In fact, what is called the Grail today is a certain sound, which is also called the Primordial Sound, the Sound of Creation, that is, that Primordial Sound that can change the world. This is the very Sound that is the true Original Word spoken by God, with which He manifested this material Universe. Remember in the Bible, in the Gospel of John there are these words: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God...”
The Grail is an adapted formula of the Primordial Sound. Simply put, a complex combination of sound, which is the source of enormous power, capable of transforming matter by introducing changes into the basic matrix...

As a rule, whoever possessed this formula, meaning already in our civilization here on Earth, used it for personal purposes of self-improvement, that is, without practically using the full power of the Primary Sound. Because this is a huge responsibility. When a person uses the formula of the Primary Sound, the manifestation of this superpower begins - in fact, the combination of the Primary Lotus and Allat. This Primary Sound is pronounced by a person as if inside himself, and when the Sound merges with the Divine particle called the soul, something like an internal “explosion” occurs. For a person, this is expressed in the form of a kind of flash, spiritual insight, due to the fact that he abruptly jumps from the waves of his consciousness to global consciousness - to a completely unknown level of perception of reality, which opens up new ranges of his knowledge and capabilities. Moreover, the person subsequently remains at this qualitatively new level of perception. He begins to see what this world actually consists of and begins to realize the illusion of this world. But the main thing is that in this state of consciousness, or as the ancient “states of enlightenment” would say, the curtain of the real world of God opens for him, and he can contemplate that world. And not just contemplate, but due to the Primary Sound, finally leave the circle of reincarnation and go to that world, the world of God. That is, the formula of the Primary Sound is, roughly speaking, a kind of “countermark” to the world of God, to Nirvana, paradise (whatever you want to call this place), and for any person.

A person has a qualitatively new perception. To understand this, imagine that you live in your house all your life, never leaving it. Your life is everyday life in this house, where there are no information sources at all, except for communication with those people who, like you, have never seen anything else except the space of this house and its life. And then one day you came across a key to front door, the existence of which you did not even suspect. You go outside the house and unexpectedly discover for yourself that it turns out that this house is not yet the lot of your life, that there are other residential buildings that are much better than yours. It turns out that there are even streets of residential buildings, entire cities and countries on different continents. Moreover, there is different planets, stars and space, populated in different forms life, and such that you could not even imagine. But you, unlike others, thanks to this key, have access to not just knowledge of this Universe, but also access to the One who created it in all its splendor. And you can not only look into the Holy of Holies of the Creator, but remain in that eternity, in the world of God. And the most amazing thing is that you realize that in fact the world of God is your true, primordial Home. But awareness of the presence of the world of God is not even the use of the power of the Primary Sound. This is just the discovery of the formula.

Each knowledge has its own secret key, and even more so to this... In fact, when this Knowledge was initially given to people, everything in it was quite simple and clear. But when people got down to business, hiding them from each other, the result was such a tangle of intricacies that you still have to try to figure it out. Well, for example, here is one of the “keys” to discovering this formula, which is at least somehow close to the initial knowledge:

“When you find the sacred Voice, remember that from now on
Every day is dedicated to God
One of the 33 lords with access to Nirvana.
Bow down to him twelve times equal in the day
Silently announcing seven times, without opening his mouth,
The secret voice of Him who created everything,
Whose Essence is Immortality in Nirvana.

Stepping Enlightened into thirty-four,
Choose your path: go to Nirvana or stay here.
Remaining in the world, bow down for seven days in a row
Twelve times equal in a day
Sounding out loudly seven times
The secret voice of Him whose Essence is Immortality in Nirvana.”

According to the primordial Knowledge, which tells about the discovery of this formula of the Primary Sound, first a person reads this formula of the Sound to himself for thirty-three days, that is, he silently meditates twelve times a day at equal intervals of time, making seven repetitions of this Sound to himself . After thirty-three days, a certain effect of this formula on a person occurs, which leads to a powerful energy surge and qualitative changes in the person himself. The individual is significantly transformed spiritually. On the thirty-third day he is not only illuminated by the state of supreme Enlightenment, but it becomes his stable state. He begins to see, comprehend and realize the reality of God. As a rule, the one who discovers the formula of the Primary Sound ceases to be interested in this low-lying world, because a completely different, higher world is revealed to him. That is, the person is given the so-called “power over the inner.”

A person can limit himself to this “countermark” into the world of God, or he can also receive “power over the external.” For these purposes, he needs, over the next seven days, after this thirty-three day transformation, to read this formula according to the same scheme, but out loud into the external. As a result, his energetic transformation will occur, which will give him “power over the outside,” that is, over this world. A person will become the owner of the power, thanks to which he can really intervene and influence nature, events, and people, as they say, without leaving the confines of his room. Thanks to this power, he will gain power over power in this earthly Sphere. But this transformation also imposes a special Responsibility.

Of the six times in the history of mankind that the formula of the Primary Sound was possessed, three times people limited themselves to personal Enlightenment, not wanting “power over the external.” And this is understandable. After what is revealed to Man, everything else simply fades and loses its significance. Although the other three times the power of the Primary Sound was still used. Moreover, all three times it was done by women who took responsibility for the destinies of people. They, even after liberation from their biological shell (body), continued to spiritually save many people, actually being between that world and this one. And, by the way, this is valued much more spiritually than, having such a Chance, limiting yourself only to personal self-improvement. But there is much more responsibility here. In the fifth, i.e. the penultimate one this moment once, the Grail was given by Jesus to Mary Magdalene, who was precisely the closest disciple to whom Jesus not only entrusted secret knowledge, but also handed over what today people call the “Grail”, but, in fact, the adapted formula of the Primary Sound . These are the very “keys of the Kingdom of Heaven” about which Jesus said: “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

Mary Magdalene still wields the power she gained from the discovery of the Grail . Although after a thousand years the Grail was again brought into the world by Bodhisattva Agapit. And again the choice was given. However, people those who took possession of the Grail did not dare to use the power of power over the external, as Mary Magdalene did. They They discovered only inner strength. However, they decided to serve the cause of Mary, using their manifested unusual abilities for the organization and development of a completely new formation of society at that time with overriding spiritual goals. It was these people who organized the Order, which later received the name Templars.

We live in a special time - a time of choice for humanity, on which the fate of the entire civilization depends. Too much will depend on everyone, because everyone, consciously or not, will make their contribution to this decisive choice. These are the times when the Grail will be given again. And which direction humanity will choose - towards good or towards evil - in general, which of the roads it will choose at this Crossroads, it will rush there with speed, and it will be difficult to stop this process or change its direction.

He ate at the Last Supper and in which Joseph of Arimathea collected blood from the wounds of the Savior crucified on the cross.

He who drinks from the Holy Grail receives forgiveness of sins, eternal life etc. In some versions even close contemplation magic item gives immortality, as well as various benefits in the form of food, drink, etc. The words “Holy Grail” are often used in figuratively as a designation of some cherished goal, often unattainable or difficult to achieve.

Quest for the Grail [ | ]

Juan de Juanes. Jesus Christ with communion

In the 9th century in Europe they began to “hunt” for relics associated with the earthly life of Christ. This process reached its apogee in the 13th century, when Saint Louis brought to Paris from Constantinople and placed in the Holy Chapel built for this purpose a number of instruments of the Passion, whose authenticity few people doubted.

However, among the instruments of the Passion that were exhibited in various churches in Europe, the cup from which Jesus ate at the Last Supper was missing. This circumstance fueled rumors and legends about her whereabouts. In contrast to Paris, which “monopolized” many of the shrines of Christianity, the part of modern France, which belonged to the English crown, put forward a legend about the cup, which is hidden somewhere in the vastness of Britain.

In medieval romances about Percival main character searches for and finds the magical castle of Munsalves, in which the Grail is kept under the protection of the Templars. In some descriptions, the Grail is very reminiscent of the inexhaustible vessel from more ancient Celtic legends, which in its function is similar to similar objects in the mythology of other Indo-European peoples, in particular, the cornucopia (see below).

In medieval literature[ | ]

In the same Celtic legends there is another myth associated with the Grail stone. It was a special stone that could scream. With a cry he recognized the true king and was installed in the ancient Irish capital of Tara.

The Grail and conspiracy theories[ | ]

The search for the real meaning of the word “Grail” has given rise to many conspiracy theories. The most famous options are those voiced in the novel “The Da Vinci Code” and going back to the occult research of Otto Rahn:

The Holy Grail in modern culture[ | ]

The Holy Grail is a mysterious miraculous vessel that has the magical ability to bestow all desired benefits, including immortality. The search for him continues today. What was the significance of the Holy Grail in history and is there a chance of finding it in the present day?

What does the Grail look like?

There are many versions of what the Grail represents. Some see in its image a pagan cornucopia or magical Celtic cauldrons, others believe that it is a mysterious stone that can reveal the secrets of the world and give immortality. But they are all united in one thing - only those who are chosen for this and have achieved a certain degree of spiritual development can find the Holy Grail.

The most common version is that the Holy Grail looks like a communion cup. The chalice served Christ with his apostles during last liturgy, called the Last Supper.

It is believed that agate served as the basis for the manufacture of the church bowl. This stone fell out at the time of the overthrow of the archangel Lucifer during the battle of his legion with the angelic troops. The stone, once given by God himself to the Archangel of Darkness, disappeared into the darkness during the battle. But one of the fragments still reached the ground. The Holy Grail was made from it.

According to legend, Christ himself drank from this cup at the last supper. Having learned about the death of Jesus, one of the secret followers of the son of God, Joseph of Arimathea, went to the house where the last meal took place and took the cup. In this cup, Joseph collected a few drops of the Savior’s blood, which on the day of the crucifixion oozed from the wound inflicted by the spear of Cassius Loginus, a Roman legionnaire. Then he removed the Savior’s body from the cross, wrapped it in a shroud and buried it in a tomb carved into the rock.

For this, Joseph was thrown into prison, where he faced starvation. But the magic cup gave him food for two years. White light Joseph saw only thanks to the order of Emperor Vespasian, who experienced it himself healing properties shrouds with the imprinted face of Christ.

According to numerous legends, throughout the history of its existence, the Holy Grail not only fed worldly food to all who worshiped it. He kept people young and gave them the desired healing. Those who were able to see the magic cup experienced an all-encompassing joy and trembling feeling in anticipation of Paradise.

The Holy Grail has many guises. In some sources, the Holy Grail is depicted as a golden plate decorated with pearls and precious stones. The Grail is also called the cornerstone that fell from heaven, the holy city of Jerusalem, and even the womb of Mary Magdalene, which contains the blood of Christ... The list is inexhaustible. But any of the incarnations in one way or another symbolizes the divine presence.

Chasing the Grail

There are countless attempts to find the Holy Grail. Church representatives, Christian Gnostics, and mere mortals tried to get this greatest of relics.

It is assumed that the keeper of the cup, Joseph, went with the relic to Britain, where, before his death, he entrusted the treasure to his successor.

Sources of information about the Grail

Information about the mysterious cup in the Middle Ages can mainly be gleaned from literary works. This is how Wolfram von Eschenbach first spoke about the Grail. Main character His works, the knight Parsifal was looking for a unique artifact. The only thing is that it was not a vessel at all, but a luminous stone.

The magic cup was often found in works dedicated to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. And everywhere the artifact was represented by an invisible cup, which appeared only to people who were not prone to sins and vices.

The legend became most widespread thanks to the works of Chrétien de Troyes, who, back in the 12th century, wrote a chivalric romance, using the book of Celtic myths “The Mabinogion” as a basis.

Such works were created for a reason. After all, starting from the 9th century, Europe was massively embraced by the belief in the power of the Instruments of the Passion. The hunt was carried out for all the objects and instruments with which Jesus was tortured: the cross on which they were crucified, the scourge with which they lashed the body, the pillar to which they were tied. The Holy Grail was also considered one of these artifacts.

Probable storage locations for the relic

According to one version, on the orders of the English kings, who set the goal of collecting the Instruments of the Passion, Joseph brought the vessel to ancient city Glastonbury. There he remained until the end of his days. The relic was kept on the territory modern England presumably until 258. On behalf of Pope Sixtus V, it was guarded by the priest Lorenzo as a most valuable Christian treasure.

500 years later, King Arthur and his companions settled on Glastonbury Hill. He did not give up trying to find the magic cup. Whether he succeeded is unknown. Although legends say that in last days life, the Grail nevertheless appeared to Arthur.

Some historians claim that the cup was kept for a long time by the Templars, members of the medieval monastic order Temple. The order was created to protect Christian territories and pilgrims from their Muslim neighbors. Members of this society were ready to remain faithful to their principles to the grave, personifying the high spirit of Christian love. Since the Templars had earned a reputation as reliable guardians of property, they were entrusted with a valuable relic. True, where it then disappeared along with the rest of the treasures is not known for certain.

The issue of the magic cup is directly related to the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Holy Grail. This secret society dates back to the rise of King Arthur to the throne. It organized the Order of the Knights of the Round Table, whose ranks were filled only by the most virtuous and valiant knights of Europe.

According to legend, it was these knights led by Titurel, who, despite young age, distinguished by wisdom and purity of thoughts, went in search of the magic cup.

Only the leader achieved the goal. The fisherman king from the Desolate Land told him about the location of the castle where the cup was kept. He then became his successor, bearing the eternal name of the King of the Grail.

The search for the cup in recent centuries

The existence of a mysterious cup that bestows unlimited power and immortality haunted not only famous kings, to kings, generals, but also to our contemporaries.

Adolf Hitler was very interested in this priceless artifact. Being greedy for any kind of mystical things, he searched for them all over the world. To do this, he created an occult department called the Ahnenerbs. Its participants organized numerous expeditions to different parts of the world, including the Caucasus, where, according to one version, a sacred cup was kept in caves.

The Fuhrer did not give up his attempts even at the height of World War II. Thus, the esoteric occultist Otto Rahn, who headed the organization, unsuccessfully searched for the artifact in the ruins of the last refuge of the Cathars, Montsegur Castle in Languedoc.

In the 13th century, it was the Cathar knights who preached moral purity, were considered the guardians of the Grail. Pope Innocent III was dissatisfied with the influence the Cathars had on “mere mortals.” He declared a crusade against these heretics in order not only to destroy the “rebellious”, but also to seize the relic that gave them undoubted spiritual superiority. In the struggle for the purity of faith, the pope's troops spared no one. Therefore, there is a high probability that at the last moment the Cathar knights of the impregnable citadel nevertheless decided to transport the greatest treasure away from the epicenter of events.

During the occupation of Crimea, in search of the Golden Cradle, the Germans “wool” the ruins of temples and mountain fortresses. It is assumed that the sacred cup rests in Altyn Beshik. This is a place of power buried underground.

It is believed that in the 14th century, the Christian principality of Theodoro found itself between “two fires”: the Genoese who settled in the Cafe and the Tatars of Mamaia. The Genoese Catholics forced the cup to be returned, promising in return to stop the war. Then the prince took refuge with the relic in the Basman caves and appealed to the spirits of the mountain to protect the Golden Cradle. The earthquake that broke out at that moment swallowed up the people along with the bowl.

Research into the cave cities of Mangup and Chufut-kale continued for several months, but the search was unsuccessful.

There is a version that Stalin paid considerable attention to this issue. This is confirmed by the fact that in the pre-war years, NKVD and KGB officers, led by leading specialists in occult sciences A. Barchenko G. Bokiy, carefully studied the Crimean caves in search of the Golden Cradle. And during the war, when our troops liberated Koenigsberg, the first thing they took out was the miraculously preserved archive of the Livonian Order.

The Grail - the womb of Mary Magdalene?

The version that the Grail is in fact not a vessel, but the womb of Mary Magdalene, arose after the Arthurian scholar R.S. Loomis, after translations about the Grail, noticed a strange pattern. In the old days French the concepts “horn” and “body” are denoted by the same phrase “il cors”. In the works of the Middle Ages, the Grail is referred to not as a cornucopia, but as the Body of Jesus Christ. And the Old French root of the word “Sangreal” translates as “true blood.”

The existence of “royal blood of the descendants of Jesus” is also indicated by documents found in the Jewish archives of the Jerusalem Temple related to the “King of the Jews” Jesus Christ. They mention a wedding organized in Cannes in Galilee, which is also described in the Gospels.

The main contender for the role of wife, Mary Magdalene, contrary to popular belief, was not a harlot. Her role in the life of Christ is deliberately obscured by the church. The only thing for which Christ’s disciples condemned her was that the Savior loved her more than others.

Saint Mary Magdalene in the grotto

Moreover, many historians agree that Jesus' wife bore children by him, but after a tragic event she was forced to leave the Holy Land and take refuge in the Jewish community of Gaul. So it is likely that bearers of “royal blood” have survived to this day.

Recent Holy Chalice Candidates

The search for candidates for the title of the Holy Grail continues to this day. One of the last relics that claimed the right to be called it was a vessel found in the Basilica of the Spanish city of Leon in 2014.

Historians who have studied the artifact itself and documents dating back to the 14th century put forward the version that in fact the vessel was transported not to Britain, but to North Africa. There, the Egyptian caliph gave the cup to the Emir of Denia, and he, in turn, gave it to King Ferdinando I. Having traveled a long way, the vessel ended up in Leon, where it received its second name - the Urraca Cup.

According to scientists, the material of manufacture and the method of processing the bowl are exactly the same as those used to make dishes in Palestine during the time of Christ. The authenticity of the artifact is also indicated by hidden symbols found on the fresco of the basilica with the plot of the same Last Supper.

Italian archaeologist Alfredo Barbagallo, on the contrary, believes that the sacred cup is located in Rome. It is hidden in the cellars under the Basilica of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura, one of the most visited churches by pilgrims. He made his conclusions based on many years of medieval iconography interior decoration basilica and the structure of the catacombs located underneath it. The temple itself was erected on the burial site of St. Lawrence, which also suggests the pattern of placing the relic there.

The third “authentic” sacred cup, allegedly recognized by the Vatican itself, is kept in Valencia in the Cathedral of St. Mary. The cup is 7 cm high and 9.5 cm in diameter, made of dark red agate. It stands on a small stand and is complemented by two handles. The bowl is trimmed with gold inserts and decorated with emeralds and pearls.

In previous centuries it was used for religious purposes. But after the cup was accidentally dropped and split during a holiday in 1744, after the restoration of the product, they decided to simply store it in the future as a cult object. The only exceptions were mass services, during which Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who visited Valencia, used the communion cup.

The Catholic Church has recognized the preservation of Cathedral the cup as a genuine shrine, calling it “a witness to Christ’s steps on earth.”

The Holy Grail is a mystery of our world. They are looking for him, making films, telling legends. But no one knows what it really is and where it is located. Why hide historical value? Maybe it's just a myth built on the name famous person? We will follow in the footsteps of the researchers and try to figure everything out. Join and comment.

If you have any additional information about the Holy Grail, then do not hesitate to write about it under the article.

(lat. Gradalis) is a bowl. Jesus Christ drank from it at the Last Supper. And it was in this cup that Joseph of Arimathea (Jewish elder; follower of Jesus; rich man; member of the Sanhedrin; Jesus was buried in his tomb) collected the blood of Christ after the crucifixion.

According to legend, it was after collecting the blood that the cup began to have incredible power.

There are two versions of the Grail view:

  1. In the form of a cup, like a cup from which to drink
  2. In the form of a stone - in the medieval novels of Europe, the Grail is described as follows

Legend of the Grail's Power

The legend says:

– Anyone who drinks from the Holy Grail receives eternal life, forgiveness of sins and healing from all diseases.

Few people care about the forgiveness of sins in our world, but eternal life has always occupied the thoughts of people, especially the powerful and rich. For this reason, the hunt for the bowl is still ongoing.

Officially, no one knows where this bowl is or what it really looks like. All images of her in the article, and throughout the Internet, are just an assumption of the species.

The Holy Grail is the most coveted Christian artifact. But at the same time, the most illusory. They write and talk a lot about him, but no one has yet revealed his reality.

Quest for the Holy Grail

For many centuries people have been searching for the Grail. Someone found something similar and claimed to have found the Holy Grail. But this was only a deception or delusion of the one who thought so.

In Valencia (Spain). The town's medieval church houses a chalcedony goblet set with precious stones. The authors of the find claim that this is the Holy Grail.

Many Holy Popes used this cup for Holy Communion. Among these personalities is Pope John Paul 2nd. He used this cup during mass.

But the bowl from Valencia is one of dozens and even hundreds of similar ones that claim to be called the Holy Grail.

Wealth and popularity awaited the owners of such a cup. As soon as a church or abbey declared that they had become the owners of the holy grail, thousands of pilgrims from all over the world began to flock to them. People lined up in endless queues to donate the amount of money available to them and touch the Grail.

The priests have always been the owners of ancient objects and artifacts, which were kept on the territory of the church and passed on from generation to generation. They could easily find an antique bowl in their possession. They could easily say that they don’t know where she comes from or what her origins are. And as a result, they passed it off as the grail.

But if you look closely at all the bowls on display, which are called, it is not difficult to notice that their appearance is very rich - decorated with gold and jewelry. This type of bowl is more reminiscent of a king's cup.

Historians are confident that it is unlikely that Jesus Christ could have had this type of cup on that very day at the Last Supper. The Holy Grail is believed to be very simple and modest in appearance. This can be the simplest cup made of wood or stone, unadorned. A appearance could be completely different from the universally recognized cup.


The Bible doesn't say anything about the cup. And it is not said that this cup is somehow unusual or special. Therefore, to look for it, you need to turn to completely different sources.

Vulgate, 1230

In 1230, a series of novels was published in France that tell of knights searching for a mysteriously hidden object. The Vulgate was the name of this series of stories. They are written in old French and consist of 5 parts.

Some researchers claim that it is in these novels that the Holy Grail is described. And in the descriptions it was depicted not at all in the form of a bowl.

Parzival, 1200

Another version of the Holy Grail appeared in Bovaria (Germany). A novel called “Parzival” (German: Parzival). This is a chivalric romance. It has 25,000 lines in poetic form. Dated to 1200-1210. Author Wolfram von Eschenbach.

Monument to Wolfram von Eschenbach

As you can see, the novel “Parzival” was created 2-3 decades earlier than the Vulgate. The two novels share a similar theme with the quest for the Grail, but there are significant differences in some of the descriptions.

In Parzival, Jesus and Joseph are minor characters. There is not even any description of the cup in the novel. Eschenbach believed that the grail was not a cup, but a stone, and it came to people from heaven, from paradise, and therefore is a magical object with incredible properties. And losing a stone in our world is easy.

Wolfram Eschenbach described that the Grail restores its magical properties every year. A dove with a wafer in its beak lands on it. The bird places the wafer she brought on the stone and it comes to life with renewed vigor.

This, in principle, is the entire description of the holy grail from the novel “Persifal”.

No one today can say for sure on what grounds this description was made. Is this the author’s invention or practical knowledge?

Perceval, 1190

Let's go back a little more, to northern France, to Champagne. Chrétien de Troyes lived in this area. In 1190 he wrote his own novel, Perceval or the Tale of the Grail. The novel appeared 20 years earlier than Eschenbach's novel Parzival.

This novel talks about young man named Percival, who strives to become a knight and for this he goes on a long journey. The road leads him to the king, and the young man witnesses an unusual and mystical ritual.

The ritual used a sword and a spear, and a young girl held a cup in her hands, which they called . The description said that this was a large golden bowl that had a huge magical power. At the bottom of the bowl there was one plate.

After reading different variants descriptions of ancient manuscripts, one can easily become even more confused. All the texts contained completely different grails. What exactly did he look like and did he really have such properties? These and other questions are still asked by artifact seekers.

Perhaps such differences were deliberately brought to our time so that people would never be able to find the real Grail. After all, when the world learned about it, wars could begin for the sake of possessing the treasure.

Most likely, the true owner will never reveal the truth to the world in order to maintain balance and peace on earth.
Imagine that the Holy Grail has been found. What will happen? The world will struggle long and hard to find out to which country it really belongs and in which church it should be kept. And wealthy collectors will not be able to resist trying to take possession of this artifact through dishonest means.

Our world is too greedy and cruel to share and help each other. We assume that he will be found only when the borders between countries are erased, and people love and respect the person living nearby as much as their son or daughter.
But let's stop the speculation and continue to look for clues about the secret of storing the Grail.

Let's return to the original sources that described the Grail.

In the 12th century he was the most famous and significant in all circles. It was during the period of the Templars that manuscripts describing the Holy Grail appeared. This happened from approximately 1190 to 1275. During this period of time, the Knights of the Templar Order were at the very peak of their development and influence. They did not fight for the sake of power, money and glory, they stood in defense of goodness and justice.

During the period when von Eschenbach wrote his novel, the Templars were role models in terms of chivalry and honor.
Von Eschenbach wrote in his novel that the Grail Castle is guarded by the Knights Templar, that is, the Templars. In the description they were people dressed in white cloaks. And historians immediately compared this image with the Templars, because. they wore white clothes as a symbol of purity.

The above may suggest that the story of the search for the Holy Grail is based on the exploits of the Knights Templar. Maybe the missing cup should be looked for not in novels, but in the history of knights?

In the 12th century, the first Crusade ended in Jerusalem. The Order of Knights was assembled to protect pilgrims on their journey to places of pilgrimage.

In 1099, the Crusaders took Jerusalem. Christianity rejoiced at this event. But it turned out big problem– It was very difficult to keep the Holy Land in your power. Then one of the knights said that he wanted to devote himself to serving these pilgrims in order to protect them on the holy land.

If we assume that Jerusalem, as an ancient and holy city, could secretly store its treasures and artifacts, then most likely they are still on its territory. And the Templars knew better than anyone where to look for these treasures in the city.

The residence of the order of knights itself was located in the most sacred place of the city - on the Temple Mount. Today at modern world, this is where the Dome of the Rock is located. And during the times of the Crusaders, the Temple of Solomon was located on this site.

King Baldwin 2nd of Jerusalem gave the knights his palace, which was built on the Temple Mount. It was this building that the knights called Solomon's Temple, since it was located on the site of the temple.

In order for the temple to be a protection and fortress for the people, the knights undertook its reconstruction. They dug a 20-meter long tunnel in the rock and made a whole system of underground passages.

Theologians do not attach much importance to these tunnels. They are still open to the public today. And the knights thus expanded their territory and adapted them for their purposes.

But some researchers believe that such excavations were not carried out for domestic use. There is a version that the knights found something because the Templars knew what and where to look. And when they found what they were looking for, they immediately returned to their Europe.

Did they really find what they were looking for? And no one knows what it was. The order consisted of faithful and closed people. None of them revealed this secret during their lifetime.

Now let's move to Larachelle, a port city in France. It was to the port of this city that knights on ships returned home from Jerusalem.

It is not known what the Templars brought on their ships, but soon after this trip, the order became one of the richest among all knightly orders. They received donations from ordinary residents.

Over the course of 200 years, the Templar order became the most powerful and very, very rich. Their possessions extended from the north of Poland to the south of Minorca; from England to the Holy Land. In addition to the acquired wealth, the knights received the blessing of the Pope himself. He gave the order the broadest privileges. Because of this turn of events, the monks and priests were very unhappy with the Pope’s decision and the current situation. Well, and, as a result, they were very jealous of the knights.

Based on this description of events in history, one can easily assume that it was the Templars who found the Holy Grail.

Let's move further in the footsteps of history and move to the 14th century, to France, during the reign of King Philip the 4th. At this time, the order of knights was at the very peak of its power. But everything changes over time. And after the peak of success, the knights faced a decline.

Ordinary residents began to complain more and more often about the actions of the Knights Templar. Society began to treat them with negativity, contempt and arrogance.

King Philip took advantage of such changes in people's attitudes towards the order and the knights. Frequent wars practically reduced his treasury to zero. And the king decides to rectify the situation with the help of the wealth of the order of knights.

Philip began to act psychologically on people and did everything possible so that his subjects would finally turn away from the knights. The king began to spread rumors about blasphemy, sodomy and sodomy on the part of the knights. That is, in everything that in those days was considered terrible sin.

Then the king sent secret letters to his officials. These were orders. They contained the same information for everyone - 13 October 1307 arrest all members of the Templar Order who lived in France. That is why Friday the 13th is still considered the most unlucky number.

All those arrested were handed over to the Holy Inquisition. The Pope decided to close the order, since it began to possess very bad reputation.

The order's property was confiscated, but nothing resembling the Holy Grail was ever found or was carefully hidden from history.
Let us assume that the Grail is not found among the confiscated wealth. Then we move on. And we will continue our search in the habitats of the knights - in the temples of the order.

All churches of the order were simple in construction, but each has decals Templars. For example, in Christian churches The image of Christ is present everywhere, and in the churches of the knights of the order there is the image of the Virgin Mary.

The Templars revered the Mother of God with special emphasis and dedicated their churches to her, and each knight took an oath to the Virgin Mary. Perhaps there was more to this worship of the knights.

Templar Cathedral

France, Charter Cathedral 13th century. Located 90 km from Paris and included in the World Heritage List. Pilgrims have always come here for many centuries. Maybe there will be clues here that will bring us closer to solving the mystery of the Holy Grail.

Small, architectural decorations of the building could be displayed under the influence of the knights. For example, above the main pediment there is an image of Jesus raising his hand in blessing. If you look closely at the cross behind the head of Jesus, it is not difficult to notice that its outlines exactly coincide with the outlines of the cross of the Templar Order.

There are 3 black Madonnas inside the church. There is a version that it is the black Madonnas who are associated with the Templars. They brought these images from the Crusades.

Could the Templars have hidden the Holy Grail here? Could the Grail be associated with a woman, whose image is in all the churches of the order?

The Templars believed that the Virgin Mary had greater wisdom than Jesus Christ. For other churches, this version was equated with a terrible heresy. The churches have always forbidden residents to seek the truth on their own; they demanded that they take their word for it. Therefore, the Templars were persecuted for such faith.

But the Templars themselves were not only warriors, defenders, but also deeply religious. They brought people protection and faith.
There is a version that the knights always sought to convey information about enlightenment to all humanity and encrypted their message in architecture and handwritten novels. They wanted future generations to be able to learn about them, their faith and beliefs.

Chrétien de Troyes encrypted part of the worldview of the Knights Templar in his novel. The legends of the Holy Grail arose from the desire to preserve the ideas of knights. If this was indeed the case, then what kind of wisdom were they trying to convey to us?

Masons are descendants of the Templars

London. The building of the Grand United Masonic Lodge of England. International meetings and secret ceremonies take place here. Many researchers believe that the Freemasons could be directly related to the Templar Order.

If you study the Order of Freemasons and the Order of the Templars, you can find many similarities:

  1. Have secret initiation ceremonies
  2. The first Master of the Templars after his marriage entered the family of leaders of Scottish Freemasonry
  3. One of senior officials in Freemasonry is the position of knight

But the problem is that the Order of Freemasonry arose only 300 years after the Order of the Templars.
This is where the question arises - How did the Templar Order influence the Masonic movement? The Order was dissolved in 1314, and Freemasonry arose in the early 17th century.

Maybe the families of the knights hid from the eyes of people for 300 years, passing information from generation to generation.

Freemasonry is based on 2 principles:

  1. Charity
  2. Brotherhood

In modern Freemasonry, many find the principles of the Knights Templar.

After analyzing the novels and history of knights, researchers come to the conclusion that the Grail is not some kind of material object. It was some kind of intangible treasure, perhaps it was some kind of idea of ​​​​life. It was this idea that the knights brought to people.

You may not be a knight or a Mason, but you can behave as befits these orders - bring good to people, help, compassion, love, believe.


The Holy Grail, which gave rise to many legends and myths, which made researchers search, which gave rise to movie scripts, may be someone's belief and is called the “Holy Grail”. For example, Jesus is the Holy Grail for our humanity. He gained eternal life in the history of the planet.

Maybe the Holy Grail is not a cup or a stone. And this is the name of the value that a person or the order as a whole acquires for themselves.

What do you say about this? What is truly the Grail that is still being sought today?
We are waiting for your opinion and comments under the article.

Does the Holy Grail really exist and where to find it? There are still no answers to these questions. Many expeditions were sent to search for the Grail, but none of them were successful.

What does the Grail look like?

What is this mysterious Holy Grail? These words are often used as a metaphor for some cherished, but often practically unattainable goal. Holy Grail - possessing extraordinary magical properties and the power of a legendary artifact.

According to biblical tradition, the Holy Grail is a kind of cup from which the apostles took communion during the Last Supper. Sometimes the Grail is spoken of as an ordinary clay vessel, sometimes that it was made from a single piece or a huge emerald, which supposedly fell from Lucifer's crown when he was defeated by the Archangel Michael. However, no matter how the Grail looks, the fame of its supernatural capabilities does not cease. The Holy Grail beckons with communications of eternal life and the key to many secrets of the world.

Mythical Grail

Mention of the Holy Grail can be found in Celtic mythology. In ancient epics, this is the cauldron of life and in which a drink was brewed that could revive the dead. And although this legend appeared much earlier than the Christian legend, it is much less popular than the connection of the mythical cup with the origin of the postulates of Christianity.

One side of the story connects the Grail with a time after Christ - supposedly to this day there is a certain secret society, the head(s) of which controls the whole world. But much more often, the search for the Holy Grail begins with the apocrypha about Joseph of Arimathea. For some reason this legend is considered the most plausible. Its essence is that Joseph, who removed the body of Jesus from the cross with the permission of the procurator Pontius Pilate and provided his tomb for his burial, collected the blood of the crucified but still living Jesus. Joseph feared persecution, so he left for Britain and took the cup with him. In a sparsely populated place at the bottom of a well, he hid it. And he himself founded the first Christian community there. Members of this monastic-knightly order, according to legend, became the guardians of the Grail. However, having failed to defend Britain in the battle with the Saxons, they were forced to take the relic with them to Sarras. After this unknown Sarras, traces of the Chalice are completely lost...

As centuries passed, troubadours and minstrels began to sing songs and ballads in praise of King Arthur, who led the battle against the Saxons. His exploits and the merits of the Knights of the Round Table were increasingly associated with the return of the sacred artifact. At King Arthur's Round Table, one of the chairs was reserved for the knight who was destined to find the Holy Grail. For a long time this place was empty - since only one person in the kingdom could occupy it, the one to whom it would be destined. The name of the lucky one once appeared above the chair, inscribed in fiery letters. Anyone else who encroached on the place died.

The Grail first appears in the work “The History of the Grail” by the French poet Chrétien de Troyes. King Arthur's young confidant ended up in the castle of the Fisher King.
According to the work of de Troyes, the greatest shrine was located outside the walls of the impregnable castle of Montsegur. The path to the castle lay through a stormy river and steep cliffs. It was believed that only a person with an open heart and pure thoughts, selfless, kind and fair could get into this stronghold. And the Holy Grail will appear only to those who can resist the temptations of this world. But the Holy Grail does not favor the evil and selfish, so much so that a powerful artifact can even lead to their death.

The once fisherman king was seriously wounded, but he could not be healed with the help of the Grail. The king had to wait for a worthy one to replace the old guardian. Day after day he received guests different colors. And he waited. Young Perceval, brave and kind, arrived at the castle. There was only one test he had to pass - on his only evening in the king's castle, and no one spent more than an evening there - he had to ask a question about the essence of the Grail. After this, the Holy Grail was supposed to go to him. But the young wanderer faced many trials, and after everything he saw, he did not dare to ask the question that tormented him. He left with nothing, which greatly upset the fisherman king. However, Perceval was the only one who, after many years of wanderings and wanderings, found the way to the Grail castle a second time. This time the question was asked, as was the unknown answer. A few days later, the old king, who had recovered, died, and soon the new keeper took the Holy Grail from these lands forever.

Another equally interesting version of the poem about the Holy Grail was created by Wolfram von Eschenbach. Claiming to base his creation on ancient sources, von Eschenbach argued that the Holy Grail was kept from prying eyes by the Knights Templar. After the fall of the Order, the trace of the Grail one way or another flashed across Europe. The Holy Grail received particular interest at the beginning of the twentieth century. The search for the sacred relic began with the ruins of the castle of Montsegur, and Otto Rahn, who led them, later wrote the book “The Crusade against the Grail,” calling the artifact the “Chalice of the Nibelungs.” Subsequently, Otto visited many places where the shadow of the Grail flashed. But in 1937 he disappeared without a trace. Nothing more was known about him, and further expeditions were even less effective.

The Grail itself chooses who to show itself to. The guardian he has chosen, after taking a sip from the holy Chalice, gains eternal life. The one chosen by the Grail must be the ideal of chivalry at its most in a good way this word. In addition, he must have the courage to neglect the values ​​of his time, get rid of blinders, and demonstrate ingenuity in the trials that befall him. The Grail Knight, according to legend, could almost with bare hands go after the dragon, which has dined on many heavily armed fighters.

The one who is destined to touch the Holy Grail, according to legend, received unheard of blessings from God, and the land on which the Holy Grail ends up will prosper.

The Holy Grail haunts those who study the history of the Templar Order. It is said that King Philip, who once launched a full-scale hunt for the treasure of the Knights Templar, was driven solely by the thought of the Holy Grail, which he once saw in the treasury of the Grand Master.

But the Grail, like other fabulous riches of the Templar Order, did not go to the King of France. The “refuge” of the Templars is currently considered the last for the Holy Grail. After that, his traces were completely lost.

However, Heinrich Schliemann, who became famous for his search for the legendary Troy, had no doubt that the Holy Grail, like the gold of the Templars, exists. However, he was also ready to believe that the legendary Shield of Achilles was also in the same treasury.

There are many legends, many theories - and negligible evidence, but the Holy Grail to this day attracts with the promise of power, immortality and strength to all seekers of mysterious treasures surrounded by an aura of magic.

However, people, either in despair or making fun of themselves and others, suggested that the Holy Grail has long been collecting dust on someone’s shelf, and the owner of such a treasure does not even suspect the value of one of the elements of his interior.

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    Mythical Grail


    Does the Holy Grail really exist and where to find it? There are still no answers to these questions. Many expeditions were sent to search for the Grail, but none of them were successful. What does the Grail look like? What is this mysterious Holy Grail? These words are often used as a metaphor for some cherished, but often...