IN Lately, watching the news feeds, I often see an unjustified tendency of the leaders of Foreign Europe to inculcate multiculturalism. Of course, it is necessary to help other peoples caught in difficult situation, however, there is also an unjustified increase in the diversity of the national composition just for the sake of the very principle of diversity. I think this approach is wrong, since the purity of the nation is “eroded.”

National composition of foreign European countries

Based on the type of national composition, demographers distinguish three types of state:

  • Uninational (one nation).
  • Binational (two indigenous peoples predominate).
  • Multinational (three ethnic groups or more).

Based on the data indicated in the table, we can conclude that the set of nationalities for each country is determined by its historical borders. The table shows data typical for nationalities living in the territory for more than 10 generations. Accordingly, when the migrated peoples live longer than this period, they too can be included in the national. composition of the country.

Trends in multinationalism in Europe

As a rule, those countries that become multinational are those that are more developed, in which Better conditions life, and which are located in a favorable climatic zone. Initial actions developed countries Europe's increase in population was completely justified, because. an influx of labor was needed. This was clearly seen in the example of Germany, when a flow of immigrants from Turkey poured there in the late 80s and early 90s. The French population began to be replenished with residents of its former colonies, e.g. Algeria, whose population was granted preferential access to French citizenship.

At the same time, small countries that are focused not on industry, but on the “white-collar” (banking) economy (for example, Belgium and Switzerland), cannot employ unskilled migrant labor resources and, accordingly, have retained their small-national composition.

IN modern world There are more than three thousand different ethnic units, and there are just over two hundred states. This means that, with some exceptions, the majority are multinational countries.

Terms and concepts

In order to understand the issue in detail, it is necessary to highlight the key concepts that researchers use when studying a particular country. Concepts such as are quite close in meaning, but at the same time have certain nuances. It is clear enough that all these terms are the result of historical complication various elements characterizing a particular ethnic community. Economic development and expansion of territory led to an increase in the area of ​​residence of the tribe, which gradually turned into a nationality or people. And as the highest stage of an ethnic unit, the formation and emergence of a nation can be distinguished. Many scientists agree that the determining factors in the formation of this community are one language, territory, culture and economic ties. However, as a nation develops, these factors lose their primary importance, and it can continue to exist even when divided

Formation of national identity

Indeed, confirming this statement, we can turn to the example of such a multinational giant as the USSR. Many nations that existed as part of this state, after its collapse, found themselves in different sides borders, but have not lost their identification. Therefore, having been formed once, they continue to exist, except for cases of physical disappearance. Language as one of the fundamental characteristics of a nation may cease to be so. As the number of people increased, the role of kinship decreased, and it could happen that two or more languages ​​appeared in one nation. When former ethnic groups were united into increasingly numerous ones, variations of languages ​​(dialects) were preserved, sometimes quite different from the former single language. The most striking example is the Swiss Confederation. The multinational countries of Europe were formed approximately along this path. However, not only European countries followed this path development national relations. The multinational countries of Asia also could not immediately form as full-fledged multiethnic entities. A series of revolutions and other metamorphoses led them to the need for coexistence, and one of the many Asian states - China - was also formed according to this principle.

Different interpretations of the concept "nation"

When using the term “nation”, one must keep in mind its dual meaning. Firstly, scientists consider it as a collection of citizens of a particular state. That is, it is a multicultural, socio-political, territorial and economic community of representatives different nationalities forming the state. In the second case, this definition is used to designate the highest form of ethnic unity. Multinational countries formed according to the first scenario in the modern geopolitical world make up more than half of all state entities. The most typical example is the American nation. For many centuries, the United States has been called a “melting pot” that successfully dissolved the ethnic diversity of American citizens, turning them into a single nation. This course of events was dictated by historical realities, the emerging industrial type of society made strict demands, primarily of an economic nature, and many nationalities had to unite in order to successfully compete in the international arena. This is how the multinational countries of the world took shape.

Russian style integration

The globalization of the economy has influenced the ways in which state-national entities integrate. Dynamically developing production has led to the formation of new options for interethnic cooperation. The USA and the Russian Federation are multinational countries; both of them are federations by their structure. However, the methods of their organization are fundamentally different. The Russian Federation is built on the national-state principle of its constituent entities. They have a certain independence in internal affairs and jointly represent the Russian nation.

An alternative path to national cooperation

American states also have a certain internal autonomy, but are formed on a territorial basis. Russia, in this way of organization, guarantees the development of the peoples inhabiting it. The United States of America, on the basis of democratic laws, also secures the right of each ethnic unit to national and cultural independence. These two types of government associations are represented throughout the globe.

Globalization and nations

The entry of the world into the information age has further intensified interstate competition, and, accordingly, interethnic competition. Therefore, the main trend is the birth of supranational state entities. They are formed on the principle of a confederation and have great national and cultural diversity. The most typical example is European Union, which includes more than twenty countries, and its inhabitants speak, according to rough estimates, 40 languages. The structure of this association is as close as possible to the existing economic and political realities. Its territory has a common legal system, currency, and citizenship. If you look closely at these signs, you can conclude that a European supernation has practically emerged. The number of new EU members is growing. Similar processes, but with a lesser degree of cooperation, are taking place all over the world. The initial economic and political blocs are prototypes of future supernations. It seems that the future of all human civilization lies precisely in such large state-national formations.

National politics

The guarantor of the preservation of unity is in states united into multinational countries. The list of these countries is quite extensive and includes the overwhelming number of government entities located on our planet. National policy includes a set of measures to ensure the equal existence and development of ethnic units of the state. The most multinational country in the world - India - is an example of this. Only a balanced and cautious policy of this country allows it to be a leader and successfully compete with its giant neighbor China.

Modern trends in interethnic relations

It is the legislative consolidation of rights that serves as the binding “solution” for these countries. The development paths of nationalities and states did not always coincide. History shows many similar examples. Multinational countries are most susceptible to collapse precisely because of their multiethnicity. The twentieth century saw the collapse of many such states: the USSR, Yugoslavia, and even binational Czechoslovakia. Therefore, maintaining parity of nationalities becomes the basis for cooperation and integration. Over the past two decades, the process of separatism has become somewhat biased, and this also applies to established European countries, such as, for example, Great Britain, from which Scotland announced its intention to leave, as well as the states of Asia and Africa artificially created as a result of colonial policy.

Uninational, binational, multinational states

Countries with a sharp predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant national minorities: Great Britain, France, Spain - in Europe. In foreign Asia - China, Mongolia, Vietnam. In Africa - Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania.

Binational countries. This type is rare and includes Belgium, Canada and some others.

Countries with a complex national composition, but relatively homogeneous ethnically, are more often found in Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Laos), Central, Eastern and South Africa There are also in Latin America.

Multinational countries with a diverse ethnic composition. The most striking countries of this type are India and Russia. This type also includes Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, and some countries in Western and Southern Africa.

Basic principles of location of the engineering industry

Mechanical engineering differs from other industries in a number of features that affect its location.

Firstly, in the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the development of mechanical engineering is unthinkable without the widespread introduction of scientific developments. Therefore, the production of knowledge-intensive industries is increasingly focused on areas with a highly developed scientific base.

Secondly, the production of engineering products requires much more working time than in other industries, therefore the labor intensity of the industry is high.

Thirdly, the metal intensity of the industry is quite high, so mechanical engineering enterprises often focus on its centers.

But in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the focus of factories on metal decreased significantly, due to an increase in labor intensity and knowledge intensity. Mechanical engineering is increasingly becoming a ubiquitous industry.

Fourthly, the stages of production of mechanical engineering products are carried out, as a rule, at separate specialized enterprises - specialization and cooperation play a great role in mechanical engineering. But as a result, the transport factor acquires exceptional importance.

Fifthly, due to the specifics of many mechanical engineering enterprises (for example, those producing combine harvesters or equipment for the mining industry, etc. - which are difficult to transport), many of them are consumer-oriented.

The USA, Japan and Germany are leaders in global mechanical engineering. These countries produce the most diverse products. The top ten also includes France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, which have a very wide range of mechanical engineering, China, Canada and Brazil.

Features of the location of leading branches of the chemical complex

The main features of the location are similar to the features of the location of mechanical engineering: 4 main regions have emerged in the global chemical industry.

The largest of them is foreign Europe (produces about 2/5 of the industry's products). The chemical industry began to develop at a particularly rapid pace in many countries of the region after World War II, when petrochemicals began to lead in the structure of the industry. As a result, petrochemical and oil refining centers are located in seaports and along the routes of main oil pipelines.

The second most important region is the United States, where the chemical industry is characterized by great diversity. The main factor in the location of enterprises was the raw material factor, which largely contributed to the territorial concentration of chemical production.

Third region - Eastern and Southeast Asia, Japan plays a particularly important role (with a powerful petrochemical industry based on imported oil). The importance of China and the newly industrialized countries, which specialize mainly in the production of synthetic products and semi-finished products, is also growing.

The fourth region is the CIS countries, which have a diverse chemical industry focused on both raw materials and energy factors.

7. Foreign Europe: aggravation of interethnic relations

Foreign Europe has long been a region of numerous ethnic conflicts, much of which are rooted in the distant historical past. The discrepancy between political and ethnic boundaries is also characteristic of modern Europe, but in different countries and subregions it is expressed differently. Therefore, it is logical to begin the consideration of interethnic contradictions in the region with the characteristics ethnic composition population of its individual countries.

In turn, it can be based on a four-term grouping of countries with their division into single-national, countries with significant national minorities, binational and multinational. At the same time, it must be noted that quantitative criteria alone are not always sufficient, so following them would be somewhat formal; in some cases other circumstances must be taken into account. For example, it would be more correct to include in the single-national group countries where the share of national minorities does not exceed 5%, but sometimes it can be higher (Table 6).

From Table 6 it is clear that the category mononational 17 countries can be included, not counting microstates. The countries with the most homogeneous national composition include Iceland and Portugal.

It would be more correct to classify another 10 countries in the region as, although not multinational, but with a significant proportion of national minorities (Table 7).

Along with this, in foreign Europe there are binational countries such as Belgium. With some degree of convention, Macedonia can also be included in this category, the main population of which is Macedonians and Albanians. Finally, to the number itself multinational countries should include Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro.

A priori, it can be assumed that national contradictions in mononational countries should not be expressed relatively sharply. Basically this is the case, although individual manifestations of separatism (partly on national grounds) are also possible in them.

Table 6


Examples of this kind include the repeated attempts of the Faroe Islands, which already enjoy broad autonomy, to secede from Denmark or the idea of ​​​​proclaiming the Padan Republic in Northern Italy.

IN group of countries with a large proportion of national minorities Interethnic relations are usually much more complex. This can be illustrated by examples from countries such as the UK, Spain and France.

IN GREAT BRITAIN, the main national problems are associated with Scotland and Northern Ireland (Ulster).

The dispute between England and Scotland has been going on for centuries. At the beginning of the 18th century. under military and economic pressure from England, the Scottish Parliament agreed to conclude a union with it, which actually meant the elimination of the independence of this historical region of the country: the parliament was abolished, and only small elements of autonomy were preserved. Since then, there has been a movement for independence in Scotland, which has only recently achieved tangible success. In 1997, a referendum was held in Scotland, in which 3/4 of the population supported the restoration of parliament. Thus, after 300 years he was revived. True, economic affairs foreign policy, defence, social security of the whole of Great Britain is still in charge of the Parliament in London, so the Scottish Parliament has only a job to do agriculture, education, healthcare, police, tourism and sports; but this also significantly improved the political situation. It can be added that the reform in Scotland was carried out in full accordance with the policy of the English Labor Party in power, which is called the policy of devolution, i.e., partial transfer of the functions of central government to local governments. (By the way, its own parliament was established in another historical region of the country with national characteristics- Wales.) However, the most radical Scottish nationalists still advocate complete separation from England and the creation of an independent state.

The situation in Northern Ireland is even more acute and conflict-ridden. The background to this conflict goes back to the early modern era.

The indigenous population of Ulster (Northern Ireland) is the Irish. But in the 17th–18th centuries, during the period of intensive colonization of this area by the English government, immigrants from England and Scotland were resettled here, who occupied not only best lands, but also key positions in the economic and political life. The indigenous population found itself in the position of tenants and farm laborers and was deprived of most political rights. Such a national and social stratification getting worse religious differences. The native Irish population professes Catholicism, while those from England and Scotland are adherents of the Anglican and Presbyterian churches. Religious confusion further aggravates the situation, turning Ulster into a complex knot of socio-economic, national and religious contradictions.

Table 7


Since the main part of Ireland finally seceded from Great Britain in 1949, becoming no longer a dominion, but an independent state, the main efforts of Irish Catholics were aimed at the annexation of Northern Ireland to the Irish Republic. Moreover, the struggle was carried out not only by political methods, but also in the form of armed resistance to the British, which was carried out by a paramilitary group called the Irish Republican Army (IRA). As a result of her terrorist actions, thousands of people died, and the British government was forced to send troops into Ulster. Only in 1998 did the government manage to reach an agreement with the Ulster nationalists, which was then approved in a referendum held in Ulster. After this, the direct rule of London in Ireland, introduced a quarter of a century ago, was abolished. The Ulster government was also restored. And the Republic of Ireland excluded from its fundamental law the articles in which the northern counties were considered an integral part of this country. In other words, autonomy was also restored in Ulster. But the disarmament of all IRA militants has not yet been completed, and the threat of a new aggravation of interethnic contradictions has not been completely removed.

IN SPAIN, the national problem arose after the Catalans, Galicians and Basques were stripped of some of the administrative, financial and legal privileges they had previously enjoyed and were forcibly subordinated to the central government in Madrid. During the 40 years of Franco's rule, any manifestation of their national feelings was brutally persecuted. It was not allowed to display the Catalan and Basque flags, speak the national language, or even perform national dances. The national problem was declared non-existent. But it existed, and after the end of the Franco regime, Spain took several important steps towards resolving it. In 1978, a new constitution was adopted, in which national question much attention is paid. Having proclaimed the unity and indivisibility of the Spanish nation, she at the same time recognized the right to autonomy for nationalities and regions. In accordance with this principle, by 1983, 17 autonomous regions were created in the country, including Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country. This largely removed the former tensions in interethnic relations. However, in Catalonia and especially in the Basque Country, it still remains.

In Catalonia, as the most economically developed part of the country, which has also retained its national language, separatist tendencies are still very strong. At the same time, some parties are ready to limit themselves to broader autonomy, while others insist on complete separation from Spain.

But the main thing pain point interethnic relations in Spain was and remains the Basque Country, occupying an area of ​​17.5 thousand km 2 with a population of 2.5 million people, which is up to late XIX V. maintained independence. Here, too, the overwhelming majority of nationalist parties demand greater autonomy from the government, and if they achieve complete independence, then through parliamentary struggle. But extreme nationalists and separatists insist on the formation of their own state called Euskadi (euskal is the self-name of the Basques), and not only as part of the northern provinces of Spain, but also in the border territory of France, the separation of which occurred in the early Middle Ages (Fig. 7). The main armed force of the extreme Basque separatists is an organization called ETA (Euskadi ta askata-suna, which means “Euskadi and Freedom”), which arose during the reign of Franco and is the paramilitary wing of one of the most radical nationalist parties in the Basque Country. ETA announced many times the cessation of the terrorist struggle - and each time it found a reason to resume it. Despite the fact that there is currently some political calm in the Basque Country, it still remains one of the main “hot spots” in foreign Europe.

FRANCE also belongs to the group of countries with a significant proportion of national minorities.

Rice. 7. Basque Country

The French make up 86% of its population, while the rest comes from other ethnic groups. They differ from the native French in cultural and linguistic terms and are settled in the outlying regions of the country. These are Alsatians in the east, speaking one of the High German dialects, Bretons in the northwest, whose language belongs to the Celtic group and is related to the languages ​​of the Welsh and Irish, Corsicans on the island. Corsica speaking dialects Italian language, Flemish people in the far north of the country who use Flemish, a language closely related to Dutch. In addition, these are the Basques and Catalans living in the Pyrenees. All these peoples are actually bilingual. While maintaining knowledge of their native language, they widely use French, which is usually used for training, business and cultural communication. In France, as in many other countries, the national self-awareness of ethnic minorities, who are fighting to preserve their traditional culture, has recently intensified. The separatist movement is strongest in Corsica, which the French parliament decided to grant limited autonomy in 2001.

Among other countries in this group, we can mention Romania, where the restoration of autonomy has long been sought by the Hungarians, who live compactly in Transylvania, and Croatia, where significant contradictions separate Croats and Serbs. The Baltic countries stand somewhat apart, where the most pressing problem is the preservation of political and other rights of the Russian-speaking population.

The most striking example bilingual country in foreign Europe, BELGIUM can serve, where interethnic relations have become a complex problem almost since the formation of this independent state in 1830. state emblem Belgium has a motto: “There is strength in unity.” But such unity has not been achieved for many decades. The fact is that Belgium is a binational and bilingual country, inhabited mainly by Flemings and Walloons; in addition, a small part of the population in the east of the country speaks German (Fig. 8). The Flemings live in the north of the country, in Flanders. Their language is very close to that spoken in the neighboring Netherlands. The Walloons live in the southern half of the country, in Walloon, and their native language is French. But in Belgium for a long time There were linguistic inequalities that reflected differences in the socio-economic development of its two parts.

During the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Wallonia was the economic core of the country. Here coal was mined, metal was smelted, trade and crafts flourished, the bourgeoisie grew rich and multiplied, and the aristocracy and bureaucracy concentrated. Not only state, but also literary language was considered Walloon, in which such works were created worldwide famous writers and poets like Charles de Coster, Maurice Maeterlinck, Emile Verhaerne. Flanders served as an agricultural appendage to the rapidly developing industrial south. Its population was subjected to cultural and national discrimination. Suffice it to say that Flemish was recognized as a second language state language only in 1898

But after World War II, both parts of the country seemed to change roles. In Wallonia, where mainly coal, metallurgical and other old industries were represented, an economic decline began, affecting Liege and other big cities. At the same time, Flanders' potential has grown significantly, mainly through the development of new and innovative industries. The importance of Antwerp, Ghent and other cities also increased. It can be added that, thanks to the higher birth rate, Flanders increased its superiority over Wallonia in the country's population. Now 58% of all residents live in it, while in Wallonia - 33%; the rest is mainly in the Brussels metropolitan area, which is part of the province of Brabant. All this again sharply aggravated the contradictions between the Walloons and the Flemings.

To overcome the crisis, it was decided to implement transition to a federal government system, which was carried out in several stages and ended in early 1993, when the Belgian parliament approved the constitutional reform. From now on, the central (federal) government retains powers in the field of foreign relations, defense, security, financial and monetary policy, while all economic issues scientific research, security environment, education, culture, health, sports and tourism came under the jurisdiction of Flanders and Wallonia. At the same time, Flemish became the official language in Flanders, and French in Wallonia. As for trade, services, transport, etc., there is no regulation here, and you can use both languages.

A special status has been introduced for the Brussels region, where 80% of the population speaks French and 20% speaks Flemish. In order not to infringe on the rights of the Flemish minority, bilingualism is guaranteed in all institutions. Street names, road signs, and signs are made in two languages. They are also used in trade and consumer services. In addition, in the east of the country there is a small area with a German-speaking population, which also enjoys equal rights with the Flemings and Francophones (as French speakers are called here).

Rice. 8. Ethnolinguistic boundaries in Belgium

With the creation of a two-part federation in Belgium instead of the previous unitary state, a basis arose for the normalization of relations between the Flemings and Francophones. But this did not solve all the problems of this long-standing ethnic conflict. Its bottlenecks continue to include the Flemish position regarding Brussels and the Francophone position regarding the area around Brussels (the so-called borderland) and the linguistic border between the two parts of the federation. Some Flemish politicians still insist on self-determination or at least a transition from federation to confederation. In 2008, this conflict again escalated so much that it threatened to divide Belgium into three parts.

Multinational countries in foreign Europe, as already noted, there are not so many, and the severity of interethnic conflicts in them is not the same.

A good example of a country that has managed to resolve its national problems without conflict is SWITZERLAND. There are four indigenous peoples in this country: the German-Swiss (65% of the total population), the Franco-Swiss (18%), the Italo-Swiss (10%) and the Romansh (about 1%), living in compact groups in historically established national areas (Fig. . 9). The German-Swiss speak one of the High German dialects, the Franco-Swiss speak the dialect of the adjacent regions of France, and the Italo-Swiss speak the northern dialects of Italian. The Romansh people are descendants of Roman legionnaires who settled in the area of ​​the canton of Grisons at the beginning of our era and speak Romansh languages.

Rice. 9. Ethnolinguistic boundaries in Switzerland

All four languages ​​in the Swiss Confederation are recognized as state languages. They carry out state legislation and office work common to all of Switzerland. Along with this, in each of the four ethnic areas of the country, German-Swiss, French-Swiss, Italian-Swiss and Romansh languages ​​and dialects are adopted as official and spoken languages, respectively. They are also used in the press, television and radio broadcasting, and school teaching. In addition, bilingualism and even trilingualism have developed in the country. In such conditions, any acute ethnic conflicts are not typical for Switzerland. Although in this country there was a movement for autonomy for the French-speaking part of the canton of Bern (with a population of about 60 thousand people), which ended in 1979 after 19 referendums (!) with the creation of the new canton of Jura.

A completely different example is provided by the multinational countries that emerged on the site of the former SFRY.

The concept of a multinational state

Definition 1

A multinational state is a state that includes various nationalities and nations that have historically formed on its territory.

A multinational state must be distinguished from a multiethnic state, which is characterized by the presence of many ethnic groups within the borders of one nation. For example, the United States does not seem to be a multinational state, because it has formed a single American nation, consisting of many ethnic groups.

Multinational states emerged in different ways. In one of the cases this happened where the unification of peoples in single state happened before their national self-awareness began to form, and the movement of nations for political independence had not yet arisen.

This often happened through conquest. This happened, for example, in Eastern Europe and many Asian regions. In Africa, multinational states were formed most often in the process of colonial expansion. Among the typical multinational states it is necessary to include Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Russia, Vietnam, Iran, China and many others, in other words, over half of the planet's population lives in multinational states.

Existing multinational states can be divided into two types:

  • states dominated by one nation;
  • states in which no nation dominates the others.

Note 1

Most multinational states are classified as those where the dominance of one nation is manifested. Usually they are the most durable, stable in interethnic relations, there are practically no inter-ethnic clashes.

According to the forms of territorial government structure Multinational states are either federal or unitary. Traditionally, in a multinational state, multinationality is taken into account in the structure of organs state power, in ethno-linguistic politics, in social and cultural life, etc.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state

The Russian Federation appears to be a multinational state inhabited by over 140 peoples. The most numerous nation is the Russian, its number is approximately eighty percent of the total population of the state.

Characteristic of multinational Russia is the dispersed settlement of ethnic groups, especially in the republics of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the vast majority of regions are characterized by the predominance of the Russian population.

Multinationality is not a defining feature that characterizes the type of state or its social nature. But along with political, economic, and spiritual characteristics, the sign of multinationality leaves a certain imprint on the historical fate of the state and its functioning. Traditionally, multinationality seems to be an additional factor that complicates life within a multinational state.

Note 2

With the right national policy a democratic multinational state can ensure normal mutual relations between peoples, and multinationality itself does not violate the stability and sustainability of the state.

Features of multinational states

A multinational state includes more than one ethnic group, in contrast to ethnically homogeneous societies. In fact, almost all modern national communities appear to be multinational.

David Wilsch at work " Domestic policy and Ethnic Conflicts,” published in 1993 by Princeton University, noted that fewer than twenty of one hundred and eighty independent states can be called ethnically and nationally homogeneous, but they can be called such only if their national minorities make up less than five percent of the total population size.

In the Russian Federation, according to the educational standard for secondary or complete general education (profile level of the subject “geography”), the term “multinational” means those states within whose borders several groups of ethnic groups live simultaneously, and all multinational states are divided into states:

  • with a pronounced, sharp predominance of any one nation in the presence of more or less significant national minorities, we're talking about about France, Great Britain, Spain, China, Mongolia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, USA, Australia;
  • binational, we are talking about Belgium, Canada;
  • with a very complex but ethnically homogeneous composition of nationalities, we are talking about Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Laos;
  • with a diverse and ethnically complex national composition, we are talking about India, Switzerland, Indonesia, Russia.

The advantages of multinational states are traditionally considered to be the flourishing of ethnic and cultural phenomena, the friendship of peoples, the ability of nations to carry out large-scale projects and survive together in difficult conditions.

The disadvantages are not tolerance, when some nations are intolerant of other nations.