St. Luke with medical instruments, recalling his life's work.

The icon of St. Luke is highly revered by the people - its significance for Christian believers is very great! Like St. Nicholas, Bishop Luke became a Russian miracle worker, coming to the aid of all life’s difficulties.

Nowadays, the icon of St. Luke is found in almost every home. This is primarily due to the great faith of the people in the miraculous help of the saint, who is capable of healing any illness by faith. Many Christians turn to the great saint in prayer for deliverance from various ailments.

Saint Luke, Bishop of Crimea (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky), was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. Since childhood, he was interested in painting, attending a drawing school, where he demonstrated considerable success. After completing the gymnasium course, the future saint entered the university at the Faculty of Law, but a year later he stopped studying, leaving educational institution. Then he tried to study at the Munich School of Painting, however, the young man did not find his calling in this area either.

Desiring with all his heart to benefit his neighbors, Valentin decided to enter Kiev University for Faculty of Medicine. From the first years of his studies, he became interested in anatomy. Having graduated from the educational institution with honors and received the specialty of a surgeon, the future saint immediately began practical medical activity, mainly in eye surgery.


In 1904 it began Russo-Japanese War. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky went to Far East as a volunteer. In Chita, he worked at the Red Cross hospital, where he carried out practical medical activities. Heading the surgical department, he successfully operated on wounded soldiers. Soon the young doctor met his future wife, Anna Vasilievna, who worked as a nurse at the hospital. In their marriage they had four children.

From 1905 to 1910, the future saint worked in various district hospitals, where he had to conduct a wide variety of medical activities. At this time, general anesthesia began to be widely used, but there was not enough to perform operations under general anesthesia. necessary equipment and specialists - anesthesiologists. Interested in alternative methods of pain relief, the young doctor discovered a new method of anesthesia for the sciatic nerve. He subsequently presented his research in the form of a dissertation, which he successfully defended.


In 1910, the young family moved to the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where the future Saint Luke worked in extremely difficult conditions, performing several operations daily. Soon he decided to study purulent surgery and began to actively work on writing his dissertation.

In 1917, terrible upheavals began in the fatherland - political instability, widespread betrayal, the beginning of a bloody revolution. In addition, the young surgeon's wife falls ill with tuberculosis. The family moves to the city of Tashkent. Here Valentin Feliksovich holds the position of head of the surgical department of the local hospital. In 1918, the Tashkent State University, in which the doctor teaches topographic anatomy and surgery.


During civil war the surgeon lived in Tashkent, where he devoted all his energy to healing, performing several operations every day. While working, the future saint always fervently prayed to God for help in accomplishing the work of salvation. human lives. There was always an icon in the operating room, and a lamp hung in front of it. The doctor had a pious custom: before an operation, he always venerated icons, then lit a lamp, said a prayer, and only then got down to business. The doctor was distinguished by deep faith and religiosity, which led him to the decision to accept the priesthood.

Health A.V. Voino-Yasenetskaya's life began to deteriorate - she died in 1918, leaving four small children in the care of her husband. After the death of his wife, the future saint began to participate even more actively in church life, visiting churches in Tashkent. In 1921, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained to the rank of deacon, and then to the rank of priest. Father Valentin became the rector of the church, in which he always very lively and diligently preached the Word of God. Many colleagues treated his religious beliefs with undisguised irony, believing that scientific activity successful surgeon with ordination was finally completed.

In 1923, Father Valentin took monastic vows with the new name Luke, and soon assumed the rank of bishop, which caused a stormy negative reaction from the Tashkent authorities. After some time, the saint was arrested and imprisoned. A long period of exile began.

Ten years in captivity

For two months after his arrest, the future Saint Luke of Crimea was in Tashkent prison. Then he was transported to Moscow, where a significant meeting of the saint took place with Patriarch Tikhon, imprisoned in Donskoy Monastery. In the conversation, the Patriarch convinces Bishop Luke not to give up his medical practice.

Soon the saint was summoned to the KGB Cheka building on Lubyanka, where he was subjected to brutal interrogation methods. After the verdict was pronounced, Saint Luke was sent to Butyrka prison, where he was kept in inhumane conditions for two months. Then he was transferred to Taganskaya prison (until December 1923). This was followed by a series of repressions: in the midst of a harsh winter, the saint was sent into exile in Siberia, to distant Yeniseisk. Here he was settled in the house of a local wealthy resident. The bishop was allocated a separate room in which he continued to conduct medical activities.

After some time, Saint Luke received permission to operate in the Yenisei hospital. In 1924, he performed a complex and unprecedented operation to transplant a kidney from an animal to a human. As a “reward” for his work, local authorities sent a talented surgeon to the small village of Khaya, where Saint Luke continued his medical work, sterilizing instruments in a samovar. The saint did not lose heart - as a reminder of bearing the cross of life, there was always an icon next to him.

Saint Luke of Crimea was again transferred to Yeniseisk the following summer. After a short prison sentence, he was again admitted to medical practice and to church service in a local monastery.

The Soviet authorities tried with all their might to prevent the growing popularity of the bishop-surgeon among the common people. It was decided to exile him to Turukhansk, where there were very complex natural and weather. At the local hospital, the saint received patients and continued his surgical activities, operating with a penknife, and using the hair of patients as surgical suture material.

During this period, he served in a small monastery on the banks of the Yenisei, in the church where the relics of St. Basil of Mangazeya were located. Crowds of people came to him, finding in him a true healer of soul and body. In March 1924, the saint was again called to Turukhansk to resume his medical activities. At the end of his prison term, the bishop returned to Tashkent, where he again took on the duties of a bishop. The future Saint Luke of Crimea conducted medical work at home, attracting not only the sick, but also many medical students.

In 1930, Saint Luke was arrested again. After his conviction, the saint spent a whole year in Tashkent prison, subjected to all kinds of torture and interrogation. Hard tests Saint Luke of Crimea suffered at that time. The prayer offered to the Lord daily gave him spiritual and physical strength to endure all adversities.

Then it was decided to transport the bishop into exile in northern Russia. All the way to Kotlas, the accompanying convoy soldiers mocked the saint, spat in his face, mocked and mocked him.

At first, Bishop Luke worked in the Makarikha transit camp, where people who became victims were serving their sentences. political repression. The conditions of the settlers were inhumane, many decided to commit suicide out of despair, people suffered from massive epidemics of various diseases, and they were not given any help. medical care. Saint Luke was soon transferred to work at the Kotlas hospital, having received permission to operate. Next, the archbishop was sent to Arkhangelsk, where he remained until 1933.

"Essays on purulent surgery"

In 1933, Luka returned to his native Tashkent, where his grown-up children were waiting for him. Until 1937, the saint was engaged in scientific activities in the field of purulent surgery. In 1934, he published a famous work entitled “Essays on Purulent Surgery,” which is still a textbook for surgeons. The saint never managed to publish many of his achievements, an obstacle to which was the next Stalinist repression.

New persecution

In 1937, the bishop was again arrested on charges of murder, underground counter-revolutionary activities and conspiracy to destroy Stalin. Some of his colleagues, arrested with him, gave false testimony against the bishop under pressure. For thirteen days the saint was interrogated and tortured. After Bishop Luke did not sign the confession, he was again subjected to conveyor interrogation.

For the next two years he was imprisoned in Tashkent, periodically subjected to aggressive interrogation. In 1939 he was sentenced to exile in Siberia. In the village of Bolshaya Murta Krasnoyarsk Territory the bishop worked in a local hospital, operating on numerous patients under incredibly difficult conditions. The difficult months and years, full of hardships and hardships, were worthily endured by the future saint - Bishop Luke of Crimea. The prayers he offered for his spiritual flock helped many believers in those difficult times.

Soon the saint sent a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Supreme Council asking for permission to operate on wounded soldiers. Next, the bishop was transferred to Krasnoyarsk and appointed chief physician of a military hospital, as well as a consultant to all regional military hospitals.

While working at the hospital, he was constantly monitored by KGB officers, and his colleagues treated him with suspicion and distrust, which was due to his religion. He was not allowed into the hospital cafeteria, and as a result he often suffered from hunger. Some nurses, feeling sorry for the saint, secretly brought him food.


Every day, the future Archbishop of Crimea Luka independently came to the railway station, selecting the most seriously ill for operations. This continued until 1943, when many church political prisoners fell under Stalin's amnesty. The future Saint Luke was installed as Bishop of Krasnoyarsk, and on February 28 he was able to independently serve the first liturgy.

In 1944, the saint was transferred to Tambov, where he carried out medical and religious activities, restoring destroyed churches, attracting many to the Church. They began to invite him to various scientific conferences, but they always asked him to come in secular clothes, to which Luke never agreed. In 1946 the saint received recognition. He was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Crimean period

Soon the saint's health seriously deteriorated, Bishop Luke began to see poorly. Church authorities appointed him Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea. In Crimea, the bishop continues his busy life. Work is underway to restore the churches; Luka receives patients for free every day. In 1956 the saint became completely blind. Despite such a serious illness, he selflessly worked for the good of the Church of Christ. On June 11, 1961, Saint Luke, Bishop of Crimea, peacefully departed to the Lord on the Day of the Feast of All Saints.

On March 20, 1996, the holy relics of Luke of Crimea were solemnly transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. Nowadays, they are especially revered by the inhabitants of Crimea, as well as by all Orthodox Christians who ask for help from the great saint.

Icon "St. Luke of Crimea"

During his lifetime, many Christian believers who were personally acquainted with this great man felt his holiness, which was expressed in genuine kindness and sincerity. Luke lived a hard life, full of labor, hardship and adversity.

Even after the saint’s repose, many people continued to feel his invisible support. Since the archbishop's canonization as an Orthodox saint in 1995, the icon of St. Luke has continually shown various miracles of healing from mental and physical illnesses.

Many Orthodox Christians rush to Simferopol to venerate the great Christian treasure - the relics of St. Luke of Crimea. The icon of St. Luke helps many sick people. The importance of her spiritual power is difficult to overestimate. Some believers received help from the saint instantly, which confirms his great intercession before God for people.

Miracles of Luka Krymsky

Nowadays, through the sincere prayers of believers, the Lord sends healings from many diseases thanks to the intercession of St. Luke. Known and recorded real cases incredible deliverances from various diseases that occurred thanks to prayer to the saint. The relics of Luke of Crimea exude great miracles.

In addition to deliverance from bodily ailments, the saint also helps in the spiritual struggle against various sinful inclinations. Some believing surgeons, deeply revering their great colleague, following the example of the saint, always pray before surgery, which helps to successfully operate even on complex patients. According to their deep conviction, Saint Luke of Crimea helps. Prayer addressed to him from the heart helps solve even the most difficult problems.

Saint Luke miraculously helped some students to enter a medical university, thus their cherished dream came true - to devote their lives to treating people. In addition to numerous healings from illnesses, Saint Luke helps lost, unbelieving people find faith, being a spiritual mentor and praying for human souls.

The great holy Bishop Luke of Crimea still performs many miracles to this day! Everyone who turns to him for help receives healing. There are known cases when the saint helped pregnant women to safely bear and give birth to healthy children who were at risk according to the results of multilateral studies. Truly a great saint - Luke of Crimea. Prayers offered by believers in front of his relics or icons will always be heard.


When Luke's grave was opened, the incorruption of his remains was noted. In 2002, Greek clergy presented the Trinity Monastery with a silver shrine for the relics of the archbishop, in which they still rest today. The holy relics of Luke of Crimea, thanks to the prayers of believers, exude many miracles and healings. People come to the temple all the time to venerate them.

After Bishop Luke was glorified as a saint, his remains were transferred to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in the city of Simferopol. Pilgrims often also call this temple: “Church of St. Luke.” However, this wonderful one is called Holy Trinity. The cathedral is located at the address: Simferopol, st. Odesskaya, 12.

Relics of Saint LUKE (Voino-Yasenetsky)

The relics of St. Luke rest in the Church of St. Luke in the city This is what pilgrims usually call the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity or the Holy Trinity Monastery.

It is known that the relics of saints are fragrant, but what one feels when bending over the shrine of St. Luke cannot be expressed in words. A strong, indescribable aroma rose from the crayfish.

Archbishop Luke (1877-1961) is a remarkable, even unique personality: an outstanding doctor, surgeon, priest.

In 1923, Priest Valentin made the important decision to become a monk. The exiled Bishop of Ufa Andrei (Prince Ukhtomsky) secretly performed tonsure, calling him after the apostle, evangelist and artist Luke. That same year he became a bishop.

For his faith, Archpastor Luke was arrested three times and sent into exile. But even while in remote villages, Archbishop Luke treated the sick.

In 1934 it was published treatise“Essays on Purulent Surgery,” the importance of which has not been lost to this day, the author’s name was preceded by his spiritual title “bishop.”

Despite the torture and abuse used during the third arrest in 1937, Bishop Luka immediately after the start of the war, at the request of the authorities, took the position of chief surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospital. He helped wounded soldiers even after his exile ended in 1942.

In the same year, Bishop Luke was elevated to the rank of archbishop. He combined his service at the Krasnoyarsk department with the intense work of a surgeon.

Wasn't forgotten either scientific activity: in 1943, an expanded second edition of “Essays on Purulent Surgery” was published, and in 1943 the book “Late Resections of Infected Gunshot Wounds of Joints” was published. For these works, the scientist was awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st degree.

The Bishop made a lot of efforts to restore order in the diocese: he prevented the closure of churches, tried to open new ones, especially in rural areas, from the priests Archbishop Luke demanded strict adherence church rules, constantly fought against heresy and sectarianism.

Archbishop Luke did not give up his medical practice, despite his advanced age. He was a consultant at the Simferopol military hospital, in severe cases He often operated on patients himself. Vladyka had an invaluable gift: he made diagnoses with amazing accuracy and could also foresee the future.

In his house (at 1 Kurchatova Street), Archbishop Luka received sick people for free, who still remember him with gratitude.

Chapel of St. Luke in Simferopol

The authority of the Lord was so High that the sick tried totouch his vestments, believing that just one touch will help them overcome the disease. Archbishop Luke wanted to pass on his wealth of experience to doctors and students. He often gave lectures and made reports, but he always did this in a cassock with a panagia.
The earthly life of Archbishop Luke ended on June 11, 1961, on the Day of All Saints who shone in the Russian land.

Funeral of Archbishop Luke, Simferopol, 1961

He was buried in Simferopol in the cemetery near the Church of All Saints. And after his death, Saint Luke continued to help the sick: prayer at his grave, earth and water taken from it brought healing.

On November 22, 1995, by the decision of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Archbishop Luke of Simferopol and Crimea was canonized as a locally revered saint. 18th of March 1996 were acquired imperishable relics Saint March 20, 1996 in front of a huge crowd of people the relics of the saint were solemnly transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where they rest to this day, performing miracles of healing.

There is a miracle associated with this photograph. On the face covering only a cross was depicted. When the photograph was printed, a face imprint appeared on it... There is evidence that in fact the policemen had caps on their heads, but they were not in this photo!

In 2000, at the anniversary Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Luke was numbered among the new martyrs and confessors.

Icon of Luke the Crimean Saint: photo, meaning, what it helps with

Saint Luke accomplished his exploits quite recently. This is the only priest-surgeon of the Soviet era, glorified by the Church as a saint.

How does the icon of Luke the Crimean Saint help?

This saint was officially canonized by the Church as Saint Luke of Crimea, since he ended his earthly journey in the rank of Bishop of Simferopol. However Orthodox people His name is Luka Voino-Yasenetsky. This is explained by the fact that to this day many people who knew the saint personally are still alive, because the bishop was both a doctor and a minister of the Church. The saint stands out especially among the host of saints. His exploits were accomplished quite recently - he died already in the 1960s, he treated the wounded of the Great Patriotic War and, perhaps, the only one of all the priests then could never take off his cassock, even wearing it under his robe during surgery.

His talent as a surgeon was recognized even by the Soviet authorities, who gave him, while in rank, the Stalin Prize - the only and unprecedented case in the entire history of Soviet history. However, the bishop-surgeon, perhaps, has existed alone in all centuries. The bishop's spiritual talent - his holiness - manifested itself both in his archpastoral service and in his miracles performed by the grace of God.

Biography of the saint and where the relics are located

Information about the life of the saint is largely based on his autobiography under the title created by the saint himself: “I fell in love with suffering.” His fate was filled with professional and spiritual quests, exile and wars: the saint was an ordinary person, sometimes he fell into despair and was confused in decisions. But in all the trials - and he went through all the most dangerous things that can befall a person - he relied on the will of God and prayer, and tried to serve people.

The future saint was born in 1877 in the Crimean city of Kerch and was named Valentin. His family came from Polish nobles.

Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming an artist; art fascinated him very much - however, upon entering the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, he changed his mind. Perhaps he saw what a careless and selfish spirit reigns in the society of artists. The future saint decided that he should help people, and not live for his own pleasure. He graduated from the university with honors and himself decided to go to the deep province - to Chita - to raise the level of medicine there, to help those in need. They tried to keep him in the teaching department, but he resolutely refused, declaring that he would live for the sake of people, and not for the sake of science.

In Chita he married nurse, his four children were born there. The fame of his talent as a surgeon spread throughout Siberia, people came to him from everywhere so that he performed operations endlessly - and they were all successful. The future saint prayerfully performed many wonderful operations even in a state of fatigue.

He wrote that while still at the university, he began to search for God, a faith on which he could rely in his worldview. As in all areas of his activity, he thoroughly studied a lot of literature and came to Orthodoxy through the spiritual experience of prayer. In post-revolutionary Tashkent, he participated in many debates on spiritual topics that were popular at that time. Tashkent Bishop Innocent, after one of these events, where the saint brilliantly refuted his opponent’s arguments, invited him to become a priest: the bishop was attracted by the saint’s spiritual passion and, of course, his great mind.

Thus began a new era in the life of the saint: he operated, taught at the university, served as a priest and preached. Wherever he appeared, people gathered: his operations were famous for their quality, his teaching for his ease, his sermons for his inspired words. In 1923, he was tonsured with the name of the Apostle Luke, known as a doctor, icon painter and evangelist, that is, who, like Saint Voino-Yasenetsky, perfectly combined several areas of activity in his life. Almost immediately the saint was elevated to the rank of bishop.

As a priest, he quickly won the love and gratitude of the people of Tashkent, and after his ordination as a bishop, when he was sent to different dioceses, he also soon gained the veneration of the inhabitants of the church regions assigned to him. In addition, his fame as a surgical specialist grew and followed him: people came en masse to his home, to the temple, to the hospital. The devotee enlightened all patients before the operation sign of the cross, regardless of their beliefs. He was revered by many people. People knew that his strength was the talent of a doctor and a saint, so many even came to the temple just to touch him, believing that they would receive relief from illnesses and infirmities.

Quite quickly, the Soviet government drew attention to the surgeon, who did not take off his cassock, and the priest, who operated on people en masse, and also brought many to God. Therefore, the confessor of the faith of Christ was imprisoned under a far-fetched pretext. Here he was cruelly tortured, robbed, and tried to force him to slander people, but he endured everything with courage. After several years of imprisonment, he was exiled to the Arctic, where he lived in a collapsed house - here the water froze at night for six months in a row. Luke endured illness, hunger and cold, without ceasing either his service to Christ or his medical care to people. At this time, he actively studied eye surgery, and once in the North, with almost no available means, he was able to operate on an entire family in such a way that he restored sight to all people. Exhausted by the long journey, lack of food and difficult conditions, he always continued to help people.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he was offered to work in a hospital on the front line. He very much regretted that he could not perform episcopal service in the Church, but the help to his people was invaluable: many wounded soldiers, defenders of the Fatherland, passed through his hands. The efficiency for which he was famous even before the war increased even more in the difficult conditions of the front. He not only operated, but kept his observations: this is how the book “Essays on Purulent Surgery” appeared after the war. Perhaps he became the only person of holy orders who was awarded both a medal for his work during the Great Patriotic War and the Stalin Prize for his work on a book. These “Essays” today serve as textbooks in medical schools. They were suffered by the saint, who, out of necessity and love for science, even left the church episcopal ministry for a while. The bishop’s work saved many lives and continues to save people today.

After the persecution of the Church eased, Luke again preached widely and actively. At this time, a new misfortune befell him: he began to lose his sight, but managed operations, advised operating doctors, diagnosed diseases, and most importantly, performed Divine Liturgy and others church services. He helped people heal spiritually, mentally and physically. Since 1943, he remained in the rank of Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, as if returning to his homeland - after all, he was born in Kerch. He received the sick at home and recreated the diocese from post-war ruins. He died in 1956. To this day, many people who were his students or employees, as well as patients cured by him, are alive.

The relics of the saint reside in the Holy Trinity Convent of Simferopol. Also in Simferopol there is a beautiful monument to Luke of Crimea; The medical university is named after him.

Veneration and memorial day of St. Luke

The memory of Luke of Crimea is celebrated by the entire Orthodox Church twice a year:
March 18, the day of the saint’s repose before the Lord,
June 11, the day of the discovery of Luke’s relics in Simferopol.

The ascetic is traditionally the patron saint of not only doctors, but also medical personnel and hospice workers. Many hospital churches in Russia have an icon with a particle of his relics: during illness, while in hospital, you can always pray to the ascetic and ask him for help. Pious doctors do the same as he once did: they pray before making rounds, and in the operating room they keep an icon, now the most pious (he usually prayed in front of the image of Christ or the Mother of God - during the Soviet regime they even tried to forbid him to do this, but he left the hospital and did not return until the icon was allowed to be left in the operating room). He is asked for intercession, the right direction of operations, and the healing of the sick.

How and what to pray to a saint, what prayer helps with

Many stories of miraculous healings are told annually by people on the days of St. Luke's memory. Particularly amazing are the stories when those praying seem to be undergoing a well-done operation after praying in a dream.

  • There are several testimonies of how, after vision surgery, people were healed of ear diseases, migraines, and tumors.

  • Many women were cured of infertility through prayers to the saint, pregnancy and childbirth proceeded easily.

  • They pray for healing from eye diseases, because in his declining years he himself suffered from blindness.

  • As a confessor of the faith who has gone through many exiles and the hardships of prison, they pray for help in their journeys, strengthening their faith amid the hardships of life.

  • They also ask him for the healing of diseases that require surgical intervention: there is a lot of evidence of miraculous healings when it seemed malignant tumor degenerated into benign or disappeared.

  • As a person who has endured the hardships of widowhood, they ask for wisdom and support during the death of loved ones, in divorce, in widowhood.

  • Through prayers to the saint, cysts and hernias that required urgent surgical intervention disappeared, so if such formations appeared, one must also pray

When praying, never forget about contacting doctors and following their recommendations. This is our obedience to God, because he himself prescribed operations, medications and procedures for healing to the sick, while constantly praying for the sick. Human power and God's help together they create miracles.

To heal both spiritually and physically, it is worthwhile, if possible, to attend church services or pray daily at home. Can be added to prayer rule special short prayers to the saint: troparia and kontakion. Read them online and at any difficult moment in life, during an exacerbation of the disease, during pain


The image of a saint is most often represented by his image, close to a photograph or a pictorial portrait. The saint is depicted in a purple robe with white and red stripes, which is worn by modern bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. On his head is a monk's hood, right hand folded in a blessing gesture for those praying.

    In the hand of Saint Luke there may be a Gospel, a bishop's staff or an Orthodox cross.
    Sometimes a box with surgical instruments is depicted next to the saint or in his hand - after all, he was a doctor and a priest, he treated both with his art and with God’s grace.

    There are also rare icons where the saint is depicted in a white medical robe and cap, wearing glasses. Next to it is also a set of medical instruments. This image is most often created for healthcare institutions and one should not be surprised by it: it reflects an important aspect of the saint’s life.

    Another iconography of the saint reflects his work on scientific articles, sermons, and autobiography: he, in a light summer cassock, sits at a desk with manuscripts, on his chest is a sign of the bishop, a small panagia, that is, an icon of the Mother of God.

    There are also images with hagiographical marks, where the difficult fate of the saint is reflected in small icons around the main image. The genre of the hagiographic icon is very ancient; it came to Russia from Byzantium around the 12th century and actively spread in the 16th century. The marks must be read from left to right and from top to bottom. It is better to know the life, then it will be easier to guess what is depicted in the mark.

How to be treated with prayer to St. Luke of Crimea

If you are sick in the morning, on an empty stomach, make it a rule to drink holy water and eat part of the prosphora (church unleavened bread with a seal from a cross on a flat top, from which particles are taken out with the names of people remembered; the prosphora will be given to your loved ones or to you when submitting a note “On health "for the Liturgy, which also needs to be done for you if you are sick). with the prayer “Lord, bless!” Or
“Lord, my God, may your holy gift be to me: prosphora and holy water for the forgiveness of my sins, enlightenment of my mind, strengthening of my mental and physical strength, health of my soul and body, deliverance from my vices and illnesses according to your infinite mercy and to the prayers of Your most pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".
Holy water can also be added to food. Place icons of St. Luke and the Blessed Virgin Mary next to the bed.

In a serious illness, you need to proceed, first of all, if you have not been baptized, to Baptism, and then to the Sacrament of Unction. This is one of the seven Sacraments of the Orthodox Church. All of them were established by the Lord and are based on His words preserved in the Gospel. The sacrament of the Church is a sacred act where, with the help of external signs and rituals, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given to people invisibly, that is, mysteriously, hence the name. The saving power of God is true, in contrast to the “energy” and magic of the spirits of darkness, which only promise help, but in fact destroy souls. In addition, the Tradition of the Church says that in the Sacraments, unlike home prayers, molebens or memorial services, grace is promised by God Himself and enlightenment is given to a person who has prepared for the Sacraments correctly, who comes with sincere faith and repentance, an understanding of his sinfulness before our Sinless Savior.

The Sacrament of Unction must not be confused with the anointing of oil, which is performed during the All-Night Vigil (evening service held every Saturday and before church holidays) and is a symbolic blessing of the Church. They gather everyone, even those who are healthy, usually in Lent, and for seriously ill patients all year round - even at home if necessary. This is the Sacrament of healing soul and body. It is aimed at cleansing from unconfessed sins (this is especially important to do before death) and healing the disease.

  • Every day you can add a prayer to St. Luke of Voino-Yasenetsky to your prayer rule. In a serious illness, you can also read an akathist to the saint for 40 days in a row in front of his icon. It is not necessary to go to the temple: you or your loved ones can purchase an icon for home prayer. When praying, you can light a thin church candle in front of it.

  • After prayer, you can kiss the icon: cross yourself twice, kiss the hand or hem of the robe of the saint depicted on the icon, cross yourself again. This can also be done while lying in bed.

  • Read the prayer with attention, not as a conspiracy, but as an appeal to a saint. Tell us in your own words about trouble and sorrow, ask for help.