Today on email I received an interesting question from one of our readers: Evgeniy (19 years old) from Kaluga complains that he has very skinny arms, and asks us how we can solve this problem effectively and as quickly as possible? Well, I think this is a typical frequently asked question of every new teenager who has barely crossed the threshold gym. And, therefore, we simply need to give an answer to it. So, the topic is outlined. After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to pump up skinny arms, how realistic this is, and what needs to be done for this and to what extent, and we will also touch on some anatomical features of the human body...

The first thing I want to draw your attention to is this: if you have skinny little hands, I’d venture to guess that everything else about you is also skinny, guess what? That is, you are inherently thin. We need this fact to gain an understanding of the processes occurring in your body...

Getting into shape at any age requires a lot of effort, especially if the body is not naturally endowed with the necessary data. Many teenagers do not know how to start their skinny arms, the lack of effect can cause a loss of interest in training.

Initially, it is important to clearly understand for yourself: it is impossible to pump your arms in isolation from other muscles, which, whatever one may say, will also have to be trained! Yes, just think about it and imagine: they will become big for you, but what about the rest? Will he remain skinny as he was? Huge biceps and triceps on a dead body and puny legs? – that doesn’t happen! Your body simply won’t allow you to do this. Why? – yes, because our body always strives for harmony. And consequently, the muscles will develop evenly and harmoniously as a whole, or will not develop at all...

To understand how to correct thin limbs, you need to know the mechanism for the release of muscle growth hormones. Responsible for assimilation nutrients hormones are distributed evenly throughout the body. To pump up skinny arms, you will actually have to pump up your entire body - you will need to do a basic workout that includes squats, bench presses and deadlifts. The load in this case should be 70% of the maximum; the daily norm includes squats of 8-12 repetitions, deadlifts and bench presses - 5-8. All exercises are performed in 4-5 approaches.

Basic exercises provide tension large quantity muscles, as a result of which a signal is sent to the brain about the need for the body to adapt to increased loads. The hypothalamus secretes a series of hormones, upon reaching which the working muscles increase due to increased blood supply and hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Basic exercises thus ensure the release of your own growth hormones. And this process leads our body to active muscle growth. This is how a beginner should train! Do the base, and don’t pump up that unfortunate biceps of yours. Because by pumping up your biceps, you basically won’t pump up anything; your body simply won’t allow you to do so.

Moreover, the biceps is only 40% of the shoulder muscles. The remaining 60% comes from the triceps. Therefore, if you have already achieved some initial result, and are already mature enough to train individual parts of the body, then it is better to focus on the triceps. Don’t be afraid for the two-headed one - it will definitely catch up with the three-headed one, and your hands will definitely become more voluminous...

In general, to develop the volume of the upper shoulder girdle, preference should be given to exercises with heavy and free weights - weighted pull-ups, barbell lifts, dips and others...

Pump up the general muscle mass the whole body and therefore correcting thin arms will help sports nutrition, the choice of which is best discussed with an experienced trainer. Typically, those who want to gain weight need to take creatine, protein and gainer - these sports nutrition preparations will help you achieve the desired success as quickly as possible. short time. In addition to sports nutrition, achieving the effect is facilitated by a proper diet of everyday food, a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and healthy cereals. It is also very important to correctly and rationally select the time to recuperate between workouts. After all, muscles grow: not when we train, it grows during hours of rest and sleep. So don't forget about it...

In general, what conclusion can be formulated from all of the above? - only A complex approach can change your appearance better side. So, change your habits, live in sports, and may the daring heroic strength be with you!

Hot summer is just around the corner, which means it’s time for open T-shirts and sundresses. You can wear such outfits only when your arms are not too full. What if this is not entirely true now? What to do to make your arms lose weight?

In order to full hands lost weight, aerobic exercise is necessary, that is, you just need to lose overweight. How to lose weight? Do aerobics, and it is important to know that in order to lose weight in your arms, you do not need to do any strength exercises, otherwise your full arms will simply increase in volume.

To lose weight in your arms, you need to do cardio exercises; in addition to aerobics, jogging will help. Such exercises will quickly melt the fat in your hands, and only after that it is fashionable to give your hands relief through strength exercises.

What can you do to lose fat on your arms? Triceps exercises

After fat arms have decreased in volume thanks to cardio exercises, you can begin strength exercises, since thinner arms need to be given shape. To female hands were beautiful, you need to focus on developing a muscle such as the triceps. In women who do not take care of their arms, it is the triceps that looks saggy and ugly. And if you can somehow cope with the lack of biceps, then the triceps need to be developed.

In order to develop triceps, there are many effective exercises, one of the most effective is bench lifts. Your feet should be placed on the floor, your palms on the bench, and your body should be raised and lowered from the floor to the ceiling, while bending your elbows. This exercise is great for losing weight on your arms. You need to do 2-3 sets of 15 times. This exercise should be done every other day, and then you can be sure that excessively full arms will soon lose weight (as a rule, this takes no more than a month).


If the question arises about how to lose weight, strength training is one of the most suitable options. However, you should know that pumped up muscular arms are not the standard of female beauty, they should be feminine and graceful, and this requires stretching.

It relaxes and stretches the muscles. One of best exercises to stretch: you need to clasp your hands behind your back so that one hand is on top and the other is below. The arms should be stretched with springy movements, then they change places. To lose weight in your arms, you need to do the exercises correctly and regularly, only in this case you can achieve positive results.


How to make your hands graceful and beautiful? Exercising is not enough to achieve these goals; you also need to stick to your diet. At the same time, you don’t have to limit yourself too much; there is one very tasty and very healthy salad, which helps to lose weight in your arms. What does this salad consist of?

  1. Raisin. This product contains 2 g. fiber and 1 gr. squirrel. A product such as raisins is a real salvation for those who really love sweets, but, as we all know, they clearly do not contribute to weight loss.
  2. Tomatoes. This vegetable contains vitamins A and C in abundance, which promote weight loss; it also contains a substance such as lycopene, which protects against cancer.
  3. Bell pepper. It contains a lot of vitamin A, it is very useful in losing weight in the arms.
  4. Pine nuts. They contain a lot of fiber, minerals and fats; you need to add half a tablespoon of them to the salad.
  5. You can put one egg in the salad, but no more, because there are 6 grams. fat It will be better if you put only protein in the salad, which contains 15 calories.
  6. Apples. You need to put a third of a cup of grated apples in the salad; this product is rich in fructose and contains many antioxidants and vitamins.
  7. You can also put avocado, cabbage, cheese, and olives in a salad for weight loss. One serving of this salad should not exceed half a cup.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms

1. Starting position – feet are placed shoulder-width apart, one hand should be placed on the belt. We take a dumbbell in the other hand; its weight can be from 1 to 2 kg. The arm straightens, the dumbbell is pulled up, the hand with the dumbbell is lowered down to the shoulders, placed behind the head, then returned to its original position. You need to do 8-12 repetitions, after which the hand changes. It is very important that this exercise is performed slowly, the dumbbell should be lowered as low as possible.

2. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides, they should be pressed to your hips, and you should take a dumbbell in each hand. The arms need to be bent at the elbows, the dumbbells are raised to the shoulders, then lowered down. This exercise also needs to be done slowly.

3. Starting position – you need to take one dumbbell in each hand and press them to your chest. A lunge is made with the left foot forward, at the same time thrown out right hand, then the arm and leg are replaced. This exercise is similar to punching a wall.

All these exercises should be performed at least 30 times, but do not immediately rush with a large number of repetitions, this is difficult for unprepared people. Have to do maximum amount repetitions, while constantly increasing their number. Except physical exercise and diets should be maintained in good condition skin, it needs help to tone up. For prevention, you need to use moisturizing creams and take a contrast shower, which helps keep the skin elastic.

As you can see, if you make some effort, in the summer you can safely go out in open clothes and catch admiring glances.

Many women with the onset of the season open clothes, ask themselves the question: how to lose weight in your arms? Loose skin on the upper arms and unsightly fat deposits in the biceps area are some of the most important problem areas in most women, in addition to the stomach and thighs. A set of simple exercises will help you make your hands graceful and your skin taut, which, if performed regularly, along with the right motivation and willpower, will help surprise you with excellent results.

There are several ways to help make your arms look thinner. Try to wear T-shirts in calm colors. Open T-shirts with large patterns will only emphasize full arms. The ideal option is an open light dress and a black bolero. In this outfit, the shoulders appear narrow and the arms appear miniature.

With age, the skin of the hands, unfortunately, most quickly loses firmness and elasticity, because the hands most often reveal a woman’s true age. The only way to get rid of these problems radically and for a long time is the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. But in many cases it is not necessary to go under the knife. To the pressing question of what to do to lose weight on your arms, there is an excellent answer - regular physical exercise to the corresponding muscle groups.

All about what exercises will help you lose weight quickly and effectively in the following article:

Provided you do the exercises daily, despite laziness and self-pity, a noticeable result will be visible within a month, and within a few months you will be irresistible in open dresses and tops with straps. Just 20-30 minutes a day will gradually help you get rid of fat deposits on your arms.

Here are a few basic exercises, which are ideal for those who do not yet know what to do to lose weight on their arms. Try to perform them to rhythmic, incendiary music at the most suitable time for yourself and you yourself will not notice how daily training will become an integral part of your life.

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and leave one hand free on your waist. With your other hand you need to take a dumbbell weighing 1-2 kg. Raise the dumbbell up with your arm straight. Then gradually lower it to shoulder level, placing it behind your head. After this, lower your hand with the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat several times on each hand.

2. We start the exercise from the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down at the seams, a dumbbell in each hand. We raise and lower both arms at the same time. This should be done slowly as it increases muscle strain.

Read more about losing weight in the shoulder girdle in the following article:

3. We do the emphasis while lying down, with our arms spread wide. With a straight back, we do push-ups from the floor.

4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and touch your hands to your shoulders. We extend each arm in turn, tilting the body in the direction of the arm. After each tilt we return to the starting position.

5. Take a dumbbell in each hand and place your hands with the dumbbells at chest level. We take turns doing lunges with each leg, throwing forward the arm on the opposite side (for example, the right leg and left hand). The exercise itself is very similar to trying to break through a wall.

Features of the exercises

Start each exercise with 20-30 repetitions, gradually increasing the load. Don’t start doing a lot of exercises right away; if you’re not used to it, it will only harm your health. If you are looking for how to lose weight in your hands for a short time, try to attack fat on all fronts: limiting high-calorie foods, physical activity, and also a contrast shower.

In addition to fighting fat deposits, it is very important not to forget to take care of the condition of the skin of your hands. Moisturizing creams and lotions for dry and sensitive skin will help you continue to maintain youth and look great.

Hi all! I received an email request from one of the site visitors to write an article about how to make your arms thin and beautiful. Well, I have prepared material on this topic. So, who will find this article useful, read it.

The physique of each person is determined by lifestyle and heredity.

If you think your arms are too thick, you need to take care general weight loss and especially work on strengthening your arm muscles.

Light weight training, cardio and weight loss exercises will help you with this.

Part 1: Maintain training durations and intervals between them

1. Do cardio at least 4 times a week. Without a general reduction in body weight, you won’t be able to make your arms slimmer.

2. Get cardio in sets of at least 30 minutes. If the body weight is large enough, the duration of the approach can be increased to 60 minutes.

3. Create a workout schedule for yourself. Moderate-intensity workouts should be interrupted by short periods of more intense workouts.

  • If you find it difficult to change the intensity of exercise, you can insert a few minutes of exercise on an elliptical trainer, treadmill, or exercise bike between the main exercises. In addition, if possible, you can run or swim for a minute.

Part 2: Exercises to Lose Weight

1. The right approach toperforming weight loss exercises. Alternate dynamic exercises with rest breaks. After your body has worked actively for 1-2 minutes, it needs to rest for 30 seconds.

  • Jump rope. Such jumps create a high impact load, which helps burn significant amount fat, and hand movements when turning the rope help train the arm muscles. Perform at least 3 sets of 20 seconds (over time, increase their duration to 1 minute) with short rest breaks.
  • Make an emphasis while crouching. I. p. - standing straight, arms raised up. Lower your arms in front of you and jump into a push-up position. With the next jump, squat down, then stand up and raise your arms. Perform this exercise 3 times, resting between sets. For greater effect, you can do push-ups in the middle of the exercise.
  • Jump in place, spreading your legs and arms wide. And keep in mind that the longer the breaks between exercises, the fewer calories will be burned.

2. U climber exercise. Get into a push-up position and move your legs toward your chest.

Part 3: Power loads

1. Such training is best done under the guidance of a trainer. Sign up for a fitness class or another that involves using weight machines or other heavy equipment.

2. FollowExercises with lifting weights with your arms for 30 minutes every day. Such exercises will help speed up your metabolism, burn fat and develop muscles.

3. Choose positions for performing exercises with weights based on your capabilities and desired results. Here are some examples of positions that are suitable for beginners and more experienced athletes.

  • A very good position is to lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. By doing biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest exercises in this position, you can adjust the strength load. In addition, this position “spares” the back and joints.
  • Sitting on a fitball. The torso works very well in this position.
  • Standing with your hips apart. Bend your knees slightly to reduce stress on your joints. In this position, the legs, torso and top part bodies. An even greater effect can be achieved in a squatting or lunge position.
  • You can stand straight with your feet together and toes apart. Then rise onto your toes, keeping your heels together. Try doing weight lifting exercises in this position, especially targeting your biceps.

Part 4: Train Your Muscles

  • Take dumbbells, for example, turn your hands palms up and spread your arms out to the sides 45 degrees. Try not to rest for a long time between approaches.
  • Perform 10 partial lifts of your arms up and 10 partial lowerings down. Do not hold your hands in any position, perform the actions continuously. This exercise helps improve muscle condition.
  • Do push-ups. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly do 10 push-ups as low as possible and another 10 times quickly, but not too low.
  • Take dumbbells and place your hands on your shoulders. For a minute, push your arms up one at a time, while your torso should not move. Repeat this exercise, alternately pushing your arms forward.

2. We are working on the triceps. This is the triple arm muscle located at the back. Triceps exercises.

  • Perform push-ups with your arms folded. Place your hands slightly lower and narrower than your shoulders. Try also pressing the backs of your hands towards your chest. Slowly do 10 push-ups as low as possible and another 10 times quickly, but not too low.
  • Vertical push-ups. For them you will need a bench. Sit on it, put your hands on the bench, put your feet forward. Raise your pelvis, lower your body below the bench and lift it back, while the load should fall on the arm muscles. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 times. This exercise can be made more difficult by lifting one leg, while keeping the pelvis motionless.
  • French triceps press. Lunge. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raise your arms back a little. Do this 10 times, hold them from behind a little more (as much as you can stand) and bring your hands together. Then, keeping your elbows behind you as high as possible, bend your arms.

3. We work on the shoulders.

  • Extend your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Rotate your hands as if you were pressing a doorknob. Slowly repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
  • Swing your arms. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down. Bring your arms with dumbbells in front of you, move your arms back, try to bring your shoulder blades together. Repeat 10 times. After this, turn your hands away from each other 10 times. Perform 2 sets of each exercise.

4. Uchest exercises. Push-ups, especially on the elbows, do wonders for the chest and armpit area. You can use bench press machines.

  • A very good position is to lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. By doing biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest exercises in this position, you can adjust the strength load. In addition, this position “spares” the back and joints.
  • Sitting on a fitball. The torso works very well in this position.
  • Standing with your hips apart. Bend your knees slightly to reduce stress on your joints. In this position, the legs, torso and upper body actively work. An even greater effect can be achieved in a squatting or lunge position.
  • You can stand straight with your legs together and apart. Then rise onto your toes, keeping your heels together. Try doing weight lifting exercises in this position, especially targeting your biceps.

We hope you found in the article how to make your arms thin and beautiful suitable exercises and soon your hands will become perfect.

In conclusion, watch the video exercise on how to make your arms thin:

Fat deposits on the arms deprive the silhouette of its slimness and limit the ability to wear open dresses. Which greatly upsets many girls and women.

A sedentary lifestyle and consumption of high-calorie foods usually lead to the appearance of excess weight. Fat accumulates on the arms and can be difficult to deal with.

Special set of exercises, diet and others effective methods will help give the arm muscles relief and beautiful shape. And all this is possible at home.

A little anatomy

Muscle anatomy is represented primarily by the biceps and triceps. It is these muscles that are responsible for the shape of the arm, and it is they that are hidden by the fat layer. First of all, getting rid of fat will help.

TOP 5 methods for thin limbs

We offer you five of the most effective methods, which will help not only lose weight in your arms, but also tighten your body overall. If you start using them in combination, then very soon you will get a slender silhouette, graceful and thin hands. Let's get started!

1. Stick to a diet

It must be remembered that strict diets cannot be used. This can lead to metabolic disorders and various health problems. You need to start with limiting the calorie content of the foods you consume. Construction proper diet nutrition will help you lose weight without harm to your health. What foods will help you lose weight and benefit your body?

  • Chicken, fish, seafood. They have low calorie content and are sources of easily digestible proteins. Contain essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Lactic acid and dairy products. If you choose dairy products with a low fat content - no more than 3.2%, then you can gradually lose weight without feeling hungry. They are excellent sources of animal protein and microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.
  • Vegetables. Excellent products in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Vegetables are low in calories - on average, from twenty-five to forty calories. The daily menu should include cabbage, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. In addition to vitamins and minerals, vegetables contain fiber, which helps burn fat and activates the process of losing excess weight.
  • Herbs and spices. They diversify the taste of dishes and activate the burning of excess calories. To digest dill, parsley, cilantro, the body spends more calories than these healthy herbs that are familiar to us contain. Red hot pepper literally burns fat - add it (preferably in small quantities) to food daily.
Carefully! When losing weight, foods should not be fried. Frying more than doubles the calorie content of the finished dish!

2. Do strength training

There is a special set of exercises that can specifically target the muscles of girls’ shoulders and forearms. It is in these areas that fat deposits are localized.

These are the exercises that will help us work our arms and give relief to our muscles:

  1. Curling arms with dumbbells for biceps. Form a beautiful line of the arm and shoulder.
  2. Curls with dumbbells behind your head for triceps. Prevents sagging muscles and forearms.
  3. An excellent workout for the arms and shoulder muscles. By doing them regularly, you will soon notice how the volume of your arms decreases and your muscles become stronger.
  4. An excellent workout for the muscles of the whole body. Focusing on your arms makes your muscles strong and strong.
  5. An ideal exercise for the arm muscles. Those who perform it regularly do not suffer from excess weight and have beautiful and prominent muscles of the shoulder girdle.

It is good to alternate power loads with such gymnastic exercises, like " ", " ", asanas " " and " ", exercises with a skipping rope. They develop flexibility, form beautiful posture, help monitor weight and keep fit.

There are no restrictions for gymnastic training - you can do it several times a day if you wish. The main criterion is good health and vigor. Excessive fatigue and lethargy indicate that you have over-exercised and the load needs to be reduced.

Attention! Strength exercises cannot be performed daily - the muscles must rest and recover.

3. Try contrasting water treatments

This could be a shower or alternately pouring cold and hot water from a bucket.

Such temperature-contrasting procedures activate metabolism, tone and accelerate the burning of fat deposits. They also have a hardening effect, but in order not to catch a cold, you need to start them in the summer months, and reduce the water temperature gradually.

Who doesn't love cold water, may be limited to contrast compresses. To do this, you need to prepare two towels and a bowl of hot and cold water. Alternately apply a well-wrung out hot and cold towel to the areas of fatty deposits. Total time procedures – ten minutes.

Attention! We start all contrasting water effects with hot water, and finish with a cold one! The procedure should not cause chilliness and be pleasant.

4. Drink more fluids

They cleanse the body well of harmful substances and start the fat burning process. Specialists in healthy eating It is recommended to place a bottle of water or a kettle of green or herbal tea in a visible place, and take a sip throughout the day.

Melissa, mint, St. John's wort, fennel, and oregano are good for herbal tea. You just need to add very little of them - a pinch to a medium-sized teapot. Sugar cannot be added to this tea.

If you want something sweet, you can eat a spoonful of honey or dried fruits once a day.

Those who don’t like tea can brew a handful of any fresh, dried or frozen berries and drink the same throughout the day. This “compotic” needs to be brewed, not boiled. This method will preserve all the vitamins in the drink, and will help improve health in any season.

5. Give a special massage

You can do it in a salon or on your own. It is necessary to apply any massage or vegetable oil to the forearm and rub and knead the area of ​​fat deposits in the direction from the elbow to the shoulder joint. Before massage procedures, it is better to use a scrub made from sea or ordinary salt.

Method of preparing the scrub. Mix a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of cream or vegetable oil. Apply to the problem area and rub in circular movements.

Massage procedures in combination with the rest of the above methods will most effectively combat fat in the arms and hands. They can be done several times a week - preferably before bed, so that after them you can relax and unwind.

For detailed massage techniques, watch the video:

If you want to get a beautiful arm line and lose weight, listen to the advice of nutritionists and sports doctors - choose the “golden mean” in everything. Don't get carried away with dieting too much! It is enough to reduce the calorie content of food and remove all fried foods from your diet. Try to lead an active lifestyle, walk more if possible. Moderately, but use regularly power training. Take care of your body, be cheerful and joyful!