The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae; this segment is the most mobile. The craniovertabral junction is the upper part of the cervical segment, which consists of vertebrae such as the atlas, axis, and the occipital base of the skull. This joint provides neck mobility. In the same area there are blood vessels that supply blood to the brain, as well as the cerebral bulb (posterior part of the brain), which regulates vital functions (vegetative, motor, sensory).

The first cervical vertebra is subject to the greatest load; it supports the skull, spinal cord, vertebral arteries, has points to which the muscles of the neck are attached. His tension intensifies due to the fact that his head is constantly moving. Its structure is different from other vertebrae, which allows it to function normally.


The spine begins with the atlas, this vertebra is also called C1 or atlas. It is located under the condyles (ball-shaped end of the bone) of the occipital bone and above the second cervical vertebra (C2, axis). The atlas can be felt with your fingers; if it is positioned correctly, normal head mobility is maintained and the body functions normally.

The anatomy of the atlas differs from other cervical vertebrae. This is the thinnest element of the spine, which has a ring shape and several small protrusions. The first cervical vertebra does not have a body; instead, at its anterior end there is an anterior arch, the most convex part of which is called the anterior tubercle. The anterior arch curves backwards and also on the sides of the tubercle, and its posterior surface is smooth. On the posterior surface of the anterior arch there is an articular recess for the tooth of the second cervical vertebra (axis).

To the right and left of the anterior arch are the widest sections of C1. On each lateral mass (thickening) there are oval depressions that have a smooth surface, they are called articular facets. The condyles of the occipital bone are attached to these depressions, thus forming the atlanto-occipital joint. This bony connection allows flexion as well as extension of the neck. On the lower surface of each lateral mass there are articular recesses that provide articulation with the axis (C2). This is how the atlantoaxial joint is formed.

On the sides of each lateral mass there are extensions called transverse processes, inside them there are openings for the vertebral arteries, as well as veins running through the neck. These bone structures protect blood vessels from damage. In addition, the muscles responsible for neck movements are attached to the transverse processes.

From the transverse foramina extends the posterior arch, which closes the ring of the atlas, and inside it is the vertebral foramen. The thin ring-shaped vertebra is widened only in the posterior area, where a tubercle is formed. Its structure and functions are similar to many spinous processes. The depressions on each side of the posterior arch serve to allow the nerve roots to exit the vertebral foramen and also allow the vertebral artery to pass into the foramen magnum through the cavity in the spinal column.

You can study the structure of the atlas in the photo above, which shows its top and bottom views.

Thus, we can highlight the main distinctive features structures of the atlas from other vertebrae:

  • C1 has no body.
  • Instead of a body, the atlas has lateral masses that are connected by anterior and posterior arches.
  • The atlas has a tubercle in front and also in the back.
  • On the inner side of the anterior arch there is an articular recess for the articulation of the atlas with the axis. This bony connection maintains the mobility of both vertebrae.
  • Between C1 and C2 there is a movable joint that allows head movements.

These are the main features of the atlas that none of the other vertebrae have.

Atlanta functions

The C1 vertebra supports the skull and also allows movement of the head and neck. The bony connection between the occipital bone and the atlas allows the neck to flex and extend using several muscles. The atlantoaxial joint provides lateral flexion and rotation of the head in different directions. Most of the neck muscles are involved in turning the head, but some of them (including the rectus lateralis and oblique capitis muscles) are attached to the transverse processes of the atlas. Several muscles connect the transverse processes to the axis, allowing the neck to bend laterally towards the shoulders.

C1 forms a bony ring that protects the spinal cord, as well as the nerve roots emanating from it, from damage. The vertebral foramen of the atlas has a larger diameter than other vertebrae, allowing soft nerve tissue to move freely when the neck flexes or rotates. The transverse openings protect the vertebral arteries and veins, which provide nutrition to the brain. These bony structures prevent blood vessels from being compressed or damaged.

Atlantoaxial joint

As mentioned earlier, the axis is located under the atlas. The 1st and 2nd vertebrae form the atlantoaxial joint. The structure of the axis or axial vertebra is different from C1, this is noticeable in the photo below.

Axis – second cervical vertebra

This bone connection is combined; it contains 3 separate joints: the median, as well as 2 lateral. The median joint consists of the anterior and posterior articular recesses of the atlas, which articulate with the fossa of the tooth, the transverse ligament of C1, stretched between its lateral masses. This is a cylindrical uniaxial bone connection that allows you to turn your head left and right. The atlas, together with the skull, can rotate around tooth C2 by 30 - 40° in both directions.

The lateral atlantoaxial joint is a paired bony joint (right and left). It consists of the inferior articular recess C1, as well as the superior articular surface C2. This is a flat multi-axial connection that provides rotation of the skull when the atlas moves around the odontoid process of the axial vertebra.

The medial and lateral joints have separate articular capsules, they are strengthened by ligaments. The odontoid process is fixed during its rotation around C1 by the cruciate ligament. It is formed by the transverse atlas ligament, as well as 2 bundles (superior and inferior), which run up to the foramen magnum, and then down to the back of C2.

Reference. The cruciate ligament fixes the tooth and directs its movements. In addition, it prevents its dislocation, damage to the spinal cord, as well as the medulla oblongata, which can lead to death.

The pterygoid ligaments are located on the sides of the odontoid process, they rise to the occipital bone. The apex ligament is a thin bundle that runs from the top of the appendix to the base of the skull.

Not all people know what the atlanto-occipital joint is. This is the bony joint that connects the skull to the cervical spine, it consists of the two condyles of the occipital bone and the superior articular recesses of the C1 vertebra. The articulating surfaces form a combined condylar biaxial joint.

Each bone connection has separate capsules, and ligaments fix them on the outside:

  • The anterior membrane, which is stretched between the anterior arch of C1 and the occipital bone.
  • The posterior membrane, which is located in the area between the posterior arch of the atlas, as well as the posterior circumference of the opening in the occipital bone of the skull.

Reference. The articulating surfaces are enclosed in separate capsules, but they move simultaneously.

The human atlanto-occipital ganglion allows movements around the frontal and sagittal axis. Around the first you can tilt your head back and forth, and around the second you can tilt it left and right. The anterior end of the sagittal axis is located slightly higher than the posterior one. Due to the diagonal arrangement of the axis, when tilted to the side, the head turns slightly in the opposite direction.

The muscles and ligaments of the atlanto-occipital ganglion allow you to move the head relative to the neck, fix the back of the head and the skull in the desired position. Ligamentous nodes hold the tooth-like bone in a constant position when the head rotates, protecting the spinal cord and blood vessels from damage. At the junction of the skull with the cervical spine, movements with a small amplitude are possible; wider movements are possible with the participation of the entire neck.

As mentioned earlier, C1 has a wide vertebral foramen, which allows the upper spinal cord to function normally. The vertebral artery passes on the posterior surface of the atlanto-occipital node, as well as a large number of spinal nerves that transmit signals from the central nervous system.

If there is a circulatory disorder in the area of ​​the atlanto-occipital joint, people feel the following symptoms:

  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Promotion blood pressure.
  • Frequent nausea, vertigo (dizzy), periodic vomiting.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Hearing and vision disorders, etc.

When the blood supply is disrupted, the brain suffers from a lack of nutrients and oxygen. In this case it is necessary drug treatment.

Atlas displacement

Causes and symptoms

One of the most common pathologies of the cervical spine is displacement of the atlas relative to the C2 axis. Then the functionality of the upper cervical zone is impaired as a result of compression of the nerve roots, as well as blood vessels, and this leads to many pathologies.

When the very first vertebra of the cervical segment is displaced, then the work of important regulatory departments of the central nervous system is disrupted. If the bulb of the brain is damaged, respiratory movements and heart function may stop, since this area contains important nerve centers.

Reference. When the atlas is subluxated, almost all patients experience headaches and the spine is deformed. Some patients experience pain in the upper and lower extremities and abdomen, develop osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, dizziness, etc. After realignment of the vertebra, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The atlas can be displaced as a result of Kimmerly's anomaly - this is a congenital pathology in which an additional bone arch in the shape of a semi-ring is formed in the cervical region. But most often, subluxation can be caused by the following factors:

  • Diseases of the spinal column, for example, osteochondrosis, kyphosis, spondylosis.
  • Injury during childbirth caused by careless actions of an obstetrician.
  • Spondylolysis is a non-fusion of the vertebral arch in the area between the joints or the pedicle of the arch, which occurs due to delayed development of the posterior part of the spinal column.
  • Sports injuries, falls, accidents, etc.

Atlas displacement is a pathology that has a hidden course, therefore for a long time patients are not even aware of their condition. However, the disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • The headache hurts severely and for a long time.
  • Hearing and vision disorders occur.
  • The blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
  • Memory deteriorates.
  • The sensitivity of the hands is impaired, which is manifested by tingling, a sensation of “crawling goosebumps”, and numbness.
  • Weakening of the neck muscles to such an extent that the patient cannot hold his head up.
  • Pain appears in the back of the head or neck.
  • Sleep disorders occur.
  • The oral mucosa dries out.
  • Breathing is impaired.
  • Coughing attacks occur without apparent reason, the voice changes.

Reference. After a cervical injury, you should urgently visit a doctor, even if there are no suspicious symptoms.

In the absence of treatment for subluxation of the atlas, the function of the atlas is impaired. nervous system, the vasomotor center, which causes the brain to suffer and increases the risk of autonomic dysfunction. When C1 is displaced, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the spinal canal, and as a result, the functions of the spine and spinal cord are disrupted. There is also a risk of vascular compression, then nausea and vomiting may occur, and the likelihood of disruption of the nervous, mental, and hormonal systems increases.

As you can see, the atlas is the most important vertebra that is involved in the work of many organs and systems. Therefore, when it is displaced, their normal operation is disrupted.

Treatment of atlas displacement

If symptoms of atlas displacement appear, you should contact a traumatologist. To identify pathology, palpation, radiography, and functional tests are performed. A CT or MRI may also be needed.

It is important to realign a displaced vertebra, but this should only be done by an experienced specialist, as there is a risk of injury to blood vessels and nerves. Then the patient may remain disabled or die.

After reduction of the atlas, the patient must wear a special collar for several months. To relieve severe pain, painkillers and anesthetics (Novocaine) are used, severe cases you can’t do without glucocorticosteroids. Muscle relaxants will help relax spastic muscles and avoid paralysis.

Comprehensive and timely therapy will help speed up recovery, as well as prevent dangerous complications.

Main conclusions

The atlas is the most important vertebra of the cervical segment of the spine. Thanks to its special structure, C1 is able to hold its head and make various movements with its neck. However, due to its excessive mobility, the atlas is often damaged. Displacement of the first vertebra is one of the most common pathologies of the cervical spine. When the first symptoms of atlas subluxation appear, you should immediately visit a doctor, otherwise the risk increases dangerous complications, up to paralysis or death of a person.

The human neck is the part of the body that connects the head and body. Its upper border begins at the edge of the lower jaw. In the trunk, the neck passes through the jugular notch of the manubrium of the sternum and passes through the upper surface of the clavicle. Despite its relatively small size, there are many important structures and organs that are separated by connective tissue.


While the anatomy of the neck is generally the same for any person, its shape may differ. Like any other organ or part of the body, it has its own individuality. This is due to the peculiarities of the constitution of the body, age, gender, and hereditary characteristics. The cylindrical shape is the standard neck shape. In childhood and young age, the skin in this area is elastic, elastic, tightly fits cartilage and other protrusions.

When the head is thrown back, the horns and body of the hyoid bone, the cartilages of the thyroid gland - cricoid, tracheal - are clearly visible on the midline of the neck. Below the body, a hole is visible - this is the jugular notch of the sternum. In people of average and thin build, the muscles on the sides of the neck are clearly visible. It is easy to notice those located near the skin.

Anatomy of the neck

This part of the body contains large vessels and nerves; it consists of organs and bones important for human life. The developed muscular system allows for a variety of head movements. The internal structure of the neck consists of the following sections:

  • pharynx - taking part in human oral speech, being the first barrier to pathogenic microorganisms, performing a connecting function for the digestive system;
  • larynx - plays a significant role in the speech apparatus, protects the respiratory system;
  • the trachea is a conductor of air to the lungs, an important component of the respiratory system;
  • The thyroid gland is an organ of the endocrine system that produces hormones for metabolic processes;
  • esophagus - part of the digestive chain, pushes food to the stomach, protects against reflux in the opposite direction;
  • spinal cord - element superior man, responsible for body mobility and organ activity, reflexes.

In addition, nerves, large vessels and veins pass through the neck area. It consists of vertebrae and cartilage, connective tissue and a fat layer. This is a part of the body that is an important link between the head and neck, through which the spinal cord and brain are connected.

Neck parts

The anterior and posterior regions of the neck are distinguished, as well as many “triangles”, which are limited to the lateral edges of the trapezius muscles. The front part looks like a triangle with the base turned upside down. It is limited: above - by the lower jaw, below - by the jugular notch, on the sides - by the edges of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The midline divides this part into two medial triangles: right and left. The lingual triangle is also located here, through which access to the lingual artery can be opened. It is limited in front by the hypoglossal muscle, above by the hypoglossal nerve, behind and below by the tendon of the digastric muscle, next to which the carotid triangles are located.

The scapulotracheal region is limited by the omohyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles. In the scapuloclavicular triangle, which is part of the paired lateral triangle, there is the jugular vein, suprascapular vein and artery, thoracic and lymphatic duct. In the scapular-trapezoid part of the neck there is an accessory nerve and the cervical superficial artery, and the transverse artery passes through its medial part.

The area consists of the interscalene and prescalene spaces, within which both the suprascapular and phrenic nerves pass.

The posterior section is limited by the trapezius muscles. The internal carotid artery and jugular vein are located here, as well as the vagus, hypoglossal, glossopharyngeal, and accessory nerves.

Neck bones

It also consists of 33-34 vertebrae, passing through the entire human body and serving as its support. Inside is the spinal cord, which connects the periphery with the brain and provides higher reflex activity. The first section of the spine is located inside the neck, thanks to which it has high mobility.

The cervical region consists of 7 vertebrae, some of which have preserved rudiments that are fused with the transverse processes. Their anterior part, which is the border of the hole, is a rudiment of a rib. The body of the cervical vertebra is transversely elongated, smaller than its counterparts and has a saddle shape. This provides the cervical region with the greatest mobility compared to other parts of the spinal column.

The vertebral foramina together form a canal that serves as protection for the veins. The passage of the spinal cord is formed by the arches of the cervical vertebrae; it is quite wide and resembles a triangular shape. The spinous processes are bifurcated, due to which many muscle fibers are attached here.

Atlas vertebra

The first two cervical vertebrae differ in structure from the other five. It is their presence that allows a person to make various movements of the head: tilts, turns, rotations. The first vertebra is a ring of bone tissue. It consists of an anterior arch, on the convex part of which the anterior tubercle is located. On the inner side there is a different articular fossa for the second odontoid process of the cervical vertebra.

The atlas vertebra on the posterior arch has a small protruding part - the posterior tubercle. The superior articular processes on the arch replace the oval-shaped articular fossae. They articulate with the condyles of the occipital bone. The lower articular processes are pits that connect to the next vertebra.


The second cervical vertebra - the axis, or epistropheus - is distinguished by a developed odontoid process located in the upper part of its body. On each side of the processes there are articular surfaces of a slightly convex shape.

These two vertebrae, specific in structure, are the basis for neck mobility. In this case, the axis plays the role of an axis of rotation, and the atlas rotates together with the skull.

Muscles of the cervical region

Despite its rather small size, the human neck is rich in muscles of various types. The superficial, middle, lateral deep muscles, as well as the medial group are concentrated here. Their main purpose in this area is to hold the head, provide colloquial speech and swallowing.

Superficial and deep muscles of the neck

Muscle name


Functions performed

Longus colli muscle

Anterior part of the spine, length from C1 to Th3

Allows flexion and extension of the head, antagonist of the back muscles

Longus capitis muscle

Originates on the tubercles of the transverse processes of C2-C6 and attaches to the inferior basilar part of the occipital bone

Staircase (front, middle, rear)

Begins at the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and attaches to the I-II rib

Participates in flexion of the cervical spine and elevates the ribs during inhalation


Originates from the sternum and inserts into the hyoid bone

Pulls the larynx and hyoid bone down


Scapula - hyoid bone


Attached to the sternum and thyroid cartilage of the larynx


Located in the area of ​​the larynx to the hyoid bone


Begins on the lower jaw and ends with attachment to the hyoid bone


Originates from the mastoid process and attaches to the mandible

Pulls the larynx and hyoid bone up and forward, lowers the lower jaw while fixing the hyoid bone


Starts on the lower jaw and ends on the hyoid bone


Located on the styloid process of the temporal bone and attached to the hyoid bone

Subcutaneous cervical

Originates from the deltoid and greater fascia pectoral muscles and attaches to the fascia of the masseter muscle, the edge of the lower jaw and facial muscles

Tightens the skin of the neck, prevents compression of the saphenous veins


Attached from the upper edge of the sternum and the sternal end of the clavicle to the mastoid process of the temporal bone

Its contraction on both sides is accompanied by pulling the head back, and on one side - by turning the head in the opposite direction.

The muscles allow you to hold your head, make movements, reproduce speech, swallow and breathe. Their development prevents osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and improves blood flow to the brain.

Fascia of the neck

Due to the variety of organs passing through this area, the anatomy of the neck involves the presence of a connective membrane that limits and protects the organs, blood vessels, nerves and bones. This is an element of the “soft” skeleton that performs trophic and supporting functions. The fascia grows together with the numerous veins of the neck, thereby preventing them from intertwining with each other, which would threaten a person with impaired venous outflow.

Their structure is so complex that the anatomy is described differently by authors. Let's consider one of the generally accepted classifications according to which the connective membranes are divided into fascia:

  1. Superficial - loose, thin structure, limiting the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. It moves from the neck to the face and chest.
  2. Own - attached from below to the front of the sternum and clavicle, and from above to the temporal bone and lower jaw, then moves to the face area. On the back of the neck it connects with the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
  3. The scapuloclavicular aponeurosis looks like a trapezium and is located between the lateral sides of the omohyoid muscle and the hyoid bone, and from below it divides the space between the surface of the sternum from the inside and the two clavicles. It covers the anterior part of the larynx, thyroid gland and trachea. Along the midline of the neck, the scapuloclavicular aponeurosis fuses with its own fascia, forming the linea alba.
  4. Intracervical - envelops all the internal organs of the neck, and consists of two parts: visceral and parietal. The first closes each organ separately, and the second together.
  5. Prevertebral - provides cover to the long muscles of the head and neck and merges with the aponeurosis.

Fascia separates and protects all areas of the neck, thereby preventing “confusion” of blood vessels, nerve endings and muscles.

blood flow

The vessels of the neck provide the outflow of venous blood from the head and neck. They are represented by the external and internal jugular vein. Blood enters the external vessel from the back of the head in the ear area, the skin above the shoulder blade and the front of the neck. A little earlier than the clavicle, it connects with the subclavian and internal jugular vein. The latter eventually develops into the former at the base of the neck and divides into two brachiocephalic veins: the right and left.

The vessels of the neck, and especially the internal jugular vein, play an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis. It originates at the base of the skull and serves to drain blood from all vessels of the brain. Its tributaries in the neck area are also: superior thyroid, lingual facial, superficial temporal, occipital vein. The carotid artery passes through the neck area, which has no branches in this area.

Nerve plexus of the neck

The nerves of the neck are composed of diaphragmatic, cutaneous and muscular structures that are located at the level of the first four cervical vertebrae. They form plexuses that originate from the cervical spinal nerves. The muscular innervates nearby muscles. The neck and shoulders are set in motion using impulses. The phrenic nerve influences the movements of the diaphragm, pericardial fibers and pleura. Cutaneous branches give rise to the auricular, occipital, transverse and supraclavicular nerves.

The lymph nodes

The anatomy of the neck also includes part of the body's lymphatic system. In this area it consists of deep and superficial nodes. The anterior ones are located near the jugular vein on the superficial fascia. Deep The lymph nodes the front part of the neck are located near the organs from which lymph flows out, and have names of the same name (thyroid, preglottic, etc.). The lateral group of nodes consists of the retropharyngeal, jugular and supraclavicular nodes, next to which the internal jugular vein is located. The deep lymph nodes of the neck drain lymph from the mouth, middle ear and pharynx, as well as the nasal cavity. In this case, the fluid first passes through the occipital nodes.

The structure of the neck is complex and thought out by nature down to every millimeter. A set of plexuses of nerves and blood vessels connects the work of the brain and the periphery. In one small part of the human body all possible elements of systems and organs are located: nerves, muscles, blood vessels, lymphatic ducts and nodes, glands, spinal cord, the most “mobile” part of the spine.

The cervical spine is the part from the base of the skull to the attachment of the ribs. The department includes 7 vertebrae, which are designated by the Latin letter C and numbers.

Numbering starts from the base of the skull. The vertebrae C1 and C2 have special names; they are called Atlas and Axis (Epistropheus).

How is the cervical spine structured?

The concept of “spine” usually includes not only the bones themselves, but also soft tissues:

  • spinal cord;
  • nerve roots and endings;
  • vessels that deliver nutrition to the brain.

The spinal column consists of individual vertebrae that are held together by intervertebral discs.

Each vertebra is a hollow structure made of bone tissue with an opening through which a solid spinal cord passes. Top part The vertebrae are very strong and serve to protect the spinal cord from damage. Above the spinal tube between the vertebrae are located.

When a person tilts his head, the spine moves to the side precisely due to the intervertebral discs.

Muscles and ligaments hold the bone structure in a stable position. The cervical spine is the most mobile, so it is where disorders most often occur. The most fragile and vulnerable part of this structure from the anatomical point of view is the intervertebral disc. The disk consists of:

  • nucleus pulposus;
  • fibrous membrane.

The nucleus is shaped like a compressed ball; it is held in place by a fibrous membrane. If this membrane ruptures or stretches, a hernia forms. Each element in the structure of the spine affects the health of the remaining components. Therefore, when intervertebral discs become deformed, both nerve endings and blood vessels suffer. The cervical region contains vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain, so if a hernia or compresses them, the person immediately feels unfavorable changes in his well-being.

Functions of the cervical vertebrae

The segments of the spinal cord that are located in the cervical region have a clear specialization. What is the spinal cord of each vertebra responsible for?

  1. In the area of ​​the C1 vertebra there are nerve endings that regulate the functioning of the pituitary gland and inner ear. When the nerve roots are pinched in this section, insomnia, severe headache, dizziness, and loss of orientation in space develop. When the first vertebra is injured, fainting occurs. The stable functioning of the psyche also depends on the nerve endings of this department, therefore, with osteochondrosis C1-C3, a person suffers from nervousness, diseases of the endocrine system and depression.
  2. The C2 vertebra contains the segment of the spinal cord that is responsible for vision and hearing. Disturbances in the C1-C2 area lead to decreased vision and hearing, and loss of sensitivity of the skin of the face and head. A sharp pinching of nerve endings in the C1-C3 area causes darkening of the eyes, fainting, and a jump in blood pressure.
  3. The C3 spinal cord is connected to the facial nerve, which regulates facial expressions. With osteochondrosis C3-C4, pain is radiated to the upper jaw, especially to the teeth.
  4. The C4 vertebra contains a segment of the spinal cord that is connected to the organs of the head: the nose and sinuses, the oral cavity and the Eustachian tube. As a result of pinching of the C4 nerve endings, hearing impairment, facial neuralgia and changes in facial expressions occur.
  5. The C5-C6 spinal cord coordinates the vocal cords, neck and forearm muscles. With osteochondrosis in this department, the pain radiates to the shoulder area, to the back of the head. Possible loss of voice or change in timbre of speech.
  6. The C7 spinal cord segment is closely related to the functioning of the thyroid gland. When the nerve roots are pinched, the normal production of thyroid hormones is disrupted, and hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases develop.

The cervical spine has such a structure that any of its components inevitably affects the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, prevention of spinal diseases is very important.

How do diseases of the cervical spine occur?

The innervation of the spine is designed in such a way that it can be transmitted to the skull, shoulders and neck muscles. Due to the anatomy of the cervical spine, it is in this area that spinal diseases most often appear:

  • osteochondrosis ();
  • spondylosis ();
  • herniated intervertebral discs ().

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk for spinal diseases. Long hours of work at the computer, long driving and absence physical activity lead to the following consequences:

  • the muscles of the neck and shoulders weaken;
  • there is no longer an effective system that stabilizes the position of the spine;
  • in the cervical region, atrophic changes in some muscle groups and overstrain of others occur;
  • under the action of muscles, the spine begins to bend and shift relative to its normal axis;
  • Intervertebral discs suffer from this and develop;
  • when the annulus fibrosus can no longer support the core of the disc, it becomes displaced under the pressure of the person's weight;
  • if a hernia compresses blood vessels and nerve endings, a number of painful and unpleasant symptoms develop in the circulatory and nervous system.

The spinal cord, which is located inside the spinal canal, is responsible for vital reflexes. Thanks to the work, coordination occurs between all internal organs. The most unfavorable scenario for a hernia is the protrusion of the contents of the nucleus pulposus into the lumen of the spinal canal. In this case, a person may experience paralysis, intense pain and many associated diseases. In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, intervertebral disc deformation is caused by:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders, due to which cartilage tissue loses its elasticity;
  • poor nutrition, low levels of vitamins D, E, calcium and magnesium in the diet;
  • chronic dehydration;
  • flat feet and other diseases of bones and joints.

The skeleton is a single structure, each part of which affects the state of the rest. Therefore, with flat feet, arthrosis, arthritis and deformation of any joint or skeletal bone, systemic restructuring occurs to compensate for the load. To support the weight of the body and provide a person with the ability to move, the skeleton bends, loses symmetry and natural anatomical shape.

Treatment of flat feet, lordosis (), scoliosis () and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system is also necessary in order to prevent pathological changes in the remaining bone and cartilaginous structures of the skeleton.

The last stage of adaptation of the skeleton to irrational load distribution is always education. Osteophytes are thickenings, processes on the surface of the bone. They are formed due to the friction of bones against each other. For example, in the cervical spine, osteophytes occur due to a herniated intervertebral disc. The vertebrae do not effectively absorb movement due to degenerative changes in the disc and begin to rub and put pressure on each other. The structure of the vertebra changes, the surface ceases to be smooth, and a crunching sound occurs when moving.

How to keep your neck healthy?

To maintain the natural shape of the spinal column, you need a good muscle corset. Uniform development of all muscle groups helps:

  • avoid deformation of intervertebral discs;
  • reduce the likelihood of spinal injuries;
  • protect yourself from many disorders in the functioning of internal organs, which are caused by curvature of the spinal column.

For prevention, it is enough to engage in any active sport or at least do exercises for the spine in the morning.

Additional sources:

A.N. Kucherov. “Cervical spine.”

The human spinal column is the highest engineering invention of evolution. With the development of upright posture, it was he who took on the entire load of the changed center of gravity. Surprisingly, our cervical vertebrae - the most mobile part of the spine - can withstand loads 20 times greater than a reinforced concrete pillar. What are the features of the anatomy of the cervical vertebrae that allow them to perform their functions?

Main part of the skeleton

All the bones in our body make up the skeleton. And its main element, without a doubt, is the spinal column, which in humans consists of 34 vertebrae, combined into five sections:

  • cervical (7);
  • chest (12);
  • lumbar (5);
  • sacral (5 fused to form the sacrum);
  • coccygeal (4-5 fused into the coccyx).

Features of the structure of the human neck

The cervical spine has a high degree of mobility. Its role is difficult to overestimate: these are both spatial and anatomical functions. The number and structure of the cervical vertebrae determines the functions of our neck.

It is this section that is most often injured, which is easily explained by the presence of weak muscles, high loads and the relatively small size of the vertebrae related to the structure of the neck.

Special and different

There are seven vertebrae in the cervical region. Unlike others, these have a special structure. In addition, there is a specific designation for the cervical vertebrae. In international nomenclature, cervical (cervical) vertebrae are designated by the Latin letter C (vertebra cervicalis) with a serial number from 1 to 7. Thus, C1-C7 is the designation of the cervical region, showing how many vertebrae are in the cervical region of the human spinal column. Some cervical vertebrae are unique. The first cervical vertebra C1 (atlas) and the second C2 (axis) have their own names.

A little theory

Anatomically, all vertebrae have a common structure. Each has a body with an arch and spinous processes that are directed downward and backward. When palpated, we feel these spinous processes as tubercles on the back. Ligaments and muscles are attached to the transverse processes. And between the body and the arch passes the spinal canal. Between the vertebrae there is a cartilaginous formation - intervertebral discs. There are seven processes on the vertebral arch - one spinous, two transverse and 4 articular (upper and lower).

It is thanks to the ligaments attached to them that our spine does not fall apart. And these ligaments run throughout the spinal column. The nerve roots of the spinal cord exit through special openings in the side of the vertebrae.

Common features

All cervical vertebrae have common features structures that distinguish them from the vertebrae of other sections. Firstly, they have smaller body sizes (the exception is the atlas, which does not have a vertebral body). Secondly, the vertebrae have the shape of an oval, elongated across. Thirdly, only in the structure of the cervical vertebrae there is an opening in the transverse processes. Fourthly, their transverse triangular hole is large.

Atlas is the most important and special

Atlantoaxial occipital - this is the name of the joint, with the help of which literally our head is attached to the body through the first cervical vertebra. And the main role in this connection belongs to the C1 vertebra - the atlas. It has a completely unique structure - it has no body. During embryonic development, the anatomy of the cervical vertebra changes - the body of the atlas grows to C2 and forms a tooth. In C1, only the anterior arcuate part remains, and the vertebral foramen, filled with a tooth, increases in size.

The arches of the atlas (arcus anterior and arcus posterior) are connected by lateral masses (massae laterales) and have tubercles on the surface. The upper concave parts of the arches (fovea articularis superior) are articulated with the condyles of the occipital bone, and the lower flattened parts (fovea articularis inferior) are articulated with the articular surface of the second cervical vertebra. The groove of the vertebral artery runs above and behind the surface of the arch.

The second one is also the main one

Axis, or epistopheus, is a cervical vertebra, the anatomy of which is also unique. A process (tooth) with an apex and a pair of articular surfaces extends upward from its body. It is around this tooth that the skull rotates along with the atlas. The anterior surface (facies articularis anterior) enters into articulation with the dental fossa of the atlas, and the posterior ( acies articularis posterior) is connected to its transverse ligament. The lateral upper articular surfaces of the axis are connected to the lower surfaces of the atlas, and the lower ones connect the axis with the third vertebra. There is no spinal nerve groove or tubercles on the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra.

"Two brothers"

Atlas and axis are the basis for the normal functioning of the body. If their joints are damaged, the consequences can be disastrous. Even a slight displacement of the odontoid process of the axis in relation to the arches of the atlas leads to compression of the spinal cord. In addition, it is these vertebrae that make up the perfect rotation mechanism, which provides us with the ability to move our heads around a vertical axis and bend forward and backward.

What happens if the atlas and axis are displaced?

  • If the position of the skull in relation to the atlas is disturbed and a muscle block has arisen in the cranial-atlas-axis zone, then all cervical vertebrae take part in turning the head. This is not their physiological function and leads to injury and premature wear. In addition, our body, without our consciousness, registers a slight tilt of the head to the side and begins to compensate for it by curvature of the neck, then the thoracic and lumbar regions. As a result, the head stands straight, but the entire spine is curved. And this is scoliosis.
  • Due to the displacement, the load is distributed unevenly across the vertebra and intervertebral disc. The more loaded part collapses and wears out. This is osteochondrosis - the most common disorder of the musculoskeletal system in the 20th-21st centuries.

  • Curvature of the spine is followed by curvature of the pelvis and incorrect position of the sacrum. The pelvis twists, the shoulder girdle becomes distorted, and the legs seem to be of different lengths. Pay attention to yourself and those around you - most people are comfortable wearing a bag on one shoulder, but it slides off the other. This is the skew of the shoulder girdle.
  • A displaced atlas relative to the axis causes instability of other cervical vertebrae. And this leads to constant uneven compression of the vertebral artery and veins. As a result, there is an outflow of blood from the head. An increase in intracranial pressure is not the saddest consequence of such a displacement.
  • The area of ​​the brain responsible for muscle and vascular tone, respiratory rhythm and protective reflexes passes through the atlas. It’s easy to imagine the dangers of squeezing these nerve fibers.

Vertebrae C2-C6

The median vertebrae of the cervical spine have a typical shape. They have a body and spinous processes that are enlarged, split at the ends and slightly inclined downward. Only the 6th cervical vertebra is slightly different - it has a large anterior tubercle. The carotid artery runs right along the tubercle, which we press when we want to feel the pulse. Therefore, C6 is sometimes called “sleepy.”

Last vertebra

The anatomy of the C7 cervical vertebra is different from the previous ones. The protruding (vertebra prominens) vertebra has a cervical body and the longest spinous process, which is not divided into two parts.

This is what we feel when we tilt our heads forward. In addition, it has long transverse processes with small openings. On the lower surface a facet is visible - the costal fossa (ovea costalis), left as a trace from the head of the first rib.

What are they responsible for?

Each vertebra of the cervical spine performs its own function, and in case of dysfunction, the manifestations will be different, namely:

  • C1 - headaches and migraines, weakened memory and insufficiency of cerebral blood flow, dizziness, arterial hypertension (atrial fibrillation).
  • C2 - inflammation and congestion in the paranasal sinuses, eye pain, hearing loss and ear pain.
  • C3 - neuralgia of the facial nerves, whistling in the ears, acne on the face, toothaches and caries, bleeding gums.
  • C4 - chronic rhinitis, cracked lips, cramps of oral muscles.
  • C5 - sore throat, chronic pharyngitis, hoarseness.
  • C6 - chronic tonsillitis, muscle tension in the occipital region, enlarged thyroid gland, pain in the shoulders and upper arms.
  • C7 - thyroid diseases, colds, depression and fear, shoulder pain.

Cervical vertebrae of a newborn

A newly born child, although an exact copy of an adult organism, is more fragile. Babies' bones contain a lot of water, but little minerals and differ in their fibrous structure. Our body is structured in such a way that almost no ossification of the skeleton occurs during intrauterine development. And due to the need to pass through the birth canal in a baby, ossification of the skull and cervical vertebrae begins after birth.

The baby's spine is straight. And the ligaments and muscles are poorly developed. This is why it is necessary to support the newborn’s head, since the muscular frame is not yet ready to support the head. And at this moment, the cervical vertebrae, which have not yet ossified, can be damaged.

Physiological curves of the spine

Cervical lordosis is a curvature of the spine in the cervical region, a slight bend forward. In addition to the cervical one, there is also lordosis in the lumbar region. These forward bends are compensated by a backward bend - kyphosis. thoracic. As a result of this structure of the spine, it acquires elasticity and the ability to withstand everyday stress. This is a gift from evolution to man - only we have bends, and their formation is associated with the emergence of upright walking in the process of evolution. However, they are not innate. The spine of a newborn does not have kyphosis and lordosis, and their correct formation depends on lifestyle and care.

Normal or pathological?

As already noted, throughout a person’s life, the cervical curvature of the spine can change. That is why in medicine they talk about physiological (the norm is an angle of up to 40 degrees) and pathological lordosis of the cervical spine. Pathology is observed in the case of unnatural curvature. It is easy to identify such people in a crowd by their head sharply pushed forward and its low position.

Primary is distinguished (develops as a result of tumors, inflammations, incorrect posture) and secondary (causes - congenital injuries) pathological lordosis. The average person cannot always determine the presence and degree of pathology during the development of neck lordosis. You should consult a doctor if alarming symptoms appear, regardless of the reason for their occurrence.

Pathology of the neck bend: symptoms

The earlier pathologies of the cervical spine are diagnosed, the greater the chance of correcting them. You should be concerned if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Various postural disorders that are already noticeable visually.
  • Recurrent headaches, tinnitus, dizziness.
  • Pain in the neck area.
  • Loss of ability to work and sleep disturbances.
  • Decreased appetite or nausea.
  • Blood pressure surges.

Against the background of these symptoms, a decrease in immunity, deterioration in functional movements of the hands, hearing, vision and other associated symptoms may appear.

Forward, backward and straight

There are three types of pathology of the cervical spine:

  • Hyperlordosis. In this case, there is excessive forward bending.
  • Hypolordosis, or straightening of the cervical spine. In this case, the angle has a small degree of extension.
  • Kyphosis of the cervical spine. In this case, the spine bends backward, which leads to the formation of a hump.

The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on accurate and inaccurate diagnostic methods. X-ray examination is considered accurate, but patient interview and training tests are not accurate.

The reasons are well known

The generally accepted reasons for the development of cervical spine pathology are as follows:

  • Disharmony in the development of the muscular frame.
  • Spinal column injuries.
  • Overweight.
  • Growth spurt during adolescence.

In addition, the cause of the development of pathology can be inflammatory diseases of the joints, tumors (benign or not) and much more. Lordosis mainly develops with poor posture and the adoption of pathological postures. In children, this is an incorrect body position at a desk or a discrepancy between the size of the desk and the child’s age and height; in adults, this is a pathological body position when performing professional duties.

Treatment and prevention

The complex of treatment procedures includes massages, acupuncture, gymnastics, swimming pool, and physiotherapeutic appointments. The same procedures are used to prevent lordosis. It is very important for parents to monitor the posture of their children. After all, taking care of the cervical spine will prevent pinching of arteries and nerve fibers in the narrowest and most important part of the human skeleton.

Knowledge about the anatomy of the cervical (cervical) spine provides an understanding of its vulnerability and importance for the entire body. By protecting the spine from traumatic factors, observing safety rules at work, at home, in sports and on vacation, we improve the quality of life. But it is precisely quality and emotions that a person’s life is full of, and it doesn’t matter at all how old he is. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

The spine is the basis of the human skeleton, its support and has the most important functions. What was studied at school cannot give a complete picture of the importance of the spine and its activities. And if a person does not know, he cannot understand how important it is to maintain the health of the vertebrae and discs. The spine protects the brain from possible damage. Due to its mobility we can move. The spine has only 24 vertebrae and each pair of them is connected by discs. The latter serve as shock absorbers for each section and the entire spinal column. All vertebrae are separated and perform their functions. Each of the departments is important and vital, but the main protective functions lie on the cervical vertebrae.

The vertebrae of the cervical spine are the most mobile and fragile, each of them has its own characteristics. But they are all vulnerable and therefore the first injuries are often received at the time of birth of the baby. Not very long ago, this fact was confirmed by scientists: at birth, when the baby is pulled by the head, his cervical vertebrae receive the first injury. It is subsequently impossible to detect such damage; as a result, the spine begins to form with disturbances in its structure and functions.

The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae. Each of them is small and quite fragile, often subject to injury and suffers from osteochondrosis faster than others. Each of the vertebrae has its own purpose and its own shape. The strongest vertebrae in the neck are the first and seventh vertebrae, due to the tasks they perform. The first vertebra serves as the connection between the cervical region and the skull, the seventh connects the neck with the thoracic region.

The first vertebra has a complex structure and special tasks that it performs. Due to it, not just parts of the spine are connected, but the spinal cord with the main one - the brain. Only thanks to the cervical vertebrae is proper blood supply and nutrition to the cerebral cortex ensured. This part of the spine is rich in nerve endings.

The first vertebra is the atlas of the neck, which does not have its own body or its own processes. It is formed by two arches that surround the beginning of the spinal canal. It is unusually hard and of non-standard shape, this is the only way it can provide full movement to the head. It is connected to the second, it is called the axis, using the process of the second vertebra. Due to this pair, the head is comparable to movement on hinges.

This vertebral connection lacks an intermediate and connecting disc. This is practically a cast structure and therefore injury to this part entails irreversible consequences for the entire body.

The seventh and sixth vertebrae end the cervical spine, but the seventh has the main violin. It has a protruding shape, so it is easy to simply feel it at the beginning of the back if you bend your head slightly. This is where the “withers” are most often formed and salts are deposited. The seventh vertebra is the only one of all that has two pairs of nerve endings. But there is another feature that distinguishes it from the rest: the complete or partial absence of through holes. Normally, the spinous processes should pass through such foramina, but this is not the case in the seventh vertebra. Also, its large process has no branching.

At the bottom of the seventh vertebra there is a depression, with its help it connects with the first ribs of the skeleton, from here forming the thoracic frame. The sixth vertebra has another important feature. It is located very close to one of the important arteries: the carotid. His mound would practically press against it if the artery were strong. It is this vertebra that can be pressed on if a person is at risk of bleeding. This is a professional method that allows you to reduce bleeding and reduce pressure drop in critical situations.

Other vertebrae

For normal nutrition and blood circulation, it is necessary that all vertebrae work harmoniously. Their mobility is ensured by the combination of their sizes. The remaining vertebrae of the cervical spine are modest and small in size, but their bodies are more similar to the shape of triangles. Their openings are much larger than the others, some of their processes emerge at an angle. Just like the others, they have transverse processes.

These short processes contain openings that connect to the main blood vessels. It is in this place that the vertebral artery passes, which is designed to nourish not only the spinal cord, but also the brain.

Such complex connections protect the main brain and enable movement. Even such an opportunity as turning the head and tilting it is created not just for human comfort, but to protect the spinal column. The cervical spine is as fragile as it is sensitive. It’s easy to injure him; you don’t have to make an effort. Often injuries occur in normal everyday conditions.

The cervical vertebrae are often injured when jumping incorrectly into the water. In shallow water or with improper diving technique, people often suffer subluxations or more complex dislocations. Sometimes a person does not feel any disturbance; everything is normal for him. And even pictures can show absolute health. The difficulty is that small cracks in the joint tissue cannot be seen. Also, the consequences may not occur immediately; there is such a thing as delay. This is the same principle as in the case of the severed head of a chicken. When she can run around without her head for a while longer.

Sometimes it may take a significant amount of time before the effects of the damage become apparent. Their severity depends on the complexity of the injury. Someone may die immediately or after short term, others begin serious problems with health. Even dislocations can provoke serious consequences.

It is important to understand that the brain begins to suffer as soon as it stops receiving the necessary nutrition and necessary information. There have been cases when, as a result of a minor injury, which doctors successfully treated after a few hours, a person lost his sight, hearing, or developed other impairments. After an injury of any kind, the hours count until assistance is provided. You can’t hesitate, the cervical vertebrae are the basis for the health of the brain and spinal cord.

The most severe injuries, and not only to the cervical vertebrae, are fractures. Medicine has come a long way, but even now it cannot eliminate the consequences of spinal fractures. Most often, such an injury causes instant death; the chances of survival are almost zero.
The consequences of a ruptured intervertebral hernia and destruction of discs from an impact can be severe. With such injuries, fragments remain in the tissues of the spine, and the normal functioning and nutrition of the brain stops. The consequences are often irreversible, even if the team manages to arrive on time.

Lighter damage:

  • ligament damage;
  • dislocations and subluxations;
  • bias.

But even in such cases, everything depends on the degree and complexity of which particular vertebra was damaged. Assessing the importance of the cervical vertebrae, we can recognize it as the main one in the spine. If with injuries to other departments a person has a chance of surviving, then in the case of the cervical region these chances are significantly lower. Even the presence of such a “native” disease as osteochondrosis can already make a person helpless and sick.

Signs of problems with the cervical spine

Most often, people who have problems with the cervical vertebrae complain of severe and constant headaches. The range of complaints can be large, but all consist of neurological symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting due to headache;
  • loss of consciousness for no apparent reason;
  • decreased vision, hearing;
  • the appearance of “floaters” in the eyes;
  • increased fatigue, even when resting.

Often this list is supplemented by psychosomatic symptoms. Thus, a person may suddenly stop falling asleep normally, the sleep cycle is disrupted, and the mood changes in a wide range. All signs are individual, because the human brain is not a duplicate program, but a unique creation.