There are a huge number of diets that allow you to lose excess weight. But for some reason, few people think that it is enough to approach the issue of nutrition competently and wisely, and no restrictions will simply be needed. Exist certain rules, which should be followed so as not to cry on the scales later, and also exists. How to eat right?

  • Watch your portion sizes. In short, eat less! And at home, and at a party, and in public catering. Refuse the heavy salad and replace it with a light one. And share the main dish with a friend.
  • Avoid large plates at home. Take a smaller plate. And accordingly, use smaller portions. Remember that the body does not need as much food as you are used to putting in. Enough to make you feel a little full.
  • We eat much more if we eat while watching a movie on TV(fact proven by scientists). Learn to think of the nutrition process as refueling your car. How much fuel do you need to get your car going? Refueled and off we went.
  • Try to plan your menu at least a day in advance. And even better - for the whole week. The day before your work day, think about what exactly you will feed your body? Stock up on yogurt and a couple of fruits to satisfy your hunger in a timely manner and not have to run to the store later for chips and chocolates.
  • Once you have set your menu for the week, stick to it. Buy all products in advance. Tape your menu to the refrigerator and eat only what is on it. Hide the “extra” products so that there is no temptation to grab a couple of Krakow bagels or a smoked ham before dinner.
  • Drink more water. This is the basis of proper nutrition. Minimum one and a half liters per day (soups, juices, tea and coffee go separately).
  • Be sure to have breakfast in the morning. Breakfast should not be heavy, but must contain those nutrients, which will help you hold out calmly until lunch. Dairy and fiber are a must. See.
  • Stick to your diet strictly. If there are still a couple of hours before lunch, but you are simply unbearably hungry, and you are ready to run for a hamburger, grab an apple, pear or banana. Snack on fruit - it will not do any harm, and the feeling of acute hunger will go away.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Every day. At every meal. The healthiest green vegetables are: Chinese cabbage, lettuce, arugula, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, etc. They contain maximum amount necessary vitamins and ensure smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid fruits in syrup(canned) and cheap fruit juices. Reduce your sugar intake with tea and coffee. If possible, replace sweets with fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, and dark chocolate.
  • Minimize your salt intake. In some cases, refuse it altogether. For example, vegetable salad seasoned with oil, the taste will not suffer at all from the lack of salt. Again, a boiled egg can be consumed without salt.
  • Eliminate the wrong carbohydrates(sugar, rice, flour) and introduce healthy ones (fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread).
  • Don't forget about fiber! Minimal amount per day - about thirty g. Look for it in whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
  • Swap unhealthy fats for healthy ones– for nuts and avocados, olive oil and pumpkin seeds, fish, etc. Reduce, if possible, to zero the consumption of red meat, whole milk products, as well as fried foods, cookies, margarine, etc.
  • Protein is essential. This is the source of our energy. Look for it daily in fish, beans, nuts, eggs and tofu.
  • Vitamin D and calcium(dairy products, beans, leafy vegetables) - you can’t live without them.
  • Strictly avoid catering. Cook it yourself! Not semi-finished products, but “first, second and compote.” You can prepare it in advance and put it in the freezer, this will save time. And money – even more so.
  • Consume high-calorie foods only in the first half of the day. In the second - only the lungs.
  • During the day, try to burn more calories than you consume per day. Keep a notebook for the first time to see the “income and expenditure” of extra kg.
  • Avoid fatty-sweet-spicy-salty.
  • Any dietary restrictions make no sense without physical activity. If you do not want to become an old woman ahead of time, then combine your proper nutrition with correct loads. Then your skin will not sag and your muscles will not weaken.

What is the right thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

What to eat for breakfast

This energy boost is the basis of the whole day. Breakfast is not stored on the hips and is processed into clean energy. Requirements for a proper breakfast:

  • Buns, sandwiches, toast and croissants - out. They only tire the body, which after such a breakfast wants to go back to bed.
  • Pulses for breakfast are too much . The exception is buckwheat.
  • The main part of breakfast should be fruit. Especially in the summer. In winter, you can replace them with dried fruits.
  • Must be included in morning reception food yogurt, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese .
  • Pure milk for breakfast can only be consumed before six in the morning. For example, with cinnamon - it provides vigor.
  • Ideal breakfast - fruit salad , seasoned with yoghurt or fermented baked milk. You can also add berries and nuts.
  • For second breakfast you can eat porridge (for example, oatmeal), fruit and a small piece of dark chocolate.

What to eat for lunch

For the most part, we eat lunch very quickly, without really thinking about what we are eating, and throwing what we have at hand into the firebox. Because the job is waiting. And this meal requires a serious approach. And of course, sandwiches are absolutely not suitable for lunch. As a last resort, you can order lunch to the office or find a canteen with hot lunches. Requirements for a proper lunch:

  • At lunch you don’t have to limit yourself in food , but this meal should not occur later than two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • For the first course you can eat, for example, borscht, for the second - buckwheat side dish and two hundred grams chicken breast. Don't forget about the salad (fresh vegetables only) and yeast-free bread. For the third - compote or juice from fresh fruits.
  • Avoid smoked and fried meat . Replace it with steamed meat and plenty of vegetables.

What should you eat for dinner?

How does dinner usually go? We eat a lot of everything (and certainly with dessert), after which we collapse on the sofa in front of the TV to digest all this abundance of food. Moreover, while you come home from work, while you prepare dinner, while you gather the whole family at the table, the clock hands are confidently approaching ten in the evening. As a result, we spend the night digesting food instead of resting. So how should it be? Requirements for a proper dinner:

  • Dinner should be light. The optimal time for dinner is no later than four hours before bedtime. Preferably around six o'clock in the evening.
  • For dinner you should not eat pulses – they should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  • The best dishes for dinner are stewed or raw vegetables . Certainly not meat and chips and a huge piece of cake.
  • You can drink warm milk before going to bed , seasoned with a spoon of honey - it promotes restful sleep and quick fall asleep.

Correct menu for the day

Since morning:
A glass of water immediately after you get out of bed. Get yourself into this habit.
Breakfast :

  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Or a vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • 100 g cottage cheese (cheese).
  • Tea, coffee, maybe with milk.


  • 100 g of berries (fruits).
  • Natural juice.


  • Soup (lean, fish, vegetable puree soup, or low-fat broth).
  • About 150 g of fish, turkey or chicken (not fried). Baked or stewed. No “tasty” skins or crusts! For example, salmon kebab or turkey stew.
  • Salad (fresh vegetables only!) with vegetable (olive) oil.
  • Garnish – maximum four tablespoons. It is preferable to avoid it altogether, replacing it with a larger portion of salad. Or stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • 100 g of berries or fruits.
  • Tea-coffee, juice or water. You can use low-fat yogurt. Choose.


  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Any vegetables. It's better if you follow the "tradition": fresh vegetables and vegetable oil.
  • 100 g cheese or cottage cheese, plus boiled egg.
  • Boiled (baked) chicken (turkey) breast. Or boiled (stewed) fish.
  • Drink optional.
Diet during the working day

How to organize your meals during the working day in order to maintain energy and without harming your figure? For each type of activity you need to select your own schedule, and in this article I will talk about the optimal schedule for office employees.

Comments, questions, suggestions are welcome!

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(c) Maria Verchenova

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Morning. From rise to 9 o'clock

Initial data: working day from 9 to 18 hours, 80% of the time – sitting position(in front of the computer or at a meeting). There is a lunch break; the journey from home to office takes about an hour. Meals during the working day.

*Let me clarify: I will now talk about those situations where the time for lunch is floating. If you have a fixed time, then write about it in the comments, and I will be happy to tell you what options are possible for this case.

When composing the regime, we will proceed from general principles rational nutrition:

  • the interval between meals is no more than 3-4 hours;
  • varied diet;
  • you need to get enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats per day;
  • one meal should be no more than 350 kcal.

It is often said that breakfast should be your largest meal. There is probably some truth in this, but many people are not particularly hungry in the morning. They eat more out of habit and because they believe that breakfast should be hearty.

So, don't force yourself. If you know for yourself that you don’t want to have breakfast in the morning, don’t force it.. The lack of appetite in the morning is due to the fact that at night our body was actively working, restoring something somewhere and breaking down fats. Yes, yes, at night there is an active breakdown of fats, and therefore in the morning we do not lack energy. If you skip breakfast early in the morning and hold out until 11 o'clock, you will help your body use even more fat reserves. It's natural for him.

In addition, my dear Russian-speaking reader, most likely you live in those latitudes where the sun rises after 9 am for 6 months of the year. And when we are forced to wake up by the alarm clock a few hours before dawn, we simply don’t have time to start those mechanisms, which will allow you to optimally digest breakfast.

Therefore, do not force yourself to have a hearty breakfast immediately after waking up. A cup of green tea will do just fine. If there are no contraindications and there is no discomfort, then you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt right in the morning - this also stimulates fat burning well.

However, we still need energy so you still have to take care of breakfast. It is optimal to do this in the office, because by this time you will have been on your feet for 2-3 hours, and the same energy reserves that you had after sleep will be exhausted. There is no point in starving yourself anymore. Here are some practical options from my clients' experiences:

  • arrive at the office 20-30 minutes before the start of the working day and have breakfast before turning on the computer (we bring breakfast with us in a container or thermos);
  • have breakfast in a cafe near the office (many establishments offer quite budget-friendly and balanced breakfasts), at the same time you can combine it with a business meeting;
  • start work at 8:30 and leave for breakfast at 9:30.

What to choose for breakfast

Breakfast largely depends on what kind of day you have ahead of you. If there are a lot of meetings and travel, then it makes sense to focus on protein foods - it is unlikely that you will be able to eat high-quality protein on the side during the day.
If you go to the gym in the evening, again, proteins will do, because in the afternoon, shortly before training, proteins are not advisable. Just be sure to add a portion of carbohydrates to your breakfast, because your brain will have a lot of work to do during the day. This could be berries or fruits, a portion of salad, or even a piece of cake that you put aside for yourself the night before.

Breakfast has long passed, and lunch is not soon yet. Between 9 and 14

If you had breakfast directly in the office, i.e. somewhere at 8:30, then by the time the official lunch break will have passed more than 5 hours. This is wrong both for your body and for your work: if we eat less often than every 3-4 hours, then our blood glucose levels drop sharply, and this, in addition to the languishing feeling of hunger and nervousness, reduces your brain performance. So don't be surprised when you notice that the same job may take longer.

The situation is even more critical if you have breakfast at home before going out - then the interval between meals will be more than 6 hours. The pancreas and stomach will not thank you for this.

Here the conclusion naturally suggests itself - since the gap is so large, then break it into two small ones and arrange a snack. This is somewhere around 11:30-12:30. Many people intuitively feel the need for such a snack and go out for coffee with colleagues, but without thinking, they manage to grab a cookie or a chocolate bar. Use the signals from your body and help it maintain its performance by choosing something healthier for a snack.

It is often recommended to eat porridge for breakfast; it is really healthy. But you need to look at the entire diet during the day: how balanced it will be in terms of the main elements. There may be a risk of having too many carbohydrates.

*By the way, the English tradition of eating oatmeal for breakfast is just an image from the stories about Sherlock Holmes. In fact, the British prefer bacon, scrambled eggs and beans for breakfast, i.e. namely protein dishes.

By the way, a very good option for breakfast is thick soup. And protein, and carbohydrates, and the stomach is not overloaded in the morning.

What to choose for your first snack

This is the most desired moment when you can afford carbohydrates. You can eat a pie, or a slice of pizza. This perfect time for fruit or even a rich salad. At the same time, we remember that such a meal should not exceed 250 kcal.

By the way, you can experiment. At around 12 go for an early lunch, and at around 14 - have your first snack. You can also switch up lunch and afternoon snacks to adapt your diet to your work schedule. For example, you have an important meeting at 14:30 - then it’s better to have a snack before it in order to maintain your tone for communication.

Please don't do this. This will not reduce your work, but your efficiency, as well as your level of health, will significantly decrease.

If you go to a normal lunch, switch to a different environment, chat with colleagues about cats, and even go for a walk for 10-15 minutes, you will have time to do a lot more by the end of the day.

What to choose for lunch

There must be a portion of protein. If you have an evening workout, choose one that is easier to digest: fish, seafood, chicken.
And try to add a portion of fresh vegetables. There is hardly a better time during the day to supplement with vitamins.

There is nothing left until the end of the working day.

From 15 to 18

More than 5 hours will pass between lunch and the moment when we come home and sit down to dinner. In order not to experience hunger pangs in the evening, you need to prepare a second snack for yourself. It is optimal to do it before leaving work or half an hour to an hour before it ends. This could be a serving of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) or 150-180 g of cottage cheese, including with berries or a spoonful of jam - you will still need glucose today.

Sometimes it makes sense to stay at the office for 15 minutes just to get that snack. Only Don't make yourself a coffee-and-cookies snack. It’s no longer time to indulge in fast carbohydrates, and they won’t make you feel full.

Some have adapted to having dinner in a cafe near the office, at the same time they escape from cooking, washing dishes and meeting with friends. At the same time, you need to understand that catering establishments usually do not offer a balanced dinner, unlike breakfast, and this will come out quite noticeably on your budget.

If the listed options do not work out, then it is possible to drink kefir or yogurt on the road, right in transport or at a bus stop. I don't like this method because I try to keep meals in a relaxed atmosphere. But sometimes there is no other choice, and it's better than a very heavy dinner on an empty stomach.

Long awaited dinner. 19 - 21 hours

And now we are finally home. You can relax :) After such words in the evening I really want to run to the kitchen and relax family table. But if during the day you followed the rules described above, then there should not be a terrible feeling of hunger. Therefore, focus on ensuring that the food is tasty, light and pleasing to your eyes with its colors. It's been a busy day and you deserve beautiful table settings!

What to choose for lunch

Here already there is no question of a serving of carbohydrates in the form of porridge or a side dish of pasta. We also put the pizza aside and even vegetable cutlets. The main attention should be paid to proteins, but since it is already late in the evening, it is better to choose “light proteins”, i.e. those that are easier to digest: fish, chicken, turkey, poultry by-products, seafood, soy meat.

Red meat from mammals at night is not recommended because... it takes longer to assimilate. The body simply will not have time to absorb this protein before you go to bed, and will not be able to use it for its needs. In other words, you will simply transfer products in vain.

For garnish, steamed, baked, stewed, grilled vegetables and whatever else you can think of are preferred. As I already said, we remove cereals, pasta, legumes - they contain too many carbohydrates, you don’t need them at night, the body will find energy without them. I also do not recommend fresh vegetables - they stimulate the appetite. However, if you are sure that this will not happen to you, then, of course, you should not limit yourself.

Be sure to exclude pickled and salted vegetables. In the first half of the day, for lunch or a snack, they will be just right, but at night they can cause a failure in some recovery processes. We can notice this in ourselves in the morning in the form of swelling.

By the way, you can afford 50-100 g of dry wine, preferably white. It will support your brain after a busy day working day, in addition, you will receive a portion of vitamins and microelements.

About how to make the right dinner if you had an evening workout.

Before bedtime

Yes, yes, you can also eat before bed. Moreover, nowadays rarely does anyone go to bed at 9 pm; rather, the day will last until 11 or even later. By this time, 2-3 hours will have passed after dinner, and since dinner was light (we ate right, right?), the stomach is already empty and the blood glucose level is low.

What you can do before bed

  • omelet or scrambled eggs from one egg (if you want to lose weight, it is better without the yolk);
  • 30 g of cheese (this is a piece the size of a matchbox);
  • herbal tea with the addition of 20-30 g of low-fat milk;
  • A cup of warm milk with honey is very high in calories, but helps normalize sleep and support the immune system. If you feel comfortable falling asleep after milk and honey, then try to reduce the caloric intake of dinner, equating it to a snack.

Of course, this is not all together; you need to choose one thing.

So, we talked about what a diet looks like for an office worker or even a manager. If you are interested in learning about optimal nutrition for other specialties, write about it in the comments, I will definitely answer.

You can also choose a suitable diet.

Proper nutrition by the hour causes a lot of controversy - will such nutrition tactics help you lose weight?

I would like to continue the topic raised in the last article “

What will you need to focus on - proper nutrition or eating according to the clock?

You're probably a little annoyed right now because you're looking for information about what time of day will help you eat more effectively and, accordingly, lose weight?

Then, let's talk about eating by the hour, at a certain time, and it is not at all necessary that at first it be proper nutrition.

Let's first focus on hourly nutrition, and only then, you decide for yourself how you will eat correctly or the way you eat now.

Is it good for our body to eat according to the clock?

Our body lives according to certain cycles and rhythms, and of course, if there is a constant rhythm in nutrition, then there will be many advantages for the body.

The same gastric juice will be produced at a certain time and the digestion process will be much better than when you eat different time, and besides, still on the go and using whatever :)

How many times should you eat a day?

There are so many people, so many opinions - some talk about 3 meals a day, others about 5 or 6 meals a day.

But, if you look from the perspective of weight loss, then, of course, it will be more effective to eat often and in small small portions.

This kind of nutrition is called fractional nutrition.

Why fractional?

Because the amount of food necessary for the normal functioning of the body during the day is divided into 5-6 servings, i.e. crushed.

Most important point, you should not have first, second and compote at every meal.

The serving should not exceed 250-350 g.

When you eat fractionally, you simply cannot be hungry, this is the most satisfying and effective method weight loss.

Perhaps those people who have never encountered fractional meals may have a question - how will weight loss happen if I am full all the time?

After all, many people have this stereotype: if I feel hungry, then at that moment I lose weight.

And that is why various diets are so popular, because due to their meager diet they force you to constantly feel hungry and it seems to a person that the hungrier he is, the faster he will lose weight.

Yes, in fact, when a person starves, he loses weight, to the point of exhaustion and then death.

But, unfortunately, what is lost is not fat, not subcutaneous tissue, which makes up that same hated excess weight.

During fasting, especially in women, the amount of muscle tissue decreases first and only then does it come to fat reserves.

But when the body constantly receives all nutrients in sufficient quantities, and if there is a slight calorie deficit, it is fat deposits that will be wasted.

And yet, there are studies that when a person experiences a feeling of hunger, the hormone leptin is also produced. These hormones block the waste of fats in the body.

The conclusions are very simple - if you eat often and on an hourly basis, then the weight loss process will be more comfortable and effective for you.

Five meals a day for weight loss - or six meals a day?

Now let's go through approximately meal times.

  1. Breakfast - after you wake up.
  2. Snack – 3 – 4 hours after breakfast.
  3. Second snack – 3 – 4 hours after lunch
  4. Dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime

(exception: bananas)

What time should you eat?

It all depends on your lifestyle, whether you are a night owl or a lark? What time do you wake up and what do you do in the morning? For example, if you are doing exercises or doing some kind of practice, then breakfast will be a little later.

And my advice to you is to always adjust your nutrition only to yourself and do not listen to any advice about what time it will be healthier for you to eat.

I have repeatedly encountered people who work night shifts, and naturally, other people’s recommendations did not suit them at all, and this was the main stopper in the process of losing weight.

We must remember that the longest break in eating is at night!

Our sleep rate should be at least 8 hours and + a couple more hours when we don’t eat before bed. This means 10 hours without food, and then every 3-4 hours there will be a meal.

Do you need to respond to body signals if you are on fractional nutrition?

That is, to signals of hunger or satiety?

I mean, if it's snack time and you really don't want to eat, what should you do? Should you force food into yourself or wait until you feel hungry?

In my opinion, it is better to wait, because this way you feel your body better, and it is quite possible that later you will simply eat according to hunger.

But what should you do if you just recently ate and suddenly feel a beastly appetite, and it seems to you that you are actually hungry?

Here we need to clarify one point - hunger can be physiological and emotional. Most often, if you recently ate and want to eat again, then this is emotional hunger.

Such hunger is difficult to endure; it seems that all thoughts are focused only on food. A very simple method helps here - you need to ask yourself questions and answer them:

  • What's happened?
  • What am I worried about?
  • What situation is bothering me? Etc.

Questions of this kind and answers to them reduce the brutal appetite, and allow you to focus on the problem, pay enough attention to it and thereby refocus on food, and then the brutal appetite will wane.

Will you be able to eat properly, by the hour?

Remember, at the beginning of this article, I said that at first you need to focus on nutrition by the hour, and only then, pay attention to the correctness or incorrectness of nutrition?

In order to lose weight, you need to adhere to only one rule - it is better not to eat enough than to overeat.

I think you understand perfectly well that poor nutrition consists of several problems - an excess of simple carbohydrates (sweets and starchy foods) and too fatty foods.

And when you switch to fractional meals, you simply eat fewer of these meals. Your diet should consist of foods containing protein and vegetables.

In conclusion, I want to say, the simpler you are about your diet, and the less you follow some nutritional systems, and the more you listen to your needs, the easier and simpler your weight loss will be.

Best regards, Natalia

A balanced diet has a positive effect on the entire human body. After just 2-3 weeks of proper nutrition, you will noticeably transform. Your hair, nails, skin, teeth and everything internal organs– you will receive all the necessary and healthy components from food every day, and your health will be strong and your mood will be excellent. It’s easy to create a weekly diet if you know the basics of proper and balanced nutrition. Every day we need a sufficient amount of calories for good functioning. The amount of protein in the daily diet should be 20-30%, carbohydrates 50-60%, fats 10-20% so that you have energy for the whole day, and your figure is slim and muscles are toned.

Healthy food

List healthy products that should be in your diet every day:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Berries;
  • Dairy products with a small amount of fat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Lean meat, poultry;
  • Porridge, cereals, durum pasta;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Products with vegetable fat: olive oil, etc.;

Unhealthy food

List of products that should be limited:

  • Baking, dough, White bread, baked goods;
  • Sausages, sausage;
  • Mayonnaise, sauces containing fat;
  • Canned meat;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Products with a lot of animal fat;
  • Convenience foods, fast food;
  • Alcoholic drinks;

It is advisable to exclude unhealthy foods from your diet completely, or on one day for a week, allow yourself something from the list of unhealthy foods to relieve your stress. nervous system and relax.

Watch useful video No. 1:

Correct menu for the week


  • Breakfast - Buckwheat, boiled egg, apple.
  • Lunch – Chicken in the oven, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese, delicious berries.
  • Dinner – Corn porridge with feta cheese and vegetables.
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, honey, pieces of fruit or berries, toast.
  • Lunch - pilaf, fresh cucumbers or tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack – bread with cheese and juice.
  • Dinner – Lean meat and grilled vegetables.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit, green tea, apple.
  • Lunch – borscht with herbs and sour cream, chicken fillet, Borodino bread.
  • Afternoon snack – Low-fat yogurt with nuts.
  • Dinner – Stuffed zucchini, fish in batter.
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, orange, cocoa.
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes with chicken cutlets, tea.
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit, a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner – Steamed lean meat in a slow cooker, fresh vegetables, compote.
  • Breakfast - jelly with oatmeal cookies and cheese.
  • Lunch – diet pizza, vegetable salad, fruit drink.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad.
  • Dinner – Baked chicken with vegetables, tea.
  • Breakfast – Lazy dumplings or cheesecakes, black tea.
  • Dinner - stuffed eggplant, fish fillet with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack – apple or banana, juice.
  • Dinner – Tuna salad, chicken fillet.


  • Breakfast - omelet with herbs, tomatoes, fruit juice.
  • Lunch – Rice with chicken cutlet, vinaigrette, tea.
  • Afternoon snack – yogurt, jelly.
  • Dinner – Steamed fish, vegetables, tea.
  1. Fractional meals are good for the health of every person. Diet healthy nutrition should be divided into 4-5 meals every day. It is necessary to eat every 3 hours in moderation, i.e. get up from the table with a feeling of lightness in your stomach. Many people have busy everyday life: study, work, sports, and it is difficult to eat properly; there is not enough time. Then buy yourself convenient food containers and prepare them in advance at home, and then take them with you throughout the day. Eat right every week, and very soon you will feel the results - lightness will appear and your weight will normalize.
  2. Don't overeat at night. If you follow the first point, then in the evening you will not be hungry, because during the day you received all the necessary calories. But if you still want to eat before bed, then drink a glass of water or 0.5% fat milk or kefir. Then the feeling of hunger will leave you alone, and you will sleep like a baby - sound sleep. Ideally, try to have a healthy dinner 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Every time you sit down at the table, eat vegetables. Vegetables contain many useful components, vitamins, and fiber. Vegetables are good for proper digestion and metabolism. You can easily diversify your menu, because there are a huge number of vegetables, for example: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, beets, green onions and many others.
  4. Drink enough water daily. 15-30 minutes before meals, drink 200 ml of water. It is not advisable to drink while eating, as you dilute the gastric juice. After eating, 1-2 hours later you can drink clean water. Daily norm per day, about 1-2 liters of water so that your body receives a sufficient amount clean water, for the good functioning of all organs. If you play sports, then on training days you need to drink properly during training, every 15 minutes - a small amount of water.
  5. Reduce the amount of simple (sweet) carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simple (fast) and complex (slow). Complex carbohydrates include porridge, rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, etc. Simple carbohydrates include candy, pastries, cakes, flour products, sweets, and sugar. Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed in the body and when they are in excess, they are deposited in subcutaneous fat. Eat complex carbohydrates, and your figure will be wonderful. A proper diet will improve your immunity and strengthen the body's protective functions against external factors.