Vasilisa Volodina - Russian astrologer and TV presenter. Together with her husband, Volodina runs her own business, based on private astrological consultations and fortune telling. At the same time, the astrologer is the host of the TV show “Let's Get Married!” on Channel One. On the show, the TV presenter helps the program's heroes choose their soulmate according to the rules of the science of stars. Fans know Volodina as an intelligent, kind and sympathetic woman who successfully combines her career with family life.

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Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in 1974 in Moscow. Maiden name astrologer - Naumov. At birth, the girl was also given a different name. It is not known for certain, but it is believed that the parents named their daughter Elizaveta or Oksana. Later, the TV presenter took a stage name for herself because she believes that her real name is not entirely successful from a psychological point of view.

The girl's father is a military man, so the child grew up in strictness. The girl is still in early childhood Accustomed to order and accuracy.

IN junior school the future star already helped her mother do housework, and then began attending music school and various hobby groups. The girl was taught to do many things in a short time. The astrologer successfully uses this skill to this day.

In the 80s, Soviet news reported a lot about UFOs and other strange phenomena. Little Vasilisa listened carefully to such programs. She also loved to go out onto the balcony of their apartment and look at the starry sky through her father’s binoculars. It was then that the girl became interested in astrology.

The child never managed to see a UFO, but she learned to determine the location of stars and constellations. After reading several astrological books, the girl was surprised to learn that the stars determine our future.

At the age of 14, Vasilisa Volodina began to become interested in palmistry. After studying the lines on her own palm, she realized that over time she would become famous. After graduating from school, the girl became a student at the Faculty of Economics. At the same time, she understood that economics was not her calling, so at the same time she studied at the Academy of Astrology.

At the age of 20, the future star was already giving private astrological consultations. After graduating from the academy, she began consulting businessmen, predicting the fate of their companies by the stars. At the height of the 90s, it was not easy to start a business, so the young astrologer had many clients.

In the early 2000s, Vasilisa Volodina’s astrological activities reached a professional level. The forecasts and horoscopes that she had made earlier almost always came true, and the girl gradually began to gain popularity. Many representatives of the Moscow elite began to turn to her.

In 2006, another important milestone appeared in the astrologer’s biography - a career on television. The girl was invited to host a TV show on the “Capital” channel. And two years later, Channel One launched the show “Let’s Get Married!”, and Vasilisa was offered to be a co-host.

The astrologer draws up a star map of all the characters in the show and makes predictions about what pairs of participants are capable of creating happy family from an astrological point of view.

It was this TV show that gave the TV presenter all-Russian fame. Now many ordinary people turn to an astrologer to predict their personal happiness. Volodina’s appointment schedule is scheduled several months in advance.

Vasilisa Volodina also published several astrological publications and articles. One of her most famous works is “Astrology of Seduction,” released in 2012. In this book, the TV presenter talks about how to attract and keep a man using the science of stars.

Personal life

In the personal life of an astrologer, everything is extremely simple and beautiful. And, as one might expect, there were some stellar coincidences here.

Once upon a time, in the 1990s, an acquaintance came to the girl and asked to draw up a horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. The astrologer fulfilled the order, noting to herself that Sergei’s horoscope had rare compatibility with her own. However, then Vasilisa did not attach much importance to this.

A few years later, the astrologer met that same Sergei at one of her friends’ parties. Sympathy immediately arose between the young people. Very soon they introduced each other to their parents and began to live together. In 2001, after three years of living together, the Volodins had a daughter, Vika. After the birth of the child, the young parents formalized their relationship, but did not organize a magnificent celebration.

Sergey at that time worked in logistics. Gradually, Vasilisa Volodina’s business became much more promising than his own career. Volodin decided to leave his job and became the director of his wife.

The couple dreamed of having a second child, but it was important for the astrologer to consult the stars. She calculated that the second baby should be born only when she was 40 years old. So, in January 2015, Volodina and her husband became the parents of little Vyacheslav.

Just three months after giving birth, the astrologer returned to the “Let’s Get Married!” program again. On latest dates During her pregnancy, she was replaced by actress Lydia Arefieva, and after the birth of her son Volodin, she began appearing on every second episode of the program. The rest of the time, Tamara Globa was in the astrologer’s chair. At one of the shows, Volodina even brought her newborn son into the studio, which caused incredible affection from the entire audience and her co-hosts.

More than 16 years have passed since Vasilisa Volodina met her husband. During all this time, not a single major quarrel occurred between the spouses, and the TV presenter herself never doubted that right choice, having married Sergei.

In today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with a fairly popular TV presenter, astrologer and psychologist. We will talk about Vasilisa Volodina. It is worth noting that Vasilisa’s name is not her real name, but only a pseudonym. According to the astrologer herself, this name suits her best because of her horoscope. There are many rumors around her name and from various sources you can absolutely hear different names. But more reliable sources claim that her real name is Oksana.

The maiden name of this wonderful woman is Naumova, and she took the surname Volodin when she got married. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and cover all aspects in order. life path Vasilisa Volodina.

Our today's heroine is quite a famous person and, of course, she has her own audience of fans. Due to its incredible appearance her fans certainly want to know the answers to questions such as height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina is also a popular question in certain circles.

So, the astropsychologist’s height is 170 centimeters, with a weight of 56 kilograms. Vasilisa Volodina, at 44 years old, has just such excellent physical characteristics. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain without much effort. Although it is very difficult to judge objectively, because even at her current age, it is difficult to say anything about the changes in her appearance, she still looks simply dazzling.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

On the sixteenth day of the spring month of April, in 1974, our heroine was born. This happened in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, and it was then that the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began. The girl’s father was a military man, but media workers do not have more information regarding her parents.

Along with school education, Vasilisa simultaneously received a musical education. At school and beyond, she was a very exemplary child, and from the age of seven she began helping her mother with housework. The parents, in turn, tried to instill in the girl high moral principles, as well as set a strict pace of life.

While studying at school, the future celebrity first learned about all kinds of paranormal activity UFO. This became the defining moment in her life. And in the evenings, she peered at the stars through her father’s military binoculars, but never discovered a single unidentified flying object. However, she began to navigate the starry sky very well and decided to read several astrological books. A few years later, a book on palmistry fell into her hands, thanks to which she read on her palm that glory awaited her.

Having completed her schooling with honors, Vasilisa decides to enter the Academy of Management to become a cybernetics economist. The girl studied at the university with maximum diligence, but did not receive satisfaction from the path she had traveled. The desired came at the moment when Vasilisa was undergoing parallel training at the capital’s Academy of Astrology.

At the age of twenty, Volodina began giving the first astrological consultations in her life, and after that she began to give forecasts that were directly related to business.

Fame began to come to Vasilisa at the beginning of the 2000s. Her forecasts gave a high percentage of accuracy, and of course the entire metropolitan elite turned their attention to Volodina. And with the advent of 2006, she was invited to television as the host of the program “ Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina." This went on for two years, and the next offer came from the first all-Russian television channel. Vasilisa was invited to the “Let's Get Married” program as an expert astrologer.

Thanks to this television program, the astropsychologist became a well-known personality whom almost everyone knew. Then Vasilisa had an audience of fans. After several years of working on television, Volodina went to maternity leave. The triumphant return took place shortly after the birth of the child, and only at the numerous requests of television viewers and fans.

In addition to her activities as an astrologer and TV presenter, Vasilisa Volodina has established herself as a writer. She became the author of a book called "The Astrology of Seduction." In this book, Volodina gives advice to women on how to please opposite sex, as well as what exactly men desire.

After this, in 2015, the astropsychologist published a whole series of books regarding love astrological forecasts for each sign of the Zodiac calendar. The information that Vasilisa shared was presented in the best way and related to that very year 2015.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal life is not replete with heated intrigues and whirlwind romances, as is the case with most celebrities. However, even taking this fact into account, her personal life remains quite interesting and entertaining. And it all started in the nineties of the last century.

Vasilisa was asked to make an astrological forecast for one person. This man was hers future husband named Sergei. While making this very forecast, she saw that their compatibility was one hundred percent and was extremely surprised. Some time passed, Vasilisa had already forgotten about it, but fate decided to bring them together. After their acquaintance there were very strong feelings, thanks to which they are together to this day, very happy and raising two beautiful children.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

As noted earlier, the family in which the astropsychologist grew up had rather strict morals and strict discipline. From the very early years she was accustomed to work and order, for which it is worth thanking military service her father.

Vasilisa Volodina’s own family started in 2001, when she and her common-law husband decided to get married. Another decision for the couple was to abandon lavish wedding celebrations. They were prompted to get married by the news that the couple would soon become parents. This is how Vasilisa’s own family was created.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina's children are happy interesting topic. It’s worth noting right away that the woman herself was ready for their appearance, having calculated in advance when they would be born. The first child of the famous astropsychologist was born in 2001, and the second, Vyacheslav, fourteen years later.

For the public, the news about Vasilisa’s second pregnancy came as a real surprise, because by that time she had reached her fourth decade own life. However, the astrologer herself was not at all afraid of her pregnancy and was confident that everything would be fine. This is, in fact, what happened, because she made an astrological forecast in advance, which was focused on the health of the unborn child.

Son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

Vasilisa Volodina’s son, Vyacheslav, became the second child in the family. On this moment he is three years old. The married couple was preparing for his arrival in the family, they planned his birth into this world. By the way, Vasilisa’s husband, Sergei, expressed a desire to be present at the birth. And on the part of Victoria, the first child, there was no jealousy; on the contrary, she helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy and prepared for the appearance of her younger brother.

As mentioned earlier, Vyacheslav is 3 years old and she is growing up in a very friendly and immensely happy family, and his mother tries to spend as much time as possible with him and his older sister. Many questions were asked why the married couple decided to take the somewhat dangerous step of having a child when the astrologer turned 40 years old. Vasilisa gave a clear and precise answer; she and her husband were waiting for the most opportune moment to give birth to a baby.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The TV presenter's first child was a girl. Vasilisa Volodina’s daughter, Victoria, was born a completely healthy child, despite the rather difficult period of her mother’s pregnancy. This was directly related to Vasilisa’s health problems. At this point in time, Victoria is already seventeen years old. Schooling The girl is very attracted, in particular, to the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics.

In addition, Victoria is studying in English and is so in-depth that he attends courses in the UK. Regarding her future, the girl dreams of opening her own business in her homeland, related to jewelry and accessories of a similar nature.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – Sergei Volodin

Our today's heroine met her future husband at one of the parties with mutual friends. Even before the meeting, the astropsychologist knew a lot about this man, thanks to the forecast compiled for him. Vasilisa’s surprise knew no bounds, because they were perfect for each other. The couple did not immediately decide to get officially married, and for seven years they lived in perfect harmony, in a civil marriage.

Sergei and Vasilisa decided to legalize their relationship after the TV presenter found out that she was pregnant. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei Volodin, worked in the logistics industry and achieved good luck. However, when his wife began to gain popularity, the couple decided to work together, and Sergei became her director. After all, in addition to television filming, Vasilisa works as an astrologer, and those who want to get a forecast from such famous person more than enough. Sergei helps his wife with calls and schedules.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

The TV presenter has her own family and children, and the topic of explicit photo shoots, affairs and other obscenities is very far from her. Not only are there no magazine covers or photographs showing naked Vasilisa Volodina, but in addition to this, the press has never noticed the TV presenter in an indecent manner.

Undoubtedly, the astrologer is very attractive at forty-four years old. And of course, some part of the audience that is not indifferent to Vasilisa’s external data wants to see her in a similar role, but this is unlikely to happen. Volodina is happy in her marriage, and it is unlikely that she needs something like that.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

On the World Wide Web you can easily find things like Vasilisa Volodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia. The TV presenter is a very popular person, which means she undoubtedly has Official page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. All of Vasilisa’s biographical information is there.

By the way, the page on social media. She also has it on the Instagram service. And her Instagram is very popular, in fact, like Vasilisa herself. The TV presenter quite often shares fresh photographic materials from places of leisure or work. In addition, the astropsychologist has an official page on social network“VKontakte”, where she is happy to share her astrological forecasts famous personalities and more.

Place and date of birth, who the parents are, childhood, where he studied and other details of the biography of the TV presenter’s husband are kept secret. Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina tries to give measured information about herself, her family, her spouse and her personal life.

However, she still shared some facts with the press. Before meeting Vasilisa, Sergei Volodin worked in the field of transport and logistics.

As soon as the couple began to live civil marriage, the husband quit his main activity. The man dealt with everyday issues and organizing Vasilisa’s work process.

To this day, Sergei’s responsibilities are household, raising children, scheduling the work of the wife, who is the main source of income.

Now Vasilisa Volodina calls her husband her director. The personal manager of the media person does not have official employment.

Family photo from the home archive.

Vasilisa Volodina biography, personal life, children

The TV presenter and astrologer is a native Muscovite, date of birth 04/16/1974. Vasilisa Volodina’s maiden name is Naumova, her real name is in question. There are several versions - Elena, Svetlana, most assume that her name is Oksana. Vasilisa is a pseudonym.

As a teenager I became interested card fortune telling. Later, Vasilisa or Oksana developed an interest in palmistry, UFOs, and finally, in the starry sky. The girl eagerly absorbed all available information on esotericism and astrology.

Oksana even then tried to calculate forecasts for relatives and friends. The family treated their daughter’s hobby with understanding; this did not prevent her from graduating from school with a gold medal.

The girl’s inclination towards exact sciences dictated her choice of university. Naumova easily passed the exams for the economics department of the Academy of Management named after. Ordzhonikidze.

Oksana did not give up her hobby, enrolling in parallel with her basic studies at the Academy of Astrology with teacher Mikhail Borisovich Levin, a famous professional in this field.

Having received a diploma in economics-cybernetics, Oksana already knew in advance that she would not work in her field. After all, her real calling is making astrological forecasts.

In the early 90s, Oksana’s abilities turned out to be relevant. At the age of 20, the girl begins her career as a professional astrologer. The first clients came from business and politics, then people from the creative environment and other profiles came.

Those who wanted to know the future lined up to see Naumova. This demand is explained by the accuracy of the young astrologer’s forecasts. She becomes famous among the secular circles of the capital's society.

In 1995, changes took place in Oksana's personal life. She meets a man who soon becomes her common-law husband. After the birth of their daughter, the couple legalized their relationship. Oksana takes her husband’s surname – Volodin.

Later, the pseudonym Vasilisa appears, as the specialist says, this is her astrological name. Realizing that she needs to move on, Volodina goes on television. Vasilisa convinced the management of the Stolitsa channel of the advisability of creating a program of a new format.

As a result, in 2006 the program went on air at night. Its title is “Starry Night with Vasilisa.” Two years later, Volodina receives an offer from Channel One to become a co-host and expert on couple compatibility of the talk show “Let’s Get Married.”

The program has high ratings, for ten years it has been published daily on weekdays.

Today the name of Vasilisa Volodina is a popular high-quality brand of domestic astrology. Achievement list The specialist includes more than 40 books and a series of films “Zodiac Signs”.

Vasilisa Volodina's husband - Sergei Volodin

According to the screen star, the story of meeting her future spouse can be called mystical. One day a friend approached her with a request to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei.

Composing natal chart, Vasilisa Volodina was somewhat surprised that she and this stranger had simply amazing compatibility. According to his zodiac sign, he is Virgo, which speaks of a calm character; such guys usually make excellent husbands.

Some time later, a friend invited Vasilisa Volodina to celebrate her birthday. Near the house she saw a handsome man young man. The thought flashed through Vasilisa’s mind that she would have jumped out to marry someone like that without looking back.

They entered the entrance together, got into the elevator and arrived on the same floor. They were met by a friend who said that this was the same Sergei Volodin. Vasilisa remembered his horoscope, she had the feeling that they had known each other for a long time.

Mutual sympathy arose immediately. From that evening, Sergei and Vasilisa left together and have not been separated since that moment. The young people dated for a year, and then lived in a civil marriage for several years. They signed when they learned the news that they would soon become parents.

Volodin family: children

Vasilisa’s first pregnancy was difficult; the girl had health problems. However, on August 17, 2001, a charming daughter was born, who was named Victoria.

She recently turned 17 years old. Since childhood, the girl developed diversified. She, like Vasilisa, has a penchant for exact sciences. Vika is studying English in depth.

Trying to perfect her knowledge, she annually travels to the UK for courses in order to have an impeccable conversational style.

At the same time, Vika Volodina is professionally involved in streetball (street basketball), visiting the section three times a week. In general, the girl loves to study.

Dreams about the future own business, for example, in the jewelry trade or expensive watch. Plans to master the basics entrepreneurial activity abroad.

Perhaps Vika will follow in her mother’s footsteps, but for this she needs to get an education in higher mathematics.

Many wondered where the presenter and expert of the “Let’s Get Married” program disappeared from the screens in 2014. It turned out that Vasilisa was waiting for a new addition to the family. The astrologer notified the channel's management in advance about maternity leave.

Vasilisa gave birth to her second child at the age of 40. Many were surprised by such a brave act. But she explained that the stars just aligned. A strong and healthy baby was born on January 3, 2014. The boy was named Vyacheslav.

The whole family adores the youngest child, and the older sister Vika dotes on the baby. She loves to play with him, walk and watch cartoons.

Vasilisa Volodina with her husband and children: family photos

The astrologer has a busy schedule. According to her, only her family knows that she works 15-16 hours a day. There are more than 7 thousand clients on Vasilisa’s waiting list who want to receive a personal consultation. This is for several months and even years in advance.

After the birth of her second child, Vasilisa’s husband and part-time director decided to cut her work schedule in half. Despite her busy schedule, she has enough time to raise her children. They communicate a lot and travel together.

Vasilisa is proud that she is her daughter Vika’s best friend, with whom the girl shares literally everything.

In today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with a fairly popular TV presenter, astrologer and psychologist. We will talk about Vasilisa Volodina. It is worth noting that Vasilisa’s name is not her real name, but only a pseudonym. According to the astrologer herself, this name suits her best because of her horoscope. There are many rumors around her name and from different sources you can hear completely different names. But more reliable sources claim that her real name is Oksana.

The maiden name of this wonderful woman is Naumova, and she took the surname Volodin when she got married. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and will cover all aspects of Vasilisa Volodina’s life path in order.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Our today's heroine is quite a famous person and, of course, she has her own audience of fans. Due to her incredible appearance, her fans certainly want to know the answers to questions such as height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina is also a popular question in certain circles.

So, the astropsychologist’s height is 170 centimeters, with a weight of 56 kilograms. Vasilisa Volodina, at 44 years old, has just such excellent physical characteristics. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain without much effort. Although it is very difficult to judge objectively, because even at her current age, it is difficult to say anything about the changes in her appearance, she still looks simply dazzling.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

On the sixteenth day of the spring month of April, in 1974, our heroine was born. This happened in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, and it was then that the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began. The girl’s father was a military man, but media workers do not have more information regarding her parents.

Along with her school education, Vasilisa simultaneously received a musical education. At school and beyond, she was a very exemplary child, and from the age of seven she began helping her mother with housework. The parents, in turn, tried to instill in the girl high moral principles, as well as set a strict pace of life.

While studying at school, the future celebrity first learned about all sorts of paranormal UFO phenomena. This became the defining moment in her life. And in the evenings, she peered at the stars through her father’s military binoculars, but never discovered a single unidentified flying object. However, she began to navigate the starry sky very well and decided to read several astrological books. A few years later, a book on palmistry fell into her hands, thanks to which she read on her palm that glory awaited her.

Having completed her schooling with honors, Vasilisa decides to enter the Academy of Management to become a cybernetics economist. The girl studied at the university with maximum diligence, but did not receive satisfaction from the path she had traveled. The desired came at the moment when Vasilisa was undergoing parallel training at the capital’s Academy of Astrology.

At the age of twenty, Volodina began giving the first astrological consultations in her life, and after that she began to give forecasts that were directly related to business.

Fame began to come to Vasilisa at the beginning of the 2000s. Her forecasts gave a high percentage of accuracy, and of course the entire metropolitan elite turned their attention to Volodina. And with the advent of 2006, she was invited to television as the host of the “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” program. This went on for two years, and the next offer came from the first all-Russian television channel. Vasilisa was invited to the “Let's Get Married” program as an expert astrologer.

Thanks to this television program, the astropsychologist became a well-known personality whom almost everyone knew. Then Vasilisa had an audience of fans. After several years of working on television, Volodina went on maternity leave. The triumphant return took place shortly after the birth of the child, and only at the numerous requests of television viewers and fans.

In addition to her activities as an astrologer and TV presenter, Vasilisa Volodina has established herself as a writer. She became the author of a book called "The Astrology of Seduction." In this book, Volodina gives advice to the female sex on how to please the opposite sex, as well as what exactly men desire.

After this, in 2015, the astropsychologist published a whole series of books regarding love astrological forecasts for each sign of the Zodiac calendar. The information that Vasilisa shared was presented in the best way and related to that very year 2015.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal life is not replete with heated intrigues and whirlwind romances, as is the case with most celebrities. However, even taking this fact into account, her personal life remains quite interesting and entertaining. And it all started in the nineties of the last century.

Vasilisa was asked to make an astrological forecast for one person. This man was her future husband named Sergei. While making this very forecast, she saw that their compatibility was one hundred percent and was extremely surprised. Some time passed, Vasilisa had already forgotten about it, but fate decided to bring them together. After they met, very strong feelings arose, thanks to which they are together to this day, very happy and raising two beautiful children.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

As noted earlier, the family in which the astropsychologist grew up had rather strict morals and strict discipline. From a very early age, she was accustomed to work and order, for which we can thank her father’s military service.

Vasilisa Volodina’s own family started in 2001, when she and her common-law husband decided to get married. Another decision for the couple was to abandon lavish wedding celebrations. They were prompted to get married by the news that the couple would soon become parents. This is how Vasilisa’s own family was created.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

The children of Vasilisa Volodina are quite an interesting topic. It’s worth noting right away that the woman herself was ready for their appearance, having calculated in advance when they would be born. The first child of the famous astropsychologist was born in 2001, and the second, Vyacheslav, fourteen years later.

For the public, the news about Vasilisa’s second pregnancy came as a real surprise, because by that time, she had exchanged the fourth decade of her life. However, the astrologer herself was not at all afraid of her pregnancy and was confident that everything would be fine. This is, in fact, what happened, because she made an astrological forecast in advance, which was focused on the health of the unborn child.

Son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

Vasilisa Volodina’s son, Vyacheslav, became the second child in the family. At this point in time he is three years old. The married couple was preparing for his arrival in the family, they planned his birth into this world. By the way, Vasilisa’s husband, Sergei, expressed a desire to be present at the birth. And on the part of Victoria, the first child, there was no jealousy; on the contrary, she helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy and prepared for the appearance of her younger brother.

As mentioned earlier, Vyacheslav is 3 years old and is growing up in a very friendly and immensely happy family, and his mother tries to spend as much time as possible with him and his older sister. Many questions were asked why the married couple decided to take the somewhat dangerous step of having a child when the astrologer turned 40 years old. Vasilisa gave a clear and precise answer; she and her husband were waiting for the most opportune moment to give birth to a baby.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The TV presenter's first child was a girl. Vasilisa Volodina’s daughter, Victoria, was born a completely healthy child, despite the rather difficult period of her mother’s pregnancy. This was directly related to Vasilisa’s health problems. At this point in time, Victoria is already seventeen years old. Schooling is very attractive to the girl, in particular the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics.

In addition, Victoria is studying English in such depth that she attends courses in the UK. Regarding her future, the girl dreams of opening her own business in her homeland, related to jewelry and accessories of a similar nature.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – Sergei Volodin

Our today's heroine met her future husband at one of the parties with mutual friends. Even before the meeting, the astropsychologist knew a lot about this man, thanks to the forecast compiled for him. Vasilisa’s surprise knew no bounds, because they were perfect for each other. The couple did not immediately decide to get officially married, and for seven years they lived in perfect harmony, in a civil marriage.

Sergei and Vasilisa decided to legalize their relationship after the TV presenter found out that she was pregnant. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei Volodin, worked in the logistics industry and achieved good success. However, when his wife began to gain popularity, the couple decided to work together, and Sergei became her director. After all, in addition to television filming, Vasilisa works as an astrologer, and there are more than enough people who want to get a forecast from such a famous personality. Sergei helps his wife with calls and schedules.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

The TV presenter has her own family and children, and the topic of explicit photo shoots, affairs and other obscenities is very far from her. Not only are there no magazine covers or photographs showing naked Vasilisa Volodina, but in addition to this, the press has never noticed the TV presenter in an indecent manner.

Undoubtedly, the astrologer is very attractive at forty-four years old. And of course, some part of the audience that is not indifferent to Vasilisa’s external data wants to see her in a similar role, but this is unlikely to happen. Volodina is happy in her marriage, and it is unlikely that she needs something like that.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

On the World Wide Web you can easily find things like Vasilisa Volodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia. The TV presenter is a very popular person, which means she undoubtedly has an official page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. All of Vasilisa’s biographical information is there.

By the way, the page on social media. She also has it on the Instagram service. And her Instagram is very popular, in fact, like Vasilisa herself. The TV presenter quite often shares fresh photographic materials from places of leisure or work. In addition, the astropsychologist has an official page on the VKontakte social network, where she is happy to share her astrological forecasts of famous personalities and more.

Not long ago, a new presenter appeared in the “Let's Get Married” program. She became an actress known to viewers for her participation in the sitcom “Interns.” But where did Vasilisa Volodina from “Let’s Get Married” go? Let's figure this out together.

short biography

Volodina Vasilisa was born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. She did well at school. Teachers always celebrated the girl’s successes. And her parents tried to give her the best.

Our heroine developed an interest in esotericism at the age of 14. Vasilisa became seriously interested in fortune telling on cards and palmistry. At first, the parents did not understand their daughter. But in the end they approved her choice. The girl could spend hours looking at the starry sky through a telescope.


People who want to know where Vasilisa disappeared from the “Let’s Get Married” program are probably interested in her biography. In particular, the years of study. After graduating high school, our heroine entered the university at the Faculty of Economics. After 5 years, the girl received a diploma of higher education. She is an economist and mathematician by profession.

A few years later, Vasilisa decides to get a second higher education. This time she is applying to the Moscow Academy of Astrology. She had no problems with admission.


In 1992, Vasilisa Volodina began working as an astrologer. Both ordinary citizens and representatives of the business sector came to her for consultations. In 1996, she was invited to the Starry Night program as a presenter. The girl completed the task 100%.

"Let's get married"

Despite the fact that Vasilisa worked on television, she was known to a narrow circle of people. But our heroine was quite happy with this. Why did Vasilisa Volodina leave “Let’s Get Married”? Reply to this question you will receive it a little later. In the meantime, we'll tell you how she got there.

In 2008, one of the producers of Channel One decided to create a program in the studio of which men and women would meet. According to his idea, the main characters of the project were to be: the host, the matchmaker and the astrologer. The candidacies of Guzeeva and Syabitova were approved almost immediately. But finding a competent astrologer in Moscow turned out to be more difficult. Vasilisa was recommended to the producers of the program by business representatives who at one time turned to her for advice. And they were right: we have a real specialist in front of us.

Vasilisa Volodina: why did she leave “Let’s Get Married”?

In October 2014, the project connecting lonely hearts celebrated its fifth anniversary. The anniversary episode of the program turned out to be both funny and sad. The fact is that astrologer Vasilisa Volodina from “Let's Get Married” left. She announced her decision in the studio. Viewers were upset by this message. And Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova seemed to know about the astrologer’s plans. In the same issue, Lydia Arefieva was presented. Now she will act as an expert.

Where did Vasilisa Volodina from "Let's Get Married" go? This question is asked by those who did not watch the anniversary episode. We inform you: the 40-year-old astrologer went on maternity leave. At that time she was pregnant with her second baby.

Personal life

Vasilisa met her future husband Sergei when she was barely 20 years old. Then science was in first place for the girl. She didn't think about it. But a sudden outbreak of love changed all her plans.

Vasilisa and Sergei were in no hurry to go to the registry office. They considered the stamp in the passport a mere formality. In 2001, the couple had a charming daughter. They named her Victoria. Our heroine devoted all her time to the baby. But in 2008, Vasilisa began to participate in the filming of “Let's Get Married.” She transferred some of her household responsibilities to her common-law husband. I must say that the man coped with this task perfectly and never reproached his wife for anything.

In 2010, the family moved to new apartment, where my daughter got her own room. At first, Sergei worked in logistics, but soon he became the director of his wife. Their joint astrology business is still successful. In January 2015, another addition occurred to the Volodin family. They had a son, Vyacheslav.

When will she return to work?

We talked about where Vasilisa Volodina from “Let’s Get Married” went. But many fans of the program are also interested in when it will appear on the air again. We hasten to make them happy. Vasilisa returned to work on April 1. Filming of new episodes with her participation is in full swing.


Now you know where Vasilisa Volodina from “Let’s Get Married” went and when she will appear on the show. Let's wish her creative success and well-being in the family!