When opening a particular business, the main issue becomes the profitability of this event. This criterion is key when choosing your field of activity. Of course, no one can predict future profits with 100% accuracy, but it is quite possible to paint the overall picture.

A person who decides to open a car wash, regardless of the reason that prompted him to do so (a dream, a desire to organize his own business, an intention to invest money wisely, or simply a lucky coincidence), is acting, at least, far-sightedly. After all, a car wash is not just a stable and sustainable enterprise, but also a very profitable business that anyone can do, regardless of their existing business experience. However, the car wash business, like any other, has not only advantages, but also some, albeit minor, disadvantages.

Is a car wash really a guaranteed demand?

The question posed in the subtitle is absolutely not far-fetched. Anyone who has seen the queues in front of car washes cannot help but respond positively. However, some entrepreneurs, especially beginners, trying to have some illusory right to a monopoly, are trying to invent new idea, which would allow them to avoid competition. However, a monopolist and a successful businessman are not always related concepts. A seller of, for example, square balls is, by definition, a monopolist, but one cannot expect him to have a large clientele.

The most promising strategy for a developing business is to focus sales on products that are in high demand. And this is quite logical, since reinventing the wheel is not only futile, but also expensive.

There is no need to be afraid of competition, because it is a kind of engine of entrepreneurship. Therefore, while the number of vehicles in the Russian Federation is steadily growing, car washes are a business that guarantees profit.

Investment attractiveness and liquidity of the car wash business

These most important qualities of business in general, and the car wash business in particular, are especially evident in the context of an approaching economic crisis. Therefore, at present, finances invested in real production are considered the most reliable investments. This means that the liquidity of this business will remain quite high regardless of further developments. In other words, money invested in your own profitable business will not be lost even in a financial crisis.

These findings are confirmed by statistical data on the popularity of sales of a particular business. Car washes confidently occupy third place in the sales ranking after beauty salons and the Internet. Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the newly built own car wash is exclusively liquid business, and, well, it, built on its own land plot, is doubly liquid.

Transparency and ease of management

The simplicity of managing a washing business is due to several basic provisions, which are expressed in the absence of not only complex technical processes and acute dependence on suppliers, but also a shortage of suitable personnel. Opening your own car wash does not require the entrepreneur to have special technical knowledge or skills, which makes it accessible to the vast majority of our compatriots.

High level of profitability

Monitoring the profitability of car washes, carried out by specialists, shows that the minimum profitability of this business rarely falls below the 30% level.

As a rule, an entrepreneur who opens his own car wash, based on a well-written business plan, including not only a development strategy and analysis of the existing market, but also marketing, can expect a profitability of about 50%.

The main financial costs of a car wash owner are in most cases small and consist of the following items:

    staff salaries;

    communal payments;

  • rent (in some cases).

    So, undoubtedly, the profitability of a car wash promises to be high, but subject to certain rules of this business. This is an off-season business, in demand every day and even around the clock. In this regard, to the question of whether it is profitable to open a car wash, all car enthusiasts will answer in the affirmative. The owner of a car wash is not threatened with downtime and lack of customers if the work is properly organized.

    A well-chosen placement is 50% of success. Knowledgeable people looking for a place closer to a gas station or service station, near busy highways or shopping centers. And this is the right move - after refueling the car, it’s convenient to immediately send it to the wash without traveling tens of kilometers. Or leave the car for half an hour and go shopping yourself.

    The equipment and type of car wash are important. After all, it is known that the more you invest, the more chances you have to get a return. Car washes range from simple ones, using self made, to fully automated, so-called contactless. According to surveys conducted by the editors of the site, a modern car owner, especially the owner of a good and expensive car, does not want to save on car care and is willing to pay, but pay for quality services that guarantee an impeccable appearance and no scratches on the expensive surface.

    This rule applies to the choice of detergents and other car care products. Car cosmetics is a whole science. Again, any car owner wants his car to be treated with proven and certified products, and not with washing powder.

    Having received one satisfied customer, the owner of a car wash can be sure that he will receive a dozen more people into the ranks of his regular customers. A good reputation is earned by working conscientiously, and not by advertising and low prices. This seemingly simple business requires serious organization and responsible work.

  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention standard business plan(feasibility study) for opening a car wash. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment.

An example of a business plan for opening a small car wash with two stations. It can be used both for personal justification of the feasibility of investing in a business, and for attracting financial resources from a private investor.

Project Description

The goal of the project is to organize a car wash in the city of N. The project involves the provision of vehicle washing services, incl. cleaning the body, wheels, bottom, polishing the body, as well as cleaning and dry cleaning of the interior.

How much money do you need to open a car wash?

To implement the project, it is planned to attract investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. Their own funds will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and 1.8 million rubles - credit funds. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 989,406 rubles;
  • Return on sales = 38.5%;
  • Project payback = 25 months.

Starting cost estimate:

Which taxation system to choose for opening a car wash?

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship. The initiator of the project is I.I. Ivanov.

The tax regime will be a simplified taxation system, 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the Federal Tax Service;
  2. A municipal lease agreement has been concluded land plot to accommodate a single-post mobile car wash with an area of ​​80 m2. Rental price - 10,000 rubles per month;
  3. A preliminary search was carried out for a company supplying turnkey modular (mobile) car washes.

The organization will consist of 5 people: an administrator and four car wash workers.

Description of products and services

Let's consider the main services that our organization will provide:

1. Car body wash. It includes washing the body and rims. Will be provided by two washers within 10 minutes. average cost services - 250 rubles;

2. Car interior cleaning. This service will include wiping glass, cleaning fabric and leather interior surfaces, removing dust and debris (vacuum cleaner). The average cost of the service is 300 rubles;

3. Chemical cleaning of the interior. This service includes cleaning of seats, floors, ceilings, doors, seat belts, and plastics. The average cost of the service is 1000 rubles;

4. Polishing services. This includes treating the body with liquid wax, polishing the body with polish, polishing the front panel and plastic, etc. The average cost of the service is 400 rubles;

5. Additional services. These are services such as cleaning wheels, blackening wheels, processing locks, removing traces of insects, etc. The average bill for these services is 100 rubles.

It is planned to establish operating hours from 10:00 to 20:00.

The share of each service in the total volume of services provided is presented in the form of a diagram:

Download car wash business plan

Step-by-step plan for opening a car wash

In our country, the number of car owners is growing from year to year, and the demand for car wash services is growing accordingly. The number of middle class people who are the main customers of car washes is also growing. These are mainly middle managers and entrepreneurs.

Our car wash will be located in close proximity to a gas station with a large flow of cars. This is a very good location, so the organization does not need additional advertising. The population of the area where our car wash will be located is about 30 thousand people.

The closest competitors are kept at a respectful distance. There is no such object within a radius of 500 meters.

The presence of two boxes for washing cars will allow you to avoid a long queue and, accordingly, eliminate the possibility of the client leaving for the nearest competitor. Let's move on to calculating the organization's expected revenue.

It is expected that the average throughput of the car wash will be about 30 cars per day. That is, 15 cars for each washing bay. With an average check of 350 rubles, daily revenue will be about 10,500 rubles, per month - 315,000 rubles.

However, take into account seasonality in the car wash business. The peak of revenue occurs in spring and autumn, and the decline begins in summer and winter:

Monthly revenue by period will be:

  • Spring period - 504 thousand rubles (+60%);
  • Summer period - 157.5 thousand rubles (-50%);
  • Autumn period - 472.5 thousand rubles (+50%);
  • Winter period - 126 thousand rubles (-60%).

Based on the above data, the organization’s annual turnover will be 3,777,000 rubles.

Production plan

A mobile two-post car wash has a number of advantages over conventional permanent structures:

  1. Low start-up investments to start a business;
  2. The design of the car wash allows installation of the premises in the shortest possible time;
  3. A mobile car wash is a completely independent module that does not require construction or installation work;
  4. If the location is unsuccessful, the car wash may be moved to another location. The design of the mobile car wash allows you to change its location about 30 times.

The object package includes:

  • Power frame;
  • Insulated outer contour, which provides thermal insulation of the room from +30 to -30 degrees;
  • The internal and external cladding consists of sandwich panels with a polymer coating;
  • The car wash is equipped with a three-stage water recycling system with a coagulation chamber;
  • Tank with a capacity of 80 liters for diesel fuel;
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • Fully autonomous air heating system using diesel fuel;
  • Waterproof electrical wiring;
  • High pressure pump for washing cars, manufacturer - Germany;
  • Vacuum cleaner for dry interior cleaning;
  • Compressor for blowing locks and other equipment.


Planned staffing table organizations includes:

Annual wage costs will amount to 1,312 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

The fixed costs of our organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses per month will be 214,220 rubles.

The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of the organization will be the costs of payment wages employees - 51% of total expenses, as well as for the payment of insurance contributions for employees - 42% of the total costs of the car wash.

The calculation of economic indicators is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the organization:

How much can you earn at a car wash?

The net profit of the car wash at the end of the year will be 989,406 rubles. The profitability of a car wash is 38.5%. With these business plan indicators, the car wash project will pay for itself in 25 months.

We recommend download car wash business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which equipment to choose

Equipment for a car wash will need the following:

  • washing chamber;
  • overpass;
  • ventilation, water purification and lighting systems;
  • power supply and heat supply systems;
  • washing equipment;

equipment for supplying water and waste liquids. Usually all equipment is already included in the complex, but if you want to provide Additional services, you will need to purchase the equipment necessary for these types of services.

What documents are needed to open a car wash?

First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in tax authorities If you plan to provide services only to private individuals, you can choose individual entrepreneurs. If you are going to serve enterprises, it is better to register an LLC.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a car wash?

You also need to select an OKVED code for business registration. For a car wash, you can use the OKVED code 45.20.3 - “Washing vehicles...”. In this case, this is the most suitable OKVED, and you can stop there.

Do you need a permit to open a car wash?

Will also be needed permits from the architectural chamber, SES, Gospozhnadzor, environmental service, as well as a copy of the project certified by the BTI. Documents must be submitted to the local administration, which, after checking them, will allow construction.

Or are you starting from scratch? Choose a convenient time for this - “off season”. Why? Start during the off-season to get a feel for the car wash business. Otherwise, your profit will disappear from you during the peak.

You will learn about what is considered off-season and peak from this article. The material is devoted to the seasonality of car washes: read about the features of their work in autumn, winter, spring and summer. With the help of this article, you will understand in which months the car wash business is especially profitable.

When is car wash season?

The car wash business is highly seasonal. Profitable seasons for a car wash owner are spring and autumn.

Spring period at car washes

Spring is favorable for car washes - this is a 100% season. The snow has melted, the rains have stopped, the asphalt has dried. Car owners wash their cars of garage dust and rain stains and put them in order for the summer.

During this period, there is a rush at the car washes: those who want to “wash themselves” line up. The peak of demand occurs in April, after which demand gradually decreases - the profitable season subsides until September-October.

Autumn seasonality of car washes

In the fall, with the onset of rain, motorists visit car washes with enviable regularity. Even if the weather is sunny, the number of customers does not decrease. This season usually lasts from October to November.

Snowfall as a reason for the decline in car washes

In winter, the demand for car wash services decreases sharply. There is snow porridge on the roads, and there is constant precipitation outside the window. Car owners are in no hurry to throw money away, since in such conditions washing the car loses its meaning.

Here's what else is interesting. Last winter, Russian utilities for the first time abandoned reagents. How did the refusal of chemicals affect the popularity of car washes?

Demand for their services in winter time was already short. After giving up salt and other caustic substances, this figure became even lower! The only hope for car washers in winter is dry weather and light frost, which rarely happens in the European part of Russia. The situation is somehow corrected before New Year's Eve - for about a week the season for car washes begins again.

Car wash in summer: drought for profit

Summer is an unfavorable season. Problems with car wash operations in the summer are due to the fact that cars simply have nowhere to get dirty. The situation is saved by periods of rain - between them, the business makes a profit, but there is no need to talk about its stability.

Car wash season and non-season - results

  • From October to November - high demand and high income
  • Spring - also good time to make money at a car wash
  • Summer and winter - these months are great to start a business, but don’t expect high profits

Every vehicle owner uses a car wash service sooner or later. There is not much to say about the demand for this kind of service. After all, the number of cars is increasing every day, which leads to an increase in demand for vehicle washing services and, accordingly, gives impetus to the creation own business to create a car wash.

It’s a simple matter, you don’t need big investments, and you don’t even need skills. At the same time, the demand for services is always consistently high. All that remains is to figure out how much profit a private car wash can bring?

To do this, it is worth considering separately each stage of creating a car wash.

First of all, it will come down to financial red tape. It is necessary to open a private entrepreneurial activity, register your business. Next, a premises with established requirements for it is selected, equipment is purchased, personnel are hired, and marketing activities are carried out. And now sequentially.

A place to work.

When choosing a place to work, you need to choose a room where a large flow of cars will constantly pass. It is important to maintain a middle ground and not rent premises too close to residential buildings, but you shouldn’t move too far from this area. Otherwise, there will be no point in people traveling so far to your car wash.

Most novice entrepreneurs start washing cars manually and only then invest in expensive devices. It is important to rent such premises so that you can serve several clients at once. Even more significant selection criteria will be the presence of a sewer line and water supply. In addition, it will be necessary to provide a water purification system. In any case, expect guests on this issue. The average work area will be 150 square meters. Renting such a prepared area will cost about $600.

Required devices.

1. Device with high blood pressure water, Karcher (this device is used to manually wash a car) - from $600;
2. Vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function (you need to take it with high power) - from $400;
3. Water heating device - $400 and above;
4. Dust pump - $250.
This set of devices will be necessary to get started. The total cost of the selected equipment may vary greatly depending on the selected device functionality, power and country of manufacture.

In total you need to prepare about 1.5-2 thousand $.

Consumable devices.

To maintain cars, you need to buy high-quality automotive chemicals. These will be various powders, gels, detergents, polishes and so on. It’s better to become one at once famous brand. You should not save, otherwise the stingy may simply pay twice. Brushes, washcloths, gloves, a change of clothes and shoes for workers, rags, and so on are also needed. In total, it costs at least $1 thousand to prepare.

Car wash staff.

You should choose your staff strictly. There is no need to treat this issue negligently. Since the company's profit will depend on the issue of customer service. Mostly men are needed. 2-3 people will be enough to serve customers. We also need an administrator who will conduct dialogues and serve visitors. It will be important to constantly check on your workers, at least at first, to ensure that they behave politely with customers. It costs about $1.5-1.7 thousand to prepare workers' salaries.

It is worth doing advertising on an ongoing basis. To do this, you need to put a sign near the road and make a noticeable sign. You can also hand out business cards to motorists at traffic lights or place them directly on the vehicle. It is also worth agreeing with various service stations about mutual advertising. That is, they will have your advertisement, and you will recommend their services to visitors. In total, about $200 is needed for advertising activities, mainly for printed materials.

Expenditure part.

The list of main expenses will include:
1. Rent of working space - $600;
2. Purchase of a set of devices - $1.5-1.8 thousand;
3. Consumables- 1 thousand $;
4. Employees - $1.5-1.7 thousand;
5. Advertising - $200.

Even if minimum investment You will need to create a budget of $10 thousand.

What's the profit?

And now we come to the main question: how much profit can a private car wash bring? First of all, it is worth noting the range of services that a private car wash can provide: engine cleaning, body polishing, body washing. It is worth adding that mainly this kind of service will be used in the morning and after five in the evening.

On average, a monthly private car wash raises up to $6 thousand, depending on the location chosen. Thus, the initial expenses will pay off in six months.

Additional features and clients.

All business owners are clients automotive devices, and it is worth considering both private individuals and corporate clients. You can develop your business by offering car interior washing services, possibly tire fitting, or carrying out minor repairs. The main thing is to test the demand for this kind of service before you start.

Do you have a Business Idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability Online!

Profitability is one of the main criteria for business success. This is an assessment of what income from a car wash (annual, daily, monthly) with a basic or advanced list of services determines the greatest efficiency. Taking into account financial capabilities and specific goals, you should choose the type of washing: manual, self-service, portal or tunnel, with best indicator profitability.

Factors influencing car wash income

Income is one of the most important economic factors, on the basis of which the others are calculated - profitability, payback period of investments. Under some taxation schemes, it is profitability that is the base value when determining the amount of deductions.
Income refers to all the money received from an activity. Subtracting constants and variable expenses gives an idea of ​​net profit and, as a result, the interest of the business.
The income of a car wash is a value that depends on large number factors. The basic ones are:

  • good location - close to potential clients;
  • productivity and equipment;
  • the cost of one operation.
  • In order to correctly compare which type of car wash has more income, it is worth taking comparable “inputs”:
  • calculation is carried out for one post;
  • there is a good flow of cars (minimum downtime);
  • equal working hours;
  • A standard passenger car can be washed;
  • cleaning is performed as a basic service (without complex special operations “added” to the cost, for example, cleaning the engine, interior, etc.).

Self-service car washes

Self-service car washes, as the name suggests, give the motorist the right to wash the car themselves, but in professional conditions - using high-quality washing equipment. “Refusal of personnel” allows you to reduce the price tag to favorable, in comparison with other types of car washes, values ​​of 100-150 rubles.
The second advantage is a very high speed of service. Taking into account the necessary technological breaks (and low seasonality), on average, one post can pass up to 60 cars per day or bring 6,000-9,000 rubles to the cash desk. This is 180-270 thousand per month or 2.19-3.28 million rubles per year.
At the same time, the total costs are about 25-30%, which gives a net profit of 1.6 - 2.5 million rubles from one post.

In order to determine the income of a particular car wash, it is worth using a special calculator, into which you enter not average, but real (obtained in practice) data on cost, throughput and the number of washing stations.

Profitability calculator

For example: 6

For example: 40

For example: 100

Automatic car wash

All automatic car washes are divided into two types: portal and tunnel. In the first case, the washing equipment moves along the car, in the second, cleaning operations are performed exactly the opposite: when the vehicle moves along a special conveyor along the brushes and other devices.
Price tags existing today start at approximately the same level of 300-350 rubles, but the throughput differs significantly.
In terms of design features, tunnel car washes are considered the “fastest”, which can simultaneously (in a stream) serve several cars. On the Internet you can find “fantastic” information about the line’s productivity of 50 cars per hour. In reality, such indicators can only be achieved under ideal conditions. Practice demonstrates a more modest value of 7-8 cars or, with a sixteen-hour work schedule, 110-130 cars per day. Accordingly, the average income will be 300 * 120 = 36,000 rubles. From the annual level of 13 million rubles. you need to deduct about 35-40% for expenses (including due to the maintenance of technically complex equipment). Net profit is about 9-10 million rubles.
The speed of portal car washes is about 2.5 cars per hour or 40 cars in 16 hours. Daily and annual income, respectively, are 12 thousand and 4.3 million rubles. Net profit (less 30-35%) is about 3 million.

Manual car wash

Manual car washes get their name from the use of staff who, using touchless washing equipment (initial operations) and manual products (final cleaning), carry out very thorough cleaning even in the most difficult to reach areas. The overall quality of a car wash largely depends on the experience and qualifications of the staff.
The time it takes to service one car is very long here. In difficult conditions, even the “average mark” of two cars per hour is not always achievable. Productivity is also affected by shift length and work schedule (staff fatigue). Thus, the real figure for 16 hours is 25-30 cars.
With a price tag of 250 rubles. daily income - 5750-7500 rubles. Unlike other types of sinks, with this cleaning method, labor costs are very significant and are included in a separate item, amounting to 30-40% of profitability. Thus, the income conditionally comparable with other types is reduced to 4000-5000 rubles. Of the annual amount of 1.8 million rubles. To calculate profit, you need to subtract a quarter for operating expenses.

Summing up

A comparative analysis of how much income a car wash of one type or another brings, to a first approximation, tunnel washes are the leaders (based on one post) - due to the high speed of service. However, here you need to remember that you have taken enough ideal conditions. The breakdown of complex and expensive equipment can reduce profitability by significant tens of percent and lead to long-term downtime. In addition, tunnel and portal car washes have a not very good reputation (sometimes real, sometimes far-fetched) as not being very careful with paintwork and body elements. Therefore, there is a possibility that if there are close competitors, motorists will choose a “more gentle” type of wash.
Tunnel car washes and MSOs are comparable in terms of profitability. However, the latter are devoid of the above disadvantages, have the most attractive price tag and, as experience shows, European countries, have a more promising future.
Hand washes are the most common today. Clients (with a good reputation) choose them because of the very high quality of cleaning. However, the profitability of one “point” is the lowest.