IN Lately Nordic walking with poles is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages: this technique is successfully used in Everyday life both young and old people. Nordic walking with poles, the benefits of which have long been established by doctors, has gained great popularity in last years. But how does this type of walking differ from ordinary movement? And what is the origin of Nordic walking?


The ancestors of this type of walking were not the inhabitants of the northern countries, as the name might suggest - this technique was successfully used in their activities by professional skiers.

Nordic walking is essentially a way to keep your body in good physical shape during the months when competitions of various levels are not held.

An athlete should always be in good physical shape, so this type of walking is ideal for keeping the body in good shape.

During normal walking, the arms are practically not involved in the movement process - the maximum load falls on the leg muscles. With the so-called “Scandinavian” (Northern, Finnish) walking with poles, the load is distributed more evenly, while the arms are able to participate in the movement of the body.

Mastering the Nordic walking technique is quite easy - with correct selection height of the poles, this method of transportation has virtually no contraindications.

The benefits of Nordic walking

This movement technique has its own direction, although some people tend to consider Nordic walking one of the types of fitness or race walking. What allowed her to gain such wild popularity? One of the main factors in the success of Nordic walking was ski poles. As mentioned, walking or running puts a lot of stress on your legs without putting stress on your legs. top part torso.

Therefore, for those people who want uniform development of the muscles of the whole body, regular running or walking is not suitable, because in this case only the leg muscles are trained.

Nordic walking with poles can reduce the load on the legs and spine, distributing part of the load on the arm muscles. It is the ability to uniformly train all the muscles of the body that has led to great success of this type of walking.

With regular Nordic walking, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the heart muscle is trained, the heart rate (pulse) is normalized, and the level of blood pressure, which ultimately reduces the risk of blood clots.

Walking with poles can improve

  • sleep quality
  • coordination of movements
  • stimulates attention and memory
  • the brain begins to be well supplied with blood.


Nordic walking is recommended for maintaining good physical shape, and people of all ages can train using this technique. Walking with poles, if all the rules are followed, can not only improve blood circulation, but also help the heart and blood vessels work more smoothly and efficiently.

Active movements allow you to pump up your biceps and triceps, which are practically not used during normal walking or running.


IN Western countries Nordic walking is prescribed as a way to lose excess weight, improve heart function and circulatory system, provide effective exercise for the whole body. Walking with poles is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • chronic lung diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis);
  • nervous and mental disorders(depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease);

People with cardiovascular problems are prohibited from engaging in this type of walking. In addition, Nordic walking is contraindicated for:

  • aneurysm of the aorta and heart;
  • possible bleeding;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • aphid infections, exacerbation of cardiovascular disorders;
  • progressive myopia and glaucoma;

During exercise, you need to carefully monitor your blood pressure and pulse.


To practice Nordic walking, it is enough to have special poles, comfortable shoes and clothes.

  • Shoes. Mostly people exercise in parks where there is dirt, asphalt or just grass. Shoes should not restrict movement, so shoes with hard soles should be avoided. - it is desirable to have a flexible and comfortable shoes having good adhesion to the coating. One of the best options would be high-quality sneakers.
  • Cloth. For Nordic walking, light clothing is best suited to protect against various weather conditions, so it is better to wear light clothing in several layers than heavy and thick clothing. During the cold season, you can wear a waterproof jacket and durable gloves. It is not advisable to wear cotton T-shirts, as well as jeans and socks made of this material, because cotton can absorb a large number of moisture, so such clothes immediately become heavy and sticky.
Correct technique

The body is able to remember the movements of this type of walking in just a few sessions. At first, you can train without poles - first you need to learn how to position your feet correctly. It should be remembered that correct technique execution is the key to a good result.

During Nordic walking, the body is able to move significantly quickly (6-7 km/hour). In this case, the muscles of the arms are involved, which leads to increased blood circulation and the manifestation of the aerobic effect of such training. At the same time, the load on the leg joints is reduced. Almost all muscles begin to contract, which leads to increased calorie consumption, so this method allows you to get rid of extra pounds much faster than with regular walking or running.

Video on the topic

It is necessary to place your feet correctly, rolling them from heel to toe, while making synchronous movements with your hands. Using an element such as poles in Nordic walking allows you to use all the muscles of the body, while significantly reducing the risk of injury.

When transferring body weight, the knee must be relaxed so that the load gradually falls on the joints of the leg. The stick should not be carried in front of the foot, but it should come into contact with the ground at the level of the heel.

During classes, many beginners make the following mistakes:

  • when the body moves, there is an excessive load on the forearms, the arms bend at the elbows;
  • when walking, sticks are placed in front of you;
  • hands are practically not involved in movement;

To obtain maximum benefit, The Nordic walking technique must be well studied by the person; in addition, it is necessary to gradually increase the duration of classes and the distance of the route.

When walking in a group, you should take into account your own feelings: if necessary, you can stop, do not compete with more prepared participants, and do not experiment on your body. Only proper walking with poles will allow you to get the maximum benefit from your training.

Where and how long to go

Proper breathing plays an important role in Nordic walking: you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and the duration of exhalation should be 1.5 times longer than inhalation. Beginners are advised to choose areas with natural soil for training, which, unlike other surfaces, puts less stress on the joints - it is best to train in a forest, park or quiet place, away from highways.

If you need to get rid of excess weight It is recommended to choose areas with ups and downs.

Beginners can conduct 2-3 classes per week lasting about 45 minutes. When the body gets used to the stress, the duration of training can be increased. Positive results can be seen after 4 months of regular training - which is why you should not overload your body as much as possible in the first weeks of training.

People who have quite a long experience of Nordic walking can walk up to 8 km in one session, while the walking duration is 60-80 minutes. When walking Special attention should pay attention to heart rate. To enhance the effect of training, you can increase their duration and quantity, bringing it to 5-6 per week.

♦ Tip: if while walking you manage to simultaneously talk with your partner and not get out of breath, then the intensity and pace are chosen correctly.

How to choose poles

When choosing poles for Nordic walking, experts take into account a number of the following factors:

  1. poles should not fold (telescopic poles);
  2. carbon fiber should be used in the production of poles, not aluminum;
  3. Handles for poles should be plastic, rubber or made of cork;
  4. It is mandatory to have a comfortable lanyard (fastening for fixing the hand);
  5. good metal tips on sticks (spikes);
  6. the presence of tips that will help when walking on asphalt, where metal tips can slip;

Depending on the height of the walker, poles for Nordic walking are selected; a table with data on the choice is given below

No longer does anyone look with amazed eyes at confidently walking people with poles resembling ski poles. Nordic walking is the name of a relatively new, but rapidly gaining popularity, healing technique.

What are the benefits of Nordic walking with poles? At first glance, such a sporting activity seems simple and somewhat comical. Despite this, it brings tangible benefits to the whole body. Such physical activity in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health and has the best effect on the work of all organs and regulatory systems. However, like any sports discipline, such walking has a number of contraindications. Let's try to find out what the benefits and harms of Nordic walking with poles are.

In the 40s of the 20th century, Finnish professional sprint skiers, concerned about maintaining physical condition in the off-season, came up with a brilliant idea: they decided to conduct training without their main equipment, that is, skis. IN short term A training program was developed exclusively with ski poles. The lack of snow cover, and therefore ski tracks, has now ceased to be an obstacle to honing skills at any time of the year.

Over time, Nordic walking has become a subject of close interest among doctors. They began to actively introduce it into various rehabilitation courses; it began to help people with poor health.

Since the 90s of the last century, walking began to conquer many countries and acquired the official status of an independent sport. At the same time, new names appeared for walking: northern, Finnish, Norwegian, Nordic.

Nowadays Nordic walking with poles is truly mass appearance sport, accessible to absolutely any person, be it a pensioner, a student or a respectable entrepreneur.

Inventory and equipment

The main difference between Nordic walking and walking with a simple step is the support on special poles. Although such poles are similar to the usual ski poles, they still have their own specifics. Firstly, they are shorter, and secondly, they are equipped with graphite tips that prevent them from getting stuck in loose soil surfaces. Thanks to the rounded tips, moving on any road becomes much easier. For walking on asphalt areas, rubber caps are put on the tips.

Light and durable material (for example, carbon fiber or aluminum) is used to make poles. Molded poles usually have a fixed length, while telescopic poles have an adjustable length. The choice of equipment depends on the person’s height and expected load. To calculate the length of the poles, you need to multiply your height by 0.68. Both sticks have special fastenings (lanyards) in the form of fingerless gloves. This guarantees their secure fit on your hands. You can purchase such equipment in the sporting goods department. However, homemade sticks will also work.

For recreational walks, choose clothes that are appropriate for the weather and are not tight. Clothing made from low-quality synthetic material will have poor air permeability and create Greenhouse effect, which will result in excessive sweating. Therefore, it is better to opt for clothes made from natural materials.

Shoes must be stable, without slippery soles or high heels. The best option is sneakers or sneakers. Important, so that the ankle does not remain exposed, otherwise you may accidentally injure your leg with the tip of the stick.

Walking technique

In order for this sports activity to bring maximum health benefits, before starting a full-fledged workout, you need to work out a little in a lighter mode, and then increase the load. There is no need to go out of your way to show the perfect technique from the very first lesson. The main thing is to catch the right rhythm and learn to control your breathing.

Here are some tips for beginners from professional trainers:

Benefit for health

This sport has its pros and cons, but the advantages clearly outweigh all the disadvantages. Why is it worth doing it? The benefits of Nordic walking with poles are as follows:

Finnish walking will become a lifesaver for health problems such as:

Harm and contraindications

Finnish walking is not the right sport, which can be said to be hazardous to health. Of course, there are risks, but walking is unlikely to lead to serious consequences. But you shouldn’t grab your chopsticks and run outside in the following cases.

Scandinavian walking (Nordic Walking, Finnish, Nordic walking) is a popular type physical activity, based on a certain walking technique using special poles that look like ski poles. The technique has gained worldwide popularity since the late 90s. The principle of movement is based on the summer exercises of skiers.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking with poles appeared a long time ago. Pilgrims also used similar supports when overcoming rough terrain. In physical therapy methods, sticks have been used for a long time to improve health and rehabilitation after illness.

Close to the modern version of Nordic Walking, this type of walking first appeared in 1940 in Finland and was used by professional skiers to stay in shape outside of training.

The primacy of the method of walking with poles as an independent, amateur sport is disputed by Mauri Rapo (his method is described in the article “Hiihdon lajiosa” in 1979) and Mark Kantan (a similar article “Sauvakävely” in 1997). However, the name was patented by Mark Cantan - it was he who wrote and published the first manual on Nordic Walking.

In the late 90s, walking technique was transformed into an independent sport and became popularized throughout the world.

This unusual sport came to Russia relatively recently, but has already become an effective alternative to running. The fact is that the movements involve almost all muscle groups (up to 90%, whereas during normal walking no more than 70%), which leads to strengthening of the body as a whole, the spine and joints in particular. Moreover, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle actively work, which does not happen during normal walks. Reliance on equipment allows you to reduce the load on the hip and knee joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been proven and undeniable, however, the technique has its limitations associated with the dosage and intensity of exercise for various diseases, and therefore requires consultation with a doctor before starting classes.


There are many indications for this type of amateur sport. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is a mandatory element of all rehabilitation programs after surgical interventions on musculoskeletal system. Patients in German clinics who have undergone hip arthroplasty return to their normal pace of life just a month after the operation thanks to walking with poles.

The greatest effectiveness is observed in the following conditions:

  • excess body weight;
  • mild pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis in adults and children, and is also used as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart, as well as the prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

In terms of load, walking is classified as cardio training, i.e., first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means it requires approval from a doctor in case of diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The technique has no age indications and is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of choosing equipment and equipment for classes

In order for the effectiveness of training to be maximum, you need:

  • comfortable sportswear according to the weather;
  • shoes for walking or special for running;
  • sticks.

For winter activities, clothing that is used for skiing is suitable, for example, thin thermal underwear that will keep you warm in severe frost, and winter ski overalls. In summer you can wear a tracksuit, comfortable T-shirts and shorts. As for shoes, sneakers should provide good and firm support to the foot area and have a dense but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks to avoid blisters.

Selection of poles

The first special sticks were released by Exel Oyj in 1997. The length of the poles is selected individually by multiplying the person’s height by a special coefficient of 0.7. All monolithic Nordic walking poles have standard sizes with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the result should be rounded depending on the person’s physical fitness:

  • a shorter length is preferable for beginners, as well as people with contraindications to significant stress on the spine;
  • Longer poles place additional stress on the back and arms, so they are suitable for trained athletes.

There are also special telescopic poles on sale, which allows them to be used by all family members, and especially by children - the equipment will grow with them. The best material is carbon. Products made from aluminum alloys will be somewhat cheaper.

The equipment is expensive - a set of poles costs from 3,000 rubles, so you should buy them in accordance with your height and physical capabilities, and treat them with care and not transfer them to third parties.

The benefits of Nordic walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much healthier and safer for the body than running and vigorous physical activity. Moving at the same, calm pace has a positive effect on both health and emotional state.

What walking gives you:

  • blood enrichment and internal organs oxygen;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved digestion;
  • activation of the elimination of toxic substances;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • burning fat deposits;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • healing of joints and spine;
  • great mood and positive.

The most important thing is the regularity of classes, skipping which is permissible only for health reasons.


Like any sport, before starting a lesson you should do a warm-up - swinging your arms and legs, flexing and extending your body, rising on your tiptoes for 2-3 seconds, neat jumping from foot to foot and on both legs. You can use special exercises with sticks: bending to the right and left with raised arms holding the stick, bending forward with emphasis on the sticks, etc.

So, how to Nordic walking:

  • The main element of the training is the step.
  • The main rule: left hand with a stick - right leg (heel), and vice versa: right hand - left leg, i.e. there should be a counter move.
  • The stick is located on the side near the leg, slightly at an angle.
  • When the stick touches the ground, you should take a step: the foot is placed on the heel, then rolled onto the toe. But you should not place your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.
  • Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees while walking.
  • During the movement, the arms bend slightly at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. The arm is raised at an angle of 45 0 in the upper position, and the “lower” arm is moved back to the level of the pelvis.
  • You cannot lean on sticks with significant effort! This creates additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks

In fact, they hold themselves on their hands thanks to special, very strong and reliable loops. The loops are similar in appearance to the bells of gloves and, with the help of wide stripes, cover the bases of the thumbs, which prevents incorrect movements of the hand. You need to hold the equipment freely, without straining your hands, parallel to each other. When overcoming a hard surface, rubber tips are put on the poles for convenience; it is more convenient to pass through soft areas simply by pushing off with a spike.

So, before class, you need to put your hand through the loop, adjust the diameter using the clasp and secure the loop so that the wrist area is not pinched. This way the sticks won't fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantages of this sport are that it is somewhat dependent on weather conditions. You can practice walking throughout the year, but in reality heavy rain, blizzards or snowfall significantly complicate movement and can adversely affect health. Walking in the gym is difficult, and skipping classes is not recommended.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to find a companion or go with the whole family - this motivates, improves efficiency and mood in general. There are entire schools and clubs of Nordic walking fans who take common walks every day.

  • You should eat an hour and a half before class.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not start running. The walk should be comfortable, not accompanied by abdominal pain, shortness of breath or rapid breathing.
  • Increase the load only gradually.
  • While walking, you should not lower your head down, your shoulders should be relaxed and freely lowered, and your posture should be straight. You need to try to think about good things and smile.
  • Walks are best organized in environmentally friendly places, where there is a lot of vegetation and no transport. The best option– hilly paths of parks and squares.
  • The duration of one lesson is at least 40 minutes. How long is the maximum time to walk? It depends on your fitness level, but you definitely shouldn’t exceed 60-90 minutes.
  • You can drink while walking clean water in small sips.
  • After your walk, you should do a couple of leisurely stretches or just a few deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss - how it works

Proper Nordic walking, carried out regularly, leads to a gradual loss of extra pounds. When walking at an average or fast pace, about 10 calories are burned in 1 minute. Almost all muscles are also pumped. While walking you can “work” on problem areas. So, if you walk and keep your abdominal muscles moderately retracted, you can get rid of fat deposits in this area. Overcoming rough terrain with upward climbs perfectly pumps up the leg muscles. If you tighten your buttocks and try to mentally hold a coin between them, they will acquire a beautiful shape.

Common mistakes

Nordic walking with poles is not easy for everyone, and some do not see any positive changes in their health. This may be due to some errors:

  • Using homemade sticks or equipment from other sports;
  • Incorrect holding of sticks (crossing them behind your back);
  • Rotate the body while raising the arm to make a pushing movement;
  • Using the force of the hand rather than the elbow during push-off;
  • Using uncomfortable shoes.

Nordic Walking is an enjoyable sport that is accessible to everyone and has a positive effect on health, mood and appearance!

Nordic walking, Nordic, Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian - you can call it different things. But this will not change the fact that it is practiced in more than 40 countries around the world.

Nordic walking is an excellent option for maintaining physical fitness and improving health for older people

How to Nordic walking correctly and how to choose poles for this sport? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

This is the kind physical activity, which is a hybrid of walking and skiing. A relatively new sport that has already won a lot of fans of all ages in different countries peace.

Walking with poles appeared around the 40s of the last century, when Finnish skiers, who wanted to stay in shape outside the ski season, began to do exercises for skis without them. One of the fitness trainers spied on these workouts and created Nordic walking based on them. It was first described in 1997. At the same time, the first walking sticks were produced.

Why did this type of physical activity gain success so quickly? How is it better than running, walking or skiing?

An additional advantage of such activities is their energy consumption, which leads to increased fat burning. It also trains the heart well

Firstly, this is a universal sport that can be practiced at any time of the year: both in the heat of June and during snowfall, because poles will help you overcome snow drifts. In addition, due to the unique combination of walking and skiing, 90% of all body muscles are involved, while with normal walking - only 70%. During such training, the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are perfectly worked out. You won't achieve this result just by running.

Another bonus is improved posture, because leaning on the poles correctly will prevent you from slouching.

Since Nordic walking involves the muscles of the upper half of the body through the use of poles, then, unlike conventional walking, the tidal volume of the lungs increases by more than 30%. For those who regularly engage in this sport, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, intestinal function improves, metabolism is normalized, toxins are eliminated faster, which generally contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

Well, of course, this type of activity will be appreciated by people who have knee pain, are overweight, and simply older people. After all, the poles take part of the load on themselves, which means you can walk a longer distance and burn more calories.

How to do Nordic walking correctly (video)?

Walking technique with Nordic poles for beginners

Experts describe the practice technique as natural. And it’s true: walking is an integral part of our life and we don’t think about how and where to place our arms and legs. General rule: movements should be smooth and easy, you need to “roll” from heel to toe, and not place your foot flat.

Initial position: lean on your right hand, bend it slightly at the elbow and put it forward. The left one is lowered down, with its help you will need to push off with a stick. The body is slightly tilted forward.

Bend your left leg at the knee, bring it forward and step onto your heel. The body weight remains behind, on the right leg. Roll along your left foot from heel to toe, bringing your right hand with the stick forward and partially transferring your body weight to your left leg and right hand (those in front).

Stand fully on your left leg. With your right foot and left hand (those that are now behind), push down and back with force. After repulsion, the stick ends up in an almost straight hand from behind.

Correct walking technique Scandinavian sticks

Relax your hand and fingers as much as possible, practically without holding the stick - it will not fall, since the hand is threaded through the loop on the handle. Without this relaxation, your wrists may begin to hurt.

Now step forward with your right foot and bring it forward left hand with a still relaxed hand. Partially transfer your body weight to them, push off right hand and left leg - and repeat all over again.

Don't stretch your arms too far forward. The stick should always be tilted towards you: its sharp lower tip is closer to you than the handle. If you do the opposite, it will be impossible to lean on the stick, it will not hold you, and you may fall.

While walking, your body should not be static: along with your arms and legs, your hips, chest, shoulders and back of your head should also move.

How to choose Nordic walking poles?

Choosing equipment for any sport is a responsible matter. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right poles for the upcoming activity. If the height is incorrectly selected, the load will be incorrectly distributed on the ankles, knees, and back. This can lead to pain and sprains.

How to choose the right poles for Nordic walking?

It’s worth noting right away that, despite the fact that Nordic walking is a hybrid of regular walking and skiing However, ski poles cannot be used for it. The poles you need are shorter and lighter, made of hard composite or lightweight carbon fiber. They can be of fixed length or telescopic, that is, with variable length. It is worth deciding on this parameter in advance.

Special straps (lanyards) are attached to the handle of the poles, which resemble fingerless sports gloves. Thanks to this design, there is no need to squeeze the handle to push off, which protects your hand from calluses. In addition, this way your hands will not slip off the stick, meaning the structure is quite stable.

There is a spike at the bottom of the stick. This is necessary for training on uneven or soft surfaces: sand, grass, snow. To walk on asphalt, a special tip is put on the spike. If it is not included in the kit, then take care to buy several pieces, because... This consumables. This tip absorbs impacts on hard surfaces and reduces noise, and generally extends the life of the poles.

Handles can be made of plastic. These poles are cheaper, but not very convenient to use: when your hands get sweaty, they slip on the plastic.

And a few more words about the material from which your assistants can be made. They can be made of aluminum alloys, carbon and fiberglass. The presence of carbon affects their weight and cost. Metal poles are cheap and durable, but are stiffer (they dampen vibration worse) and heavier than carbon poles.

When choosing sticks, remember that these are your assistants, so you should be comfortable with them. We strongly recommend buying them from an offline store, where you can touch, weigh and test them.

Nordic walking poles: how to choose the length - table of heights and sizes

General rule: poles are selected to suit your height. To do this, you need to convert it to centimeters and multiply by 0.68.

Manufacturers produce poles in increments of 5 cm. If your height is 165 cm, then you need poles with a length of 165 * 0.68 = 112.2 cm. What can you do, because there is no such length. Take shorter ones if you are over 50 or overweight. If you are younger and fitter, choose longer poles - they will increase the load.

In general, fixed length poles are considered more reliable because they have no moving elements. Below is a table of height and length correspondence.

Telescopic poles are more versatile. They allow you to adjust the height to suit your height, as well as the terrain and tasks. When climbing uphill, the length of the poles is reduced in order to transfer some of the weight to the arms and thus relieve the load on the legs. When descending, it’s the other way around: the height of the poles is increased so that the load on the legs is more effective. When walking along slopes, the height can be adjusted in different ways. The most optimal length is considered to be one at which the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees.

Nordic walking with poles for weight loss: reviews

The effectiveness of this sport for weight loss has been proven by many examples.

Anna, 28 years old. I've been doing Nordic walking for a year now. At first it was difficult to find time, but then I got involved. And now every day my husband and I go “for a walk” (as we call it). During this time, my figure tightened up, the “ears” on my hips disappeared, I became more alert, and my insomnia disappeared. I highly recommend it to everyone!

Marina, 32 years old. Nordic walking was one of the points of the weight loss program after the birth of a child. Several times a week I walked with poles for 2-3 hours. I didn’t get tired in an hour, but after two hours of training I felt my abs, arms, and legs. An integrated approach (diet, exercise, and, of course, Nordic walking) allowed me to lose 15 kg in six months.

Katya, 23 years old. I was encouraged to take up this sport by a friend who wanted to lose 20 extra kilos. Three months of our training have already passed and I see that my body has become slimmer and more toned, and my figure has acquired pleasant roundness  My friend is also very happy. She has already lost 7 kg, and did it very easily! Overall, I am very pleased and recommend it!

For those who want to lose weight with Finnish walking, here are some tips:

  1. Classes must be regular and constant: at least four times a week and at least 40 minutes.
  2. Use a heart rate monitor to monitor. Fat begins to be burned when the heart rate is about 60-70% of the maximum value. The maximum is calculated simply: 220 minus your age.
  3. It is important to increase the range of motion of your arms and legs to lose more energy and increase the load on your legs and buttocks.
  4. Change routes, because... the load largely depends on the surface you walk on: sand, asphalt, grass, gravel.
  5. Change the pace: first you can go fast, then slowly. This also contributes to the expenditure of more energy.

Nordic walking: contraindications

In general, Nordic walking is very beneficial for health and is recommended even for pregnant women. However, even such positive activity has a number of contraindications.

Here are the main ones:

  • Decompensated respiratory or heart failure
  • Hypertension
  • Recovery period after abdominal surgery

a) flat feet; b) injuries to the arms and shoulder joints

  • Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system
  • Acute respiratory and viral diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature
  • Anemia
  • Coronary insufficiency
  • Problems with the spine and joints of the lower extremities
  • Recent heart attack or stroke
  • Aneurysm of the heart and aorta
  • Exacerbation of thrombophlebitis
  • Possibility of bleeding
  • Glaucoma and progressive myopia
  • Thyrotoxicosis and diabetes severe form (not controlled by insulin)

In addition, if you have had a long break from training, it is advisable to first undergo a medical examination before starting Nordic walking.

There are often cases when group classes are contraindicated for a person, but individual classes are prescribed, under the supervision of an instructor. These may be the early stages of recovery after surgery on the joints of the lower extremities, a fall within the last three months, a disease with moderate or severe impairment of coordination and balance (for example, Parkinson's disease), visual impairment that does not allow you to see obstacles in your path, and others. In this case, classes are possible, but under supervision and according to a simplified program.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about shoes: they should be light, comfortable and fit well around the ankle to avoid injuries.

Happy training!

The older a person gets, the more attention he should pay to his health, which gradually begins to deteriorate. Experts say that with retirement this deterioration becomes more noticeable. To keep their bodies in shape, older people need to healthy image life and exercise regularly.

But not all physical exercises are suitable for people of retirement age. The most optimal and effective option in this case is Nordic walking, which can be considered as an alternative to active and demanding sports.

What is Nordic walking? Why is it needed? What benefits will it bring to our body? Can older people do Nordic walking? Today we will try to find answers to these and many other important questions!

Nordic walking (another name is “gymnastics on the go”) is a health-improving physical exercise, which consists of moving on foot with two sticks. If you look at a person who practices Nordic walking, you might think that he is skiing without the skis themselves.

For the first time, humanity learned about this type of walking in the thirties of the last century. It was then in warm time years, Norwegian skiers began to train, simulating cross-country skiing without using the same skis. A little later, the Swedes and Finns intercepted their initiative.

Doctors who observed the athletes very soon came to the conclusion that such training has a useful additional effect: it strengthens joints and muscles much more effectively than traditional running or walking. It also became clear that Nordic walking is suitable not only for young and active athletes, but also for retirees and people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Poles, which are used while walking, allow you to use a large number of muscle groups, but at the same time significantly reduce the load on the spine and ligaments.

In the early eighties, cheerfully walking Europeans different ages with Nordic walking poles, they could no longer surprise anyone with their extravagant appearance. Now more than 22 million people around the world are fans of Nordic walking. Their number is growing every year.

What happens to the body during Nordic walking?

  • 89-92% of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back are involved during the training process.
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in the body, due to which calories begin to be burned faster (700-720 calories per 1 hour), and overweight disappear without a trace.
  • The heart rate increases on average by 15-18 beats per minute, so Nordic walking is an excellent cardio workout.
  • Coordination of movements and sense of balance improve.
  • The spinal column is aligned, pain in the spine is noticeably reduced, and posture is corrected.
  • The level of harmful cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  • The body is enriched with oxygen.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The body is hardening.
  • Intestinal function improves: constipation disappears, gas formation decreases.
  • The tidal volume of the lungs increases by 30-35%.
  • Sleep is normalized, insomnia disappears.
  • My mood improves noticeably.

Gymnastics on the go is very useful for pensioners and older people. If you regularly practice Nordic walking, then:

  • your overall health will noticeably improve;
  • more energy and strength will appear;
  • joints will become stronger;
  • an elderly person will become more active;
  • performance will improve;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the risk of stroke and other heart diseases will decrease;
  • immunity will increase;
  • the efficiency of the lungs will increase, it will be possible to breathe “fully”;
  • blood cholesterol levels will decrease;
  • metabolism will speed up;
  • coordination of movements stabilizes;
  • an elderly person will become more cheerful, forget about depression and irritation;
  • sleep returns to normal, and there will be no trace of insomnia.

Nordic walking is useful for older people who experience joint problems, suffer from osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's syndrome, and other similar diseases.

When Nordic walking works:

  • scalene muscles;
  • deltoid;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • gluteus maximus muscle;
  • quadriceps (quadriceps femoris muscle);
  • hamstring muscle;
  • calf muscle;
  • calf muscles.

For pensioners, Nordic walking is also useful because it helps fight excess weight. But it should be remembered that the speed should not exceed 5.5-6 kilometers per hour.

Nordic walking is strictly prohibited for older people if:

  • pinching of the spine (in different parts);
  • aortic stenosis (acute form only);
  • bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • anemia;
  • arthritis of the last form;
  • infectious acute diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • hemophilia;
  • acute renal failure;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

People who have suffered a myocardial infarction of any complexity should not practice Nordic walking.

Nordic walking poles: how to make the right choice?

Special poles with tips are the main equipment, without which it is impossible to practice Nordic walking. Don't forget that they are different from regular ski poles, which require this exercise are absolutely not suitable, since their length does not meet the required standards.

The choice of Nordic walking poles should be approached very responsibly, otherwise you can harm your health. If you use incorrectly selected poles, the load will increase, causing your ankles, knees and back to suffer.

On the handles the right sticks There are special straps that look like fingerless gloves (fingerless gloves). These straps allow you to push off the ground without squeezing the handles or exerting much effort. The straps protect the palms of the hands from the formation of calluses and dropsy.

Special spikes, which are located at the bottom of the poles, provide reliable traction with the ground in the warm season, and with icy and snowy surfaces in the cold season.

If you plan to walk on asphalt, paving slabs, concrete, then rubber caps should be put on the ends of the spikes.

There are two types of sticks:

  • monolithic. They have a continuous structure and do not change length. Very durable and reliable sticks, which are recommended by many experts for older people;
  • telescopic. They can be moved apart, due to which the length of the structure changes.

Coaches are advised to choose poles that are made of carbon, aluminum alloy, fiberglass, carbon alloy. Ideal poles are stiff enough but light.

To select the optimal pole height, you must use the following formula:

  • for the elderly– multiply growth by a factor of 0.66. If the height of a pensioner is 1.75 cm, then the length of the suitable poles for him is 115.5 cm;
  • for physically developed people – multiply growth by a factor of 0.68. If a person’s height is 1.75 cm, then the length of the ideal poles for him is 119 cm;
  • for professional athletes– multiply growth by a factor of 0.7. If the athlete’s height is 1.75 cm, then the optimal pole length for him is 122.5 cm.

Nordic walking basics

Preparation and highlights

Before starting your workout, you need to do a full warm-up to warm up your muscles well. Check the poles: pay attention to the condition of the straps, spikes, check the length.

During training, watch your breathing. It should be smooth and calm. Take two steps and inhale through your nose, take four steps and exhale through your mouth. After finishing your workout, don't forget to cool down. Be sure to do some breathing exercises. Elderly people should remember that the optimal duration of the first workouts is 15-25 minutes.

Execution technique

1. Walking with poles is practically no different from the natural process of walking.

2. When taking the next step, do not forget to roll from heel to toe.

3. While walking, you must keep your back straight, you can slightly tilt your body forward.

4. Keep your shoulders relaxed, slightly down.

5. Move your arms and legs alternately. If the left leg is in front, the right hand should be in front.

6. Steps during Nordic walking, compared to regular walking, should be longer.

7. When you walk, your arms move like a pendulum.

9. When you move your hand back with the stick, your palm should be open and secured only with a strap.

10. Your arm should not extend back or forward more than forty-five degrees.

There are several variations of Nordic walking: parallel movement of legs and poles, triple quick steps, wide steps, etc. Choose the one you like best.