Note! A more current version of the article is here: .

Subsidies for small business development are one of the priority tools of the government support program aimed at supporting start-up entrepreneurs.

In previous articles we have already talked about how small businesses can, but today I would like to talk about new types of government support, as well as how to quickly and easily receive a subsidy in 2017.

Subsidies for opening and developing small businesses in 2017

Today in Russia there are several different types government assistance programs for small businesses. The size of the subsidy, as well as the conditions and procedure for its provision, may differ depending on the region, but the general operating principle of all programs is the same - all subsidies are provided strictly for specific industries and specific purposes.

You can get information about what types of assistance are available to start-up entrepreneurs in your region at the Employment Center at your place of residence or registration. For example, Moscow entrepreneurs can count on a subsidy from the State Budgetary Institution Small Business of Moscow in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles.

Who can receive a subsidy for small business development in 2017?

Anyone can apply for a subsidy in 2017 individual who received official unemployed status. However, one should remember about exceptions: according to current legislation, entrepreneurs whose activities are related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products, as well as the performance of supply functions, cannot count on receiving government subsidies.

How to apply for a subsidy for small business development? Step-by-step instruction

Especially for our readers, we have prepared simple instructions that will help you receive a subsidy for opening and developing a small business in as soon as possible and at no extra cost.

Step one – registration with the Employment Center

If you do not yet have official unemployed status, first of all you need to register with. To do this, contact the labor exchange at your place of residence with the following package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Diploma or other document confirming education;
  • Work book (if available);
  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • TIN;
  • Sberbank card number;
  • Military ID (for men).

After registering, you will have to write two applications: about receiving unemployment benefits and that you plan to engage in private business, and also pass a short test.

Step two - drawing up a business plan

So, you have registered with the Employment Center. What's next? The next stage is writing a business plan, and its preparation must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Your plan should not only produce good impression, but also to interest the head of the central control department, so we recommend that you contact Special attention to the main points:

  • New workplaces. If you plan to hire employees, be sure to include this in your business plan! This will increase the likelihood of receiving a subsidy several times.
  • The social significance of your business. Tell us how your business will be useful and important for society. As practice shows, projects in the manufacturing and services sectors have the best chances.
  • Your investments. The higher your own costs, the higher the chances of success. The optimal ratio of your investment to the amount of the subsidy should be at least 1 to 2.
  • Targeted use of the subsidy. Of course, this is the most important criterion to which the Center pays special attention. Describe all expenses in detail so that the commission understands exactly for what purposes the money received from the state will be spent.

Step three - protecting the business plan

After you have drawn up a business plan, it must be submitted to the Commission of the Employment Center for consideration. If the plan turns out to be successful and is approved, an agreement will be concluded with you on the transfer of the subsidy.

Note! First of all, you need to conclude an agreement and only then register an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Step four - registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur

The final stage will be registering your company with the Federal Tax Service. You can find information on how to correctly register an LLC and individual entrepreneur in our articles and.

As soon as you receive registration documents in your hands, they must be submitted to the Employment Center, after which funds in the amount of 12 monthly unemployment benefits (approximately 60 thousand rubles) will be transferred to your card.

Note! After receiving the money, you are required to keep records confirming the intended use of the subsidy. After three months, you need to report on the use of these funds.

Any state is interested in the development of entrepreneurship. An increase in the number of actively operating small enterprises causes an improvement in the quality of life of citizens and an increase in economic indicators in general. In addition, huge corporations cannot quickly respond to changes in the market situation and are unable to meet the changing needs of the population in a timely manner.

Small business support 2018, state programs to promote private entrepreneurship - a fairly common practice in Western countries. Most often, the authorities are interested in small local companies that improve the economic situation in a particular city: providing them with various benefits and subsidies allows them to increase the competitiveness of their products and the investment attractiveness of the region.

In Russia, this form of assistance is less common: local self-government bodies usually do not have the budget necessary to implement such activities. However, domestic entrepreneurs can take advantage of an alternative option - a program to promote the development of SMEs being implemented at the federal level, which includes many ways of both financial and infrastructural support for newly created businesses.

Who can count on help?

Studying government policy towards private entrepreneurs, it can be noted that current programs of financial and non-material support are focused primarily on representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. To find out whether a particular company falls into this category, it is necessary to take into account average number employees and annual turnover:

Enterprise format

Thus, only these business entities can apply for individual entrepreneur assistance from the state in 2018, provided that they meet some additional requirements:

  • Duration of existence - no more than two years;
  • The SME is registered with the tax service;
  • The company has no debts on tax and fund contributions.

Funds are distributed unevenly among applicants: in order to increase the likelihood of success in attracting third-party funding, an entrepreneur must work in one of the current priority areas:

  • Production of essential goods;
  • Eco-tourism services;
  • Various directions of folk art;
  • Agro-industrial sector;
  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • Social entrepreneurship;
  • Scientific and technical sphere.

Where can I get help?

Many authorities and organizations have powers related to resolving issues of providing assistance to entrepreneurs. Each of them operates in a designated area and has its own budget:

  1. City Administration. In the department economic development you can get information about all types of federal and local programs for financial support for small businesses in 2018;
  2. Entrepreneurship support funds. Conduct an examination of projects submitted by entrepreneurs and, based on the results obtained, allocate funds to finance small enterprises;
  3. Chambers of Commerce and Industry. They provide free consultations on marketing, finance, legal support and certification, and also help to take part in various federal and international exhibitions;
  4. Business incubators. Provide beginning entrepreneurs with infrastructural support, provide space and equipment for conducting activities;
  5. Venture funds. The most promising startups are identified and grants are allocated to support small businesses in 2018. The foundations' priorities are scientific, technical and innovative projects.

Types of programs

State support programs for business activities in 2018 are being implemented at different administrative levels. In accordance with the scale and volume of financing, they can be classified as:

Federal programs:

  • Designed for implementation nationwide;
  • Characterized by large volumes of financial support for small businesses in 2018;
  • They operate funds primarily for large-scale projects;
  • Implement a development strategy for existing enterprises.

Regional programs:

  • Operate within the boundaries of administrative regions;
  • They operate with the budget of a specific region or region;
  • Designed for the development of regional infrastructure.

Local programs:

  • Implemented for city or regional entrepreneurs;
  • They have a relatively small amount of funding;
  • Solve local economic problems.

Direct financial assistance

When subsidizing, funds under the 2018 small business support program are issued to the entrepreneur free of charge. In other cases we're talking about on preferential loans and loans provided for a long period at a reduced interest rate. However, any form of financing has a specified purpose and is accompanied by documentary reporting in the prescribed form. So, money can be spent on:

  • Rent of premises or land;
  • Purchase of fixed assets;
  • Purchase of raw materials and consumables;
  • Purchase of production equipment.


This type of financing is available not only for businessmen who are starting to register their first enterprise, but also for those who are engaged in commercial activities no more than two years. Conducting competitions among entrepreneurs and distributing grants are carried out by:
  1. Department for Entrepreneurship Development;
  2. Department of Economic Development;
  3. Local authorities;
  4. SME support funds;
  5. Entrepreneurs' unions.

At the beginning of each year, local authorities clarify the list of priority activities: this information can be found on the website of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. Most often, scientific developments (30% of the total amount of funding), projects with high social significance (30%), production and agro-industrial sector (20%), and trade (12%) are preferred. In accordance with the law, grants cannot be received by enterprises producing excisable goods, working with real estate or investments, extracting minerals or carrying out gaming activities.

Of course, the amount of funding depends on the region’s budget. Thus, in Moscow, Samara or Perm, an entrepreneur can count on 500,000 rubles, while in other regions the grant size is limited to 300,000 rubles. It is expected that these funds will be used to cover 30–50% of the total project cost. The businessman will have to find the rest of the money on his own.

To confirm the validity of your claims for a grant, you must use documents to prove that the company belongs to the SME category in terms of the number of jobs and the amount of annual turnover.

In addition, the entrepreneur must:

  • Provide documentary evidence of the absence of other financial assistance;
  • Provide a Certificate of Registration, constituent documents, business plan;
  • Confirm with a bank statement the availability of your own funds;
  • Request a certificate of positive credit history from the National Bureau.

Preferential lending

Preferential lending is one of the possible solutions for those who cannot count on other ways of financial support from the state for small businesses 2018. As with the allocation of grants, the likelihood of receiving a loan with a minimum interest rate is higher for those who work in areas of priority for the state. These include innovation, production of essential goods, knowledge-intensive industries, and agriculture.

For questions about lending, you should contact not only government agencies and funds, but also directly to banks or credit communities: many of them develop their own products for entrepreneurs. The targeted spending of money is checked in any case - it could be:

  • Financing the acquisition of fixed assets, production equipment for the implementation of new projects;
  • Reimbursement of current costs associated with the project (up to 30% of the loan amount);
  • Replenishment of working capital.

The loan is provided in the form of a one-time payment, a revolving or non-renewable line in the amount of 50 million to a billion rubles. The duration of the contract can be any, but the preferential program is valid for a maximum of three years. Also, to participate in it, the entrepreneur must invest his own funds in the project in the amount of:

  • 20% for loans in the amount of 500 million rubles;
  • 20% for loans, the repayment of which is expected from the profit received as a result of the launch of the financed project;
  • Without restrictions - for other investment projects.

Interest rates for using a loan are set for small enterprises at the level of 11–11.8% per annum, for medium-sized ones - from 10% per annum.


In some cases, entrepreneurs do not require large-scale financing amounting to tens of millions of rubles to implement projects. An alternative for those wishing to receive from 100,000 to 3,000,000 rubles may be another form of support for small businesses in 2018 - the provision of microloans. To benefit from such assistance, a company must operate in one of the following industries:

  • Agro-industrial production;
  • Construction;
  • Commodity production and processing of products;
  • Innovation and scientific activities;
  • Services sector.

The loan is issued for a period from three months to three years at a rate of 10% per annum. The intended purpose of such financing involves:

  • Replenishment inventory and working capital;
  • Renting or purchasing commercial real estate;
  • Repair of real estate objects;
  • Renting or purchasing commercial vehicles;
  • Purchase of machines and technological lines;
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials;
  • Refinancing of previously issued loans.

The financial institution may require the entrepreneur to secure the loan with collateral. For an amount up to 300,000 rubles, either movable or real estate, or a guarantee. When lending volumes exceed the specified limit, these types of guarantees are used together.

Indirect financial assistance

It is not surprising that entrepreneurs are primarily interested in the question of... However, the state allocates much more funds for the implementation of other types of support: this circumstance makes us think about a more careful study of alternative types of assistance to SMEs.

Tax holidays

The first two years of operation of a small enterprise can be considered the most difficult - at this stage, the company's expenses significantly exceed its income. Therefore, the state program for supporting SMEs provides special tax benefits for small businesses in 2018:

  • For individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system - the possibility of reducing the rate from 6% to 1%;
  • For individual entrepreneurs using PSN - a reduction in the amount of potential income from 1,000,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles per year;
  • For individual entrepreneurs using UTII - the possibility of reducing the rate from 15% to 7.5%.

Beginning entrepreneurs can receive 2018 benefits without restrictions, since the law extends the program until 2020 inclusive. Additionally, the rules for applying tax holidays have been established:

  • A rate reduction is allowed only for enterprises registered for the first time. Existing individual entrepreneurs cannot receive such a benefit;
  • To apply a special tax rate, an enterprise must switch to UTII, simplified tax system or PSN no later than two years after registration;
  • The benefit can be assigned for a period of no more than two years;
  • Tax holidays in 2018 are provided to entrepreneurs working in the social, industrial or scientific fields. Moreover, the share of the company’s income from these types of activities must exceed 70% of the total profit.

Compensation of interest rates on loans

It is difficult to find any type of business activity that does not require periodic lending. When turning to banks, company owners, in the absence of an alternative, are most often forced to accept not the most favorable offers. At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to correct the situation, however, there is a way out here: the corresponding program of state support for small businesses in Russia 2018 allows to reduce the credit burden to a certain extent.

Of course, repayment of the loan balance remains the main task of the entrepreneur. But the interest rate for using a loan can be partially compensated at the expense of the state. Assistance is provided in the following volumes:

  • 1/3 of the refinancing rate established for 2018 (7.75%) for contracts with a validity period of less than two years;
  • 1/2 of the refinancing rate for loans issued for a period of 2 to 3 years;
  • 2/3 of the refinancing rate for loans issued for a period of more than three years.

The purpose of lending is also important in this case: funds should be used to purchase fixed assets, purchase equipment, raw materials, expansion and reconstruction of production. The feasibility of providing assistance is assessed based on the data on the social and economic benefits of the project provided in the business plan. Social criteria include:

  • Creation of additional jobs;
  • Increase wages employees.

No less important are economic criteria project effectiveness:

  • Increased financing for the purchase of fixed assets;
  • Increasing the scope of work;
  • Quantitative increase in the volume of goods produced.

Loan guarantee

Banks, in an attempt to improve their financial performance and reduce risks, regularly tighten requirements for SME borrowers. For this reason, the number of company owners who have managed to bypass all bureaucratic obstacles and obtain the desired financing is constantly decreasing.

Meanwhile, entrepreneurs can take advantage in an effective way solution to the problem - the state program to support small businesses 2018 in the field of providing loan guarantees. Its implementation today is carried out by entrepreneurship assistance funds financed from the federal or regional budgets.

Their priority areas are:

  • Product manufacturing;
  • Folk crafts;
  • Scientific developments, innovations;
  • Construction;
  • Social business;
  • Housing and communal services;
  • Transport services;
  • Communications and telecommunications;
  • Domestic tourism.

Businessmen working in these industries are provided with a maximum guarantee, allowing them to receive up to 70% of the required security; Accordingly, the entrepreneur must find the remaining 30% on his own. For non-priority industries, the guarantees are somewhat lower - within 50%. In addition, the service is paid: for its provision the fund charges 0.75–1.25% of the guarantee amount.

In any case, the loan is issued by a bank participating in the state program, so the borrower must first of all meet the requirements of the financial institution chosen for cooperation. As for guarantee funds, their conditions are somewhat more flexible:

  • Before applying to the fund, the enterprise must have been operating for at least six months;
  • The entrepreneur must not have debts on taxes and payments to the Pension Fund;
  • The applicant must provide collateral in the amount of 30–50% of the loan amount.

Compensation for leasing payments

As an alternative to renting, leasing has become not only a very popular way of obtaining equipment among entrepreneurs, but also a separate effective tool in the list of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses 2018. In essence, company owners are offered a mechanism for partially subsidizing leasing payments: to receive such assistance, an entrepreneur must contact the regional office of the Ministry of Economic Development. Reimbursement of expenses is carried out on a shared basis with some restrictions:

  • Partial compensation of the first payment under the concluded leasing agreement in the amount of up to 50%. However, the amount of compensation should not exceed 500,000 rubles;
  • Partial compensation of regular leasing payments in the amount of up to 2/3 of the refinancing rate. The total amount of the subsidy should not exceed 5 million rubles.

Support can be received by business entities that have entered into leasing agreements for production equipment, machine tools, production lines, cargo and light-duty vehicles and machinery. The subsidy is not provided:

  • Companies purchasing equipment for trading activities;
  • Enterprises forced to pay penalties under a contract;
  • Entrepreneurs who have not demonstrated the proper level of social efficiency and have not created one job for every million rubles of compensation;
  • Companies operating in the fields of lending and insurance, auditing, depositor financial management, gambling and betting, real estate and trade.

Help for farmers

State support for small businesses in Russia 2018 includes the presence of a separate program to assist entrepreneurs working in the country's priority agro-industrial sector. Beginning farmers are compensated for up to 90% of the total documented amount of expenses for:

  1. Purchase of agricultural land;
  2. House construction and home improvement;
  3. Design of production workshops and warehouses;
  4. Purchase and renovation of production workshops and warehouses;
  5. Construction of access roads to production facilities;
  6. Connecting workshops and warehouses to utility networks;
  7. Purchase of agricultural and cargo equipment, production equipment;
  8. Purchase of planting material;
  9. Purchase of fertilizers and herbicides.

Subsidy may be received farming only once - in the first six months of operation of the enterprise. The maximum amount of financing reaches 1.5 million rubles: the funds transferred in 2018 must be disbursed within 18 months.

Help for entrepreneurs creating family livestock farms looks somewhat different: in this case, the grant amount increases to 3 million rubles, however, the applicant must provide evidence of his own funds in the amount of at least 40% of the total cost of the project. The money must be spent within 24 months for pre-agreed purposes:

  • Farm design;
  • Construction and equipment of a farm;
  • Construction and equipment of workshops for processing products;
  • Purchase and installation of farm equipment;
  • Purchase of farm animals.

State Commission in mandatory holds a competition among applicants. Farmers' training is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Higher education, work experience in the agro-industrial sector or running your own farm for 10 years;
  • High-quality business plan;
  • Own funds in the amount of 40% of the declared cost of the project;
  • Agreements concluded with consumers of products;
  • Successful entrepreneurial activity for 6 months.

In 2018, there will be changes in the mechanism for issuing grants for farmers. It is expected that the state will transfer money to the enterprise’s account not in one payment, but in stages, as the previous parts are mastered.

Other types of assistance

In addition to direct or indirect financial government support for small businesses, in 2018 other types of assistance are available to entrepreneurs that involve creating more comfortable conditions for doing business.

Renting municipal property

Federal and local authorities often have real estate that is used inefficiently or not used at all. The developers of the SME assistance program considered it advisable to lease such municipal facilities to start-up entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Business owners can receive such property support when concluding a lease agreement for a period of more than five years. Basic tariffs are determined based on the opinion of independent appraisers, formed in accordance with the situation on the real estate market. This data is then used to calculate the discounted rate for the first three years of the lease:

  • During the first year the tariff is 40% of the rent;
  • During the second year - 60%;
  • During the third year - 80%;
  • For the fourth and subsequent years, the entrepreneur pays the full rate.

Video on the topic

Compensation for participation in exhibitions

Even entrepreneurs who have information about existing business support programs are often unaware of this type of assistance. In fact, the subject of the SPM can compensate ex post facto up to half of the total costs associated with exhibition activities, provided that the amount of the subsidy does not exceed 150 thousand rubles per year. The following expenses are subject to reimbursement:

  • Renting space, installing stands, creating exhibition infrastructure;
  • Transportation of exhibits to the demonstration site and back;
  • Organization of negotiations, presentations, printing of promotional materials;
  • Translation services.

To receive compensation, you must submit to the local Entrepreneurship Support Center an application, an agreement with the exhibition organizers, a copy of the document confirming payment for participation in the event, as well as a certificate of completion of work.

Reimbursement for training expenses

Many newly created enterprises are faced with the problem of insufficient qualifications of employees. The costs of training them at various trainings, seminars and courses at first may turn out to be an unwanted burden on the business. Meanwhile, in this case, there is a cost reimbursement program: you just need to submit to the appropriate authorities evidence of completion of training in the form of paid bills, diplomas or contracts training centers contracts. 50% of costs amounting to no more than 40 thousand rubles per year are subject to subsidization.

Of course, the management of a large enterprise is unlikely to consider such relatively small compensation as a serious motivation. However, it should be remembered that almost all companies are forced to regularly send their lawyers and accountants to various seminars, and therefore partial reimbursement of the cost of training can be considered an incentive bonus for a developing small business.

Promises of all kinds of support for small businesses from high stands are often not taken seriously by small businesses. Indeed, officials and businesses speak different languages: bureaucrats believe real help providing information support and reducing various administrative barriers (which they often create themselves), and for people in business there is nothing more real than a specific amount of money arriving in their current account.

To be fair, it must be said that despite many conventions, small businesses in Russia can operate under conditions of a gentle tax burden (special tax regimes of the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, Unified Agricultural Tax). Accepted implies an even greater reduction tax rate for simplified taxation system and UTII, expansion of activities for PSN and tax holidays for individual entrepreneurs engaged in the service sector (in addition to those).

And yet, such support measures are just an opportunity to give the state a small part of the profit received in the form of taxes. Well, what if there is no profit yet, but there is only an idea, for the implementation of which you do not have enough personal finances? Is it possible for an entrepreneur to receive “real money” from the state free of charge? For those who doubt it, we’ll say right away - it’s absolutely real, but, of course, subject to a number of conditions.

Now subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses are provided in accordance with Government Resolution No. 1605 of December 30, 2014. This is not the first document regulating the receipt of free financial assistance from the state, on the basis of which various regional assistance programs have been developed. The exact extent to which state support programs will be implemented in your particular region depends on the activity of local officials.

Types of government support

All assistance programs for entrepreneurs are divided into:

  • federal all-Russian;
  • departmental (from the Ministry of Education, Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Vnesheconombank, Ministry of Labor);
  • regional (taking into account the direction of development of the region).

The specific amount of federal funding for these purposes is calculated using complex formulas given in Resolution No. 1605, but we, of course, are interested in how much money an individual entrepreneur can receive and for what. The types of support and amounts vary by region; let’s take the assistance programs in Moscow as an example.




Business support measures

Subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs

500,000 rubles

Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs under financial lease (leasing) agreements

5,000,000 rubles (but not more than 30% of the cost of the leased asset)

Subsidies for loan interest reimbursement

5,000,000 rubles (not more than the refinancing rate for three financial years)

Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with participation in congress and exhibition events

300,000 rubles

Industry support measures

Subsidies for employers for the training of specialists with secondary vocational education

90,000 rubles per year per person, but not more than 75% of actual costs incurred

Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with obtaining an international certificate

40% of costs, no more than 1,000,000 rubles

Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of paying lease payments

25% of costs, but not more than 100,000,000 rubles

Subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans and borrowings

up to 200,000,000 rubles

Subsidies to management organizations of technopolises and industrial parks for the development of the property complex

up to 300,000,000 rubles

Measures to support science and innovation

Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of equipping and operating centers for youth innovative creativity

10,000,000 rubles from the city budget, but not more than 60% of total costs

Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs associated with obtaining admission of securities of small and medium-sized businesses operating in the innovation sector to trading on the innovation and investment market of the stock exchange

up to 5,000,000 rubles

Subsidy to management organizations of technology parks for the development of the property complex

up to 100,000,000 rubles

Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs associated with the organization or expansion of production based on the implementation and industrial development of the results of scientific and technical activities

no more than 20,000,000 rubles

Subsidies to organizations that form an innovation infrastructure in Moscow in order to reimburse part of the costs associated with the creation, development and (or) modernization of their material and technical base

up to 100,000,000 rubles

In addition, to help entrepreneurs in Moscow, the following have been created:

  • Microfinance Development Assistance Fund;
  • Fund for Assistance to the Development of Venture Investments in Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Moscow;
  • Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field.

Who can receive subsidies

State assistance will be denied if the entrepreneur provides credit or insurance services, is engaged in pawnshop activities, or works in the gambling business. Financial assistance is not provided to those who extract minerals, sell excisable goods, or are non-residents of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for receiving subsidies depend on the focus of the support program, for example, in Moscow for subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs it is:

  • from the moment of registration legal entity or IP must be no more than 2 years old;
  • the applicant must meet the criteria for a small and medium-sized enterprise (No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007);
  • the applicant for the subsidy must be registered and registered with the tax authorities in Moscow and have no overdue debts on taxes, fees and other obligatory payments;
  • The subsidy is issued as part of co-financing, that is, the applicant must have at least 50% of the amount required for the implementation of the project in the form of their own funds.

Procedure for receiving a subsidy

By region, the conditions for providing subsidies may vary slightly, but general principles are the same: competitive basis; serious documentary evidence of the application; state control over the spending of received funds.

Control over the expenditure of gratuitously received subsidies consists of reporting on its intended use and achievement of indicators in accordance with the stated business plan. If it is determined that the recipient of the subsidy spent it inappropriately, A decision will be made to return the amount received within 10 days.

The step-by-step procedure for obtaining state co-financing for the city of Moscow looks like this:

  1. Contact the district branch of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow"
  2. Prepare a set of documents in accordance with Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 1, 2012 No. 254-PP
  3. Submit an application to the nearest branch of the State Budgetary Institution "MBM"
  4. Defend the project at a meeting of the Industry Commission of the DNPiP
  5. Find yourself in the minutes of meetings of the Industry Commission
  6. Conclude an agreement with DNPiP on the provision of a subsidy
  7. Provide reports to the State Budgetary Institution "MBM"

And finally, the last question - is it really possible to get real amounts of money in the form of a subsidy after going through all the bureaucratic procedures? Yes, it is possible, and to confirm this, we provide data from the minutes of the meeting of the industry commission on the allocation of subsidies in Moscow from November 19-21, 2014:

  • applications accepted - 163;
  • received subsidies - 50 applicants;
  • the amount of subsidies ranged from 39 to 500 thousand rubles, with 9 applicants receiving the maximum possible amount (500 thousand rubles).

So, be persistent, and if your idea is really worthwhile, you have a chance to receive half a million rubles from the state free of charge.

Beginning entrepreneurs can count on government assistance. This option compares favorably with all kinds of loans in that in this case the money will not need to be repaid.

Development Grants

What is needed in order to receive funds for development? Firstly, the company must be registered no more than a year ago. Secondly, the field of activity of the company matters. If you sell alcohol, tobacco products, work with real estate, or provide equipment rental services, then you can’t count on help from the state.

Also the company, counting on financial assistance, should earn no more than 400 million rubles a year, but, however, such an enterprise does not need subsidies.

It is natural that The funds received must be spent wisely - according to intended purpose , otherwise they will have to be returned. Also, funds must be realized within a year and reported to the state. It is worth noting that the state provides assistance only within certain limits; no one will fully pay for all your expenses, this means that the entrepreneur himself must have certain funds.

For example, the state can invest 40% in the development of his business, but the rest of the money must come from the businessman himself.

The amount of financial assistance may vary in different regions. On average, you can receive assistance from the state in the amount of 100-400 thousand rubles. The development grant is issued by small business development funds, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development.


You can also receive government subsidies directly for. To do this, you need to register as unemployed. Then you should contact your local employment center, where you will be asked to develop a business plan for your project. Here you need to try to describe in as much detail as possible all the risks and benefits of your business and prove that it is viable.

After this, this business plan will need to be defended at a commission meeting. And it will depend on her decision whether you receive a subsidy or not. Some types of businesses refuse to be financed at all, and some business plans are simply asked to be finalized.

Small business support programs

You can also look for various programs aimed at supporting small businesses in different regions they can be their own, and they often change.

This could be assistance in renting premises (certain benefits), free professional training for company employees, assistance in purchasing equipment on lease (long-term loan with option to buy).


This is perhaps the most common option for receiving money for small business development. But it is also very difficult, because banks try to take care of a 100% return of their funds - the bank will not help without guarantees.

For example, so-called project financing is quite common. In this case, in order to receive funds, the entrepreneur must provide a clear business plan, after considering which the bank decides to issue a loan.

In order for an entrepreneur to be issued a loan, he must be registered as an entrepreneur for at least a year, and his company must have been operating for at least three months. A deposit is required.


A completely new phenomenon in the business sphere. This is the so-called crowd funding. On special online crowdfunding platforms you place detailed description your project, perhaps a business plan, various promotional materials and wait for interested users to start sending funds to your account. The amounts can be completely different - from 50 rubles to hundreds of dollars.

And the most interesting thing that this tactic “one by one” works and is becoming more and more successful every year. There are also several points here: for example, it is important to correctly estimate the required amount, otherwise you may not get it on time necessary funds(usually 1-3 months), and then they will simply be returned back to the owners.

How and where the funds received are spent is usually also verified by the crowdfunding platform. For example, the amount is issued in installments upon presentation of checks.


It is extremely difficult to find an investor, but you can try. This is a person who will invest money in your business in exchange for a return with interest or a certain percentage of the company's profits. Greatest success in this method Various innovative projects, scientific and technical developments are seeking funds.

Many organizations and even individuals can provide assistance; the main thing is to decide on the source of funding from the very beginning and confidently move towards your goal.

To receive a subsidy for small business development, you must register with the Employment Center (PEC). Formally, you need to be unemployed, that is, the work book must contain a note about dismissal from your last place of work. Subsidies for the development of small businesses are not given to pensioners, students, founders of any legal entity and individual entrepreneurs.

What documents are required to receive a subsidy?

To count on receiving money, you must present a passport to the Central Tax Office, work book, diploma of education, TIN, pension insurance number and details personal account. The stage of checking the information at the Central Employment Center takes several weeks, after which the applicant is registered and assigned unemployment benefits. The next step should be to contact the same central employment center, but this time to the department for self-employment subsidy programs.

According to the rules, the recipient of the subsidy, in order to develop a small business, will have to hire an employee from the category of people experiencing difficulties in finding employment

Experts advise everyone who wants to open their own business on what documents need to be submitted, in particular in what form a business plan should be drawn up, in order to receive subsidies. Examples of successful business plans can be found on the Internet yourself, but in any case it should contain short idea proposed project, a list of required personnel, a description of production technology, a description of the market and potential clients, as well as legal support for activities and, most importantly, financial plan and project forecast.

Business plan review

Having received the business plan, the relevant department of the central planning committee will forward it to the financial commission for consideration. Within a few weeks, independent experts study it and either decide on approval or return it back for processing. Although you can immediately receive a final refusal, and you are not allowed to contact members of the financial commission, so, unfortunately, you will not be able to find out the reasons for such a decision.

Receiving development subsidies

If the financial commission has approved the business plan, all that remains is to sign an agreement with the Department of Labor and Employment (DTiZN) to provide a subsidy for the development of small businesses. A person who wants to start his own business must register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, open a current account and bring all supporting documents to DTiZN. And within 30 calendar days required amount will fall into the account of the novice entrepreneur.

When carrying out the entire operation of receiving money from the state, several things should be taken into account: important points. Usually, none of the officials is interested in the innovation of the project, and it is much easier for the financial commission to consider the business plan of a street drink stall than of an IT startup. Therefore, you should be simpler, explaining the essence of your idea as clearly as possible in your business plan. In addition, there are categories of projects that are more likely than others to receive money, such as socially significant and infrastructure.

And one more very important thing: according to the rules, the recipient of the subsidy, in order to develop a small business, will have to hire an employee from the category of people experiencing difficulties in finding employment. This includes citizens with many children, university graduates, and people with disabilities. Moreover, the employee will have to work in the newly created company for at least a year. This fact must be taken into account when drawing up staffing table and financial settlements.